c-story(3) - Tom H. (3) - icke-Harper-CPCCA - RMN-BRussellsTribunal--abeldanger - sorcha-debtBomb - fw10-bellringer - - c-story- .. ... 268_leon_panetta - 269_legal_moves_ 270_they_may_be_stealing_ Tom H. Latest Update on Ambassador Leo Wanta feb 4th Ambassador Leo Wanta Update feb 11th
Cyber Attack and Banks Gone Wild feb 13th D.C.I. LEON PANETTA IS BLOCKING THE SETTLEMENTS AND THE U.S. INTELLIGENCE POWER MAY BE PLOTTING ANOTHER ATROCITY Friday 5 February 2010 21:00 http://www.worldreports.org/news/268_d.c.i._leon_panetta__is_blocking_the_settlements • WHAT PANETTA FORGOT TO TELL THE SENATE PANEL • A BLATANT THREAT TO THOSE PRESSURISING HIM TO DISGORGE THE MONEY AND GOLD
• Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York. For earlier reports, press the ARCHIVE. Order your intelligence subscriptions and 'politically incorrect' [i.e., correct] intelligence books online from this website. • CMKM/CMKX CASE DOCUMENTS: Note: If the current report [5th February 2010] is displayed, access the Archive for immediate display of our CMKM/CMKX report dated 29th January. All preceding reports, at least back to December, are also relevant to the current state of tension brought about by these gangsters. • IMPORTANT: This report may be alternated with the report dated 4th February 2010, which inter alia revealed that Mikhail Gorbachev is a Financial Tarrorist, having benefited, as a partner in Deutsche AG (formerly Barrington Investment Group, Switzerland) from transactions derived from the still unresolved STEALING OF THE QUEEN'S GOLD and from a contract stolen by Bush Sr. from the corporation owned by Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S., Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.: the other key partners being the Financial Terrorists George Bush Sr., former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, and Dr Joseph Ackermann, CEO of Deutsche Bank AG. Following the posting of this report, the Editor realised that Americans have been so dumbed down that they have forgotten all about Gorbachev, whose antics this Editor, as Editor of Soviet Analyst, followed in the 1990s.
NEW REPORT STARTS HERE: • The US Government is modelled on the Soviet blueprint: that is to say, it is controlled by the Intelligence Power (the CIA and its myriad ‘subsidiaries’, including, although they hate this to be known, the FBI). The Intelligence Power selects operatives for the highest offices and, as a self-financing ‘State within the State’, has usurped the power of the Executive Branch of Government. It has also deeply compromised the confused and corrupted Legislative Branch. • The Intelligence Power’s stand-alone finances are derived from innumerable gross scamming operations, of which the CMKM/CMKX Phantom Shares abomination perpetrated from within the Securities and Exchange Commission itself, and the twin Halliburton operations inside the CIA and the Pentagon (which were simultaneously scamming each other) that we have exposed, are just two examples. The CIA controls much of the world’s drug trade and is a scar of the face of the earth. It masks its criminal operations extensively by means of a 24/7 barrage of agitation and propaganda, including Nazi-style hate propaganda, via a portfolio of controlled websites which spew out contrived confusion, diversionary New Age claptrap, lies and disinformation. • The Central Intelligence Agency was penetrated decades ago in a reverse takeover by a Fifth Column of Nazis from Germany, as has been well documented (Operation Paperclip, etc). This operation was masterminded by the former Hitler intelligence chief in the German-occupied areas of the Soviet Union, General Reinhard Gehlen, who ‘sold’ the US Establishment on the fabrication that Stalin was poised to invade Western Europe. In reality Stalin had precisely one and a half mechanised divisions left: all his other divisions were still horse-drawn. After the war Gehlen re-activated his networks and they were backed into the CIA with full US accommodation. In a typically bold, brazen ‘give-away’ boast, the Langley base of the CIA was renamed the George Bush Center for Intelligence some years ago. • George H. W. Bush Senior, an agent for Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD), Dachau, and implicated in the assassination of President Kennedy, was levered into the post of Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) after Dr Henry Kissinger, George Bush Sr.’s secret DVD and triple-agent ‘handler’, persuaded President Gerald Ford (really: Leslie Lynch King Jr., pornographer) to sack the incumbent DCI, William Colby, and to replace him with Bush. With the arrival of George H. W. Bush Sr. as DCI, the DVD had consolidated its grip in the Central Intelligence Agency. The much more recent renaming of the Langley CIA base represents a typically Bosch-type proclamation of a successfully completed operation. • The Settlements process financially challenges the usurped power stolen from the American people and the United States by this arrogant and abominable self-financing ‘State within the State’: which is why Mr Leon Panetta is blocking the Settlements, according to our latest updated information. All intelligence communities are penetrated and the presence of Panetta in the top slot also implies very close links with Tel Aviv. This is not a matter for surprise, as the long-range pan-German heirs of the Abwehr (DVD) have worked hand in hand with Zionazis since the Second World War, as has been clearly explained with documentation and illustrations in the Editor’s own detailed study The New Underworld Order, which shows inter alia that Adolf Eichmann and other Jewish Nazis were engaged in an ethnic cleansing operation within the Jewish community itself. • Mr Obama is a creature, like all his predecessors, of the Intelligence Power, and takes his orders from the CIA, not the other way round. As previously reported, the Bush Crime Family have uttered threats against Mr Obama and his family, just to make sure that he remembers who put him there. AND THE U.S. INTELLIGENCE POWER MAY BE PLOTTING ANOTHER
ATROCITY ‘The biggest threat is not so much that we face an attack like 9/11. It is that Al Qaeda is adapting its methods in ways that oftentimes make it difficult to detect’. In other words, none of us can know what’s coming next. But HE does. Panetta also highlighted the threat from terrorists acting ‘on their own’. ‘It is the lone-wolf strategy that I think we have to pay attention to as the main threat to this country’.
WHAT PANETTA FORGOT TO TELL THE SENATE PANEL • The CIA invented Al Qaeda in the first place. • He is blocking the Settlements in order to preserve the free-wheeling financial independence and illegitimate ‘State within the State’ status of the Intelligence Power of which he is the chief. • In blocking the Settlements payouts, he is KNOWINGLY jamming up the entire financial works, both domestically and abroad, and is thus himself engaged in perpetrating Financial Terrorism. • Since he purports to know the timeframe for the next attack by this studiedly vague organisation that the CIA ITSELF developed, he must know a great deal more about the planned attack than he has divulged to Congress: otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to state that he knows roughly when it is going to happen. • His ‘warning’ to Congress can be interpreted as a THREAT to the foreign and other forces that are insisting on the Settlements payouts, the disgorging of The Queen’s gold, and all the other rectifications that need to be effected in order for the United States’ sovereignty to be restored, and for its pariah status to be diminished. A BLATANT THREAT TO THOSE PRESSURISING HIM TO DISGORGE THE MONEY AND GOLD In short, his message is not hard to interpret: ‘Lay off pressurising me to release the Settlements, or I'll open the Gates of Hell'. ...(...) http://www.worldreports.org/news/268_d.c.i._leon_panetta__is_blocking_the_settlements
05 Feb 2010 D.C.I.
LEON PANETTA IS BLOCKING THE SETTLEMENTS ....from: http://www.worldreports.org/news ................................. ======================================================== ======================================================== LEGAL MOVES TO SUE THOSE BLOCKING THE SETTLEMENTS http://www.worldreports.org/news/269_legal_moves_to_sue_those_blocking_the_settlements • WALL STREET JOURNAL, WASHINGTON POST SILENT ON $3.87 TRILLION LAWSUIT • U.S. NEWSPAPERS IN CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE RE GIGA-SUIT AGAINST THE S.E.C. • BLOOMBERG, FORBES, HAVEN'T TOUCHED IT SO FAR, EITHER [UPDATE, 8TH FEBRUARY] • S.E.C. GENERAL COUNSEL ACKNOWLEDGES CMKX/CMKM $3.87 TRILLION COMPLAINT • LEGAL MOVES AGAINST THOSE BLOCKING THE RELEASES • MORE WANTA FRAUD: THIS TIME HITCHED TO RAIL FUNDING • APPARENT ATTEMPT TO EXTRACT RAIL FUNDS FROM TARP • GORBACHEV, BUSH SR., KOHL AND ACKERMANN HANDLING STOLEN FUNDS • NEW: http://viewer.zoho.com/docs/paKdda TO THE CMKM/CMKX COMPLAINT IS OK AGAIN • NEW: SUDDEN RESIGNATION SYNDROME: THE RUSH FOR THE EXIT: SEE BELOW • NEW: REP. JOHN MURTHA WHO DIED YESTERDAY, WAS 'ON THE PAYROLL': SEE BELOW • NEW: The senior Federal Reserve official whom we mentioned had been arrested in London some days ago was, we now understand, arrested inside the Bank of England. We also understand that bankers arrested in London into the weekend of 6/7 February were inter alia 'Hillary's people', and had their passports confiscated. Sources said that these arrested bankers were then 'moved'. • NEW: There is breaking news about developments in the DC area but we need further details and corroboration before reporting. The snow alibi (rationale for non-performance) breaks down if the pending information turns out to be confirmed. We may know more later today...
WORLD COURT IMMUNITY FOR THE FOUR CRIMINAL PRESIDENTS: Repeat: Mr Obama DEMANDED immunity for the collective of Presidents. This was disgracefully granted: whether it was conditional on the releases taking place, with no further sabotage, as we indicated at the time, remains unclear because the blocking tactics employed by these Presidents and their lackeys has continued as though no immunity from prosecution had been granted: which of course is standard procedure. No agreement with a serpent is meaningful or binding. Self-evidently, and as we pointed out at the time, in seeking immunity from prosecution from the World Court, these four Presidents automatically self-condemned themselves as guilty criminals. Someone who has committed no crime needs no immunity. It would appear, therefore, that the World Court thought nothing of the facts, for instance, that George Bush Sr. has been profiting from the stealing of HM The Queen's gold, and that the illegal diversion of the sovereign LOAN fund worth $6.2 trillion was a mere bagatelle. Likewise, the wrongs committed by these criminal Presidents against the Chinese parties will have been given the brush-off in the context that the Four Criminal Presidents were granted (conditional?) immunity. At all events, that episode has meant that the war of attrition against the banking and intelligence sector associates of these Four Criminal Presidents has been unnecessarily prolonged, with heavy arrests reportedly taking place in London and elsewhere in recent days [CONFIRMED]. The World Court needs to take on board that so far as the Rest of the World is concerned, criminality by the holders of high office is no different to criminality perpetrated by the despised hoi polloi, and that this kind of perverse discrimination will not be tolerated. Which is why it has to be exposed.
• Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York. For earlier reports, press the ARCHIVE. Order your intelligence subscriptions and 'politically incorrect' [i.e., correct] intelligence books online from this website. • CMKM/CMKX CASE DOCUMENTS: Note: If the current report [7th February 2010] is displayed, access the Archive for immediate display of our CMKM/CMKX report dated 29th January. All preceding reports, at least back to December, are also relevant to the current state of tension brought about by these gangsters. • Tim Barello in New York has just advised the Editor [see below] that you can also access the CMKM/CMKX text at the following link: http://viewer.zoho.com/docs/paKdda • HOWEVER OVERNIGHT THE EDITOR RECEIVED SEVERAL EMAILS ASSERTING THAT THE TEXT OF THE CMKM/CMKX CASE HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM THAT SITE: SEE BELOW. AND INDEED, THIS PROVED TO BE THE CASE. • AT 2.15PM UK TIME ON 9TH FEBRUARY, NOT LONG AFTER WE RIDICULED THIS APPARENT SABOTAGE, HEY PRESTOSVILLE! THE LINK WAS WORKING AGAIN. TRULY MIRACULOUS!
SUIT • The Wall Street Journal. • The Washington Post. Mr Hodges informed the Editor of this fact by telephone from California in the early evening UK time on Saturday 6th February 2010. By the date of this report, neither of these so-called ‘mainstream’ newspapers, had mentioned or covered this filing – notwithstanding that this is the biggest fraud case taken to court in history. We hereby PROVE to you that the so-called ‘mainstream’ press and media in the United States are in fact, as we have repeatedly pointed out, FAILING in their Fourth Estate duty to hold authority to account. Or, to put the matter more succinctly: • The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post are disgracefully failing to inform the American and international publics about the biggest fraud case in world history, in which about 2.25 trillion of Phantom Shares were floated from within the very body body that is supposed to REGULATE the securities markets – the Securities and Exchange Commission itself. U.S. NEWSPAPERS IN CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE RE GIGA-SUIT AGAINST
THE S.E.C. However, YOU have this information because WE have done a successful end-run around the so-called US ‘mainstream’ media. For the complete text of the CMKM/CMLX Complaint, requesting payment of $3.87 trillion, please refer to our posting of 29th January 2010. The Complaint will also be published in the forthcoming issue of International Currency Review [Volume 35, Numbers 1 & 2, pages F-47 to F-76] in facsimile format, for the record when this dimension of the immense financial corruption crisis needs to be reviewed by central banks, commercial banks, leading international institutions, banks, government agencies and governments worldwide now and in the future. • UPDATE, 8TH FEBRUARY: Naturally, so far, the comatose British financial and general press have paid no attention either. It's not our policy to spoon-feed the media. Either they are on the ball or they aren't. If they ignore this case, you can take it that you are being fed what they want you to read: which is self-evident, given their comprehensive failure to cover the reality that this is a FINANCIAL CRIMINALITY CRISIS, first and foremost, not a 'technical hitch' which can be fixed by technical means. It can't be fixed until the criminal culture has been extirpated: and THAT's what these so-called 'mainstream' outlets refuse to contemplate. One can readily speculate as to why this is the case. • The Editor has also just heard from Tim Barello [8th February, 10:08 pm UK time, as follows: Chris, The link may provide a benefit to you, namely in silencing any scoundrels that maintain all of this is not really happening because The Wall Street Journal isn’t reporting it. Floyd Norris at The New York Times has written about CMKM before, but he won’t touch this? This state-of-affairs in US media is unacceptable and cannot continue much longer. All the best to you, Tim Tim Barello • As is indicated above, we received several indications by email overnight that the link to the CMKM/CMKX Complaint text at http://viewer.zoho.com/docs/paKdda was inoperative. But at 2:15pm UK time the link was operative again. No doubt it was realised that suppressing this text would be counterproductive. It seems we can even turn stuff off and on: shortly after we publicised the link, access to the Complaint text via http://viewer.zoho.com/docs/paKdda became inaccessible. Then, not long after we had ridiculed this idiocy, all of a sudden the link became accessible again. S.E.C. GENERAL COUNSEL ACKNOWLEDGES CMKX/CMKM $3.87 TRILLION
COMPLAINT In his telephone call on 6th February to the Editor of this service, Mr Hodges gave the Editor his permission to publish this letter: ...(...)
MORE WANTA FRAUD: THIS TIME HITCHED TO RAIL FUNDING • Within the past month or so, the US Department of Transportation contacted the felon Leo/Lee E. Wanta in Chippewa Falls WI, and informed him point blank that they [DOT] will NOT deal with him in connection with US rail facilities developments. Mr Wanta was also advised by the Department of Transportation that the relevant trade unions will not deal with him either. On 5th February 2010, Mr Wanta promulgated through the disinformation agent Thomas Heneghan, the following misleading and fraudulent statement: On Tue, 12/8/09, US Department of Transportation Reference Service…… wrote: From: US Department of Transportation reference Service
For your valued consideration, as to: – L’ambassadeur Wanta to fully CASH fund and build the proffered AmeriRail High Speed Railroad [HSR] Transportation programmes, authorizing an immediate One Million [1,000,000] New Career Opportunities forthwith through 2015, or longer… plus the permanent career job opportunities for AmeriRail [HSR] Railroad of Fifty Thousand [50,000], minimum without any US Government funding and/or grants, with fully paid HealthCare benefits, inter alia. ...(...) The following facts are pertinent: (1): As indicated, and probably in response to the foregoing communication, the US Department of Transportation has made it clear to Mr Wanta that they will NOT be prepared to deal with him under any circumstances. (2): The rail unions have likewise conveyed the same message, through the Department of Transportation to Mr Wanta. (3): The foregoing communication purports to represent that a matter as stated is before the US District Court. To the best of our knowledge and belief this is not the case, and we were so advised in the course of the transatlantic telephone call received at 3:00pm on Saturday 6th February 2010. (4): As confirmed by our reports [Archive] dated 20th September 2009, 22nd October 2009 and 17th November 2009, and also in our report dated 26th Janbuary 2010, there is no such entity as The Principality of Snake Hill in Australia. For the further elimination of doubt [except in Mr Wanta’s evidently deluded mind], here is the proof of that statement: That there is no such thing as The Principality of Snake Hill was CONCLUSIVELY PROVED in our reports dated 20th September, 22nd October and 17th November 2009 [see ARCHIVE], following our initiative in obtaining succinct and direct confirmation from the Australian Embassy in Dublin that of course there are no Principalities in Australia: Specifically, Ms. Brenda Farrell, of the Australian Embassy in Dublin, confirmed on 23rd September 2009 to one of the Editor’s private associates, Richard Sharpe, from Ireland, the self-evident fact that there is no Principality in Australia: "Austremb Dublin" <Austremb.Dublin@dfat.gov.au> wrote: ..(...)
(5): It follows that the communication to the US Department of Transportation referenced above, like Wanta’s faxed communications to President Obama on Christmas Day and his further faxed communication to President Obama dated 18th January 2010, being sent under the false pretence of coming from The Principality of Snake Hill, represent fraudulent communications. (6): Mr Wanta is not an Ambassador, so that designating himself as such, is fraudulent. His current false Ambassadorship hinges on the pretence that he is the Ambassador to the United States for the Principality of Snake Hill. But as no such Principality exists, that representation is fraudulent, although the disinformation agent Thomas Heneghan perpetuates this deception on his behalf (and is therefore a continuing party to this deception). (7): The response cited above from the US Department of Transportation is merely an automated email response and has no relevance whatsoever. It merely indicates that Mr Wanta contacted the US Department of Transportation.
APPARENT ATTEMPT TO EXTRACT RAIL FUNDS FROM TARP The way all this can be construed is as follows: • This is an operation to attempt to attach, and then extract, big funds via putative High Speed Rail projects – but NOT FOR High Speed Rail. The network that America needs will probably cost at least $300 billion. That consideration alone reveals that this little campaign is suspect. • Moreover the Obama Administration officials and Obama himself, who have suddenly started spouting in unison about this, appeared to be operating at cross-purposes to the Department of Transportation itself, which informed Mr Wanta in no uncertain terms, as noted, that they will NOT deal with him, and neither will the rail unions. • Therefore, this operation represents a pathetic attempt on Wanta’s part to claw credibility out of a rail project notwithstanding that the DOT won’t deal with him, and an even more pathetic – and quite disgraceful – operation by Obama and officials to extract prospective funding from TARP (of about $30 billion, we understand) ostensibly for High Speed Rail, but in reality not necessarily for the project itself. One can imagine what would happen to the money if it were to be forthcoming. (8): In addition to being a felon who therefore cannot own a bank account in his own right, Mr Wanta is a thief who has stolen funds of others, including the Editor’s $35,000 loan plus interest, as it has unfortunately been necessary for us to reiterate. • That explains why the Department of Transportation won’t deal with him. • Stealing other people's money is 'what these people do'. That's all they know: GORBACHEV, BUSH SR., KOHL AND ACKERMANN HANDLING STOLEN FUNDS The relevant text is repeated here for your convenience: WITH DEUTSCHE AG PARTNERS HELMUT KOHL, BUSH SR., AND ACKERMANN, GORBACHEV ALSO BENEFITED FROM THEFT OF THE QUEEN’S GOLD AS A PARTNER IN DEUTSCHE AG RACKETEERING THROUGH GERMANY BY GORBACHEV, KOHL, AND THE U.S.
