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Tom Hen. fed res broke by august // hal-raptors   - RMN-camelot - fw10 - alcuin - nenki -  news - icke - version4
Saturday, May 30, 2009 
Behind the scenes intelligence briefings ALL Patriot Americans MUST know...the REAL facts and truth the corporate-controlled mainstream media covers up

RED China Successfully BLACKMAILS the Obama Administration
Federal Reserve will be Broke by August of 2009

by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert
Saturday  May 30, 2009
UNITED STATES of America  -  It can now be reported that the government of the People's Republic of China (PRC) received over $5 TRILLION from the U.S. Treasury in the last 48 hours.
The funds transfer to China was part of an agreement between the Obama Administration and the PRC, which allowed the Chinese to then come in and support the U.S. bond market, which was on the verge of collapse, given the imbalance created between short term and long term interest rates aka the yield curve.
The People's Republic of China has recently been using its surrogate puppet state, North Korea, as a vehicle of blackmail and extortion all aimed at the Obama Administration.
The nuclear test by North Korea, along with threats to cancel the 1953 Armistice agreement that ended the Korean War, was directed by the highest level of the Red Chinese Communist government.,0.jpg
Conspiratorial TRAITORS
Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate partners
George Herbert Walker Bush embraces his co-conspirator Henry Kissinger (L) AP,
Alan Greenspan (C) Reuters by Kevin Lamarque, Henry Kissinger  Getty Images
Conspiratorial TRAITORS
Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate partners
Bill and Hillary Clinton
The People's Republic of China recently confronted the Obama Administration, along with its loser and dysfunctional U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton, with evidence that former President George Herbert Walker Bush, former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, former President Bill Clinton and his sociopath wife Hillary Clinton, and New World Order thug, former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger,
 have been involved in a massive criminal Ponzi Scheme that has looted TRILLIONS of dollars out of the Chinese Sovereign Fund.
Assisting the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate in this theft and extortion was the late Madam Wu, a major Chinese financial officer, who had been compromised by rogue U.S. and Israeli Intelligence assets in using the massive toxic derivative Federal Reserve worldwide Ponzi Scheme in its raid against the Chinese Sovereign Fund.
Chinese Gen. Haotian Chi , national defense minister (front left), and U.S. Defense Secretary William S. Cohen (right) review Chinese military forces on July 12, 2000 in Beijing. Photo by Linda D. Kozaryn. 
Note: It was former Clinton Secretary of State William Cohen that used the noted information sharing policy, an agreement between the U.S. and RED China during the 1990s, that allowed the creation of secret offshore U.S. CIA-Chinese Intelligence proprietary accounts, that set the foundation for what would become the massive financial catastrophe that has beset both the U.S. Federal Reserve and the Chinese Sovereign Fund.
Reference: It should also be noted that the transfer of the $5 TRILLION to the People's Republic of China, authorized by the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve, involved a wire transfer with the Bank of Hong Kong as the recipient bank.
The Bank of Hong Kong, which is still jointly owned by both the PRC and the United Kingdom, is a noted U.S. CIA-British MI6-Chinese Intel box bank
 aka a clearinghouse for laundering of STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds.
We can also divulge that former British Prime Minister and Dunblaine pedophile and war criminal, Anthony Blair, received a large commission tied to this massive THEFT of U.S. Treasury funds and Chinese Sovereign Funds, which found its way to the Bank of Hong Kong, which allowed Blair to use his illegal commission to replenish the coffers of her majesty, the queen of England, who is currently blackmailing the Obama Administration aka a $5 TRILLION loan that she made to former illegal White House occupant, George W. BushFRAUD, that has not been repaid.
We can report that the British government is now cooperating with the People's Republic of China in joint satellite and cyber attacks against the U.S. computer infrastructure
and actually preparing for a possible World War III.
Reference: This explains the recent cyber attacks against the U.S. Marshal Service and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
image DEFCON game
Note: It was just 48 hours ago that the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff placed the U.S. Military and its nuclear strike force on DEFCON 2 preparing the U.S. Military for a possible nuclear confrontation with the People's Republic of China, the Russian Federation
and, as unbelievable as this sounds, folks, none other than the United Kingdom.
Despite their knowledge of the criminal corruption and TREASON committed against the American People by their own government, the only nation that the United States and its People can count on to come to its defense with its own nuclear force
 is, of course, America's oldest ally of 200 years, the Republic of France.
P.S. The new evidence dealing with the theft of Chinese Sovereign Funds, along with the THEFT of U.S. Treasury by the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate, is once again being covered up by the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, Patrick Fitzgerald.
TRAITOR    Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate Protector
U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald
Fitzgerald is, once again, using the bogus claim of "national security" as his rationale for his continuation of Obstruction of Justice and Misprision of Felonies involving the Bush-Clinton gang of thieves.
Note: Fitzgerald, who clearly took too much catechism and not enough Constitutional law, believes that the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate is infallible aka some divine right monarchy.
Fitzgerald is now using Roland Burris, current Democratic U.S. Senator of Illinois, as his latest diversion to keep the heat off the Bushes and Clintons.
So the question is, folks, what is he covering up?
Well, here is your answer:
A major link has been established between the theft of Chinese Sovereign Funds and U.S. Treasury funds involving major Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate corporations
 called SF Holdings Corporation in Little Rock, Arkansas, SF Holdings LLC located at 200 North LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois and SF Holdings Ltd out of the Cayman Islands.
This massive money laundry, which also involves a major Chicago-based securities and commodities discount brokerage firm, has a backdoor link to the noted Jackson Stevens Corporation located in Little Rock, Arkansas and midtown New York City on Park Avenue.
Rahm Emanuel, Karl Rove, Wesley Clark
A shell company called the Freedom Corporation administered by both Israeli Mossad agent Rahm Emanuel, current Obama White House Chief of Staff, former BushFRAUD White House Deputy Chief of Staff, Karl Rove, and noted Clinton stooge, former U.S. General Wesley Clark,    have actually laundered STOLEN U.S. Treasury and Chinese Sovereign Funds through Chicago and Little Rock, Arkansas
 onto the noted Dominion Bank out of Toronto, Canada (TD aka Toronto Dominion).
Conspiratorial TRAITORS    Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate partners
BushFRAUD and Bill Clinton in Toronto on May 29, 2009
Reuters/TD Bank Financial Group/Handout
It was just yesterday that both former President Bill Clinton aka daddy Bush's little bitch, and former illegal White House occupant George W. BushFRAUD, appeared together in Toronto, Canada and, of course, made a massive withdrawal from the Toronto, Canada-based Dominion Bank.
Note: The withdrawal of funds by BushFRAUD and Clinton were also used to BRIBE and pay off former Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin and other members of the Canadian political class who continue to blackmail the U.S. government aka the secrets of 9/11.
   Obama-Bush-Cheney-U.S. Media Psyop
Paul Martin owns a Canadian steamship company that has been used in illegal narcotics and weapons trafficking for the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate.
Martin is now retired from politics and clearly still operates as a bagman and extortionist for the Bush-Clinton Crime Family.
The massive withdrawal of both STOLEN U.S. Treasury and Chinese Sovereign Funds from the Toronto, Canada-based Dominion Bank made by Bush Jr. and Bill Clinton
            also involve withdrawal of laundered Bush-Clinton Katrina Foundation funds that were laundered out of the Central Bank of Iraq    through Jackson Stephens Inc. onto the Dominion Bank in Toronto.
 Reference: It was this morning that MSNBC's Alex Witt aka 3rd degree witch aka Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate stooge, was smiling ear to ear as she reported the presence of crime partners BushFRAUD and Bill Clinton appearing together at a special gathering of New World Order types in Toronto.
Alex Witt, a monarchist, once congratulated current MSNBC commentator and year 2000 presidential independent candidate Pat Buchanan on his role in the theft of the year 2000 presidential election aka the use of the Palm Beach County, Florida intentionally confusing butterfly ballot, which contributed to the theft of over 20,000 votes in the year 2000 presidential election from then Vice President now duly elected President Albert Gore Jr.
Obama embraces and kisses Hillary, a partner in the
Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate    AP by Alex Brandon
Note: It was just recently that foreign born alleged President Obama blocked the U.S. Marshal Service from executing a warrant for the arrest of Obama's Secretary of State, loser and lesbian in-the-closet Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton.
Hillary Clinton made a surprise visit to Baghdad, Iraq
on April 25, 2009  Getty Images/Europe,
right photo: Central Bank of Iraq  Photo by Thomas Hartwell
Reference: Hillary was about to be arrested by the U.S. Marshal Service while she was in Baghdad, Iraq trying to arrange an illegal wire transfer of laundered Bush-Clinton Katrina Foundation funds from the Central Bank of Iraq to none other than the Toronto, Canada based Dominion Bank.
 The sociopath Hillary, who has been a CIA operative most of her life, like the Bushes believes she has immunity from all prosecution based on their role, that is the Bushes and Clintons, as intelligence agency employees.
Note: Loser Hillary has had a long and checkered past when it comes to North Korea.  In the early 1990s Hillary, along with a lesbian team headed by a Diane Lewis, headquartered in Downers Grove, Illinois, all faced indictment for their involvement in procuring uranium for the government of North Korea.
The nuclear grade uranium that was sent to North Korea was disguised as food subsidies linked to the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and none other than the then head of the North American Israeli Mossad Rahm Emanuel.
The uranium sent to North Korea disguised as food subsidies was part of the overall Iraq-Gate scandal aka illegal weapons sent to Iraq disguised subsidies that engulfed the George Herbert Walker Bush Administration and Bush cabinet member Robert Mosbacher.
A Federal Grand Jury headquartered in Downers Grove, Illinois was ready to indict Hillary Clinton, Diane Lewis and daddy Bush's Secretary of Agriculture Robert Mosbacher for violation of the Neutrality Act aka arms shipment to the enemy.
It was then daddy Bush's U.S. Attorney General William Barr that eventually declared "national security" vis a vis the Downers Grove Federal Grand Jury investigation and eventually, illegally disbanded before the indictment could be issued.
         Later, in 1994, then alleged Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, a UN-registered foreign lobbyist for the RED Chinese, was given the IraqGate-North Korea case involving Hillary Clinton and Robert Mosbacher by the Clinton Justice Department.
Starr proceeded, of course, to cover it all up.
           After the Congressional elections of 1994, which thanks to nepotistic takeover of the Clinton-Gore Administration by the closet lesbian Hillary, the Democratic Party was basically wiped out and lost its Congressional majority.
Hillary's response to her first national defeat, she would eventually suffer a second, was to plot a black op that would encourage North Korea to start military hostilities with South Korea, which would then give her politically wounded husband
 a chance to be a war time president.
Left pic: Vice President Albert Gore Jr. (r) next to Clinton, and
Joint Chiefs Chairman Colin Powell stepped in to neutralize the escalating North Korean conflict created by Hillary Clinton
Note: It was only through the efforts of then Vice President Albert Gore Jr. and then Joint Chiefs Chairman Colin Powell
that the situation in North Korea was neutralized and World War III was avoided.
Jimmy Carter in Pyongyang, Korea with Kim Il Sung in 1994
An agreement was later struck between Clinton's envoy at the time, former President Jimmy Carter, and the government of North Korea that brought some sense of sanity to the Korean peninsula.
What has gone un-reported for years is that the Clintons, with the help of the Swedish monarchy procured various Swedish prostitutes that would visit the North Korean dictator at least three times a month.
The sexual services provided the North Korean dictator helped placate him and kept him from causing major problems although North Korea continued its nuclear program under the radar screen.
Reference: Jackson Stephens Inc. operates as a CIA money laundry and is, accordingly, not subject to any oversight by Congress.
Leon Panetta, CIA Director

P.P.S. We can also divulge that both Clintons, along with former President George Herbert Walker Bush, and CIA Director Leon Panetta, recently ignored and countermanded President Obama's attempt to finally implement the noted Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols.
The Clintons, the Bushes and Panetta have told Obama that his Executive Order, actually signed twice, is illegal and violates national security.
Of course, this has nothing to do with national security, folks.  It has to do with protecting the secret offshore accounts of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate that deal with STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds and misuse of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols for their own selfish, criminal interests.
Note: It is, of course, Obama White House legal counsel Greg Craig, a noted "Skull and Bonesman", and the attorney for Cuban Elian Gonzalez in the year 2000 anti Al Gore Florida presidential election psyop,     that is enabling the Bushes and Clintons by issuing legal opinions that have no basis in the law or U.S. Constitution.    "Skull and Bonesman" Greg Craig recently issued a legal brief defending the BushFRAUD Administration's illegal spying against a charity foundation as legal under the state secrets act.
Folks, there is NO state's secrets act anywhere in the U.S. Constitution ~ only in Great Britain. Accordingly, "Skull and Bonesman" Greg Craig, who lives in a luxury Georgetown house in Washington, D.C. with his crooked wife, is enabling TREASON on behalf of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate.  Getty Images
We can now announce that we have issued a Citizen's Arrest Warrant for Greg Craig and have prepared the duct tape and handcuffs.
Craig is clearly a domestic ENEMY of the American People and its U.S. Constitution.
         We have now reached the point of no return when rogue elements of the CIA and other criminal U.S. Intelligence agencies assets are now superseding the U.S. Constitution and Executive Orders of the President.
Note: Nancy Pelosi, who argued for implementation of the Protocols, was recently smeared by the controlled U.S. media in an alleged confrontation over terror interrogations with current CIA Director Leon Panetta.
So you see, folks, the alleged Pelosi vs Panetta confrontation had little to do with waterboarding but had everything to do with money.
         Note: Pelosi was recently in China discussing the implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols and actually brought with her the evidence of the Federal Reserve banking codes that were used in the theft of the Chinese Sovereign Funds.
