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vendredi 2 avril 2010 15 h 26
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Friday, April 2, 2010
Benjamin Fulford - Let the New World Order folks stew in their own juices a bit longer
Let the New World Order folks stew in their own juices a bit longer
There has been a lot of panicky maneuvering behind the scenes these days with multiple sources trying to feed the Black Dragon Society with information that cannot be verified.
First we have a group claiming they have already restored the US to constitutional law and that the states have taken back their rights. Unfortunately, that does not seem to have ended the sickening Zionist/New World Order Obama media circus so we remain skeptical.
Then, we are hearing Obama was summoned to China for a secret, emergency trip. Two separate news sources linked to Naval Intelligence (“Sorcha Faal”) and a source some people tell me is a front for Dick Cheney (Casper) both say this took place. We will try to verify this soon.
However, time is not on the side of the New World Order thugs so our instinct is to lay quiet and let them continue their panicked maneuvers for a bit longer. I know people are running out of patience but we are dealing with very dangerous, mentally sick individuals and we must continue to avoid giving them an excuse to start WW3. Time is not on their side. Reality will continue to deconstruct their illusions.
Posted by John MacHaffie at 2:21 AM
Anonymous said...

dang, things are getting _very_ interesting! The MSM Medes-tards are spinning the TRAP to no end...what is COINTELPRO and what is real?
April 2, 2010 3:08 AM
Anonymous said...

Yea what is real? would you believe anyone these days. I know I like what I want to hear but is it true?
April 2, 2010 5:56 AM
Anonymous said...

Perhaps Casper is not such a 'friendly' ghost after all???
April 2, 2010 6:40 AM
John MacHaffie said...

An Agent for Cheney?

Casper - a friend?
April 2, 2010 7:14 AM
Anonymous said...

I go back and forth with Casper. How could I know what is true while I sit on my couch. I dont know period. they all have a viewpoint and information is all hearsay. He is very consistent. After following this for years whether it is true or not the effect on my life by waiting has been detrimental. even now when I know I need to live in the moment there is still that draw that the money will cure everything. Very human but I hope it happens because the change will be so wonderful in spite of the wait. I have come to realize how incredible the men who wrote the constitution were inspired. How did they know so much about the human spirit.

Breaking gold is not being traded for some reason.

perhaps they finally figured out there is no gold just paper
April 2, 2010 7:39 AM
