LIVE AMERICAN POWs HELD IN BURMA: Please scroll down to this Addendum,
which highlights the fact that when Senator Jim Webb picked up an
American in Burma recently, as reported below, HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO
That's because Burma's a key component in
George H. W. Bush's drug-related deception relative to the Golden Triangle,
and nothing, but NOTHING, must EVER be allowed to destabilise that
verily colossal dimension of the global crisis, must it?
But when THAT explodes, as it WILL,
we'll know all about it, and the US perpetrators will indulge in a
soul-wrenching whining for mercy. When THAT happens, NO MERCY MUST BE
On August 25th 2009, we invite YOU, and all of humanity to
participate in a Global Independence Day where we will celebrate the
freedom and creativity of the human spirit as we completely disengage
for an entire day from all monetary transactions, thereby declaring a
complete disengagement from the established Politico-Economic Matrix
that enslaves us. We invite you to for an entire day celebrate the
human family, the Earth, Nature, and the freedom and creativity of the
human spirit and relinquish the malign viral instrument of money which
only serves to enslave. We wish for this to be a global event so please
tell as many people as you can. We look forward to your participation
in this celebration and wish you all well. Thank you for your love and
support for truth and freedom and thank you most of all for your
August 24, 2009 9:53 AM PLANS TO TAKE
((by)) StopTheWarCrimes August 21, 2009
jessewoodrow (( ))
first INTERNATIONAL Swine Flu Conference finishes today 21st August. As
Jesse Woodrow states in this video, THERE HAS NOT BEEN ANY MENTION OF
PLEASE go to google news and type in "Swine Flu Conference" You would
think it would be the top news article.
Monday, 24 August 2009 H.R. 645 and The FEMA Concentration
Camps 'Throughout
the 20th Century, mankind's governments have sought to gain control
over their populations with food, water, bio-warfare, guns, tanks,
militarized death squads, militarized police, propaganda,
mis-information, entertainment, and the good old original
The United States and the
West are no different than the
"third world" banana republics and dictators; its just the methods the
western democracies use have been refined through trial and error. The
lies become bigger and the controlled corporate media outlets push the
big lie so people end up believing anything the mainstream news
endorses. Point of fact - alternative news media or sources are not
generally believed by the public until the story breaks on a major news
outlet. Enter the FEMA Camps....(...)
The most notable of these
camps which became the symbol of
the plight of the people in New Orleans who did not get out was the New
Orleans Saints NFL Stadium. After the storm, Martial Law was
FEMA, The National Guard and Blackwater (as it was then called)
were utilized to confiscate guns and process refugees into these
concentration camps, or relief shelters. Were law abiding
rights violated? Often. Were they exterminated systematically?
Check out this video of the Military Police and National Guard forcing
people from their homes and confiscating firearms from law abiding
people. And you say it can't happen to
you? What if there is a
national crisis, such as a "Swine Flu" outbreak and then everyone
becomes a suspect.
Enter H.R.
645. The National Emergency Centers Establishment Act
submitted by Democrat Alcee L Hastings of Florida. The bill
for Homeland Security to use KBR, a subdivision of Haliburton, to
create no fewer than six national facilities for the concentration of
civilian internees on military installations.
Enter Field
Manual 3-19-40 Military Police Internment / Resettlement Field
Operations. This field manual is the basis of operations for the
handling of all forms people in all situations. From
the definitions
section of Chapter 1, we can be labeled a CIVILIAN INTERNEE which
the manual defines is:
person who is interned during armed conflict or occupation if he is
considered a security risk or if he needs protection because he
committed an offense (insurgent, criminal) against the detaining power.
A CI is protected according to the Geneva Convention Relative to the
Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (GC), 12 August 1949."
above definition is very broad. It fails to identify the "detaining
power" (Can you say UN Forces deployed to US in the advent of Civil
Unrest?) It also states that the "civilian internee" needs
"protection" because he committed an "offense" - who makes these
of what an "offense" is? A military commander? An international
organization such as the UN or NATO? A Global World
Below is an example of a mid-level internment camp for the field of
operations of the United States military. ....(....)
Enter the REX 84 Program: A plan for the
continuity of
Government in which dissidents would be rounded up and processed during
the event of civil unrest in the United States. Fox New's beloved
Oliver North was involved in the planning of this operation.
Representative of Oregon Democrat Peter DeFazio of the 4th District had
this to say about the REX 84 Program during September of 2008 when the
Stock Market crashed.
Ladies and Gentlemen, there is a plan
that is in place to be executed by the Federals to lock down the cities
and towns across our land and to begin gun confiscation. There is
plan to deal with mass quarantining of the population and its
subsequent internment and suspension of the Constitutional rights of
Citizens. Now that you know, you can plan with this in mind
when a
"national emergency" is declared and some group of unscrupulous people
seek to gain total control over the population or portions of political
dissidents - you now know what power the Federals will not hesitate to
utilize for their insidious ends.
will end my presentation with a quote from a speech that everyone
knows. The "give me liberty" speech by Patrick Henry. What
is not
well known is his down to earth way of looking at the colonists
"Ask yourselves how this gracious reception of our
petition comports with those warlike preparations which cover our
waters and darken our land. Are fleets and armies necessary to a work
of love and reconciliation? Have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be
reconciled that force must be called in to win back our love? Let us
not deceive ourselves, sir." - Patrick Henry, March
23, 1775
'The information on this blog is in regard to the swine flu
pandemic and the mandatory swine flu vaccine that the Government and
the World Health Organisation will force upon us. The information is
laid out in date order and is a series of internet links to news
stories that totally discredit all the misinformation, lies and deceit
that the main stream media have been putting out.'
Monday, 24 August 2009
Newspaper Confirmed the Involvement of Mossad in the Kidnapping of
Russian Cargo Ship
'According to sources, the Nezavisimaya Gazeta newspaper that the
persons who are suspected pirates who boarded the cargo ship "Arctic
Sea" In fact, members of the Israeli intelligence (Mossad) were trying
to prevent the ship from the transfer of weapons to Iran.'
August 24, 2009 1:48 PM ((posted)) //
August 22, 2009,
written. Mossad’s involvement in the kidnapping of Russian cargo
has been confirmed ..what now?
A: According to sources, a Russian newspaper that the persons who
are suspected of being pirates who boarded the cargo ship "Arctic Sea",
in fact, members of the Israeli intelligence (Mossad) were trying to
prevent the ship from the transfer of weapons to Iran.
. The ship had disappeared more than three weeks of monitoring off
the west coast of Africa and the Russian forces from the liberalization
of the crew of 15 sailors Russia on Monday near the Cape Verde Islands.
According to Russian media that the ship may have been, "Arctic
Sea" cruise missile X-55 illegally hidden among a load of sawdust.
She told "Novaya Gazeta" that the men working on behalf of the
Israeli Mossad kidnapped the ship, adding that the sudden visit of
Israeli President Shimon Peres to Moscow this month, 18 day after the
location of the "Arctic Sea" was to contain the situation.
He called on Peres, according to the newspaper, during the Moscow
visit, that the provision to Iran of weapons or missile defense systems.
Russian authorities deny that the vessel was smuggling weapons
The Russian authorities had earlier denied speculation that the
cargo ship Arctic Sea, which lost about three weeks ago that was
smuggling weapons.
He said Russian Ambassador to the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO), Dmitry Rogozin, the claims by some military
experts that there were cruise missiles bound for Iran, hidden beneath
a cargo ship from sawdust are allegations of "fake" and "ridiculous."
Rogozin added that the deployment of a Russian fleet in the Black
Sea at great cost to free the hijacked ship was for the Russian
sailors, not the supposed shipment of arms.
Formally charged
In developments, the Russian authorities on Friday formally
charged eight people on charges of abduction of the cargo ship "Arctic
The Russian news agency Interfax that the Russian investigators,
the eight men accused of the abduction of Russian sailors who were on
board the ship in addition to piracy.
The report said that the list of suspects includes a Lithuanian,
Russian, three people without identity, contrary to all previous
reports, the list included Spain, and is currently investigating the
nationality of two others are suspected of nationality.
August 24, 2009 12:15 PM America, End Your
Fear Of Wall Street ((posted))
James Raider August 20, 2009,written.
Few Americans have the time to educate themselves on the
operations of those who control the most critical elements at the heart
of the Nation’s well being. The Kings of Wall Street have long coveted
the absolute supremacy they now enjoy over the largest economy in the
world. Their road to ascendancy has been long and methodical, but with
the collapse of the mortgage and equity bubbles, the past year’s
actions by those pillars of persuasive absolutism on Wall Street
confirm that their dominance is unprecedented in American history.
A vast majority of Americans must have been astounded by
Bernanke’s recent response to Congress’s request that the Government
Accountability Office (GAO) audit the Federal Reserve’s financial
transactions and assets. The following was the heart of Bernanke’s
response, “… auditing ... would be highly destructive to the stability
of the financial system, the dollar and our national economic
situation.” The GAO is a legislative branch agency organized under the
U.S. Congress. How is it possible that Bernanke would have had the guts
to tell Congress to go fly a kite? This is the same Federal Reserve
whose power Obama wants to expand? Does he really have a good grasp of
the true nature of Wall Street and the functions of its insiders?
Perhaps the $14 million he received from Wall Street bankers,
investment firms and securities brokers during the election campaign
are clouding his perception
Bernanke not only screamed an emphatic, "no," but he had the gall
to threaten Congress and the American people with economic destruction.
How is such arrogance and power remotely possible? While it might be
tolerated if coming from the oval office, it should not be tolerated
from a banker. It is also, for anyone who is watching, an obnoxious
affront to the Constitution as articulated in Article I, Section 8,
“The Congress shall have power to … coin money, regulate the value
thereof, and of foreign coin, and … to borrow money on the credit of
the United States.” Does this resemble anything we have witnessed
during the past year? Not remotely.
Through a century of market ups and downs, interest rate
fluctuations, mergers, acquisitions, political influence, lobbying and
positioning insiders to the most powerful government and government
related institutions, the Kings of Wall Street have nurtured and
advanced their isolated power to a point where they are responsible to
no one. After the Fed created hundreds of billions in bailout dollars
to purchase unaudited toxic waste from its “friends,” these same
friends paid themselves billions of dollars in bonuses. These were
billions more than the amounts they distributed to their own
shareholders, and the rationalizations were as asinine as the bonuses.
Obama’s wishful thinking and promises of “oversight and transparency,”
over trillions of Fed dispensations, have long been attenuated by the
dissonance of fear. Stating that the Fed and Wall Street’s autonomy is
complete, would be a gross understatement.
When Bernanke told Congress and the world that if AIG was not
bailed out, the international economic order would come tumbling down,
did the majority of his listeners believe him? Absolutely. Panic was
being incessantly pounded into the public’s consciousness. Unless a
handful of senior players from the banking sector didn’t get their way,
the underpinnings of the global economy would disintegrate, and the
world as we knew it would come to an immediate halt. Paulson chanted
the refrain, and shortly thereafter so did Geithner, whose performance
made sure that the message was delivered with the requisite amount of
perspiration and earnestness accentuating the urgency. Above all, he
underscored the fear.
Individuals, who could not care less about the health of America,
just as they never cared about their firms’ clients, control the
economic engines of this country. Their egos dictate their actions, and
satisfaction of abnormal greed is the compelling priority. The details
of the business, and its legalities, … be damned. Have we forgotten
that when Lehman Brothers collapsed overnight, no one knew there had
been a problem? None of its executives knew the extent of the calamity
when it hit their firm, nor did their books indicate where assets might
be hiding or what claims might exist against them. Transparency? Due
diligence? Forget being a shareholder looking for information since the
senior executives, the CEO and the Board of Directors were oblivious.
Was there any conscious human being near the top of the Lehman ladder
who cared enough to raise doubts? Would he or she have been listened
to? Not likely
When you are too preoccupied picking out the leather for your new
executive jet, or refurnishing your third mansion in Cap D’Antibe, you
don’t have time to spend on corporate incidentals such as the details
of an audited financial statement. Even if there had been a spare
moment, you’d have to fly to that Bridge tournament in Chicago, … or
some other urgent pastime where your “friends,” or your ego expect an
There is a culture of omnipotence that has been very pervasive
throughout all of Wall Street’s major firms during the past two
decades. It has reached a level of absolute and supreme potency within
a few of its more majestic mindsets like those at the top of firms such
as Goldman and Morgan. These firms have by design created complex webs
of interwoven corporate entities, crossing geopolitical borders with
questionable practices beyond the boundaries of laws and oversight.
Theirs has been a comfortable ride, since there is no will on the part
of any government to provide intrusive oversight to the investment
banking giants, therefore effective oversight is simply an ephemeral,
wishful thought on the part of a cornered public......(...)
