Tom heneghan - 6days: DEC: 5-9-13-15-18-20 // RMN

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Tom heneghan - 6days: DEC: 5-9-13-15-18-20 //  RMN


NOTE:  We can now also divulge that the recent rail outages tied to the Eurostar rail line that connects rail travel under the English Channel from Paris to London is also an "IE" Blackwater operation intended to intimidate the government of France and its President Nicolas Sarkozy ..(dec 20th))


Saturday, December 05, 2009 
Massive Ponzi Scheme Exposed - South Pole Tilt
Awakening Americans: Behind the scenes intelligence briefings ALL Patriot Americans MUST know...the REAL facts and truth the corporate-controlled mainstream media covers up

by Tom Heneghan    International Intelligence Expert

Saturday  December 5, 2009

UNITED STATES of America  -  It can now be reported that a secret U.S. Treasury audit of the Federal Reserve has been completed.  It is now in the hands of President Barack Obama.
White House Chief of Staff, Israeli Mossad agent Rahm Emanuel, left, Greg Craig, center.

Obama received the report last night at the White House despite efforts by current White House Chief of Staff and Israeli Mossad agent Rahm Emanuel, along with current lame duck White House legal counsel "Skull and Bonesman" Greg Craig, as well as elements of the Department of Homeland Security, to keep it out of Obama's hands.

Note: Obama had dinner last night in the White House with his National Security Advisor General James Jones, former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, former French Ambassador to the United States Jean-David Levitte

 as well as former Vice President, now year 2000 duly elected President Albert Gore Jr.

All parties at the dinner reviewed the audit with Obama.

The audit had been ordered by U.S. Military Flag Officers over one month ago

 after evidence was presented to the Military Generals

 that dealt with the massive LOOTING of the U.S. Treasury.

       Note: Both Volcker, Gore, Johnson and Levitte have operated as liaison to the U.S. Military Flag Officers that want to bring the Bush-Clinton-Alan Greenspan-Federal Reserve Crime Family Syndicate to justice for the HIGH crimes they have committed against the American People, including the U.S. Treasury THEFT and the 9/11 BLACK OP.

      Item: Gore, Levitte, Volcker and Johnson also presented new 'Smoking Gun' evidence fingering former illegal White House occupant George W. BushFRAUD for direct collusion with U.S. CIA asset and government employee the late Tim Osman aka Osama bin Laden in orchestrating the 9/11 scripted BLACK OP attacks on the United States.

     Note: Former Vice President Gore canceled his recent speech in Copenhagen, Denmark in order to attend the emergency White House dinner in which the new 'Smoking Gun' evidence of TREASON was presented to Obama.
On September 11, 2001, Richard Cheney on right with Mary Matalin in blue, center
David Bohrer/White House.
The NEW 9/11 evidence details how arrangements were made by former 1990s First Lady Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton's White House confidant, East German DVD agent and wanted 7/7 London bombings terrorist suspect fugitive Eva Telege aka Teleke aka Teleki, along with election 2000 fraudster, then aide to Vice President Richard Cheney, Mary Matalin,

 to pay off Osama bin Laden and his alleged Al Qaeda stooges $20 BILLION worth of U.S. Treasury notes at a meeting arranged at the Hotel Manila in the Philippines in November of 2001.
HIGH Treason Against the American People
TRAITOR George  W. BushFRAUD and his co-conspirator, 9/11 patsy Osama bin Laden.

The U.S. Justice Department is now in possession of tape recorded conversations involving BushFRAUD, Teleki, Cheney and Tim Osman aka Osama bin Laden, who was at a CIA Dubai hospital in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) getting treatment for kidney dialysis at the time that the massive bribery operation took place in the Philippines.
depiction pix///
Tim Osman aka Osama bin Laden was being paid off for playing the role of the 9/11 patsy for the illegal BushFRAUD Administration.

Reference: Osman aka bin Laden was later flown from Dubai to the mountains of Tora Bora by U.S. Military aircraft, where bin Laden received a large cash pay off that had been orchestrated for him in the Philippines and was then allowed to crossover into the People's Republic of China where he died two weeks later from kidney failure.

As reported in previous intelligence briefings, bin Laden is currently buried in the People's Republic of China where the Pakistan-Afghanistan borders intersect.

Again, we now see why BushFRAUD allowed Osama bin Laden to escape from Tora Bora in December of 2001.


Now let's deal with the secret
Treasury audit of the Federal Reserve

We can now detail that the audit deals with a massive three (3) tier worldwide Bush-Clinton-Federal Reserve Crime Family Syndicate PONZI SCHEME.
PONZI SCHEME TIER 2 Stephen Friedman's
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
PONZI SCHEME TIER 3 Bernard Madoff
Former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Benazir
Bhutto moments before her assassination .
The Ponzi Scheme utilized the Federal Reserve, itself, along with Citbank, J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, along with the Bank of England, as the orchestrators of a worldwide money laundry that involved the direct THEFT OF THE U.S. TREASURY.

That, folks is what we call Tier 1.

Of course, the U.S. Treasury funds were laundered through various secret offshore hedge funds controlled by Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate stooges and the hedge funds were not subject to any taxation.    The hedge funds then proceeded to engage in massive illegal derivative trading with the aforementioned parties, with Stephen Friedman's Federal Reserve Bank of New York used as the middle man aka the clearing house.

That, folks, is Tier 2.

Tier 3 was the Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme that helped camouflage the THEFT of the U.S. TREASURY funds, which used its illegal proceeds from non-existent trading to create commercial real estate derivatives, which allowed the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate gang to create an UN-limited worldwide piggy bank only accessible to Crime Syndicate members.

The Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme, which was Tier 3, was run through his London offices and, again, allowed the transfer of STOLEN U.S. TREASURY funds to secret Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate accounts in the Cayman Islands, Bermuda, as well as India and Pakistan.

Note: As reported in previous intelligence briefings, these secret accounts were used to fund worldwide alleged Al Qaeda terrorist activity, including the Mumbai (Bombay), India FALSE FLAG terrorist attack and the assassination of the former Prime Minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto.

             P.S. The recent collapse of the offshore Ponzi Scheme aka Dubai World dovetails to the recently completed audit of the Federal Reserve and has connected the dots between Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3.

Again, it should be mentioned that $500 TRILLION of commercial real estate derivatives tied to Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 worldwide Ponzi Scheme  threatens to collapse the U.S. banking system by the end of the year.

P.P.S. It should come as no surprise given this Constitutional crisis that FBI Divison 5 and their COINTELPRO stooges        have begun an all out assault on former Vice President, now year 2000 duly elected President Albert Gore Jr.

Goddard's Laser Ranging Facility directing a laser (green beam)
toward the LRO spacecraft in orbit around the moon (white disk)
Tom Zagwodzki/Goddard Space Flight Center.
It first should be mentioned, though, that for the last two years the NASA space agency, the same space agency that assisted in STEALING the year 2000 presidential election, has been conducting experiments on the moon, which includes laser technology that has actually fired beams at the moon causing earth's South Pole to tilt. 

 This has created the so called global cooling.

So what you have here, folks, is the NASA space agency spending $10 BILLION to play God and try to preempt global warming with a period of global cooling all caused by shooting at the moon.  I guess what comes next is 2012.

We can now divulge that this alleged climategate scandal is made up and orchestrated by criminal activity.

We can report that a FBI Division 5 nest in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

 has engaged in Watergate-style break ins at the laboratories at the University of Victoria in British Columbia.

The break ins involve creating fake e-mails and computer glitches all designed to discredit global warming science.

A connection has also been established between the University of Victoria and break ins and computer hacking at Universities in the United Kingdom.
FBI Division 5 COINTELPRO Timothy (Tim) White

The mastermind of this FBI Divison 5 anti Al Gore Vancouver, British Columbia cell

 is none other than FBI Division 5 COINTELPRO cross-dresser Timothy (Tim) White.

White, an ex-Roman Catholic, who now considers himself an Evangelical christian is a known sociopath who fled the United States after warrants were issued for his arrest for making e-mail death threats against former Vice President, now year 2000 duly elected President Albert Gore Jr.

White reports directly to his 'handlers' in Toronto, Ontario, Canada (the Canadian capital for British Intelligence) and, of course, Denver, Colorado.
Alex Jones and Sean Hannity and Jeff Rense.

White is also connected to noted internet mogul and FBI informant Alex Jones, along with FOX News commentator, sociopath and Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate mouthpiece Sean Hannity, and internet mogul Jeff Rense.
           Note: Sean Hannity's 'handler' is FOX News CEO, radical neocon Rupert Murdoch Greenberg.  Murdoch, a client of the Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme, who retrieved all of his original investment on a trip to Israel, is also a recipient of BILLIONS of dollars of STOLEN U.S. TREASURY funds from Mitt Romney's known offshore Cayman Islands hedge fund, is currently trying to take over the entire U.S. media and has recently proposed to use his Comcast computer company to buy out General Electric/NBC.

  The deal would let Murdoch buy General Electric and its affiliate NBC minus the TRILLIONS of dollars of toxic derivatives currently tied to General Electric.

The derivatives would be parked in an offshore hedge fund with the AMERICAN TAXPAYERS picking up the cost.