This is typical of the corporate controlled, fascist American media filth who like to run diversionary stories, change the subject and go after the smaller fish rather than the big fish.
Last week Chrissy Pooh Matthews aka Tweety Bird of MSNBC's Hardball show was at it again trying to protect the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate and its enabler Patrick Fitzgerald by going after current U.S. Senator Roland Burris, D-IL, for alleged misstatements involving the appointment of Burris as the Democratic U.S. Senator from Illinois replacing the former Senate seat held by now President Barack Obama.
      Matthews, who brags that in the year 2000 presidential election he voted for nation wrecker, closet homosexual, AWOL, cocaine snorting, war criminal George W. BushFRAUD, was trying to catch Burris in a perjury trap and use Burris as a diversion so as to keep the new evidence involving the Chicago, Illinois-Little Rock, Arkansas based Jackson Stephens' SF Holdings LLC money laundry out of the news.
              It was U.S. Attorney Fitzgerald who used a perjury trap against former Vice pResident Dick Cheney aide, Scooter Libby, as a way of deflecting the bigger crimes of the BushFRAUD Administration, which included a criminal conspiracy involving BushFRAUD, Cheney and former BushFRAUD U.S. Under Secretary of State Richard Armitage attempt to plant Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) in Iraq before the Iraq War began.
Copyright 2007 By Marty Katz    Conspiratorial TRAITOR Bush-Clinton
Crime Family Syndicate partner Alan Greenspan   enjoying MSNBC;s Hardball host Chris Matthews (L)         Andrea Mitchell, Greenspan's wife is center
   Matthews, like his buddy homosexual in-the-closet James Warren formerly of the Chicago Tribune, is a U.S. media enabler of Fitzgerald's attempt now to cover up for the Bushes, the Clintons, Rahm Emanuel as well as Karl Rove and, of course, use former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and now Illinois U.S. Senator Roland Burris as the patsies.
Once, again, going after the smaller fish and covering up for the bigger fish.
When it comes to Matthews and Warren, folks, they both stink like a rotten fish!
Note: Burris recently survived an assassination attempt aka the use of electronic magnetic pulse on his United Airlines flight from Washington to O'Hare,
which had to make an emergency landing in Pittsburg a week ago.
   Burris, Schakowsky ride out emergency landing unscathed,united-flight-burris-emergency-landing-052209.article
Burris has received "smoking gun" evidence from White House social secretary Desiree Rogers, who was also present on the flight with Burris, that U.S. Attorney Fitzgerald has coordinated at least forty-five (45) illegal Federal Grand Jury leaks to former Chicago Tribune editor, closet homosexual and British Intellience asset James Warren.
Warren, also a lifelong archenemy of duly elected President Albert Gore Jr., received leaks not only designed to frame both Blagojevich and Burris, but also received Federal Grand Jury illegal leaks from Fitzgerald that was able to give a heads up to both Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and BushFRAUD's former Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove on the status of Fitzgerald's investigation, including elements tied to both Emanuel and Rove.       Fitzgerald talks to his "handler" daddy Bush on a weekly basis!
    Reference: Patrick Fitzgerald and James Warren are currently under a Special Master's Justice Department investigation for illegal leaking of Federal Grand Jury evidence
    Patrick Fitzgerald is using the Kenneth Starr "national security" defense and closet homosexual James Warren is using the Judith Miller defense.
 So you see, folks, what a piece of manure Chrissy Pooh Matthews is.  Keith Olbermann recently threatened to put him in his place, which wouldn't take much time given Matthews is such a marshmallow.  Reuters pic
Matthews recently actually praised year 2000 presidential election fixer and 9/11 co-conspirator Ted Olson given Olson's now support of gay marriage.
a young Victor Ashe (L), with BushFRAUD's daddy (R)

Question: Could it be, folks, that BushFRAUD will soon divorce his wife Laura and marry his lifelong male love, current Ambassador to Poland, Victor Ashe, and Hillary will soon divorce Bill and then marry BushFRAUD's wife Laura, and Ted Olson operating as best man and male (maid) of honor at both weddings (ha).
Stay tuned for further intelligence briefings, which will include the Bush-Clinton Family Syndicate plot to bankrupt the Federal Reserve sometime in August of 2009.
This scripted bankruptcy will coincide with the issue of a new New World Order currency for both the United States, Mexico and Canada aka the AMERO.
 This will allow U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to attempt to write off the U.S. dollar dominated TRILLIONS of dollars of toxic derivatives on the back of what would then become a defunct U.S. dollar.
Note: Given the TRILLIONS of dollars of RED Chinese held U.S. dollar denominated assets      one can expect major fireworks     to develop again between the U.S. and RED Chinese governments.
Their plan is to bankrupt the Federal Reserve at the time the new AMERO currency is issued allowing a new joint Canadian-U.S.-Mexican Federal Reserve, this time headquartered in Toronto, Canada to replace the old Fed Res.
It should also be mentioned that the creation of a new joint North American Federal Reserve will allow the old Federal Reserve to destroy all of its records and documents tied to the criminal massive Ponzi Scheme and money laundry that looted the U.S. Treasury.
How dare you, you conspiratorial tyrants
and kings and notable queens!

International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL-- reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.
ResistTyranny.jpg      image by rellekenyaw
9:04 AM   0 Comments    Saturday, May 30, 2009
BREAKING: RED China Successfully BLACKMAILS the Obama Administration
Category: News and Politics
Behind the scenes intelligence briefings ALL Patriot Americans MUST know...the REAL facts and truth the corporate-controlled mainstream media covers up

Explosive Back Breaking News
RED China Successfully BLACKMAILS the Obama Administration
Federal Reserve will be Broke by August of 2009
by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert
Saturday  May 30, 2009
UNITED STATES of America  -  It can now be reported that the government of the People's Republic of China (PRC) received over $5 TRILLION from the U.S. Treasury in the last 48 hours.
The funds transfer to China was part of an agreement between the Obama Administration and the PRC, which allowed the Chinese to then come in and support the U.S. bond market, which was on the verge of collapse, given the imbalance created between short term and long term interest rates aka the yield curve.
The People's Republic of China has recently been using its surrogate puppet state, North Korea, as a vehicle of blackmail and extortion all aimed at the Obama Administration.
The nuclear test by North Korea, along with threats to cancel the 1953 Armistice agreement that ended the Korean War, was directed by the highest level of the Red Chinese Communist government.,0.jpg
Conspiratorial TRAITORS
Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate partners
George Herbert Walker Bush embraces his co-conspirator Henry Kissinger (L) AP,
Alan Greenspan (C) Reuters by Kevin Lamarque, Henry Kissinger  Getty Images
Conspiratorial TRAITORS
Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate partners
Bill and Hillary Clinton
The People's Republic of China recently confronted the Obama Administration, along with its loser and dysfunctional U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton, with evidence that former President George Herbert Walker Bush, former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, former President Bill Clinton and his sociopath wife Hillary Clinton, and New World Order thug, former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, have been involved in a massive criminal Ponzi Scheme that has looted TRILLIONS of dollars out of the Chinese Sovereign Fund.
Assisting the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate in this theft and extortion was the late Madam Wu, a major Chinese financial officer, who had been compromised by rogue U.S. and Israeli Intelligence assets in using the massive toxic derivative Federal Reserve worldwide Ponzi Scheme in its raid against the Chinese Sovereign Fund.
Chinese Gen. Haotian Chi , national defense minister (front left), and U.S. Defense Secretary William S. Cohen (right) review Chinese military forces on July 12, 2000 in Beijing. Photo by Linda D. Kozaryn. 
Note: It was former Clinton Secretary of State William Cohen that used the noted information sharing policy, an agreement between the U.S. and RED China during the 1990s, that allowed the creation of secret offshore U.S. CIA-Chinese Intelligence proprietary accounts, that set the foundation for what would become the massive financial catastrophe that has beset both the U.S. Federal Reserve and the Chinese Sovereign Fund.
Reference: It should also be noted that the transfer of the $5 TRILLION to the People's Republic of China, authorized by the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve, involved a wire transfer with the Bank of Hong Kong as the recipient bank.
The Bank of Hong Kong, which is still jointly owned by both the PRC and the United Kingdom, is a noted U.S. CIA-British MI6-Chinese Intel box bank aka a clearinghouse for laundering of STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds. We can also divulge that former British Prime Minister and Dunblaine pedophile and war criminal, Anthony Blair, received a large commission tied to this massive THEFT of U.S. Treasury funds and Chinese Sovereign Funds, which found its way to the Bank of Hong Kong, which allowed Blair to use his illegal commission to replenish the coffers of her majesty, the queen of England, who is currently blackmailing the Obama Administration aka a $5 TRILLION loan that she made to former illegal White House occupant, George W. BushFRAUD, that has not been repaid.
We can report that the British government is now cooperating with the People's Republic of China in joint satellite and cyber attacks against the U.S. computer infrastructure and actually preparing for a possible World War III.
Reference: This explains the recent cyber attacks against the U.S. Marshal Service and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
image DEFCON game
Note: It was just 48 hours ago that the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff placed the U.S. Military and its nuclear strike force on DEFCON 2 preparing the U.S. Military for a possible nuclear confrontation with        the People's Republic of China, the Russian Federation and, as unbelievable as this sounds, folks, none other than the United Kingdom.
Despite their knowledge of the criminal corruption and TREASON committed against the American People by their own government, the only nation that the United States and its People can count on to come to its defense with its own nuclear force is, of course, America's oldest ally of 200 years, the Republic of France.
The new evidence dealing with the theft of Chinese Sovereign Funds, along with the THEFT of U.S. Treasury by the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate,    is once again being covered up by the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, Patrick Fitzgerald.
TRAITOR    Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate Protector
U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald
Fitzgerald is, once again, using the bogus claim of "national security" as his rationale for his continuation of Obstruction of Justice and Misprision of Felonies involving the Bush-Clinton gang of thieves.     Note: Fitzgerald, who clearly took too much catechism and not enough Constitutional law, believes that the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate is infallible aka some divine right monarchy. Fitzgerald is now using Roland Burris, current Democratic U.S. Senator of Illinois, as his latest diversion to keep the heat off the Bushes and Clintons.
So the question is, folks, what is he covering up?
Well, here is your answer:
A major link has been established between the theft of Chinese Sovereign Funds and U.S. Treasury funds involving major Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate corporations called SF Holdings Corporation in Little Rock, Arkansas, SF Holdings LLC located at 200 North LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois and SF Holdings Ltd out of the Cayman Islands.
This massive money laundry, which also involves a major Chicago-based securities and commodities discount brokerage firm, has a backdoor link to the noted Jackson Stevens Corporation located in Little Rock, Arkansas and midtown New York City on Park Avenue.
Rahm Emanuel, Karl Rove, Wesley Clark
A shell company called the Freedom Corporation administered by both Israeli Mossad agent Rahm Emanuel, current Obama White House Chief of Staff, former BushFRAUD White House Deputy Chief of Staff, Karl Rove, and noted Clinton stooge, former U.S. General Wesley Clark,      have actually laundered STOLEN U.S. Treasury and Chinese Sovereign Funds through Chicago and Little Rock, Arkansas      onto the noted Dominion Bank out of Toronto, Canada (TD aka Toronto Dominion).
Conspiratorial TRAITORS    Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate partners
BushFRAUD and Bill Clinton in Toronto on May 29, 2009
Reuters/TD Bank Financial Group/Handout
It was just yesterday that both former President Bill Clinton aka daddy Bush's little bitch, and former illegal White House occupant George W. BushFRAUD, appeared together in Toronto, Canada       and, of course, made a massive withdrawal from the Toronto, Canada-based Dominion Bank.
Note: The withdrawal of funds by BushFRAUD and Clinton were also used to BRIBE and pay off former Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin      and other members of the Canadian political class
who continue to blackmail the U.S. government aka the secrets of 9/11.
Related:      Obama-Bush-Cheney-U.S. Media Psyop
Paul Martin owns a Canadian steamship company that has been used in illegal narcotics and weapons trafficking for the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate.   Martin is now retired from politics and clearly still operates as a bagman and extortionist for the Bush-Clinton Crime Family.
The massive withdrawal of both STOLEN U.S. Treasury and Chinese Sovereign Funds from the Toronto, Canada-based Dominion Bank made by Bush Jr. and Bill Clinton
 also involve withdrawal of laundered Bush-Clinton Katrina Foundation funds that were laundered out of the Central Bank of Iraq       through Jackson Stephens Inc.
 onto the Dominion Bank in Toronto.
Reference: It was this morning that MSNBC's Alex Witt aka 3rd degree witch aka Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate stooge, was smiling ear to ear as she reported the presence of crime partners BushFRAUD and Bill Clinton appearing together at a special gathering of New World Order types    in Toronto.
Alex Witt, a monarchist, once congratulated current MSNBC commentator and year 2000 presidential independent candidate Pat Buchanan  on his role in the theft of the year 2000 presidential election aka the use of the Palm Beach County, Florida intentionally confusing butterfly ballot, which contributed to the theft of over 20,000 votes in the year 2000 presidential election from then Vice President now duly elected President Albert Gore Jr.
Obama embraces and kisses Hillary, a partner in the
Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate     AP by Alex Brandon
Note: It was just recently that foreign born alleged President Obama blocked the U.S. Marshal Service       from executing a warrant for the arrest of Obama's Secretary of State, loser and lesbian in-the-closet Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton.
