fw10 - message of michael - alcuin - RMN - casper(2) - version4

vendredi 27 mars 2009 21 h 25
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“Something of Historic Proportion is Happening”
We have spent two or more decades intentionally de-industrializing our economy. Why?
We have intentionally dumbed down our schools, ignored our history, and no longer teach our founding documents, why we are exceptional, and why we are worth preserving. Students by and large cannot write, think critically, read, or articulate. Parents are not revolting, teachers are not picketing, and school boards continue to back mediocrity. Why?
We have now established the precedent of protesting every close election (now violently in California over a proposition that is so controversial that it wants marriage to remain between one man and one woman. Did you ever think such a thing possible just a decade ago?). We have corrupted our sacred political process by allowing unelected judges to write laws that radically change our way of life, and then mainstream Marxist groups like ACORN and others to turn our voting system into a banana republic. To what purpose? ...(...)
About the author: Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrug Blogger:
To contact the author: (email)
Geller’s publishing career began at The New York Daily News and subsequently took over operation of The New York Observer as Associate Publisher. After the birth of her fourth child she left The Observer but remained involved in various projects including American Associates, Ben Gurion University and being Senior Vice-President Strategic Planning and Performance Evaluation at The Brandeis School. After 9/11 she immersed in the understanding and educating Islam’s geopolitics, terror, foreign affairs and its imminent threats the mainstream media and the government wouldn’t cover or discuss.
 Geller is the winner of the ‘Best New Blog’, ‘2005 Jewish and Israeli Blog Award’ and a finalist in the ‘2005 Weblog Awards.’ The objective of her blog is to cover related but hardly reported issues and events of great importance and her blog acts as a counter terrorism tool fighting the great fight, changing the world one word at a time. As a leading authority she is regularly interviewed and routinely confers with leading scholars on the Middle East, Islam, Eurabia, China and Russia issues providing unblinking and glaring examination of global affairs. She is also a member of Pajamas Media.
March 27, 2009 9:45 AM The POWER Of Now - Watch This NOW Or Keep Missing It...

From: Jonathan Budd & Jayson Shawver,

http://www.TheMLMMastermindSystem.com  ////  .. from  FW10.....
March 22, 2009 I have a secret.
My success isn't only birthed from my knowledge of PPC, YouTube, Social Media, Copywriting, or any of the other things we might think.
A VAST portion of the success I've created is due to my ability to be PRESENT.
It's due to my ability to be in the 'NOW'...
Something I think most humans unfortunately do not have much of a concept of. In fact, I think most of us lived just like I did for the majority of my life.
The past and future pre dominated and controlled our thoughts.
The precious moment slipped right by...
This is NOT how to live. Living takes place in the NOW.
If you're living inside your head, stuck in thoughts of past or anticipations of the future... then you're not living at all. And you're missing out on some of the greatest gifts life has to offer.
This video will tell more. And remember, this doesn't only apply to business and being a 'Peak Performer' when it comes to entrepreneurship. It applies to much more then that as well...
See you all again soon.  Yours In Success,     Jonathan Budd
P.S. Here's the book...
'The Power Of Now' - by Eckhart tolle
Go to amazon.com right now and buy that bad boy if you're ready to come into the now!

The New Biology - Where Mind and Matter Meet

Posted March 21, 2009     (Nov. 2008)
Bruce Lipton - Recent advances in cellular science are heralding an important evolutionary turning point. For almost fifty years we have held the illusion that our health and fate were pre-programmed in our genes, a concept referred to as genetic determinacy. Though mass consciousness is currently imbued with the belief that the character of one’s life is genetically predetermined, a radically new understanding is unfolding at the leading edge of science. Cellular biologists now recognize that the environment, the external universe and our internal physiology, and more importantly, our perception of the environment, directly controls the activity of our genes. This video will broadly review the molecular mechanisms by which environmental awareness interfaces genetic regulation and guides organismic evolution…
Reçu le 19 Mars 2009, par Jean-Luc Ayoun

Je suis MIKAËL, Prince et Régent des milices célestes. Recevez bénédictions et protections. Je viens parmi vous afin de vous annoncer la période la plus propice à l'effusion de mon énergie, de ma présence et de ma radiance, à la surface de cette planète, dans les jours que vont vivre votre humanité. En effet, ma radiation et ma puissance arrivent maintenant et dorénavant à grands pas à la surface de votre Terre. Ma radiation se manifestera par l' ultra-violet.

La pression de ma radiation fera en sorte qu'à partir de votre journée de demain, et de manière crescendo jusqu'à la date que je vous avais donnée, votre corps physique et vos structures subtiles vont être abreuvés à une Source nouvelle liée à la radiation solaire et à l' ultra-violet.

De nouveaux codes, inédits pour vous en incarnation, vont entrer en manifestation dans votre conscience. La pression de la radiation sera telle que vous devez vous préparer à accepter et à recevoir l'effusion de mon Esprit. Ceci est pour maintenant. Ne vous préoccupez pas des réactions élémentaires que cela impliquera nécessairement. Contentez-vous d'acquiescer et d'accepter la puissance de mon ultra-violet.

