Friday morning DODD & others called
for Nationalization of the banks.
Friday afternoon GEITHNER and OBAMA's
press Secretary said "ain't gonna do it".
Monday they said they will
increase Government ownership of CITI to 40% which is a
continuation of incremental Nationalization.
Saying one thing and doing another is
already the hallmark of the OBAMA administration as it
is occurring
over and over again on an array of subjects.
After the packs again moved Saturday
p.m. as reported here deliveries were scheduled to begin at 1
Sunday. Multiple confirmations say OBAMA stopped the intended
deliveries at 11 a.m. Sunday morning.
Up to this point WE are quite
sure our
intell is correct. Many sources say the deliveries were stopped at the
request of others who supposedly said they were not ready for
us yet,
therefore deliveries would be delayed till Tuesday. If they were
ready why were the packs out for delivery? It smelled fishy on its face
but what the heck,
like you we would rather believe
storyline than the alternative which was and is, simply, OBAMA stopped
deliveries again as he has done several times before.
Now it's Tuesday and already WE
hearing of another delay till Wednesday even though the IMF, when moved
from Tuesday to Wednesday to accommodate our delay until
was once again assured Wednesday was "set in stone" for
Now they will
be moved to
Thursday and this week begins to look exactly like many previous
day by day delays with the same excuses being regurgitated over
over again. It the midst of all this WE continue to hear OBAMA is doing
the blocking, intell which remains at odds with most
sources/messengers. His motivations are unknown except to say he is
surrounded by and controlled by Illuminati.
Statements that "this is above him" as
was said about BUSH avoids the reality of the moment and the FACT that
deliveries are stopped again and again
even when the packs are moving toward
The President speaks to a joint session
of Congress and the American people tonight. It will be interesting to
see whether his speech has anything to do with the delays, doubtful but
possible. There exist substantial disagreement regarding some of
details of what is going on behind the scenes
so we will again
avoid explaining the various storylines just as WE avoided the
paperwork revisions and do-over signatures of SARKOZY and OBAMA
as we try to act in all of our
best interest which sometimes requires silence.
The announced "stress test" the banks
are undergoing right now may very well have something to do with Basel
II & III requirements. With no source of new capital available
other than Government (taxpayer) funds and the common knowledge they
are insolvent, the "stress test" may be to provide cover and
explanation for the next step in recapitalization which might be
announced by OBAMA tonight
or by GEITHNER when he finally
his long promised and continually delayed presentation of this leg
their three legged stool.
Whoever says whatever, they are going
to take the toxic assets and lay them off on the taxpayers which is
and socializes the debt
while the criminals keep the good
assets and the profits if any
while the Congress sits there sucking
their thumbs allowing it to happen.
WE THE PEOPLE are catching onto their
scams and the natives are restless.
WE remain convinced deliveries are
imminent and as is sometimes the case, some of the reasons for our
confidence in this view are best left unmentioned
Hal Turner projects a one-way street of gloom and doom
with no alternatives. I remind you that Creator God Aton, too, has a
Plan that most people do not see. He has said that Martial Law will not
be allowed in the United States of America. How can this be, given Hal
Turner’s Scenario?
Because the bankers and politicians have absolutely
refused to give up, and have blocked delivery of the Prosperity Program
and Farm Claims, we are being carried to the very edge of the abyss. By Barack Obama’s order this process was again stopped on
Sunday, February 22, 2009.
In these next few days watch what happens.
Tuesday, Obama is to announce the nationalizing of some
banks. The U.S. Government will then own your money, IRA’s, etc.
This will make people angry, more angry than they are
already. Maybe most of the banks will be put under government control.
There will be unrest, maybe rioting in some cities, so that Obama will
decide to declare martial law.
At that point Obama will inform the
military of his plans, and they will not support him, but do a military
coup, allowing for the announcement of NESARA, removal of the heads of
state, Congress, U.S. Supreme Court, etc. This will be followed by the
deliveries and funding of these programs. Alex Jones’ “End Game” will
be stopped short of martial law and the concentration camps.