Hillary Clinton made a surprise visit to Baghdad, Iraq
on April 25, 2009  Getty Images/Europe,
right photo: Central Bank of Iraq  Photo by Thomas Hartwell
Reference: Hillary was about to be arrested by the U.S. Marshal Service while she was in Baghdad, Iraq     trying to arrange an illegal wire transfer of laundered Bush-Clinton Katrina Foundation funds from the Central Bank of Iraq     to none other than the Toronto, Canada based Dominion Bank. The sociopath Hillary, who has been a CIA operative most of her life, like the Bushes believes she has immunity from all prosecution based on their role, that is the Bushes and Clintons, as intelligence agency employees.
Note: Loser Hillary has had a long and checkered past when it comes to North Korea.  In the early 1990s Hillary, along with a lesbian team headed by a Diane Lewis, headquartered in Downers Grove, Illinois, all faced indictment for their involvement in procuring uranium for the government of North Korea.
The nuclear grade uranium that was sent to North Korea was disguised as food subsidies linked to the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and none other than the then head of the North American Israeli Mossad Rahm Emanuel.
The uranium sent to North Korea disguised as food subsidies was part of the overall Iraq-Gate scandal aka illegal weapons sent to Iraq disguised subsidies that engulfed the George Herbert Walker Bush Administration and Bush cabinet member Robert Mosbacher.
A Federal Grand Jury headquartered in Downers Grove, Illinois was ready to indict Hillary Clinton, Diane Lewis and daddy Bush's Secretary of Agriculture Robert Mosbacher for violation of the Neutrality Act aka arms shipment to the enemy.
It was then daddy Bush's U.S. Attorney General William Barr  that eventually declared "national security" vis a vis the Downers Grove Federal Grand Jury investigation   and eventually, illegally disbanded before the indictment could be issued.
          Later, in 1994, then alleged Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, a UN-registered foreign lobbyist for the RED Chinese, was given the IraqGate-North Korea case involving Hillary Clinton and Robert Mosbacher by the Clinton Justice Department.
Starr proceeded, of course, to cover it all up.
After the Congressional elections of 1994, which thanks to nepotistic takeover of the Clinton-Gore Administration by the closet lesbian Hillary, the Democratic Party was basically wiped out and lost its Congressional majority.
Hillary's response to her first national defeat, she would eventually suffer a second, was to plot a black op that would encourage North Korea to start military hostilities with South Korea, which would then give her politically wounded husband
a chance to be a war time president.
Left pic: Vice President Albert Gore Jr. (r) next to Clinton, and
Joint Chiefs Chairman Colin Powell stepped in to neutralize the escalating North Korean conflict created by Hillary Clinton
Note: It was only through the efforts of then Vice President Albert Gore Jr. and then Joint Chiefs Chairman Colin Powell
that the situation in North Korea was neutralized and World War III was avoided.
Jimmy Carter in Pyongyang, Korea with Kim Il Sung in 1994
An agreement was later struck between Clinton's envoy at the time, former President Jimmy Carter, and the government of North Korea that brought some sense of sanity to the Korean peninsula.
What has gone un-reported for years is that the Clintons, with the help of the Swedish monarchy procured various Swedish prostitutes that would visit the North Korean dictator at least three times a month.    The sexual services provided the North Korean dictator helped placate him and kept him from causing major problems although North Korea continued its nuclear program under the radar screen.
Reference: Jackson Stephens Inc. operates as a CIA money laundry
and is, accordingly, not subject to any oversight by Congress.
Leon Panetta, CIA Director
P.P.S. We can also divulge that both Clintons, along with former President George Herbert Walker Bush, and CIA Director Leon Panetta,       recently ignored and countermanded President Obama's attempt to finally implement the noted Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols.
The Clintons, the Bushes and Panetta have told Obama that his Executive Order, actually signed twice, is illegal and violates national security.
Of course, this has nothing to do with national security, folks.  It has to do with protecting the secret offshore accounts of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate that deal with STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds and misuse of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols for their own selfish, criminal interests.
Note: It is, of course, Obama White House legal counsel Greg Craig, a noted "Skull and Bonesman", and the attorney for Cuban Elian Gonzalez in the year 2000 anti Al Gore Florida presidential election psyop, that is enabling the Bushes and Clintons by issuing legal opinions that have no basis in the law or U.S. Constitution.    "Skull and Bonesman" Greg Craig recently issued a legal brief defending the BushFRAUD Administration's illegal spying against a charity foundation as legal under the state secrets act.
Folks, there is NO state's secrets act anywhere in the U.S. Constitution ~ only in Great Britain. Accordingly, "Skull and Bonesman" Greg Craig, who lives in a luxury Georgetown house in Washington, D.C. with his crooked wife, is enabling TREASON on behalf of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate.  Getty Images
We can now announce that we have issued a Citizen's Arrest Warrant for Greg Craig and have prepared the duct tape and handcuffs.
Craig is clearly a domestic ENEMY of the American People and its U.S. Constitution.
We have now reached the point of no return when rogue elements of the CIA and other criminal U.S. Intelligence agencies assets are now superseding the U.S. Constitution and Executive Orders of the President.
Note: Nancy Pelosi, who argued for implementation of the Protocols, was recently smeared by the controlled U.S. media in an alleged confrontation over terror interrogations with current CIA Director Leon Panetta.
So you see, folks, the alleged Pelosi vs Panetta confrontation had little to do with waterboarding but had everything to do with money.
Note: Pelosi was recently in China discussing the implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols and actually brought with her the evidence of the Federal Reserve banking codes that were used in the theft of the Chinese Sovereign Funds.  This is typical of the corporate controlled, fascist American media filth who like to run diversionary stories, change the subject and go after the smaller fish rather than the big fish.
Last week Chrissy Pooh Matthews aka Tweety Bird of MSNBC's Hardball show was at it again trying to protect the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate and its enabler Patrick Fitzgerald by going after current U.S. Senator Roland Burris, D-IL, for alleged misstatements involving the appointment of Burris as the Democratic U.S. Senator from Illinois replacing the former Senate seat held by now President Barack Obama.
Matthews, who brags that in the year 2000 presidential election he voted for nation wrecker, closet homosexual, AWOL, cocaine snorting, war criminal George W. BushFRAUD, was trying to catch Burris in a perjury trap and use Burris as a diversion
 so as to keep the new evidence involving the Chicago, Illinois-Little Rock, Arkansas based Jackson Stephens' SF Holdings LLC money laundry     out of the news.
     It was U.S. Attorney Fitzgerald who used a perjury trap against former Vice pResident Dick Cheney aide, Scooter Libby, as a way of deflecting the bigger crimes of the BushFRAUD Administration, which included a criminal conspiracy involving BushFRAUD, Cheney and former BushFRAUD U.S. Under Secretary of State Richard Armitage attempt to plant Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) in Iraq before the Iraq War began.
Copyright 2007 By Marty Katz    Conspiratorial TRAITOR Bush-Clinton
Crime Family Syndicate partner Alan Greenspan  enjoying MSNBC;s Hardball host Chris Matthews (L)     Andrea  Mitchell, Greenspan's wife is center
Matthews, like his buddy homosexual in-the-closet James Warren formerly of the Chicago Tribune, is a U.S. media enabler of Fitzgerald's attempt now to cover up for the Bushes, the Clintons, Rahm Emanuel as well as Karl Rove and, of course, use former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and now Illinois U.S. Senator Roland Burris as the patsies.
Once, again, going after the smaller fish and covering up for the bigger fish.
When it comes to Matthews and Warren, folks, they both stink like a rotten fish!
Note: Burris recently survived an assassination attempt aka the use of electronic magnetic pulse on his United Airlines flight from Washington to O'Hare,
which had to make an emergency landing in Pittsburg a week ago.
   Burris, Schakowsky ride out emergency landing unscathed,united-flight-burris-emergency-landing-052209.article
Burris has received "smoking gun" evidence from White House social secretary Desiree Rogers, who was also present on the flight with Burris, that U.S. Attorney Fitzgerald has coordinated at least forty-five (45) illegal Federal Grand Jury leaks to former Chicago Tribune editor, closet homosexual and British Intellience asset James Warren.
Warren, also a lifelong archenemy of duly elected President Albert Gore Jr., received leaks not only designed to frame both Blagojevich and Burris,
 but also received Federal Grand Jury illegal leaks from Fitzgerald that was able to give a heads up to both Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and BushFRAUD's former Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove on the status of Fitzgerald's investigation, including elements tied to both Emanuel and Rove.     Fitzgerald talks to his "handler" daddy Bush on a weekly basis!
Reference: Patrick Fitzgerald and James Warren are currently under a Special Master's Justice Department investigation for illegal leaking of Federal Grand Jury evidence.
Patrick Fitzgerald is using the Kenneth Starr "national security" defense
and closet homosexual James Warren is using the Judith Miller defense. So you see, folks, what a piece of manure Chrissy Pooh Matthews is.  Keith Olbermann recently threatened to put him in his place, which wouldn't take much time given Matthews is such a marshmallow.  Reuters pic
Matthews recently actually praised year 2000 presidential election fixer and 9/11 co-conspirator Ted Olson given Olson's now support of gay marriage.
a young Victor Ashe (L), with BushFRAUD's daddy (R)
           estion: Could it be, folks, that BushFRAUD will soon divorce his wife Laura and marry his lifelong male love, current Ambassador to Poland, Victor Ashe, and Hillary will soon divorce Bill and then marry BushFRAUD's wife Laura, and Ted Olson operating as best man and male (maid) of honor at both weddings (ha).
Stay tuned for further intelligence briefings, which will include the Bush-Clinton Family Syndicate plot to bankrupt the Federal Reserve sometime in August of 2009.
This scripted bankruptcy will coincide with the issue of a new New World Order currency for both the United States, Mexico and Canada   aka the AMERO. This will allow U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to attempt to write off the U.S. dollar dominated TRILLIONS of dollars of toxic derivatives on the back of what would then become a defunct U.S. dollar.
Note: Given the TRILLIONS of dollars of RED Chinese held U.S. dollar denominated assets one can expect major fireworks to develop again between the U.S. and RED Chinese governments.
Their plan is to bankrupt the Federal Reserve at the time the new AMERO currency is issued      allowing a new joint Canadian-U.S.-Mexican Federal Reserve, this time headquartered in Toronto, Canada to replace the old Fed Res.
It should also be mentioned that the creation of a new joint North American Federal Reserve will allow the old Federal Reserve to destroy all of its records and documents tied to the criminal massive Ponzi Scheme and money laundry that looted the U.S. Treasury.
How dare you, you conspiratorial tyrants
and kings and notable queens!

International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL-- reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.
ResistTyranny.jpg image by rellekenyaw
9:04 AM
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............... hal...........
Saturday, May 30, 2009
U.S. Sends F-22A "Raptors" to Japan
Okinawa, Japan (TRN) -- As the situation with North Korea worsens, four U.S. F-22A "Raptor" stealth fighters landed Saturday at the U.S. Kadena Air Base in Okinawa for a four month deployment. Eight more are scheduled to arrive Sunday.
The base said the deployment shows the United States’ commitment to Japan and its determination to ensure stability and security in the Pacific region.
The 12 stealth fighters, from Langley Air Force Base in Virginia, can evade radar detection and cruise at supersonic speeds. In its past deployments to Kadena, the F-22A fighters engaged in joint exercises with fighter planes of Japan’s Air Self-Defense Force.
at 5/30/2009 08:43:00 PM 1 comments
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Pravda: U.S. sliding into Marxism at breathtaking speed; blames dumbed-down American "Sheeple" (( American capitalism gone with a whimper ))
Pravda, one of the leading newspapers in Russia, has run an Opinion piece describing the United States slide into Marxism as "breathtaking."
The piece blames American citizens for being too dumb to understand what's happening to the country and too cowardly to rise-up to protect their own freedom. They're right.
The piece goes on to outline how this happened and laughs at the once mighty USA- a nation that has become so sick, it teaches its kids to actually celebrate the deviancy of homosexuality. They're right again.
My fellow Americans, are you so mentally ill, stupid and cowardly that you will allow our nation to be overcome by an ideology that slaughtered millions over the course of 70 years in Russia?
Are you so delusional that you refuse to see our cherished freedoms being stolen from us?
Give read to the Pravda article at the link below; then ask yourself if we should put an end to this on July 4 and 5 by taking up baseball bats and greeting Congressmen and Senators as they march in local parades celebrating Independence Day.
If enough of these political whores get their skulls cracked open, we can straighten this country out in one holiday weekend!
Mark your calendars: July 4 & 5 -- we re-assert our freedom.
((The text is at:
..... Stanislav Mishin.The article has been reprinted with the kind permission from the author and originally appears on his blog, Mat Rodina ))
at 5/30/2009 11:15:00 PM 0 comments
Russians wouldn't just roll over & give up our freedoms & our souls, no matter how much Wall Street GAVE the MARXISTS    Posted By: Rayelan <Send E-Mail>
Date: Saturday, 30-May-2009 19:26:26      Note From Rayelan:
Many years ago I sat with my friend, Barbara Honegger as we watched the Soviet Union collapse. She remarked, "We've changed scripts with the Communists."
Sadly, 20 years after she said this she about to be proved correct!
The Russians fought the Marxists. They did NOT go quietly into that dark hell that they lived in for almost 70 years. They fought and died to keep their freedom.
Now that our leaders have switched scripts with Russia, what do we do now? We are the most innovative and well armed people in the world. How do we get our freedoms back before we end up under the squashing thumb of the communist side of the new world order.
I think if we knew what was coming and had a choice, we'd probably choose to continue to live under the capitalist side of the new world order... at least that way we believed we were free... yes... free to slave for our capitalist masters... but at least we got to come home to our own homes in the evening, not a wet and dank gulag.
Will we make it 'til the 2010 elections when the populace will vote out the marxists??? Or have we lost it all.
The unions are with Obama and the Marxists. The unions voted him in and they will continue to vote for him. It doesn't matter to the union workers if their pay and their job security has gotten worse under him. They vote the way they are told to vote.