GANGSTERS This means that former President Mikhail Gorbachev and former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl are financial criminals like George H. B. Bush Sr. and should be treated accordingly. Mr Gorbachev and Helmut Kohl have, as partners in Deutsche AG, by definition been profiting from the theft of Mr Cottrell’s contract and property, and also, as further revealed below, from proceeds from the theft of The Queen’s gold, which, we were informed at 1.15 am on 4th February 2010, have likewise been channelled through Deutsche AG, Switzerland. As of 2nd February 2010, The Queen’s gold had not been restored. [In view of what we allude to but cannot divulge below, this grim situation may have changed on 3rd February, but we don’t know whether this is the case, yet]. • The proceeds of innumerable corrupt transactions involving these characters have been run through the DVD's main institutions, Deutsche Bank and Dresdner Bank. So what is being exposed is that George H. W. Bush Sr. (CIA/DVD) and Mikhail Gorbachev (Soviet Military Intelligence (GRU) and KGB/FSB) have been ransacking American and non-American victims alike, and running this colossal open-ended racketeering through Germany, with the assistance of the former STASI of East Germany (who are GESTAPO in relabelled clothing). Hence the presence on the scene of STASI operatives such as Eva Teleki, a Swedish opera singer, and other operatives suspected of being continuing STASI agents, such as Chancellor Angela Merkel (the former Secretary of the Agitation and Propaganda Department of the Young Communists at Marx Lenin University, in East Berlin). This explains why Merkel was earlier fingered by this service as guardian in Germany of George Bush Sr.'s stolen and exploited racketeering assets with German institutions. • Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, who is a senior Soviet GRU operative, was based in East Germany before he migrated to Leningrad, and is believed to have been responsible for orchestrating, at least from the Soviet side, the clockwork 'collapsible communism' operations in Eastern Europe. Gorbachev has been reported to us to operate from a large wing of the Kremlin, as though he never left the place. Which he didn't. He's been at the centre of this criminality THROUGHOUT. • Leo Wanta, who answers the phone in German, was the courier between George H. W. Bush Sr. and Mikhail Gorbachev. Although he says he’s Polish, we think this felon and fraudster (who has stolen this Editor's loan plus interest) may be a DVD operative/double agent, possibly STASI. • Note: It is standard CIA 'tradecraft' practice to usurp the expertise of outside professional talent if it is not available in-house or by some other means. In this context, the CIA perpetrators needed a US securities expert with impeccable credentials and a securities account. What the CIA does is apply its standard Bush-style 'bait and switch' technique, exploiting and maximising the potential of the usurped professional expertise, before rejecting it and stealing the assets associated with it. That's what happened to Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S. This procedure also explains Wanta's 'use' of Mr Cottrell for his failed AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. operation, because Mr Michael C. Cottrell has the requisite securities market expertise and account facilities, which were applied for the benefit of Mr Wanta. Note also that Steven Goodwin, the Wanta Attorney in Richmond, VA, who accepted this Editor's $35,000, which Wanta stole, was born, as stated previously, in Dusseldorf. NEW: ADDED 9TH FEBRUARY: SUDDEN RESIGNATION SYNDROME Generically, the likely explanation is as follows. Accountants are extremely vulnerable to being sued for negligence by Boards of Directors, more so than ever before. Therefore, on spotting dodgy transactions, they are not hesitating to inform the Boards of their clients, who in turn are acquainting themselves of the transactions in question and reacting in scapegoat mode by firing their Chairman, CEO or CFO in short order. This list is far from complete, and should be viewed in the context of continuing reports of arrests of bankers (such as the reportedly heavy arrests of bankers serving the interests of the Bush Crime Syndicate et al known to have taken place inter alia in London into the weekend of 6-7 February 2010). The sudden resignations of CEOs etc. are another front where the wall of resistance to the clean-up is collapsing. Here's the list:...(...)
REP. JOHN MURTHA WHO DIED YESTERDAY, WAS 'ON THE PAYROLL' The following report on Murtha has been disseminated by ABC News: EXCLUSIVE: FBI Raided Lobbying Firm Connected to Murtha By EMMA SCHWARTZ and JUSTIN ROOD The FBI raided the offices of a defense lobbying firm with close ties to Democratic Rep. John Murtha (Penn.), sources tell ABC News. The FBI searched the VIRGINIA headquarters of the PMA Group in November 2009, according to the sources, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. PMA was founded by former congressional aide Paul Magliochetti and specializes in winning earmarked taxpayer funds for its clients. Good government groups have long criticized John Murtha's cozy relationship with a handful of lobbyists and defense firms, ties that see millions of dollars in government spending go out from Murtha's office, and hundreds of thousands in campaign donations come in. Murtha has said his earmarking has helped revive his economically depressed district. PMA is the second company with close ties to Murtha to be raided by Federal agents recently. In January, agents from the FBI, the IRS and the Defense Criminal Investigative Service searched the office of Kuchera Industries and Kuchera Defense Systems, as well as the homes of the firms' founders. The companies reportedly have received over $100 million in earmarks, thanks to John Murtha's efforts.... [link to abcnews.go.com]. ENDS. http://www.worldreports.org/news/269_legal_moves_to_sue_those_blocking_the_settlements ......................... ========================================================== ========================================================== THEY MAY BE STEALING $4.3 TRILLION OF TAX MONIES U.S. TREASURY WILL BE IN DEFAULT IF NO SETTLEMENTS BY SATURDAY MIDNIGHT Friday 12 February 2010 02: http://www.worldreports.org/news/270_they_may_be_stealing_4.3_trillion_of_tax_monies • The fact is: time’s up for the crims. No wonder Mr Rockefeller-Clinton’s got pains in his chest. ...(..) http://www.worldreports.org/news/270_they_may_be_stealing_4.3_trillion_of_tax_monies ..................................
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .......TomH............. Thursday, February 04, 2010 by Tom Heneghan International Intelligence Expert Thursday February 4, 2010
....(...) From: Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta ..
The Obama Brand: Feel Good While Overlords Loot the
Treasury and Launch Imperial Wars By Chris Hedges, Nation Books
. . .
http://blogs.myspace.com/tom_heneghan_intel ... ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ Friday, February 12, 2010 by Tom Heneghan International Intelligence Expert Thursday February 11, 2010 http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/imagenes_sociopol/obama18_38.jpg
Dear Mr President and The American Populace :- ...................................................................................................... The Danger behind the Fed's Exceptional Profits Mises Daily: Thursday, January 28, 2010 by Mateusz Machaj http://mises.org/daily/4057 A few days ago, the Fed announced that it had "earned" a
record-high amount of money in 2009. Then it turned $46 billion over to
the Treasury. Here we are in the midst of a serious recession, with the
unemployment rate high, the housing market still in a slump, and the
stock market making only small steps toward recovery. In this climate,
the Fed is making profits. Mateusz Machaj, PhD in economics; is a founder of the Polish
Ludwig von Mises Institute. He's been a summer fellow at the Ludwig von
Mises Institute. Send him mail. See Mateusz Machaj's article archives.
(( http://mises.org/articles.aspx?AuthorId=904 )) . . . TOM HENEGHAN'S EXPLOSIVE INTELLIGENCE BRIEFINGS http://blogs.myspace.com/tom_heneghan_intel ... .................................................and............................................ Oh Keynesian, Where Art Thou? Mises Daily: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 by Mateusz Machaj ..(..) The essence of Keynes's analysis of the price system is that it needs a specific kind of stimulus in order to keep the level of aggregate spending that drives the economy to its full employment level. What matters from the Keynesian perspective is that, for some reason, the free-market mechanism fails to achieve this goal. It might be a sudden collapse in the marginal efficiency of capital; it might be the fault of real and nominal rigidities, a decrease in consumption, or maybe, well, animal spirits are to blame for all the mess. Depending on the particular story, we reach various versions of the Keynesian ideology, which apparently has a universal cure for the economy: government policies. Again, it may be fiscal policy, or monetary policy. Pick a version of your Keynesian story, and you'll know which solution to pursue. But the conclusion is rather obvious: the state, through its compulsory means, has to boost the level of aggregate demand in some way to stop the economy from falling into recession. But if the usual Keynesian explanation is that one needs aggressive monetary and fiscal policy to boost the national income to survive recession, then how are we supposed to view the current crisis? Obviously current policies in the United States can be called many different things, but not conservative or even moderate. For a sustained amount of time the US government did everything it could to aggressively engage in monetary and fiscal pumping. Budget deficits soared and the interest rates were lowered to absurd levels. This helped the supply of dollars to go through the roof and prepare the green paper money for a remarkable collapse. Of course, Keynesians can in no way explain the bust by referring to any of their official stories. Moreover, any serious economist saying now that the economy needs even more loose monetary policy would be considered a monetary crank, singing in the rain of falling dollars. At the same time a cry for an increase in government borrowings and issuance of more bonds to the credit markets would also be considered highly irresponsible. Although Keynesians do not use their usual tales to analyze the real estate meltdown, nonetheless, in their theoretical analysis, on the academic level, they keep talking about the need to boost spending. Once again, neatly formulated theory detached from reality prevails....(...) The most famous monetarist, Milton Friedman, was primarily obsessed with money supply and keeping the CPI stable. If the CPI is unwavering, then the economy has to be in good condition. Problems might arise only when the official rate of inflation gets out of control. But if it is kept at low levels, then the economy is under control, and the monetary policy is sound. ...(...) Price relations, resource scarcity, the structure of liabilities and expected revenues between the firms in the market are the key issues. Welcome to the world of Austrian economics. Due to banking bailouts, we could echo Paul Krugman, who says the same thing as William Poole of the Federal Reserve — that there is a difference between liquidity and insolvency. ...(...) One should not forget about Mises's great insight that middle-of-the-road-policy leads to socialism, which applies well beyond price controls. His contribution was that the price control imposed upon the market would not lead to expected results, but instead would create chaos. The endgame is to either abolish all controls, or go along the way of extreme interventionism and end up with full socialism, in which the government runs the economy. ...(...)In socialism, the central planner increases the amount of goods he possesses by means of expropriation. If he needs anything, a decree is the way to acquire it. In the central banking system, the decree is replaced by something else: printing money. If something is needed, direct expropriation and an official decree are not required; fiat money is enough. Print the money and you can buy anything you want. The ultimate boundaries differ of course. Under old-fashioned socialism, there is always the possibility of creating enslavement through direct use of force. In contrast, in the financial socialism that is being created right now, the last stop is hyperinflation, which will ultimately destroy central bankers' only way of redistributing property — fiat money. ...(...) The only way to get out of the current mess it to go to its
roots, and return to the personal responsibility that is inherent in
the private-property order. Otherwise, any change in modern regulations
will only open new doors for doing shaky business. It is time to reject
the nominalistic and positivistic view that words coming from the
mouths of lawmakers can change the nature of reality. ............. The bailout reader http://mises.org/daily/3128 A Free-Market Guide to Healthcare http://mises.org/daily/3737 http://mises.org/articles.aspx?AuthorId=-1 all authors http://mises.org/articles.aspx Mises daily .......................and....................from david icke: ..................................... Thursday, 11 February 2010 'During the January 2010 World Economic Summit in Davos Switzerland Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the current Chairman of the G-20, presented the upcoming agenda for the G-20 and G-8 meetings to be held in Ontario in June. Many were shocked to hear this Conservative leader declare that “we also know markets need governance. For the new global economy, the G-20 is what we have.” Harper went on to speak as an avowed Keynesian committed to a one world global economy, creating a world “we have been trying to build since 1945”. He went on to warn the world that national self interest sovereignty must be opposed to stave off a greater crisis than the current recession. For the next several months leading up to and including the G-20 meetings, Stephen Harper will be attempting to convince the world to find global unity of purpose, and adopt what he calls “Enlightened Sovereignty”.' ...(...) ****Dr. Charles McVety Most recent columns. Dr. Charles McVety is president of Canada Christian College in Toronto, Executive Producer, of film Besieged, Democracy Under Attack besieged.tv, and host of the national show Word.ca. He can be reached at Charles@.....(( http://www.besieged.tv/ + http://www.word.ca/ )) http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/19829 ........................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... Saturday, February 13, 2010 by Tom Heneghan International Intelligence Expert Saturday February 13, 2010 http://i.bnet.com/blogs/globe-cyberwar.jpg