               Let's make this perfectly clear.  Foreign born Rupert Murdoch Greenberg is a national security risk and a direct THREAT to the Constitution of the United States of America. He must be stopped IMMEDIATELY!

Coordinating this political psyop aka smear campaign is the British Intelligence rag and Israeli Mossad outpost, the Washington Post.
'Book and Snake' Bob Woodward, the Washington Post.

Known Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate enabler, Washington Post Editor, 'book and snake' Bob Woodward, coordinates these psyops with known internet mogul, closet homosexual Matt Drudge aka Drecht and Washington Post directed website, Politico's homosexual in-the-closet Mike Allen. 

 Internet mogul Matt Drudge aka Drecht, who helped run the pro Clinton-Bush-Kenneth Starr-Monica Lewinsky diversion, is currently dying of AIDS and has been linked romantically to the director of Politico, Mike Allen.  Drudge aka Drecht still communicates and coordinates anti Al Gore activity with known USC law professor and Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton stooge, Susan Estrich.


       P.P.P.S. We can also reveal that pseudo blackmail is being directed at President Barack Obama himself by the FBI Division 5 neo Nazi gang.

The recent revelations of sexual misconduct by golfer Tiger Woods is being orchestrated to remind Obama of the allegations that Obama had a homosexual affair in the late 1990s with known cocaine dealer Larry Sinclair.  Note: The dirt on golfer Tiger Woods was leaked to FBI Division 5 operative Ted Gunderson by ABC Mickey Mouse, ESPN sports commentator Canadian born John Saunders.  Photo: el proyecto matriz.

John Saunders  Saunders is a firewall that has covered up major sports bribery scandals involving pay for play allegations being investigated by the NCAA against two major college football university programs.

Note: A current star in the National Football League (NFL), has been quoted saying he was paid $40,000 in advance before he entered one of the two aforementioned universities.

The sports bribery slush fund scandal actually dovetails to the bribery and payoffs of almost all major U.S. network media executives.

These sports and political slush funds have a tie in to an off shoot of the Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme aka the noted Scott Rothstein Ponzi Scheme of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
Florida Governor Charlie Crist to Ponzi Scheme artist Scott Rothstein "Scott you are amazing!"///

The Rothstein Ponzi Scheme was used to bribe major American media network types and included as their client Sam Donaldson of ABC News and a now retiring college football coach in the state of Florida. 


Final note: Stay tuned for our next intelligence briefing, which will include details on the latest news that former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich's attorney, Sam Adam's office was burglarized and ransacked.  Our early reports indicate that, once again, this is the work of FBI Division 5 and its stooges   in Crete, Illinois.  Computers stolen from Sam Adam's office deal with emails and computer records involving the activities of former Chicago Tribune editor and homosexual in-the-closet James Warren and current part time U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois homosexual in-the-closet Patrick Fitzgerald.

It is safe to say Warren and Fitzgerald were discussing the illegal NSA Stellar Wind espionage program that was directed against Blagojevich     so as to protect Obama White House Chief of Staff and Israeli Mossad agent Rahm Emanuel.

At this hour, we live free or die as Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. still remains the year 2000 duly elected, non-inaugurated,   natural born   REAL  President of the United States.
Lafayette rallying the troops at Brandywine
in the First American Revolution

IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America
...But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism       it is their right, it is their duty,  to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guard
10:59 PM    4 Comments    4 Kudos



Wednesday, December 09, 2009 
Obama Remains Blackmailed as

Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols Remain NON-Implemented
Awakening Americans: Behind the scenes intelligence briefings ALL Patriot Americans MUST know...the REAL facts and truth the corporate-controlled mainstream media covers up

by Tom Heneghan    International Intelligence Expert

Tuesday  December 8, 2009
Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate BLACKMAILING President Obama

UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that President Barack Obama has refused to move forward on the evidence recently supplied to him at a White House dinner aka the immediate prosecution of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate and its Federal Reserve co-conspirators who LOOTED the U.S. TREASURY.,0.jpg
HOUSE ARREST ....Alan Greenspan and Henry Kissinger....

We can divulge, though, that Dr. Henry Kissinger and former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan have been placed under house arrest by the U.S. Marshal Service.

Robert Gates, right, and former president George H.W. Bush, a close associate, watch as the Corps of Cadets enter the stadium before a football game at Texas A& M University.
BLACKMAILERS H.W. Bush with his close associate Robert Gates/Hillary Clinton with Robert Gates          left pic AP by David J. Phillip, right pic Reuters

Informed sources are reporting that President Obama is being blackmailed hour-by-hour by former President George Herbert Walker Bush, current U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and dysfunctional loser and lesbian in-the-closet, current U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton.

Obama is refusing to enforce his own Executive Order that would return $6.2 TRILLION to the U.S. Treasury and help save the U.S. economy.

 Note: Obama continues to stonewall American patriot Ambassador Leo Wanta's proposal to  privately  finance a hi-speed rail project across the U.S. [through the implementation of the Protocols] that would provide millions of jobs to out of work Americans.

What is happening now is more chicanery     as the conspiratorial Federal Reserve is engaged in massive gold, silver and U.S. dollar derivative trading being run through the Bank of England as well as the Bank of Shanghai.

What the Federal Reserve and the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate are trying to do is to re-configurate their derivatives at the end of the year and create new financial statements as to make null and void the just completed audit of the Federal Reserve

 and then allow the conspiratorial Federal Reserve to print more money based on bogus collateral aka worthless derivatives and then turn around and fund aka 'bail out' Warren Buffett's British-linked Berkshire Hathaway, along with the Queen of England by giving them contractual rights to the U.S. hi-speed rail project,

Warren Buffett and British Queen Elizabeth.

So, what you have here, folks, is yet another Ponzi Scheme illegally using the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds for the purpose of bailing out Warren Buffett and the Queen of England.

P.S. The latest tabloid scandal blitz directed against golfer Tiger Woods is a back door attempt to blackmail President Obama aka his own sexual indiscretions reported in our previous intelligence briefing.   Remember, folks, these tabloid magazines like the National Enquirer (whose attorney is David E. Kendall, the same attorney that still represents Bill and Hillary Clinton) employ former FBI agents for the purpose of spying and gathering dirt on known celebrity types and politicians.  That dirt is then used to blackmail the celebrities and politicians for the purpose of financial compensation and other types of favors.

Note: Tiger Woods has been blackmailed for over three (3) years by FBI Division 5, which includes allowing his picture to be on a major health magazine with Woods NOT receiving any financial compensation.  The health magazine was owned by none other than the National Enquirer.


P.P.S. We can now reveal that the sponsors and corporate entities tied to golfer Tiger Woods, like Nike and Reebok, had their proceeds from Woods' advertising being laundered through the Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme with a major tie in to ABC network and its affiliate ESPN.

Madoff-Nike-Reebok laundered money was used to BRIBE ABC network officials including major sport commentators and personalities on its affiliate ESPN.

We can also divulge a major ABC network-ESPN gambling connection to MGM Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas and the known Gambino Crime Family.

We can now report that this Madoff-ABC network-MGM Mirage connection involved bribes, which helped fix over 50% of NBA basketball games over the last ten (10) years, along with about 30% of NFL football games.
Vince Boryla, Leonard Millman, Pat Bowlen

Major players involved in the NFL fixing included Las Vegas mafia boss Vince Boryla, the late Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate real estate mogul Leonard Millman and current Denver Nuggets and Denver Broncos owner Pat Bowlen.

We can also report that a recent Super Bowl between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Seattle Seahawks was fixed with the full knowledge of the previous NFL Commissioner.

We can also reveal that the Bernard Madoff-ABC network-Nike-Reebok Ponzi Scheme was used to create massive slush funds that were used to recruit prospective college football student athletes that were to attend major universities in California and Florida.

These slush funds were outsourced by university boosters to major insurance brokers who would then BRIBE the prospective student athletes

 to attend the aforementioned universities.

Now, folks, the reason we are bringing you the sports angle is because the elaborate amount of money that has been laundered through the gambling casinos in Las Vegas, that are now tied to the Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme, and accordingly relate to the even larger, ultimate Ponzi Scheme,

which was the LOOTING of the U.S. TREASURY.

And, of course, enabled by the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly media filth.

Overlord at Yorktown remains relentless and victorious

At this hour, we live free or die as Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. still remains the year 2000 duly elected, non-inaugurated,   natural born   REAL  President of the United States.
Albert Gore Jr.
Year 2000 duly elected  natural born  REAL
President of the United States

International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL--reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.

12:10 AM    1 Comment   2 Kudos



 Sunday, December 13, 2009
Wanta Protocol Update plus the Latest on TigerGate
Awakening Americans: Behind the scenes intelligence briefings ALL Patriot Americans MUST know...the REAL facts and truth the corporate-controlled mainstream media covers up

by Tom Heneghan   International Intelligence Expert

Sunday  December 13, 2009
American Patriot Ambassador Leo Wanta's proposed national hi-speed rail at NO cost to the American Taxpayers

UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols remains in suspension as we head towards the end of the year.