...(...) Il vous a été annoncé que vous passiez d'un gouvernement humain à un gouvernement Divin. Ceci est la stricte réalité et vous en aurez, sous les yeux, dans très peu de temps, les preuves indiscutables. La meilleure façon de vous préparer est, bien évidemment, de veiller, de prier et de se recueillir en votre être intérieur afin de laisser l' ultra-violet s' effuser en vous. Chers humains en incarnation, je vous invite, de manière solennelle, à respecter votre Temple intérieur, à être en accord avec l'effusion de l' ultra-violet, afin que celui-ci puisse modifier ce qui doit être modifié dans vos structures physiques et psychologiques. Quand vous aurez fini de traverser cette période des quelques jours qui vous attendent plus rien ne sera jamais comme avant pour vous : votre regard sera pénétrant, votre vision sera plus sûre et vous parviendrez à établir un contact conscient avec la Lumière, avec la Source et l'Unité. Ceci se manifestera, bien évidemment, au centre de votre être dans ce que vous appelez votre cœur. La puissance de la radiation qui arrive par votre tête doit s'établir au sein de votre poitrine afin de vous faire retrouver votre Unité et ce que j'appellerais, quant à moi, votre Entièreté et votre Unicité.
Vous allez retrouver, de manière indéfectible, la dimension de votre état d'être Divin, de votre Unité spirituelle et de votre Divinité. Ceci est votre héritage.
 L'expérience de l'incarnation prendra bientôt fin pour ceux qui le désirent à condition que vous ayez accepté et intégré ma radiation et l' ultra-violet du soleil. C'est votre décision. C'est votre choix.
Nul ne peut interférer avec cela et surtout pas les gesticulations de l'Ombre pour lesquelles je suis engagé, moi-même et l'ensemble de mes milices célestes, dans un combat dont vous aurez des répercussions au sein de vos médias, au sein même de ce que vous pourrez voir et constater par vous-mêmes. ....(....)
Question : le rayonnement ultra-violet se manifeste en incarnation, en partie par le rayonnement solaire. Faut-il se protéger de celui-ci ? La protection par rapport à l' ultra-violet du soleil et de ma radiation n'est pas liée à une protection extérieure. La seule protection que vous trouverez étant d'être alignés et centrés sur votre cœur, il n'y a pas d'autre protection souhaitable.
 Néanmoins, des phénomènes visuels, des phénomènes solaires et atmosphériques, seront visibles en certains points du globe. Ceci est extrêmement important mais ne vous attardez pas, encore une fois, à ces manifestations. Centrez-vous sur vos propres manifestations intérieures qui vont vous mettre au défi d'accepter et d'intégrer de nouvelles vibrations et de nouvelles manifestations à l'intérieur même de votre structure physique.
...(...)  Contentez-vous de vivre cette période dans votre intériorité. Il est important de comprendre que vous êtes, et vous allez être, confrontés et vivre de nouvelles énergies, en tous points nouvelles et, ce, dans tous les sens du terme nouveau. Vous n'avez jamais, en vos incarnations, comme en cette incarnation, expérimenté cette énergie de l' ultra-violet. Cela correspond à une pression de la radiation.
Vous allez avoir l'impression d'être comprimés, d'être enserrés mais ceci n'est que l'étape préalable. Si vous acceptez cette compression vous vivrez, au moment du 25 mars, un épisode de dilatation extrême de vos champs de conscience. Vous comprendrez et vous vivrez ce qu'est l'Unité. ...(...)
Ces fonctions physiologiques vont, en quelque sorte, s'élargir. Vos perceptions, que vous soyez reliés à votre Source ou pas, vont affecter l'ensemble de l'humanité. Simplement, nombre d'êtres humains ne sauront comment répondre à cette impulsion car ils ne sauront pas, ils n'auront pas vécu l'Unité préalable liée à la manifestation du 25 mars. Ceci peut induire des changements de comportement n'allant pas nécessairement dans le sens de la Lumière.
Néanmoins, ces manifestations et ces modifications sont communes à l'ensemble de l'humanité. Nul être humain ne peut y échapper, simplement, la résultante en sera profondément différente pour chaque être en fonction de sa capacité à avoir trouvé, durant cette période, son Unité.

Question : mise à part l'acceptation dont vous parliez, comment se préparer au mieux ? Il est indispensable, durant cette période, de limiter vos apports nutritionnels et d'augmenter vos apports de boissons. Ceci est une préparation largement suffisante afin de ne pas surcharger vos structures physiques et leur permettre de suivre les mouvements de l' ultra-violet.

Question : l'exercice physique est compatible avec cette intégration ? Tout ce qui vous procure joie et Unité. Si cela est, pour vous, de rester au fond d'un lit, faites-le. Si cela est, pour vous, de vous promener au sein des éléments de la nature et en particulier les végétaux, faites-le. ...(...)

