Tom Heneghan in 2 parts // fulford27-29 -
fw10 - icke - RMN - c-story - alcuin -
He writes:
...(...) Our next intelligence briefing will also deal with the
latest flu vaccination program involving Baxter and Novartis flu
vaccine companies that are ready, on order of the Obama Administration,
to conduct forced vaccinations on every living American
citizen.... starting
on August 30th.
This is to
coincide with a "Martial Law" decree, which would effectively end the
U.S. Republic.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
BREAKING NEWS: 9/11 Israeli Spy Ring Arrested En Masse - Part 1 of 2
the scenes intelligence briefings ALL Patriot Americans MUST know...the
REAL facts and truth the corporate-controlled mainstream media covers up
UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that the
FBI and U.S. Marshals Service conducted a broad scope sting and then
arrested individuals in the state of New Jersey tied to the massive
Israeli spy network that has been operating on American soil for over
15 years or more.
also said that bomb-sniffing dogs reacted as if they had detected
explosives, although officers were unable to find anything. The FBI
seized the van for further testing, authorities said.....
10 p.m., members of the bomb squad were picking through the van
and X-raying packages found inside, Schmidig said.Sources said the FBI
alert, known as a BOLO or "Be On Lookout," was sent out at 3:31 p.m.It
"Vehicle possibly related to ....New York.... terrorist
attack. White, 2000 Chevrolet van with New Jersey registration with
'Urban Moving Systems' sign on back seen at Liberty State Park, Jersey
City, NJ, at the time of first impact of jetliner into World Trade
"Three individuals with van were seen celebrating after initial
impact and subsequent explosion. FBI Newark Field Office requests that,
if the van is located, hold for prints and detain individuals."....
April 4, 2008 Intelligence Briefing ...P.P.S. The recent
indictment of Ben-Ami Kadish for espionage against the United States
dovetails to New Jersey Israeli MOSSAD activity in the U.S., including
their role in 9/11.
Down the Memory Hole:
Carl Cameron's TV story of 9-11 COMPLICIT Israeli Spy Ring in U.S.
it was poor journalism for FOX to entirely purge the story from their
websites. Then it was found they even purged it from THEIR OFFICIAL
ARCHIVES. Something interesting in the news here worth looking at, I
Then, FOX threatened various other areas like the website to remove it!
I suggest you
populate this all over the internet.
"...far more telling is the admission made by a US Official (in
part one) quoted in the Fox News report that hard evidence exists
linking 9/11 not to Arab Muslims, but to some of the 200+ Israeli spies
arrested both before and after 9/11,
however, this Israeli=911 evidence had been CLASSIFIED."
January 2000: Israeli Spy Ring Begins Penetrating US
government document later leaked to the press [Drug Enforcement Agency,
6/2001] suggests that a large Israeli spy ring starts penetrating the
US from at least this time, if not earlier. This ring, which will later
become popularly known as the “art student spy ring,” is later shown to
have strange connections to the events of 9/11. [Insight, 3/11/2002]
by Dr. Albert D. Pastore PhD
We talked at length about the five celebrating Israeli "movers",
(Mossad agents), who were arrested and placed in solitary confinement
for weeks after they were spotted in a white van suspected of
attempting to blow up the George Washington Bridge. We also reviewed
how the Israeli owner of Urban Moving Systems - Dominick Suter - then
suddenly abandoned his "moving company" and fled for Israel on 9-14.
But there were still more Israeli "movers" and other Israelis whose
actions raise serious suspicions. Even more suspicious is how they are
always quietly released and deported. [added: released by then
Assistant Attorney General, dual ISRAELI-U.S. citizen, Mossad agent
Michael Chertoff] Full story
The individuals arrested are not only linked to the financial
and operational script tied to 9/11, but they are also responsible for
the theft of over $18 TRILLION from the U.S. Treasury.
The individuals arrested have also been linked to the Bernard
Madoff Ponzi Scheme, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and its
former CEO Stephen Friedman.
The lynch pin for the Israeli espionage ring is Rabbi Saul J.
Kassin, the chief rabbi of Sharee Zion in Brooklyn aka the grand rabbi
of the Syrian Jewish community of the United States, and his five other
co-conspirators,who have had direct links to the noted criminal
brokerage firm Goldman Sachs and major U.S. politicians, including
former illegal White House occupant George W. BushFRAUD, current
dysfunctional U.S. Secretary of State, loser and lesbian in-the-closet
Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton, New Jersey Governor and former Goldman
Sachs stooge Jon Corzine, Obama's White House Chief
of Staff and
Israeli Mossad agent, Rahm Emanuel,
current Republican Majority
Leader of the House of Representatives, Eric
Cantor, as well as
New York U.S. Senator Charles Schumer.
Also tied to the Israeli espionage ring are major U.S. media
moguls, including FOX News CEO Rupert Murdoch
Greenberg, noted TIME
magazine, anti-Caroline Kennedy, anti-Al Gore, pro Hillary Rodenhurst
Clinton stooge, Joe Klein, as well as the two
noted Washington Post
scumbags David Ignatius and Bob Woodward.
Note: A long time FBI informant and dual foreign intelligence
agent named Solomon Dwek has supplied tape recorded conversations to
the U.S. Marshals Service clearly showing that a New Jersey moving
company named Urban Moving Systems was a front for an Israeli Mossad
operation, which ties in directly to Rabbi Kassin current Israeli Prime
Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and the highest levels of the Bush White
House aka complicity in the 9/11 attacks on the United States.
We can now divulge that there are at least twenty-five (25) tape
recorded conversations between Rabbi Kassin and former illegal White
House occupant, nation wrecker, homosexual in-the-closet, election
stealing, cocaine snorting, AWOL war criminal, George W. Bushfraud,
dealing with matters DIRECTLY related to the 9/11 attacks and the
illegal war in Iraq.
P.S. It was Congresswoman Jane Harman, D-CA, and current
Republican majority leader Eric Cantor, R-VA, that have for years
orchestrated a massive cover up of this TREASON evidence of tape
recorded conversations, keeping them from Congressional committees
still secretly investigating 9/11 and from the compromised 9/11
Commission itself.
P.P.S. At this hour the puppet Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate
controlled Obama Administration, along with its White House legal
counsel "Skull and Bonesman" stooge Greg Craig, continue a massive
cover up involving the illegal rendition flights of alleged Al Qaeda
9/11 terror suspects aka 9/11 patsies who were illegally tortured in
order to coerce confessions involving their knowledge of activities
relating to 9/11 as to protect and cover
up the activities of the
9/11 Israeli spy ring who have now been fingered with FBI tape recorded
conversations in orchestrating the 9/11 attacks on the United States.
Greg Craig is also protecting former Vice pResident Richard Cheney
and U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, TRAITOR and
homosexual in-the-closet Patrick
Fitzgerald, from being
indicted for conducting a massive criminal conspiracy aka the Scooter
Libby-Richard Cheney-Richard Armitage-Mary Matalin-Karl Rove plot
to plant WMDs (weapons of mass destruction) in Iraq
before the Iraq war began.
"Skull and Bonesman" Greg Craig is refusing to
turn over the
notes dealing with the Fitzgerald interrogation of Cheney, which will
show that Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald orchestrated a cover up
for the Bush-Cheney junta by indicting Scooter Libby for perjury while
protecting the activity of Bush, Cheney and Armitage in their
treasonous crimes dealing with the criminal conspiracy,
which involved lying to the American People into the illegal
war in Iraq.
Cheney and Libby Homosexual in-the-closet Fitzgerald
failed to
pursue evidence tying fugitive Marc Rich attorney, Scooter Libby's role
in the Richard Cheney-Israeli Mossad assassination teams that targeted
9/11 whistleblowers and individuals
that knew of the criminal conspiracies to plant WMDs in
Iraq before the war started.
Closet homosexual Patrick Fitzgerald never indicted anyone on the
crime he was appointed to investigate aka who leaked CIA covert agent
Valerie Plame's name
to CIA media journalist Robert Novak.
TRAITOR Patrick Fitzgerald The interrogation notes currently
kept secret from the public will prove that Fitzgerald conspired with
Richard Cheney, BushFRAUD, Richard Armitage and former BushFRAUD's
White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove, as well as Scooter Libby
himself, to use the perjury indictment against Libby as a shield and
disguise for the greater criminal activity Fitzgerald had
and then proceeded to cover up claiming "national security" in
to protect the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate.
Plus, closet homosexual Patrick Fitzgerald [who attended Barney
Frank's D.C. whorehouse] has now also been tied to FBI Division 5
operatives Timothy White aka Tim
White and Ted Gunderson, as
well as stooge Jeff Fisher.
An FBI audio tape has recently surfaced in which Ted Gunderson,
Tim White and Jeff Fisher admit to working for FBI Division 5 as
and having direct contact with Patrick Fitzgerald.
Note: FBI Division 5 informant, cross-dresser Tim White continues
to operate openly and freely on American soil even though he has
frequently made threats against former Vice President now duly elected
President Albert Gore Jr. and his family.
Note: Fitzgerald also continues to cover up the role of Skadden,
Arps and its tie in to the bribery of FIVE (5) U.S. Supreme Court
Justices involving a major Chicago based discount commodities brokerage
firm aka the overthrow of the year 2000 presidential election denying
then Vice President, now year 2000 duly elected natural
President Albert Gore Jr. his rightful place in the Oval House.
can also reveal that the enabler criminal Patrick Fitzgerald, along
with BushFRAUD's Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove, ordered the illegal
NSA "Stellar Wind" phone tapping and email monitoring of the late
Florida Department of Transportation Investigator Raymond Lemme, who
had the "smoking gun" evidence, now possessed by Albert Gore's
daughter, of the NASA space agency five (5) state electronic coup
stole the year 2000 presidential election in not only Florida, but also
in New Hampshire, Missouri, West Virginia and Albert Gore's home state
of Tennessee.
Raymond Lemme, top right active U.S. Air Force Reservist
and Florida Department of Transportation OSI Investigator was murdered
investigating Chinese - NASA, DOT whistleblower complaint
TRAITOR Patrick Fitzgerald helped enable the assassination
[suicid-ed] of Raymond Lemme conducted by the
Bush-Clinton-Cheney-Mossad-Gary Best Inc. "True Colors" assassination
teams in a Valdosta, Georgia motel
before Lemme could deliver his story and evidence to the Atlanta
Note: At this hour, homosexual in-the-closet Patrick Fitzgerald
has been illegally involved in using FBI Division 5 stooges to illegally tap the
phones and monitor the emails of the author of these intelligence
Constitution of the United States
Bill of Rights
Amendment I
shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their
persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and
seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon
probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly
describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be
I will have more to report in the next intelligence briefing
about the extent to which Fitzgerald has gone with other U.S.
government agencies
to violate my Constitutional rights.
P.P.P.S. Stay tuned for our next intelligence briefing, which will
include more information on the role of major commodities and
securities discount brokerage firms, along with the conspiratorial
Federal Reserve, in illegal electronic front running of trades tied to
the Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme and the recent arrests in New Jersey.
We will also deal with the continuing 9/11 cover up involving the
Obama Administration, Greg Craig and the on-going illegal use of
rendition flights ordered by loser and closet lesbian, dysfunctional
Secretary of State Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton
of 9/11 whistleblowers who were knowledgeable of the 9/11 Israeli
espionage ring
that has been recently fingered in the state of New Jersey.