4. Cap the size of banks so that their executives more naturally
demonstrate concern for soundness of lending decisions, and the well
being and success of their regional customers. Banking should be a
service, and should not be a casino where the management can pilfer the
till as has been repeatedly demonstrated wantonly by the major Wall
Street firms.
5. Allow the FDIC to do its job, and instruct
it to
play serious hardball with the risk takers who come into its line of

This is not minor tweaking of the
This is also not a call for the establishment of a consumer
protection agency to police all things financial from credit cards to
mortgages. Common sense dictates implementation of a structural
reconstruction. The proposed Consumer Financial Protection Agency would
only be an ill-defined expansion of the government payroll,
proliferating government reach into more corners of society when there
are agencies already entrusted to protect consumers are not doing their
jobs. Proposing the launch of such an inappropriate meddling amoeba is
evidence of government ignorance of the realities on Wall Street.
America, your government is lying to you. You’ve been had, and are
being had. It has no idea what is going on with your money. Those few
bureaucrats who have ensconced themselves in positions of unnatural
power and influence, and who manage the joystick, won’t tell you the
truth. Even more pathetic is the fact that neither Congress, nor the
President, know enough about the mechanics of America’s economy to
apply practical judgment decisions in the refashioning of the system, …
nor, it seems, do they have the will to act. Considering the fact that
the current administration continued the trend of installing those who
had a healthy hand in packing the powder keg that ignited into the
economic disaster now encumbering the nation, we cannot expect much
change. The billions of dollars that politicians received from Wall
Street over the past decade through campaign contributions and
lobbying, was insurance on their continuing silence, and stifled any
burgeoning ethics.
Taxpayers have become disillusioned by the abuse they have endured
at the hands of special interests, and the lack of intelligent, common
sense response from their elected officials. A broad swath of the
electorate is wearied. Congress should pay attention to 2012, and the
electorate should demonstrate a little selfishness. Taxpayers should
look for some creative thinking instead of the tired old nursery rhymes
dispensed from portable pulpits.

Banking is not a magical, abstract, or obscure foreign art,
although some of the fringe elements have become complex by design,
such as the proliferation of derivative financial instruments.
Government is protecting special interests and is NOT forcing a
restructuring of America’s financial system. Taxpayers should demand
that capitalism be reinstated back into the banking system. They should
demand that Wall Street’s power elite end its mortgaging of the
American future. Taxpayers should ignore platitudes and bromides from
Obama and Congress, and they demand a break-up of Wall Street’s major

Taxpayers should be lining up in the next elections to install
individuals into Congress, no matter what party they might represent,
who will take back control of the most important components of the
economy, and ensure that the country has a chance at a sound future.
The electorate should not allow the continuing concentration of
financial power to accumulate in fewer and fewer irresponsible and
egocentric hands.
Take control back from Wall Street, demand transparency, and quit
bailing out firms that should be allowed to fail. Stop being mesmerized
by the pretense and illusion that was perfected under Alan Greenspan.
Take back control of the money supply before another crisis turns a
struggling economy with escalating debt, into a long term depressed
You Need To Keep This- You're Going To Need It Because Your Life Will
Depend On it!!
During my twelve years service as a Judge, I always insisted on
the truth and placed justice above law and order! I could have
prepared this article indicia of a research paper however; people tend
to lose interest when articles of this nature become too technical.
Science has taught us that, “For every action there is a positive
reaction!” If your life on earth resembles a Matrix, it is
you’re seeing things for the first time, with eyes wide open, but you
feel confused! That feeling of confusion is appropriate because the
information you are now digesting, contradicts much of the information
you have been spoon fed throughout your life! I named this paper after
the movie “The Matrix,” written by the Wachowsi brothers. After reading
this, watch the movie and you will notice many similarities.
In 2002, my brother ran into a problem with the IRS and to help
him out, I began to research the Tax Code. One thing led to another and
suddenly I was uncovering information about our government, which was
directly in conflict with the U.S. Constitution and what I have been
led to believe throughout my life. In time I began to interface with
people from every state in the Republic, who were doing the same thing
I was doing; some for the same reason and others for different
We began to trade our research and the facts I uncovered was
totally in contradiction to the history of America, which had been
taught to us in public school and the principals of law, I had absorbed
during my service as a Judge. I began to assist people to prepare and
file suits in the courts and I filed several of my own. At one point,
because of the information I’m about to provide to you; I became
extremely depressed. After about three months, I eventually shook it
off and continued on with my research.
My hope in writing this is to help you, the reader, make sense of
it all, which will require you to wash your mind clean of the
brainwashing you were subjected to by our government, our government
controlled public schools and church’s and reeducate yourself. When you
understand the actions, the reactions will make sense, and it should
anger you! Eventually, you will have a choice to make; a choice
will define: “How to survive life in, The Matrix?” In ‘The Matrix’
nothing is real however, your mind has been conditioned to believe it
is real! The Matrix is far too big to defeat; no one can escape it, and
we haven’t the means or intelligence to beat those in control! Through
my research, I discovered that America is a society of functional
illiterates! I remind you that this is not my opinion, I’m just
The people in charge of the Matrix represent the most powerful and
intelligent humans on earth. When gifted children appear in the public
schools of the world, they are courted with scholarships, money and
eventually memberships into secret societies! They will be introduced
to very persuasive intellectuals, who will convince these young gifted
people, that it is their place and duty to be a part of the elite who
rule the worlds population, because the rest of the worlds population
are too stupid to make decisions for themselves (their comment - not
the “New World Order” is officially and openly in control, only the
extremely intelligent will be allowed to propagate.
Everyone else will be sterilized or murdered through staged pandemics,
used to eliminate excessive populations! Every Foreign Revolution, the
World Wars, the Depression, Prohibition, Korea, Vietnam, the Middle
East conflict and the Influenza Epidemic during World War I; was
planned and orchestrated by these people!
Many early writers researched much of this history and were forced
to fund their own publication and the distribution of their work. Most
never received the acclaim they deserved, and never knew our government
was responsible for their failures! I am prepared to supply anyone
interested with mounds of research in support of what I have written
When I’ve conveyed parts of this information in court documents,
the opposition’s lawyer, responds to their clients that, “I’m just
crazy,” and if the judge is within earshot of that comment, he will nod
his head in judicial agreement! Well, I guess that caps it! If a lawyer
and a lawyer judge, both contend that I am crazy, then I must be crazy!
They wouldn’t lie to you, or would they?
THE motive of our Founding Fathers was totally self-centered. It
was their personal greed that inspired them to accept the task of
writing the Constitution of the United States and not patriotism!
actuality, the United States is not a land or a place: ‘It is a
corporation, a legal fiction that existed well before the Revolutionary
War.’ [See: Republica v. Sween, 1 Dallas 43 and 28 U. S. C. 3002 (15)].
The Constitution of the United States was written in secret by the
Founding Fathers and was never presented to the Colonists for a vote.
Surely, any document as important as this demanded the approval of the
people it governed! Well, it wasn’t presented for a vote because the
Constitution wasn't created for "We the People," it was created by and
for the Founding Fathers, their family, heirs and their posterity!
The Constitution is a business plan and any reference
within it that appears to be the safeguard of a ‘Right’ is there
because none of the Founding Fathers trusted each other. The safeguards
were intended to prevent any one or group of them from cutting out the
others! Proving that; “There’s no honor among thieves!”
Americans are not unlike all other humans who inhabit the earth.
All human beings possess malleable minds, which are minds that can be
shaped and controlled; and when government shapes and controls a mind,
it’s called “brainwashing.” Brainwashing causes the subject to become
‘functionally illiterate.’ In America, our functional ignorance excels
in the areas of history, government and law, which really are one in
the same.
Ninety-eight percent of the officials in public office are
lawyers and these so-called representatives set policy and created the
laws that govern this society. Their use of Greek and Latin terms in
law and the habit of changing definitions and usage of common words is
intentional. The intent is to confound and confuse the general public;
and to hide the treason they are implementing; and so that members of
the public are forced or decide to hire a lawyer out of frustration,
rather than try to represent themselves in our, ‘fictional courts of
law.’ As you read on I’ll explain to you why and how, our courts and
laws are fictional!
There has never been a law on the books created by the Congress,
which made it illegal for a common man to practice law. Every Judge of
a District, Circuit or Appeal Court, except Justices and Magistrates,
is a lawyer and a member of the Bar. These Judges have the authority to
establish local rules of court and those mentioned, have created a
local rule that prevents common people from representing any other
person in their court or ‘to practice law without a license!’ A license
requires that you produce your Bar Association number. For those who
don’t know, the Bar Association is simply a ‘Lawyers Union,’ and when
lawyers are accepted into the Bar, they are required to swear
allegiance to a foreign power! The American Bar Association is a branch
of a national organization titled; “The National Lawyers Guild
Communist Party” and can be found recorded in the United States Code
at: [28 U. S. C. 3002, section 15a]. They have become so big and
entrenched that they no longer fear reprisal!
Whenever I tell people that there is no actual law that makes it a
crime to represent another person in court, their reaction is, “liar!”
I remind them that Abraham Lincoln and Clarence Darrow never went to
law school or passed the Bar, but their reaction is understandable
because the Bar is a very powerful organization and its members have
infiltrated every nitch of American life and business.
How many times in your life have you heard, “You can’t
law without a license?” I’ve heard it said in numerous movies spanning
one hundred years; in my mother’s soaps and by comedians in jokes and
in theatrical skits. I’ve seen the phrase in print in newspaper
articles, magazines and heard it on the radio! Before I learned the
truth about this fact, even my personal lawyer made that comment to me!
We all have been brainwashed to believe a lie and because we’ve heard
it so often from people we trust, and who are supposed to have our best
interest at heart; we all just assume it must be true! How many other
lies have you assumed, “it must be true?”
Our American society has been
lied to by their government
and lawyers more times than you will sign your name in your lifetime,
and we have been indoctrinated “brainwashed” to believe that the
Constitution was created for “We the People.” The purpose behind these
lies is to make you believe that you are free, safe, protected and
secure, and it is all a hallucination! How many of you have studied
each line of the Constitution; the Statutes at Large and the Articles
of Confederation, armed with a reputable dictionary or a law dictionary
from that era? If you take the time to do this, you will soon
that the true purpose of the Constitution was to create a business plan
and to establish a Military Government, for the protection of the
Founding Fathers, the Kings commerce, protection of his Agents and the
future control of his subject Slaves! Even the preamble of the U. S.
Constitution is a clue to the lie and which states, “ ourselves
and our posterity!” If you never saw the title, “The Constitution,” and
you were never told what this document was about; what do you think
would be your first impression upon hearing or reading: “
ourselves and our posterity!”
The CONSTITUTION is not for “We the People” and
Matrix of misinformation. In the eyes of those in control; America is
nothing more than a large Plantation and “We the People” are the
Slaves. In many U. S. and World Treaties, the term “high contracting
powers” is used to define your Masters! Everyone else is considered by
them to be their Slaves!
All of the Founding Fathers had two things in common. They all
shared the gift of a good education or were gifted individuals, and
they all came from families of business and/or substance. These men all
suffered from, “visions of grandeur!” They viewed America as their one
opportunity to make them powerful and wealthy... to ourselves and our
posterity!” Initially, their plan was to steal America away from the
King; despite the fact that King George funded the exploration of the
New World, which legally gave him first claim to all new continents
The seizure of the Americas by the Kings explorers was not as it
has been depicted in our history books, presented to us by our
government, in our government controlled public schools. Native
Americans (the Indians) were murdered, their villages burned, many were
enslaved, infected by diseases brought from England and their lands
taken by force and the threat of force, by these early explorers! The
Indians were labeled savages by these immigrant explorers from England,
but the true savages were our English ancestors!
One thing the Founding Fathers did not know, was that all of the
Kings lands and all future acquisitions such as the AMERICAS, had been
given and pledged by King John to Pope Innocent III and the Holy Roman
Church, by the Treaty of 1213.
After that fact was proven to the Founding Fathers; King
and representatives from the Vatican; decided to use the Constitutional
draft created by the Founding Fathers, to further their plan to control
the Colonists! Control attained by bringing the Colonists to their
knees in debt! Any way you read it, the Constitution was never written
with the intent of benefitting the American people!
Did you know that 98% of the Law Schools in America and England do
not include Constitutional Law as a part of their law curriculum? The
reason for this phenomenon is because Constitutional Law does not apply
to or affect the enforcement of statutes, codes or administrative
regulations, which have replaced constitutional law, the common law,
public law and penal law and which have been designed to control you;
Constitutional Law is taught as an elective at
Harvard, Yale and Cambridge, and only for students of law who are
planning a future career in government. This should make sense to you
as you read on. In the true History of America, neither side WON the
Revolutionary War! At first, the appearance of English troops in the
Colonies; was simply a show of force by King George, intended to
intimidate the Colonists and force them to pay him taxes. Factually,
back in England; English soldiers refused to take up arms against the
Colonists because they were English citizens and relatives.