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Maintenant, du fait que ce processus ne s'est pas fait dans les circonstances normales d'un bébé plus mature, son processus d'évolution en soleil ne s'est pas fait normalement non plus. Cela a été plus graduel et n'a pas produit la grosse explosion de protons qui était attendue. Il n'a pas poussé le robuste cri d'un beau nouveau-né. Il a fait beaucoup de petits soubresauts et soupirs, libérant de petites bouffées de protons et autres particules subatomiques.
Et il va continuer pour un temps à envoyer de ces petites bouffées dans votre direction. Vous avez évité de la difficulté, comme avoir vos satellites hors-service, et ainsi de suite (toutes les difficultés liées à une soudaine hyperactivité solaire, qui n'aura donc pas lieu de la sorte).
Mais les pressions vont continuer à monter, et perturber la Terre et ses habitants. Il y a déjà plein de conséquences maintenant avec les vents plus forts et du mauvais temps. Des tremblements de terre vont survenir, et il y a une mesure constante d' « électricité statique » qui a augmenté et va continuer d'augmenter, rendant les gens très inconfortables (il parle peut-être ici des effets liés aux vagues très régulières de plasma solaire évoquées dans un message précédent, destinées à hausser le niveau vibratoire terrestre et énergisant au maximum la planète).
Et bientôt ce nouveau soleil va devenir évident, dans le ciel du matin fin Mars.
De toute façon, il va aussi être bientôt visible sur les images de la sonde SOHO
et c'est la raison derrière le nouvel « arrêt de transmission pour maintenance ». Les forces obscures savent, et hier des « tagueurs » ont posté un couple d'images « Photoshop » (retouchées) de LASCO C2 (montrant un énorme halo lumineux saturé tout autour du soleil, faisant penser à une explosion ; vraisemblablement une « misérable » simulation des effets de l'allumage de Jupiter).
Vraiment du mauvais travail, mais j'imagine qu'ils voulaient vous montrer quelque chose ! Ils ont leurs plans pour traiter de cette question. Voyons si cela se manifeste ou pas. Ils ne peuvent pas le passer sous silence pour toujours,
 et beaucoup sont partis dans leurs abris souterrains destinés à des événements de ce type. Aussi près que nous puissions voir, votre nouveau président ne sait pas encore. Il va peut-être être mené à l'abri aussi, ou laissé en plan à gérer le chaos ....(...)
links  in english about Archangel Mikael,
Traditional Roman Catholic circulates Gematria analysis purporting to reveal that US President Barack Obama is the Antichrist
The analysis was written by a Jewish Torah scholar. Is the American Neocon right wing being manipulated by Zionists who are terrified that Obama is going to take the US off a war footing, and deal more equitably in the Middle East?
This week I learned that a "traditional Catholic" is circulating a gematria analysis that purports to reveal that President Obama is the antichrist. The "analysis" was written by a "Torah scholar." In this case, "Torah scholar" is a euphemism for a Kabbalist, and gematria is nothing more than occult numerology - an abomination in God's eyes - and this promoted by a "traditional Catholic" here in Idaho....(...)
I am not an Obama supporter, but I wonder how it is that in a mere two months he bears more contumely than Bush did in eight.
In my opinion the thoroughly kosher Neocon Right wing is being manipulated behind-the-scenes by Zionists who are terrified that Obama is going to take the U.S. off a war footing, and deal more equitably in the Middle East, as evidenced by the following column by that servant-of-the-rabbis John Bolton.....(....)
More about the Hebrew Gematria system here, here and here.
 The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles
A new book by Bruce Lipton. Cells as miniature humans. If single cells are controlled by their awareness of the environment, so too are we trillion-celled human beings. Just like a single cell, the character of our lives is determined not by our genes but by our responses to the environmental signals which propel life. Bruce Lipton unpacks the cutting edge biosciences of signal transduction and epigenetics. Signal transduction focuses upon the biochemical pathways by which cells respond to environmental cues.
Environmental signals engage cytoplasmic processes that can alter gene expression and therefore control cell fate, influence cell movement, control cell survival, and even sentence a cell to death. The fate and behaviour of an organism is directly linked to its perception of the environment.
 Epigenetics is about how environmental cues select, modify and regulate gene activity. Our genes are constantly being remodeled in response to life experiences; our perceptions of external life shape our internal biology.
Interestingly, as I sat by the pool, watching the sun set into the Caribbean, the potential angst simply morphed into an exciting adventure. I began to get excited about the fact that for the first time in my teaching career, I was solely responsible for this major course and free from having to conform to the style and content restrictions of team-taught programs.
Cells As Miniature Humans
As it turned out, that histology course was the most exhilarating and intellectually profound period of my academic career. Free to teach the course the way I wanted to teach it, I ventured into a new way of covering the material, an approach that had been roiling in my brain for several years. I had been fascinated by the idea that considering cells as �miniature humans� would make it easier to understand their physiology and behavior. As I contemplated a new structure for the course, I got excited. The idea of overlapping cell and human biology rekindled the inspiration for science I had felt as a child. I still experienced that enthusiasm in my research laboratory, though not when I was mired in the administrative details of being a tenured faculty member, including endless meetings and what for me were tortuous faculty parties.
I was prone to thinking of cells as human-like because, after years behind a microscope, I had become humbled by the complexity and power of what at first appear to be anatomically simple, moving blobs in a Petri dish. In school you may learned the basic components of a cell: the nucleus that contains genetic material, the energy-producing mitochondria, the protective membrane at the outside rim, and the cytoplasm in between. But within these anatomically simple-looking cells is a complex world; these smart cells employ technologies that scientists have yet to fully fathom.
The notion of cells as miniature humans that I was mulling over would be considered heresy by most biologists. Trying to explain the nature of anything not human by relating it to human behavior is called anthropomorphism. �True� scientists consider anthropomorphism to be something of a mortal sin and ostracize scientists who knowingly employ it in their work.....(....)
The single-minded pursuit of stellar medical school grades, without regard for the students surrounding you, no doubt follows a Darwinian model, but it always seemed to me an ironic pursuit for those who are striving to become compassionate healers.
But my stereotypes about medical students toppled during my stay on the island. After my call to arms, my class of misfits stopped acting like conventional medical students; they dropped their survival of the fittest mentality and amalgamated into a single force, a team that helped them survive the semester. The stronger students helped the weaker and in so doing, all became stronger. Their harmony was both surprising and beautiful to observe.
In the end, there was a bonus: a happy Hollywood ending. For their final exam, I gave my students exactly the same test the students in Wisconsin had to pass. There was virtually no difference in the performance of these ‘rejects’ and their ‘elitist’ counterparts in the States. Many students later reported that when they went home and met with their peers who attended American medical schools, they proudly found themselves more proficient in their understanding of the principles governing the life of cells and organisms.
I was of course thrilled that my students had pulled off an academic miracle. But it was years before I understood how they were able to do it. At the time, I thought the format of the course was key, and I still believe that overlapping human and cell biology is a better way to present the course material. But now that I’ve ventured into what I told you would be considered by some as wacky Dr. Dolittle territory, I think a good part of the reason for my students success was that they eschewed the behavior of their counterparts in the United States. Instead of mirroring smart American medical students, they mirrored the behavior of smart cells, banding together to become even smarter. I didn’t tell my students to pattern their lives after the lives of the cells, because I was still steeped in traditional, scientific training. But I like to think that they went in that direction intuitively, after listening to my praise of cells ability to group together cooperatively to form more complex and highly successful organisms.
I didn’t know it at the time, but I now believe that another reason for my students success was that I did not stop at praising cells. I praised the students as well. They needed to hear they were first-rate students in order to believe that they could perform as first-rate students. As I will detail in future chapters, so many of us are leading limited lives not because we have to, but because we THINK we have to. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Suffice it to say that after four months in paradise, teaching in a way that clarified my thinking about cells and the lessons they provide to humans, I was well on my way to an understanding of the New Biology, which leaves in the dust the defeatism of genetic and parental programming as well as survival-of-the-fittest Darwinism.
 Book details here. More background here, here and here.
...(...) revealed that the environment, operating though the membrane, controlled the behavior and physiology of the cell, turning genes on and off. His discoveries, which ran counter to the established scientific view that life is controlled by the genes, presaged one of today’s most important fields of study, the science of epigenetics.   http://www.brucelipton.com/about

Climate change, economic disparity, educational inequities, geopolitical tensions — these mounting concerns are symptoms of a world that is out of balance. Together we can shift consciousness by co-creating a new way of being together.

The Call to Conscious Evolution was born following a gathering of global visionaries. It’s a movement that fully supports that the future is not what happens to us, but rather what WE create.

Together, we can co-create a new narrative of conscious evolution by:

  • Building a global community and creating a culture of peace.
  • Restoring ecological balance to nourish all life, and mitigate the effects of climate change.
  • Engaging in social and political transformation by calling for a more conscious democracy.
  • Promoting health and healing by acknowledging the profound mind-body-spirit connection.
  • Supporting research and education that optimize human capacities.
  • Encouraging integrity in business and conscious media.
In this great time of uncertainty, join us in elevating consciousness to create a better world. One governed by meaning and purpose. Accept nothing less.
Every voice counts — your voice counts. ...(...)
Other Languages
    * Die Biologie des Glaubens [German] PDF Download
    * Natur, Erziehung und menschliche Entwicklung [German] PDF Download
    * La Conscience Cellulaire [French] PDF Download
    * La Inteligencia De Las Celulas [Spanish] PDF Download
    * El Desarrollo de la Ciencia de la Filosof a Quiropr ctica [Spanish] PDF Download

Associate Links

Spirit 2000 Inc.   PSYCH-K   Gregg Braden   BioFractal Evolution CenterPassage of Change   Elite Books   Author's Publishing   Wake Up Laughing

New Dimensions Radio   Hay House Publishing   Sounds True

Clairvoyant investigations by Geoffrey Hodson and David Lyness (1957-1959)
Notes and conversations recorded in the presence of scientific witnesses. Geoffrey Hodson uses his clairvoyant abilities to look at the ultrastructure and ultraenergetics of diamond, glucose, graphite, ice, acetic acid, sodium chloride, copper wire and electricity itself. The magnifications and resolutions of his observations were beyond the reach or capabilities of any electron microscope that has yet been invented fifty years later.
More about clairvoyance here, here and here.