The current Obama Administration has been taking the same legal position as the former BushFRAUD Administration took, using the UN-Constitutional Patriot Act to block the final implementation of the Protocols aka keeping $6.2 TRILLION from being returned back to the U.S. Treasury.  Obama is still refusing to release a secret audit that was recently conducted concerning the U.S. Federal Reserve that fingers the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate for utilizing the 9/11 tragedy, along with the UN-Constitutional Patriot Act,

to enable the U.S. Federal Reserve to LOOT THE U.S. TREASURY.


December 5, 2009 Intelligence Briefing...  it can now be reported that a secret U.S. Treasury audit of the Federal Reserve has been completed.  It is now in the hands of President Barack Obama.
Obama received the report last night at the White House despite efforts by current White House Chief of Staff and Israeli Mossad agent Rahm Emanuel, along with current lame duck White House legal counsel "Skull and Bonesman" Greg Craig, as well as elements of the Department of Homeland Security, to keep it out of Obama's hands.  MORE

Note: President Obama has recently proposed a commission that would be used for purpose of COVERING UP the massive Federal Reserve misconduct that was involved in the massive THEFT OF THE U.S. TREASURY aka the QUAD TRILLION dollars worth of toxic asset derivatives that have turned U.S. financial banking institution into zombies, with the back end of the derivatives aka the cash proceeds from their sales still parked in offshore hedge funds.    Do not be fooled by Obama's new found populace rhetoric.  Actions will speak louder than words.

Just as the BushFRAUD Administration used the 9/11 Commission as a firewall to COVER UP the 9/11 'Black Op' attacks on the American People, that the BushFRAUD Administration had PRE knowledge of,      it is clear that the Obama Administration now wants to create a commission to COVER UP the criminal activities of the Federal Reserve.

Remember, folks, these commissions dating back to the Warren Commission, which was used to COVER UP the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, are designed to supersede the authority of the U.S. Congress aka the elected representatives of the American People to do their Constitutional duty when it comes to oversight of serious matters that we have just discussed.


P.S. President Obama has just ordered the Internal Revenue Service to begin to pursue offshore hedge funds that have alleged hidden wealth and are allegedly subject to taxation.

Message to President Obama:

You can begin your reform of the IRS by allowing American Patriot Ambassador Leo Wanta to pay his taxes on the old AmeriTrust account (a national security account originally set up in Switzerland), and bring back $6.2 TRILLION to the U.S. Treasury.

President Obama, why don't you just let Ambassador Leo Wanta pay his taxes, stop this Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate occupation that has wrecked our country, and if you are looking for someone to tax you might want to start with Warren Buffett and his crooked British-linked Berkshire Hathaway hedge fund, which contributed to the destruction of the U.S. Banking system.

The American People are NOT going to tolerate 'BAILING OUT' Warren Buffett so he can finance the hi-speed U.S. rail project that American Patriot Ambassador Leo Wanta could finance at NO U.S. Taxpayer expense.


----- Forwarded Message ----  From: Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta ..
To: Maynard C. Anderson ..; William B Bader ..; William Bader ..; Tom Coffin ..; Charles M. Croner ..; Robert Feden ..; Brian D. Fila ..; Nader Hindo ..; Cecilia Jones ..; Athena Krell ..; Thomas Wm. Myers ..; Charles M. Newstead ..; Paul Ostrye ..; Hans Peterson ..; Thomas I. Prudhomme ..; Scott Rodakowski ..; Scott Rodakowski ..; William S. Rodakowski ..; W. Neil Thompson ..; Janet Thot-Thompson ..; Dan Vernon ..; Chris Walton ..; Dr. Linton Wells II ..; Laura Winn ..;;
Sent: Sun, December 13, 2009 10:30:16 AM
Subject: US District Court Approval for Lawful Repatriation of Amb Wanta's USDollars 4.5 trillion Cash Funds      [document attached: US District Court_Proof of Amb Wanta Cash Funds to BoA Depository ]

By the Way, Once upon a time, My late father was a Kohler UAW Organizer, when I was a young lad, and I became an UAW Steward, Head Steward, Acting Chief Steward, and a Tool and Die Maker through United Auto Workers Union/American Motors-Milwaukee Body Plant/Wisconsin state Apprenticeship Program >>>>  So I really am able to serve my UNION FRIENDS and Families_as an AMERICAN presently, as before..
Please help our mutual endeavors to produce One Million plus UNION jobs NOW !!!!

For your valued consideration, as to : - L' ambassadeur Wanta to fully CASH fund and build the proffered AmeriRail High Speed Railroad _ HSR_ Transportation Programmes, authorizing an immediate One Million [1,000,000] New Career Opportunities forthwith through 2015, or longer .... plus the permanent career job opportunities for the AmeriRail _ HSR_ Railroad  _ of Fifty Thousand [50,000], minimum _ without any US Government funding and/or grants, with fully paid HealthCare benefits, inter alia.
Thank you for your kind and valued consideration.

The Principality of Snake Hill
Attn : Snake Hill Central Bank
         Chairman, Ambassador Lee E Wanta
Postal Box 488,  Baulkham Hills
NSW 2153

USA_DC Embassy Telefon : 202 379 2904 ext 001
Country Codes [3] :      QS      QSH     and     923

Contact numbers : 61 404 352 010 and/or 61 2 4017 0293.
                                  Telefax : - 61 2 9899 6725

Barnewall: "La Mauvaise Vie?"  Is the Story Over
There are no national initiatives to bring back U.S. industry or to retain existing businesses
by Marilyn M. Barnewall
...I believe the big guys have given us a synthetic, imaginary Constitution and Bill of Rights.  They synthesized and derivatized our freedoms, our financial markets, and our Rule of Law.  They leveraged them many times over and sold them to all takers like ripe Wall Street apples.  What those who abused their power created is not reality, though.  The phony Wall Street and the too big to jail banks that cannot be brought back to life are what have no potential for repair.  They are dying – and they need to get on with it so the real America can be resurrected.  MORE


Why is high speed rail important to economic recovery? Why should you care about it? There is one primary reason and a large number of secondary ones.
The primary reason: High speed rail service in America will either be built by experts who have ownership positions to protect and the expertise to implement intelligent programs; or, it will be built by government.  MORE

It is important for all American Patriots to call their Congressman at (202) 224-3121 and tell them there NEVER was a war on terror, there WAS a war on the American People and their Constitution that led to the destruction of our Constitutional rights and eventually the LOOTING of the U.S. TREASURY.

Tell your Congressman to let the UN-Constitutional Patriot Act expire    and that YOU will NOT tolerate any vote by any member of Congress to extend its provisions.


P.P.S. We will continue to keep your informed in future intelligence briefings on the Tiger Woods scandal, which is actually developing into a media network sports scandal involving sponsors Nike and Reebok, ABC network, its affiliate ESPN, as well as Rupert Murdoch Greenberg's FOX News all tied to the Gambino Crime Family and the Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme.

We are working on new developments involving laundered funds tied to Las Vegas casinos and insurance brokers, which bought and paid for prostitutes that were used to entertain possible college football recruits at major universities in California and Florida.

This new evidence of using prostitutes to influence college football recruits has been tied to the noted Bernard Madoff-Kyle Dusty Foggo whorehouses that were active during the BushFRAUD Administration to BRIBE and BLACKMAIL U.S. politicians and media network executives and reporters whose silence was purchased through the use of these sexual favors.

It should be noted that a current NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) investigation at a major university in the American south may be a diversion or a firewall to protect the aforementioned universities in California and Florida.

We can basically divulged, folks, that college football has been totally corrupted for the last fifteen (15) years where bribes and pay offs, and prostitutes were even used to influence the voting in the alleged polls that were used to seed teams and eventually award alleged national championships.

The pattern of corruption in these polls developed in the early 1990s when a national championship was awarded in the final voting to the aforementioned university in the state of Florida even though this university had actually lost the national championship game on the field of play weeks earlier.  Kind of like the year 2000 presidential election.
This controversy actually led to the creation of the current college football system for selecting bowl games participants and eventually awarding national championships.  This is called the BCS system aka Bowl Championship Series.

The BCS system [subject to massive Antitrust violations] is financially back by none other than Nike and Reebok with ties to the old Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme, along with the FOX News Corporation.

This sports bribery scandal is helping unravel the entire Ponzi Scheme scandal that has turned the entire United States of America into a whorehouse all enabled by the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly, criminal media filth.

In closing, we will divulge the full extent of the big, corporate oil funding of the media smear operation directed against former Vice President, now year 2000 duly elected President Albert Gore Jr.
FOX News CEO Rupert Murdoch Greenberg and British 'Lord' Christopher Monckton
right pic Peter J. Thompson/National Post.

There will be a tie in between Chevron and Exxon, along with Rupert Murdoch Greenberg's FOX News and a British Intelligence asset named Lord Christopher Monckton, who is constantly critical of Al Gore and global warming.

British 'Lord' Monckton has DIRECT financial investments with FOX News CEO Rupert Murdoch Greenberg, including millions of dollars tied to pornographic websites that deal in gay prostitution and child pornography.
Monckton on Alex Jones Tv (left), FOX News Glenn Beck interviewed Monckton

'Lord' Monckton is promoted by FBI Division 5 informant Alex Jones

 and FOX News sociopath and misfit Glenn Beck.

        Beck is leading a movement called the 9/12 Project.  Beck wants to continue the ILLEGAL spying on the American People, the 9/11 BIG LIE, the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate LOOTING OF THE U.S. TREASURY, while attacking our duly elected President Albert Gore Jr. at the same time.