Mr. Mayer Amschel Bauer,
founder of the Rothschild Banking
Empire; by this time, owned the King! Mr. Bauer had extended unlimited
credit to the King and arranged contracts with him, which permitted the
Rothschild Tax Collectors to represent and collect the Kings Tax from
the Kings subjects. [This is the origin of the concept behind the
establishment of the IRS]. It was Bauer who suggested to King George
that he enforce a Tax against the Colonists in the New World, since the
tax being collected in England was barely enough to pay the interest on
the Kings loans. When English soldiers refused to fight; Mr. Bauer
negotiated a contract with unemployed Russian/Germanic soldiers, to
fight for King George, at a cost of 50¢ a day. Bauer then informed
George that he had hired these soldiers in the Kings name but at a cost
of $1.00 a day!
King George
utilized these soldiers; dressed them in
English soldier uniforms and ordered his career Officers to command
them. When his show of force in the Colony’s failed; Mr. Bauer
suggested that King George finance the Colonists in their War efforts
against him, and bring the Colonists to their knees in debt! The King
succeeded in accomplishing this through his appointed civilian
figurehead’s in charge of his government of France. Mr. Bauer wanted to
expand his Banking Empire into the Colonies. He discovered that the
Colonist didn’t trade in gold or silver but used script as the basis of
their economy! The script money used, were promissory notes printed by
the Colonists. All the Colonists agreed that they would consider these
notes, the lawful currency of the colonies. Mr. Bauer wanted gold or
silver and induced the King to demand that his Tax in the Colonies be
paid in gold or silver! It was that condition, “that broke the camels
back” and caused the “Boston Tea Party!” “Whoever controls the money -
controls the country!” [Rothschild]
Surreptitiously, King George infiltrated the Colonies and their
feudal attempt to form a new government, using spy’s’ composed of
English lawyers and English aristocrats, loyal to him. The spy’s
assignment was to infiltrate the new government; carry out the plan to
defeat the Colonists through debt and establish regular reports to the
King! The Church also had their appointed representative in place to
protect and insure that their interest is being observed. Much of the
loans received from the French, went into the pockets of the Founding
The Founding Fathers eventually conceded to King George and the
Holy Roman Church’s demands, by and through the intervention and
persuasiveness of the Kings spy’s. Ironically, the common denominator
or glue that eventually bound King George, the Founding Fathers, the
English lawyers and English aristocrats together was a secret society
called the “Illuminati.” Even Paul Revere and Benjamin Franklin, were
members of the Illuminati!
This secret society had a criminal and deadly past in Europe and
in America they were eventually renamed, “The Free and Accepted
Masons.” The majority of the regular membership of the Free and
Accepted Masons; do not know about the “Illuminati influence” within
their rank and file! The Illuminati members operate out of special
secret societies separate from the regular Masonic membership and are
found in every branch of the Free and Accepted Masons of the World!
Think about the Colonists who we have been taught to revere by our
public school system! All of these individuals were members of this
secret society and all were Traitors. Our history books also instruct
us to apotheosize the Founding Fathers, but don't hold them in
reverence, hold them in contempt! By and through their intervention,
“Slaves you are and Slaves you will ever be!" An example of a man in
history we have been taught to revere is Benjamin Franklin. Would it
shock you to learn that he was on the Kings payroll and his many trips
to England were actually to report on the colonial government to King
The Declaration of Independence is another story
omitted from our American history books. Of the fifty one men involved
in the creation of the Declaration of Independence, twenty one were
actually (traitors) and on the Kings payroll. During the Revolutionary
War; English Officers were provided the names, addresses and family
members of these thirty (loyalists) involved in the creation and
signing of the Declaration of Independence. The English soldiers had
been ordered to hunt down and murder all thirty (loyalists), their
wives, children and all relatives, with further instructions to burn
their bodies inside their homes.
The soldiers were to leave no trace of these men and their
families; to wipe out their existence for an eternity! The history of
civilizations has taught us that all martyrs are dangerous to men of
power and King George didn’t want to leave any martyrs! It is pretty
obvious who provided the detailed information about the thirty
(loyalists), their family and addresses!
At first glance, it appeared that Guy Madison of Virginia; was so
concerned about lawyers holding any position in American government,
that he championed the 13th Amendment, which barred lawyers from
holding any public office in government! The 13th Amendment was
ratified, but never made it into print in our government controlled
school books and public classrooms. The Amendment was surreptitiously
removed and replaced by the 14th Amendment. The 15th Amendment became
the 14th and so on.
Madison’s efforts appear admirable
but his later actions, as
a member of the 1st Congress; suggests that his only real concern was
to block lawyers from undermining the theft that he and his
compatriots’ had planned for America!
Once the cost of the
Revolutionary War sufficiently placed
the Colonists in debt; the English soldiers were ordered to dispense
with their efforts, recover their arms and within the next eight years
they eventually returned to England. The Colonists were so glad to see
the fighting stop; that they allowed the soldiers to retreat and exit
America peacefully. There is an old legal Maxim that states: “The first
to leave the field of battle - loses.”
Pursuant to this Maxim, the Founding Fathers proclaimed the
Colonists the victors! A Maxim is a legal truth that is time honored
and incorruptible. In reality, the War was just a diversion! The
Colonists had no chance of succeeding in their efforts.
Examine the facts for yourself! During
this era; England had
the largest Army and Navy in the World. King George owned England,
Ireland and France, having a combined population of about 60 million
subjects. The Colonists were poorly educated, poorly armed and composed
of farmers, tradesmen, bonded slaves, women and children and boasted a
total population of only 3 million subjects. And considering the
undermining that was occurring to their nation by the Kings spy’s and
the Founding Fathers; the Colonists didn’t have a prayer of defeating
the English!
Americans have been indoctrinated by our
federal and state
governments and through government controlled public schools and
literature; government controlled media and government controlled
churches [YES, EVEN THE CHURCHES]; to believe that America defeated the
English! We celebrate that victory and our so-called Independence each
year on the 4th of July, and it is all a bunch of propaganda; a carrot
to lead the horse and keep this society stupid and passive! We boast
today that our country represents the finest schools in the world, but
in reality, we’re no smarter than the first Colonists! We only know
more about other things because of new technology developments during
the last 250 years and yet the average IQ of America is 70.
Documented proof that the Constitution was not for us can be found
at: Padelford, Fay & Co. v. The Mayor and Aldermen of the City of
Savannah, [14 Georgia 438, 520].
This was a Court case wherein the Plaintiffs sued the City of
Savannah, for violating what they believed were their constitutionally
protected rights!
The decision of the Judge says it all: "But indeed, no
person has a right to complain, by suit in Court, on the ground of a
breach of the Constitution, the Constitution, it is true, is a compact
but he [the private person] is not a party to it!" [Emphasis added]
The United States Constitution was converted into a (Trust)
and the legal definition of a Trust is: “A legal obligation
respect to property given by one person (donor), to another (trustee),
to the advantage of a beneficiary (Americans).” The property in this
Trust includes all land, your personal possessions that you believe you
own and your physical body. The donor of the Trust is the King of
England and the Holy Roman Church. The Trustee’s are all federal
state public officials, which means that they truly are Agents of a
foreign power; the King and the Vatican.
The reason the Constitution was converted
into a Trust is
because, as a non-trust business plan; The Constitution completely
bound the hands of our government officials! By their converting it
into a Trust, our public officials; were then free to make any changes
they desired to this government, without their constituents knowledge!
The rules of a Trust are secret and no trustee can be compelled to
divulge those rules, and the rules can be changed by the trustees
without notice to the beneficiary!
The one pitfall confronting them
and their plan was the fact
that by converting the Constitution into a Trust, our public officials
had to legally assign a beneficiary; and the beneficiary chosen could
not offend or be in contrast to the numerous International Treaties
that were in force. Our public officials wanted to stay in control of
the Trust as the trustees; however a trustee cannot also be a
beneficiary! So even though the Constitution was never designed or
written for the Sovereign American people; they unknowingly became the
beneficiary of this secret Trust and hence, the creation of the
“propaganda” regarding our Constitutional Rights!
All high ranking public officials, lawyers and judges; laugh at
the ignorance of people who claim that their Constitutional Rights have
been violated! Lawyers are actually taught to treat the members of the
general public as inferior individuals! This also explains the ‘air of
arrogance’ that most lawyers convey in their demeanor and speech!
The more powerful Agents of the
states and the federal
government however, have been stealing the benefits from the Trust
through numerous maneuvers that have the appearance of being lawful. In
their defense; many former public officials (Agents) were not corrupt
to begin with but, by accepting bribes or as the result of enjoying an
arranged extramarital relationship; they became the victim of an
extortion plot and succumbed to the threat to expose the bribe or their
elicit affair, to their constituents! By becoming an (Agent), all was
forgiven and forgotten!
The people, who arranged the bribes, also arranged the situations,
and applied the pressure to force honest men to become dishonest! [An
example of this could be a sudden demand by a Bank to pay off a loan,
based upon a hidden clause in the loan contract and which could result
in a foreclosure, bankruptcy and scandal]!
There are no remaining public federal employees
in America!
All employees who you believe to be a part of America’s government are
actually agents of a foreign government and this definition includes
the [President]. The federal elections are a joke on us! All of the
candidates have been (jointly preselected and prescreened) by the
National Boards of the Republican and Democratic Parties, well before
the Election process. All of our federally elected officials, appointed
administrators, federal police and Judges; receive their paychecks
through the Office of Personnel Management. OPM is a division of the
International Monetary Fund, which is owned by the Rockefeller and
Rothschild families and their Banking Empires, which operates in tandem
with the United Nations.
The IRS and Interpol; are owned by the
International Monetary
Fund, which has been identified in an earlier version of the U. S. Army
Manual, as a Communist Organization!
Those Americans, who do not know how to assert their beneficiary
status; are treated by the government and their courts, as a corporate
fiction! The corporate governments and their courts, only have
jurisdiction over corporations. Corporations have no rights or
jurisdiction over living people and are only provided considerations,
which have been pre-negotiated in contracts by their directors.
Otherwise, they’re governed totally by commercial law, and so are you!
At this point, I believe I should address a “corporate fiction”
for you by creating a situation you can relate to.
SITUATION: [You’ve decided to go into business for yourself and
you thought up a clever name for your business. Everything you’ve read
and the advice received from a lawyer or friend; suggests that you
should incorporate your business! To incorporate is to create a
business on paper. It isn’t real; it is a business in theory, which
makes it a fiction! The lawyer or accountant you hired to prepare your
corporation; records your business with the state as a state
corporation and identifies you as president of the board of directors,
not the owner. Your business is now “a corporate fiction” and by
recording the business as a state corporation; you no longer own it,
the state owns it! You just gave your business away and made yourself
an employee]!
Our presumed government representatives have done the same thing
to each of us. They changed each of us from “a sovereign” into “a
corporate fiction.” Your corporate name is easily identifiable, in that
it is expressed in all capital letters on all your documents and all
communications received from every government agency!
The reason for converting every Sovereign
American into a
corporate fiction dates back to the Principal of Law under the King!
The King is a Sovereign Monarch and dictator, who by his authority,
creates the laws that govern his subjects. He is the Source of Law and
therefore the law cannot be enforced against him! In America, the
Source of Law is the Sovereign People and therefore no laws can be
enforced against the Source, except for those specifically agreed to or
defined by the original Constitution. Those laws are defined as Theft,
Assault and Criminal Mischief; but since the Colonists never voted on
the Constitution, none of these offenses are enforceable against a
living Sovereign! They are enforceable however against a corporation or
corporate fiction!
In theory and according to the
common law; before any
Sovereign can be arrested for one of these crimes; a complaint must be
filed with the elected Sheriff. The Sheriff, by his own authority,
assembles (a common law jury) of the accused Sovereigns immediate
neighbors, called a Grand Jury. The neighbors hear the complaint and
evidence presented to them by the complainant. They are permitted to
ask questions of any witness and can subpoena anyone else who can shed
light on the allegations. A majority must then decide if the accused
Sovereign is to be tried by a court. All of this is done without [a
judge or prosecutor in attendance]!
This is a real Grand Jury proceeding, which is far removed
the joke perpetrated by our corporate government and courts today!
What happened to our Grand Jury rights of old? The Bar Association
has successfully stolen that right away from the Sovereign people,
little by little, through rewrites of the Judiciary Act, so that now
the American public believes that the Grand Jury is an instrument
subject to the jurisdiction, right and whim of the prosecuting
attorney! The prosecuting attorney controls the entire proceeding and
who testifies. The judge then tells the jury what the law is and the
members of the panel are always denied the opportunity to view the
written law!