The Gospel of Peace by the Disciple John   FOURWINDS10.COM
What political Churchianity did not allow Jesus to say in the Bible. "And then many sick and maimed came to Jesus, asking him: 'If you know all things, tell us, why do we suffer with these grievous plagues? Why are we not whole like other men? Master, heal us, that we too may be made strong, and need abide no longer in our misery. We know that you have it in your power to heal all manner of disease. Free us from Satan and from all his great afflictions. Master, have compassion on us.' And Jesus answered: 'Happy are you, that you hunger for the truth, for I will satisfy you with the bread of wisdom. Happy are you that you knock, for I will open to you the door of life. Happy are you, that you would cast off the power of Satan, for I will lead you into the kingdom of our Mother’s angels, where the power of Satan cannot enter.' And they asked him in amazement: 'Who is our Mother and which her angels? And, where is her kingdom?' (Published by the C.W. Daniel Company Limited, 1937). http://fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/bellringers_corner/vital_articles/news.php?q=1236736881
More of the text here and here.
KYMATICA: Esoteric Agenda 2 - Excellent Documentary Tying Things Together (views: 350)
JediShaman -- Friday, 13 February 2009, 1:56 p.m.
Kymatica: Esoteric Agenda is a new documentary that explores many interconnected topics - consciousness, physics, spirituality, nature, astro-theology, subtle energies, Jungian psychology, ancient symbolism and mystery teachings, occult bloodlines, civil vs. admiralty law, economics, archetypes, etc. featuring clips of Bruce Lipton, Leonard Horowitz, Rupert Sheldrake, Michael Tsarion, and others... IMO this is a great film to share and foster discussion and Self-exploration.
This film shares the perspective that the world is a mirror for each of us to address the issues of the Self... it's always about Self and facing the distorted/false ego.
Namaste,      JediShaman
Giuliana Conforto was born in Rome, Italy. Formerly an astrophysicist, she taught classical and quantum mechanics. (views: 33)
Rayelan -- Wednesday, 18 March 2009, 2:52 p.m.
Giuliana Conforto was born in Rome, Italy. Formerly an astrophysicist, she taught classical and quantum mechanics. Deeply involved with Giordano Bruno (1548-1600), she has re-found the "only Force, which links and gives life to infinite worlds" to which Bruno and many other sages had sung praises. It is the Force physicists have revealed in the 70's and called Electroweak, in her view. Studying its main features, she has realized that most scientists only observe one side of the Force - the electromagnetic field - and neglect the other side instead - the weak nuclear field. Sages used a natural "instrument", able to perceive them both. It is our same human body, gifted with a vertical posture and very special chords - our nerve cells - able to be moved and therefore move our blood, so provoking what we, humans, feel as emotions (emo is blood in Greek). Linking physics and neurophisiology, she has linked soma and psyche, so proposing a new/ancient science, Organic Physics, centered on the relation humans-universes. The human brain can now re-achieve its own plasticity, she sustains, as the "weak" side of the Force is increasing its intensity and giving us the needed energy for amplifying our perception, see and feel the invisible universes. Linking the Force to Its effects on the human body and the solar system, she has explained "miracles", such as the resurrection of the human body, and "mysteries", such as the abrupt, almost sudden changes of the Earth's inner core. She has renamed recent scientific discoveries so as to propose a paradigm shift, a "new" human story and the imminent revelation of the true Sun at the Earth's center.


Help finally arrived with another dream that soon became reality... I met a "cosmic trainer", who had already practiced the "way"... So my training began and, being an intellectual, was particularly hard... I had to pass through a "desert land", leave my previous certainties, surrender to the "impetuous river", inner truth or heavy Light... I began to remember my past lives and, essentially, Home, the crystalline world form which we all come. I became aware of our millenary illusion, dualism, not a cruel fate, but a fact we can change at present, since we are living exceptional times.

 Linking new discoveries to my ancient memory I realized the meaning of the huges changes that are now observed in the entire solar system: it is a nuclear process, provoked by the nuclear force that physicists call "weak"; it is alchemy that we can fulfill in our physical body and so activate the potentialities of our brain, in particular the emotional one...



fw10 - message michael - alcuin - RMN - casper(2) - version4
Hemp” refers primarily to Cannabis sativa L. (Cannabaceae), although the term has been applied to dozens of species representing at least 22 genera, often prominent fiber crops. For examples, Manila hemp (abaca) is Musa textilis Née, sisal hemp is Agave sisalina Perrine, and sunn hemp is Crotolaria juncea L. Especially confusing is the phrase “Indian hemp,” which has been used both for narcotic Asian land races of C. sativa (so-called C. indica Lamarck of India) and Apocynum cannabinum L., which was used by North American Indians as a fiber plant. Cannabis sativa is a multi-purpose plant that has been domesticated for bast (phloem) fiber in the stem, a multi-purpose fixed oil in the “seeds” (achenes), and an intoxicating resin secreted by epidermal glands.
The common names hemp and marijuana (much less frequently spelled marihuana) have been applied loosely to all three forms, although historically hemp has been used primarily for the fiber cultigen and its fiber preparations, and marijuana for the drug cultigen and its drug preparations. The current hemp industry is making great efforts to point out that “hemp is not marijuana.”
Italicized, Cannabis refers to the biological name of the plant (only one species of this genus is commonly recognized, C. sativa L.). Non-italicized, “cannabis” is a generic abstraction, widely used as a noun and adjective, and commonly (often loosely) used both for cannabis plants and/or any or all of the intoxicant preparations made from them......(....)
Small, E. and D. Marcus. 2002. Hemp: A new crop with new uses for North America. p. 284–326. In: J. Janick and A. Whipkey (eds.), Trends in new crops and new uses. ASHS Press, Alexandria, VA.
Hemp: A New Crop with New Uses for North America*
Ernest Small and David Marcus

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Hemp Is Not Pot: It's the Economic Stimulus and Green Jobs Solution We Need
Thursday 26 March 2009
by: Dara Colwell  |  Visit article original @ AlterNet
photo: Farmer and High School Principal David C. Monson of North Dakota hopes that hemp is legalized. (Photo: Dan Koeck / The New York Times)
    We can make over 25,000 things with it. Farmers love it. Environmentalists love it. You can't get high from it. So why is it still illegal?  ...(...)
...and the comments.....
Follow the money. Who would
Follow the money. Who would be for prohibition? Owners of private prison stocks? Makers of herbicides? Makers of fertilizers? Pushers of corn syrup? Who benefits from keeping public prisons well stocked with non-violent people? Who wants cheap labor from inmates? Who wants to sell really expensive anti-nausea drugs? Who wants to make plastics out of left-overs from the oil industry? The list goes on. We need to carefully boycott these people. Their secretive cruelties know no bounds. Support Federal Reserve transparency. We need to out these people.
///I'm a framer and have been......
Fri, 03/27/2009 - 02:48 — Anonymous (not verified)
I'm a framer and have been looking for real information about cultivating hemp, however stories like this are full of air. I would love to have a alternative crop like hemp, but farmers deal in the real world or you lose the farm. For one thing the author writes --"Hemp seeds are ideal for making ethanol, the cleanest-burning liquid bio-alternative to gasoline". NO! Hemp seeds produce a oil which is a excellent fuel for diesel engines, it can not be made into ethanol. The second question is the cost of producing that oil, which may make it impractical. However, biomass based alcohols can be produced from the rest of the plant, maybe, I have not found anyinformation that is is being done. If one produces hemp seed, then the fiber is of poor quality. If one produces hemp fiber it is harvested before seed is produced and there is no seed. However some writes have writen that both can be produced from the same crop. Canadian hemp production has never been more than 48,000 acres, but was only 8,050 acres in 2008. Compare that with 90 million acres of corn planted in the USA last year.
 Here is a link to report on hemp production in Canada by the Government of Alberta-- http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/econ9631
Hemp houses hold promise for
Fri, 03/27/2009 - 02:45 — Garrett Connelly (not verified)
Hemp houses hold promise for homeless, world-wide. This summer I will be facilitating workshops to build beautiful sculptured shelter of space-age mud and wattle; hemp, bamboo, muslin, cement, acrylic. A 4 x 6 meter shell costs €850 to $1150. Billions of people need shelter. Sustainability depends on peace. Pride of place promotes peace. This is distributional justice applied. Self-sheltering is the key, you are welcome to learn this at ferrocement.com or self-sheltering.org, gratis.
March 27, 2009 11:41 AM

