casper27 (3)
 casper august-27-09               #1
Not mentioned before now is that the packs, all packs, have been held at the CHINESE EMBASSY in D.C. since being retrieved from Treasury and the Supreme Court a week or so ago. Acting on World Court orders it was their responsibility to get the packs to distribution points around the country for pick up and delivery by secret methods and they have done so twice more after the fiasco involving the Ambassadors WE previously reported. On both occasions, upon arrival, CHINA refused to hand over the packs to the secret delivery helpers who were present and ready as scheduled.
Behind the scenes CHINA was attempting to negotiate immunity for THE BUSH'S and delaying deliveries as leverage in negotiations which were turned down flat by the Court. Huge financial penalties were applied to CHINA by the Court because of the delays with CHINA then claiming they were unable to pay then further delaying by pulling the packs back a second time. Remember, as WE have previously reported, Red China is just as broke as OBAMA. The funds to keep the U.S. alive comes through the Chinese Gov't. alright and appears publicly as U.S. debt to them but in fact the funds are provided by the five dynasty families to avoid a complete meltdown of the U.S. and the horrific consequences to the American people. Then, to add insult to injury CHINA attempted more trades to try and generate the funds to pay the penalties, all were blocked of course.
There is more, but it is unnecessary and superfluous. The situation is being dealt with.
WE can't afford to be specific at this moment, so lets just say  the "high alert" message from yesterday is still applicable and the sign is flashing.
                  casper   8-27-09               #1

Casper #2            august-27-09
The packs never made it into the hands of the Good Guys who are on Standby
 to do the deliveries.
China continues to play hide and seek with the packs while lying to the world in the process.
The immunity demands reported this morning are real and part of the stall,
 but another issue has come to light this afternoon, which helps to explain why the packs are back in the Chinese Embassy as we write.
After the scheduled delivery of Freedom  today, the banking and monetary systems change over was scheduled for midnight tonight,  after which the criminals ill gotten gains, hidden around the world, including their overload of toxic derivatives,   would have been worthless.
By stalling the deliveries, China, with the indirect assistance of the World Court as they refused to go into the Embassy to retrieve the packs, were working with Bush to create a scenario     in which they would be able to obtain the 'One for One' exchange of their stolen funds apparently without having to prove the source of those funds. 
This would also apply to their stores of derivatives.
Weather this is because of complicated "legalese" written into various documents, or simply the latest scam being attempted by the best scammers and con artists the world has ever known, we don't know yet.
Suffice it to say this poorly written explanation does not originate with us, but with brighter allies from the Legal realms.
We are once again back into a 'wait and see'  posture.
More when possible.
Casper  #2   08-27-09
Casper #3              08-27-09
The over all situation this afternoon has deteriorated from " DELIVERIES ARE ABOUT TO START" into a Legal quagmire
 in which the World Court is again failing to perform any of it's responsibilities.
They are NOT helping to obtain possession of the packs from the Chinese Embassy.
They are not pursuing the arrests.
They are not pushing for the announcements.
They are not attempting to over come the Bush/ Red China sabotage efforts in any way whatsoever.
Having convinced themselves " They" have found a Legal Loophole allowing them to exchange their stolen booty 'One for One', Bush and his allies are now about the business of convincing others, including certain countries, that they too, will be able to turn everything on it's head and exchange all things Fiat for Metals Backed Money, 'One for One'
 no matter how corrupt the "source of funds."
At the center of this unfolding legal crisis are the 40 Freedom account deliveries previously made to Obama allies, illegally delivered, but then Legally confiscated,
and the resulting argument/"fact" that these deliveries, although illegal and made clandestinely for nepherious purposes, served the technical purpose, even though un-intended, of legally triggering the announcements, while at the same time all other same program participants had their packages illegally withheld. 
These 40 packages were signed for legally   even though the delivery of them was illegal.
Any subsequent paperwork that those recipients may have signed is illegal so say Judges we are talking with.
To simplify, everything they are trying to do, led by Bush Sr., is designed to again enrich themselves while simultaneously screwing everyone else,
 and Red China is facilitating the attempt
 while the World Court stands by...Mute and quite possibly "purchased".
All this at the very last moment just as everything is in place for delivery for several days in a row, just as the background banking change over     is ready to take place. 
What "they" are trying to do, if the above attempt to explain it is not sufficient, is to obtain a 100% conversion of their stolen funds and their worthless assets, while simultaneously stopping the announcements and the arrests. Then and only then, letting our deliveries go, .....and leaving "WE THE PEOPLE" at the mercy of Obama, Homeland Security, Black Water (XE), Carlisle,Acorn and every other group of vampires and snakes  in Washington, NY, etc.
It's a mess, with the outcome up in the air.
More when possible.
casper  #3     08-27-09
more from casper;