Loser Hillary will appear as a guest tomorrow on David Gregory's
NBC "Meet the Press". It is unlikely that Gregory will ask
of Hillary pertaining to the Israeli espionage ring, her role in
ordering the kidnapping of the two (2) Current TV American journalists
currently held in North Korea, plus her role in the continuation of the
illegal rendition flights actually done without Obama's knowledge.
Item: Some U.S. Justice Department officials would like to
"un-seal" the indictments against loser Hillary involving her THEFT of
U.S. Treasury funds from the Crozier Bank in Grenada and her role,
along with criminal business partner former President George Herbert
Walker Bush and former Clinton era independent counsel Kenneth Starr,
in ordering the kidnapping of American Patriot Ambassador Leo Wanta
from his home in Wisconsin to a gulag-type U.S. government prison in
Sayre, Oklahoma
where Wanta was almost assassinated.
was in possession of documents aka the Kenneth Starr
investigation, which the author of this intelligence briefing also now
has possession of this evidence, showing the former Clinton era
independent counsel Kenneth Starr engaged in a massive treasonous
conspiracy to cover up the illegal Bush-Clinton-Iran/Contra-Mena,
Arkansas narcotics and weapons trafficking and Japenese yen money
laundry run through the Arkansas Development
Finance Agency
directed by Clinton stooge Robert Nash and the noted Little Rock,
Arkansas Rose law firm.
Note: Hillary, on her latest visit to India representing the Obama
Administration, signed off on an American nuclear power plant to be
constructed in India.
Guess which company, folks, got the contract to build the American
nuclear power plant in India? None other than NBC's General
Reference: General Electric-NBC and its former CEO Jack Welch have
been tied to TRILLIONS of dollars of illegal derivatives, Robert
Rubin's Citibank, the Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme, the former ENRON
corporation, war profiteering in Iraq, the cover up of the year 2000
presidential election coup and the financial lynch pin, along with the
neocon Zionist-controlled Washington Post, in supporting what is
commonly known as the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate that still
seeks monarchial rule over the American People.
Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible
sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and
INTERPOL-- reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the
controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive
deceptions and illusions.
It is absolutely clear that George W. BushFRAUD was NEVER elected
in the year 2000 presidential election. The evidence is now
overwhelming that the U.S. Supreme Court was bribed and that Bush and
his treasonous cohorts engaged in the most massive theft of the
American People's vote in the history of the American republic.
The BushFRAUD White House occupancy is nothing more than an egregious
fraud on the American People aka fraud on the U.S. Supreme Court.
The Obama White House residency is, of course, also a massive fraud
based on evidence that Obama was not even eligible to be on the ballot
given the fact that he
WAS born in Kenya and is NOT a natural born citizen as required
and mandated by the U.S. Constitution.
So, whether
you like it or not, folks, Democrat or Republican, left wing or right
wing, at this hour Albert Gore Jr. of Carthage, Tennessee, still
remains the legal, natural born, duly elected President of the United
States of America.
As John Adams once said "facts are stubborn things".
If you do not like facts, continue living in Delusional-ville
brought to you by the corporate fascist, extortion-friendly news media
propaganda aka the latest racial psyop created by the media involving a
black Harvard professor and a New Jersey policeman as a diversion to
keep from reporting stories that we report to you.
Our next intelligence briefing will also deal with the latest flu
vaccination program involving Baxter and Novartis flu vaccine companies
that are ready, on order of the Obama Administration, to conduct forced
vaccinations on every living American citizen
This is to
coincide with a "Martial Law" decree, which would effectively end the
U.S. Republic.
Note: The U.S. Federal Reserve is currently broke and can not
sustain its Black-Scholes Ponzi Scheme past September 30th.
It is important to note that the bird flu virus aka avian flu was
actually delivered to a Baxter subsidiary laboratory in Austria, which
was then used by Baxter to manufacture 72 kilos of vaccine material in
the same month that Baxter received delivery of the flu virus from a
CIA laboratory in Langley, Virginia.
Laibow expresses great alarm in stating:
“Baxter mixed a virus
which has a hard time infecting people (H5N1 Avian flu) with one that
infects them easily (”Seasonal Flu”) in a medium which can promote
mutations of the H5N1 virus into a type which can infect us easily.
What will be in the vaccine you are forced/coerced/threatened into
allowing into your body? Who knows?” MORE
Bioterrorism Criminal Charges Filed
On June 10, Austrian journalist Jane Burgermeister filed sweeping
criminal charges with the FBI in addition to earlier ones on April 8
with the Vienna State Prosecutor’s Office against Baxter AG, Baxter
International and Avir Green Hill Biotechnology AG, “for manufacturing,
disseminating, and releasing a biological weapon of mass destruction on
Austrian soil between December 2008 and February 2009 with the
intention of causing a global bird flu pandemic virus and of intending
to profit from that same pandemic in an act that violates laws on
international organised crime and genocide.” MORE
Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible
sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and
INTERPOL-- reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the
controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive
deceptions and illusions.
The story behind the $500 billion on the Fed’s books
heads were wagging as Federal Reserve Gang Boss Ben (helicopter)
Bernanke was grilled about why the Federal Reserve Board sent $500
billion overseas in late 2007.
says the money went to 14 other central banks but he is lying.
What really happened is that the Federal Reserve Board, facing
bankruptcy at the end of the secret fiscal year of 2007 went begging to
all the other European central banks for money to postpone its
bankruptcy for another year.
like a junkie going around mooching off old friends, there comes a time
when nobody is willing to pay for a self-destructive habit anymore.
That is what happened in September 2008. The US criminal government has
been looting everything it can from its own American slave peoples
since then in a desperate effort to postpone the inevitable.
..........September 2009 will have Obama going around asking for $2
trillion or more
informant has come forward with information about a Chinese Ming
faction that has been cooperating with the Bush Nazis. It turns out
that a Ming Princess was secretly married to the Taisho Emperor (but
impregnated by the Meiji Emperor) as part of a strategic plan to create
an “Emperor of Asia.” The group is known as the Baikado (梅花) or Plum Flower Faction. In Japan now it is the Kanei
(金井)family that supports them.
is the group that furnished the diplomatic protection to the two
“Japanese” recently arrested in Italy with the $134.5 billion (or $500
billion depending on the source). Now that we have identified these
people, they can be easily dealt with. The Japanese members of the
trilateral commission must wake up to the fact that we know who they
are and where they live but they know almost nothing about us. The
Chinese want to establish a meritocracy and not go back to tyrannical
imperial rule.Japan wants to end colonial rule.
URGENT: Bank Holiday/Shutdown in the Planning...CONFIRMED: ((July
26, 2009 ))
How one bank - Goldman Sachs - bribed the Clinton Administration,
the Democrats, the Bush administration and the Republicans - to take
over the US banking system.
Harry Schultz is a veteran newsletter writer (Harry Schultz
Letter) and expert analyst, whose reputation is beyond reproach. He
wrote in his June newsletter a preface to a surprise event of
magnificent magnitude and importance, with only one precedent in US
history. He wrote, “Some US embassies worldwide are being advised to
purchase massive amounts of local currencies, enough to last them a
year. Some embassies are being sent enormous amounts of US$ cash to
purchase currencies from those governments, quietly, but not £’s
[British Pounds].
Inside the State Dept there is a sense of sadness and foreboding
that ‘something’ is about to happen, unknown as to a date, within 180
days, but could be 120-150 days.” Notice the US Dollar and British
Pound are grouped together, both to become unavailable.
Schultz continues with more detail, some speculation, and advice.
He refers to Franklin D Roosevelt, who imposed the last bank holiday at
the end of the Great Depression. Schultz wrote, “My HSL suspicion is
that the Elite plan another FDR style ‘bank holiday’ of indefinite
length, perhaps very soon, to let the insiders sort out the bank mess
which is getting more out of their control every day. Insiders want and
need to impose new bank rules. Widespread nationalization could result,
already under way.
It could also lead to a formal US$ devaluation, as FDR did
revaluing gold (and then confiscating it). But devalue against what?
The euro? Doubtful. Gold? Maybe. Or versus the IMF basket of currencies
(which seems more likely) and much in the news recently. Any kind of
bank holiday will push the US$ lower, which may be a bonus benefit to
their ongoing scenario of letting the US$ fall. Such a fall would get
the devaluation they want without having to declare it. In sum, the
insiders want more bank and system control, fewer banks, and a lower
USDollar. A bank holiday would suit all their needs & Obviously,
you cannot open safe boxes if the banks are closed, so plan accordingly.
All this is speculation, but we have to go with what we’ve
scraps of information that point to certain possibilities. In any case
such a closure will, IMO, come sooner or later, as the worst of the
embedded [credit] derivatives are still to be faced. We are years away
from solving them because the controllers do not want to, since their
fingerprints are all over them & PS: during the FDR bank holiday,
thousands of banks never reopened. It was a face saving way of shutting
them down. I would guess the same would occur today. Thousands have
little or no net value, loaded with debt, and bad mortgages.” (Minor
edits were made to make Harry’s unusual style more readable, with no
change to content)
Schultz elaborated some more on the prospects of price inflation
arriving in force. He prefers non-US$ companies, many listed in US and
Canada or Australia. He wrote, “The world is staggering today between
stagflation and net deflation right now. It varies widely around globe.
Net deflation is a maybe 35% risk, due to toxics [toxic assets] and/or
deepening depression. Bit more likely, we will slowly creep up to a
dangerous 4.5% [price] inflation on average, medium-term. But the wild
card is the currency risk, which has a 50% (?) chance of boiling over
and causing literally overnight (i.e. 24 hours) mega inflation in the
asset markets.”
He implies that the stock market might be a beneficiary of
monetary inflation, as easy money floods into the financial markets and
bids up prices. The same flood would bid up the gold price. He
recommends 35% to 45% devoted to gold mining stocks and gold bullion.
The story was reiterated by Peter Brimelow on Market Watch for further
publicity and legitimacy (CLICK HERE).
Bob Chapman actually broke the story, but Schultz used his
enormous pulpit of thousands of subscribers to broadcast the message
with ample publicity. One of the Chapman subscribers reported overheard
two FEMA (Federal Emergency Mgmt Agency) men wearing official jackets
talking to a police chief in California. FEMA would take control
nationwide in a virus epidemic. They wanted to federalize the entire
police system across the United States. They discussed plans for the US
Govt to close the banks in late August or early September, and that
will get ugly, in their words. Chapman quotes another source that
“Panasonic has told their people to be back in Japan by September
2009.” There is an internal confirmation on US bank shutdown.
My best source of bank information confirmed the report of US bank
shutdown plans by the US Govt. A confirmation came, saying “This report
is 100% correct. It is much worse, and it will get a lot worse than
most people can imagine in their wildest dreams. The arising
opportunities and arising risks are limitless. Those who get it early
enough (within the next 8 weeks) will prosper, and those who do not
will fail, never to get a chance to recover. It will be a mega
cleansing process. People who are privileged to read Jim Willie’s Hat
Trick Letter will say 'the guy had it all figured out and wrote about
it in a polite and gentle way.’ Greetings from the epic center.”
One ex-US Military contact also confirmed the bank shutdown plans.
He has friends located inside the US Homeland Security Agency. He
passes on word that the HSA has extensive drills to prepare for
national riot control in urban centers in early October. He also
mentions that HSA has by far the dumbest, least talented, and
unimpressive staff in all the USGovt. They accepted rejects from all
other agencies like FBI, CIA, and National Security Agency, Drug
Enforcement Agency, and Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms Agency when the
HAS agency was originally formed. The other agencies did not wish to
part with their best staff, of course.