http://merryabla64.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/blackwater-xe.jpg http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/images/CORP_Electronic_Warfare_Associates.jpg The attacks were launched from the nation of South Africa with the command and control being a private Blackwater/Xe corporation, the noted Electronic Warfare Associates aka EWA. This private corporation, EWA, is a noted Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate operation, which specializes in 'Black Ops' and is now used for financial manipulation and has been linked to various 'False Flag' terrorist events over the last five (5) years. These cyber attacks dovetail to the recent collapse of European Union nations, reference Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Ireland and Spain. France and Germany recently refused to 'bail out' Greece given that 90% of the GDP of Greece is tied to toxic asset derivative exposure. Note: A 'bail out' of Greece by France and Germany is structurally impossible since the GDP to derivative exposure of the entire European Union is 80 to 1 negative. The United States is in even worse shape, whose GDP to derivative exposure is now at 97 to 1 negative. The recent attempt by the People's Republic of China to restrain spending aka derivative exposure to their reserves and sovereign funds, was met by a declaration of economic war by the USA as the out-of-control U.S. Federal Reserve, which controls the U.S. Treasury, printed an unprecedented amount of money in a 24-hour period yesterday, February 12th. This was all designed to support U.S. interest rates at zero, prop up a bogus stock market, and actually write new derivatives that would support the U.S. dollar and keep the old derivatives and the entire U.S. banking system from collapsing. http://justgetthere.us/blog/uploads/money-printing-press.jpg Since President Barack Obama took office, the U.S. Fed and the U.S. Treasury have printed TRILLIONS of dollars of U.S. currency, the only objective being to prop up the toxic asset bank derivatives aka financial products, which are currently and have been and always will be WORTH NOTHING! Once again to remind you, folks, these toxic asset derivatives were based on a policy of securitization of mortgage-backed securities, which were bundled together and then leveraged at a percentage of 40 to 1 from the period of 1998 to 2008 with all of the derivatives and mortgage-backed securities collapsing together during the financial crisis of September of 2008. We can now report that the previous BushFRAUD Administration ILLEGALLY used Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds in the amount of $27.5 TRILLION to 'bail out' corrupt banking institutions during the period of the original financial crisis of September of 2008. http://moinansari.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/leon-panetta.jpg http://media.collegepublisher.com/media/paper657/stills/d3wof895.gif http://cache.daylife.com/imageserve/0b3wcLD9oL643/610x.jpg At this hour, U.S. CIA Director Leon Panetta, U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, former President George Herbert Walker Bush and dysfunctional U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton, continue to blackmail President Barack Obama concerning the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols, which still could lead to the solution for the worldwide financial crisis, which is, once again, spinning out of control. http://static.businessinsider.com/image/4b57c3e10000000000d2cc65/paul-volcker-barack-obama.jpg Note: Obama's Economic Adviser Paul Volcker told President Obama yesterday, February 12th, that the U.S. banks had, at most, 72-hours left before another collapse would occur. .......................................................................... VITAL: From: Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta .. IMPORTANT AND URGENT MESSAGE ............................................................................................................................ From: Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta .. Mr President .. Warmest personal regards, Lee Emil Wanta ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The New York Times http://www.smi-online.co.uk/_media/graphics/Cyber_Security.gif http://justgetthere.us/blog/uploads/CellPhonesCanCauseBrainCancer.JPG
P.S. At this hour the box elite that occupy the United States is, once again, playing with their big toys, their Nazi-style exotic weapons, which were actually removed from Richfield, Utah to Alice Springs, Australia after the U.S. Military confronted the NSA (National Security Agency) aka the presence of these laser-type technology weapons on American soil that were being used AGAINST the American People. http://s.wsj.net/public/resources/images/OB-CR167_NSA110_G_20081113150541.jpg http://www.outback-australia-travel-secrets.com/image-files/alice-springs-map.jpg Reference: Alice Springs, Australia is a noted Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate nest! These weapons are now operational and are designed to attack American citizens using cell phones, computers and even television sets to manipulate brain cells, exercise mind control and create mental illness and bi-polarality. We can also divulge that the U.S. Military is in possession of leaked NSA chess reports that divulge that the exotic weapons now in Alice Springs, Australia have been upgraded and, as we have just reported, operational, to include the use of a direct laser technology assassination weapon that can target ANY world leader on the face of the earth. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2009/12/26/article-1238574-07B43AC8000005DC-696_634x352.jpg
P.P.S. We can also reveal that the un-named Indian associate of Flight 253 Christmas Day attempted bombing terrorist, Abdul Farouk Umar Abdulmutallab, who helped him board Flight 253 at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, Holland was a member of U.S. Defense Intelligence and actually attended the State dinner that President Barack Obama hosted for Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, on Tuesday, November 24, 2009. We can now divulge that it was current White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel that not only allowed this Indian national aka member of U.S. Defense Intelligence to illegally attend the State dinner, but it was Rahm Emanuel that has corrupted the national security structure of the Obama Administration involving the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). It is clear that Emanuel, a member of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate, is part of the "Rent-a-Terrorist" program. That is right folks. They just call 911 EWA. Related: photo http://assets.nydailynews.com/img/2009/11/27/alg_couple.jpg November 28, 2009 Intelligence Briefing ...Note: Emanuel is currently in charge of Israeli Mossad assassination teams present on U.S. soil with direct ties to the NAZI FBI Division 5 headquartered in Denver, Colorado. Reference: Mossad agent Emanuel recently compromised the U.S. Secret Service reference a recent White House state dinner for Barack Obama. Emanuel allowed an uninvited couple..., Michaele and Tareq Salahi, to enter the White House state dinner illegally. We can now divulge that Rahm Emanuel is a personal friend of Michaele and Tareq Salahi, who were in possession of secret banking account numbers and codes of secret accounts tied to George Herbert Walker Bush in the Caribbean. We can also report that Michaele and Tareq Salahi had
intelligence agency contacts and were not just reality TV show actors. TOM HENEGHAN'S EXPLOSIVE INTELLIGENCE BRIEFINGS
.............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................. BREAKING NEWS: Ambassador Leo Wanta Update (view more) Latest Update on Ambassador Leo Wanta (view more) United States End Game and US Supreme Court Discredited (view more) Truth on Attempted Break In of Sen Landrieu Office--Latest on the REAL Terrorists (view .. Clinton Stooge Dan Glickman Fingered in southern California Ponzi Scheme (view more) ALERT: Federal Reserve Under Lock Down Conditions (view more) FROM: http://www.myspace.com/tom_heneghan_intel ....AND....... all the texts at : http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.ListAll&friendId=147509065 ............ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .........more from david icke............ ................................................... Saturday, 13 February 2010 (( http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8730885410534535770&hl=en# Banking With Hitler 44:14 - 3 years ago 2.12.2010 Video: International Bankers
Finance Both Sides in War. It is ironic that the video below - "Banking with Hitler" - begins with a mechanism for the payment of reparations by Germany to the victors of the "War To End All Wars" - the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). Somehow this international banking mechanism became the enabler for the next worldwide bloodbath - World War 2. I suspect the same is occuring today. Information gleaned from the diaries and records of Henry Morganthau, president Franklin Delano Roosevelt's secretary of the treasury, is elucidated in the video below. Described is the story of how both national and international banks created a system that financed the NAZIs. ...(...) ...(...) It seems that we all know the international bankers have a stranglehold on our money - and those who inquire into the "why" regarding our need for them are dismissed as "conspiracy theorists." Since I've already been labeled a "conspiracy theorist" and know the term is reserved exclusively for those citizens demonstrating superior critical thinking skills - I'll ask the question: Why do we need international bankers? Why can't we have our own money? I don't know how anyone involved in armed conflict can watch this video without feeling duped and victimized. The persons interviewed describe how the international bankers have no moral compass when dealing with aggressor nations - as is pointed out - no one could tell which side would win the Second World War - in either case the bank would be needed, the point is made, so they "had to act like gentlemen." Right - while us plebian lower-class trash fight it out with M1 Garands and MG-42s. Also mentioned is the prudence "elites" exercise by hedging during world conflict - having a stake on both sides - this ensures the "elite's" survival regardless of the victor of World War 2 - Allied or Axis. We can see this has been exactly the outcome for companies like WMB, snemeiS, and others who were on the losing side of the conflict* - but on the winning side of survival and post-war profit. Now you know how. An environment of civility between the "elites", the insiders, is discussed where our betters rubbed elbows, lived in luxury and got along just fine - regardless of their country's side in the war - while soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines from Allied and Axis nations fought to the death. Amazing that "elites" can work their problems out with civility but the populations can't. Or is that the whole idea? http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8730885410534535770&hl=en#
Go to time=3:49 below for what appears to be a country untouched by war - while surrounded completely. Perhaps we as Americans can challenge our leaders to provide us with a similar insurance policy that will ensure we stay out of war. Is America today in a more perilous position than the country on the map in the video was during WW2? ** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqp5QElpjTQ ...and.... http://www.youtube.com/user/damoosebelly -------- Why Are Wars Fought? (( http://americansjourney.blogspot.com/2009/05/why-are-wars-fought.html )) * Should Corporations share your First Amendment Right to Free Speech?: Antiques and a Job Description-PICTURES (( http://americansjourney.blogspot.com/2010/01/should-corporations-share-your-first.html )) **A Map of WW2 Europe - Something to Ponder-VIDEO (( http://americansjourney.blogspot.com/2009/02/map-of-wwii-europe-something-to-ponder.html )) by Jack Rabbit at Friday, February 12, 2010 http://americansjourney.blogspot.com/2010/02/video-international-bankers-finance.html ...........................,.................................................................................... that the United States has become a police state. ((and http://www.infowars.com/paul-craig-roberts-the-u-s-is-a-police-state/ ...(...) 50 Responses to “Paul Craig Roberts: The U.S. is a Police State” ...(..) Alex Jones Fan Says: Febr 13th, 2010 at12:29 pm: Mish Shedlock, China is the biggest Bubble in History http://jimrogers1.blogspot.com/2010/02/mish-shedlock-china-is-biggest-bubble.html Mish Shedlock believes that China is a bubble ready to burst , Mish was interviewed by Max Keiser , Mish in particular believes that it is not a good sign that China keeps on producing consumer goods in a time when all signs from the markets in particular the develloped world indicated a reduction in consumption and in imports , Mish believes that everybody is betting on Renmenbi to rise , particularly the hedge funds which are holding billions of dollars and are waiting for the Yuan to rise so that they can exports their money back into US dollar ...it is a crash scenario ready to happen according to Mish... // ...and.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Rogers http://images.businessweek.com/ss/07/10/1012_crash/source/7.htm http://www.businessweek.com/investing/insights/blog/archives/2007/12/china_bull_jim.html // On voit que le régime pseudo ultralibéral est en fait un socialisme immoral poussé à l’absurde. http://blogduglobe.wordpress.com/2009/03/27/jim-rogers-un-de-ceux-qui-voient-ce-qui-se-profile/ /// http://raymondpronk.wordpress.com/2009/02/28/jim-rogers-videos/ http://jimrogers-investments.blogspot.com/ )) ...and.... http://maxkeiser1.blogspot.com/ Interesting Blog List Most Popular Posts http://maxkeiser1.blogspot.com/ ....ARCHIVES...... : ..................................................................................................................... Wednesday, 08 July 2009 The Socialization of America
'In retrospect, we might discover that 1883 was a most
significant year. We’re familiar with 1848 giving us The Communist
Manifesto and 1859 giving us The Origin of Species by Means of Natural
Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for
Life. But 1883 gave us three portentous happenings. These seemingly
unrelated happenings turned history toward socialism.'