All of our governments are corporations and are responsible for
the creation of about 800 thousand laws called statutes, which are
designed to control the Sovereign people of America. Just like the
King; these statutes cannot be enforced against the Source of Law,
which are the living, breathing flesh and blood Sovereign people.
All of the Agents in power
beginning with the King, the
Vatican, the Founding Fathers and now our presumed public officials,
wanted to obtain power and control over America and the Constitution
pretty much prohibited them from achieving those ends! So they began to
devise ways to change the Sovereign Americans into [a corporate
fiction]. These Agents also decided and reasoned that they cannot
educate the masses, without exposing their treachery, and so our
private and public education must be controlled!
Without any real Constitutional basis, the U. S. Department of
Education was
The Constitution made it the
responsibility of each state to educate their people and several states
challenged the Congress in the courts. The matter was eventually heard
by the U. S. Supreme Court, which has never been a Constitutional
Article III Court from its inception, which I will explain. The Supreme
Court ruled that the federal government was entitled to oversee the
educational requirements of “United States Citizens” by virtue of their
Constitutional powers to regulate Commerce!
Bad law is bad law, no matter
how you turn the paper and
that ruling gave the federal government the green light to initiate its
“brainwashing” process of the American public.
Let me explain how the Court arrived at its
ruling because these are not ignorant men!
On every form you file to receive “government benefits” and even
the “voter registration form,” there is a question that asks: Are you a
United States Citizen? YES/NO and everyone circles the YES answer.
Didn’t you? Now look up the definition of a “United States Citizen,” in
a reputable law dictionary. You will discover that a United States
Citizen is a phrase designed to identify a “corporate fiction!” Clever,
isn’t it? You and every other American had no idea that you were
admitting you were a corporate fiction when you circled that YES
answer, and you did it under penalty of perjury!
The sovereign states had been
abolished in 1790 by the
adoption of Article 1 of the Statutes at Large, which converted all the
sovereign states into federal districts and gave the federal government
lawful jurisdiction everywhere. In consideration of the fact that the
federal government is a corporation and that corporations can lawfully
own other corporations; and all the American subjects to be educated
have admitted under penalty of perjury that they are corporations; the
Supreme Court ruled in favor of the corporate federal government. [See
how sneaky and tricky lawyers can be? And all the more reason why
lawyers should never be allowed to serve in government or in judgment
of us]!
Under our corporate governments, no
Sovereign can lawfully be
tried or convicted of any statutory crime! I recently discovered how to
avoid prosecution under the Trust, when a Sovereign is taken before a
corporate prosecuting Attorney or a Judge:
First: “the Sovereign must inquire if we are on the record, and if
not, insist upon it! Say nothing, sign nothing and answer no
until you are convinced that the proceedings are being recorded!”
Secondly: all a Sovereign has to say for the record is: “I am a
beneficiary of the Trust, and I am appointing you as my Trustee!”
Thirdly: the Sovereign then directs his Trustee to do his bidding!
“As my Trustee, I want you to discharge this matter I am accused of and
eliminate the record!”
Fourthly: if the Sovereign suffered any damages as a result of his
arrest, he can direct that the Trust compensate him from the proceeds
of the Court by saying; “I wish to be compensated for [X] dollars, in
redemption.” This statement is sufficient to remove the authority
jurisdiction from any prosecuting attorney or judge. The accused will
be immediately released from custody, with a check, license or claim he
identifies as a damage. It doesn’t matter what the action involves or
how it is classified by the corporate law as a civil or criminal
action! It works every time!
All of the Codes, Statutes
and Regulations throughout the
United States are a Will from the Masters to their Slaves. A Will is
defined as, “An express command used in a dispositive nature.” When
individuals in America are charged with a crime and warehoused in a
jail; it is because they went against the Will of the Masters, and not
because they harmed another person! Remember that: The Will demands
from us, all that we are; keeps us in check and promises us nothing!
The police officer, who arrested you, has been “brainwashed” into
believing that he is doing the right thing, when in fact he is nothing
more than an “armed slave acting as a henchman” and hired to bully and
intimidate all other Slaves into submission of the Masters Will! This
statement will probably offend most police officers but this is fact
and it is not their fault!
Most police officers believe they are
performing a public
service and doing the right thing in the performance of duty. They have
been lied to by the government and in most cases police officers are
pumped full of lies more so than anybody else!
Recently, the Police have all been ordered to complete
(paramilitary training) and were told that this is essential because of
the new threat of Terrorism! The people responsible for this training
and brainwashing are the same people and foreign Agents who have been
controlling all of us since our birth!
NOTE: I’ll bet that nobody told these
police officers that
these suspected Terrorists may come at them from their very own
government officials!
So now our government officials have our police officers training
to act as a military unit. [e.g.] Follow our orders and don’t think!
They have succeeded in placing these officers on edge, so that
their every reaction; will be an over-reaction to the situation, just
like Hitler’s Gestapo!
Near the end of this paper, I will disclose to
the reader
about a situation that has been planned by our government officials and
is soon to unfold!
The police paramilitary training and their extensive brainwashing
has been implemented specifically for this event!
It is expected
that police officers will over-react and begin killing innocent
Americans, and once they are no longer of use, the officers and their
families will all be ordered to receive vaccinations that will kill all
of them!
My guess is that after this planned mass genocide has occurred,
the Russian and Chinese military will replace them in the field. Part
of the Fraud perpetrated against “We the People” by this Will, is the
fact that there are actually no criminal laws in America. The Rules of
Procedure used by every Local, State and Federal Court are Civil Rules,
not Criminal!
Court officials simply substitute the word criminal for civil,
depending upon the case at hand. Rule 1 of the Rules of Civil Procedure
“There shall be but one form of action, a civil action.” This
means that the Criminal laws promulgated and enforced by the police and
our corporate governments are all civil and are being fraudulently
enforced against our “corporate fictions” as criminal. When
goes to jail, it is for a civil infraction of the Masters Will. That
makes all of our jails, debtors prisons!
“Does that Ring a Constitutional Bell?” Title 18, Federal
and Offenses: was never voted on by the Congress, which means that
these federal laws are NOT positive law in America!
Now, if you were a part of a government conspiracy to destroy
America and soon to commit a mass genocide of its population; would you
really want to vote Title 18 into positive law? My belief is that the
Congress intentionally omitted its passage, so that members of Congress
could use that as a defense, should they be caught and tried for
Do you believe the lawyers hired or appointed to represent all the
individuals accused of federal crimes, knew about this fact? You
they know!
Armed with this fact: Now look at the number of
people sitting in federal prisons, who believe they have been lawfully
convicted of violating a federal crime! How many do you imagine have
been put to death? How many were shot and killed during the
How many were killed attempting to escape from their illegal
The Internal Revenue Code relies upon Title 18 to convict
of Tax Evasion, which (only applies to corporations). Look at all the
people sitting in federal prisons who were convicted of this so-called
crime? What makes it worse is the fact that the Queen of England,
entered into a Treaty with the federal government for the taxing of
alcoholic beverages and cigarettes sold in America. The treaty is
called The Stamp Act and in this Act, the Queen ordained that her
subjects, the American people, are exonerated of all other federal
So the federal income tax and the state incomes taxes levied
against all American’s is contrary to an International Treaty and
against the Sovereign Orders of the Queen!
Like it or not, the Queen is our Monarch and Master!
The Tax is illegal and still people have been prosecuted and
imprisoned, contrary to law!
One hundred percent (100%) of the people sentenced and held in all
American Jails have either been convicted of crimes that are not
positive law or were convicted of civil crimes, and are being detained
there by their consent! That’s Right!
The lawyers and judges representing our legislature and judicial
system; created maneuvers to insure that anyone who is accused of a
so-called crime and posts bail, (signs a contract to appear and
consents by that contract to the proceedings scheduled). Anyone
applies for a public defender, signs the same contract without knowing
it and anyone who privately hires a lawyer to represent them in a Court
proceeding, consents to the same contract upon the lawyer filing a
“Notice of Appearance!” When you hire a lawyer, you signed a Power of
Attorney. He is required to file his Notice of Appearance in that
and that Notice of Appearance offers your consent and binds your
appearance to the proceedings!
Absent these aforementioned contracts; the Court cannot proceed
against you! When that occurs; the Judge and the Prosecutor,
to trick and intimidate you into giving your consent! If you don’t know
how to invoke your Sovereignty, and you take what they throw at you,
and stand your ground; they will be forced to release you after 72
hours has elapsed!
I’m not a bleeding heart liberal who believes that we should open
up the jails and let everyone out! There are people in our jails who
need to be there, despite the fact that they have been incarcerated
illegally! My vote is to leave that hornets nest alone!
We American’s are so proud of the fact
that we live in a
Democracy! Now look up the word “Democracy,” in a reputable Law
Dictionary and see the legal meaning. Democracy is defined as: “A
Socialist form of government and another form of Communism.” Do you
remember the lies that President Reagan, the Congress and the Media
told America? The lie was that, “The Iron Curtain fell without a
being fired!” The truth is that the Iron Curtain came down because
Communist Europe found an ally in the West and there was no longer a
need for walls!
PS/ Your Federal Taxes constructed the Worlds largest automated
vehicle and munitions plant for the Soviet Union, during the
dismantling of the Berlin Wall!
PPS/ The attempt to assassinate President Reagan occurred because
he had disclosed to the American people that: “None of the federal
income tax paid by the American people is ever deposited into the
United States Treasury and is being deposited into the Federal Reserve
Bank for its use and benefit!”
Shortly after making that statement, Reagan was shot
by John
Hinkley, who was quickly declared insane, so that there never would be
a public trial! If you recall, President Reagan was never the
after that incident! The Masters don’t play around - they eliminate
problems or radically curve attitudes!
On September 17, 1787, twelve State delegates of the Thirteen
State Colony’s approved the United States Constitution, not the
Colonists, and by their doing so, the States became “constitutors.” A
“constitutor” is defined under civil law as, “One who by simple
agreement becomes responsible for the payment of another’s debt.” [See:
Blacks Law Dictionary, 6th Edition].
Many early immigrants to the United States arrived here as Bonded
Slaves. A person of wealth or substance became the [payor] by offering
to pay or promising to pay or [bond] the debts of another person, and
usually paid the cost of his or her voyage to America. This made the
payor a [constitutor] and gave him title as [master] over the debtor
[slave] by written contract. A “Bonded Slave” is a corporate fiction.
The payor’s new title and power as the “Bond Master” of the debtor,
causes the immigrant to become “a Bond Slave” and the property of the
Master until such time he is paid back his investment by the Bond Slave
or by someone else. This means that the Bond Master can buy and sell
these contracts! (That means you & me! )
If a Bonded Slave was mistreated by his Bond Master; the law did
not represent him because the Bond Slave (a corporate fiction-YOU, if
your name is in all capitals) had no human rights afforded to him by
any law!
Corporate fictions have no rights. If the Bonded Slave desired
rights, he was obligated to negotiate them in his contract with the
Bond Master before accepting the contract. If the Bonded Slave runs
away from his abusive Bond Master; the law in place however, attached a
bounty, hunted him down and returned him to the Bond Master.
Remember also that the first Slaves in America were (Indian) and
then Caucasian, of English, French, Irish and German ancestry. The
Constitution is not for “We the People:” As mentioned before, the
Colonists were never presented the Constitution to vote on its passage
and approval because the Constitution was never written for them and
has been rewritten two more times since then, but only our government
officials know about that!
What is a False Flag?
Committing an atrocious act, and
blaming another party or nation for it. The point is to turn public
opinion against an entity, and have someone else fight your battles for
Churchill, who was 1/2 Jewish, leaked intelligence to Germany that
Lusitania carried munitions, and then it was sent it in a U-boat
infested area. The ship was supposedly torpedoed, and a massive bomb
exploded, killing 1200.
This set the stage for Wilson to bring the USA into WW1, at a
later date.
When government officials were away,
Jewish-paid thugs went on a rampage in Berlin and some border
Nazis were blamed, and world opinion favored Jews
Bromberg massacre
An estimated 58,000 German civilians lost
their lives in the massacres carried out prior to the 1939 invasion. A
website on the atrocity at Bromberg explains how Polish Bolshevik Jews
massacred 5,500 Germans, on one 'Bloody Sunday, in 1939.
This was the flashpoint for the Polish invasion.
The King David Massacre
July 22, 1946
Jewish terrorists blew up a hotel, and killed 91 British soldiers,
and blamed the atrocity on Arabs. When later caught, they said the
British had a list of their Arab spies and were going to turn them over
to the Palestinians.
The goal of the False Flag was to pit the British against the
Lavon affair
In 1954, Israeli agents working in Egypt planted
bombs in several buildings, including a United States diplomatic
facility, and left evidence behind implicating Arabs as the culprits.
The ruse would have worked, had not one of the bombs detonated
prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to capture and identify one of the
bombers, which in turn led to the round up of an Israeli spy ring.