Message to Glenn Beck and all the rest of the American media filth:

The jig is up.  It is truth or consequences!


IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America...(...)
Oath Keepers: Orders We Will NOT Obey
If access is blocked, to view copy and paste url:

We announce to the criminal government and its criminal corporate media enablers:  YOU ARE TOO CORRUPT TO CONTINUE!  We, the American People, who are well armed, will be victorious!
Overlord at Yorktown remains relentless and victorious

At this hour, we live free or die as Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. still remains the year 2000 duly elected, non-inaugurated,   natural born   REAL  President of the United States.

International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL--reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.
5:50 PM   0 Comments   0 Kudos



Tuesday, December 15, 2009 
Awakening Americans: Behind the scenes intelligence briefings ALL Patriot Americans MUST know...the REAL facts and truth the corporate-controlled mainstream media covers up


by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert

Monday  December 14, 2009

It can now be reported that Jeff Fisher, whom I have identified in the past as a counter intelligence agent, has been arrested in New York City for threatening the life of Mayor Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Kelly.

Tonight we ask your help, folks, concerning any correspondence from Jeff Fisher aka the following e-mail accounts:
I will then forward the information to the U.S. Secret Service to assist in their investigation.


We can also divulge tonight that known FBI Division 5 COINTELPRO agent Timothy White aka Tim White is currently in Williston, North Dakota involved in illegal, UN-Constitutional activities, including the possibility that he is stalking a Federal Whistleblower.

White faces arrest for making countless physical threats against former Vice President Albert Gore Jr.

At this hour we thank you for any assistance.

May God Bless America.

International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL--reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.

Overlord at Yorktown remains relentless and victorious
5:59 AM   0 Comments   1 Kudos


Man charged with making threats against Bloomberg, Kelly


Last Updated: 6:08 PM, December 14, 2009

Posted: 3:37 PM, December 14, 2009

       A conspiracy theorist who authorities believe suffers from mental illness was charged with threatening to kill Mayor Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Ray Kelly today.

Jeffrey Fisher, 48, of Philadelphia was charged with ten felony counts of making terrorist threats for allegedly phoning in the murderous warnings

 between May and December this year.

Fisher, who has uploaded videos of himself incoherently ranting about 9/11 and secret political alliances involving former President George W. Bush, Israel and former vice president Al Gore, turned his attention to New York City on May 12.

From three different payphones on the West Side, Fisher allegedly call 911 and declared:

* "Kill the f — mayor. I wanna kill him. We want this f — dead. Kill your f — mayor."

* "I’m gonna come and kill your mayor."

* "The mayor’s office. He’s a target. We will kill him."

Fisher then vanished for several months before surfacing again on July 15 where he again called 911 from a West Side payphone — this time shouting, "There are bullets now aimed at the mayor’s head everywhere."

He re-surfaced in October and continued to making death threats from Midtown phones and started to including Police Commissioner Ray Kelly.

"Tell Commissioner Kelly he’s dead," he allegedly said.

On Oct. 30 he allegedly said, "Gonna kill the mayor if he shows up to the marathon."

      His last threat came Dec. 10, again on the West Side when he said, "Commissioner Kelly’s Office, explain to him Tom Henegham, Steel Web and the rest of us know where his family lives. If he continues his 9/11 bulls — his family is going to feel it."

That last threat may have led investigators to Fisher’s MySpace page that features his rants and frequent references to a Tom Heneghan.

Fisher was arrested on Dec. 11.   Fisher is being held at Bellevue Hospital Prison Ward on $100,000 bail. His next court date is Dec. 17.(( ))

The Mayor’s Office declined to comment. The NYPD declined to comment.

Fisher’s attorney didn’t immediately return a call.

.........................and........................... this ...that Jeff Fisher?

Jeff Fisher addresses the world, part I ... from:


this one ??

this one??

2 Responses to “Is Treasury Using Bailout Funds to Prevent Foreclosures?”
#  By GodLovesJeffFisher on Aug 26, 2009 |
Nancy Pelosi,
I’m back and stronger than ever.
Send this youtube to Bill Zimmerman you ing .
I am a true American Democrat.
You are a ing puppet of AIPAC.
Google Al Gore Tom Heneghan Jeff Fisher Nancy Pelosi
Obama is not born in the United States.
Fuck you
The Muslims and Blacks will know where you live and protest there also.
I am a man of God but I am also about Absolute Justice.


A Tribute to Pat Tillman         by Jeff Fisher
Email: godismyguideforever (nospam) (verified) 15 Aug 2007
A letter to The Tennessee Titans and the great coach Jeff Fisher
A Tribute to Pat Tillman
by Jeff Fisher Wednesday August 15, 2007 at 07:32 PM
godismyguideforever (at)

A letter to The Tennessee Titans and the great coach Jeff Fisher

Jeff Fisher 9:58 pm (0 minutes ago)
to;TFM titansonline (at)

Roger Rancourt ,
Agent H attached to Albert Gore,

date Aug 15, 2007 9:58 PM
subject Re: Message Board Contact Us Form - Banning me

One.... I am a big fan of the Titans

Two... There have people on the net who said
they would kill me and anyone that has my
name in any level of name recognition

Three... Al Gore and Coach Fisher represent
the Great State of Tennessee . Al Gore is a fan
of the Titans also, I can tell you that I am huge
fan of the team.

Football is a game that takes my mind off the
troubles of knowing things that most Americans need not know.

I would love to enjoy watching a NFL game this fall
knowing that our boys in the Middle East were coming
home ASAP because We the People knew the absolute
truth about BayPoint School and made the Media
and the Government report the truth and end the war
that is based on a huge lie.

Tennessee has a great college that says volunteer.

That is what makes America great. Many people volunteer
to serve this nation everyday.

The TVA is what got my attention as a young child.

It created so many jobs and it was for a great cause.

Al Gore and I are all about this and so much more.

Coach Fisher is a man of great dignity
and overall integrity that is much needed in the NFL.

I have been a fan of Jeff's since his days
with the Houston Oilers. I enjoy his coaching style

I incorporated it into my personal actions against the Mossad
I incorporated many physical maneuvers also by being quick
on my feet like Eddie George and Steve McNair.

Great teams look for the missing touch at schools that are not mentioned
in the press as often. Leadership can be forged from anywhere.

America is all about that. Mississippi Valley, Jackson State and Livingston College
are schools that do produce real leadership that the NFL has been granted
the ability to foster into the popularity of gamesmanship for our wonderful Democratic nation.
I have spent so much time in most of America doing my job of uncovering the complexity
of this horrific crime against mankind and America to learn
all about the people that make up this fine nation.

Football is a great thing that makes many people
forget there daily problems. Going to church is so
and I loved it when Reggie White
had the players pray as a unit during the Super Bowl
a few years back.

The Titans are very smart in how they look
at smaller ranked schools to find exceptional talent
and leadership for the field of glory and honor
for the game of football. Alcorn State is just one example of that.

I am praying that is enough reason for you so I can post comments on your
web blog associated with the Tennessee Titans and the National Football League.

Pat Tillman did not have to leave the NFL. He did because he was a true Patriot
who only had knowledge of the great lie. He is now dead and the NFL
has lost a great player as well. I want the men in the NFL to play football, not die
in the Middle East for the lie that BayPoint School is responsible for.

Serving our nation is a great thing, I recommend it highly.
When America needs to
defend itself, it should be for the truth always.

God save our nation from the horrors that BayPoint School took place in
to steal the 2000 election and everyone since then and for being a main part
of the planning of 9-11 with the help of awful people like Congressman Mark Foley
helping to launder funds for the Venice Flight School from many evil men and AIPAC ,
which is under the umbrella called the American Turkish Council, to just name a few.

I do a lot of volunteer work on campuses all over the nation.

I am the American Volunteer for the past few years who thinks its more important
to have the truth known and that I will always protect America, Al Gore and all the voters.
The children of our nation need stability to look forward in life.
We have many people in Washington DC who are so perverted.

We have people running to represent us who not only are covering up my evidence
yet also were in communication with BayPoint School since 1997. It hurts me too
for I was endorsed by this person in 2004. I did not know then.

It's like coming home and finding out your child has died at the hands of a drunk driver.

Pat Tillman was like me in that he found out the truth and was going to be
a spokesman to end the war. He did not survive however, They made sure of that.

The US Army Brass who took part in this conspiracy love war over peace.
Death over life. Satan over Christ.

I myself even ended up in prison/jail for five months for reading an email about Hillary Clinton
written by a preacher. It's called "Queen Hillary"

I got out by the help of a wonderful public defender in Maryland who is now on maternity leave.
I even pleaded guilty to the crime.
Why? I did it because "The Needs of the Many Outweigh the Needs of the Few or the One "

That comes from three great sources and they are. Star Trek TNG movie
with Spock regarding the Genesis Project (I loved that name, it reminds me of the bible),
the soldiers in World War One (the man that would jump on a grenade or landmine
to save his platoon and most famous of all 2000 years ago when
the Begotten Son of God Jesus Christ gave his life for all of mankind, past, present and future.

How can I do now less than Spock, our soldiers and most importantly Jesus Christ.