And that's assuming our elections really count for something.
I see no way out of this. Except a natural disaster that destroys civilization.
Or a miracle!!
I believe in miracles... Let's all create a miracle and somehow unwind from this horror film we are sitting through.
Let's demand our money back and rent a better DVD next time!!
From American capitalism gone with a whimper ...yes the same text.. )):
Russians would not just roll over and give up our freedoms and our souls, no matter how much money Wall Street poured into the fists of the Marxists.
Those lessons were taken and used to properly prepare the American populace for the surrender of their freedoms and souls, to the whims of their elites and betters.
First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard education system based on pop culture, rather then the classics. Americans know more about their favorite TV dramas then the drama in DC that directly affects their lives. They care more for their "right" to choke down a McDonalds burger or a BurgerKing burger than for their constitutional rights. Then they turn around and lecture us about our rights and about our "democracy". Pride blind the foolish.
Then their faith in God was destroyed, until their churches, all tens of thousands of different "branches and denominations" were for the most part little more then Sunday circuses and their televangelists and top protestant mega preachers were more then happy to sell out their souls and flocks to be on the "winning" side of one pseudo Marxist politician or another. Their flocks may complain, but when explained that they would be on the "winning" side, their flocks were ever so quick to reject Christ in hopes for earthly power. Even our Holy Orthodox churches are scandalously liberalized in America.
The final collapse has come with the election of Barack Obama. His speed in the past three months has been truly impressive. ////
The full article is well worth reading... and the question we should all be asking is this:
What can we do to stop this?
Posted By: IZAKOVIC <Send E-Mail>   Date: Sunday, 31-May-2009 06:29:35
        The following is a detailed summary of our tentative, current understanding of the core issues related to the presence of the visitors, and the possible earth changes that may be ahead of us.
        By its very nature it is subject to change and revision at any time, as the Big Picture comes into focus and becomes clearer. It is also intended to provoke thought and to invite readers to do their own research and analysis. It would be extraordinary if every detail below were correct.
        Much of this information is also elsewhere on this site (in interview form or on the Henry Deacon pages) and elsewhere, but the summary below may be a useful synopsis for the purposes of discussion.
        The Roswell Catastrophe
        The visitors who crashed at Roswell were future humans1. They were not from another planet2, but from a future Earth – stepping (which may be a better word than traveling) back in time to 1947 to attempt to deal with serious problems which had occurred in their history3. Their mission was to try to change their past by creating an alternative branch of their own timeline, so that particular events – about to happen to us in our very near future – would not actually occur.
        The Roswell visitors were on a purely altruistic mission. They did not have to do this, but chose to... out of compassion. But the mission went disastrously wrong – not just because they crashed (an accident caused by high-powered radar – later the military realized this and made use of radar as a weapon),
but because they had a device with them which was their only means, as an orientation device in time and space, to get them home and back to their own time.
        The device was a little box, highly advanced and multifunctional in nature, and was far smaller than the "Looking Glass" that Dan Burisch4 and Bill Hamilton5 describe as being subsequently utilized by military scientists in various experiments. When the box was acquired and investigated by the military, this became a catastrophe in itself. It made the timeline problem many times worse, because this both introduced time manipulation technology to us at the wrong time... and also told the military what lay ahead.
        It can not be stressed too strongly how totally calamitous for us all the Roswell incident was. It was a major, major setback, right at the start of the future humans' project to help fix the problem. Acquiring a device such as that which the Roswell visitors carried would immediately alter the timeline which the future humans were trying to change in the first place... so there would then be two timelines that need fixing, and not just one.
        NOAA, the Dark Star, and Global Warming
        A small organization within NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) is aware of what scientists there sometimes call the “second sun”. This is a massive astronomical object, possibly a brown dwarf6, which is on a long elliptical orbit around our own sun on an inclined plane to the rest of the planets. To align with other researchers7, we'll refer to this as the Dark Star.
        The Dark Star is now approaching, and is causing resonance effects on our sun in various ways8. This is the cause of the warming of all the planets, not just the Earth9. This information is classified, but has been known for a number of years10.
        This issue is connected with the Roswell catastrophe described above. The problems the future humans were attempting to address were multiple, but principally featured a possible event triggered by a massive 'spike' of solar activity at some point in our currently near future.
        We emphasize most strongly that this event is only possible (having been observed in Looking Glass devices in a possible future)... and, importantly, is now evaluated to be unlikely11.
        The increase in solar activity is caused only in part by the Dark Star, multiple factors being at play. These are complex. Some of them are on a galactic scale12, and are associated with natural, periodic events which the Earth has suffered through a number of times previously. What makes this particular time completely unique for our planet is that there is a convergence of serious factors – such as global warming13, overpopulation, and our propensity for choreographing war...14... – all of which combine with these major, cyclic and solar events to simultaneously threaten the well-being of ourselves and the biosphere.
        The large-scale events are unstoppable. It's also unclear when the 'spike' of solar activity is due to be - though our understanding is that this is imminent, and could occur at any time in the next ten years or so. Although the issue has been considerably hyped, it's impossible not to observe that the year 2012...15... is right in the middle of this bell-curve of probability.
        What is possible, however, is to minimize the effects of the solar event. Evaluated Looking Glass data concludes that there is a 19% probability of the worse case scenario occurring, with 85% confidence that that 19% figure is correct16. It seems we're off the hook... although no matter what timeline one is on, significant problems lie ahead with the man-made crises that surround us (exacerbated by solar activity).       Insurance: Underground Bases, Project Preserve Destiny, and the Martian Colony
        Readers may by now have made the connection with the trillions of dollars17 spent in recent decades by various military agencies on underground bases in a number of different countries18. Given the possibility of an imminent near-ELE (extinction level event)19, a cynic would argue that it's a smart use of our tax dollars to ensure that at least some humans survive20.
        Other readers will connect this potential scenario with the story told by Dan Sherman21, in straightforward, unassuming and sober fashion, in which he was trained as an IC (Intuitive Communicator) as a preparation for an unknown future event   that would include all electronic communications being rendered unusable22. The project he was part of was called Project Preserve Destiny... the title of which gives us a very heavy clue to what this was all about...23... .
        Researchers who have looked into the claims of the infamous TV program Alternative 3 ...24... conclude in the main that the show was a hoax. There is clear evidence that the show was a dramatic portrayal of arguably fictional events. However, it would appear that it may have been accidental disinformation rather than a hoax per se. Certain events portrayed in the program25 are markedly similar to the scenario presented here.
        Among those is the existence of a substantial Mars base, established in the early 1960s and supplied by a combination of stargates26 and an advanced, classified space program codenamed SOLAR WARDEN...27. The Mars base apparently has a number of functions28 but among those would certainly be the ensured survival of the human species should anything untoward happen on or to our home planet.
        What Can Be Done?
        As has been written above, the major, cyclic large-scale events that are set to occur are unstoppable by us or any other race, no matter how advanced their technology. But what can be mitigated are certain effects. Much remains under our control, although as every day passes the clock is ticking: carbon emissions are not helping13; choreographed and orchestrated war14 adds to the chaos; and new diseases and possible pandemics29 may be controllable if we act in harness.
        This is no different a warning than has been stated by many other messengers in recent years, but we place this in a context where the stakes are rather higher than usually recognized. It IS possible to work together to make a difference in a situation in which the backs of the human race may be up against the wall.
        On an individual level, more is possible. Michael St Clair30 says simply: find a safe place, and do it now. Many others agree. It may be smart to avoid living on the coast, on low-lying land, on a fault zone, in a major city, or on the sides of a volcano. Fresh water is likely to be a major issue.      Some analysts consider the southern hemisphere (Australia?) to be safer than the north, as the craziness of orchestrated war threatens.
        Remember that global warming will really start to bite in the near future. The Atlantic Conveyor31 may conceivably shut down, plunging Europe into a deep freeze. The warmer the Earth gets, the more evaporation there will be from the sea; so expect Katrina-scale hurricanes (in the west) and cyclones (in the east - they're pretty much the same thing), and disrupted and extreme weather patterns everywhere.
        There is a metaphysical approach, too. Lynne McTaggart32 in her new book The Intention Experiment: Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Life argues as she did in her previous work, The Field, that consciousness is a factor that can and does affect macro-scale events. We would wholeheartedly agree. Morphic fields33 – templates or patterns of manifestations yet to unfold – are as powerful and influential as they are invisible; and morphic resonance is also amenable to the power of thought34.
        It's even possible to bootstrap oneself into an optimum (least worst) timeline... though there's no instruction book on a mechanical means to do this. Spiritual methodologies such as the many forms of Meditation and other Yogic practice, Buddhism, Sufiism and Shamanism can assist one here. (This is far from an exclusive list, and may include some of the major organized religions. Prayer, if well understood and applied by a mature and aware spirit, is certainly capable of working miracles.)
        Times are changing, and global awareness (actually, a large morphic field) is gradually being heightened. The real question is, how fast? The way to put one's shoulder to the wheel is to add one's own strong and optimistic intention to the concept of the positive outcome. And like all such mental or spiritual gymnastics, this has to be real: it cannot be faked.
        This information has been reported by Dan Burisch. See our interviews page and also Dan Burisch's website.
        Not all visitors are time travelers. There are a great many races currently visiting this planet; many of these are genuine extraterrestrials. Reported numbers vary, but the respected witness Sgt. Clifford Stone, for example, says he knew of 57. Other witnesses have reported numbers of a similar order of magnitude.
        The motivations of the visitors are likely to vary as much as human agendas do. We can safely assume that some are benevolent and altruistic; some are evil and self-serving; and others may have agendas we can only guess at and may be beyond human understanding.
        According to Burisch, some of the subsequent visitors were future humans who were (at that future time) based on other planets, and no longer on the future Earth.
        This matter is complex. According to Burisch, some future humans are benevolent, while others are actually seeking to ensure that history is not changed; see note 23 below.
        Dan Burisch has made detailed technical drawings, from memory, of the 'Looking Glass' device he was familiar with. We'll publish these as soon as we have clearance. Henry Deacon has said that he never worked with or encountered the form of Looking Glass that Burisch described, and therefore is not in a position to confirm it.
        Bill Hamilton described the Looking Glass in some detail on this page of his website. (Note: the image shown is not the real thing; this is taken from the movie The Time Machine.) The text is also reproduced here.
        See Andy Lloyd's excellent website here, and the Binary Research Institute's website here. For a series of excellent graphics
depicting the Dark Star's possible orbit, click here.
        Researchers differ in some details, but the consensus is that this is probably a brown dwarf. Deacon only referred to it as a massive astronomical object, causing serious gravitational and other effects. Burisch has stated in personal correspondence that his best recall is that he had been told    that this object was a small black hole.
        The mechanism is unclear, but appears to include electromagnetic, gravitational, and other resonance effects.
        This information is in the public domain. It has been observed, for instance that Mars, Jupiter and Pluto are all warming up. There are many other references. Click here to read David Wilcock's and Richard Hoagland's comprehensive and detailed research into 'climate change' affecting every planet in our solar system.
        A possible contender for the companion star was announced in 1983 by the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) team, reporting a Jupiter-sized object at a distance of 550 astronomical units (550 times the Earth's distance from the sun). The report was withdrawn soon afterwards, though IRAS have always claimed this was not a cover-up. Deacon reports that the small organization within NOAA has known about the "second sun" for a decade or possibly much longer, but has never made any public reference to it.
        Burisch has stated on record that according to the most recent computer-analyzed Looking Glass data, there is a 19% chance of the worse case scenario occurring, with 85% confidence in that 19% figure.
        Burisch and Deacon both report that the principal factors at play are large scale and galactic in nature, linked with long-term, recurring cycles of influence on the Earth. Read this article about the correlation between cosmic ray activity and global warming, for instance.
        Al Gore, in his acclaimed documentary An Inconvenient Truth, makes the case for the harmful effect of increased carbon emissions with considerable impact. However, the real cause of global warming almost certainly lies with other larger scale causes (see note 9 above).
        The Report from Iron Mountain, among other documents in the public domain, references the organized and orchestrated requirement for war
in order to maintain macro-scale economic and social stability.
        21 December, 2012 is when the famous Mayan calendar comes to an end. Much has been written in speculation about the reasons why the Mayans saw no need to extend their calendar beyond that date. Deacon and Burisch state that this apparently exact date is not a precise prediction and that the solar events in question could occur at almost any time in the window 2007 – 2016.
        See note 11 above. Because (according to Burisch) steps were taken to decommission certain devices which were in danger of triggering massively amplified earth changes at the time of the solar 'spike', Burisch is confident in this calculation. Deacon states the the situation is continually subject to change, and is less sure of the figures.
        See this site for some details, and also many others.
        There are persistent reports of underground bases in the US, the UK, Puerto Rico, France, Germany, Norway, Canada, Australia, South America and Antarctica.
        Click here, here and here for three interesting photos of giant tunnel boring machines.
        There are also undersea bases, confirmed by Deacon and researched by Dr. Richard Sauder and others.
        Burisch reports that according to Looking Glass data, in the worse case scenario up to 94% of the Earth's population might be killed over the period of a small number of years following the catastrophe.
        Any high-level military scenario planning would be based on the premise that not everyone could be saved if the world's population were under serious threat.
        Sherman's story is told in his excellent e-book, Above Black.
        It's accepted by scientists that one of the possible effects from a sufficiently major solar 'spike' is that on Earth all electronic communications might be rendered unusable for some time.
        The title Project Preserve Destiny is chilling, implying that the project may be based on the premise that a cataclysmic future event has been observed through very high technology time-portal devices... and that it is to be ensured that what has been observed must occur. Burisch reports that a certain group of future humans, whom he calls The Rogues and who come from approx. 45,000 years hence, are committed to making sure that events in their history do indeed come to pass in our timeline and are not averted.