June 1968
Robert Kennedy is shot by a PLO bus-boy named Sirhan
Sirhan. Kennedy was running for President, and would have sought
revenge over the Israeli killing of his brother.
The use of a Palestinian was a little too 'Hollywood'.
USS Liberty ....June 6th, 1967
Six fighters, three
torpedo boats and two assault helicopters attacked the USS Liberty.
There were 24 dead and 177 maimed. F-4 phantoms were enroute when
President Johnson stopped the rescue.
Israel's plan was to blame Egypt, and have the US retaliate
against Egypt.
September 5, 1972
Eight Palestinian "Black September"
terrorists seized 11 Israeli athletes in the Olympic Village in Munich,
West Germany. In the rescue attempt directed by Moshe Dyan, using West
German authorities, nine of the hostages, and five terrorists were
Israel, and it's Jews, are once again the victim, and the
Palestinians are demons.
1976 ... Entebbe
Israel faked a hijacking to Kenya (Idi Imin
was an Israeli puppet), and then pulled a rescue, portraying themselves
as elite commandos.
Arabs looked like monsters and the Israelis, having suffered
countless persecutions, have decided to fight back.
Abu Nidal, who was an Israeli Black Ops agent, attacked
the Jewish Goldenberg's delicatessen in Paris. 6 were killed, and 20
were wounded, of which 2 were Jewish.
Pan Am flight 73
A 747 was enroute from Karachi, to Frankfurt, to its final destination
of New York.
Four hijackers took control of the airplane, and for the next 16
hours, they held 379 passengers at gunpoint, while the pilots escaped.
The plane was stormed and 20 died.
Beirut Marine barracks ...October 23,1983
241 Marines died when a truck packed with explosives blew up a Marine
barracks at Beirut International Airport.
Achille Lauro ...1985
Abu Abbas, and 15 Arabs, took over a
cruise ship and threw a Leon Klinghoffer overboard. After two days of
negotiations, the seajackers abandoned the ship.
In this False Flag, the Israelis turned world opinion against the
Arabs, while once again portraying themselves as victims.
English policewoman shot....1984
In 1984, Zionist Jews staged
a protest outside the Libyan embassy in London. Approximately 25
English Bobbies were used for crowd control. During the middle of the
demonstration, a shot rang out and a female Bobby named Yvonne Fletcher
was killed.
The shot came from a building used by the Mossad to spy on the
Libyan embassy, but the newspapers overlooked that and blamed Libya.
Israel used this false flag murder of Policewoman Fletcher, to
turn world opinion against Libya.
Alia airliner...1985
Nidal's Black September group hit a jet with an SAM as it took off from
Athens airport.
Although the rocket did not explode, it left a hole in the
....Dec 1988
Mossad blew up
Pan AM 103 and blamed it on Libya. Unfortunately, the plane was
late and blew up overland, and all the evidence pointed towards Israel.
Israel's goal was to demonize the Muslims, and lay the groundwork
for 9/11.
AMIA ....1992
Mossad blew up AMIA and the Israeli Embassy in Argentina. Over 100
killed, and practically all of them were Argentineans.
Luxor, Egypt ... 1992
An attack on Luxor, by militants, in which 58 foreigners, most of them
Swiss, were killed. Arabs blamed the Mossad.
Israel destroyed Egyptian tourism, and turned world opinion
against Muslims.
The Estonia 1994
Israel suspected Estonia of selling nuclear technology to Iran so
they sank a passenger ship.
Khobar Towers ...1996
Khobar Towers was bombed. It housed an F-15 unit.
Israel said it was done by Hezbollah, but US military
investigators linked it to Mossad.
Karin-A...... 2000
Israel intercepted a ship, the Karin-A, in
the Red Sea. The ship contained massive weapons, which Israel claimed
were destined for the PLO. A Jewish arms dealer set it all up.
As a result, world opinion turned on the PLO, and Israel's
slaughter of rock throwing Arab children wasn't questioned.
Two airports attacked .....1985
Terrorists of Abu Nidal's
Black Sept. struck at the Rome and Vienna airports. Nineteen were
killed at Schwechat Airport and three at the Rome airport.
LaBelle Disco ......1986
As part of a Libya False flag, the Mossad sent a series of false
messages out of Tripoli, talking of an impending attack. The Mossad
then bombed a German Disco, the Labelle Club, killing three and
wounding 230. President Reagan was convinced it was a Libyan attack,
and retaliated by bombing Libya
World opinion turned against Libya.
OKC Murrah Building ...1993
One of the Mossad's American arms,
the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), was concerned about the growth
of Patriot movements such as Militias, so an attack was staged using a
Timothy McVeigh patsy, who was out of Elohim City (Jewish-sponsored
terror Mecca).
The real brains behind the OKC bombing were Andreas Strassmeir and
Daniel Spiegelman, who were/are both Jewish.
The Zionists destroyed the Militia movement's credibility, and
brought the FBI down on them.
Flight 840
TWA's Flight 840, a Boeing 727 flying from Rome
to Athens with 115 passengers and seven crew members aboard, had
already begun its descent toward the Athens international airport.
Twenty minutes before landing, as it flew at 15,000 ft. over Argos, a
town near the ancient site of Mycenae, an explosion shook the aircraft.
Four were killed but 111 lived.
Once again, Israel planted the seed of "Arab" terrorism.
World Trade Center.... 1993
Dec. 1992, an Israeli soldier, Nissim Toledano, was kidnapped and
killed. The Israeli government rounded up 1600 members of Hamas, and
deported 415 of them to the no-mans land between the Israeli and
Lebanese borders. In the brutally inhospitable weather, these 415 Hamas
members were stranded without food and shelter. Furthermore, the
Israeli authorities stopped any humanitarian aid from reaching these
people. With media focus on the deportees, it triggered international
outrage against Israel, which was followed by international pressure on
Israel that refused to go away. This time, Israel had bit off more than
it could chew. It was time to ‘deflect’ pressure off Israel.
intelligence services went into action. A detailed process that
is too long to elaborate here, hatched a plan. In the third week of
February 1993, a truck bomb exploded in the basement of the World Trade
Center building. Muslims used as scapegoats took the blame for it,
while the real culprits were safely back in Israel. Thus world opinion
and pressure was shifted away from Israel.
Port Arthur Massacre .....1996
A 2-man Israeli Counter-Terrorism team killed 35 at a remote
tourist center at Port Arthur, Tasmania. The blame fell on a mentally
challenged man named Martin Bryant, who has served as the designated
patsy for this crime ever since.
Zionists got their long-awaited draconian gun control laws passed
in Australia as a result of this massacre. Another view, by some expert
Australian researchers is here.
Birmingham ....1998
Birmingham abortion clinic bombed and two people killed.
As a result of the bombing, abortion opponents were portrayed as
lunatics, while the Jewish-dominated abortion industry special laws
passed to protect their trade.
Egyptair 990.....1999
Israel planted a thermite bomb in the aircraft tail.
USS Cole
Sayanims in the Pentagon had the Cole directed to a
part in Yemen, where Israeli agents had Arab patsies approach the Cole
with a small boat, in order to be seen by crewmen, while they attacked
it with a shape charge.
Sept 11 .....2001
The most brazen of all Israeli attacks.
Flight 587....2001
Mossad blows up a Fl 587 out of NY, and it crashes in Rockaway.
Bali Bomb
Mossad sets off a micro nuke on the island of Bali, killing 182.
Israel blamed the attack on Al Qaeda (which is really an Israeli
false flag patsy intel op), and the USA invaded Iraq.
Kenya missile .... 2002
In 2002, Israel claimed AL Qaeda shot two SAM missiles at a jet on
take-off. Israel used this incident to help lay the groundwork for
shooting down a US airliner.
Manila.... 2003
Mossad planted a bomb on a Manila ferry, killing 103.
Israel blamed the attack on Al Qaeda.
CIA Bomb In Gaza....2003
Three CIA agents are traveling in Gaza, when a Mossad bomb exploded.
Palestinians were blamed for the attack.
Madrid Train ... 2002
Mossad killed 198 in the Madrid bomb blast.
Al Queda was blamed.
Mossad bombed two airliners over Russia.
Israel claimed it was Al Qaeda. London bus
Mossad bombed London buses
The general public is so suspicious, that Israel leaders have been
told not to talk publicly. The news media pushes the story it was Al
Quada Pakistani bombers.
Juba the sniper
Israel operatives in Iraq
Judicial Index
Non-Compliance Day - 25th August.
POSTED August 6, 2009 6:17 AM //
August 6, 2009
Farewell to Fascism, Hello Humanity!...Global
Non-Compliance Day - 25th August.
Host: Global Non-Compliance Day
Type: Party - Goodbye Party
Network: Global
Date: Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Time: 12:00am - 11:55pm
August 25th 2009, we invite YOU, and all of humanity to participate in
a Global Independence Day where we will celebrate the freedom and
creativity of the human spirit as we completely disengage for an entire
day from all monetary transactions, thereby declaring a complete
disengagement from the established Politico-Economic Matrix that
enslaves us.
We invite you to for an entire day celebrate the human family, the
Earth, Nature, and the freedom and creativity of the human spirit and
relinquish the malign viral instrument of money which only serves to
We wish for this to be a global event so please tell as many
people as you can. We look forward to your participation in this
celebration and wish you all well. Thank you for your love and support
for truth and freedom and thank you most of all for your
.......................................and......((bilingual text
Global Non-Compliance Day ....
Mondial Infos générales
Type : Organismes - Association bénévole
Description :
Non-Compliance Day is a shift in awareness from the artificial
exchange/money based mind-set, to a new paradigm that does not rely
upon any artificial system to provide Humanity with it's needs. Without
the impediments of artifices, like money, Humanity can rely upon the
principles of Gifting and sustainable self-sufficiency.
Mohandas Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr. recognized the wisdom
of PEACEFUL non-compliance with illegitimate institutions and laws.
Today, also, we are facing illegitimate groups and institutions that
serve not only as a threat to various peoples, but to humanity as a
This is NOT a protest, for truly there is nothing to protest
against. These globo-mutual efforts are an opportunity to permanently
quit our addiction to money. A peaceful co-ordinated effort is
necessary for TWO reasons:
1) It allows us a VOICE of mutual support in deliver of the
message we seek to communicate to ONE ANOTHER,
2) It allows us to HEAR the effectiveness of our SUPPORT to ONE
ANOTHER in quiting our addiction by assessing the change in the market
Thus, Global Non-Compliance Days are when we send a statement of
our Humanity to the artificial System. That message is:
"We know who is in control, and we are taking our power back.
Game Plan:
- No transactions.
- No engagement in commerce.
- No going to malls, restaurants, bars, sports events, etc.
- No attendance of any other commercial venues.
- No credit or debit transactions.
- No purchases - No food or gas, etc.
- No spending or circulating money.
No pre-payment of mortgages or rent would be HIGHLY encouraged so the
entire weekend would keep the bank's Overnight Deposit Transactions
from occurring as they desperately need that to generate THEIR interest.
- Withdrawal of ALL available funds from any/all accounts is especially
Zeitgeist & Global Non-Compliance compliant to peacefully, and
permanently insure the Only Effective Solution.
What is the purpose of Global Non- Compliance?
The purpose of Global Non-Compliance Days and Global
Non-Compliance in general is two fold.
1. It serves as a mechanism by which we can responsibly transcend
the problems of society and of the Elitists which humanity has allowed
himself to be a victim to as well as a withdrawal from the System, and
declares the System to be illegitimate and the individual an autonomous
2. In general, Global Non- Compliance serves as an entirely new
paradigm which supports the freedom and inherent natural Right of
Self-Determination, and establishes that individuals are independent
and self-sustaining agents, who need not be reliant on any type of
governmental body for support.
How do Global Non-Compliance Days work?
Because the monetary system is the most fundamental way by which
people are subjugated and controlled under the hierarchical elitist
system, Global Non-Compliance is a means to disengage from the system
by not committing to monetary transactions and acts an expression of
taking responsibility for transcending our problems and freely creating
our own Reality.
On select dates, events will occur which, on a global level,
people who participate will disengage from any monetary transaction of
any sort for the entirety of the event.
NOW. Too much time has past and now Humanity stands to
face one of two possible fates: either we allow ourselves to succumb to
the malignancies of destruction and enslavement or we finally exercise
an act of responsibility and transcend the problems we face in order to
create a more balanced, beautiful reality in which to live. Global
genocide is a reality, and global application of Agenda 21 and Codex
Alimentarius will be fully enacted and operational by Dec 31, 2009. The
ultimate choice which will determine humanity's fate is all of ours to
make, so let us be true to ourselves and choose; Self-Determination.
What is the eventual goal?