This is the “Plan” I see happening. Pray with me that it
is so! You would be wise to have some food and cash on hand for this
week at least. Do that immediately, but be calm, knowing the Creator
God is still in charge of the “show”.
Hatonn, Sananda, Germain and all the Star People and
Lightworkers did not come all this way to be defeated. This is the
birthing of Truth and Light.
as this email copy does not
contain the links embedded in the original report.]
February 24 2009
US Orders Project ENDGAME
To Begin, 775,000 Americans
Targeted For Arrest
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A stunning Russian Foreign Ministry report is stating today that the
President Obama has secretly ordered the ‘immediate’ opening of
America’s vast gulag of concentration camps, built since 2001 and
estimated able to hold a further 1 million of their citizens,
which is aside from the 2.3 million currently imprisoned in what
has become the
World’s largest Prison Nation in all of history, in what they are
calling Project ENDGAME.
These reports say that President Obama’s administration is being driven
by the ‘outright fear’ over what they say will be an ‘explosion’ of
massive social upheaval this coming summer due to their Nations economic
collapse which has nearly totally destroyed their ability to maintain
their food stocks as tens of thousands of US farmers have had to resort
to the mass slaughter of their bird flocks, swine and cattle herds they
are unable to
due to their not being able to gain access to their
much needed Farm Operating Loans they survive on until their crops come
in and their flocks and herds are ready for market.
The American farmers being cut off from these operating loans is eerily
reminiscent of the 1930’s Great Depression which likewise saw the total
collapse of the United States being able to feed itself and which
Russian historian Boris Borisov has estimated killed over 10 million
It is important to note that Dr. Borisov’s seminal research on the
massive numbers of Americans killed during their Great Depression is
still banned from being published in the United States
though the figures supporting his claims come from the US’s
own government compiled
statistics, and as we can read as reported by the
Russia Today News Service:
“As I was doing comparative research of the American Great Depression in
the 1930s, and the Great Depression of the 1990s in Russia,
I grew interested in the social dimension of the tragedy. It
was logical that I
looked up official American documents and found out that the
discrepancies were so obvious that any independent researcher would not
but have doubt about the official U.S. statistic data.
All appears to be rather interesting. I will come to that
The U.S. Congress added fuel to the fire by adopting resolutions nearly
every year blaming the Soviet government for alleged staged famine in
the 1930s in Ukraine. The first resolution came in 1988, 50 years after
the events described.
The current members of Congress wonder about the
following, and I quote, “people in the government were aware of what was
going on, but did not do anything to help the starving”.
At that very period of 1930s, the wealthy city of New York saw
kilometre-long lines of people for free soup. There were no queues on
the city’s main streets though, but not because there were no hungry
but because most of the cities did not have any money – they were
just bankrupt.
So, I became curious about that and carried out some research that
brought about interesting results.
Seven and a half million people does not mean the number of particular
victims of the famine, but a general demographic loss, or the difference
between the supposed population on the date of the census that was due
to be held in 1940 and the factual number of people. In reality, the
total demographic loss is bigger. The fact is not contested by anyone.
The figure is more than ten million people.”
To the vast gulag of new concentration camps built for those American
citizens targeted by their government of ‘immediate’ arrest
we can
further read as reported by the San Francisco Chronicle News Service:
“Since 9/11, and seemingly without the notice of most Americans, the
federal government has assumed the authority to institute martial law,
arrest a wide swath of dissidents (citizen and noncitizen alike), and
detain people without legal or constitutional recourse in the event of
“an emergency influx of immigrants in the U.S., or to support the rapid
development of new programs.”
“Beginning in 1999, the government has entered into a series of
single-bid contracts with Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root
(KBR) to build detention camps at undisclosed locations within the
United States. The government has also contracted with several companies
to build thousands of railcars, some reportedly equipped with shackles,
ostensibly to transport detainees.