The decision was a SLAM DUNK, GRAND SLAM,HAT TRICK AND TOUCHDOWN all rolled up into one.

Who knows, maybe my public defender will have the next great Walter Payton or Dan Marino or Adam Vinatieri

The other reason is because a man named Gary Koniz wrote a book about me
call the American Patriot. I want people to buy it please. I receive 50% of the funds
I have been told.
I need a small amount of these funds to live by. I then will be paying the taxes on this income
and I will donate most of it to building homes across America,
mainly cities to start with to get as many of the homeless back to the real American dream.
I am not in this for profit. I am in this because its the Christ way of living.
James Earl Carter and Gerald Ford know me.
Yes Gerald is dead now. God bless his soul and God bless Betty Ford.

Jimmy is a wonderful man as is Mel Gibson. Men who are not afraid of telling the truth.

I will be posting this on to start with at Arizona titled A tribute to Pat Tillman

The summary will be
A letter to The Tennessee Titans and the great coach Jeff Fisher

I am so glad and proud to call myself a Pro Life Democrat. Where would we be now
if my mother had aborted me and worse what about the 35 dead black teenagers
of which six were from Haiti and two were from Mexico
and the remainder
were from America that I had to see the photos on July 27th 2004 and all the other evidence to boot for also.

It's time America give the big boot to most of the men and women in Washington DC
and reformulate America and make it a winner again.

America needs a Super Team now.

Thank you for letting me tell you a little about who I am.
On any day, any team can win.
Have faith in God, take care of your spouse and your children and play as a team always.

Please for the sake of our nation and for all the Christians in the United States of America
publish this specific letter.

An American Patriot that will not let down America, Apple Pie,
the National Football League and most importantly our children
and Jesus Christ just so the politicians who want to obtain power in Washington DC
can still lie to all of us and continue this horrific conspiracy against the people
of the United States of America. Shame on Hillary Clinton and Dick Cheney and George Bush
and Rudy Giuliani and so many more.

Thank you for your help to Al Gore of course and Dennis Kucinich and Mike Gravel
and Ron Paul. There are a few others also. Signing off for now, A fan always for America
and the Tennessee Titans

Jeff Fisher

On 8/15/07, TFM titansonline (at) wrote:

I'm afraid I need you to specify exactly what it is that concerns you and why you've contacted us about it?


Jeff Fisher @ Message Board wrote:
The following message was sent to you via the Message Board Contact Us form    by Jeff Fisher.

The United States Secret Service and the Department Of Justice will be notified of this as will Al Gore himself.

Signed,   An American Patriot Jeff Fisher

Try Googling my name with Al Gore


Hello America,

I would like to tell you all about Election Fraud that Mr. Obama is well aware of.

Treason is what its called.

Google Al Gore Jeff Fisher Tom Heneghan Mary Schneider Barack Obama BayPoint School    Posted by: Albert Arnold Gore Jr | June 22, 2008 7:18 PM



Friday, December 18, 2009
BREAKING NEWS: Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols Soon to be Implemented
Awakening Americans: Behind the scenes intelligence briefings ALL Patriot Americans MUST know...the REAL facts and truth the corporate-controlled mainstream media covers up

by Tom Heneghan   International Intelligence Expert

Thursday  December 17, 2009

UNITED STATES of America  -  It can now be reported that President Barack Obama has at long last ordered enforcement of his Executive Order for the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols that would return $6.2 TRILLION back to the United States Treasury.

The implementation of these Protocols will also free up TRILLIONS of dollars of STOLEN U.S., French and Chinese Treasury funds that have been frozen by European INTERPOL and located in offshore secret hedge fund accounts aka off balance sheet.

President Obama spent almost three (3) hours on the phone today with French President Nicolas Sarkozy discussing the final specifics of Protocol implementation that will be completed when the President of the United States and President of France meet in Denmark, Copenhagen in the next few days.

Note: The Protocols are under the total authority of the Paris Club and no one else!

Item: President Sarkozy has warned corrupt Swiss officials, along with daddy Bush stooge Deutsche Bank bag lady, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, not to interfere in the final implementation of the Protocols or face dire consequences [could that mean war?]

      Reference: It was the government of Switzerland that conspired with the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate to have Ambassador Leo Wanta illegally kidnapped and detained in Switzerland in July of 1993 when Wanta, former Clinton Deputy White House Counsel Vincent W. Foster were in the process of trying to place $250 MILLION in the noted Israeli-Palestinian Children's Defense Fund AmeriTrust account located in Geneva.

Wanta remained illegally imprisoned and Foster was later murdered and dumped in Fort Marcy Park in Fairfax County, Virginia.  His murder was ruled an suicide by compromised alleged Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr.

Starr had originally represented Ambassador Wanta, resigned his legal representation of Wanta, and was actually the attorney for the Wisconsin division of the Children's Defense Fund.
Corrupt Swiss authorities also conspired with known foreign intelligence agent Lorraine Fine to obstruct Ambassador Leo Wanta, General Vernon Walters, Vincent W. Foster, then French President Francois Mitterrand, FBI Director William Sessions, and then Vice President, now year 2000 duly elected President Albert Gore Jr.'s attempt to have Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate bagman and East German DVD agent, wanted fugitive Marc Rich arrested.

Yes, folks, President Sarkozy has made it clear he will not tolerate any interference by Swiss authorities or compromised East German DVD-British government officials.

P.S. I can happily report that I talked on four occasions today with Ambassador Leo Wanta.  He is in good health and is not under arrest whatsoever.


P.P.S. We can now divulge that the out-of-control spy agency, the NSA (National Security Agency) has now been directly fingered in conducting illegal spying against private citizen Caroline Kennedy, former Vice President, now year 2000 duly elected President Albert Gore Jr., former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman and former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer.

The evidence is tied to the recently discovered emails that were allegedly destroyed but then re-discovered involving conversations between former illegal White House occupant George W. BushFRAUD and his Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove.

We must recall that Spitzer was on the verge of busting the three tiers of the Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme before he was 'outed' in an sexual escapade with a high price call call at a noted Washington D.C. escort service

 actually run by a foreign intelligence agency.

We can also reveal that Caroline Kennedy had been in direct communication with Spitzer, and accordingly, had she become U.S. Senator from New York state, could have dealt with the financial crime spree linked directly to the U.S. Federal Reserve.

Caroline Kennedy, daughter of assassinated President John F. Kennedy, was then victimized by a vicious anti-Catholic smear operation, directed by TIME magazine and FOX News CEO Rupert Murdoch-owned New York tabloids. Item: TIME magazine editor Richard Stengel recently announced that Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke was TIME magazine's man of the year.

Question: What did he do to obtain this honor?

Answer: Bernanke spent up to $1.8 TRILLION of U.S. TAXPAYERS' money purchasing U.S. backed mortgage securities aka toxic derivatives that are worth ZERO!

All Bernanke has done is try to re-create a massive bubble aka a Federal Reserve Ponzi Scheme, which LOOTED the United States of America to begin with.

Note: Murdoch, who is currently trying to take over control of the entire U.S. media by purchasing NBC Television and the General Electric Company, without absorbing the derivatives involved in the purchase, is a lynch pin for media propaganda and lies who employees various members of FBI Division 5 as commentators and analysts.

We repeat, folks, Rupert Murdoch is a NATIONAL SECURITY RISK and a THREAT to the American Constitution.

P.P.S. Stay tuned for our next intelligence briefing, which will include an update on 9/11 and the massive NSA cover up involving the country of Yemen.

In closing, I have a special message to a noted internet blogger from the United Kingdom who seems interested in turning over the U.S. Republic to British Monarchical rule and allowing the Queen of England to hijack the U.S. Treasury.  We will have information in our next intelligence briefing dealing with British MI6 and their latest involvement in 'black ops' and criminal trickery on American soil directed against American patriots and all those who love our freedom and liberty.


It can now be reported that Jeff Fisher, whom I have identified in the past as a counter intelligence agent, has been arrested in New York City for threatening the life of Mayor Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Kelly.

Tonight we ask your help, folks, concerning any correspondence from Jeff Fisher aka the following e-mail accounts:

I will then forward the information to the U.S. Secret Service to assist in their investigation.

We can also divulge tonight that known FBI Division 5 COINTELPRO agent Timothy White aka Tim White is currently in Williston, North Dakota involved in illegal, UN-Constitutional activities, including the possibility that he is stalking a Federal Whistleblower.

White faces arrest for making countless physical threats against former Vice President Albert Gore Jr.

At this hour we thank you for any assistance.

May God Bless America.

International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL--reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.