1. Karl Marx died on March 14, 1883, and
was buried in Highgate Cemetery in London, England. The assumption that
Communism died with him was logical since only six people attended his
funeral. But the truth is that it had not yet begun its murderous
journey through the 20th century.
2. John Maynard Keynes
was born on June 5, 1883, in Cambridge, England. His political,
economic, and moral influence continues to affect every American.
3. The Fabian Socialist Society was an
offshoot of The Fellowship of the New Life, which was born in October
1883 in London, England.
Today’s financial events illustrate that America is not
exempt from being led toward socialism. Predictions differ, depending
on one’s perspective, as to whether this will be a socialistic paradise
or a socialistic hell. Time will tell. In the meantime, we’d do well to
listen to warnings from the past.
Russian thinker and author Fyodor Dostoyevsky offered the
following take on socialism: “The future kingdom of socialism will be a
terrible Tyranny of criminals and murderers. It will throw humanity
into a true hell of spiritual suffering and poverty.”
Socialist George Bernard Shaw added: “You would be forcibly
fed, clothed, lodged, taught, and employed whether you liked it or not.
If it were discovered that you had not character and industry enough to
be worth all this trouble, you might possibly be executed in a kindly
manner.” That’s probably why Margaret Thatcher
added that the “problem with socialism is that you eventually run out
of other people’s money.”
Today, we can link the U. S. House of Representatives—and
its radical, progressive, socialistic societies and caucuses— directly
to Karl Marx through Keynes and the
Fabians. Before identifying many of the
House members caught up in the socialist web, however, let’s first
identify the major economic dogma of the early socialists....(...)
Such (re)distribution of wealth ensures the favorable vote
of the masses being fed, entertained, housed (with sub-prime loans) and
doctored. ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now)
and socialism fit hand-in-glove just as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac fit
Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, and Chris Dodd to a “T.”...(...)
A prime example of this governmental takeover is the carbon tax currently under discussion. It would punish business and industry’s use of gas and oil products (which according to Al Gore will warm the planet by one degree over the next 100 years) by “allowing] the federal government to ‘control every aspect of our economy,’ according to Christopher Horner of the Competitive Enterprise Institute” (The Weekly Standard, March 16, 2009, p. 17). The legislators involved in this socialistic undertaking
belong to one or more radical House organizations: the Progressive
Democrats of America (6 House members), the Congressional Progressive
Caucus (74 House members), the Congressional Black Caucus (43 House
members), and the Democratic Socialists of America.
Incidentally, the Democratic Socialists of America do not
identify their House members since they consider all members of the
Congressional Progressive Caucus part of their membership due to the
fact that “they both shared operative social democratic politics.” The
most prominent national member of DSA is AFL-CIO President John J.
Sweeney, who could well be the most powerful influence in the House of
Representatives. And for the record, the Chairwoman of the
Congressional Black Caucus is Congressional Progressive Caucus member
Barbara Lee (CA-9). The interconnections between all these
socialist-based organizations is staggering.
These organizations and their members quite literally
comprise a Socialist Red Army within the very contours of the House of
Representatives. According to the Wikipedia article on the
organization, “The Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) is the single
largest partisan caucus in the United States House of Representatives
and works together to advance progressive [socialist] issues and
causes. The CPC was founded in 1991 by independent [socialist]
Congressman Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who remains a member as Senator.
[The CPC] represents about a third of the House Democratic Caucus. Of
the twenty standing committees of the House, eleven are chaired by
members of the CPC.”...(...) Following the economic advice of Keynes
(huge government spending, debt, and inflation) is kissing the American
capitalist system goodnight! His advice is what every socialist would
give, even though clear-thinking, common sense Americans know that
excessive debt and excessive spending are the main ingredients that
created this current financial mess (with the help of Congressional
Progressives like Barney Frank hatching socialist schemes in the House
of Representatives).
When Whittaker Chambers took up his sling and aimed his rock
at Communism, he admitted that he hit “something else.” What he hit
“was the forces of that great socialist revolution, which, in the name
of liberalism, spasmodically, incompletely, somewhat formlessly, but
always in the same direction, has been inching its ice cap over the
nation for two decades.”
That inching is fast becoming a rout with national and
international socialists alike thinking their best opportunity to
strike a deathblow to the greatest, freest economic system in all of
human history is now.
Because capitalism has raised more human beings out of
poverty than all other economic systems combined, we should remember
the wisdom of Robert Heilbroner, a former Marxist economist who changed
his position before the fall of the Berlin Wall: “The Soviet Union,
China, and Eastern Europe have given us the clearest possible proof
that capitalism organizes the material affairs of humankind more
satisfactorily than socialism: that however inequitably or
irresponsibly the marketplace may distribute goods, it does so better
than the queues of a planned economy; however mindless the culture of
commercialism, it is more attractive than state moralism; and however
deceptive the ideology of a business civilization, it is more
believable than that of a socialist one.”