        Alternative 3 was shown by UK's Anglia TV on 20 June, 1977 – although it was initially scheduled to be premiered on 1 April. Anglia TV made a statement the day after the program that it had been intended as a joke.    Click here for to see a streaming video of the program itself (54 mins).
        Click here for a newspaper cutting in which Leslie Watkins, who authored the book of the same name, reveals that although he intended it as fiction in support of the TV program, he appears to have accidentally hit on something very real with the premise he portrayed.
        The premise described in the TV program (and the book) was that to deal with the twin problems of overpopulation and global warming, there were three alternative solutions:
 Alternative 1: to drastically reduce the human population on Earth;
 Alternative 2: to construct a network of underground bases to safeguard a small, elite population;
  Alternative 3: to establish a 'Noah's Ark' colony of humanity's best and brightest off of the planet – on Mars.

        According to Deacon, stargates are routinely used for transport to distant locations, 'travel time' being instantaneous.
        Deacon reports that SOLAR WARDEN encompasses a small fleet of large, highly classified spaceplanes.
        According to Deacon, the Mars base is multifunctional and has a large population of around 670,000 (not all of whom are present-day humans). Situated underground on the bottom of an ancient dried-up sea, it has, apparently, been in existence for thousands of years but was recently re-established in the early 1960s by an international team. Its functions include stargate access to more distant locations still.
        HIV, SARS, Avian ('bird') flu, and other modern scares – whether orchestrated or not – come to mind.
        See our interviews page for more on Michael St Clair, a well-known visionary and astrologer who predicts major problems in the coming few years and who advocates prudently identifying safe places to live. (St Clair has already moved to live in a small community in a remote location.)
        Click here for a summary of the importance of the Atlantic Conveyor, a critical component of the oceanic circulatory system. If the Atlantic Conveyor were to shut down (as might be triggered by a massive amount of cool water flooding into the North Atlantic from, for instance, the melting of Arctic ice or Greenland glaciers), then the warm waters of the Gulf Stream would no longer reach European shores and Europe would experience a much cooler climate... despite global warming.
        Lynne McTaggart's book, The Intention Experiment: Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Life, is available here. She is also the author of the ground-breaking book, The Field.
        The British Biologist Dr. Rupert Sheldrake introduced the concepts of Morphic Fields and Morphic Resonance in his revolutionary 1981 book A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Formative Causation. Simply put, Sheldrake argues that species create Morphic Fields – templates based on accumulated experience that have an an effect on the behaviors, attitudes and abilities of subsequent members of the same species – which influence others encountering the same situations at the same or a later time.
        The relevance here is that humans can consciously create Morphic Fields, which influence others once a critical mass of intention is gathered. It's one way in which a small group, powerfully and positively focused, can gradually change the world.
Posted By: IZAKOVIC <Send E-Mail>    Date: Sunday, 31-May-2009 09:26:27
Posted By: IZAKOVIC     Date: Sunday, 28-Jan-2007 15:42:21
...The plane in which Earth rotates around Sun (ecliptic) closes with the Galactic equator angle of 61 deg. Earth's axis are not perpendicular to ecliptic, they are tilted for 23,45 deg. towards it. This causes four seasons of the year because different parts of its globe are oriented towards the Sun at different times of the year.
On Galactic level, Earth axis are not oriented always in one direction, they rotate making full circle once in 25800 years. During this period angle Earths axis close with Galactic equator (plane) constantly changes from 5,5 to 62,5 deg, which for accepted science, in principle, is nothing special. This process is known as precession of equinoxes.
What is special is that on the completion/ start of the new precession cycle Earth's axis closes its minim angle towards the Galactic plane (5,5 deg - which is practically null) when Earth's axis is oriented exactly towards the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius rim towards Scorpio, and that on the 1/2 of precession this orientation of Earths axis repeats only when it closes angle of 62,5 deg with the Galactic plane. This is all measured at the time of equinox (does not meter which as they are 6 months distant). Obviously, it is irrelevant if there are 12 or 13 signs, this is hard astronomy.
This means that once in, approximately, 25800 years Earths axis of rotation became perpendicular to axis of rotation of Galaxy itself, and once, during the same cycle, almost parallel to it.
First alignment is The Great Cross and second is similar Cross, only that the resonance between Earth and Galactic Centre is less pronounced owing to the lesser angle between axes.
On the other hand, our Solar System as a whole oscillates along a sinusoidal path around the Galactic equator. The period of nearing and crossing of the galactic equator corresponds with a maximum activities between the Solar System and the Galactic centre. Half period of this oscillation is a period that transpires between two ice ages, which during last million years was 100.000 years. Until a million years ago this half-period was shorter, 41.000 years, then suddenly changed.
If this crossing of Galactic Equator occurs at the time of The Great Cross or a second Cross alignment, then we have a double catastrophe Fulcanelli spoke of. ...
In May 2008NASA assembled researchers in video conferenco from all over the world to discuss a current Solar minimum.
Report from this workshop entitled "Severe Space Weather Events — Understanding Societal and Economic Impacts" states the adverse effects of extreme space weather on modern technology which make our civilisation possible - such as power grid outages, high-frequency communication blackouts, spacecraft anomalies - and potential economic and societal impacts of their disruption by it.
The consequences of solar flares unleashing waves of energy that could disrupt Earth’s magnetic field, overwhelming high-voltage transformers with vast electrical currents and short-circuiting energy grids. Such a catastrophe would cost the United States "$1 trillion to $2 trillion in the first year," concluded the panel, and "full recovery could take 4 to 10 years." That would, of course, be just a fraction of global damages and could mean a "Good-bye" to civilization we are currently enjoying.
Solar Cycle 24 Prediction Update released May 8, 2009
May 8, 2009 -- The Solar Cycle 24 Prediction Panel has reached a consensus decision on the prediction of the next solar cycle (Cycle 24). First, the panel has agreed that solar minimum occurred in December, 2008. This still qualifies as a prediction since the smoothed sunspot number is only valid through September, 2008. The panel has decided that the next solar cycle will be below average in intensity, with a maximum sunspot number of 90. Given the predicted date of solar minimum and the predicted maximum intensity, solar maximum is now expected to occur in May, 2013. Note, this is a consensus opinion, not a unanimous decision. A supermajority of the panel did agree to this prediction.           More:
One of astronomers did not sign this joint communiqué. She is a French astronomer who sees that the Sun displays all signs of heightened activity expect sun spots which are missing.
A Giant Breach in Earth's Magnetic Field12.16.2008
Dec. 16, 2008: NASA's five THEMIS spacecraft have discovered a breach in Earth's magnetic field ten times larger than anything previously thought to exist. Solar wind can flow in through the opening to "load up" the magnetosphere for powerful geomagnetic storms. But the breach itself is not the biggest surprise. Researchers are even more amazed at the strange and unexpected way it forms, overturning long-held ideas of space physics.
"At first I didn't believe it," says THEMIS project scientist David Sibeck of the Goddard Space Flight Center. "This finding fundamentally alters our understanding of the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction."
The magnetosphere is a bubble of magnetism that surrounds Earth and protects us from solar wind. Exploring the bubble is a key goal of the THEMIS mission, launched in February 2007. The big discovery came on June 3, 2007, when the five probes serendipitously flew through the breach just as it was opening. Onboard sensors recorded a torrent of solar wind particles streaming into the magnetosphere, signalling an event of unexpected size and importance.
"The opening was huge—four times wider than Earth itself," says Wenhui Li, a space physicist at the University of New Hampshire who has been analyzing the data. Li's colleague Jimmy Raeder, also of New Hampshire, says "10on27 particles per second were flowing into the magnetosphere—that's a 1 followed by 27 zeros. This kind of influx is an order of magnitude greater than what we thought was possible."
The event began with little warning when a gentle gust of solar wind delivered a bundle of magnetic fields from the Sun to Earth. Like an octopus wrapping its tentacles around a big clam, solar magnetic fields draped themselves around the magnetosphere and cracked it open. The cracking was accomplished by means of a process called "magnetic reconnection." High above Earth's poles, solar and terrestrial magnetic fields linked up (reconnected) to form conduits for solar wind. Conduits over the Arctic and Antarctic quickly expanded; within minutes they overlapped over Earth's equator to create the biggest magnetic breach ever recorded by Earth-orbiting spacecraft...
In his interview to    Lawrence Joseph, a scientist and author of "APOCALYPSE 2012, An Investigation Into Civilization's End" .....notes that there are just too many different factors that point towards significant change to ignore the fact that 2012 could be a very important year in the life of our solar system, our planet, and us.
He started to study Mayan calandar 5 years ago which, supposedly predicts that 2012 would mark the calamitous "birth of a new era."
Whether the Mayans were on to something, or this is all just a chilling coincidence, remains to be seen, but it wasn’t until the NASA's "Severe Space Weather Events" report came out that this really began to freak him out.
The problem is that whole world as well as USA got a big, interconnected grid that spans across the country and transfers huge amounts of energy using ever higher voltages that escalated it's vulnerability to geomagnetic storms.
Such storms are not a novelty introduced by present Sun activity cycle, but mains engineering standards never took in to account that present mains grids are antennas that can catch and amplify their energy.
This goes in this way:
Large currents circulate in the network, coming up from the earth through ground connections at large transformers. Ground connections are there for safety reasons, but provide entry paths for charges that could disrupt the grid.
Low level charges continuously enter the Earth's ground thru poles after a part of solar wind flow passes thru Earth's magnetosphere. Now, imagine what will happen if the amount of Solar wind energy conducted to ground increases due to the breaches in magnetosphere? And those breaches increase in size, or magnetosphere collapses?
Main grid transformers would be charged form the ground connection and would blow up.
Fortunately this could be prevented by installing a ground resistors. Overall cost for USA would be around $ 500.000, but nothing has been done jet and there is no much time left.
      (More about grid transformers and early warning solar flare ACE satellite that is about to fail because of the old age with no substitution in sight, in an interview to WIRED magazine at:
But this problem is of much greater magnitude.
During next Solar maximum (about 3 - 4 years from now), Sun will switch the magnetic polarity. It does so every Solar maximum.
Currently orientation of poles of Earth and Sun is the same. Because of this they repel each other, and Sun wind particles accumulate on the outer edge of magnetosphere.
When Sun changes polarity this resistance will disappear, and holes in magnetosphere will face Sun. What is more, due the galactic alignment, Earth magnetosphere will weaken to change polarity. Influx of charged particles form Sun wind will greatly increase.
Imagine life in the city without electricity. No water, no food. After 15 days starts Mad Max.
Imagine the life with massive gamma ray influx to the ground level and under the water surface.
Because of the concurring galactic plane alignment Earth's crust will also shift soon afterwards for about 12 degrees (remote viewing research result stated Ed Dames on CTC show:
This is how we get mountains and oceans and why civilisations disappear every now and then.                    IZAKOVIC
Israel to ignite all-out regional war?
Posted By: watcher51445 <Send E-Mail>  Date: Saturday, 30-May-2009 07:13:41
  written  Mon, 25 May 2009 10:39:47 GMT
The Israeli military holds its most extensive nationwide drill, signaling its intentions for a possible attack on Iran which they admit can ignite an all-out war in the region.
The nationwide exercise "Turning Point 3" will begin on May 31 and will last five days, Ynetnews reported.
During the drill, Israeli forces and civilians will exercise a war against Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria and Iran and will also practice counterinsurgency tactics against Israeli Arabs.
Last week, Israel's Air Force held a three-day drill to exercise possible missile and air strikes by regional countries -- a clear warning to regional foes such as Syria and Iran. ARTICLE CONTINUES with PICS§ionid=351020202
May 30, 2009 10:30 AM (Ex-Illuminati) "Bob" Introduces Himself Through Jerry
Message from Robert Dowing channeled through Jerry Brown    ///  February 3, 2009
My name is Robert Dowing and I do go by "Bob".
19 days ago I passed over to my original state.

My job while in physical form was part of the financial network that controls the world, what you are familiar with called the Illuminati, so I got firsthand reports on most of the financial interactions and controls that go on, on this planet and a few others. This process is so highly controlled with ego and power that a lot of them destroy themselves in trying to be in charge and run everything as they see fit.
Most people have no idea of the interactions of this overwhelming power source that controls the world. A lot of you are aware now that what you hear and see on the news and elsewhere, is an entire manifestation of non-truth and that has got to the point that if you did show the truth, very few would accept it or believe it.
For some reason I was connected to a race of beings from the Pleiades and without knowing it, I was guided throughout my life to sort of keep the lid on things, as I did just before my passing away last month. I realized what I was doing and was able to make some sense out of my very unconnected life. Once you realize that everything is being controlled by just a few people.. Countries and governments are just a show place to hold people's attention and make them think they are part of something, which makes them much more Manageable. At this point of realization is when the inhabitants of the planet will start to divide and break down. The ones that I was affiliated with, even though there were many disputes going on between us, we were still able to keep the lid on most big projects in the world. Now, everything is breaking apart.
One of the main concepts of war is unemployment, and mixed with greed, can cause a mass exodus off of the planet. This is what the powers that be are banking on and to some level they will succeed.
But now that I'm on a much higher plane, with a much broader view, I can witness a totally different outcome than it looked like from my physical state. I was just told a lot of you have the knowledge to re-integrate thought into reality and will not have to experience the destruction of humanity as we know it....(....)
When different races of people arrived on this planet,  most were brought here basically as mental slaves, which are people being controlled by thought and emotion. So to understand this, if you are looking for physical labor to do your bidding,  and you have no emotional tie to anything, you would pick the ones from different areas of the universe who used emotions
to process with, because you could basically set up a system on the whole planet and control by any means you saw fit. This doesn't necessarily mean it is a negative process, it is just the only way they knew how to accomplish their goal with its many different factors.