Overlord at Yorktown remains relentless and victorious
4:39 AM   0 Comments    0 Kudos




 Sunday, December 20, 2009 
Final Instructions to Implement Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols
Awakening Americans: Behind the scenes intelligence briefings ALL Patriot Americans MUST know...the REAL facts and truth the corporate-controlled mainstream media covers up

by Tom Heneghan   International Intelligence Expert

Sunday  December 20, 2009

VITAL documents:

Final Instructions to Implement
Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols
Office of the President_16Dec09
Be sure to click on this url to view these VITAL documents

From: Central Bank Chairman, Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta <>
Subject: USTreasury Secretary H Paulson Computations of Personal Interest Accruals of USDollars 1.7 trilllion
To: "The Honorable, President Barack Obama" <>, "US President Barack Obama" <>, "UST_Financial Management Service" <>
Cc: "AFL-CIO_BlogNews" <>, "AFL-CIO_Bob Baugh" <>, "AFL-CIO_Devon Whitham" <>, "AFL-CIO_Eddie Vale" <>, "AFL-CIO_Marc Laitin" <>, "AFL-CIO_President Richard Trumka" <>, "APTA_President William Millar" <>, "APTA_Vice President Arthur Guzzetti" <>, "APTA_Vice President Petra Mollet" <>,, "Chairman Paul A. Volcker" <>, "Club de Paris" <>, "Colorado_Lori Brown" <>, "David DeJute, Esq" <>, "David Plouffe" <>, "DGA_Democrat Governors Assoc_C Milstein" <>, "DGA_Executive Director Nathan Daschle" <>, "Economic Policy Institute" <>, "Economic Policy Institute" <>, " Government Update" <>, "Florida_AFLCIO_President Mike Williams" <>, "Her Royal Highness, Princess Paula" <>, "Milwaukee Mayor_Tom Barrett" <>, "National Governors Association" <>, "Ombudsman_Andrew Alexander" <>, "President Buck Hill" <>, "President Claudie Pouncey" <>, "President Dan Reynolds" <>, "President Fred Frost" <>, "President Frederick Croon" <>, "President Gunnar Paulson" <>, "President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva" <>, "President Michael Nagle" <>, "President Pat Emmert" <>, "President Paul Wilson" <>, "President Robert Ray" <>, "President Robert Wood" <>, "President Russell Harper" <>, "RGA_Republican Governors Association" <>, "RGA_Executive Director Nick Ayers" <>, "SEIU_Eileen Connelly" <>, "Senator Jim Webb" <>, "Senator Jon Tester" <>, "Senator Evan Bayh" <>, "Senator Ben Nelson" <>, "Senator Blanche Lincoln" <>, "Senator Mark Begich" <>, "Senator Mark Pryor" <>, "Senator Mark Warner" <>, "Senator Mary Landrieu" <>, "Senator Michael Bennet" <>, "Senator Robert Byrd" <>, "The Honorable, Susan M Lynn" <>, "The National Law Journal" <>, "The Norwegian Nobel Institute" <>, "TransAmerica_James Corless" <>, "U. S. Public Interest Research Group" <>, "UMD_Professor Peter Morici" <>, "USPIRG_John Krieger" <>, "SEC Help" <>

Date: Monday, December 14, 2009, 12:58 PM

Urgent Communication
Office of the President
President Barack Obama
The White House
Washington, DC, USA

AMBASSADOR LEO WANTA,                     
                 Plaintiff,                   Civil Action No. 02-1363-A
Plaintiff's sole remedy in this matter is to proceed with the liquidation of the corporations and report these transactions to the Internal Revenue Service in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code and then challenge the assessment of any taxes in a refund proceeding.
Dated : April 15, 2003
Alexandria, Virginia                                    /s/ Gerald Bruce Lee
                                                                  UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE
Referencing the US Department of the Treasury, Henry Paulson, Jr. _Memorandum of Understanding_ and previous USTreasury computations of interest accruals, in lieu of treble damages, in favor of Lee Emil Wanta in the aggregate amount of USDollars 1.7 trillion, should now be updated due the continuing delayed lawful release of said personal/civil/repatriation CASH monetary funds, pursuant to the original USGovn " GAG ORDER ", inter alia.... Both interest accrual payments must be paid separately from the original USDollars 4.5 trillion for Personal/IRS/Repatriation/Private Trust income tax purposes and/or USGovn Rules and Regulations.
Thank you in advance for your kind and valued consideration.
The Principality of Snake Hill
Attn : Snake Hill Central Bank
         Chairman, Ambassador Lee E Wanta
Postal Box 488,  Baulkham Hills
NSW 2153

USA_DC Embassy Telefon : 202 379 2904 ext 001
Country Codes [3] :      QS      QSH     and     923

Contact numbers : 61 404 352 010 and/or 61 2 4017 0293.
                                  Telefax : - 61 2 9899 6725

Related background on the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols:

Following the money backwards leads to President Reagan, Russian rubles and Ambassador Leo Wanta           by Don Nicoloff
The story of how Ambassador Leo Wanta was commissioned by President Reagan to make $trillions for the American people in shrewd (but legal) currency trading that concentrated on buying Russian rubles at a discount to destabilize the Soviet economy surfaced in 1992.
Read the full story


Toys Out of the Attic and Protocols Update
See Part 1 of 2

Toys Out of the Attic and Protocols Update
See Part 2 of 2


International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL--reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.

Overlord at Yorktown remains relentless and victorious

8:11 PM  0 Comments  0 Kudos


 Sunday, December 20, 2009
Breaking News ALERT: Part 1 of 2 Toys Out of the Attic and Protocols Update
Awakening Americans: Behind the scenes intelligence briefings ALL Patriot Americans MUST know...the REAL facts and truth the corporate-controlled mainstream media covers up

by Tom Heneghan   International Intelligence Expert

Sunday  December 20, 2009


UNITED STATES of America  -  It can now be reported that major missile strikes are under way in the nation of Yemen designed to eliminate alleged Al Qaeda terrorists who have been classified by the National Security Agency (NSA) and elements of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) as major national security risks.
Dysfunctional U.S. Secretary of State, loser Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton and her
Iran-Contra conspirator U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates  AP

These attacks were directly ordered by the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate by current dysfunctional U.S. Secretary of State loser Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton and her old Iran-Contra business partner, current U.S. Secretary of Defense and daddy Bush stooge Robert Gates.

The attacks were ordered WITHOUT the direct knowledge of President Barack Obama, who was in Copenhagen, Denmark at the time at a global warming conference, where the President was actually negotiating the final details for the implementation of the noted Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols with French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

VITAL documents:

Final Instructions to Implement
Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols
Office of the President_16Dec09
Be sure to click on this url to view these VITAL documents

Related background on the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols:

Following the money backwards leads to President Reagan, Russian rubles and Ambassador Leo Wanta    by Don Nicoloff
The story of how Ambassador Leo Wanta was commissioned by President Reagan to make $trillions for the American people in shrewd (but legal) currency trading that concentrated on buying Russian rubles at a discount to destabilize the Soviet economy surfaced in 1992.
Read the full story

The missile attacks in Yemen are part of an overall U.S.-Israeli Mossad-NSA Delta Force team code name "Apocalyptic" whose aim is to eliminate former U.S.-CIA-NSA assets in Yemen who had a role in the 9/11 "Black Op" attacks on America.

These NSA assets were in direct communication with elements of British and Canadian Intelligence PRE 9/11 and some of them may actually be the identified alleged hijackers who were named as the orchestrators of the 9/11 attacks.

All of this is happening, folks, while 300 members of the Pakistani government have been placed under house arrest, which may be an NSA precursor to a U.S. government-sponsored "False Flag Black Op" directed by the "Apocalyptic" group,

which is a black op designed to FAKE Osama bin Laden's aka CIA employee Tim Osman's death         before New Years Eve.

Note: As we have reported on many occasions in previous intelligence briefings, CIA employee Tim Osman aka 9/11 patsy Osama bin Laden was allowed to escape the mountains of Tora Bora in December of 2001 by former illegal White House occupant George W. BushFRAUD across the border into the People's Republic of China where bin Laden aka Tim Osman DIED of kidney failure.

Related: New British Intelligence Document Confirms Osama bin Ladens Death

The timing of an attempt to FAKE Osama bin Laden's death [he is already dead, folks] coincides with a massive financial world war that is currently under way

 that is spiraling out of control as the year 2009 nears its end.

This, of course, coincides with the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols, which is due to be implemented on New Years Eve.

Accordingly, the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate may be trying to end run this process by finally declaring Osama bin Laden dead [through the use of a False Flag Black Op], zero out the CIA custodial accounts tied to Tim Osman aka Osama bin Laden

 and thus, accordingly, try to co-mingle funds involved in the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol implementation.

Note: For years the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate [using the TREASONOUS illegal Patriot Act] has illegally laundered the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds through CIA custodial accounts tied to the old Mujahideen, who were used to fight the Soviet occupation that was taking place in the 1980s in Afghanistan.

Clearly the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds is creating a race against the clock.
Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate Conspirators
Bill and Hillary Clinton with their 'handler' daddy Bush, BushFRAUD with daddy, daddy with Robert Gates

            P.S. We can now reveal that six (6) weeks ago the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate met at FBI Division 5 Gestapo headquarters in Denver, Colorado to discuss and implement a domestic NAZI-style program on U.S. soil, which, as we speak, is targeting the American People aka patriotic whistleblowers who wish to return the American People to Constitution Rule.

Attending this meeting were both Bushes, daddy and his son, BushFRAUD, along with both Bill and Hillary Clinton, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, and two semi-retired Generals Richard V. Secord and John K. Singlaub, both generals who were Iran-Contra-Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate bagmen.
Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate Iran-Contra Co-Conspirators
General Secord illegally pardoned by his criminal business partner
daddy Bush aka George Herbert Walker Bush (left), General Singlaub
pics: Terry Ashe/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images

          Both Secord and Singlaub are dangerous "BLACK OPS" specialists tied to FBI Division 5 Denver, Colorado GESTAPO, as well as the noted MKULTRA E-Systems mind control factory headquartered in Dallas, Texas.