One should doubt that Canadian bank locations will be much
different from US chaos during the period when banks are shut down
temporarily. Maybe the US states along the Canadian border will accept
Canadian Dollars temporarily for transactions? Who knows? Nothing in
the last 18 months has been normal, and no return to normal comes.
Those who think normal will return are lunatic and blind. The past is
forever gone, along with its system, soon to be supplanted in violent
manner with shock wave after shock wave. In fact, within 12 to 18
months, shock waves will become the norm in my view. The actual trigger
events are unclear, but the credit derivatives must be breaking all
over the place for last few months. Hidden fires are dealt with using
AIG under the US Govt aegis, but damage is surely occurring elsewhere.
The US banking system broke last autumn. All that keeps it held
together lately is corruption and rubber bands, supplied with unlimited
liquidity funds channeled into the dominant syndicate centers on Wall
Street, assisted by grand propaganda and phony accounting rules.
Here is my best forecast & speculation of what might
specifically occur during a US bank shutdown, and immediately
afterwards. Bank heists would be prominent and widespread, given the
perfect environment of darkness. The theft would include gold bullion
centers. It would also coincide nicely with the possibility of Elite
theft of gold from major gold storage centers in addition to the Royal
Canadian Mint. The bank heist would likely include inactive accounts
nationwide as well as entire bank deposits at lesser known banks,
selected as vulnerable without protection in either New York City or
WashingtonDC. Blame would be given to nameless rogues, when Wall Street
firms would be deeply involved.
During the shutdown, many regional and mid sized
banks would be forced by US Govt order, under the cloak of national
security and emergency, to merge with big money center banks. These
larger banks are the zombies often described, and the banks responsible
for most bond fraud if not counterfeit. They are dead. They are
masquerading as viable in order to attract stock issuance capital. They
would sponsor seizures painted as mergers, where perhaps the US Govt
will order the majority of regional and mid sized banks to ‘team up
with an upper echelon bank’ for systemic risk defensive purposes. Banks
across the nation might be forced to find a money center sponsor bank.
It will be a raid on their assets.
The US Dollar should suffer a 30% to 40% sudden devaluation. The
gold & silver prices should rise by 20% at least, held back by
continued stubbornfraud in the COMEX. The US Dollar devaluation would
officially be touted as beneficial, to trigger a possible US Economic
recovery. However, it would cause instant commodity price inflation and
a rise in the entire national cost structure. It would be beneficial to
export companies, but their customers are under extreme duress. It
would at the same time inflict greater hardship on US households on a
cost basis. The US Economic recession would worsen very badly, become a
recognized depression.
The red herring is the unknown effect on both credit
and the COMEX gold contracts. The credit derivatives would suffer
shocks from the US Treasury Bond impact, surely not positive, as bond
yields would probably rise from lost confidence in both the US$ and UST
Bond simultaneously. The COMEX gold contracts are directly related to
the US Dollar exchange rates. Major disruption and potential fractures
could come to the COMEX, which could actually shut down for a longer
period than the US banks. During the period of darkness, legitimate
hope might be justified into thinking that the COMEX might actually
never open. It might be broken, exposed, and suffer the shame of
criminal prosecutions finally. That might be wishful thinking.
Extreme problems would come, however, to the COMEX if
discontinuity comes to price structures. That is a certainty!!!
The other major unpredictable outcome is social disorder, chaos,
riots, destruction of property, and public frustration. The
inaccessible bank accounts mean no new money to purchase food, to pay
for utilities, to buy gasoline. The national economy would grind to a
halt. My realistic view is that the US Govt and Ruling Elite bankers
wish to spark riots so that they can declare a state of emergency, so
that they can declare martial law. They anticipate a violent reaction.
If viruses are unleashed at the same time, the nation will sink into
total chaos and lock down into countless pockets of isolation. Shutting
down the banks might be necessary to restructure, with or without
criminal intent. Nonetheless, shutting down the banks might be a
planned step toward ending the Republic and beginning a new Fascist
state with totalitarian powers. They might shut down banks so as to
create a response that sets into motion the new system the Ruling Elite
lust for.
From: Rod Remelin
Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2009 6:12 PM
Subject: FEMA Has 500,000 Coffins Waiting For Their "To Die For Vaccine"
Jane Bergermeister has a 76 pages of proof that the World Health
Organization arm of the UN is the genesis behind the deadly pandemic
swine/avion/human flu to take down populations around the world.
already have the caskets waiting outside the CDC in Atlanta for over
500,000 bodies.
A significant number of virologists and other scientists are on record
that the Swine Flu was created in a laboratory and could not evolve
naturally. (Fact, 2009)
« FEMA coffin patent: “Multi-functional cremation container for a
cadavar” * FEMA coffin ownership traced back to CDC and WHO
invasion of the USA starts Monday * Homeland Security and FEMA
instruments of WHO take-over * Censored booklet on monitoring
WHO/Homeland communications available
By birdflu666
A 76-page guide on how to mointor communications traffic of the
various UN, Homeland Security and FEMA units being deployed under the
WHO and UN banner from Monday on American soil in large-scale pandemic
and counterterrorism “exercises” is available, says Jim Stachowiak:
“The American Resistance Movement is now in possession of
the 76
page guide lists the radio frequencies, repeater input / output /
talk-around frequencies, trunked radio network details including CTCSS
codes for “private line” carrier squelching, satellite communications
codes, radio programming instructions and more!
In the event of a national emergency, – or the round-up of
“dissident” citizens — this is how the various agencies of the federal
government will communicate with each other AND with various agencies
of the state and local governments. Thanks to this guide, we’ll know
what to tune-in, so as to monitor what they’ve begun doing and, if need
be, be able to plan in advance to jam those frequencies if the
government tries to attack the citizenry or round-up
“dissidents.”Nevertheless, if the government is coming to round up
citizens, then the law has already gone out the window, so being able
to disrupt their communications will be essential. This booklet will
make such self-defense, much easier,” says Freedom Fighter.
Contact your local law enforcement and military bases today and
ask them to keep a watch over your community during these “exercises.”
Dr. Rebecca Carley Interviews Jane about how we can all help:
Jane Burgermeister filed charges against a number of agencies
including the U.N. W.H.O and Obama accusing them of creating a flu
intended to depote the world. Her evidence is over 200 pages long. If
you wish to join her by filing a suit - all her evidence is available
for you to use.
Great link of a vid interviewing Jane on a British Radio show vid by
RED ALERT: The Total Takeover Of America Enters Its Final
Full frontal assault on every aspect of freedom kicks into high
gear as the elite twist the knife into the rotting carcass of the
United States
Paul Joseph Watson Prison June 26-27, 2009
The wholesale looting of America and the transfer of wealth and
power over to a private banking elite who are setting up a world
government, along with the complete obliteration of any remaining
freedom to protest, resist, or even speak out against this agenda, is
now entering its final phase as numerous different pieces of the jigsaw
puzzle fall into place and portray a clear picture of tyranny.
We are about to sound the death knell for the United States if
every one of the following attacks on our liberty, free speech,
sovereignty, and right to not be ruled over by an unelected banking
dictatorship is not fiercely opposed and crushed.
The passage of the “Climate Bill” by the House and its likely
approval by the Senate represents the entrée for the complete
and total
subjugation of any freedoms we had left and the beginning of nightmare
regulation and suffocating control over every aspect of our personal
lives by millions of green stasi tasked with enforcing impossible to
attain goals of 80% carbon dioxide reduction – all based on the
manufactured threat of global warming.
This bill will also sink the economy and create a new great
depression, effectively obliterating America’s first world status. It
represents a transfer of power and wealth from both the U.S. government
and the American taxpayer over to the system of world government and
global regulation now being erected by means of the climate change hoax.
This is far worse than just a “new tax” as Republicans are
complaining – this is the total takeover of the American economy by
private banking interests through the carbon trading system.
As we have attempted to warn, the major beneficiaries of the
climate bill will be the elitists who own the carbon trading systems
that will be used to handle the ‘cap and trade’ program, namely Al Gore
and Maurice Strong, two figures intimately involved with a long
standing movement to use the theory of man made global warming as a
mechanism for profit and social engineering.
We must rally now to lobby members of Congress who voted for the
legislation and demand they change their vote before July 2nd. Failing
that, we must demand that the Senate does not rubber stamp this
nightmare legislation. Failing that, we must support and organize to
craft more legislation based on the example of Arizona, who recently
passed state Senate legislation refusing to comply with insane climate
laws coming from the federal level.
The seemingly endless economic “bailouts” represent the wholesale
looting of the American taxpayer and the grand theft of trillions of
dollars by private banking interests who refuse to even disclose where
the money went.
Not satisfied with stealing tens of trillions, under the Obama
administration’s new regulatory reform plan, the Federal Reserve is now
trying to enrich itself with dictator powers that will give it complete
control over the U.S. economy, handing them the authority to “regulate”
and shut down any company whose activity it believes could threaten the
economy and the markets.
We must rally now and lobby more members of Congress to support
Ron Paul’s H.R. 1207 bill to audit the Federal Reserve and highlight
the fact that Bernanke is spewing financial terrorism when he threatens
an economic collapse should the Fed be opened up to scrutiny.
Federal hate crimes legislation, which in reality would
criminalize “thought crimes,” has cleared the House and now faces the
Senate as S.909, the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act
(officially, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act).
S.909 is a direct violation of the First Amendment. It allows the
federal government to prosecute people involved in “hate speech”
transmitted over television, radio, and the internet. The House version
of the bill states:
“Whoever transmits in interstate or foreign commerce [radio, TV,
internet] any communication, with the intent to coerce, intimidate,
harass, or cause substantial emotional distress to a person, using
electronic means to support severe, repeated, and hostile behavior,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years,
or both. (HR 1966, SEC 3, Sec. 881a)”
In other words, if a talk show host engages in “hostile” speech
against a person or persons of the above mentioned federally protected
group that talk show host will face federal prosecution and the
prospect of a two year prison term.
The Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act would similarly
criminalize free speech on the Internet if it can be deemed in any way
to have been “harmful” to an individual. This represents the end of
political blogging and free speech on the world wide web.
If both bills are not opposed and thrown out then the First
Amendment will become nothing more than a relic of a bygone age.
The Senate bill S.787, otherwise known as the Clean Water
Restoration Act (CWRA), would replace language in the regulatory act
currently using “navigable waters” with “waters of the United States.”
What this means is that “the government would essentially be able
to regulate everything from standing water in floodplains to creeks
that run behind business and residences,” according to an Environmental
Leader report.
This represents a complete takeover of private land and waterways
by the federal government, a total assault on private property rights
and a complete federalization of America’s land and water.
“In a letter to Senate Environment and Public Works Chair Barbara
Boxer and ranking member James Inhofe, the American Farm Bureau
Federation said that the proposed law would “extend to all water —
anywhere from farm ponds, to storm water retention basins, to roadside
ditches, to desert washes, to streets and gutters, even to a puddle of
rainwater,” stated the letter. “For the first time in the 36-year
history of the act, activities that have no impact on actual rivers and
lakes would be subject to full federal regulation.”
If this bill becomes law, it will empower the federal government
to seize private property on a whim, using similar powers that
Communist China employed during Chairman Mao’s “great leap forward,”
where landowners had their property violently confiscated and stolen by
the government.
If this bill passes the Senate, private property rights in the
United States are effectively null and void and the federal government
would legally have the power to bulldoze families from their homes as
routinely happens in Communist China.
Amongst the myriad of assaults on the Second Amendment rights of
American citizens undertaken by the Obama administration during the
course of its first year in office, the one that stands out as the most
alarming is the attempt to ban people who appear on the terrorist watch
list from buying guns.