The one thing they could not understand is that the ones they brought here and the ones that were already here, even though they had an emotional outlet controlled by fear, they had a gland that was placed in the center of their brain, that if it was ever activated, would allow them to understand how they were being manipulated and controlled by those in power, just by using their emotions for this process.
Once they realized that this little pineal gland, combined with the emotion, is one of the most powerful creative forces a human being can use for processing this,  by allowing you to see in multiple dimensional realities. This is like anything, the more you see the more you can respond to whatever the situation requires.
This process cannot be used if whatever the connection is, is not processed through the heart. The pineal gland is totally designed to operate on a very high spiritual level, not in a low dimensional form for greater power.  The power that I just passed over from. Someone who understands this process and has no clue how to defend themselves from it, because they have no emotions and no pineal gland that will allow them to see through their highly developed retina in the eye, that the human species have acquired.
Another process that we will be introducing into our awareness is levitation When you are using levitation as an exponentially combined thought process, and you use this focus joined with others, it gives you a tremendous ability to disconnect the gravitational pull around the object that you are trying to move . Basically, you are denying the law of gravity in that small area
and redoing this process jointly, by focusing all at the same time.  By placing the hands on top of this large object, you can basically stir it
into place and use lasers to cut the stone that is being laid in place, which gives you a perfect match to the structure that it is connecting to. There are three processes involved that is; levitation, laser light and sound, and the ability to tie these three together. Basically, you want to understand how it all comes together. This process isn't that difficult and monuments, walls or even pyramids can be erected quite efficiently........
As the Earth's cognition, together with its inhabitants becomes more in line with her frequency, balancing everything that Mother Earth has experienced
will be part of your being. This will give all the ones that are connected to this new frequency a tremendous jump into the new way of processing thought, by not using reference points to make a decision, is one of the main connections with the Earth.                 Learning to communicate with the Mother will be your next big conquest because all information you receive will be pure and not referring anything from the past and once you reach this, you will elevate quite fast. You have been receiving more tools lately to allow this to become part of your growth experience. One of these tools is understanding and using scalar processing, so by using this process to balance their energy fields around you and then applying your individual enhancement with others, without ego, you manifest a creative force that hasn't been used since the Atlantis era.
           Another part of your history that isn't much publicized is your moon. It was brought here by outsiders, not originated on the Earth, about 500,000 years ago. The planet that is among the most associated with, had self-destructed, so it was not really needed where it was. It was reduced down to space dust and lasered to the vicinity of Earth. What it does is help keep it stable, like a helicopter does with its tail rotor. As time goes on you will be more educated to the history and the amazing process that have taken place to get
you to this point, which makes the planet very stable at this time.  .....
The original plan, many thousands of years ago, was to keep the planet's inhabitants around a billion people. They would keep bringing in different strains of diseases, but they weren't aware of how fast human beings can reproduce, and also how advanced they become mentally and spiritually connecting with the Source. So, at this point, they are starting to take measures to eliminate the ones that are in the way. This can be done in many ways, using plagues, or diseases or just plain negative programming they receive on the evening news. If you give someone enough negative news, they will just eliminate themselves from the system. ............  As you know, this whole system started up about 30,000 years ago, when laborers were brought to earth and harvested gold. The whole thing got a little out of hand because the ones in control didn't realize the potential human beings have when joining their energies together. Because human beings are so easily led, they didn't realize that they were capable of extracting and understanding how to cut away from the control upon them. ............
There is enough programmers on the planet at this time, to reintroduce the processes that were used .....   before the great mental takeover by the ones that are so-called in charge at this time. My advice is; don't even try to change anybody, allow everything to flow together at its own pace. It is virtually impossible for anyone living with a belief system to understand the new process that is inundating Mother Earth at this time. So, spending any amount of time with these souls would not benefit a thing. ........... Mother Earth is getting her people back and the people are getting Mother Earth back. This is the original design, which will work best in this semi-quadrant of destiny. The word destiny in this case, is that all living beings have already completed their mission and it is in its final stage, which will mean all the discomforts of ego, control and power will cease to exist.
These are the three main broad bands that keep you in control by outside beings that are trying to use Earth's processing for minerals to their advantage. Once they are incapable of controlling you and you realize how the system has been set up and you have been controlled by others for thousands of years, they will lose their power. In fact, they are losing it at this time, very rapidly.
There is nothing you have to fight,  or pray for support,  or more control,  to make this happen. All you have to have is a heart connection with your people and Mother Earth and from this point just sit back and wait. ....(...)    Last update: May 10, 2008
Originally, gold was only used for the life force of Mother Earth, until others came to our planet and relieved us of this precious metal. At this time we were trained to help replace the gold and this is where the Alchemist came in. Understand the process that gold has gone through, it has been used for either trading or backing other sorts of money for thousands of years. Now, if you understand the process of how this material worked its way through history, you gain an understanding of how to create this precious metal, anytime you want. For anything you create in dimensional form, you have to be responsible for the process of its journey and the purpose of its creation. At one point in history, gold was used for ornamentation until a group from off planet confiscated it and used it for the life force on their own planet. At this point, value was attached to gold so that it could be used for trading. Eventually it turned into a source of money.
At this point, the powers to be realized they could control the masses by using some sort of money, either gold or something backed by gold. It worked perfectly and it has been working up to our point today. ................
It takes a certain type of person to become an Alchemist; that is, an individual that has risen above their own personal self gratification. Due to the high content of creative energy that gold contains, it can only be obtained in a higher dimension.
 I am not quite sure about dimensional exchange, but I know it's above the third dimensional realm because it can only be produced when you are out of the self-absorbed condition, and that is all third dimension is. In other words, an Alchemist cannot produce this precious commodity if he or she is still trying to benefit their own personal financial status.      The energy of the combined consciousness has to be applied, along with an understanding on how gold became important today, in your time. ...(...)
.........alcuin..............  ............
Two scientifically inexplicable ice circles, 2.5 miles in diameter, appear on surface of Lake Baikal (Siberia, Russia)
A photograph taken by astronauts on the International Space Station, 220 miles above Earth. A closer zoom-in picture of one of the ice circles can be seen here. Ice circles are becoming more noticed and more common around the world. They may share the same paranormal/ET provenance as many agriglyphs (crop circles). The Lake Baikal ice circles were observed over a three week period in April 2009. The circles appeared when the surface of the lake froze over and then disappeared when the ice melted. Lake Baikal is the largest and deepest fresh water lake on Earth, estimated to be between 25 to 30 million years old. UFO activity in the area has been intermittently observed for several centuries. Mainstream reportage here (28.05.09).

The reality and work of the Space Brothers
"In my experience, what we call UFOs, the flying saucers, come from the planets of our own system. Not from the Pleiades, or Sirius or somewhere outside our solar system, but from, mainly, Mars and Venus. A few other planets like Jupiter and Mercury are involved, but the vast majority of sightings of the UFOs come from Mars and Venus. Practically all of them are made on Mars, even the Venusian ones. They are Venusian in design, and they are quite distinct, different in design and technology, but they are actually constructed on Mars. And they are all constructed by thought. In the next 2,500 years we will reach a stage where we can travel around our solar system at will, and out into the galaxy, exploring first our own solar system and then the vast galactic area, using energy which does not work within the time/space reality. So that distance is annihilated, time is annihilated. People think that if you are going to send something into the galaxy, it will take hundreds of years, the people would die before they could reach anywhere that was worth going to, and they would never return. It is not true. People come from Mars and Venus, which are not so far away, but they are still a long way away by our reckoning of distance, but they come here in minutes. It does not take time, once you understand that time does not exist and that the space which you thought you have to cover to get from one place to another does not exist either, and in minutes you can travel vast distances in space."
 The reality and work of the Space Brothers
Interview with British author and editor of Share International magazine Benjamin Creme
 by Janez Ferjancic.     From the July/August 2004 issue of Share International
Janez Ferjancic: Before you were engaged in the Reappearance work you were connected with UFOs in the 1950s. You knew George Adamski personally. Could you explain how it all started, and what were your experiences with UFOs?
Benjamin Creme: I first read about UFOs in Flying Saucers have Landed, a book in which George Adamski wrote, in the last chapter, his experience of meeting a Venusian in the Arizona desert. The book itself was not by Adamski but by an Englishman, Desmond Leslie. It was the history of flying saucers over many ages, in different parts of the world. It was research — historical, speculative to some degree, and it finished with Adamski’s actual experience.
Next I read Inside the Spaceships by Adamski, in which he was taken up in a spaceship, a saucer, onto what is called a mothership. This mothership was Venusian, and he had long conversations with the Venusian Master who, I think, was the Master of the ship, the chief person on board. In any case He was a Venusian Master.
These were very interesting conversations, and so for me the UFO phenomenon was more to do with the purpose, the meaning behind the flying saucers as they were called, than the phenomenon itself. The fact that people from other planets — some people think other solar systems but my information is that they come from other planets of our system — were concerned enough to visit this planet was interesting, but the nature of their concern was much more interesting. Their concern was that we should not destroy ourselves. That we should change our way of life, our way of organizing our world, not to destroy the world from an ecological point of view, and not to destroy each other in a war using nuclear weapons. It was a philosophical, spiritual discourse which he had with the Venusian Master, and that is what really impressed me about the book.
When I first heard about UFOs it was in 1947 or 1948, perhaps 1945, when a few reports appeared in our newspapers that a passenger plane had come close to what we call UFOs. The pilot would report it, the people in the plane would see it happening. They would see these round, disk-shaped objects, sometimes quite close to the aircraft, flying alongside, either one or many. It happened quite frequently but not every day — or rather you did not hear about it every day. These reports were spaced out over a period of time.
UFO over Voronezj, Russia //
The first time I heard or read anything about them, before I read the Adamski book, I believed they were probably either American or Russian special planes that they were experimenting with, which were built on an entirely different system, not like normal airplanes; they were round, saucer shaped, and so we called them flying saucers. I thought at first that they were secret planes, experimental flying objects of Russia or America, or both, until I read the Adamski book, and then it became clear that there was something else going on, that they were perhaps from elsewhere.
Then, in the beginning of January 1959, I was contacted by one of the Masters of our Spiritual Hierarchy and my work began — I have talked and written about it elsewhere. The work was with the Space Brothers, the people using the UFOs, and my Master acted as the liaison between us, so to speak. To me, the two became identified; the fact of having read Adamski left me very open to the possibility, although I had not thought very much about it. But I was immediately introduced to the flying phenomena and I was part of a group, of which Adamski was one, which met only out of the body. To the outer world, we worked secretly, but to ourselves there was no secret — we recognized each other and we were part of a committee and did certain work which was assigned to us which was all to do with the UFO phenomenon.
In my experience, what we call UFOs, the flying saucers, come from the planets of our own system. Not from the Pleiades, or Sirius or somewhere outside our solar system, but from, mainly, Mars and Venus. A few other planets like Jupiter and Mercury are involved, but the vast majority of sightings of the UFOs come from Mars and Venus. Practically all of them are made on Mars, even the Venusian ones. They are Venusian in design, and they are quite distinct, different in design and technology, but they are actually constructed on Mars. And they are all constructed by thought.
The people in physical bodies on Mars and Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and so on are not at the same level or vibration of physicality that we experience. We know only three aspects of the physical: solid physical, liquid physical and gaseous physical. Above gas there are still four further levels of physical matter which so far have not been discovered on this planet. When they are discovered we will understand a great deal more about the nature and origin of disease, the purpose of life on this planet and of the reality of life on other planets.
The beings on Mars and Venus and the other planets are on the four higher levels of the physical. If you went to Mars or Venus you would see no one, but nevertheless they are in physical matter, and have bodies made of that subtle, finer physical matter to which we give the term ‘etheric’. We ourselves have bodies of dense physical, liquid physical, gaseous physical and the four etheric physical planes — but we have not yet discovered the latter.
They have been demonstrated to exist by the great scientist and psychologist Wilhelm Reich, who was a colleague and one-time assistant of Freud. He died in an American prison in 1957. He was arrested for purporting to treat diseases with instruments which he claimed (correctly) attracted matter from the etheric planes, which he called orgone energy. He saw it as one vast plane of orgone energy, which he saw, rightly, as being everywhere in the universe, substanding the outer solid physical plane. Esotericists understand the etheric plane as four planes, becoming finer and finer as they go higher. The fourth etheric is just above gas, and is invisible unless you have etheric vision.
 The reality of this etheric energy, of what he called “orgone energy”, was demonstrated palpably by Wilhelm Reich in various simple experiments. Nevertheless, he was arrested because he used instruments which he called the “orgone accumulator”, boxes which accumulated the etheric energy of some levels, usually the two lower levels, the fourth and the third etheric, to treat diseases including cancer and various other diseases. In America that was deemed illegal. The Food and Drug Administration arrested him, refused to allow him to prove his work, and he died in prison.
Unless one understands the reality of the etheric levels of energy as finer, subtler, levels of matter, one cannot begin to understand the UFO phenomenon, and one cannot understand the creation of crop circles — because they are all related. The crop circles are created by people, mainly from Mars and Venus, with a few exceptions from other planets. The vast majority of them are Martian, some Venusian, and they are all over the world. Crop circles are mainly in the south of England, but they have been seen in America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Peru — all over the world to a greater or lesser degree.
 Our planet, like all planets, has a magnetic field; its magnetic energy travels in lines and criss-crosses, and where these lines cross is formed, eventually, a vortex, a force centre. The space people, in making the crop circles, are replicating on the dense-physical plane these magnetic vortices in our planetary magnetic field. So there is the planetary magnetic field on its own level, and then a physical plane counterpart of that, which is being replicated by the space people who are manning the UFOs, and creating the crop circles. ...................
           photo: © Steve Alexander / Karen Douglas   Crop circle in Giant’s Grave, Oare, Wiltshire, UK
JF: Why are they doing this?