According to diplomat and author Peter Dale Scott, the KBR contract is
part of a Homeland Security plan titled ENDGAME, which sets as its goal
the removal of "all removable aliens" and "potential terrorists."
Fraud-busters such as Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Los Angeles, have complained
about these contracts, saying that more taxpayer dollars should not go
to taxpayer-gouging Halliburton.
But the real question is: What kind of "new programs"
require the
construction and refurbishment of detention facilities in nearly every
state of the union with the capacity to house perhaps millions of
Sect. 1042 of the 2007 National Defense
Authorization Act (NDAA), "Use
of the Armed Forces in Major Public Emergencies," gives the executive
the power to invoke martial law. For the first time in more than a
century, the president is now authorized to use the military in response
to "a natural disaster, a disease outbreak, a terrorist attack or any
other condition in which the President determines that domestic violence
has occurred to the extent that state officials cannot maintain public
The Military Commissions Act of 2006, rammed through Congress just
before the 2006 midterm elections, allows for the indefinite
imprisonment of anyone who donates money to a charity that turns up on a
list of "terrorist" organizations, or who speaks out against the
government's policies. The law calls for secret trials for citizens and
noncitizens alike.
Also in 2007, the White House quietly issued National Security
Presidential Directive 51 (NSPD-51), to ensure "continuity of
government" in the event of what the document vaguely calls a
"catastrophic emergency." Should the president determine that such an
emergency has occurred, he and he alone is empowered to do whatever he
deems necessary to ensure "continuity of government." This could include
everything from canceling elections to suspending the Constitution to
launching a nuclear attack. Congress has yet to hold a single hearing
on NSPD-51.
U.S. Rep. Jane Harman, D-Venice (Los Angeles County) has come up with a
new way to expand the domestic "war on terror." Her Violent
Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 (HR1955),
passed the House by the lopsided vote of 404-6, would set up a
commission to "examine and report upon the facts and causes" of
so-called violent radicalism and extremist ideology, then make
legislative recommendations on combatting it.
According to commentary in the Baltimore Sun, Rep. Harman and her
from both sides of the aisle believe the country faces a native brand
of terrorism, and needs a commission with sweeping investigative power
to combat it.
A clue as to where Harman's commission might be aiming is the Animal
Enterprise Terrorism Act, a law that labels those who "engage in
sit-ins, civil disobedience, trespass, or any other crime in the name of
animal rights" as terrorists. Other groups in the crosshairs could be
anti-abortion protesters, anti-tax agitators, immigration activists,
environmentalists, peace demonstrators, Second Amendment rights
supporters ... the list goes on and on. According to author Naomi Wolf,
the National
Counterterrorism Center holds the names of roughly 775,000
"terror suspects" with the number increasing by 20,000 per
Reports from the United States are also reporting that for the first
time since their Civil War, US Troops are being trained to take over
whole villages and towns to capture and arrest anyone they deem a
threat, and as we can read of one such US Military Unit in Iowa:
“The Carroll National Guard unit will train on urban military operations
by holding a four-day exercise at Arcadia. The purpose of the April 2-5
will be to gather intelligence, then search for and apprehend a
suspected weapons dealer, according to Sgt. Mike Kots, readiness NCO
for Alpha Company.
Citizens, law enforcement,
media and other supporters will participate.
Troops will spend Thursday, April 2, staging at a forward operations
at Carroll. The next day company leaders will conduct reconnaissance
and begin patrolling the streets of Arcadia to identify possible
locations of the weapons dealer.
The primary phase will be done Saturday, April 4, when convoys will be
deployed from Carroll to Arcadia. Pictures of the arms dealer will be
shown in Arcadia, and soldiers will go door to door asking if residents
have seen the suspect.
Soldiers will knock only at households that have agreed to participate
in the drill, Kots noted.
“Once credible intelligence has been gathered," said Kots, "portions of
the town will be road-blocked and more in-depth searches of homes and
vehicles will be conducted in accordance with the residents' wishes.