But isn’t stopping terrorists from buying guns surely a sensible
measure to take? The problem is that the terrorist watch list,
sometimes called the no fly list, is not a list of likely terrorists,
it is a sprawling database of of innocent people that contains the
names of over one million Americans. This is a rise of 32% since 2007
Members of Congress, nuns, war heroes, reverends, the former
assistant attorney general, toddlers and children, the ACLU
administrator, people with difficult names and all American names like
Robert Johnson and Gary Smith, have become caught in the vast tentacle
of this list, documents the ACLU.
Moreover, once a person is included on the terrorist watch list it
is virtually impossible to get off it.
The terrorist watch list is an ever-expanding tool with which to
deny Americans basic rights as well as to strip them completely of the
Fourth Amendment.
Now it is being used to prevent law-abiding citizens from
purchasing firearms. Legislation sponsored by the The Government
Accountability Office seeks to “close the gap” and prevent victims of
the terrorist watch list from being able to purchase firearms.
This represents a new end run around the Second Amendment and a
concerted effort on behalf of the federal government to classify
millions of innocent Americans as potential terrorists, thus stripping
them of their Constitutional right to own firearms.
Our right to protest against any of the egregious assaults on the
Constitution that are listed above is itself being removed by new law
enforcement and Pentagon training manuals and guidelines that define
protesting as domestic terrorism.
Current Department of Defense anti-terrorism training course
material states that the exercise of First Amendment rights in the U.S.
constitutes terrorist activity.
Over the last few years we have documented countless examples of
security assessment reports from the likes of the Department of
Defense, the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI, as well as
police training manuals, which state that anti-war protesters, gun
owners, veterans, Ron Paul supporters and those who merely cite the
Constitution should be equated with extremists and domestic terrorists.
The fact that the government is now treating people who merely
criticize its conduct as domestic terrorists is the clearest signal
possible that the United States has entered a period in history similar
to Germany in the early 1930’s and that it can only be a matter of time
before the right “emergency” provides the justification for dissidents
to be targeted for round-ups and mass imprisonment.
No one can claim now that this is merely a paranoid delusion – the
government itself is training its law enforcement and military arms
that protesters and people who use their First Amendment rights are
domestic terrorists. The last time this happened was under King George
shortly before the American Revolution.
If we don’t stand up in unison and exercise our right to protest
and free speech now more than ever before, while pointing out that the
real terrorists are those who would seek to destroy the freedoms
enshrined in the Bill of Rights, then we may find ourselves doing our
protesting behind the barbed wires and the concrete blocks of an
internment camp.
The hour is late, the clock stands at one minute to midnight, and
the federal government, through all the examples documented above, is
on the verge of implementing nothing less than a total environmental,
financial and societal dictatorship and killing what once was the
United States of America.
Almost identical programs of total enslavement are also being
pushed through in almost every other major western country at the same
If we don’t stop obsessing about the minutia of life and actually
concentrate on the imminent destruction of the very principles of our
livelihoods, the bedrock freedoms that allow us to operate in relative
comfort on a daily basis and be reasonably secure in our own homes,
being able to pay our bills, put food on the table, earn money, and air
our grievances when government threatens to impinge on those basic
freedoms, then there will be nothing left but a rotten hollow carcass
and a memory of what America once strived to be – land of the free,
home of the brave – not land of the thief, home of the slave.
From: CF To:
Bellringer Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 10:06 PM
Subject: respectful question For Mr. Casper- // (( RATIONALE TO
Without any challenge to the post of today (7/27/09) . From your
perspective and the constant affirmation of barry's pledge((barack)) to
never allow deliveries, what rationale do you suggest to hope in
deliveries since he can, has, and will block
deliveries? cf
(Response) From: Casper To:
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 5:17 PM
That the "world" has the power to make it happen...... .examples-
a). U.S. domestic money center banks refusing Basel III can't do
business Internat'l...(puts them out of business after a while)
b). U.S. debt can be sold into open market crashing the
dollar and the stock market....
c). the encouraging words of world contacts saying it will be
d). the power of the creditor over the debtor....
e). the overall readiness of all involved worldwide to drop
the hammer as early as today.....
f). the hopelessness of the U.S. financial position without
funding.........they are trying to avoid hurting the people any more
necessary........ casper
FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer TO:
E DATE: July 28, 2009
Dear E:
Welcome to Fourwinds! Please forgive me. You have asked me
not to
print this, but I feel I must. People need to hear from their
Sometimes the Truth is stranger than fiction. Obama is a puppet
of the
Illuminati and is unlikely to be willing to break loose from their
programming. We will accomplish little by marching on Washington
pitch forks and broom handles, as we are fighting evil that is
controlling our entire planet.
We are fighting a battle against
the "powers of Darkness". Therefore, it is a Spiritual Battle
that is
won by prayer power, by the Light over-coming the Darkness, by positive
energy neutralizing the negative energies. You ask, "What can we
do to
stop Obama and his crooks?" Send them Love and Light! Order
your God Spirit within their power neutralized!
We have some very courageous people in the midst of this battle, guided
by Violinio Germain and Esu Immanuel Sananda and Creator God Aton,
doing the physical "stuff" of 3D. Our task is to support them
with our
"prayer power".
Though it may seem so at times, all is not
lost. We are winning against the Darkness. Without the
and Divine intervention our planet and her people would have been
trashed before year 2000. Global Family has the United States in
financial "lock-down" to force the demise of the very evil Federal
Reserve Banking System, which "Obama and his crooks" are fighting
desperately to save. Won't happen!
They have lost, and by
the end of this government fiscal year of September 30, the "Fed" will
be history. They cannot stop the implementation of the new
gold standard banking system at this time, though they have delayed it
for years. As you know, money is power in our world, and when you
no money, you have no power to control.
Obama has lost his power, because his money has been
cut off for not keeping his agreements with Global Family. The U.S. Government has
been without funds since September 17, 2008.
Since then they have operated on stolen money from wherever they could
steal it. That is no credible way to run a country, and their
time is
Obama's plans to vaccinate the people with poison,
trash our economy, declare martial law and round up all so-called
terrorist citizens, those who oppose him;, and either kill them or lock
them up in concentration/containment camps shall not be allowed.
is a standing promise from Creator God Aton of Light. At the
point of
Satan destroying a planet and her people, Divine intervention happens,
and the Light wins.
The signs of our time indicate that we have arrived at such a point of
destruction, and of victory. This is far bigger than Obama and
henchmen and women. This is Global, and the changes will be
Global, be
it through our efforts to usher in a new day in our history or that of
Mother Earth taking charge by initiating her dramatic self-cleansing
through earth changes.
Regardless, my sister, we hold the Light until our
mission is complete. Be in peace!
In Love and Light, Patrick H.
Greetings to you from the Lighted Realms. I am Violinio Germain,
One with Creation/Creator Source. I am Master Teacher and Wayshower and
have come to give you ones a message pertinent to these end times.
It is with great joy that I can say the Hosts of Heaven are upon
your plane at this time. The Adversary and his minions have risen in
power to the point of annihilation of not only your planet but her
people, as well. Satan/Lucifer has not stopped in his conquest of
Planet Earth. His minions, whom I will refer to, as those who follow
his bidding, are far more advanced in evil than Satan himself. They are
teaching Satan how to be evil!
Who are Satan’s minions? It is those, who have risen in power in
your country and over the world. This comprises your government, its
leaders, politicians and many others, who support your government. It
comprises all leaders of the governments of the world, who support
control, greed and power of all people, and the planet itself. They are
very willful, and have no conscience of taking from the people to
satisfy their lust for power. It is very similar to Satan/Lucifer
wanting to be God.
It is that evil never stops wanting more and more and more, and
these ones are never satisfied until the ultimate control of the entire
universe is achieved.
Your planet is a freewill planet, and these minions, who follow
Satan, have willfully given up their will to the will of Satan. So it
is with every souled being on your planet. They have the freewill to
either follow Darkness or Light. Many of your people have allowed
themselves to be cloned. The cloning of many of your people occurred
many years ago, so that clones begat clones. You have a planet filled
with clones, all of whom are there for the lessons of you souled ones.
I could not agree more with Patrick’s latest “Hello, Central! What
can We Do To Stop Obama and His Crooks?” Why do I say this? It is
because the Hosts of Heaven guided the writing of this article to help
many, who feel so helpless against the powers of Darkness.
Each of you souled ones have the Power of Creator within you, and
you must use that power to overcome the wiles of the Dark ones, who
come upon you with subtle suggestions, urging you to do just “one
little thing”, until you are hooked into the evil snare and your God
Spirit within dwindles to a bare little light. Satan is not after
those, who already follow him. He is after those, who are of the Light,
for he desires all to follow him, eventually ALL in the Universe.
You souled ones are here for your lessons, and the choices you
make for the Light assure you of your graduation into 5th dimension,
where no evil exists. All souled beings have the same lessons, and no
one graduates until the lessons are learned.
Also, you must know that, as Patrick said in his “Hello,
Central!”, the time for the intervention of the Hosts of Heaven is upon
you. The Darkside has all but destroyed Mother Earth with the poisoning
of her air, water and land, raping the minerals, and caring only to
exploit and take her riches to make themselves kings. They have tried
many means to depopulate this planet, but have not been successful.
Now, their final plan is to commit world genocide with the forced H1N1
vaccination designed to kill billions of people. Those in the U.S, who
would refuse, would be placed in a containment/concentration (death)
camp. Their Satanic desire has driven them to the point of mass
genocide of Mother Earth’s people, as well as the destruction of Mother
Earth. Creator Source has said, NO, as this is forbidden by Cosmic Law.
It is not up to Satan to determine, who shall live and who shall die.
It is at this point that Divine Intervention happens. We are at that
point, now!
I have worked diligently with those, who are to implement the
NESARA Mission and bring the entire world to the gold standard system.
However, the more the Darkside delays, the more Mother Earth will reach
the point of dumping this whole mess. Right now, I am hoping that this
Mission can be accomplished before Mother Earth makes her cleansing
move into 5th Dimension. The Darkside has run out of options. They are
screaming mad, doing everything to maintain control, but that shall
soon end. They CANNOT WIN!
I am very hopeful we can accomplish the NESARA Mission very soon!
How much time we would have to clean up Mother Earth after the
NESARA Mission is accomplished is unknown, as that decision is up to
Mother Earth. She is ready to be birthed into 5th dimension. That is
why Sananda waits aboard the Phoenix on Red Alert to take his people
Know that the Light always wins. What can you do? You of the Light
must continue to hold the Light with your prayers and petitions. Keep
your Light burning with your God Power and faith in knowing that the
Light always wins. Follow what Patrick has said in his latest “Hello,
Central!” His words are those of the Hosts of Heaven.
Thank you for your time. I am Violinio Germain, Teacher and
Wayshower, and one with CREATION/CREATOR SOURCE.
Salu to all mine Lightworkers.
Editor’s note: The following writing is divided into two parts.
First there is a brief “pep talk” to the receiver by
Tomeros Maasu Korton. At the beginning of an 11/15/93 writing by
Commander Hatonn (page 134 of Journal #82), he mentions that Commander
Korton: “...steps in with several of you as you ponder rather
difficult-to-answer questions. Maasu Korton is our ‘Head of
And in an 8/31/96 writing (in the 9/3/96 issue of
Commander Korton himself explains that: “For those of you who are not
familiar with my designation, I am a Communicator. That is
to say, I
specialize in establishing and maintaining operating
links. I am able to cover an extensive spectrum of frequencies in order
to help couple the third-dimensional expression with that of the
higher-dimensional expressions. Consider me a facilitator,
and translator—all in one. I operate across many
and inner-dimensional frequencies.”