BC: They do this in order to make the foundation on the physical plane for a new type of energy, a new type of technology using that energy, which eventually will be developed on this planet. It is a gift for this coming time, the New Age which we are entering, which we call the Age of Aquarius, a time in which tremendous new discoveries in the use of the energy of the planet and of the sun will be found and adapted. This will entirely change our way of life on this planet, and will lead to a control of universal energy such as we cannot begin to imagine.
In the next 2,500 years we will reach a stage where we can travel around our solar system at will, and out into the galaxy, exploring first our own solar system and then the vast galactic area, using energy which does not work within the time/space reality. So that distance is annihilated, time is annihilated.
People think that if you are going to send something into the galaxy, it will take hundreds of years, the people would die before they could reach anywhere that was worth going to, and they would never return. It is not true. People come from Mars and Venus, which are not so far away, but they are still a long way away by our reckoning of distance, but they come here in minutes. It does not take time, once you understand that time does not exist and that the space which you thought you have to cover to get from one place to another does not exist either, and in minutes you can travel vast distances in space.
JF: Why did they choose crops for showing these patterns?
BC: Crop circles are used because they are seasonal. You only have crops for a short time in the summer and autumn, and then they are cut down, and you do not see the crop circles. Then they will grow up again next year, and the crop circles appear in the same places, because they are recreated each time in the exact same point, so that the energy is put in that field, or whatever. If put where all the energy is put, crop circles would be, literally, all over the world, including in the sea, on mountains and in rocks where nothing is growing. They are allowed to be seen, made real as a crop circle, as designs in corn, because it is seasonal; then it is cut down.                 This is a tangential way, without infringing our free will, of telling the people of Earth that the Space Brothers, as I call them, the people from other planets like Mars and Venus, are here, are part of a system, and they work in a systemic way, not just as separate planets. They are helping this planet to develop the technology of the future, and also to make known, without being too strong about it, that they are here, that they are aware of us, that they are helping us, that they have a very spiritual intention in coming here, and that they are 100 per cent friendly and harmless.
JF: It is very difficult to believe in the true nature of the crop circles, because there are so many hoaxes. Could you tell me what percentage of crop circles are genuine and how many are hoaxes? And why are people doing this?
BC: There are, of course, some hoaxes. These hoaxes are a tiny minority, perhaps 4 per cent, of the real and authentic crop circles which appear all over the world. The ratio of hoaxes to authentic ones varies from country to country. In this country (UK) — because we have had so many crop circles and for so long — they are probably a bigger percentage than elsewhere. If you have more crop circles, you have more hoaxes.
           And in other parts of the world perhaps there is not such a conscious involvement of people with the crop circles, so they do not take the trouble to make them. To make a crop circle is hard work, and they are usually very obvious and very clumsy and badly made. How anyone can mistake a hoax for a real crop circle — if they visit the actual crop circles — astonishes me, because they are so perfectly made when they are authentic. They are made in seconds by the people using the space vehicle. First of all they think of a design, decide what the design will be. It may be very simple, and if you follow the sequence of crop circles, you see that they become more and more elaborate, more complex, as the years go on. First, for variety, and secondly, to show a complexity and a degree of ingenuity and design which would be beyond the range of any hoaxer.
                 The hoaxes are usually very elementary, rather badly made. Why are they made? I would say, for two reasons. One reason is that they are made by people who are paid to make hoaxes. Newspapers, for example, do from time to time put up money and employ, say, a group of university students who have worked out a way in which you can make a crop circle of a kind, a rather simplistic kind, but that would convince a journalist. Journalists know no more about crop circles than anybody else, than the average man in the street, and yet they come along with their cameras and look at it, and they say: “Yes, it is a crop circle, a real authentic crop circle, how wonderful!”, and then Jeff and Peter, or Willy and Robert, come up and say: “No, we made it, yesterday, we made it! The Daily Mail or The Sun paid us £2,000 to make this crop circle, we can prove it. This is a complete hoax, they are all hoaxes.” It is a way of diminishing the value and the reality of the crop circles.
                Also, I know for certain, that the Ministry of Defence in this country pays money to the farmers to cut down the crop circles if they appear in their corn. Some of them, of course, go ahead and as soon as a circle appears they cut it down. Even if the corn is not ripe and they would not normally cut down that area of corn for perhaps a few weeks or a month. And so you get fields with a great hole in the middle of the corn, which is where there has been a crop circle deliberately destroyed by the farmer — paid by the Ministry of Defence.
JF: A crop circle appeared one week ago in Winchester which is quite elaborate — a three-dimensional picture of a Hollywood-style head of an alien. You said that it was man-made which astonishes me, because you can’t really recognize it from the ground. How can an ordinary person actually distinguish what is genuine and what not?
BC: It is difficult for people who have not studied the subject, who are not to some degree well acquainted with the subject, to tell the difference between a true, authentic crop circle, made by a spaceship from Mars or Venus, and one that is just a fake. But if you have been looking at them over a period of time, and realized the differences, you can see instantly that this is a fake and this is authentic, they are very clear cut. I saw the Winchester photograph: there is a circle in which the spaces are divided into squares in both ways, it makes a kind of a cake, but decorated in squares, and near it a head, a kind of alien, imaginary alien’s head. A head which is used every time a comic artist wants to design a spaceman, he gives him that kind of a head — rather like the head of E.T. That to me is a complete fake. It has nothing to do with the crop circle beside it, which is authentic.
This is done for one or other of those reasons, simply, that people like to play pranks, they like to destroy evidence, they like to be cleverer than those who are making the crop circles — until the public and the media cannot make head or tail of the whole thing. It destroys the validity of the whole crop circle phenomenon.
If you cannot tell the difference between a fake one and an authentic one, then the authentic ones lose validity. Not ultimately, but for the present time. Until it is proved that crop circles are, indeed, made by UFOs from Mars and Venus.    The number of fakes is really very small, because they are difficult to do, they take time and energy, and people who are going to spend that time and energy to do it either have an overdeveloped sense of humour — they see it as a great joke — or else, they are being paid to do it. Both things happen.
                 JF: Just to get it clear about that Winchester crop circle: the disk is genuine?
BC: For the one I saw in the newspaper, the actual circle is a genuine one, and the head of an ‘E.T.’ is not authentic, but is a man-made one to nullify the validity of the other.
JF: The crop circle phenomenon started to appear in the late 1970s, but even before, in the 15th or 16th centuries, people knew about them. Why are they appearing in such numbers now, and why mainly, as it seems, in the UK?
BC: The number of crop circles is increasing all over the world. They have always been there, but only in small numbers. They are increasing because the plan of the Space Brothers — in relation to the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet — is to speed up the creation of this magnetic field of energy on the physical plane on the Earth to do with the coming technology. Why now? Because the whole process is speeding up. Because our own Spiritual Hierarchy, the Masters and high initiates of the Spiritual Hierarchy of this planet, are returning to the everyday world.
They have not been out of the world, but They have been hidden away in the mountains and deserts of the world for thousands and thousands of years. They have been working behind the scenes but now They are externalizing Their work and are beginning to appear. Already, to my knowledge, there are 14 Masters living openly as men in the world, and the Master of all the Masters, the World Teacher, the Lord Maitreya, as He is named in the Spiritual Hierarchy, the One Christians call the Christ. The reason so many crop circles appear in southern England is because Maitreya lives in London, His ‘point of focus’ in the modern world. They are meant, subtly, to allude to that fact....(..) ....(....)
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People will have different interpretations and reasons for the changes they see taking place all around them. However, you of enlightened awareness will know that they are the positive signs of the final days of the cycle of duality.
"It has run its course not just through your cycle, but previous ones that saw your older civilisations come into prominence and then fade away. Each one left a legacy behind of stories and spoken traditions that remembered the last days of Lemuria and Atlantis. Virtually all of you have had lives in one if not both of these civilisations, which spanned some 50,000 years or more. Their demise came at different times, but there were periods when they existed together. Your still retain subconscious memories of your own experiences of those times, and they have influenced how you react to present day experiences. Many of you lost your lives in the cataclysms that sunk both continents, and today fear still exists as many of you sense another such ending. However, your destiny is not to experience such an ending again, and no major land loss will occur. Physical changes are inevitable, but with our help the threats to you can be minimised. Also by raising your consciousness levels, you are lessening the likelihood of Mother Earth needing to make drastic changes to the land. Problems such as the pollution in your seas, in your soil and air can be largely left to us, as they present no problem. The bigger concern is with regards to the negative energy that is around you and also runs deep within the Earth, and must be removed to enable an increase in its vibration. That is however covered by the work of many of our allies, who are in groups and use their expertise to transmute such energies. You have Lightworkers all around you working quietly away at bringing the higher vibrations to Earth, and collectively they are doing wonderful work. Many of you have incarnated upon Earth specifically to be here for the end-times, and selflessly serve Humanity and Mother Earth to ensure a pathway of upliftment onto the path of Ascension ...."
...nenki..   .........(( +
Moteur qui tourne au HHO avec une soudeuse au HHO. La performance viendra...
A weedeater 29cc motor running on HHO. We where very unefficient in the gas production but the point was to get the motor running, and we did.
There is also some additionnal footage we took that day showing us torching thing and blasting the setup...enjoy!
Les vaporisateurs de vaccin pour la grippe saisonnière contiennent le H5N1. Wallmart en vend. On dirait qu'ils se sont tous donnés la main pour nous anihiler.
On empêchera même empêcher les enfants qui ne seront pas vaccinés d'aller à l'école. Et les parents risqueront gros... ((USA))
...(...) In this video Rima Laibow goes a step further in reporting the so-called "flu mist" is actually part of a bio-weapon. Considering there are now 6.7 billion people in the world, her point is well-taken. Others who support this view are:...(...) Congress has also passed legislation which subjugates U.S. law to the United Nations, which can also mandate forced vaccinations if a world-wide pandemic is declared.
................................  Mounadil al Djazaïri  ...........................
  Tentatives d'attentats de New Yok ou l'art de la manipulation "d'idiots utiles" ...
Un peu plus sur la manipulation des "djihadistes" qui voulaient faire sauter des synagogues à New York
Le blogueur canadien Xymphora pense que, aux USA, la guerre des pouvoirs publics contre la drogue est aussi une guerre contre les noirs dans la mesure où, quand ces derniers se font arrêter, ils subissent souvent de lourdes sentences alors que leurs homologues blancs tendent plutôt à bénéficier d’actions de réhabilitation.
Là où je tomberais certainement d’accord avec lui, c’est pour dire que la drogue, la répression de son commerce et de sa consommation sont un puissant moyen de contrôle policier sur ce qu’on appelle les minorités visibles.
Mais le sujet de ce post n’est pas la drogue mais, toujours grâce à Xymphora, un éclairage complémentaire sur le complot terroriste ourdi par quatre candidats au martyre en phase finale d’exécution d’attentats contre des synagogues newyorkaises.
L’article que je vous propose est tout à fait révélateur des méthodes des agents des services de police qui agissent pour les néoconservateurs étatsuniens. On notera en particulier que, pratiquement dès le début, l’imam de la mosquée fréquentée par les quatre comparses avait identifié l’informateur qui a joué le rôle essentiel de la mise en échec du plan terroriste. Logique imparable de l’imam qui n’est pas allé dénoncer cet individu louche à la police parce qu’il avait compris qu’il travaillait pour un quelconque service gouvernemental. Ce qu’on appelle le flair apporté par une expérience à des titres divers (comme détenu puis comme aumônier) du milieu carcéral et de la petite délinquance.
Leurs voisins et l’imam doutent que les quatre accusés soient des terroristes
Ils décrivent ces hommes comme généreux, croyants, mais perturbés
par Emily Stewart, Poughkeepsie Journal (USA) 22 mai 2009 traduit de l’anglais par Djazaïri
Newburgh – Des amis décrivent trois des suspects accusés de préparer le destruction d’avions militaires à la base aérienne de Stewart et de faire sauter des édifices religieux juifs à New York comme des hommes généreux qui prenaient soin de leurs parents malades et ne faisaient pas de prosélytisme religieux.
Le quatrième suspect, Laguerre Payen, était sous traitement contre la paranoïa, selon un responsable d’une mosquée de Newburgh où Payen priait parfois.
Mercredi, des agents fédéraux ont arrêté quatre habitants de Newsburgh, James Cromitie, David Williams, Onta Williams et Payen, les accusant de conspirer pour utiliser des armes de destruction massive sur le territoire des USA et de conspirer pour acquérir des missiles anti-aériens, a indiqué le bureau du procureur fédéral.
Selon des voisins de la résidence Belvedere Housing à Newburgh, Cromitie fumait de la marijuana et buvait de l’alcool. Ils ont aussi expliqué qu’il n’était pas assez intelligent pour organiser un complot terroriste.
David Williams vivait aussi dans cette résidence avec sa mère et l’aidait à prendre en charge son petit frère en phase cancéreuse terminale, déclare Manny Colon, un voisin âgé de 42 ans.
«Je pense qu’ils ont simplement été pris dans quelque chose qui leur passait au dessus de la tête, » dit-il. « Je ne pense pas qu’ils l’aient organisé d’eux-mêmes.»
Colon dit connaître Onta Williams depuis 22 ans et être l’ami de Cromitie depuis 20 ans et il pense que quelqu’un les a contraints à se mettre dans ce complot. Il dit ne pas connaître Payen.
«J'ai été choqué quand j'ai entendu parler», a déclaré Salahuddin Mustafa Muhammad, l'imam de la mosquée al-Ikhlas où Cromitie et Payen venaient de temps en temps. Il les décrit tous deux comme pauvres et nécessiteux.