Complete, permanent abandonment of
any system of exchange, and instead, reliance upon the principles of
Gifting to obtain Self-Reliant, global support of every human freely
choosing to do so; to provide for every need (and eventually every
sustainable want) without the impediment of artifices, in particular,
Some pertinent sources of information regarding Global Non-
Apparently, a potential method, or model for peacefully invoking
the International Right of Self-Determination to peacefully establish a
recognized, Self-Determined society. (Crazy, huh?) I (Fukyiro) am still
looking at the feasibility of this if anyone is interested in
discussing it, they are having a Conference Call on Sundays at 9pm EST.
Details are available on the first website link.
Adresse électronique :
Site web :
Bureau : The Center of Yourself
Adresse : Anywhere You Find Yourself
aims to expose and challenge the gov't on SPP/TILMA/NAU and other such
atrocities including the highly secret CFB Fema camps which have been
set up in lock step with the US Fema Camps, Codex Alimentarius,
Chemtrails, HAARP interference, the deceptive marketing practices &
dangers of Aspartame, MSG, Mercury, Fluoride, Bisphenal A, our serious
water contamination, the ongoing crisis of vaccine fillers and the tax
lie/dispensing with the Corporate Contract we all adhere to without
choice from birth
restoring one's identity as a Natural Person.
We fully intend to use all the powers & services at our
disposal - Ombudsmen, Notaries, MP's, MLA's, Journalists, Doctors, Food
Experts, Chemists, Lawyers, Radio/Internet Podcasts, Class Action
Suits, Rallies, Petitions, etc. to meet this tyranny head on and
reclaim our sovereign rights not only as Canadians but as human beings.
We welcome new members from all walks of life to join us.
This is our life, this is our fight!
We shine our lantern into places of darkness, down unfamiliar
pathways only to discover footprints we ourselves once made but have
since forgotten.
The New World Order is really a misnomer. By all accounts it is
clearly the Old World Order, wide-reaching & powerful in scope,
determined in pursuit of its penultimate objectives. This ancient cabal
has operated in relative obscurity & under a solemn vow of secrecy
for centuries. What distinguishes it from other similar organizations,
how is it we have suddenly found ourselves at the precipice of total
annihilation of the species, the advent of a futurist nightmare a la
George Orwell's 1984 without warning, preparation or comprehension of
the motives or modus operandi of our adversary?
When tackling this 'Rubik's cube' of history it is important to
weigh & measure one's research. There are countless rabbit holes,
red-herrings & misconstrued theories circulating that claim to
expose the inner workings of it all, dis-information type spin used as
propaganda to deflect attention away from their true intent. Prudent
journalism is required, intelligent discernment of fact vs. fiction. By
deconstructing the pyramid gradually you begin to see the big picture.
Essentially The New World Order is a mafia. The biggest, oldest, most
well coordinated, crafted, insulated, financed, indoctrinated,
fundamentalist, determined & ruthless occult cabal ever to walk the
face of the earth. It is said to span several centuries historically
predating all current religions, encompassing the cornerstones of most
major philosophies, developed societies & political power
structures of the Establishment; a vast undertaking to pin it down. How
do they operate? Much like any mafia, ruled by greed & violence, a
literal hierarchy that ensures the survival of the beast, and
determines its path by the limitless goals of its ambitions. I tend to
see it as a quilt, albeit a murky foul patchwork of deceit &
The New World Order consists of a mostly European
cartel of private banking elites, the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, J.P
Morgan, Prescott-Bush, Harrimans and only a select few of others. In
conjunction with an interlocking network of powerful companies that
steer the overall agenda they constitute one ring of financial power
that seeds the power structure itself, sometimes referred to as The
Committee of 300. Their influence cannot be under-estimated. Within
this ring we find several other interlocking rings, the Vatican, the
Jesuits, The 13 bloodlines of European Royalty encompassing that of
Britain, Holland, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Russia, France, Denmark
and others which constitute The Black Nobility.
The inner rings of the Illuminati possess more knowledge
than the
outer rings. The deeper the veil the lesser is known about it by
design, quite essential in maintaining the complex mechanism of the
system. All major western leaders have blood relations with these royal
families. Similarly the entire western private banking Establishment
maintains an inclusive system, inter-breeding exclusively amongst those
banking families belonging to the club. Money is coveted &
circulated steadily through various nefarious means, the IMF, World
Bank, Federal Reserve, puppet gov'ts, drug/gun running, fomenting of
wars indiscriminately and routinely laundered through numerous Trust
funds, Endowment funds, Foundations, Scholarships, Humanitarian &
Charitable Organizations. This ensures not only the security of illegal
profits but also serves to legitimize public perception in the press.
Thus both hands are lined, maintaining these covert operations.
The Illuminati thrives because it compartmentalizes its many
players, restricts all access based on loyalty & sacrifice of the
individual; rings within rings, the focal point of their authority
& longevity. They are said to possess vast knowledge that has been
passed on like a torch throughout history, tracing back as far as the
first Astral-Theologists of the Phoenician & Caananite cultures.
From deep within the Mystery Schools of ancient Egypt the same thread
continued as enlightened High Priests practiced the ancient Egyptian
art of alchemy, encoding secrets from Sumerian & Babylonian times,
and coveted the earliest sources of scripture much of which has never
seen the light of day. Isis & Osiris to them symbolized the female
& male dual aspects of sexuality and figure prominently as central
archetypes to this day.
The Brotherhood of the Snake/Dragon (the path toward wisdom)
The Saturnalian Brotherhood as they came to be known worshiped the
planet Saturn, God of Chaos, Darkness, Destruction & Banking; an
evolution of their ancestry and a fundamental component of the
Religion. The Dog Star Sirius in ancient times was perceived as a
second Sun due to its extraordinary brightness. It was called the
'Morning Light/Star' or 'Blazing Star' both synonymous with Lucifer.
The close affiliation between Sirius & The Arc of The Covenant or
Contract, the Egyptian connection to the whole mystery, holds the
greatest meaning to members of the cult. Legend has it the origins of
the Illuminati are directly tied to this
visitors came from Sirius around 3-4000 BC, telepathic beings known as
the Anunnaki or Nephilim, averaging 8 feet in height, who were
naturally welcomed as Gods, such was their technological advancement.
They interbred with humans. This cosmic connection binds the followers
who truly believe they are the descendants of a distant race. The
Israelite exodus from Egypt meant the Guild had to uproot itself. The
original Elders of Zion were in fact High-Priests belonging to the
Brotherhood; part of a diverse mosaic of tribes known as the Israelites
who had migrated from many regions of the world to former
Phoenicia-Caanae of the Middle East seeking true independence banding
together in solidarity. The roots of Zionism & that of the Order
are intrinsically linked. Its forefathers were part of the mass
migration which eventually landed in Jerusalem.
Driven into hiding by the Romans the 'Holders of the Key' surfaced
again & again throughout the centuries, The Knights Templar,
Gnostics, Rosicrucians, Knights of Malta, all derived from the same
strain. Darker aspects of the Kabbalah were wound into the fold during
the Middle Ages. Zealots such as Sir Francis Bacon refined the Order
through the 16th Century, setting up the Royal Society while trumpeting
beliefs that America was the old Atlantis born again, another mythos of
the Brotherhood.
Finally the great Illuminati surfaced & took hold in
century Bavaria as founding father Adam Weishaupt, the Rothschilds
& others wisely consolidated their forces. The Freemason Movement
became a tool not only to carry out foot soldier duties but to provide
a necessary decoy while gov'ts were co-opted one by one. The
Celtic-Druidic circles throughout England, Scotland, Ireland &
Wales represented the real bastion of Masonry but its influence was
also felt widespread throughout Europe. Absolute complicity of the
Church in this conspiracy, many Cardinals, Bishops & select Popes
of which were Masons themselves assured this
By the
19th century Illuminati dominance had broadened its reach. With the
birth of the radical new Scientific Elite in Europe Darwinian inspired
Eugenics through the Royal Society led by Julian Huxley (Aldous
Huxley's younger brother) & Sir Cecil Rhodes (of Rhodes Scholarship
fame) crept into the vision as the revisionist Globalist agenda began
to manifest on the world stage; the unleashing of specific pandemics
& virulent viruses, the triggering & financing of major
conflicts between nations all with the express purpose of forced
population reduction. The British East-India Company & well seated
Round Table Groups were behind many such atrocities on behalf of the
Illuminati. They have always viewed the planet as a chessboard, part of
what they call 'The Great Game' merely a token instrument of their
sport & conquest. By the 20th Century all the crucial pieces were
in place.
Britain's RIIA (Royal Institute of International Affairs), Chantam
House, Fabian Society & other sectors were pulling strings
throughout Europe, blackmailing & co-opting nations to bend to the
will of the Illuminati. The Rothschild dynasty, pre-eminent financial
magnates of their time, continued to consolidate an illustrious flow of
wealth fleecing their Royal clientele, destroying & absorbing all
competition while building an iron wall across Europe. Over in the
United States Rockefeller already controlled the lion's share of Oil
(Standard), JP Morgan dominated Industry: Steel, Rail, Grain &
Electricity as well as running New York's primary central
Along with Prescott-Bush (Bush Dynasty), financier to
Adolf Hitler & other crooks they now merged forces with the
powerful Rothschilds and a new economic Empire was born - fingered by
the Rhodes-Milner Round Table Group behind the scenes, an organism
capable of transcending the limitations of gov't, superseding all
authority & dictating the direction of foreign & domestic
policy worldwide.
Their newest weapons the infamous Federal Reserve, Council
Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, CIA, NSA, NSC, World Bank,
IMF, UN, all designed to further the aims of the Illuminati agenda; by
co-opting gov't top to bottom, infiltrating, corrupting & colluding
with key elected rep's of the people to establish a formal shadow
gov't. Both World Wars served as a catalyst to push forward the New
World Order mandate - first in 1920 with the failed League of Nations;
again in 1945 with the founding of the United Nations. This time though
the formula worked. The end of WW11 had marked an escalation in their
The best and the brightest of Hitler's top
were smuggled out of Germany (Operation Paperclip) with help of
Vatican-issued false passports (The Rat Line), allowing them a pipeline
to safety in ports of call such as Uruguay, Paraguay, Columbia, Brazil
& Argentina. Then they were diverted up into the United States
where they quietly took over prime executive positions in major
Pharmaceudical Companies (Bayer, I.G.Farben, Searle, Merck &
others) while similarly being utilized as high level advisors within
Nasa & the newly formed UN. Today the overall network is so
widespread it is hard to distinguish the truth from the lies anymore.
Media, owned and operated by the Globalists merely serves to
distract & pacify the gullible public while their crimes are
perpetrated behind the scenes. The Justice System has also been
co-opted, a revolving door which provides these criminals a golden
parachute whenever they become exposed or cornered, while justice is
typically denied to real victims of the system. Gov't staged false flag
terror attacks against us have become all too
We are regularly bombarded with harmful
Chemtrails, subjected to HAARP's electro-magnetic interference, our
water fluoridated & food irradiated without contest, nutrients
stolen away by Monsanto, deliberately misled with Vaccine lies,
products loaded with Mercury, Bisphenal A plastics, Dyes, Aspertame,
MSG, Melamine (Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars or soft-kill method).
Similarly we witness UN conducted sterilization programs of indigenous
people in Africa, South East Asia, China, India & Americas,
escalating Police State brutality, insidious tactics such as
provocateurism meant to incite riots while dehumanizing citizens, the
advent of talking head journalism with fake news packaged by Government
beurocrats sold as editorial content, fake environmentalism & fake
terrorism threats used to ensnare nations under a World Gov't mandate;
all a precursor to bankruptcy and total enslavement of the individual.
To make matters worse many documented reports of child
abductions, subsequent torture and/or murder of these victims have been
traced back to numerous Masonic Lodges across the network. Somehow law
enforcement never seems to be able to crack the case, likewise it is
anathema to a typically anaemic Press - which only serves to embolden
the actual criminals. Worldwide most major cities are literally
drenched in rich Masonic symbolism espousing this vehemently corrupt
ideology, a testament to their extraordinary reach. Vast Corporations,
Federal/Provincial/Municipal Courts, Gov't Offices, Industries, City
Centers, Sports Franchises, Educational, Financial & Religious
Institutions throughout faithfully adhere to the strict code of rules
by always embedding the same specific numbers & ancient referential
symbols within their advertising logos and infrastructure.
The general public is mostly unaware of these motifs, the
they hold to initiates or the possibility that they are being
acclimated to accept a Brave New World Utopia.
Further many assassinations such as
John Fitzgerald
Kennedy's, who admitted that he was about to dismantle the Federal
Reserve, have been carried out on specific dates in precise conjunction
with architecture & locations which according to strict measures of
the Occult hold formal significance. JFK was in fact buried without his
brain, a signature of the 'Killing of the King' rite in Masonry. In
addition Lee Harvey Oswald's body was gutted during his autopsy, a huge
"Y" surgically removed from his groin to his armpits. This is another
apparent Mason rite, "Litera Pythagorae" (The Letter of Pythagoras),
linked to the illustrious Greek mystic & early hero of the Order.