We share Korton’s introductory remarks to this receiver with
you-out-there because many among the Ground Crew, who have been
following this series of writings over the past several months, mostly
from the “Rainbow Masters”, have been urged to—and are working
diligently at this time toward—improving your own abilities
communicate directly with the Lighted Higher Teachers. Thus, what
Korton has to say to this receiver in his short “pep talk” may possibly
also lend encouragement to other serious students.
Korton’s comments are then followed by a longer discussion
by the
Ascended Master known as Violinio St. Germain, Master of the Seventh
Ray (or Aspect) of Creator’s spectrum, the Violet Ray of Transmutation,
among the seven great “Rainbow Masters” communicating
at this time
to help us get through Earth-Shan’s planetary transition and
In Journal #7, called THE RAINBOW MASTERS, Germain says: ....(....)
Cast out the darkness and call upon Creator God’s Light.
Unify in
intent to do goodness for your brother. Unify with love in your
heart—even for those ones who present you with your most difficult
God bless those of you on the front line. God bless those of
who send support in the form of kind, acknowledging letters.
here are tired and need your support now, more than ever.
Thank you! I am Violinio St. Germain, Master
Teacher and
Wayshower, come in a coordinated team effort with my brother,
Korton, so that my receiver will have clarity and so that you ones can
have example of how the Higher Realms unify in intent to get Creator’s
messages out. SALU!
Esu // POSTED July 26, 2009
...(...) REC. #1 SANANDA
1989 6:00 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 078
Good morning. Such a wondrous day it is and we are thankful
another time span in which to do our work. Sananda present with
Note, please, the major earthquakes off Japan and Portugal of
yesterday. Further, note the three major accidents aboard
your naval
vessels of yesterday—so be it....(...)
Evil in an individual can almost always be traced to some extent
to his or her childhood circumstances, the sins of the parents and
nature of their heredity. Yet evil is always a choice one has
made—indeed a whole series of choices. We do not speak here of
“justification of choices”; we simply must recognize “choice”
Well, if you can “diagnose” evil it must indicate illness or
disease which is any defect in the structure of your bodies or
personalities that prevents you from fulfilling your potential as
Further, there is no medical cure for evil. To cure evil
requires a final choice to turn from evil into goodness. It
however necessary that the phenomenon be looked at most
for if evil is indeed an illness, it should then become a research
project like any other disease. But it actually only requires a
of action and no amount of forcing of “treatment” will change an
of the status of the so-called patient, any more than all the forcing
of evil upon a truly good person will change his intent. Well,
evil and goodness can be labeled as diseases—the ultimate diseases
it is in the state of one or the other that a man will pass from one
dimension into that of another and will further decide where the
entity is destined to function in that “other”
dimension. Ah, yes,
it is most confusing and yet most cut and dried (I believe is your
suitable statement). Ones will either move into the ultimate
separation from God or to oneness with God—or a zillion choices of
in-between experiences at differing levels of soul growth. It
ultimately be, however, individual choice—meanwhile the higher
energies are drawing up sides and you, friend, will make your
So be it and selah.
Let us leave this writing as the session has been quite long
enough for the absorbing. We shall continue after a break.
I move to stand-by that you might summon me when you are
prepared to continue.
6:30 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 079
Sananda present to continue. Greetings in the light of a
wondrous day.
I see you have a question to which I would most like to
“What about the McMartin trial and the Buckey’s, etc.” You want
know if there was “real” Satanic ritual involved. Of course, but
only came later to insure the children keep quiet. However,
it is now
a most useful tool for the suspects—they have an insured source of
funding for bailment monies and a fair amount of security. I say
“fair” amount of security for evil knows no bounds to get rid of its
Evil has a most remarkable way of pulling security about
itself—get participants who will go to any lengths to hide
themselves. There are many, many ones in the political and law
enforcement arenas who are quite evil and desire power
beyond earth
measure. They are most vulnerable to pornography, violence,
excitement and power acquisition—they will further go to all lengths to
maintain the facade of purity and honor (refer to prior chapters of
this journal). ....(....)
Go forth for respite before we move on into Satanism and how and
why it grows from the seed of evil. Man must grow from the
of the lie into the knowledge of that which is truth. I place my
upon these words that they be accepted in the truth presented. Do
push your perception beyond that which is presented for man has
yet to learn about this wondrous path of “life”.
Kurt Nimmo July 26, 2009 FLU PANDEMIC: MASS GRAVES AND
MARTIAL LAW (with video)
On March 25, Shepard Ambellas, reporting for Infowars, documented
preparation of mass graves at the Department of Veterans Affairs
Cemetery in Phoenix, Arizona.
// A UK Home Office cabinet committee
brought up the specter of the Great Plague and burial pits used during
the seventeenth century. //
Ambellas’s story followed a harrowing
report by D. H. Williams of the Daily Newscaster in February. Williams
reported on revelations of an Indiana county municipal official in the
vicinity of Chicago who detailed FEMA and DHS discussions with county
officials about the prospect of mass graves and a mass vaccination
On March 28, we reported on a large expansion of graves at the
Houston National Cemetery in Texas.
Aaron Dykes, reporting for The Jones Report on April 3, detailed
how the State of New York Division of Cemeteries sent out “Mass
Fatality forms” to cemeteries in that state to collect data about their
ability to deal with the high volume of casualties that would occur if
their were a flu pandemic or other disaster. “Should a prolonged mass
fatality disaster or pandemic flu occur in your community would your
cemetery be able to provide temporary or permanent internment space for
a significant number of disaster or flu deaths in additional to your
current burial services?” the form stated.
In response to the mass grave stories posted on the Infowars and
Prison Planet websites, Larry Scott, a self-described Veterans
Administration critic, went on the Thom Hart radio program in late
March and characterized the stories as “rumor-mongering.” According to
Scott, the expansion of graves around in Phoenix was part of a standard
upgrade intended to accommodate a record number of veteran deaths.
Larry Scott put the number at an astounding 700,000 per year. Other
critics have also characterized the stories as preposterous.
And yet, according to an AFP news item, governments are indeed
planning for mass graves in response to a flu pandemic. In Exter,
England, the city council recently moved to use underground burial
chambers, currently a tourist attraction, to store the corpses of swine
flu victims if the pandemic worsens. “A council spokesman said the plan
could be put into operation if the cemeteries and the crematorium could
not keep up with funeral demands.”
The catacombs were constructed in response to a cholera epidemic,
which led to the death of 402 people in Exeter between July and October
In 2006, the UK Home Office announced plans to use mass graves in
the event of a widespread pandemic. “According to a confidential report
seen by the Sunday Times, 320,000 people in Great Britain could die as
a result of a flu pandemic originating from a mutated H5N1 bird flu
virus strain.” A cabinet committee brought up the specter of the Great
Plague and burial pits used during the seventeenth century.
Earlier this year, Alan Johnson, the British Health Secretary,
unveiled the National Pandemic Flu Framework. “Mass graves, inflatable
mortuaries, 24-hour cremations and ‘express’ funerals could all be
used, government papers show,” the Telegraph reported. “Some scientists
say a flu pandemic is now overdue, either from the mutation of the
normal human flu virus, or of the H5N1 strain that infects birds.”
A report issued by the government in Scotland claims a pandemic
would force mortuaries, crematoriums and cemeteries “to operate round
the clock, with old warehouses, council buildings, refrigerated lorries
and specialist inflatable mortuaries being requisitioned to temporarily
store the dead,” the Guardian reported on July 22. “With deaths
expected to peak sharply within six to seven weeks of an outbreak,
crematoriums would in many areas have to operate 24 hours a day, while
every town and city would require temporary mortuaries and body storage
On July 25, the Los Angeles Times reported the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention expects the flu pandemic expected this autumn to
kill hundreds of thousands. “The number of potential deaths is much
higher than that usually seen in seasonal flu, which kills an estimated
36,000 Americans a year, and is even higher than the nation’s most
recent pandemic.” The 1957 pandemic of Asian flu killed 70,000. The
1918 Spanish Flu claimed between 500,000 to 675,000 lives in the United
The CDC announced last week that it will no longer keep track of
the number of people killed by the virus. “Health officials from the
CDC said the virus was too widespread to continue counting,” the
Digital Journal reported. “Health experts say millions have likely been
infected worldwide.”
The U.S. government has bought 195 million doses of H1N1 swine flu
vaccine for a possible autumn vaccination campaign, a U.S. federal
official told Reuters on July 23. The U.S. Health and Human Services
Department has also contracted for 120 million doses of adjuvant, a
compound to stretch the number of doses of vaccine.
In addition, HHS has created a website “to help state and local
governments, the medical community and citizens prepare for H1N1 and
the fall flu season,” according to, a site produced by the
U.S. Department of State.
As author F. William Engdahl notes, even though the H1N1 virus has
killed a relatively small number of people and no “government or
private agency in the world has yet to scientifically isolate, to
photograph with means of electron microscopy and to list the chemical
characteristics of the ‘novel H1N1 Influenza A virus’ as it is now
officially called,” this has not stopped WHO from declaring a “Pandemic
Alert” Phase 6 alarm. The hyped “pandemic” has prompted the Obama
administration and Congress to approve an astounding $7.65 billion for
the non-proven pandemic influenza.
On Friday, the World Health Organization said the H1N1 virus and
pandemic is “gaining speed” and will likely strike this coming winter.
In response to an outbreak of swine flu in 1976, the U.S.
government ordered a mass vaccination program. The experimental and
untested vaccine killed dozens and left an undetermined number of
people with Guillian-Barre syndrome, a debilitating neurological
paralysis. The
vaccine killed more people than the virus.
Journalist Wayne Madsen talks about the manufactured H1N1 virus
with Russia Today.
In late April, sources close to investigative journalist Wayne
Madsen reported that the outbreak of swine flu was the result of the
introduction of a human-engineered pathogen capable of producing a
widespread global pandemic. “A top scientist for the United Nations,
who has examined the outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus in Africa, as
well as HIV/AIDS victims, concluded that H1N1 possesses certain
transmission ‘vectors’ that suggest that the new flu strain has been
genetically-manufactured as a military biological warfare weapon,”
Madsen reported.
“Our best intelligence estimate is that pandemic Avian Flu has
already been created through genetic engineering in the United States,
fusing the deadly genome of the 1918 Pandemic, misnamed the ‘Spanish
Flu’, with the DNA of the innocuous H5N1 virus in a growth medium of
human kidney cells, according to the National Institutes of Health and
the vaccine’s manufacturer. Some virologists believe that this would
insure that the man-made mutant virus recognizes human cells and knows
how to invade them,” writes Rima E. Laibow, MD, head of the Natural
Solutions Foundation, a citizen watchdog group monitoring the
pharmaceutical industry.
In addition to planning mass graves and crematoriums operating
around the clock, governments are planning to implement martial law in
response to a pandemic.
In late 2007, the Bush administration issued a “directive”
establishing a “National Strategy for Public Health and Medical
Preparedness” based on Biodefense for the 21st Century. Prior to this,
in May of 2007, the U.S. military had the foresight to “plan for a
possible avian flu pandemic that could kill as many as three million
people in the United States in as little as six weeks,” according to
Yahoo News. Guidelines and “planning assumptions for US military
services and combatant commands” were published in a document entitled
“Implementation Plan for Pandemic Influenza.”