The MKULTRA E-Systems company is also tied to the formation of seventy-two (72) units currently operating on American soil, which is designed to harass, intimidate and even murder American citizens aka patriotic whistleblowers

 who love their country and want their Constitution back.
depiction of mercenary types

The 72 units known as the "IE" units have a tie in to the old Blackwater Associates mercenary group that have engaged in political assassinations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

           Note: As you know, folks, we have identified in previous intelligence briefings two of the well known MKULTRA FBI Division 5 COINTELPRO stooges aka Timothy (Tim) White and Jeff Fisher, who have directly harassed and threatened myself.

They have been directed in various black ops directed against the American People aka patriotic whistleblowers from their FBI Division 5 headquarters in Denver, Colorado.

         Reference: Jeff Fisher has recently been arrested for threatening the life of New York City Mayor Bloomberg and the New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly.

At last report Fisher is being held in a mental hospital in the city of New York.

          It was Mayor Bloomberg of New York City, whom I have complimented on many occasions, who was actually the only noted New York state politician that came to the defense of Caroline Kennedy when she was victimized by the massive anti-Catholic smear directed against her by Rupert Murdoch-owned New York City tabloids as well as Bill and Hillary Clinton during the time period of December of 2008 when Caroline was seeking to become the next U.S. Senator from New York replacing then Senator Clinton.


P.P.S. It is no coincidence that we have had Fort Hood, Tiger Woods, the "IE" Watergate-style break ins that took place at Victoria University, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada (a place where Tim White hangs out) all happening in this current December time frame.

The break ins at Victoria University in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada were designed to dirty up former Vice President now year 2000 duly elected President Albert Gore Jr. who, of course, supports the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols. 

 We can now also divulge that the recent rail outages tied to the Eurostar rail line that connects rail travel under the English Channel from Paris to London is also an "IE" Blackwater operation intended to intimidate the government of France and its President Nicolas Sarkozy who currently concluded the final specifics with President Obama on the implementation of the noted Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols.

Yegor T. Gaidar       Yegor T. Gaidar
Sergei Guneyev/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images

If that is not enough, folks, we have just received a late breaking report that two (2) days ago former Russian Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar [code named St. Joseph] and the former Prime Minister to Russian President Boris Yeltsin,

 was assassinated aka poisoned to death.

Gaidar, who was tied to the old Wanta Russian ruble team directed against the old Soviet Union, had been representing former Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin in the final negotiations dealing with the implementation of the noted Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols.

Gaidar was also aware of the secret mega oil accounts set up for and on behalf of former Russian President Boris Yeltsin as well as both Bill and Hillary Clinton by current ABC News talk show host George Stephanopoulos.

Gaidar was also familiar with the 2,000 tons of gold (the actual property of Ambassador Leo Wanta) that was STOLEN out of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on the day of the 9/11 attacks and taken by rail from New York City to Nova Scotia, Canada.

The gold was eventually taken to the Philippines, smelted down and, along with U.S. Treasury notes, was used to pay off Osama bin Laden aka Tim Osman's alleged Al Qaeda group to play the role of 9/11 patsy.

See Part 2 of 2 below or click on url

International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL--reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.

Overlord at Yorktown remains relentless and victorious

4:26 PM   0 Comments  1 Kudos


 Sunday, December 20, 2009
Breaking News ALERT: Part 2 of 2 Toys Out of the Attic and Protocols Update
Awakening Americans: Behind the scenes intelligence briefings ALL Patriot Americans MUST know...the REAL facts and truth the corporate-controlled mainstream media covers up

by Tom Heneghan   International Intelligence Expert

Sunday  December 20, 2

P.P.P.S. As we reported in previous intelligence briefings, the illegal NSA spy operation aka Stellar Wind, which was activated and directed against the American People PRE 9/11, has been directly fingered in illegal spying against former Governor Eliot Spitzer and the aforementioned individuals mentioned in our last intelligence briefing.
Former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer (left)
Convicted Ponzi Scheme artist Bernard Madoff

As we reported, Spitzer was on the verge of busting the Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme before he was framed with a call girl at a foreign intelligence agency operated Washington D.C. escort service run by the late Madam Palfrey.

We can now report that current U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder rather than prosecuting the individuals of the NSA that engaged in this illegal spying against the American People is more interested in prosecuting people inside his own intelligence agency

 that blew the whistle on this criminal activity.

Warrantless electronic surveillance continues at Bush levels under Obama
By Wayne Madsen

(WMR) -- Warrantless wiretapping of communications and other illegal electronic surveillance operations are continuing under the Obama administration at levels commensurate with those seen during the George W. Bush administration. WMR has learned from informed sources that the Eric Holder Justice Department is also pursuing a criminal indictment against at least one intelligence agency official for leaking details of the National Security Agency’s warrantless wiretapping program with the previous Top Secret code name of “STELLAR WIND."  MORE

So, as of this hour, Eric Holder wants to prosecute people who want to defend the U.S. Constitution and enable those that shred it!
An aerial view of the super-secret NSA headquarters.

Yes, folks, we live in a dangerous country -- extremely dangerous if you are a freedom loving American who defends our Constitution.


 Final note: In closing, I want to make it extremely clear to the American People that the American media networks are under TOTAL CONTROL of the NSA and the GESTAPO element that occupies this nation.

I will elaborate on this in the next intelligence briefing, including the American media networks tie in to the NSA, CIA and FBI Division 5.

Recently Newsweek magazine aka British Intelligence put Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton and Henry Kissinger on its front cover and declared that she had a 77% approval rating.

Of course, TIME magazine has been overtly creating bogus polls supporting Hillary and former illegal White House occupant George W. BushFRAUD and has a non-secret agenda to have loser Hillary run against election stealing, narcotic trafficking Jeb Bush in the 2012 presidential election.            Believe me, folks, the media is totally obligated to the offshore hedge funds payments and salaries accrued through the illegal toxic derivative Ponzi Scheme for their network blabber and box talk.

MSNBC's Chrissy Pooh Matthews is a classic example.  Here is a stooge that makes $5 million a year, and has been on the payroll of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate for over sixteen (16) years.
Chrissy Pooh Matthews and loser Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton
Matthews has promoted Hillary Clinton ad naseum for years and years and once bragged about voting for nation wrecking, election stealing, Constitution shredding, cocaine snorting, homosexual in-the-closet, U.S. Treasury embezzling, AWOL war criminal George W. BushFRAUD in the year 2000 presidential election. 

 Matthews had been financially compromised to support BushFRAUD as well as promote Hillary Clinton for a future presidential race.

Matthews takes everything personally, including his dislike of former Vice President, now year 2000 duly elected President Albert Gore Jr.

However, last week Matthews reached a new low in which he attacked internet bloggers.

I guess Matthews thinks he is the only guy who has the right to make comments aka babble his big mouth full of nothing-ness.

Remember, folks, internet bloggers like myself do NOT make $5 million a year.

All Matthews has done over the years is to enable the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate destruction of the American Republic.


 Stay tuned for our next intelligence briefing, which will deal with FBI Division 5 informant Sean Hannity of FOX News         and his relationship to former right wing racist talk show host and FBI Division 5 informant Hal Turner.

Note: Turner recently had a mistrial in Brooklyn, New York, which dealt with charges against him concerning Turner's DIRECT email threats against various judges in Illinois.

Hannity, who has diarrhea of the mouth, is a known racist and fascist and is paid $5 million a year by FOX News owner Rupert Murdoch to promote the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate occupation of the United States.

By the way, folks, both Chris Matthews and Sean Hannity are close friends.

They cash their checks at the same bank (ha).

See Part 1 of 2 above


International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL--reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.

Overlord at Yorktown remains relentless and victorious
4:05 PM   0 Comments     1 Kudos





# Reade DH, fwd: HENEGHAN, "BREAKING NEWS: Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols Soon to be Implemented" (views: 1800)  hobie -- Saturday, 19-Dec-2009 02:30:21

    * Reader s: "I FORGET - IS WANTA A GOOD GUY OR A NOT-GOOD GUY? HOW ABOUT HENEGHAN...?" (views: 515) hobie -- Saturday, 19-Dec-2009 14:55:59
    * Reader MK: "EVERYBODY SHOULD GET REALLY UPSET ABOUT THIS REPORT" (views: 963)  hobie -- Saturday, 19-Dec-2009 15:03:51
          o Good Crook - Bad Crook? (views: 239)
            Lion -- Saturday, 19-Dec-2009 19:44:05
    * E-mail from WHISTLEBLOWER: "HENEGAN …….. GUARANTEED TOTAL MISINFORMATION" (views: 827) hobie -- Saturday, 19-Dec-2009 20:32:03
     o Reader MK: "WHISTLEBLOWER - MAYBE HENEGHAN IS TRYING TO SIGNAL SOMETHING TO SOMEONE...?" (views: 341)hobie -- Sunday, 20-Dec-2009 14:35:36
   E-mail from Candace: "HENEGHAN COULD WELL BE SENDING CODED MESSAGES, AND HERE'S WHY..." (views: 37) hobie -- Sunday, 20-Dec-2009 23:56:41

# E-mail from WHISTLEBLOWER: "A JOYFUL CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR" (views: 1010)  hobie -- Saturday, 19-Dec-2009 02:19:42




Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>    Date: Saturday, 19-Dec-2009 20:32:03

In Response To: Reade DH, fwd: HENEGHAN, "BREAKING NEWS: Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols Soon to be Implemented" (hobie)

        E-mail from Whistleblower:


        Dear Hobie,

        In respect of the latest Henegan article (referenced below) regarding the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterand Protocols, I have no option but to respond to this based upon the fact that I really don’t know what Henegan is trying to achieve with this total misinformation, but readers should ignore it in its totality, or continue to live in hope which is not even present in miniscule amounts.