Utopia is not a place, but a transparent state of the organic,

nuclear matter that composes our human body.
Utopia is based on the consciousness
that we, humans, are

 "cells" of the one Organic Universe.
Utopia is
sincerity, joy, well being and, mainly,

ability to love and feel emotions. (( http://www.giulianaconforto.it/English/home.Eng.htm  ))

Organic Astronomy is quite different from the modern, conventional one that just looks at the illusory electromagnetic light. As a paradox, orthodox astronomers calculate that only 5% of the entire mass interacts with electromagnetic light. Therefore they know that they miss all the rest, that is 95% of the whole.
Organic Astronomy involves the whole, heavens and earth, and also includes us, the observers. This means that it must conjugate various ways of knowing, and mainly look at both sides of the Force. These are the electromagnetic light, we can see, and the weak
nuclear Sound or rather music we can listen to, if, and only if, we sincerely want to. Inner listening is not easy for our sleeping brain, but we can. Many of us do it, at present.

Listening to the Sound, the silent Music that conducts infinite universes, we have realized that human history is not the one we learn at school. A new quantum history has emerged. This is what I wrote in my book Organic Universe. We just need to realize that many kinds of matter and light do exist. These compose many worlds and many human bodies too. Our conscious essence is manifested in our eternal light body, that Giordano Bruno called the body of fire. Quantum history shows that we can transit from one to another world. Here's just a short summary.

"...Dragons, who came from Draco Constellation, could have been Earth's original overlords. Sumerians and Assyrians called them Anunnaki that just means "those who came from above". Information about them comes from the stone tablets discovered in the lands of ancient Sumeria and Mesopotamia (now Iraq).... Annunaki, or Dragons, are a piece of the human history puzzle... Coming on Earth’s surface they needed workers, who could mine gold, and genetically created them...

“Travelling” to ancient babylonian times, we could “see” what the Tower of Babel actually was; it was not just a building, but a place where genetic experiments were performed... The Babel of Languages was actually the one of genetic codes that has affected all the people on Earth’s surface... However this doesn’t mean that the Human Race, as we know it, is just a Reptile/Mammal hybrid species Annunaki, created several thousand of years ago, in Babylonia. That event is just another piece of the puzzle...

... Many coincidences indicate the existence of a precise, highly detailed Intelligent Plan.... Our visible human bodies are inside an emotional Cosmic Computer... Our true identities can be outside, though. Why do we seem confined to 5%? The answer, my friend, is incredible. Human Genesis was just a conception, the beginning of a cosmic pregnancy that is now coming to an end.. A new genesis awaits us, humans, and implies the collapse of the EM illusion.
The path to be delivered is within; it is consciousness of our own true identity...

Adam is the entire human species, composed of men and women... designed to be protagonists of Earth's surface...

When Adam appears in the garden of Eden, the Snake or Dragon is already there, as the Bible tells us.
The Snake is a member of the Reptilian race, much less emotional than the Adamic, Human one...

Speaking about Adam and Snake, Humans and Reptilians, I just refer to each human being's abilities ... Reptilians represent the dark side, while Humans the Light one. The Dark is the “lesson”, the challenge of this planetary school. The Light is joy, happiness, bliss... Besides these two main species, there are many other ones, such as people from Mars, Sirius, Orion, Pleiades, etc. However we humans are a mixture of them all, at present...

The Martians on the Earth have reproduced and transmitted their bellicose instincts, generation after generation...
“They” are the rulers of Earth’s surface and have a precise, almost mathematical formula for enslaving the masses, just a set of few rules. The first is to take away any means of organizing and communicating so that humans cannot form organized groups. The second is to make them vulnerable... The third is the terror strategy, that was already present in the 20th century and made a further escalation in September 11, 2001. The fourth one is creating panic and, consequently, a need for “protection”. The fifth is educating children to be dependent, believe in pre-chosen ideas, repeat parent’s behavior, trust linear time. The last, but not least, is to mantain humans’ ignorance of the infinite worlds and the one Force, Love, which gives us all life... “They” know EM deception very well. Not by chance, a science based on EM field flourishes and researchers of the weak Light have no funds and public resonance...

Reptilians’ masterpiece is what still affects all of us most: a “knowledge” that ignores the meaning of Life and Love.
Adam adapts himself to a boring and pedantic “knowledge” the Snake offers him... Adam adopts a way of knowing, that is a scholastic repetition of one single past.... Humans don’t know how they conjugate their own thoughts... Reptilians do know instead and have also developed means in order to conduct their rhythms and periodic oscillations... Their respective values and ways of feeling are very different from each other. The clever and cunning Snake seeks power and obtains it, looking down on, but also envying Adam’s calm lightness of spirit, his way of being happy with simple things, loving and being in love with Life and nature...

Adam could change the world, but he trusts religions...

Meaningless beliefs succeed in manipulating scientific minds too. Just think that the effects of the weak nuclear force on our human body are used as a means of diagnosis (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance)... Why do scientists "forget" it? Because they believe that forces are just mathematical entities... They nourish a mechanistic science
Will they become aware of their illusion? I don’t know, but you can anyway.

You, Adam, can listen to the song of your emotions and eternal consciousness; you are not “deaf”, but only afraid of expressing them...

The Reptilians have been the owners of the world up to now; their Lord is the strong nuclear force. Whoever fights against Him, makes Him stronger, as physics itself shows. There’s no way to defeat Him. Pure Reptilians are very very few; they have finances, media, technology, armies, pharmaceuticals, secret services, oil...
They have entrapped everybody, themselves too. Their intent was noble though and not actually against Humans...