“Possible scenarios include US troops being called in to put down
riots, guard pharmaceutical plants and shipments, and help restrict the
movement of people inside the country and across its borders,” Yahoo
summarizes. “The plan envisions fast moving, catastrophic waves of
disease that would overwhelm health facilities and cripple the ability
of state and local authorities to provide even basic commodities or
The “hidden agenda consists in using the threat of a pandemic
and/or the plight of a natural disaster as a pretext to establish
military rule” and “suspend Constitutional government and allow the
Military to intervene in civilian affairs in violation of the Posse
Comitatus Act,” author Michel Chossudovsky wrote in 2005.
As Infowars reported last week, on July 27 FEMA will conduct
National Level Exercise 2009 (NLE 09), scheduled to run through July
31. NLE 09 will ostensibly focus on “terrorism prevention and
protection,” according to the FEMA website. In addition to the
participation of domestic “partners,” the FEMA exercise will include
foreign troops. “This year the United States welcomes the participation
of Australia, Canada, Mexico and the United Kingdom in NLE 09.”
The FEMA website states that “Fire and Emergency Medical Services
will play a crucial role in the event of a pandemic. Planning for
pandemic influenza is key.”
In Natural Disasters and the Militarization of America,
Chossudovsky details how deployment of the military in response to a
pandemic “would be governed by the same criteria in conformity with the
basic tenets of the ‘war on terrorism.’ The latter also characterize
the workings of FEMA…. Under the NRP [Homeland Security's National
Response Plan]… civilian organizations are directly under the authority
of the DHS, FEMA and the Pentagon.”
In short, martial law will be declared. Is it possible this is
what NLE 09 is gearing up for?
Kurt Nimmo July 24, 2009
Earlier this week, the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Craig Fugate met with
several state governors to discuss “emergency preparedness,” according
to a press release [1] posted on FEMA’s website. “FEMA is committed to
protecting and assisting our states and citizens during disasters,”
said Fugate. “By working together and strengthening relationships at
the state level, we can continue to build the national emergency
response team which includes FEMA, as well as state, local, tribal and
federal partners, the private sector and faith-based organizations. The
work we are putting in now to build this team will go a long way during
the next disaster.”
Preparations are now underway for FEMA’s NLE 09.
On Sunday, Fugate addressed governors from around the country at
the National Governors Association conference in Biloxi, Mississippi,
where he “discussed how FEMA can best support the states and their
citizens as we prepare for and respond to emergencies and disasters.”
FEMA does not specifically detail the “next disaster,” although
Fugate had participated “in a video teleconference with governors and
officials from over a dozen hurricane prone states on his first day as
Last October, investigative journalist Wayne Madsen [2] learned
from knowledgeable FEMA sources that the Bush administration had put
the final touches on a plan that would see martial law declared in the
United States with various scenarios anticipated as triggers. “The
triggers include a continuing economic collapse with massive social
unrest, bank closures resulting in violence against financial
institutions, and another fraudulent presidential election that would
result in rioting in major cities and campuses around the country,”
explained Madsen.
An additional trigger has since emerged – a mass flu pandemic the
government promises will occur this autumn.
In addition, Army Corps of Engineer sources told the journalist
that the assignment of the 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat
Team (BCT) to the Northern Command’s U.S. Army North will augment FEMA
and federal law enforcement in the imposition of traffic controls,
crowd control, curfews, enhanced border and port security, and
neighborhood patrols in the event a national emergency being declared.
The BCT was assigned to duties in Iraq before being assigned to the
Northern Command.
On July 3, Infowars [3] reported on National Guard troops training
to engage in combat with “militia” groups. In the exercises, held in
Missouri and South Dakota, eight members of a Jefferson City-based
battalion acted as a “fictitious militant group” and attacked military
checkpoints and convoys.
On September 30, the Army Times reported that the BCT would be
deployed in the United States under the day-to-day control of U.S. Army
North, the Army service component of Northern Command, as an on-call
federal response force for natural or manmade emergencies and
disasters, including terrorist attacks. The BCT mission “marks the
first time an active unit has been given a dedicated assignment to
NorthCom, a joint command established in 2002 to provide command and
control for federal homeland defense efforts and coordinate defense
support of civil authorities,” Gina Cavallaro [4] wrote for the Times.
The military is prohibited under the Posse Comitatus Act from working
with local law enforcement.
Madsen reported on a highly-classified document regarding
martial law scenario on April 3, 2008. “WMR has learned from
knowledgeable sources within the US financial community that an
alarming confidential and limited distribution document is circulating
among senior members of Congress and their senior staff members that is
warning of a bleak future for the United States if it does not quickly
get its financial house in order. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is among
those who have reportedly read the document.”
by Kurt Nimmo
Global Research, June 24, 2009 and
Bob Chapman’s
influential International Forecaster
is reporting on the possibility of a so-called “bank holiday” planned
for late August or early September. According to Chapman’s sources,
U.S. embassies around the world are selling dollars and stockpiling
money from respective countries where they operate.
FDR imposed a "bank holiday" soon after taking office. It resulted
in the government stealing gold from the American people and giving
them useless fiat paper money in return.
“Some US embassies worldwide are being advised to purchase massive
amounts of local currencies,” writes Harry Schultz, “enough to last
them a year.” Schultz publishes the Harry Schultz Letter, an
international investment, financial, economic, and geopolitical
newsletter named as “Newsletter of the Year” by Peter Brimelow of
Market Watch in 2005 and 2008.
Schultz believes the global elite are in the process of
engineering an FDR-style “bank holiday” of undetermined length in order
to “sort-out the bank mess” and impose new bank rules.
Blitz of “Cyber Attacks” as Rockefeller Bill Approaches
by Kurt Nimmo
Global Research, July 11, 2009 and - 2009-07-08
A determined propaganda blitz is well underway as the government
sets the stage for the passage of Cybersecurity Act of 2009, introduced
in the Senate earlier this year. If passed, it will allow Obama to
shut down the internet and private networks.
The legislation also calls for the government to have the authority to
demand security data from private networks without regard to any
provision of law, regulation, rule or policy restricting such access.
In other words, the bill allows the government to impose authoritarian
control over electronic communications.
Earlier today, the corporate media reported on a “powerful attack
that overwhelmed computers at U.S. and South Korean government
agencies,” allegedly launched by North Korea. “South Korean
intelligence officials believe the attacks were carried out by North
Korea or pro-Pyongyang forces,” the Associated Press reported.
It should be noted that South Korea’s intelligence apparatus —
known as the Korean Central Intelligence Agency — was formed under the
auspices of the U.S. Army’s Counter Intelligence Corps during the
Korean War and is notorious for intervening in that country’s politics
and kidnapping Koreans living abroad and torturing them. In other
words, anything South Korean intelligence tells the corporate media
should be taken with a large grain of salt....(...)
From: Michael Treis // Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine III & Dr.
Rima E. Laibow on
Alex Jones Tv 1-5:The Eugenics Wars!!
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 11:48 AM
Subject: THIS IS "RED ALERT" URGENT: No joke or spam
& Gentlemen, PLEASE view all 5 clips, IN ORDER, to fully come to
grasps with what is heading our way. If any of you are wondering "why?"
there is an excellent corollary informational work that can answer that
and tie it all together for you; "THE RISE of the FOURTH REICH" by Jim
Marrs. Hope you can read fast and retain that information.
Get this out to everyone you know. The "clock is ticking" and it
appears that we only have a few short weeks before
.............................. its to late to stop.
This is no joke, its absolutely "FOR REAL!"
I have heard this same thing by 2 other doctors on the
radio. Pray.
Send this to your entire e-mail list. You are now responsible for
this information and might harm someone you love by ignoring it.
(( TheAlexJonesChannel July 16, 2009
Alex also talks with
Major General Albert Stubblebine III, commanding general of the United
States Army Intelligence and Security Command from 1981 to 1984, and
his wife, psychiatrist Rima E. Laibow, M.D. // Stubblebine and
are founders of the Natural Solutions Foundation, a non-profit
corporation opposed to the Codex Alimentarius and dedicated to exposing
dangerous prescription drugs and vaccines promoted by large
pharmaceutical companies. ))
MG (U.S. Major General) Albert Stubblebine III & Dr. Rima E. Laibow
on Alex Jones TV 1/5: The Eugenics Wars
Rachel Corrie Documentary Sparks Uproar at Jewish Film Festival
Matthai Kuruvila - the San Francisco Chronicle
Saturday 25 July 2009
The San Francisco Jewish Film Festival has come under siege after
deciding to show a documentary about Rachel Corrie, a Washington state
23-year-old killed in 2003 while trying to prevent an Israeli military
bulldozer from demolishing a Palestinian's home.
Rachel Corrie's US passport. Fellow peace activist stares in shock
at Al-Najjar Hospital in Rafah after Rachel was killed by an Israeli
bulldozer driver. (Photo: Mohammad Al-Moghair)
Whether Corrie naively put herself in harm's
way in support of
terrorists or was intentionally killed by the Israeli military is the
nexus of the controversy.
Compounding the issue, festival organizers
invited Corrie's
mother, Cindy, to speak after today's showing at the Castro Theatre of
the film "Rachel." It is one of 71 films at this year's festival, which
includes two films profiling kidnapped Israeli soldiers.
The reaction has been outrage. The festival
board's president
stepped down from her role, opening-night ceremonies were boycotted by
some, and Israel Consul General Akiva Tor said it was a "big mistake to
invite Mrs. Corrie."
At the core of the debate are questions about
how broadly Jews
can discuss Israel within their own community - and how Jews represent
Israel to the broader world. It is also overlaid with accusations of
the "new anti-Semitism," prejudice that is disguised as particular
criticisms of Israel, the only Jewish state.
"The furor is much larger than this one film or
this one
speaker," said Peter L. Stein, the festival's executive director. "It
reveals a rift in our community that we all need to help understand and
hopefully heal."
Family feud
The 29-year-old festival is the oldest and
largest Jewish film
festival in the nation, yet it's also like a small family. The film
festival's board includes members with close links to both the accusers
and those accused of the new anti-Semitism.
Allegations of new anti-Semitism have been
vociferous from the Koret and Taube foundations, longtime backers of
the festival. The foundations criticized Jewish Voice for Peace and the
American Friends Service Committee, a Quaker organization widely
considered to be on the vanguard of Christian pacificism. The festival
had asked the two groups to promote "Rachel" within their
constituencies. The two Jewish foundations issued a joint statement
labeling the Quaker and Jewish peace organizations as "two virulently
anti-Israel, anti-Semitic" groups associated with "groups that aid and
abet terror against the Jewish state."
Mervyn Danker, San Francisco director of the
American Jewish
Committee, also called the Quaker group "virulently anti-Semitic"
because it had co-hosted - with other Christian pacificists - a dinner
with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The Iranian president has
called the Holocaust a myth and declared that "Israel must be wiped off
the map."
"This goes beyond the acceptable realms of open
discourse," said Danker.
The Quaker group
Mark Graham, external affairs director for the
Philadelphia-based American Friends Service Committee, said his
organization doesn't support "anything that aids and abets terror," nor
does it have any boycotts against Israel.
"We're a Quaker pacificist organization, in our
founding and
our roots," he said. "Things that promote violence, such as arms sales,
are things we're against."
As for the dinner with Ahmadinejad, Graham
said, "fundamental
in the DNA of this organization is that differences can be resolved
through dialogue. Having a dinner was one way to have a dialogue."
Cindy Corrie, meanwhile, said she was surprised
at the uproar
at this festival, which did not happen at a screening of "Rachel" at
the Tribeca Film Festival in New York.
"I don't think it has a whole lot to do with
me," she said.
"It has more to do with the discussion that is happening within the
Jewish community and how that discussion has grown - which is a very
healthy thing."