The horns symbolize the paths of virtue & vice. Owing to the
peculiarity of this procedure there are more chilling questions that
need to be answered.
The Illuminati are reportedly seeking a rapid
worldwide annihilation of 90% of the human population. Those who are
left, 500,000,000 will be severely managed, forced to work for the
gov't without repeal, herded into oppressive mega-cities,
micro-chipped, scanned, brainwashed with propaganda, deprived of free
speech or the right to protest, vaccinated regularly, forced to eat
only GMO food, adhere to a one child policy, all the while
incrementally merging with the hive mind, to pay carbon taxes in
exchange for credits to a draconian-style World Gov't run by the very
private bankers who have enslaved us already now for
Numerous leaked documents from The Club of
Rome (pre-eminent Globalist think tank) justify curtailing the lifespan
of successive generations to that of a mere light-bulb & culling
the "useless eaters". Hundreds of CFB/FIMA Camps complete with 'Red
Zones', 'Yellow Zones' & 'Green Zones' denoting each type of
terrorist category, cattle fencing & maximum security
infrastructure have been quietly refurbished for decades across North
America in preparation for a massive round-up of ordinary citizens. The
favourite buzzwords at the United Nations today, 'Corporate Governance'
or 'Global Communitarianism', essentially a return to the Middle Ages,
a futuristic type of Neo-Feudalism under a Fascist Collectivist
'Bio-Ethics', the UN directed social engineering
vision coined by Globalist kingpin Zbigniew Brzezinski, founder of The
Trilateral Commission has replaced the more frightening term 'Eugenics'
in the Media. Scientific think tanks such as The Jason Group, a high
level advisory council of elite Theoretical Physicists, have been
drafting a plan for our destiny.'Trans-humanism', Brzezinski's
Darwinist inspired nightmare scenario is gradually being unleashed upon
us as a natural & necessary evolution of the species in an
overpopulated rapidly accelerating technologically hyper-futurist
The humanity of the person however will be completely
bypassed to make way for 'augmentation' of the genetic code, a
scientific birth of the New Man. This is a focal point of Globalist
reasoning. 'Positive Freedom' will set the guidelines for all societal
Universal freedoms once inherent to the
individual as a citizen will be banned. Service & sacrifice on
behalf of the gov't will determine the limits of one's privelages. For
the time being the agenda is steaming ahead - destroying the Middle
Class in the US thus restoring the jewel in the crown back into the
hands of the old British Empire (Cecil Rhodes' lifelong dream and final
confession given in his Will) while tanking the rest of the world's
major economies simultaneously, then to auger in their grand solution
The New World Order.
The leaders at the very top of the Illuminati pyramid (33rd
Masons) are currently preparing the world for the imminent arrival of
their 'entity', a second coming of Lucifer or some hybrid that serves
their end. We are to be an ultimate 'holocaust' or sacrificial
ritualistic burnt offering to welcome their supposed ancestors back to
Earth. Any survivors will worship Gaia, our sacred Earth Mother as the
universal religion, in the tradition of Pantheism or Secular Humanism.
"The end justifies the means" their holy mantra to eachother. The
Illuminati blueprint set the bar high. Leader Adam Weishaupt laid down
the Five Laws back in 1776 which are still considered actual
benchmarks. How unrealistic were they in their aims? Only time will
1) Abolition of all monarchies & ordered governments
2) Abolition of private property & inheritance
3) Abolition of patriotism & nationalism
4) Abolition of the family unit & institution of marriage,
establishment of communal education for all children
5) Abolition of all religion...but for their own.
George Orwell was
prophetic in his ominous warnings, 1984
is here. The question is, are we prepared to accept our fate or might
we find another better road to lead us toward the future, one free of
tyranny & perpetual injustice? I certainly think so or else I
wouldn't be here, nor would you I might add. The human spirit can rise
above history's shadows, replace our endless capacity for destruction
& violence with something altogether more sophisticated, a true
evolution of the species. We have such remarkable potential for
goodness. Let us somehow find the will to flick on the lights &
reveal our true nature before that choice will be made for us.
As painful as this material might be to read it was also difficult
just having to wade through the murky waters of their mindset. These
Globalists don't deserve all this attention. We must find our inner
strength and turn their vile hatred into a future worth living. Fear is
their greatest weapon, self-sufficiency our strongest option. It is not
only cathartic exposing these villains for who they really are,
degenerates & pathological criminals, but also liberating and
brings us all closer together as fellow brothers & sisters.
Nothing they throw at us can pierce that metal, love & hope
for one another. Everything about our efforts will bring this life
closer to the light. For those who choose to ignore these signs do so
at your own peril. My love to every soul out there. We have much more
in common today than we might realize.
------------------------------- QUOTES FROM THE GUTTER
"In our dreams, people yield themselves with perfect docility to
our molding hands." Frederick Gates/Chairman of the
Rockefeller-established General Education Board (The World's Work,
August 1912)
"Countless people ... will hate the new world order ... and will
die protesting against it. When we attempt to evaluate its promise, we
have to bear in mind the distress of a generation or so of malcontents,
many of them quite gallant and graceful-looking people."
-- H. G. Wells, in his book entitled The New World Order (1939)
"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time
Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our
meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty
years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the
world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during
those years."
"But, the work is now much more sophisticated and
prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational
sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely
preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past
-- David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, June, 1991.
"In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all
states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty
wasn’t such a great idea after all."
-- Strobe Talbot, President Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of State, July
20th, l992.
"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make
a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he
will take a Luciferian Initiation."
-- David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations
"Military men are just dumb stupid animals, to be used as pawns in
foreign policy."
-- Henry Kissinger
HUSSEIN OBAMA- What we actually know about his past based on official
KYMATICA- one can begin to see the intent driving the Elites and
the New World Order cabal through this video, although their way is
filled with destruction and many negative side effects.
------------------------------------- THE HOT BOX
"The high office of President has been used to foment a plot to
destroy the American's freedom, and before I leave office I must inform
the citizen of his plight." John F. Kennedy, at Columbia University, 10
days before his assassination.
WHO - Documents: (proving they want to turn vaccines into killers)
(.pdf - Format)
World Population Study, 1974
1974 secret report prepared for
the outgoing U.S. President Richard Nixon which discusses ways to
drastically reduce world’s population base. The underlying premise of
the report is that Planet Earth’s natural resources could only sustain
3 billion people. The report was signed by Henry Kissinger.
the Amtrack Fema Camp footage is an example of fake propaganda put out
to dispel rumors of a Gov't cover-up of these actual camps
WHITE PHOSPHOROUS: One of the most insidious dirty weapons currently in
Israel used White Phosphorus against HAMAS targets in Gaza during
Operation Cast Lead in January 2009 - civilians paid the highest price,
however the Gov't violated no international laws or conventions?!
Known as Willy Pete, WP is typically used for signaling,
screening, and incendiary purposes & to destroy the enemy's
equipment or to limit his vision, also against vehicles, petroleum,
oils & lubricants (POL), ammunition storage areas, and enemy
observers. It is dispersed by explosive munitions, can be fired with
time fuse to obtain an airburst.
COBALT 60 - Muslim response to White Phosphorous-type
atrocities: a radioactive isotope of cobalt, kitchen sink type weapon
intended to cause mass casualties, extremely efficient & easily
Monsanto's GMO Corn crop pesticide has been directly implicated in
the vanishing bee population in Europe. The bee colonies are adjacent
to these GMO fields. The bees naturally drift over & ingest the
pesticide; then die quite suddenly from the reaction to the product.
Fluoride, like Aspartame. is a seritonin uptake inhibitor.
Important to know this connection as it interferes with our body's
natural response mechanism. The interaction of Aspartame with Fluoride
& that of any anti-depressant is usually the tipping point in
incidents of extreme violence a la Columbine.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent
revolution inevitable." John F. Kennedy
------------------------- ARCHIVE HEAVEN: MEGA TRUTH SITES
“The courage of life is often a less dramatic spectacle than the
courage of a final moment; but it is no less a magnificent mixture of
triumph and tragedy.” John Fitzgerald Kennedy
This is one of the deepest video file sources available on the nature
of evil. Please spread virally folks!
Coordonnées....Adresse électronique :
.....Bureau : .....Cafe's & apartments everywhere
Adresse : Vancouver, BC ...// While based here in
we definitely want to encourage support from all regions on these
matters. Together we are a force to be reckoned with. Let us find our
collective voice and shatter the illusions of power that have crippled
our societies for far too long. The Globalists do not deserve all this
attention. We must find our inherent strength and turn their hatred
into a future worth living....THIS IS OUR LIFE, THIS IS OUR FIGHT!
" Saints should always be judged guilty until they are proved
innocent. " George Orwell
Colloidal Silver (Super natural antibiotic, aids in prevention of
Morgellans Disease, counters barium damage from chem-trails)
4 THIEVES VINEGAR: home remedy (Natural
antiseptic/anti-fungal/anti-bacterial topical)
COMBINE INGREDIENTS- Lavender, Rosemary, Sage, Rue & Mint
ADD- Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
Marinate mixture in glass jar for 6 weeks, then strain contents. Voila.
ADD- pinch Cayenne Pepper + 1 ounce Bees Wax or lard
BLEND in hot water, apply contents on sore area topically
It turns our Star Anise, an ancient natural herb grown in
Southwest China, is a primary ingredient in Tamyflu. Also found in
Garam Masala Indian spice. In 2005 the Bird Flu scare spurred a rush in
sales of this powder. Considering the fact that Donald Rumsfeld is
managing the sale of Tamyflu it's almost guaranteed this 'drug' is
loaded with cancer triggers (see Aspartame for more on this criminal
& his bad habits). Or worse it may spur on the spread of infection
in the body or embed a pathogen in the body such that during the next
wave of Gov't spread Swine you will fall prey to it and possibly die.
So please research this herb, buy it and begin using it regularly in
combination with other great natural products available (see recent
news section for tips). Let's not allow the propaganda the Elites
spread to leave us vulnerable to any more of their dirty tricks. Take
care n love to ya. x
CLARIFICATION: It is pure Star Anise I am encouraging here, not so
much Garam Masala, which contains some of this ingredient.
Aside from those recommended supplements listed above I would
personally empty out your medicine cabinet of just about everything
else, other than tensor bandages.
...and say a prayer or two for mankind, even an atheist mantra of
A compromised immune system is more susceptible to infection. Some
areas of concern:
1) Anyone with Hyper-Thyroid needs to double their efforts to
rapidly cleanse the system. The Thyroid Gland is key to overall health.
Iodine is required by the Thyroid in order to synthesize T3 hormone
from T4 which helps to regulate your metabolism. The Pituitary gland
also plays a role in Thyroid function by moderating the production of
both T3 and T4. Additionally, the hypothalimous in turn regulates
Pituitary function. The Thyroid is weakened & neutralized by
processed food/white sugars. All sorts of problems can occur, Diabetes
2 is common amongst the youngest & most vulnerable.
2) Damage caused to the Pineal Gland from Fluoride in the water
& years of toothpaste exposure.
3) BPA plastic is deadly. It leaks a synthetic hormone which
mimics Estrogene & is present in most common store-bought products,
also present in the lining of all soup cans. Long term effects include
Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Androgeny. It should be mentioned that
in the original tests the developer chose only one type, BPA, from a
list of close to 200 benign varieties.
4) The Gov't is mixing Barium, Aluminum Particulates, Micro
Bacterial Viruses & Nano-Particle Machines into Jet fuel as part of
their eugenics programme. We in turn are breathing in these chem-trail
toxins every day.
5) Mercury is present in our drinking water & vaccine fillers
but is also now being added routinely to Corn Syrup.
7) I'm probably preaching to the converted here but the dangers of
vaccines are manifold. They are the main front of the NWO in part
because of Medical deception & society's penchant for trusting the
good doctor. As a quick reminder: In addition to the viral and
bacterial RNA or DNA that is part of the vaccines, here are the fillers:
hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, ammonium sulfate, amphotericin B, animal
tissues: pig blood, horse blood, rabbit brain, dog kidney, monkey
kidney, chick embryo, chicken egg, duck egg, calf (bovine) serum,
betapropiolactone, fetal bovine serum, formaldehyde,formalin, gelatin,
glycerol, human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal
tissue), hydrolized gelatin,monosodium glutamate (MSG), neomycin,
neomycin sulfate, phenol red indicator, phenoxyethanol (antifreeze),
potassium diphosphate, potassium monophosphate, polymyxin B,
polysorbate 20, polysorbate 80, porcine (pig) pancreatic hydrolysate of
casein, residual MRC5 proteins, sorbitol, sucrose,thimerosal
(mercury),tri(n)butylphosphate, VERO cells, a continuous line of monkey
kidney cells, washed sheep red blood cells.