Adam is therefore more responsible than the Snake. What should Adam do? Just being what he truly is, the creators’ expression in the visible matrix...
Adam’s as yet embryonic consciousness has given reality to the virtual “reality” the Snake has created.
This is essentially an economic machine that wears Adam out and steals his vital "weak" Energy...

...Adam still believes in “power” and behaves as if he were Snake’s employee and doesn’t realise that he is Snake’s maintainer instead.

Speaking about Humans, Reptilians and their different allies, such as Martians, might be speaking about each of us. They are not single individuals, but archetypes.. We are all part of One Cosmic Organism and do not have separate, personal unconscious minds.

We all share a single Unconscious... This is why just a few reawakened people can change It and free all the people from their illusion...

Believing that enemies exist is men’s main trap.
The monstrous “machine” that creates "enemies" is now lacking its primary fuel, Adam’s credulity...
Thanks to the Force, Adam has a higher, broader consciousness that also includes Snake’s cunning abilities.
The two cultural pillars, mechanistic science and orthodox religion are collapsing...
The increasing intensity of the "weak" force is the inner fuel for rethinking the world...

Today a new Adam is going to be born; he is the “son of man” conscious of his own will and able to make it real, by just acting coherently with it.

A new human species is arising from the ashes of the old one; it hears the truth within, and no longer gives credit to the “machine”, TV, global market and its various mediators. Many people feel truths within, not spoken of on TV; they want peace, justice, transparency, sincerity, respect, freedom from any former bond. Old Adam’s “death” and new Adam’s “birth” are stages in everyone's genetic evolution, that also implies a cultural and pacific revolution, meaning the revelation of the causal eternal reality... New Adam is free... recognizes and gets what he truly wants: dignity, friendship, justice, harmony and well-being for all.
The Earth’s surface is also being delivered... (end_of_times)

The “power” that has trampled on the planet without respect for its beauty and resources is going to vanish...

The few who have the courage to face inner truth, know that we are all responsible for the old world...

Life is the intelligent, abundant "dark" free Energy, available for anyone who loves and respects It.
Today the “weak”, Life Energy, LOVE is increasing and offering us new kinds of relationships...

Many phenomena show that infinite FREE ENERGY exists. It is a real cornucopia, well-being and prosperity for every one. It makes many people hope in the advent of a new energy technology that will radically affect any area of human activity, especially matters of war or peace, health and the environment. Here just a few examples:

All these phemomena challenge the long-old tenet of the immutability of nuclear matter; mainstream scientists don't know their theoretical basis and most academic journals still refuse to publish papers on them. Despite official denial, there's very strong evidence that Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) do occur.

A new "physics" is needed for explaining them. Organic Physics does, as
it also involves the Force most physicists pretend to ignore. It is the same Force that propels
all these phenomena
and also promotes the needed condition for using them all: consciousness

Infinite Energy presumes humans' eternal consciousness...

It is not a joke. It comes from quantum physics' uncertainty principle.
The Electroweak Force, which gives infinite energy, is Intelligent Life; Its goal is to manifest Itself,
lets us, humans, become conscious we are "cells" of One Living Organic Universe

All the people, who want to HAVE new energy technologies, need to BE what they truly are: IMMORTAL

By the way, global warming could be the effect of the cold fusion that is occurring
between the Earth's surface and the Force's messergers, W+, W-, Z°
emitted bythe Earth's inner core or inner Sun

Any kind of desease is due to a lack of Life Energy we cannot buy anyway...
The only way to use free energy, Life, is to love Life

The "need" for energy is dictated by all the "frontiers" that divide men...
Orthodox religions divide sex from love, men from women, natural from supernatural...

Mechanistic sciences divide rationality from emotions, measurable from non measurable...
The Empire is the political system that cultivates all these apparent dicothomies...

The Empire is neither a man nor a group of men... It is a software, dualism, most humans trust...
FREE ENERGY will be soon available for all the people who love and rescpect their own eternal identities .


and the thread is...:
RMN Radio: Dan McCarthy - Cross Cultural Consultant Will Discuss Culture and Counter-Culture and the Effects on Society (views: 69)
Rayelan -- Wednesday, 18 March 2009, 11:10 a.m.
 Latest Ascension Articles - ascendpress.org (views: 60)
Rayelan -- Wednesday, 18 March 2009, 3:21 p.m.
The Nazi Bell, Die Glocke, and Hans Kammler's Work With Exotic Weapons (views: 108)
CrystalRiver -- Thursday, 26 March 2009, 4:43 p.m. ...(...)
Often I post on Morgellons and considering that many who are researching this subject end up looking at the end of World War 11; it should come as no surprise that the reading of "The Rise of The Fourth Reich, by Jim Marrs seemed like a very important must do!
I'm almost to page one hundred and find that this website does seem to entail a great deal of information given so far:
The tests involved placing various plants and animals within the Bell's influence. Almost all of them were destroyed: "A crystalline substance formed within the tissues, destroying them from the inside; liquids, including blood, gelled and separated into clearly distilled fractions." People in the program also suffered from "sleep problems, loss of memory and balance, muscle spasms and a permanent unpleasant taste in the mouth." Many of the scientists even died as a result of their exposure to the activated Bell.
Keep in mind that many of those with Morgellons have the crystaline substance pushing from the inside out--other of the symptoms also seem to fall into line.
Here is Jim Marrs site as well: http://www.jimmarrs.com/
 Giant UFO spotted by NASA telescopes? Jupiter as a new sun? (views: 563)
DrIreneBlinston -- Friday, 27 March 2009, 12:57 p.m. ...( video)
YouTube - Jupiter slips behind the Sun
Mar 22, 2009 ... NASA's STEREO spacecraft sees Jupiter move behind the Sun in this 30 hour animation compressed into just 11 seconds. You can see Jupiter's ...

www.youtube.com/watch?v=foBUaOKsIZM - 132k - Similar pages

The images in the animation were taken over a 30 hour time span from March 15-16. STEREO is actually a pair of spacecraft launched in 2006 in opposite directions. They have different angles on the Sun, providing solar astrophysicists a 3D view of our nearest star.

Be ready for New Sun Jupiter!