For more information about "Rachel" and the San
Francisco Jewish Film Festival, go to
Monday, 27 July 2009
Martial Law and the Militarization of Public Health:
The Worldwide H1N1 Flu Vaccination Program // by
Michel Chossudovsky
'How best to tame the Nation's citizens, to rein in people's
resentment in the face of mounting unemployment?
Create a Worldwide pandemic, instil an atmosphere of anxiety and
intimidation, which demobilizes meaningful and organized public action
against the programmed enrichment of a social minority. The
flu pandemic is used to foreclose organized resistance against the
government's economic policies in support of the financial elites.
It provides both a pretext and a justification to adopt emergency
procedures. Under the existing legislation in the US, Martial Law,
implying the suspension of constitutional government, could be invoked
in the case of "A Catastrophic Emergency" including a the H1N1
flu pandemic.'...(...)
Within the broader framework of "Disaster Relief", Northern
Command has, in the course of the last two years, defined a mandate in
the eventuality of a public health emergency or a flu pandemic. The
emphasis is on the militarization of public health whereby NORTHCOM
would oversee the activities of civilian institutions involved in
health related services.
According Brig. Gen. Robert Felderman, deputy director of
USNORTHCOM’s Plans, Policy and Strategy Directorate: “USNORTHCOM is the
global synchronizer – the global coordinator – for pandemic influenza
across the combatant commands”(emphasis added) (See Gail Braymen,
USNORTHCOM contributes pandemic flu contingency planning expertise to
trilateral workshop, USNORTHCOM, April 14, 2008, See also
Pandemic Influenza Chain Training (U) pdf)
“Also, the United States in 1918 had the
Spanish influenza.
We were the ones who had the largest response to [a pandemic] in more
recent history. So I discussed what we did then, what we expect to have
happen now and the numbers that we would expect in a pandemic
The potential number of fatalities in the
United States in a
modern pandemic influenza could reach nearly two million, according to
Felderman. Not only would the nation’s economy suffer, but the
Department of Defense would still have to be ready and able to protect
and defend the country and provide support of civil authorities in
disaster situations. While virtually every aspect of society would be
affected, “the implications for Northern Command will be very
“[A pandemic would have] a huge economic
impact, in addition
to the defense-of-our-nation impact,” Felderman said. The United States
isn’t alone in preparing for such a potential catastrophe. (Gail
Braymen, op cit)
Also of relevance, was the repatriation of combat units from the
war theater to assist US Northern Command in the case of a national
emergency including a flu pandemic. In the last months of the Bush
administration, the Department of Defense ordered the recall of the 3rd
Infantry's 1st Brigade Combat Team from Iraq.
The BCT combat unit was attached to US Army North, the Army's
component of US Northern Command (USNORTHCOM). The 1st BCT and other
combat units would be called upon to perform specific military
functions in the case of a national emergency or natural disaster
including a public health emergency:
"The Army Times reports that the 3rd Infantry’s
1st Brigade
Combat Team is returning from Iraq to defend the Homeland, as "an
on-call federal response force for natural or manmade emergencies and
disasters, including terrorist attacks." The BCT unit has been attached
to US Army North, the Army's component of US Northern Command
(USNORTHCOM). (See Gina Cavallaro, Brigade homeland tours start Oct. 1,
Army Times, September 8, 2008, emphasis added).
Posted By: StarTet <Send E-Mail> Date: Thursday,
16-Jul-2009 16:30:11
Sent to me today. It may be of interest to many here at
Rumormillnews.StarTet //
ESO.TV Live Event: Drunvalo Melchizedek
On July 29th
2009. Drunvalo Melchizedek will broadcast a spiritual show live via the
This unique event will be available on ESO.TV. You will be able to ask
questions from Drunvalo in a text chat and Drunvalo will give you the
answers LIVE!
Humanity has been
searching for the purpose and meaning of
Life since the beginning. Sometimes we get it, and sometimes we simply
and completely miss the point, as we are in these modern times.
Today we see only the
surface of Reality. But seldom do we
look beyond the surface to the core. When we find what is beyond Life
and Death, before the beginning of Creation, the very Source of all
that is, and that which is not, then we can breath and remember the
Truth, and as it has been said a million times, the Truth will set you
In this show we will
head in a myriad of directions to
slowly expose this Truth, and have fun doing it. This is important, for
fun is an intimate part of the Truth.
In our first show we
will bring up the subject of the date
December 21, 2012. There are hundreds of articles, books and even
movies based upon this date, for the world has been hearing for many
years this date as part of a perceived prediction coming from the Maya
in Mexico, Belize and Guatemala.
In fact, this date of
December 21, 2012 is not what it
seems. It was the world; archeologists, universities, governments, and
students of Mayan studies that made these interpretations of Mayan
history and the predictions that we are exposed to. But they are not
accurate according to the Maya.
How do I know?
Because the head of the
Mayan Council and all 440 Mayan
tribes, Don Alejandro Cirillo, personally told me so. According to the
Maya themselves, they have not said one word in the last 527 years and
so everything that we read, hear or see about the Maya is not coming
from the Maya.
So in our first web
cast, I have been given the go ahead
to begin to reveal to you what is really being predicted, and this is
very different than what we have heard, for only part of the first half
of the prediction has been exposed. And it is the second half of the
prediction that is so illuminating.
So cuddle up, light a
candle, get a cup of hot tea and
meet me on the web on Wednesday July 29, 2009. We have much to
share..... Drunvalo
SUNDAY, July 26 --
National Level Exercise 2009 (NLE 09)
will be the largest terror drill yet conducted under the Obama
Briefly stated, NLE 09
will place thousands of US and
foreign troops across the nation, with a scripted mission to prevent a
terror attack in the U.S. in the wake of a terrorist attack abroad.
While the official
version of events to come is innocuous,
public affairs and public information officials with FEMA, Homeland
Security and the military have refused to answer reporters' questions,
or even to return calls. This
stonewalling is an indicator of an exercise that may be a clever way of
pre-positioning of coercive power to implement martial law, then arrest
and incarcerate political dissidents:
After the departure of
George W. Bush, we hoped that
Barack Hussein Obama would dismantle the post-9/11 Homeland Regime in
the United States and the Global War on Terror abroad. To our dismay,
though, 44 seems very much like 43 in his domestic secrecy and foreign
bellicosity. It has been a case of "meet the new boss, same as the old
boss." Most dismaying of all has been Obama's unwillingness to
re-examine 9/11.
The Bush administration
never wanted to investigate 9/11.
The 9/11 Commissioners admitted that their proceedings had been
sabotaged and intimidated by the Bush White House. Hundreds of military
officers, among them the former head of Army Intelligence, Major
General Albert
have called 9/11 "an inside job." If so, it would hardly be a novelty.
Operation Northwoods, drawn up by the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1962,
was designed to provoke the American people into a war with Castro's
"Code named Operation
Northwoods, the plans reportedly
included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés,
sinking boats of
Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S.
ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities." U.S.
Military Wanted to Provoke War with Cuba, ABC News, 5/1/01,
Given the willingness
of the U.S. government to carry out
"false flag" attacks against U.S. citizens, no one should be surprised
that a growing number of us believe the 9/11 attacks were designed and
carried out by U.S. planners to provoke the American people into
Mideast wars. If it were otherwise, the government would conduct a
thorough investigation of 9/11 -- without obstruction and intimidation.
Since Obama will not
look into 9/11, he must contend with
a country will do so without him. As with the former USSR, the current
USA is discovering that its government is criminal, and can't continue
as it is another 9/11-style false flag attack. Accordingly, a growing
number of false flag Internet researchers have begun to alert the
public to this set-up "9/11-2B," especially before terror exercises
like NLE 09.
terror exercises were ongoing when the 9/11/2001 U.S. attacks and the
7/7/2005 U.K. attacks occurred. The damning truth is that both nations'
terror exercises were scripted for the very events that occurred. They
weren't terror exercises, and they were terror operations disguised as
-- Interlude --
For an excellent
introduction to the concept and practice
of false flag operations, readers reader should refer to Wednesday's
edition of The Real Deal radio show, hosted by Dr. James Fetzer,
renowned academic and founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth. The interview
is available in both YouTube and transcript:
As a former Marine
Corps officer himself, Fetzer conducts
an informed interview with former Marine Corps officer, Major William
B. Fox, in the first hour. Fox, a Harvard Business School graduate and
publisher of America First Books, offers deep insights into the covert
culture that promotes false flag terrorism.
In the second hour,
Fetzer follows up with retired
Sergeant First Class Donald Buswell, a former Army Intelligence NCO.
Buswell achieved national prominence in 2006 by candidly expressing his
doubts about the official 9/11 story to the Army, which did all it
could to silence him. The decorated Iraq war veteran shares memorable
anecdotes about his journey and discoveries.
Major Fox is the Ghost
Troop executive officer, and SFC Buswell is its first sergeant. Together
with them, we have been identifying Chicago, Houston and Portland as
primary, secondary and tertiary false flag targets for years now.
During the Bush years, Houston was the top target. Now that Obama is in
power, Chicago is. During the summer/fall of 2007, Portland was target
number one. Because New York and Washington, D.C. were the 9/11
targets, they are always available. Recent events have made us think
that they could be in danger now.
-- Information --
Below, we provide a
synopsis and three articles for each
of the top five false flag terror targets, starting with the most
recent article. Each of the five targets has had at least one
disturbing article in the last week.
Chicago is the easiest
city in America for Obama to set
up. He was last in town on Thursday, at a private dinner with powerful
people. Much of his administration has been built out of Chicago
insiders, the most conspicuous of them being Rahm Emanuel, known as a
vicious Machiavelli even by his friends. There were unsettling and
unannounced exercises last week, making residents uneasy.
Tower was just renamed Willis Tower,
in honor of the insurance company that served "Lucky" Larry Silverstein
in the 9/11-WTC affair. Silverstein's real estate partners bought the
Sears Tower on 3/11/2009, the anniversary of the Madrid bombings.
Occult numerology runs through the place: its ZIP code is 60606 (666),
and like the Twin Towers it has 110 (11) stories. We consider it to be
the most dangerous place in America.
New York is getting the
media work up with a Wednesday
report of an Al Qaeda plot against it. A month ago the government tried
out some high-tech weaponry in its sky, then a few days later CNN lead
the charge to persuade the people that they had just seen "mammatus"
clouds, Latin lingo for "titty" clouds. The wise guys of the Big Apple
are being coached to laugh at impending doom. Not one in a thousand has
actually referred to the library or Internet to discover that mammatus
clouds are a new, bogus, cover-up concept, with threadbare and
contrived "research" to sell them to the masses. New Yorkers never got
a decent explanation of why Air Force One terrified them in late April.
Maybe it was a signal for 9/11-2B.
Feds: Long Island man
gave Al Qaeda info on city subways, Daily News, 7/22/2009,
al/2009/07/22/2009-07-22 _feds_long_island_man_g\ ave_al_qaeda_info.html
Apocalyptic Sky Over
New York Tonight, Gothamist, 6/26/2009,
pocalyptic_sky_over_new_york_tonig .php
Panic in Manhattan as
Air Force One brings back memories of 9/11, Times Online, 4/29/2009,
ws/world/us_and_americas/article61 88503.ece
Houston has had more
inexplicable terror-type events than
any other city in the U.S. since 9/11. Ghost Troop predicted most of
them, leading The Lone Star Iconoclast to publish an editorial on
3/3/2008, calling for a congressional investigation of our uncanny
performance. Texas City, a petrochemical city just south of Houston,
has been the most affected place of all. Friday it had a petrochemical
emergency, which was blamed on freak lightning -- a first-time reason,
even to those who have lived there for decades. Military aircraft have
been pestering the petrochemical district, and Homeland Security
director Bruce Clawson refuses to answer questions about them,
muttering that the public should simply trust its officials.