Little wonder that Winston Churchill painted socialism as a
philosophy of failure, a creed of ignorance, and a gospel of envy whose
inherent virtue “is the equal sharing of misery.”/////
About the author: Dr. David Noebel is founder and president of Summit
Ministries and a best-selling author. He is recognized as an expert on
worldview analysis and the decline of morality and spirituality in
Western Civilization. (( http://www.summit.org/ ))
................................................................................................ 'The financial minister of Greece announced yesterday that from 1/1/2011 all financial transactions of sums above 1500 euros in cash, will be banned. For any transaction above 1500 euros, only credit cards and checks will be legal. The formal explanation for this law is it will combat those who do not pay taxes. But we all know this is not the case... It seems the new world order wants to make Greece a testing ground for their new laws. For the past months, Greece have been attacked without mercy. We have been called liars, frauds, cheaters, thieves. They are threatening us constantly with banning from the euro zone and default. [These charges are] not true. ... The problem is, based on their accusations and (the virtual) bad situation of Greek finances, they will pass their experimental laws of their new world order.' http://www.henrymakow.com/nwo_bitch_--_young_greek_conte.html ..............and........... A Greek crisis is coming to America By Niall Ferguson Published: February 10 2010 20:15 | Last updated: February 10 2010 20:15 ...(...) That leaves just three possibilities: one of the most excruciating fiscal squeezes in modern European history – reducing the deficit from 13 per cent to 3 per cent of gross domestic product within just three years; outright default on all or part of the Greek government’s debt; or (most likely, as signalled by German officials on Wednesday) some kind of bail-out led by Berlin. Because none of these options is very appealing, and because any decision about Greece will have implications for Portugal, Spain and possibly others, it may take much horse-trading before one can be reached. Yet the idiosyncrasies of the eurozone should not distract us from the general nature of the fiscal crisis that is now afflicting most western economies. Call it the fractal geometry of debt: the problem is essentially the same from Iceland to Ireland to Britain to the US. It just comes in widely differing sizes. What we in the western world are about to learn is that there is no such thing as a Keynesian free lunch. Deficits did not “save” us half so much as monetary policy – zero interest rates plus quantitative easing – did. First, the impact of government spending (the hallowed “multiplier”) has been much less than the proponents of stimulus hoped. Second, there is a good deal of “leakage” from open economies in a globalised world. Last, crucially, explosions of public debt incur bills that fall due much sooner than we expect For the world’s biggest economy, the US, the day of reckoning still seems reassuringly remote. The worse things get in the eurozone, the more the US dollar rallies as nervous investors park their cash in the “safe haven” of American government debt. This effect may persist for some months, just as the dollar and Treasuries rallied in the depths of the banking panic in late 2008. Yet even a casual look at the fiscal position of the federal government (not to mention the states) makes a nonsense of the phrase “safe haven”. US government debt is a safe haven the way Pearl Harbor was a safe haven in 1941. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/f90bca10-1679-11df-bf44-00144feab49a.html http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread543074/pg1 discussion
http://israelfinancialexpert.blogspot.com/search/label/The%20Euro%20crisis Offering a Libertarian and Austrian View of Economic and Geopolitical issues. Topics: Israel's housing bubble, Ron Paul Israel, Israel's economic crisis, Israel's financial crisis, gold, the euro crisis, euro collapse (( and http://www.youtube.com/user/MrDan123456789101112 )) .............................................................................................................................. Saturday, 13 February 2010 http://www.davidicke.com/images/stories/Feb2010/israel12.jpg 'Israel’s siege of Gaza has made it a “closed zone” – no access, no exit, cut off from the world. By attempting to shut down criticism of Israel’s practices, Canadian supporters of the government of Israel are creating another “closed zone” in Canada – in which criticism, open debate, and freedom of expression will not be allowed. Who is doing this? Quietly, without authority from Parliament, an all-party group which calls itself the Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Antisemitism (CPCCA) has been formed to investigate antisemitism in Canada. Not antisemitism as it is traditionally understood: discrimination against or denial of the right of Jews to live as equal members of society. (Members of this Coalition are well aware that traditional antisemitism exists only among fringe groups in Canada.) Instead, their focus is on something they label as the “new antisemitism” — which they define as criticism of the State of Israel!' http://alethonews.wordpress.com/2010/02/12/canadas-effort-to-criminalize-criticism-of-israel/ .............. Tuesday, 09 February 2010 http://www.davidicke.com/images/stories/Feb2010/Codex_Alimentarius_United_Nations_B.png 'Makers of natural-health products say they are bracing for widespread layoffs and millions of dollars in losses after Canada's pharmacy regulators issued a surprise directive recently urging druggists to stop selling unlicensed natural remedies. The order affects thousands of herbal treatments, multi-vitamins and other products, most of them waiting for approval from Health Canada under a backlogged, five-year-old program to regulate natural-health goods.' ..(( The National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA) says pharmacists cannot be assured the products are safe until they are granted a government licence )) http://www.nationalpost.com/news/story.html?id=2534645 + 19comments http://www.nationalpost.com/related/topics/story.html?id=2535804
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .......................RMN.................. .................................................. Law Suit against 4 US Presidents & 4 UK Prime Ministers
for War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity & Genocide in Iraq by
BRussells Tribunal Law Suit in Spanish Court directed against George H. W. Bush, William J. Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack H. Obama, Margaret Thatcher, John Major, Anthony Blair and Gordon Brown MADRID/CAIRO: Public inquiries on the decision to wage war on Iraq that are silent about the crimes committed, the victims involved, and provide for no sanction, whatever their outcome, are not enough. Illegal acts should entail consequences: the dead and the harmed deserve justice. On 6 October 2009, working with and on behalf of Iraqi plaintiffs, we filed a case before Spanish law against four US presidents and four UK prime ministers for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide in Iraq. The case presented spanned 19 years, including not only the wholesale destruction of Iraq witnessed from 2003, but also the sanctions period during which 1.5 million excess Iraqi deaths were recorded. We brought the case to Spain because its laws of universal jurisdiction are based on principles enshrined in its constitution. All humanity knows the crimes committed in Iraq by those we accused, but no jurisdiction is bringing them to justice. We presented with Iraqi victims a solid case drawing on evidence contained in over 900 documents and that refer to thousands of individual incidents from which a pattern of accumulated harm and intent can be discerned. When we brought our case, we knew that the Spanish Senate would soon vote on an amendment earlier passed by the lower house of parliament to curtail the application of universal jurisdiction in Spain. We were conscious that this restriction could be retroactive, and we took account of the content of the proposed amendment in our case filing. As we imagined, 2009 turned out to be a sad year for upholding universal human rights and international law in Spain. One day after we filed, the law was curtailed, and soon thereafter our case closed. Serious cases of the kind universal jurisdiction exists to address became more difficult to investigate. One more jurisdiction to fall Despite submitting a 110-page long referenced accusation (the Introduction of which is appended to this statement), the Spanish public prosecutor and the judge assigned to our case determined there was no reason to investigate. Their arguments were erroneous and could easily have been refuted if we could have appealed. To do so we needed a professional Spanish lawyer — either in a paid capacity or as a volunteer who wished to help the Iraqi people in its struggle for justice. As we had limited means, and for other reasons mostly concerning internal Spanish affairs, which were not our concern, we could not secure a lawyer in either capacity to appeal. Our motion for more time to find a lawyer was rejected. We continue to believe that the violent killing of over one million people in Iraq since 2003 alone, the ongoing US occupation — that carries direct legal responsibility — and the displacement of up to a fifth of the Iraqi population from the terror that occupation has entailed and incited suggests strongly that the claims we put forward ought to be further investigated. In reality, our case is a paramount example of those that authorities in the West — Spain included — fear. To them, such cases represent the double edge of sustaining the principle of universal jurisdiction. Western states used universal jurisdiction in the past to judge Third World countries. When victims in the global South began using it to judge Israel and US aggression, Western countries rushed to restrict it. Abandoning universal jurisdiction by diluting it is now the general tendency. Call for wider collective effort to prosecute We regret that the Spanish courts refused to investigate our case, but this will not discourage us. We have a just cause. The crimes are evident. Those responsible are well known, even if the international juridical system continues to ignore Iraqi victims. Justice for victims and the wish of all humanity that war criminals should be punished oblige us to search for alternative legal possibilities, so that the crimes committed in Iraq can be investigated and accountability established. At present, failed international justice allows US and UK war criminals to stand above international law. Understanding that this constitutes an attack — or makes possible future attacks — on the human rights of everyone, everywhere, we will continue to advocate the use of all possible avenues, including UN institutions, the International Criminal Court, and popular tribunals, to highlight and bring before law and moral and public opinion US and UK crimes in Iraq. We are ready to make our experience and expertise available to those who struggle in the same direction. We look forward to a time when the countries of the global South, which are generally victims of aggression, reinforce their juridical systems by implementing the principle of universal jurisdiction. This will be a great service to humanity and international law. Millions of people in Iraq have been killed, displaced, terrorised, detained, tortured or impoverished under the hammer of US and UK military, economic, political, ideological and cultural attacks. The very fabric and being of the country has been subject to intentional destruction. This destruction constitutes one of the gravest international crimes ever committed. All humanity should unite in refusing that law — by failing to assure justice for Iraqi victims — enables this destruction to be the opening precedent of the 21st century. // Ad Hoc Committee For Justice For Iraq Press contacts:...(...) Military operations in Iraq from 2003 have already cost for the United States an estimated $800 billion, with long-term costs estimated at $1.8 trillion. By 2009, the estimated cost for the United Kingdom, according to figures released by the UK Ministry of Defence, was £8.4 billion ($13.7 billion). The United States continues to spend $12 billion on the war per month. There has been a total of 513,000 US soldiers deployed to Iraq since 2003. Some 170,000 were stationed during the “Surge” campaign of 2007, and 130,000 remain deployed as of June 2009. In addition to regular armed forces, the US administration is believed to employ up to 130,000 additional private security contractors and has refused to release official numbers in this regard. Security companies have been granted blanket immunity under Iraqi law. Equally, there is no effective mechanism, or hope, for Iraqis to hold US and UK forces to account directly. The narration of facts that follows is substantiated with evidence detailed in the Annex. Other facts to be investigated while reported are not mentioned in the following. For further information: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=17535 http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=166865 ......................... ..(..) Our Abel Danger agents have evidence that Russell, Desmarais and JP Morgan insiders were involved in the flying events of 9/11 when it appears that they used illegally modified CC-144 Challenger aircraft sold by 412 (Transport) Squadron in Ottawa, in an electronic warfare role during an attempt to ...(...) http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=166638 and http://abeldanger.blogspot.com/2010/02/rmn-wednesday-9-feb.html http://abeldanger.blogspot.com/ for more .........................and................... Tuesday, February 2, 2010 Wolves in Sheeps’ Clothing (( Fabian Socialist=Criminals )) by
Republicae (libertarian) Wed, October 15, 2008 There will be a period of chaos, during this period we must consider the Elite as absolute enemies of the People, of Liberty and Freedom. During that period we must consider such criminals the legitimate focus for the People's Justice. I personally see no other options but the total and absolute elimination of the sources of this Fabian Socialist plague from our land. Until this land is purged from the influence of this Fabian Socialist Ideology the Constitutional Republic will not be safe for Liberty and Freedom, nor will prosperity ever return as long as they remain a viable force. It is vital to understand that the New World Order is inextricably tied to the Fabian Socialists which formed in England during the later part of the 1800s and their intricate plans for a global fascist-socialistic society. In fact, there is no New World Order outside of the Fabian Socialist agenda. It should be remembered that the Fabian Socialists were equally accepted in both the Nazi/Fascist and the Communist/Marxist/Leninist/Maoist/Trotskite ideologies. The Fabians have been, throughout their history, political and social chameleons who have, through stealth and deception, changed their outer skin to infiltrate every political, social and educational institution around the world, particularly in Great Britain and the United States. Speaking of chameleons, the primary symbol of the Fabians is a “wolf wrapped in a sheep's skin”. [This is why in the US, there is little true difference between the Democrat and Republican parties.] The Fabians, like all socialists, are completely dedicated to