Hi everyone,
I keep trying… I keep searching…
In 3D… You get what you see!
In 5D… You get what you seek!
I keep believing… I keep thinking
The Cosmic Clock is about to be reset!
The dawn of the Age of Aquarius is here!
The Hopi Prophecy of the Blue Star Kachina
is about to manifest right now in our reality
1. Be ready 4 New Sun Jupiter - Part (1_2)
2. Be ready 4 New Sun Jupiter - Part (3_0)
3. Be ready 4 New Sun Jupiter - Part (4_0)
4. Be ready 4 New Sun Jupiter - Part (5_6)
Be ready to enjoy this new source of indigo light
Be ready to accept this miracle in peace knowing
that this is a gift from the creator, for Humanity!
Light and Love
Just... consider it, the possibility, the case,
the scenario, the "what-if" this is happening?
Are you ready to remove "the veil" in your mind?
New Sun Jupiter - Be Ready for it - Part (5+6) Video by joyu...
Mar 24, 2009 ... The Galactic Federation of Light ignites Jupiter into a sun. This new sun will be visible in the sky after the March equinox. Very soon.

vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.indiv... - 93k - Similar pages

YouTube - Be ready 4 New Sun Jupiter - Part (1+2)
Mar 12, 2009 ... GF ignites Jupiter into our second Sun. This new sun rises after the March equinox. You should be able to see it via Nasa.If you don't, ...

www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHLn8fAseIw - 84k - Similar pages

# 69 Birthing a New Sun, Jupiter
Apr 13, 2007 ... Article on Jupiter becoming a sun. ... That is Jupiter, becoming a new being, a Father Sun, and its moons will begin to beget new life also, ...

abundanthope.net/pages/article_308.shtml - 110k - Similar pages

Jupiter's Inner Sun? NASA Video, page 1
Discusion about Jupiter's Inner Sun? NASA Video in the AboveTopSecret.com website alternative topics discussion forum Space Exploration.

www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread331342/pg1 - 65k - Similar pages

...other sources..... about B. LIPTON.......
june 11th 2008
In 1982, Dr. Lipton began examining the principles of quantum physics and how they might be integrated into his understanding of the cell’s information processing systems. He produced breakthrough studies on the cell membrane, which revealed that this outer layer of the cell was an organic homologue of a computer chip, the cell’s equivalent of a brain. His research at Stanford University’s School of Medicine, between 1987 and 1992, revealed that the environment, operating though the membrane, controlled the behavior and physiology of the cell, turning genes on and off. His discoveries, which ran counter to the established scientific view that life is controlled by the genes, presaged one of today’s most important fields of study, the science of epigenetics. Two major scientific publications derived from these studies defined the molecular pathways connecting the mind and body. Many subsequent papers by other researchers have since validated his concepts and ideas.
Dr. Lipton’s novel scientific approach transformed his personal life as well. His deepened understanding of cell biology highlighted the mechanisms by which the mind controls bodily functions, and implied the existence of an immortal spirit. He applied this science to his personal biology, and discovered that his physical well-being improved, and the quality and character of his daily life was greatly enhanced..../////

Listen to my latest radio show interview with Dr. Bruce Lipton (very inspirational) on my FREE ARCHIVES page at http://www.cabiz.net/radio   


 September 24, 2008  Allart interviews Dr. Bruce H. Lipton PhD, cell biologist and author of "The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles". 



from James Twyman" jamestwyman@belovedcommunityemail.org    nov2006

Beloved friends,
We believe it's time to create a whole new world, one based on love, connection, peace, and a new paradigm of reality. That's why I want to share with you a special offer today.
Our friends at the Institute of Noetic Sciences have created a wonderful new program called Shift in Action that puts you in touch with spiritual leaders, innovators, scientists, and change makers via live weekly teleseminars, a magazine, quarterly CDs, audio, and video on the web.
It's a great way to stay connected to positive, hopeful movements for change and others who share your views.
As part of a special offer, you can join for a trial month for only $1, which includes an important book called Entangled Minds as well as a Director's Sampler from What the Bleep's Down the Rabbit Hole.
I've joined thirty-three leaders such as Deepak Chopra, Dennis Kucinich, Marianne Williamson, and Jean Houston who are supporting the success of the book and the program by offering 30 minute interviews on the Essential Shifts of today - all part of your trial month.
I'm delighted to be supporting this program. Please Check it out!
In peace,
James Twyman .... http://www.belovedworld.org/


Entangled Minds, by Dean Radin  
Entangled Minds and Beyond
Special Director's Sampler from
What the Bleep's Down the Rabbit Hole
This special offer also includes:
 Interviews with some of the world's great thinkers and spiritual leaders speaking about the most essential shifts of our time: Deepak Chopra, Capt. Edgar Mitchell, Marianne Williamson, Congressman Dennis Kucinich, Julia Butterfly Hill, Jean Houston, James Twyman, Michael B. Beckwith, Thom Hartmann, Lynne Twist, Bruce Lipton, Hazel Henderson, Andrew Harvey, Angeles Arrien, Van Jones, Duane Elgin, Elisabet Sahtouris, Ralph Metzner, Don Beck, Gordon Davidson, Arisika Razak, Arjuna Ardagh, Anodea Judith, Michael Lerner, Laurie Monroe, Saniel and Linda Bonder, Swami Beyondananda, Brian Johnson, Stanislav Grof, and more.((
http://www.noetic.org/SIA/LivingDeeplyLP_Noetic.htm ))
...  goldenmean.info .....
11.-FRACTALITY in TIME (time=measurement of charge rotation) -charge systems emerge from chaos only this way-fractality (how to generate synchronicity): goldenmean.info/TIMESTAR , goldenmean.info/timewave- Just as Bruce Cathie showed nuclear critical mass varied with grid position, in space AND time - fractality (constructive charge compression) is the OBVIOUS principle- so capacitors properly arranged in a golden spiral firing in TIME - WILL reduce critical mass! (sorry CIA - the principle of FRACTALITY {fear's opposite} is PUBLIC information).
12.-Fractality in the CELL: Bruce Lipton -of "Membrane Mediated Biology"+ "What the Bleep"- discusses how the cell membrane gets infinite surface area, infinite foldedness- (DW adds Harmonic Inclusive by Golden Ratio) and therefore potentially infinite information by getting FRACTAL- in his latest paper/book:"FRACTAL EVOLUTION:

 from the new Film(exerpt) - online + new DVD Hi Res version:
Real Physics of Holy Grail: Fractal Blood for Successful Death ( English+French)
Dan Winter presents: The Real Physics for the DaVinci Code "Holy Grail" in the Blood- real key to the KA - Biology's coherent charge field - ticket to a successful death. First: a look at the geometry of the vision seen at death- both from myth (Dante) and research (Kluver). Then a look at how death is measured electrically (GDV) - compared to religious ideas (Tibetan book of the Dead). THEN - the reason the coherent biologic charge field has the possibility of surviving death - (measureably)- namely: IMPLOSIVE COMPRESSION in DNA. Looking at the path charge follows into DNA - we see FRACTAL SELF SIMILARITY. This means - that compression by Golden Ratio embedding can be turned into ACCELERATION (gravity making)- in the Blood... when the blood is ignited with charge (BLISS)! Animating this charge path geometrically - we see LITERALLY -THE BEST ANIMATION OF THE HOLY GRAIL EVER SEEN!!!! Not only that it is REAL PHYSICS!... If ever there was a solution to the DaVinci code's HOLY GRAIL IN BLOOD - this is it... see: www.goldenmean.info/realgrail
for more:
Partie en francais:
..... CASPER.......
casper march -26 -09         p.m.
WENDY, please ask Fourwinds to post this Q&A. Thanks,  casper
Mr. Casper,
It is evident that the insights we tried to clarify back on Feb. 16th regarding "who really can enforce the deliveries" is the identical path of the past 2 decades. It is so hard to believe that all the info stating all this is above obama and he is just a puppet, etc., is pure nonsense. The contradiction of terms is evident in every report.
Since he stops the deliveries, it follows logic that he controls deliveries. And , since he refuses to allow them and demanded the World Court all program funds go to him (wherever) it appears they will never occur and the programs we all participated in for hope of a better future and the posterity of children, grand children, etc.
are probably non-existent at this point.
The best question that no one is answering is, what is the probability this funding will ever take place? Given the history, the powers involved, the  amount of $ (supposedly) , it has become a nebulous journey of jerking the aspirations of many people. And, as we know with all the ponzi specialists out there who are totality oblivious to family pain, loss, discouragement, and financial ruin
what do we really have? I propose a very forthright and truthful exposure to the true "truth". The longevity of disappointment is past, we praise "truth" to prevail even if it means there is slim to zero probability this 'settlement/delivery' will ever happen.
 At the very least we then can cope with loss of years of expectation and formulate an alternative of accepting disaster A or B.    :
Dear Gary,
Fortunately for us we receive very few letters like yours and respond to exactly None of Them.
Your letter, along with Bellringers Nesara Update yesterday, got me to thinking about whether I/WE/casper sometimes stray to far from the main subject causing confusion for inconsistent readers. I really don't see how that's possible as we deal with the main subject in every update,
but upon reflection I realized that some people may not read financial stuff easily, or read at all (liberals) or may simply be to lazy to read or may not care anything about the theft of our country by a bunch of two bit hoodlums in three piece suits. But on second thought I realized there may be some people who work three jobs , come home dog tired, have time for only a quick peek at the computer and only want to know whether we are still alive or did we (the programs) get whacked today.
You asked for the "true truth" as if it is not provided to you four or five times a week. Do you think WE are lying to you? Do you not read the updates? You, or someone with a similar mindset asked STORY, as related by him in his update of today, will this ever pay? He responded that he knows the answer but won't tell. WE have never done that.
For years we have told you that the funding is inevitable, that they can stall but they can't stop it. WE have explained this a thousand times with the only caveat ever being another 9-11 or world war. AND, we have said time and again if the wheels should ever come off our wagon WE will come right here and say so. Do you not read the updates? Without doing so how do you expect to ask a question not answered a dozen times publicly before you asked it?
Perhaps you are confusing the blow by blow of the battleground, being reported from the battleground, with the loss of the war or defeat of the funding and other equally important outcomes? **Its a left to the nose by ALI, another left and another, A BIG A BIG RIGHT HAND TO THE HEAD BY ALI, FRAZIER IS STAGGERED, he bounces off the ropes, FRAZIER NAILS ALI WITH A THUNDEROUS LEFT HOOK, ALI IS DOWN, ALI IS DOWN". ** 
Tell me Gary, who won the fight? You don't even know what round it is do you?
There is a consistency in the updates as they have for many years tracked, blow by blow, the WAR of which our funding is a part. WE can't change our method of reporting because
a few people don't read, won't read or can't read or can't understand.  
Readers not mentally or emotionally equipped to handle "fight night" which has become "fight decade" should not read. Should everyone else be deprived of updates because a few don't like the content or the presentation or the biases?
Gary, USE YOUR BRAIN.  Can't you see that if our side was not as strong as their side we would have been whacked long ago (the programs I mean)? Do you think the do-ers of the deal and the reporters of the deal would be chasing rainbows for a decade      if we didn't "know"?
This should have been over long ago, many years ago. No one could foresee the level of corruption or the utterly evil nature of the adversary's. Or the extremes to which they would go to preserve themselves in power. It didn't have to be this way (force). "They" made any other way impossible so it has taken longer and we are all much older. Is it over now? I don't know. What is today's true truth? Well, as near as WE can determine
 it is what we told you it is in today's update, and yesterdays and the day before.
WE believe deliveries will be tomorrow. Seriously. But we can't guarantee that. Who knows what the most corrupt people on the planet (Wash. D.C.) will do overnight.
 If its not tomorrow we will be here, Lord willing, to tell you what happened.
             casper   3-26-09  p.m.
casper 3-27-09
Deliveries will not be today but appear VERY promising for tomorrow.
Upon further reflection I would like to carry last evenings Q&A with Gary 
a bit further.
Reading this morning what I wrote last night    I realized that our reporting has "blank spots" in it and it is unfair to think casual readers should be able to "fill in the blanks". The reason for blank spots is, on occasion, that WE simply don't have the answer needed at a particular moment. More often it is because we can't betray confidences so we write with knowledge of some things you can't read because of the necessity of insufficient explanation.
 An example of this would be recent references to the "families" in CHINA and World Court activities and Debts due and problems arising with particular CHINA parties but not others. Only recently have we mentioned these matters at all then did so with little or no explanation. That's because we can't or because detailed explanation has the potential to delay deliveries, so we try to give the bottom line while avoiding sensitive details. You might ask yourself how we know about these things, who might our "Asian Contacts" be?
Also, it occurred to me this morning that a great deal of time is spent explaining what the bad guys are doing, how corrupt they are without providing the offset of what the good guys are doing to overcome them. Again this is often of necessity but providing the bottom line, in other words current delivery expectations,
is our attempt to answer the most vital question without compromising detail.
Also, we assume, because we have described it so often, that aware readers are always mentally in touch with the bigger picture of which the funding is just one part, I refer to the banking changes, the demise of the Fed, IRS, metals backed currency, return to the Constitution, etc.. The fact that we don't mention these things in every single update    does not mean they have gone away or been lost.
What I am trying to say is that WE say what we can and withhold that which we must. And to ask you to realize that WE are attempting to act in everyone's best interest as we do so. And to suggest that the information necessary to your almost complete understanding of the big picture is available to you in the previous messages of the many messengers.
If you lose sight of the ball what with the daily Flim Flam discussions and all,
go back and read the messengerSS previous messages. (( http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/nesara/news/  or http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/nesara/ ))
               casper   3-27-09
cstory@worldreports.org, richard.latendresse@tva.ca, sott@signs-of-the-times.org, bellringer@fourwinds10.com, info@palestinechronicle.com, info@archipelagopr.co.uk, c.asselin@noos.fr, medias@amecq.ca, editor@medialens.org, jacqueline_czernin@cbc.ca, nenki@conspiration.cc, glennufo@videotron.ca, coulissesdupouvoir@radio-canada.ca, ilvayavoirdusport@telequebec.tv, alternatives@alternatives.ca, lapagenoire@propagande.org, turcotterob@hotmail.com, commun@incapabledesetaire.com, Ken6@Ken-Welch.Com, sorchafaal@fastmail.fm, mcote33@gmail.com, alcuin@btinternet.com