        Reader DH, fwd: HENEGHAN, "BREAKING NEWS: Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols Soon to be Implemented"
        hobie -- Saturday, 19-Dec-2009 02:30:21;read=162894 ///

        What absolute misinformation from Henegan, whereby the only reason I can attribute to such rubbish, is to further confuse readers into thinking that at last something is happening (for whatever reason) when in fact nothing is happening.

        Many readers will be fully aware that over twelve months ago I explained the situation relative to the Wanta Funds and the Reagan-Mitterand Protocols in quite some detail, yet here comes Henegan attempting to give a large Christmas Present of Hope to Readers, when in fact there is absolutely nothing under the wrapping.

        To reiterate. The Reagan-Mitterand Protocols were an attempt to cover up the illegal transactions using, without authority, assets of the Collateral Accounts.

        Wanta was instrumental in all of this and did act illegally under the instructions of Reagan.

        In order to cover tracks and the illegal transactions that were being undertaken, Reagan called several countries together on the false pretence that the illegal Trading Program was to be distributed to those countries to assist them financially and for the betterment of those countries. France was a primary country in this matter.

        Those Countries executed a document (International Protocol, later to be referred to as the Reagan-Mitterand Protocols) on the assumption and in the belief that this was all legal, when in reality it was as crooked as crooked could possibly be.

        The intent of the illegal transactions conducted by Wanta, were to bring down Russian Communism, which as we all know, actually happened.

        At the end of all of this, there were considerable funds left in various Bank Accounts all over the world. Ultimately, Wanta tried to claim these excess funds for himself, which were subsequently referred to as the “Wanta Funds”.

        As it stands those excess funds have never been paid out to either “Wanta” or the Countries who executed the Protocols. The reason for this is because the Protocols were illegal and based upon the illegal and unauthorized use of assets of the Collateral Accounts, under the direction and instructions of Ronald Reagan.

        The excess funds, being generated from Trading Programs by the illegal use of assets of the Collateral Accounts, are in fact legally the property of the owner of the assets, being the Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility.

        The excess funds (in excess of $300 trill USD) have, some time ago I add, been credited / returned to the Collateral Accounts and are neither available, nor will be made available, to “Wanta” nor the Countries that executed the Reagan-Mitterand Protocols.

        Those funds will eventually be utilized, subject to all conditions being met, within every single Country of this world in a manner that is compliant to, and with, the terms and conditions of the numerous International Treaties that surround the Collateral Accounts.

        It must therefore be clearly stated, so that there is no misunderstanding whatsoever, that what Henegan is publishing now is, without any doubt whatsoever, total and absolute MISINFORMATION.

        As for the purpose, or reasons, behind this MISINFORMATION, we can only assume that it is a deliberate concoction of a story to give people hope at this time of the year, when there is an absolute zero (0) hope involved or even possible.

        In another article of response, one reader actually referred to the fact that release of the money against the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterand Protocols could be the prelude to the release of the money surrounding the “Prosperity Programs”.

        All I can say to this is “Don’t hold your breath” because such preposterous misinformation, as put out by Henegan, will NEVER HAPPEN ….. The Reagan-Mitterand Protocols will never be concluded because of their illegality. The funds surrounding these protocols have been returned / credited to their legal and rightful owner, being the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility. ...(..);read=162947



Copenhagen gets the Hose - very watered down>>>Excellent Paper

Posted By: in_PHI_nitti Date: Saturday, 19-Dec-2009 08:45:17

This has to be Best site for the exposure of science regarding Global Warming: /////

                        Parturient montes: nascetur ridiculus mus

From The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley in Copenhagen .

(( FROM: ))

The mountains shall labor, and what will be born? A stupid little mouse. Thanks to hundreds of thousands of US citizens who contacted their elected representatives to protest about the unelected, communistic world government with near-infinite powers of taxation, regulation and intervention that was proposed in early drafts of the Copenhagen Treaty, there is no Copenhagen Treaty. There is not even a Copenhagen Agreement. There is a “Copenhagen Accord”.

The White House spinmeisters spun, and their official press release proclaimed, with more than usual fatuity, that President Obama had “salvaged” a deal at Copenhagen in bilateral talks with China, India, Brazil, and South Africa, which had established a negotiating bloc.

The plainly-declared common position of these four developing nations had been the one beacon of clarity and common sense at the foggy fortnight of posturing and gibbering in the ghastly Copenhagen conference center.

This is what the Forthright Four asked for:

Point 1. No compulsory limits on carbon emissions.

Point 2. No emissions reductions at all unless the West paid for them.

Point 3. No international monitoring of any emissions reductions not paid for by the West.

Point 4. No use of “global warming” as an excuse to impose protectionist trade restrictions on countries that did not cut their carbon emissions.

After President Obama’s dramatic intervention to save the deal, this is what the Forthright Four got:

Point 1. No compulsory limits on carbon emissions.

Point 2. No emissions reductions at all unless the West paid for them.

Point 3. No international monitoring of any emissions reductions not paid for by the West.

Point 4. No use of “global warming” as an excuse to impose protectionist trade restrictions on countries that did not cut their carbon emissions.


Here, in a nutshell – for fortunately nothing larger is needed – are the main points of the ”Copenhagen Accord”:

Main points: In the Copenhagen Accord, which is operational immediately, the parties“underline that climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time”; emphasize their “strong political will to urgently combat climate change”; recognize “the scientific view that the increase in global temperature should be below 2 C°” and perhaps below 1.5 C°; aspire to “cooperate in achieving the peaking of global and national emissions as soon as possible”; acknowledge that eradicating poverty is the “overriding priority of developing countries”; and accept the need to help vulnerable countries – especially the least developed nations, small-island states, and Africa – to adapt to climate change.

Self-imposed emissions targets: All parties will set for themselves, and comply with, emissions targets for 2020, to be submitted to the secretariat by 31 January 2010. Where developing countries are paid to cut their emissions, their compliance will be monitored. Developed countries will financially support less-developed countries to prevent deforestation. Carbon trading may be used.

New bureaucracies and funding: Under the supervision of a “High-Level Panel”, developed countries will give up to $30 billion for 2010-12, aiming for $100 billion by 2020, in “scaled up, new and additional, predictable and adequate funding” to developing countries via a “Copenhagen Green Fund”. A “Technology Mechanism” will “accelerate technology development and transfer” to developing countries.

And that’s it. Expensive, yes. Unnecessary, yes. But earth-shaking? No.

The disconnect between the gaseous halations of various grandstanding “world leaders” about the supposedly urgent need to “Save The Planet Now” and the puny outcome of the Copenhagen Non-Event is dazzling. And it is welcome.

For all the rhetoric – or the flatulence that passes for rhetoric these days – it has begun to dawn on the “leaders” of those nations that subject them to regular recall and re-election that the people no longer believe the mad scientists are telling them the truth.

 And the people are right.

What is more, after the failure of the mainstream news media to report what the malevolent and unpleasant scientists involved in the Climategate affair had written to one another about those with whom they disagreed, or about what they had done to invent, fabricate, contrive, fiddle, tweak, alter, massage, conceal, hide or even destroy scientific data for the sake of protecting and peddling the pseudo-science in which environment correspondents had so readily and so ignorantly believed, the people no longer trust the media.

       And that is bad news for a governing class that has come to develop a far-too-cosy relationship with the mainstream media. It is also very bad news for the mainstream media themselves, which are now rapidly losing circulation and ad revenue as the people rightly desert them for the Internet, where - notwithstanding various expensive attempts by the over-funded international Left to interfere with Google and Yahoo searches - the truth is still available if you know where to look.

Copenhagen was the last-chance saloon not for the planet, which does not need saving, but for the UN’s world-government wannabes. They blew it, big-time, by believing their own overspun propaganda about planetary peril and thinking they had “world leaders” where they wanted them. They overreached themselves, and have paid the price.

Even though next year is an el Nino year accompanied by fast-recovering solar activity, 2010 may not, after all, set a new global-temperature record to overtop that which was set in 1998, the year of the Great el Nino.

By the time the next yackfest takes place in Mexico City in December 2010, the steam will have gone out of the “global warming” scare. We should not let our guard down, but Copenhagen is more than the end of the beginning for Green fascism: it is the beginning of the end. The eco-Nazis’ attempt at global bureaucratic coup d’etat has failed, and no such attempt is likely to succeed again. Too many of you are watching.



++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Ken6@Ken-Welch.Com,,,,