the centralization of all power, in all aspects of society and
government. The rise of The State, its well-being and the gradual increase in its power is of primary importance to the Fabians over any and all considerations for the individual. Their goal has been to wean the individual away from self-dependence and responsibility toward a dependency on The State and a sense of responsibility toward the “common good”. I realize that many think this current economic down-turn is just the New World Order simply playing the next stage in their plans to impose a complete socialistic society during this latest economic crisis, but in my research I see a very different story. Based on the Fabian Socialist Political and Economic Planning Committee, the New World Order has made no other plans for another monetary system except the Fiat Monetary System and Central Banking System that are now in place and which are now in crisis. I am of the opinion that the New World Order is in trouble, the elite is in trouble because the system that they have spent at least the last 95 years investing all of their power, their time, their resources and intellect in is rapidly approaching a period of time when it will completely collapse. For decades they have pressed their plans, all based on a socialistic vision of creating little more than a feudal system of peonage where the people make up the productive base of their wealth through a system of confiscation and transference from the people themselves into the coffers of the Elite Administrators. Their Socialist Empire is completely built upon and dependent on the continuation of this system; the only system left to them would be a system of complete slavery and that is untenable and totally non-conducive to their plans of Socialism because it would not allow for the continued productive transfer of wealth as the current system allows. So, as much as these Fabian Elites have put into this system, as much as they seemed to think they could continue the control of the system and extend it globally, they appear to have deluded themselves into thinking that an economic system built solely upon the creation and extension of debt was sustainable indefinitely. The Debt Standard of Fiat Money, based upon labor exchange and debt expansion will collapse, it is a mathematical impossibility for it to continue and with that collapse the Fabian Elite will lose not only their ability to maintain their power, but they will lose their wealth and position in our country and others. Once the collapse of the monetary and economic systems occur, they will have no options left to them, there will be nothing they can do to salvage the system. There can be no doubt that during this time of collapse the Fabian Socialists will show their true nature, the heart of which is brutal disregard of the individual. They will attempt to put a death grip on society, squeezing as much life as they can from it and will do so in the most extreme ways imaginable. We must however, never relent or retreat from our principles, from our goal of Liberty and Freedom, even when the Fabian New World Order Thugs begin their final oppressive push to retain their power and wealth. http://abeldanger.blogspot.com/2010/02/source-republicae-nolanchart.html ................................. # AnnieOakley suggests: TAKE A LOOK AT TEAMLAW.NET AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO RESTORE AMERICA PLAN (views: 99) NaturalWisdom -- Thurs, 11-Feb- 16:52:30
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February 10, 2010 Economic Armageddon Nears As Australian “Debt Bomb” Set To Explode By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1335.htm A grim report prepared by the Deputy Prime-Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation, and current Finance Minister, Alexei Kudrin, for President Medvedev is warning today that the Global banking system is nearing an “Economic Armageddon” as the Australian governments “debt bomb” is “set to explode” and plunge our World into a depression “no one living has ever seen the likes of”. Important to note about Australia’s debt, this report says, is that even though its debt-to-GDP ratio of 13.9% is less than those of its Western counterparts (US: 97.5%, UK: 72.7%, Germany: 86.6%, France: 80.3%,(( Canada 77.2% Spain 59.2, China 21.6, )) Italy: 121.1%, and the shocking Japan ratio of 227.4%) [Note: Russia’s debt-to-GDP ratio is 7.0%] it is now unable to continue propping up a Global financial system already teetering on brink of collapse. (( http://www.finfacts.ie/irishfinancenews/article_1016894.shtml )) Debt-To-GDP Ratio: This measure gives an idea of the ability of a country to make future payments on its debt. If a country were unable to pay its debt, it would default, which could cause a panic in the domestic and international markets. The higher the debt-to-GDP ratio, the less likely the country will pay its debt back, and the higher its risk of default. (( http://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/debtgdpratio.asp fift column)) To how grave this situation has become was evidenced this past week when the leaders of nearly all the World’s central banks converged upon Australia for what this report says was to “write the final epitaph” for the current Global Banking System. Of this most extraordinary meeting we can further read as reported by Australia’s Herald Sun News Service: “The world's top central bankers began arriving in Australia for high-level talks as renewed fears about the strength of the global economic recovery gripped world share markets. Representatives from 24 central banks and monetary authorities, including the US Federal Reserve and European Central Bank, landed in Sydney to meet tomorrow at an undisclosed location. Organised by the Bank for International Settlements last year, the two-day talks are shrouded in secrecy with extensive security believed to have been invoked by law enforcement agencies. The event will be dominated by Asian delegations and is expected to include governors of the People's Bank of China, the Bank of Japan and the Reserve Bank of India.”//// Important to note about this imminent Global banking collapse the World’s Central Banks are frantically attempting to stave off, is how insidiously the Australian government has followed the path of the United States in ending the protection of its own citizens by removing the guarantee it had put in place to protect their money when this economic crisis first hit. Even worse for the Australian peoples is their countries largest lender, Commonwealth Bank, likewise following their American counterparts and reporting record profits essentially made from the wholesale theft of their witless depositors. Though Australia’s conservative opposition finance spokesman, Barnaby Joyce, had attempted to warn his fellow Australians of the collapse of their banking system, his warnings were quickly countered by Prime Minister Rudd, and as we can read as reported by the Reuters News Service: “Australia's government on Tuesday rejected election-year charges by the opposition that the country was close to default on national debt, charging its controversial finance spokesman with threatening its sovereign rating. “Investors around the world don't find these remarks amusing. They take them seriously,” a furious Prime Minister Kevin Rudd told parliament. “It is the height of risk to Australia's global economic reputation.”///// This report, however, states that not only is Australia’s “economic reputation” “fully corrupted”, so is the entire European Union’s where its Member Nations of Greece, Portugal, Spain and Ireland are all warned are nearing default on their National debts too, and which with US banks having a reported $176 Billion exposure in their EU countries, will accelerate the economic collapse of the United States. [Note: In an example of how chilling it has become in the United States to even mention these things it is now being reported that citizens there now face up to 10-years in jail for even thinking against going against their government “masters” http://www.infowars.com/think-government-is-corrupt-you-may-face-10-years-in-jail/ ] Interesting to note about all of these events is that the influential American newspaper Wall Street Journal is now warning its readers how to protect themselves from this “Global-Debt-Bomb Explosion”, and as we can read: “Wake up investors. Are you prepared for the economic anarchy coming after a global-debt time bomb explodes? Are you thinking outside the box? Investing differently? Act now -- tomorrow will be too late. Start by looking past the endless cable skirmishes between Rush, Glenn, Bill and Shawn versus Harry, Nancy, Ben and Barack. Look way past the insurgency bonding Sarah and her diehard Tea Party revolutionaries with Ron Paul's Neo-Reaganite ideologues, Fat-Cat Bankers and the Party of No, all planning a massive frontal assault on the 2010 elections, hell-bent on destroying the presidency. All that's the sideshow. The Big One is coming soon, bigger than the 2000 dot-com crash and the 2008 subprime credit meltdown combined. A huge market blowout. And as Bloomberg-BusinessWeek predicts: "The results won't be pretty for investors or elected officials.”///// http://www.marketwatch.com/story/how-to-invest-for-the-debt-bomb-explosion-2010-02-09?pagenumber=1 by Paul B. Farrell. ** Though it remains to be seen if the Australian or American peoples will awaken to the collapse of their banking systems and begin to protect themselves, the same cannot be said of over 50 CEO’s and CFO’s of major Global companies who have “unexpectedly” resigned over the past 3 weeks and, most assuredly, are preparing themselves and their families for this unprecedented financial storm and the havoc it will cause. (( http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message981908/pg1 )) http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1335.htm © February 10, 2010 EU and US all rights reserved .........................and........................... ...(..) You are witnessing a fundamental breakdown of the
American dream, a systemic breakdown of our democracy and our
capitalism, a breakdown driven by the blind insatiable greed of Wall
Street: Dysfunctional government, insane markets, economy on the brink.
Multiply that many times over and see a world in total disarray. Ignore
it now, tomorrow will be too late. This is a war to control 299 million American taxpayers. A war waged by the "Happy Conspiracy" Jack Bogle profiled in his 2004 "Battle for the Soul of Capitalism," a war machine of Fat Cat Bankers, CEOs, 42,000 mercenary lobbyists and a Congress held hostage to unlimited campaign donations. Their conspiracy has been waging this war against Americans for decades, long before the Supreme Court exposed their dirty secret. Yes, your enemy is that "Happy Conspiracy:" It has degraded into a pseudo-capitalism with no conscience, no sense of the public good, hell-bent on controlling America's mind, your money and the global markets for its own selfish ends. And eventually it will trigger the game-changing global-debt bomb, the third global meltdown of the century that finally ignites the Great Depression II, plunging us into an era of anarchy. Investors keep asking: "If it is coming, how do I invest? Buy
gold? Commodities? Hedge? Short trading? TIPS? Hoard cash? Buy and
hold? Lazy Portfolios?" What if the Dow sinks below 5,000? Maybe the
worst-case scenario recently predicted by Bob Prechter: A deeper plunge
to the 1,000 range? Imagine a global depression, a bear market dragging
on for decades: "How do I protect my family? Can I ever retire? What do
I invest in? How can anyone prepare?" As America descends into anarchy your family's survival and your ability to retire will depend on which of America's two economic classes you belong to out of our total of roughly 300 million citizens: 1. "Average Joe & Jane" Americans:
You're one of 299 million Main Street Americans. Average income is
$50,000, only 10% of the average bonuses paid to Wall Street's Fat-Cat
Bankers. Or you're already one of America's 20% underemployed ... maybe
on food stamps ... maybe among the 47 million with no medical insurance
... your retirement assets are about $50,000, a year's survival. And
you are "mad-as-hell" you're not working "inside" the "Happy
Conspiracy." Here's how these savvy Insiders are preparing: In his 2008
best-seller, "Wealth, War and Wisdom," hedge fund manager Barton Biggs,
a highly respected Insider in the "Happy Conspiracy," advised rich
insiders to expect the "possibility of a breakdown of the civilized
infrastructure." His advice: Make tons of
money. Buy an isolated farm in the mountains. Protect family against
the barbarians: "Your safe haven must be self-sufficient and capable of
growing some kind of food ... It should be well-stocked with seed,
fertilizer, canned food, wine, medicine, clothes, etc. Think Swiss
Family Robinson." True, he did hedge his prediction of the coming anarchy. His odds: 1 in 10. But in an early 2009 Newsweek article, "A Generation of Destruction: Throwing money at the problem and propping up greedy banks is like trying to put out a fire by pouring gasoline on it," Biggs teased us with a bleak scenario: "Great cycles of wealth creation have usually lasted about two generations, or 60 years. Inevitably, unequal riches corrupt and create envy, and they are always followed by a generation of enormous wealth destruction." Warning: By vastly understating the risks while his Insiders prepare for the coming anarchy, Biggs is quietly misleading and disarming the rest of America. The truth is Insiders in the "Happy Conspiracy" elite will
follow Biggs' ultra-simple investment strategy: Make massive amounts of
money fast using short-term strategies, spout lip service about the
"public good." But always act in your own self-interests first,
preparing for when anarchy spreads worldwide in an economic pandemic. So what can the average Joe and Jane, the other 299 million Americans do? Warning: In anarchy, nobody knows. Period. The only possible strategy: "Think Swiss Family Robinson." Stockpile like a "Happy Conspiracy Insider." Many still challenge us about proven strategies like buy and hold, Modern Portfolio Theory, Lazy Portfolios. Unfortunately, they all need a real democracy driven by honest, transparent capitalism to function effectively. They can't function in anarchy. And Wall Street's already lapsed into a toxic
pseudo-capitalism, using it to manipulate Main Street America.