Need I say more? It should be noted the anti-viral drug Tamiflu is
managed by Donald Rumsfeld among others. The same beast who spearheaded
(the fecal matter of the Ecoli Bacteria). If it is anything like
Gardasil it is likely loaded with cancer triggers.
8) Stress is a killer. Avoid getting angry, overwhelmed or
intensely negative during this phase. Your Cortisol levels shoot up,
weakens the immune system & leaves you vulnerable to heart attacks.
9) Avoid GMO food altogether, get plenty of rest, use plenty of
Flax/Hemp Oil poured amply on fresh Organic Greens, maintain a balanced
nutrient rich diet, take vitamins A,C & D, drink caffine-free
Organic Green Tea and avoid junk food altogether...(...)
From: DS
Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2006 1:32 PM
Subject: The worlds Best ANT POISON ((ASPARTAME))
World's Best Ant Poison contributed by Jan Jensen of WELLthy
We live in the woods and carpenter ants are a huge problem.
have spent thousands of dollars with Orkin and on ant poisons trying to
> keep them under control but nothing has helped.
So when I read
somewhere that aspartame (Nutrasweet) was actually developed as
an ant
poison and only changed to being considered non-poisonous after it was
realizedthat a lot more money could be made on it as a sweetener
as an ant poison, I decided to give it a try. I opened two
packets of
aspartame sweetener, and dumped one in a corner of each of our
bathrooms. That was about 2 years ago and I have not seen any carpenter
ants for about 9 to 12 months. It works better than the most
poisons I have tried. Any time they show up again, I simply dump
another package of Nutrasweet in a corner, and they will be gone
for a
year or so again. Since posting this information I have had many
people tell me of their success solving antproblems with this
substance, when nothing else worked.
found later that small black ants would not eat the aspartame. It was
determined that if you mixed it with apple juice, they would
take it backto the nest, and all would be dead within 24 hours,
usually. I have found that sometimes it will kill them, and >
sometimes it does not. Not sure why, may be slightly different
of ants or something.
Fire Ants:
We got our first fire ant hill about 2 weeks ago. Poison did not
work. We tried aspartame and the ants ignored it until we got a light
rain. It was just a sprinkle, enough to moisten the Nutrasweet and
ground, but not enough to wash it away. They went crazy, hundreds of
them grabbing it and taking it back into the mound. When I checked the
mound 2 days later, there was no sign of > the fire ants. I even dug
the mound up some, and still saw none of them.
How does it Work:
is a neuropoison. It most likely kills the ants by interfering with
their nervous system. It could be direct, like stopping their heart, or
something more subtle like killing their sense of taste so they can't
figure out what is eatable, or smell, so they can't follow their
trails, or mis-identify their colonies members, so they start fighting
each other> Not sure what causes them to end up dying, just know
that for many species of ants it will kill them quickly and
As with any poison I recommend
wearing gloves and washing any skin areas that come in contact with
this poison, and avoid getting it in your mouth, despite anything the
labeling may indicate. I suspect it will work for other insects
as yellow jackets as > well, but have not tested that yet.
Americans are getting
angry, Canadians too. Hawk //
Unless you are IN the Government, why would anyone in their right mind
Control Their kids?
Control their Money?
Control their Speech?
Control their freedom to
Control their auto industry?
And to control their Health?
Town Hall Meeting with U.S. Congressman Brian Baird:
HedrickDavid 22 août/august 2009
David William Hedrick, a member of the silent majority, decided that I
was not going to be silent anymore. So, I let U.S. Congressman Brian
Baird have it. I was one questioner out of 38, that was called at
random from an audience that started at 3,000 earlier in the evening.
Not expecting to be called on, I quickly scratched what I wanted to say
on a borrowed piece of paper and with a pen that I borrowed from
someone else in the audience minutes before I spoke. So much for the
planned talking points of the right wing conspiracy. ((
An archive for the works of David Hawkins, Forensic Economist
David Hawkins [Bio] is the
former coordinator of Artificial
Intelligence and geoscience research at Schlumberger, the inventor in
1989 of a toolkit for virtual-reality prototyping and a world authority
on the use of applied mathematics, thermodynamics and deductive logic
to analyze violent crimes and identify the weapons, opportunities and
motives of the perpetrators. All trademarks acknowledged.
Subscribe to
Hawks Cafe
Enter your e-mail address in the box below:
Join HAWKS CAFE and receive ongoing analysis of the weapons
motives behind 9/11. Posts generally once or up to twice a week.
Subscriber list held strictly confidential; not used for any other
"Tracking the 911 Explosives for Building Demolition and Plane
Destruction" June 13, 2007
(may 6, 2007) FILED BY Field MCCONNELL as Civil Case 3:07-CV-49 IN
to PRIVATE-EQUITY RACKETEERING and two-party corruption
Support Ninth Amendment Remedy and 9/11 Claim for Wrongful Deaths
and TRANSCRIPT of March 3rd Coast to Coast AM Interview WITH NEW
VIDEO Check it out!:
Captain Field McConnell setting the World Record for Flight
Refueling at Low Altitude-
This pilot KNOWS what military AND commercial planes can do-
will explain what jets COULD and COULD NOT do on 9/11... It is not what
we were all told...
McConnell Solves “Murder on United 93” and MORE! (new live
McConnell, Hawkins Describe 9/11 Murder of Burlingame, DeConto
Countrywide protection racket for Wacker 9/11? (10/26/06)
Al-Qaeda, Carlyle Canada and Clinton Clickback Network
Focus: Forensic
Economics for Disaster Analysis and Virtual-Reality Prototyping
David Hawkins offers
keynote speeches, workshops or consultancy on the projects below
Academic Record
* First Class Honours Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Cambridge
* Diploma in Industrial Management, Cambridge University.
* Foundation Scholarship, Queens’ College, Cambridge
University, for outstanding academic performance in Applied Mathematics
and Thermodynamics (Science of Waste and Chaos)
Current Projects:
* Hawks CAFE – David Hawkins launched the ‘Citizens
Association of Forensic Economists’ in British Columbia in 2003 as an
asset tracking network to monitor impact of government laws and
programs on public debt, personal assets and individual rights. Hawks
CAFE brings a scientific discipline to help local experts expose
‘off-book’ debt, combat crime and fraud and optimize the use of assets
in water, energy, transport, shelter, defence, food, forestry and
fisheries industries.
* I-BAT – David developed Independent-Benchmark Asset
Tracking as a simulation tool to help citizens and their elected
representatives scope political corruption and visualize waste or fraud
by all orders of government, including NATO, NORAD, the European Union,
United Nations. I-BAT tracks the source and application of assets
through blind trusts and off-book partnerships used — as in the case of
Enron — to hide debt, evade taxes, enrich insiders and launder money.
* EAZEway – David designed the Elevated Adaptable
Zero-Emission trackway as a regional transportation, real-estate and
communication network using a proprietary plug-and-play monorail with
"cool" energy from renewable power and proven technologies and business
* Deductive Computing Machine – invented, designed and
built by David Hawkins for ‘virtual-reality’ prototyping to emulate
domain experts by learning, understanding, effect propagation, conflict
resolution and justification. The DCM generates virtual prototypes,
matching data from the real-world and users can adapt a selected
prototype to maximise probability of it being "true". ....(...)
* Interests:
David Hawkins writes poetry,
fiction and is a sometime actor in community theatre.
Political Truth Sites List
The 9/11 Files Topsites
“Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the
only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.” Thomas
Jefferson (Third American President1801-1809)
On August 14th we reported to you in Russia “Alarmed” After
Nuclear Warheads Go Missing In Atlantic .... on the bizarre
disappearance of the Malta flagged, Russian crewed, Finnish ship named
the Arctic Sea wherein we gave warning about this vessel’s nuclear
Today, August 23rd, reports are emerging from Russia [Here and
Here] stating that Israel’s MOSSAD was behind this ship hijacking in order to prevent its
secret cargo of Russian made X-55 cruise missiles from reaching Iran.
On June 12th we reported to you in Obama Issues “Immediate”
Assassination Order For Mexican President Calderon of an imminent
threat to Mexico’s embattled leader.
On August 11th the Mexican government reported [Here] that they
had foiled a plot by the Sinaloa drug cartel to assassinate President
Felipe Calderon.
On June 28, 2007 we reported to you in US Banking Collapse
‘Imminent’ Warns French Banking Giant that the World was on the brink
of a Global banking meltdown.
In March, 2008 [Here] the American banking giant Bear Stearns
collapsed bringing about the start of the greatest Global financial
crisis since the Great Depression.
just these three examples (and we could give many
more if space allowed) you have concrete examples that what is going to
be the “news” of the future, is able to be known beforehand. And
events are able to be foretold, they are also able to be protected
against. And that is the value that we, and others like us, have…we are
able to pre-warn you about critical events so that you are not taken
unaware or unprotected by them.
What we do, and how we do it, is only able to be accomplished by
taking what is called “raw intelligence” and re-packaging it in a form,
and manner, that protects us, protects our sources, and, most of all
protects you who are reading it as the end user. And if any of
“pieces” are put together incorrectly we run the risk of being totally
destroyed…a position we have gladly put ourselves into for your benefit.
Now what you may not be aware of is that what we do is also being
done by governments, military, banking and corporations, the World
over, all of who know that no battle, or war, can be waged without
intelligence reports on what is-could-may-is most likely-is least
likely, etc. going to happen based upon all currently available
information. To even think of going into any conflict without knowing
all possible outcomes is beyond stupid, it is actually deadly.
Another fact you most likely aren’t aware of is that our reports
(just like those in any intelligence agency) are put together by
people, and again from all around the World, who have spent their
careers perfecting the art of taking disparate facts, tidbits of facts,
rumors, innuendo, and the like, and then compiling them into a single
coherent view of what could be-might be-is going to be so as the end
user, this is you, are able to make those plans and preparations needed
to protect yourselves.
Instead of your benefiting from what we freely provide you could,
of course, subscribe to other services like us, such as STRATFOR (a
very excellent service by the way) which charges $349 to each of its 2
million members, or any number of think tanks and private intelligence
services that charge into the thousands and tens of thousands of
dollars for their work.
Even though you may not fully understand this, you must be aware
that EVERY SINGLE decision maker in the World, no matter what their
position, rank or title is, NEVER relies on what is called the
“mainstream media” for news, critical analysis or intelligence because
it is so corrupted by corporate and political interests it is now
considered as nothing more than propaganda designed to serve the
interests of its masters. And they are cruel masters, indeed, for
anyone that fails to toe the “company line”; such as the American
television host Glen Beck, who in failing to “keep on message” has
become the latest in a long list of commentators forced into conformity
by the loss of his corporate paymasters.(( ))
The situation that faces you now is a very critical
one, and it is a simple one…you must support those who are defending
you or they will die. And if they die, you will then be
with nothing more than propaganda masquerading as news. The
we, and others like us, face is a mindset that has been falsely
instilled in you that “gives” you “permission” to help others
(donations to your churches, Red Cross, Salvation Army, Goodwill,
etc.), that “allows” you to pay for news through newspapers, magazines,
and the like, but forbids you
from paying those who labor
against the political-banking-military-corporate monolith on your
And so effective has this monolith been in corrupting you, that on
this very day you are reading these words, your lack of support is,
literally, killing the few remaining alternative news sites still
working on your behalf. From Antiwar.Com (one of the oldest and most
respected anti-war sites on the Internet) who are now warning they are
about to go under due to lack of funds,((, to
who though visited by tens of thousands of people
starved for true information is, also, nearing collapse, (( )), to
ourselves, your inaction is having a profound effect.
But when all is said and done, when all you have left are the
propagandists to inform you, know that all is lost. That isn’t
though, and it isn’t too late for you to make a difference….and if not
now…when? And if not you….who?
Now I’m not talking to everyone
here, just to the vast
majority of you who continually disregard appeals such as this and
continue to live off the generosity of those few who keep us alive
every month. And I tell you honestly that unless you listen to
appeal and support us, we will cease to exist. And by your
negligence of responsibility to your own safety you are playing right
into the hands of those who will make you slaves.
So, for those of you have given before, PLEASE do not give again,
you’ve done more than enough, and thank you for that.
To the rest of you though, the ones who never give of themselves,
start helping all of us by taking some of this burden upon yourselves
and relieving the burden you’ve placed on others. And if all of
who fall in this category gave just $50 today our expenses would be
covered for an entire year….which comes out to just 13 US pennies a day
for a whole year.
On this, our last day of appeal for this season, I leave you with
these words from Winston Churchill, who during the darkest days of his
Nation’s battle against the Nazi Empire said to his people, “We make a
living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.”
My greatest hope is that you’re able to understand this, because
if you do there remains hope, if not, then all is lost anyway.