“One of the techniques we use in today's
political environment is cordon
and knock," Kots explained. "We ask for the head of the household, get
permission to search, then have them open doors and cupboards. The
homeowner maintains control. We peer over their shoulder, and the
soldier uses the homeowner's body language and position to protect him."
During this phase of the operation, troops
will interact with residents
and media while implementing crowd-control measures and possibly
treating and evacuating injured persons. The unit will use a Blackhawk
helicopter for overhead command and control, and to simulate medevacs.
The drill will culminate in the apprehension of the suspected arms
The sheer Orwellian aspect of US Military Officials and US Propaganda
Media Organs using their own citizens to assist in the apprehension of
their family, friends and neighbors labeled as ‘enemies of the state’
are too chilling to comprehend, but become downright frightening
when coupled with the news that the US Government is now moving to
cut off
access to all of their citizens to the ammunition they
would need to
defend themselves against these fascist barbarians.
Virtually unknown to the masses of gun
owning Americans is that their
fears of having their government confiscate their guns was never the
greatest one to have, but to the taking away all of these peoples access
to the ammunition needed for their guns is what the ‘master plan’ for
subjugating them has always
been, and
as we can read:
“It looks like those who said the Obama Administration would strike
while the iron is hot may have been correct, and the Administration may
be doing it in a way that does not require them to even get a vote in
In this morning's edition of the Shooting Wire, Jim Shepherd
writes that Canadian officials have it on "good authority" our State
Department may be on the verge of cutting off all imports of certain
calibers of ammunition.
Ammos listed for this rumored ban include the .50BMG, 7.62x39mm Soviet,
7.62x51mm NATO, .308 Winchester, 5.56 NATO and .223 Remington.
we're hearing that an expansion of this proposed ban might be broadened
to include the 6.8mm SPC, 9mm Parabellum, .40 S&W, and .45 ACP-
among others.”
Most astounding of all of these events is that the vast majority of
Americans still look upon their new President Obama as being different
from their former President Bush, but as each day goes by the evidence
clearly shows he is nothing more than the figurehead put into place to
enact the final ENDGAME leading to the final destruction of the United
From Bush’s War on
Terror which he is continuing, to Bush’s tax cuts to
the wealthy elite he is continuing, to his backing of Bush’s torture
policies, to his attempts to kill the case against seeking to find the
millions of lost Bush emails, to his attempts to maintain Bush’s secrecy
on spying and torture of US citizens, and so much more,
President Obama is marching in virtual lockstep with his
predecessor virtually ignored
by the masses of Americans soon to be destroyed by what they refuse to
see and defend themselves against.
To what is going to become of these once great American people we need
look no further than the words of the British champion of social justice
George Orwell, who in his prophetic work “1984” stated:
“The ideal set up by the Party was something huge, terrible, and
glittering—a world of steel and concrete, of monstrous machines and
terrifying weapons—a nation of warriors and fanatics, marching forward
in perfect unity, all thinking the same thoughts and shouting the same
slogans, perpetually working, fighting, triumphing, persecuting—three
hundred million people all with the same face.”
How terrifying it is for those Americans not having the ‘same face’ as
their mindless fellow citizens we know all too
well as we have seen them
before in the gulags of Nazi Germany and Communist Russia, the Killing
Fields of Cambodia and now soon to be….in the United States.
It may seem blindingly obvious, but I'm going to say it anyway as
we often seem to forget, that clear communication is essential to
mutual understanding. Without a common understanding of what we say to
each other we find ourselves adrift in Babel-land. The risks to us all
from a lack of common understanding cannot be overstated.
the midst of the deluge of bailouts, rescues and stimulus packages
there is no clear communication as to just why these measures are being
taken and how they are meant to improve the lives of ordinary people.
It is abundantly clear that this is deliberate.
If we, the normal people of the planet, were to gain a common
understanding of what is really happening, we would decide that we
don't approve, we would agree on exactly why we don't approve and we
would likely agree on what we wish to see happen instead.