Lightning sparks oil
tank blaze, Galveston County Daily
News, 7/24/2009, conductedhttp://galvestondailynews.
com/story.lasso?ewcd= 9d176af1d3612ed0
Portland came close to
a terror attack on October 18, 2007
-- the last day of TOPOFF-4, an exercise very much like NLE 09 in its
scope. The day started out with a Ghost Troop alert to Southeast Texas,
followed by a Dow Chemical explosion in Southeast Texas a few hours
later..., followed by the first assassination attempt against Benazir
Bhutto..., followed by a bomb scare and the closure of downtown
Portland while Michael Chertoff was close by. It was a three-in-one
false flag day.
We were hounded throughout our mission to protect Portland by
COINTELPRO operators, pseudonymic sorts like "Col. Jenny Sparks" and
"Arabesque." We had a U.S. Army Signal Corps propagandist "RTO Trainer"
(an anagram for "anti-terror") attacking us, too. They all agreed that
we were anti-Semitic for questioning Israeli motives. Last month FEMA
admitted that Israel had taken part in TOPOFF-4. If their participation
was on the level, why was it kept secret?
Mustard chemical leak
detected at depot, Tri-City Herald, 7/22/2009, http://www.tri- ml
FEMA Administrator
Fugate Meets Top Israeli Official to
Discuss Emergency Management Issues, FEMA Press Release, 6/30/2009,
Washington, D.C. has
been busy with terror drills.
Wednesday, in the early morning, they received the same NORAD midnight
maneuvers that Chicago had received 24 hours earlier. They had the same
amount of advance warning: almost none. On June 22 NORAD was
participating in Ardent Sentry, a terror exercise simulating train
derailments. On that very day, the Air Guard general in charge of D.C.
Air defenses on 9/11 died in a freak D.C. train derailment. On June 10
NORAD conducted mid-day exercises in downtown Washington D.C. The
Holocaust Museum shootings occurred in the middle of those exercises.
CNN slammed Ghost Troop for asking questions about what happened.
NORAD Flight Exercise
Planned for Washington, DC, Department of Defense Press Advisory,
Man who scrambled jets
on 9/11 among D. C. train victims, Daily News, 6/24/2009,
us_world/2009/06/24/2009-06-24 _man_who_scrambled\ _jets_on_911
We have formed a Ghost
Troop group to collect information
throughout NLE 09, and beyond. For those interested in joining our
efforts, kindly refer to our webpage:
In Response To: 1st CASPER for JULY 1st - "THERE ARE THOSE WHO CAN
Hi, Folks -
Received via e-mail - I'll add some paragraph breaks to this
one for easier reading online:
-------- Original
Message --------
Subject: Steady as She Goes
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009
17:57:14 -0400
Curtis Mayfield And The
People Get Ready Lyrics
Greetings and
Man, silence is a
killer, from what I'm seeing going on
out here, I'm watching stories being made up because what's really
going on is being held tighter than a tick on a hound's back. I don't
have any bad news to report, other than the fact that more people
decided to take that eclipse/new moon thing as a bus off of the planet.
Yea, it had a lot of measurable effect on the planet and people's
emotions showed it. I'm sure some bean counter is running the numbers
on some big Cray computer right now.
The 'inscrutable ones'
would have never missed an
opportunity like this event, not to be seen again for 150 years. So,
before you go running into the sunset, thinking the worse, calm down
and understand one thing, believe it or not, Good Always Conquers Evil,
not that it means, you're paying attention all the time, so you notice.
But, (here comes that nasty word) Change always happens, it's called
nature, time, physics, whatever.
When the proper
compositions of things are put together,
Change happens. You might not like it, but you'd be better off
understanding it...fully...than doing a bunch of screaming about what's
right on the tip of your nose. Some things change that works out to
your benefit, if you just have enough wherewithall to wait a moment and
watch. You can't push a river anyhow.
It's pretty obvious,
there are parallel worlds sharing
communication right now, kind of like electrical discharges. The news
in my world says, there are going to be difficult times here in the us as the conversion from
admiralty law back to the orginal constitution takes place,
as the us banking system is changed from the predators hands to a new
set who think past the concept of 'profit' for profit's sake. The lords
and kings over the slaves and serfs. The phoenix will rise out of the
ashes, is what I see.
In this time period
before us, I know many battles will
ensue, as the people of america, relearn to be kind to each other.
Unfortunately, 'hard times' is the tool that is being used, it seemed
to be the only weapon that would work to get everyone's attention. A
lot of this will be like taking 'father john's medicine' for a spring
or fall tonic or that nasty tablespoon of cod liver oil, uncut. That's
ok, you'll survive.
The people in these
programs are the change that will come
across the ground on the planet. It is us, as receivers, who will do
what needs to be done around here, things being blocked by bureaucrats
that can be broken wideopen with properly leverage wide.
In the best way I can convey this, these funds being loosed on the
planet crush the opposition's power base. You can't bribe anyone with
useless money and soldiers move on their stomachs, not on patriotism,
that's air and an idea, it will not sustain the hungry. Sooner or
later, the washed brain, starts trying to find itself, find it's center
in a personal way, not as a group, personal survival overcomes group
The planners understood
the conditions when they embarked.
Yes, the idea of shifting the wealth of the planet was noble, but the
devil was still in the details. What if, what about, well they could,
what about that, huh??? Hey, if all else fails, starve 'em out, they'll
either die trying or come marching out all by themselves. You, me, we
have been witnessing a war of attrition and dealing with our
circumstances because of it. As another part of the castle had to be
given up, it was moved in on and captured.
Now the good guys have
them with their backs up against
the wall, in the center of the castle with no way of escape. Maybe it's
my imagination but, are the bush's throwing cheney under the bus, as
they keep backing up to avoid the inevitable? Darth Vader's secrets are
just popping out left and right. Mister Secret's business is getting
all over the street, well, it has been used to conclude other
wars...toss some bodies out, see if it will stop the advances.
Anyway, that's not our
part of this thing. We have other
work to do, from time to time, in the future, you can tune in and see
how the clean up is going on. There's over a 100 years of slime to
clean up over here. Things found deep in the archives already, that had
to be addressed to return this country back to it's proper legal form.
There are legal teams
standing by to start the 3-5 years
of clean up arriving at the completion of the deliveries. Farm claims,
for example, has great legislative and legal issues involved with it,
which would tell you why, it has been fought against so hard, by the
less than nice guys. A lot of bood in the streets over that one.
Still, the good wins,
as the good guys beat them at their
own game, checkmate, fella! So, as much negative stuff you may hear
from anyone willing to try and prove the negative, we win, end of
subject. We will simply step away, go about our business, get some
things done, take care of our loved ones, and leave the apparitions of
a fading world, to their own devices.
There is plenty to do to keep one's mind off of 'what
happened to
them'. Just know from this time forward, never let this kind of thing
become a part of you world again...and teach the young one's what you
learned, living in a slave world.
We're past center, the
needle is on our side of the scales
of justice. Be ready to 'get on board' as the rocket 88, or the silver
engine number 9, comes thru your neighborhood. Just remember, they have
chosen their own methods to get this done, so don't be surprised how it
arrives at your door. Assume nothing, tho you may have a piece of the
information, they have a greater understanding of the enemy and his
devices than one might think. Junior proved just having a cause, isn't
enough to get something done, you must know the enemy better than he
knows himself.
So, I end this with an ancient saying ascribed to
Confucious; "It
is far better to let people think you dumb, than open mouth and remove
all doubt"...and one from Lao Tzu, 'there are two things, the manifest
and the unmanifest'....
Consultations available
upon request at this mailbox, tho
I'd hurry if I were you. Donations needed and accepted at ...(...)
When I was growing up,
this poem was in a frame and on the
wall by our front door. I saw it and read it every day as I grew up.
Let me live in a house by the side of the road
Where the race of men go by-
men who are good and the men who are bad,
good and as bad as I.
would not sit in the scorner's seat
hurl the cynic's ban-
me live in a house by the side of the road
be a friend to man.
I am still about
$900.00 short of making the usual monthly bills...
This month we also need
$400.00 to have a new computer made for my assistant, NeverSurrender.
I would like to have
one made for myself by the man who
will make hers. He is half the price of the man I get my computers from
here in California and his computers are excellent.
The reason I would like
one for myself is my Toshiba
laptop, the one that crashed two months ago and was just returned to
me... is now so slow that I can barely use it. This means I do all my
work from my purse size backup computer. While this baby computer is
great when I am on the road, it is not so great when you have to use it
all the time.
NeverSurrender and I
can still operate with our little
baby computers, but believe me, we could do a lot more if we had
regular keyboards and full size monitor screens.
If you would like to
Chipin for the computers, here's the computer chipin.
I supported RMN by
myself on my teacher's salary since it
came to the internet in 1998. When I had to quit teaching to care for
my mother, I could pay my own bills from my late husband's VA and
social security, but I couldn't pay the bills for RMN. That's when I
had to start asking for help from our readers.
Rumor Mill News was not
started to make money. It was
started as a vehicle to get to the bottom of all the lies we have been
fed since we were born.
We do that job VERY
However, to bring you
all the information we collect every
month costs a lot of money. Bandwidth, tech support, domain names, and
all the usual expenses a normal business has to pay.
I can no longer work a
full time job to pay for Rumor Mill
News. There aren't enough hours in my day to do everything that I have
to do for RMN and RMN Rayedio... let alone work outside of my home
If you want to see us
continue, please help.
If you don't want to
use a credit card and Chipin, here is the PO Box.
Federal Reserve's Ben Bernanke lies openly about the missing $500
billion from 2007 Fed accounts This
is why Bernanke
does not want the US Federal Reserve Board to be audited. The Fed sent
$500 billion overseas in late 2007. Bernanke stated that the money went
to fourteen other central banks. This is not true. (See five-minute
YouTube video here).
the end of their secret fiscal year in September 2007, the Federal
Reserve Board was facing bankruptcy. Bernanke and his syndicate went
begging to all the other European central banks for money to postpone
the Fed's bankruptcy for another year. The $500 billion that appeared
on the Fed's books in late 2007 was composed of IOUs sent to the
fourteen European central banks. At the time, this illegal manoeuvre
was reported as an infusion of $500 billion into the markets by the
European Central Bank (see mainstream reportage here
- 19.12.07). It kept the Fed afloat until September 2008.
Bernanke's begging started around the world all over again. "You can't
let the US crash, you'll destroy your own economy as well ...." Like a
junkie going around mooching off old friends, there comes a time when
nobody is willing to pay for an embarrassing self-destructive habit.
That is what happened in September 2008. Since then, the Skull and
Bones corporate controllers of the US government have told their White
House and Fed placemen to loot everything it can from the American
people in a desperate last effort to postpone the inevitable public
disclosure of the US national bankruptcy. Hence the missing gold at
Fort Knox and the $500 billion (not $134.5 billion as originally
reported by the mainstream media) of genuine US Treasury certificates,
signed and sealed by Bernanke and Christopher Smith (document
photograph here
or here)
which were seized from two Japanese-connected diplomats on Wednesday
3rd June 2009, in Chiasso, Italy. Obama and Bernanke's begging and
looting will have to be repeated in September 2009. But this time, the
cupboard will be bare and both men will face public expulsion from