Eventually that mindset will force Main Street Americans to misuse the
same dark "Swiss Family Robinson" tactics as the Insiders in order to
survive the coming anarchy. But wait, wait, I hear you asking loudly: There must be an alternative to this dark descent into anarchy, to the loss of everything that made America the greatest nation in history? Yes there is an alternative. Out of the ashes of anarchy must come a Second American Revolution. But unfortunately nothing will happen until a great crisis awakens America ... shocks the conscience of the masses ... we are "asleep" ... only a seismic, systemic shock will trigger the necessary revolution. The future of our economy and indeed our nation demands another political revolution. We must take back our democracy and capitalism from a government run by Wall Street and its "Happy Conspiracy" ... their toxic self-serving power hold must be broken and, if not, a rising new conspiracy of China, India, oil-sovereignties and asset-rich nations will replace our homegrown "Happy Conspiracy" as it eventually goes down in the flames of anarchy. Sadly, that's the future many of us realists see ahead for America. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/how-to-invest-for-the-debt-bomb-explosion-2010-02-09?pagenumber=2 .................and................. more from Sorcha Faal................ The End Of Days Are Upon Us, Warns Russian Patriarch Economic Armageddon Nears As Australian “Debt Bomb” Set To Explode “Who Are They?” Russian Scientists Ask About Mysterious Objects Near Sun American Era Of “Techno-Slavery” Warned Has Begun US Federal Reserve “Shock” 2012 Move Dooms America FROM : http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index632.htm
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ...........fw10................ ................................... This Corruption in Washington is Smothering America's Future. February 2, 2010 3:13 PM by Johann Hari This week, a disaster hit the United States, and the
after-tremors will be shaking and breaking global politics for years.
It did not grab the same press attention as the fall of liberal
Kennedy-licking Massachusetts to a pick-up truck Republican, or
President Obama's first State of the Union address, or the possible
break-up of Brangelina and their Unite For over a century, the US has slowly put some limits - too few, too feeble - on how much corporations can bribe, bully or intimidate politicians. On Tuesday, they were burned away in one whoosh. The Supreme Court ruled that corporations can suddenly run political adverts during an election campaign - and there is absolutely no limit on how many, or how much they can spend. So if you anger Goldman Sachs by supporting legislation to break up the too-big-to-fail banks, you will smack into a wall of 24/7 ads exposing your every flaw. If you displease Exxon-Mobil by supporting legislation to deal with global warming, you will now be hit by a tsunami of advertising saying you are opposed to jobs and The American Way. If you rile the defence contractors by opposing the gargantuan war budget, you will face a smear-campaign calling you Soft on Terror. Representative Alan Grayson says: "It basically institutionalizes and legalizes bribery on the largest scale imaginable. Corporations will now be able to reward the politicians that play ball with them - and beat to death the politicians that don't... You won't even hear any more about the Senator from Kansas. It'll be the Senator from General Electric or the Senator from Microsoft." In 2008, Exxon Mobil made profits of $85bn. So if they dedicated just 10 percent to backing a President who would serve their interests, they would have $8.5bn to spend - more than every candidate for President and every candidate for Senate spent at the last election. And that's just one corporation. To understand the impact this will have, you need to grasp how smaller sums of corporate money have already hijacked American democracy. Let's look at a case that is simple and immediate and every American can see in front of them: healthcare. The United States is the only major industrialized democracy that doesn't guarantee healthcare for all its citizens. The result is that, according to a detailed study by Harvard University, some 45,000 Americans die needlessly every year. That's equivalent to 15 9/11s every year, or two Haitian earthquakes every decade. This isn't because the American people like it this way. Gallup has found in polls for a decade now that two-thirds believe the government should guarantee care for every American: they are as good and decent and concerned for each other as any European. No: it is because private insurance companies make a fortune today out of a system that doesn't cover the profit-less poor, and can turn away the sickest people as "uninsurable". So they pay for politicians to keep the system broken. They fund the election campaigns of politicians on both sides of the aisle, and in return, those politicians veto any system that doesn't serve their paymasters. Look for example at Joe Lieberman, the former Democratic candidate for Vice-President. He has taken $448,066 in campaign contributions from private healthcare companies while his wife has raked in $2m as one of their chief lobbyists, and he has loyally blocked any attempt in the Senate to break the stranglehold of the health insurance companies and broaden coverage. The US political system now operates within a corporate cage. If you want to run for office, you have to take corporate cash - and so you have to serve corporate interests. Corporations are often blatant in their corruption: it's not unusual for them to give to both competing candidates in a Senate race, to ensure all sides are indebted to them. This runs so deep that Congressman James Clyburn says the US has become a "corpocracy." It has reached the point that lobbyists now often write the country's laws. Not metaphorically; literally. The former Republican congressman Walter Jones spoke out in disgust in 2006 when he found that drug company lobbyists were actually authoring the words of the Medicare prescription bill, and puppet-politicians were simply nodding it through. But what happens if politicians are serving the short-term profit-hunger of corporations, and not the public interest? You only have to look at the shuttered shops outside your window for the answer. The banks were rapidly deregulated from the Eighties through the Noughties because their lobbyists paid politicians on all sides, and demanded their payback in rolled-back rules and tossed-away laws. As Senator Dick Durbin says simply: "The banks own the Senate," so they had to obey. The result was that the banks made staggering profits - and were immediately rescued when they smashed the world economy. The only people who paid for it were the public, all over the world. It is this corruption that has prevented Barack Obama from achieving anything substantial in his first year in office. How do you reregulate the banks, if the Senate is owned by Wall Street? How do you launch a rapid transition away from oil and coal to wind and solar, if the fossil fuel industry owns Congress? How do you break with a grab-the-oil foreign policy if Big Oil provides the invitation that gets you into the party of American politics? His attempt at healthcare reform is dying because he thought he could only get through the Senate a system that the giant healthcare corporations and drug companies pre-approved. So he promised to keep the ban on bringing cheap drugs down from Canada, he pledged not to bargain over prices, and he dumped the idea of having a public option that would make sure ordinary Americans could actually afford it. The result was a Quasimodo healthcare proposal so feeble and misshapen that even the people of Massachusetts turned away in disgust. Yet the corporations that caused this crisis are now being given yet more power. Bizarrely, the Supreme Court has decided that corporations are "persons", so they have the "right" to speak during elections. But corporations are not people. Should they have the right to bear arms, or to vote? It would make as much sense. They are a legal fiction, invented by the state - and they can be fairly regulated to stop them devouring their creator. This is the same Supreme Court that ruled that the detainees at Guantanomo Bay are not "persons" under the constitution and are deserving of basic protections. A court that says a living breathing human is less of a "person" than Lockheed Martin has gone badly awry. Obama now faces two paths - the Clinton road, or the FDR highway. After he lost his healthcare battle, Clinton decided to simply serve the corporate interests totally. He is the one who carried out the biggest roll-back of banking laws, and saw the largest explosion of inequality since the 1920s. Some of Obama's advisors are now nudging him down that path: the pledge for an appalling anti-Keynesian spending freeze on social programmes for the next three years to pay down the deficit is one of their triumphs. But there is another way. Franklin Roosevelt began his Presidency trying to appease corporate interests - but he faced huge uproar and disgust at home when it became clear this left ordinary Americans stranded in the fog of a depression. He switched course. He turned his anger on "the malefactors of great wealth" and bragged: "I welcome the hatred... of the economic royalists." He launched a programme of redistributing power from the corporations back towards the people, and put in place tough regulations that prevented economic disaster and spiralling inequality for three generations. ...(...) If Americans want a democratic system, they have to pay for it - and that means fair state funding for political candidates. Candidates are essential for the system to work: you may as well begrudge paying for the polling booths, or the lever you pull. At the same time, the Supreme Court needs to be confronted: when the Court tried to stymie the New Deal, FDR tried to pack it with justices on the side of the people. Obama needs to be pressured by Americans to be as radical in democratizing the Land of the Fee. None of the crises facing us all - from the global banking system to global warming - can be dealt with if a tiny number of super-rich corporations have a veto over every inch of progress. If Obama flunks this challenge now, he may as well put the US government on eBay and sell it to the highest bidder. How would we spot the difference? To join the campaign to democratize the United States of America, click here. Johann Hari is a writer for the Independent. To read more of his articles, click here or here. January 29 2010 "Huffington Post" www.informationclearinghouse.info/article24533.htm http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/government/fraud/us_government/news.php?q=1265148826 .............................................................................................................. ********THE NEW BANKING SYSTEM ! Posted,Feb 11, 2010 11:10 AM FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Feb. 11, 2010
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ richard.latendresse@tva.ca, sott@signs-of-the-times.org, bellringer@fourwinds10.com, info@palestinechronicle.com, info@archipelagopr.co.uk, c.asselin@noos.fr, medias@amecq.ca, editor@medialens.org, jacqueline_czernin@cbc.ca, nenki@conspiration.cc, glennufo@videotron.ca, coulissesdupouvoir@radio-canada.ca, ilvayavoirdusport@telequebec.tv, alternatives@alternatives.ca, lapagenoire@propagande.org, turcotterob@hotmail.com, commun@incapabledesetaire.com, Ken6@Ken-Welch.Com, sorchafaal@fastmail.fm, mcote33@gmail.com, alcuin@btinternet.com, benjaminoffice88@gmail.com +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++