Leurs difficultés financières les ont peut-être rendus susceptibles d’implication dans le complot terroriste, » dit-il.
Selon Muhammad, un homme d’une quarantaine d’années a commencé à fréquenter la mosquée il y a plus d’un an et a commencé à adopter des opinions extrémistes, à parler du djihad, ou guerre sainte, aux fidèles. Il essayait aussi d’encourager les membres de la mosquée à s’engager dans des activités non spécifiées et leur proposait 25 000 dollars pour le faire.
Muhammad n’a pas donné le nom de cet homme mais pense qu’il s’agissait d’un provocateur.
Muhammad explique que des fidèles étaient venus le voir pour se plaindre de cet homme mais qu’il n’avait pas informé la police parce qu’il pensait que cet homme était un agent provocateur d’un service gouvernemental qui tentait d’appâter des fidèles de la mosquée. Muhammad indique avoir averti les fidèles de se tenir à l’écart de cet homme.
Il laisse entendre que Cromitie et Payen n’ont peut-être pas suivi ce conseil.
«Cet individu allait avoir quelqu’un, et finalement il a eu quelqu’un, » dit Mohammad. « C’est un cas de piège par ruse.»
Selon Muhammad, cet homme est peut-être bien l’informateur qui a tuyauté le FBI sur le complot.
Payen, né en Haïti, est venu à la moquée pour la première fois en mars après avoir passé cinq mois en prison. A l’époque, il était sans domicile, en situation de séjour irrégulier et avait précédemment échappé à l’expulsion, déclare Hamin Rashada, l’imam assistant de la mosquée.
Il était aussi sous traitement pour la paranoïa.
«Il avait de graves problèmes psychologiques,» affirme Rashada. ...(...
 La petite amie du djihadiste parle.
A mesure qu’on lit la presse qui se donne un peu de peine pour enquêter, on s’aperçoit que l’affaire des quatre terroristes newyorkais embarqués dans d’ambitieux projets d’attentats contre des synagogues et une base aérienne, n’est pas autre chose qu’un coup tordu monté par la police fédérale étatsunienne.
Toutes les ficelles du genre de la manipulation sont ici réunies. La première est un indicateur spécialisé dans l’approche de personnes qui fréquentent des mosquées.
La deuxième ficelle, ce sont des subsides et des cadeaux intéressés destinés à ces personnes ; une générosité qui s’alimente aux caisses du FBI, donc du contribuable étatsunien que ce service est supposé protéger.
La troisième ficelle, ce sont les dindons de la farce. Et là, on dira qu’ils ont le profil idéal : de petits délinquants dépourvus de perspectives d’accession à une vie honnête autant par manque d’opportunités ou de qualifications que par leur faiblesse de caractère.
Néo convertis à l’Islam, ces personnes se font facilement tourner la tête par quelqu’un qui, outre de beaux discours à connotation religieuse, n’omet pas de les arroser de cadeaux, d’argent et de... marijuana.
Pour résumer, nous avons quatre individus qui, au sortir de prison, n’avaient d’autre projet que d’essayer d’éviter d’y retourner en tentant de mener une vie honnête ou en continuant leurs petits délits mais qui se sont faits implanter dans l’esprit un projet d’attentats par un personnage trouble et rusé qui travaille pour la police.
S’ils n’avaient pas rencontré cet individu, qui a pris l’initiative du contact, nous n’aurions jamais entendu parler de ces quatre personnes.
On notera le caractère proprement ignoble de l’agent infiltré par le FBI qui exploite la grave maladie (un cancer en phase terminale) du frère d’un des présumés terroristes.
Voilà, tout est dit sur les méthodes des néoconservateurs aux Etats Unis.
La petite amie du ‘djihad’ : le mouchard du FBI s’est servi de cadeaux pour piéger nos hommes
par Lorena Mongelli à Newburgh et Lukas I. Alpert à New York traduit de l’anglais par Djazaïri
New York Post, 23 mai 2009...(...)
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Co-conspirator David Williams's girlfriend Cassandra McKoy insists the men were duped into the plot with the lure of a cash payday     and that religious hatred had nothing to do with it.
.... mainstream  news........  *les nouvelles Officielles/ lire...permises...*
...(...) Les manifestants se sont réunis de l'autre côté de la rue où se tenait l'événement et étaient étroitement surveillés par la police. Ils ont accusé MM. Bush, Clinton et le premier ministre Stephen Harper d'être des criminels de guerre pour les conflits en Irak en Afghanistan.
Plusieurs ont lancé des chaussures sur une photo de l'ex-président Bush.
Lors d'une entrevue récente accordée au New York Times Magazine, Bill Clinton a affirmé que même s'il ne partageait pas l'opinion de son successeur sur certains sujets, il appréciait néanmoins l'homme sur le plan personnel.
En mars, des centaines de manifestants s'étaient rassemblés devant l'édifice de Calgary où George W. Bush avait prononcé un discours. En signe de protestation, ils avaient lancé des chaussures sur une photo de l'ex-président et avaient proféré des insultes à son endroit.
Quatre manifestants avaient été arrêtés lors de cet événement. M. Bush y faisait sa première apparition depuis qu'il avait quitté son poste au mois de janvier.
De l’usage de l’internet pour renverser des dictatures…
Soumis par : Monique Crépault à 9:25 AM   29mai  // Photo_fait22
Un assassinat dénoncé sur YouTube par l’ »assassiné », un citoyen mis en prison pour avoir dénoncé le meurtre sur Twitter, une caution payée grâce à des dons récoltés via PayPal…  L’internet s’infiltre partout, même dans les histoires de brutes, de bons et de truands.
Le 11 mai dernier est apparue sur YouTube une vidéo où l’on voyait un avocat guatémaltèque s’adresser directement à la caméra en ces termes : « Si vous voyez cette vidéo, c’est parce que moi, Rodrigo Rosenberg Marzano, j’ai été assassiné par le secrétaire privé de la présidence (…) avec l’approbation de Monsieur Alvaro Colom et de Sandra de Colom, son épouse. »
Alvaro Colom et Sandra de Colom sont respectivement le président et la femme du président du Guatemala.  Rodrigo Rosenberg Marzano, l’homme qui apparaît de façon posthume dans cette vidéo, était un avocat guatémaltèque de 47 ans, père de quatre enfants, qui a été assassiné le dimanche 10 mai alors qu’il se promenait à bicyclette dans la ville de Guatemala, la capitale du pays du même nom. Le lendemain du meurtre, soit le 11 mai, la vidéo, qui avait été tournée le 6 mai, apparaissait sur YouTube. Dans cette vidéo, Rosenberg, en plus de prédire sa propre mort, accuse également le président Colom d’avoir assassiné Khalil Musa, un industriel guatémaltèque qui avait été tué en même temps que sa fille Marjorie un mois plus tôt, le 14 avril.  Khalil Musa était le client de Rosenberg.
Et pourquoi le président du Guatemala aurait-il voulu assassiner Khalil Musa ? Selon Rosenberg, Musa avait été nommé par le président guatémaltèque pour siéger sur le conseil d’administration de Banrural (la banque de développement rural du Guatémala), banque qui est en grande partie la propriété du gouvernement et l’une des plus importantes du pays.  Khalil Musa aurait été tué sur ordre du président et de son entourage pour avoir refusé de couvrir les transactions illégales qui se négocient quotidiennement à la Banrural, tels que le blanchiment d’argent, le détournement de fonds publics pour des programmes inexistants gérés par la femme du président et le financement d’entreprises servant d’écrans au narcotrafic.  Khalil Musa aurait déclaré que si rien n’était fait pour empêcher que la banque continue d’être le repaire de voleurs, de trafiquants de drogue et de meurtriers qu’elle était, il dénoncerait toute cette corruption, dénonciation qui bien sûr, ne pouvait faire le bonheur de tous les gens concernés.
De telles accusations portées à l’échelle internationale (la vidéo est tournée en espagnol, mais est disponible avec sous-titres anglais) ne pouvaient laisser le gouvernement guatémaltèque indifférent. ...(...)....amenant les citoyens à protester dans les rues pour demander la résignation du président en poste depuis janvier 2008. 
Le 15 mai dernier, suite à ces manifestations, Ramses Anleu Jean Fernandez, un technicien informatique guatémaltèque de 37 ans, a été arrêté à son domicile pour incitation à la panique financière.  Fernandez se serait rendu coupable de ce délit en émettant depuis son compte Twitter un appel au boycott de la Banrural, appel qui faisait suite bien sûr aux accusations portées contre la banque par l’avocat Rosenberg dans sa vidéo.....  Après une nuit passée en prison, Fernandez a été libéré sous caution grâce à son employeur qui lui a prêté les 6500$ nécessaires à sa libération et à ses supporters qui ont réussi à ramasser des dons via PayPal pour le rembourser.         L’aspect positif de cette histoire est le fait que grâce à des moyens de communication aussi simples et internationaux que YouTube, Twitter ou PayPal, la corruption devient de plus en plus facile à dénoncer.  L’aspect négatif, c’est que les corrupteurs et les corrompus trouveront certainement moyen de les utiliser aussi à leur avantage…

samedi 30 mai, 17 h 10
SASKATCHEWAN (RC) - Les policiers de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada (GRC) ont mis la main sur une importante quantité de marijuana dans la ville de Lloydminster, située à la frontière entre la Saskatchewan et l'Alberta.
Au total, les policiers ont saisi près de 750 plants et 9 kilogrammes de marijuana dans une résidence de la ville.  Un homme de  51 ans a été arrêté relativement à cette affaire, mais aucune accusation n'a encore été portée contre lui.
La GRC avait commencé son enquête en décembre après avoir reçu une plainte.
......(...)       If a medical marijuana bill is eventually signed into law, Illinois would join 13 other states, including California, that have such measures in place, said Bruce Mirken, spokesman for the Marijuana Policy Project.
// The measure, which is good for three years, would create an Illinois Department of Public Health registry card for people eligible for the medical marijuana. The amount of marijuana allowed would be seven plants or two ounces of the dried drug. //
"This sets up a procedure by which they can get what they need much more safely, which will be safer for the community, too. Less business going to criminals is probably a good thing. I'm kind of old fashioned that way," Mirken said.
Some state senators who backed the measure told stories about how their own relatives had suffered because of debilitating or terminal illness.
"This is truly about compassion and about people who are suffering from chronic diseases," said Sen. Kwame Raoul, D-Chicago.
Illinois first authorized medical marijuana in 1978 but the law has been in limbo because the Public Health Department never implemented it.
.....david icke...............
Saturday, 30 May 2009
Literature is Illegal in Palestine //  Marcy Newman, body on the line
'Israeli courts shut down a Palestinian international literature festival in Jerusalem'
 - i went to the last night of the palestine festival of literature expecting that it would be shut down yet again. a friend of mine in the old city had bumped into one of the actors in al hakawati (the palestinian national theatre) and she told him that they were already planning to move it somewhere else. but when i went there to meet him everything was getting set up so it seemed that this was just a rumor. i arrived an hour early because my friends are in a book discussion group every thursday night so i went to join them as i sometimes do. but five minutes after they got started israeli terrorist soldiers invaded al hakawati. they came in and posted a court order in hebrew and arabic on the door and asked everyone to leave the theatre. my friends decided they would carry on their book discussion group in the courtyard so they sat down outside on theatre grounds. then they were told they also were not allowed to be there. none of the palfest people were there at the time. but the british counselor richard makepeace was there and he changed the location to the british council office down the street. once again literature is rendered illegal in palestine. below are my photographs from the invasion of al hakawati as well as video from palfest and audio of the beautiful and amazing poems read by nathalie handal and suheir hammad. -
Read more and see pictures and videos here...
also   going to:
Saturday, 30 May 2009
Illinois Senate Approves Medical Marijuana Bill
' Efforts to legalize medical marijuana in Illinois took a big step forward Wednesday when the state Senate approved a plan to let sick people use pot for relief from diseases like cancer, AIDS and multiple sclerosis. The Illinois Senate voted 30-28 and the bill now goes to the Illinois House. A House committee passed a similar measure earlier this year.'
"One of the purposes of this bill is to avoid the situation where someone suffering has to go to the criminal element to buy this marijuana substance," said the sponsor, Sen. Bill Haine, an Alton Democrat and former prosecutor.
Medical marijuana advocates say the drug can ease pain without the side effects of heavier prescription drugs and can reduce nausea from treatments like chemotherapy.
The measure, which is good for three years, would create an Illinois Department of Public Health registry card for people eligible for the medical marijuana. The amount of marijuana allowed would be seven plants or two ounces of the dried drug.
Other diseases that would make people eligible to use medical marijuana include the severe digestive disorder Crohn's disease, hepatitis C and ALS, an incurable degenerative disorder also known as Lou Gehrig's disease.
Critics argue allowing medical marijuana would make it harder for police to enforce other marijuana laws and would be a step toward wholesale legalization of pot. ....
If a medical marijuana bill is eventually signed into law, Illinois would join 13 other states, including California, that have such measures in place, said Bruce Mirken, spokesman for the Marijuana Policy Project.
"This sets up a procedure by which they can get what they need much more safely, which will be safer for the community, too. Less business going to criminals is probably a good thing. I'm kind of old fashioned that way," Mirken said.
Some state senators who backed the measure told stories about how their own relatives had suffered because of debilitating or terminal illness.
"This is truly about compassion and about people who are suffering from chronic diseases," said Sen. Kwame Raoul, D-Chicago.
Illinois first authorized medical marijuana in 1978 but the law has been in limbo because the Public Health Department never implemented it.
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++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Ken6@Ken-Welch.Com,,,,,