Those that control our world know this so they ensure that
common understanding is reached; they need the confusion. In fact, they
create the confusion.
They do this because should enough
people truly understand the reality of what is happening on this planet
a critical mass might be reached such that collectively we decide that
we will no longer tolerate the world being the way it is
and, more importantly, we would have a common direction to
get out of the mess.
order to ensure that we do not develop this common direction the
controllers, or as Douglas Reed called them, the Managers, continuously
ensure that we are in a state of confusion. The pre-requisite
to achieving this confusion is that we be kept in a state of constant
mutual fear wherein we see "others" as threatening to us
whether to our property, our social status, our position at
our position in our community, our economic position and even to our
very survival ....
most people in the so called "free" countries of the
western world our fear is typically of each other and of foreigners,
whether immigrant or "terrorist",
but this has been changing as we have become increasingly aware of
the awesome power of the state as it manifests its brutality against
our protests, as it whittles away our "freedoms" and commits our
nations to criminal and immoral wars and theft.
In order to amass greater power for itself the state has
manipulated people's fears under the guise of the "war-on-terror", the
"war-on-drugs", immigration and economic
Overlaying the fear is a constant barrage of conflicting information,
misinformation and disinformation constructed so as to ensure that no
clear picture of reality can be discerned. In a
nutshell, the state has used the technique of mass Transmarginal Inhibition to render the bulk
of people passive, apathetic, submissive and confused.
People who are perpetually confused are impotent and
incapable of coherent collective action. The tactic has always been to
divide and conquer.
There is a struggle taking place
which will determine the future of this planet and the people on it.
Arrayed against normal people is a pathological
system dominated by
psychopaths of all races, creeds and colours. These psychopaths have no
purpose that normal people can properly comprehend, for their purpose
is power; power for its own sake. They seek no strategic political or
economic goal, there is no specific land they covet or a level of
wealth which they seek, for there is not enough land nor enough wealth
to satisfy them. ...........
Neither is there a limit to the suffering they will cause for they
seem to revel in bloodbaths, in torture and starvation. They seek
infinite control, no bargain nor parlay can assuage them, there is no
treaty that can halt their rapacious advance nor law that can limit
them. All the institutions of our world, our governments,
corporations and religions reflect the pathology of the psychopath.
We have grown up and bring our children up in a world dominated by this
pathology and these beings.
Yet the psychopath has a fundamental weakness, like any stalking
predator in the wild that depends on concealment to eat: they
have an overwhelming fear of exposure.
It is this innate fear of exposure that dominates much of what they do
and explains the immense fear and confusion that we are kept in. The
fear and confusion of the world is the deliberate ploy of the
psychopaths to avoid discovery.
We cannot fight the
psychopaths and the diseased system they have created with weapons of
war for they control the greatest war machines the world has ever
known; we cannot succeed by any means other than through a simple and
all powerful revolution, a revolution of truth. For truth
reveals the lie and the psychopath withers in the light of truth.
truth, as famously stated by St Paul, will also set us free. It will
set us free from fear and confusion, because the truth has no
political, religious or any other affiliation, it stands on it own. But
finding the truth is no easy task, for it remains hidden behind veil
after veil. Our task therefore is to strip away every veil without
pity; especially without pity for ourselves and the warm fuzzy
religious and philosophical lies we have used as wool over our eyes.
Money and the economy are mere tools for the attaining of power so
that everything we observe in the field of economics and money is
simply part of the perpetual garnering of power. Yet we have to
understand that the system, the Matrix, is not something that we will
one day suddenly find and be able to point to and say "see, there it
is", for it surrounds us; all we see are at best mere reflections of
what is happening at levels which we cannot penetrate.
With this
in mind, let us return to the matter of confusion. It seems to us that
the immense confusion surrounding the economic crisis is a key to
perceiving the Matrix. It seems to us that those that run the world,
the Managers, are relying on this confusion to ensure that we take a
particular path which is to their advantage. We think that the path
they are sending us down is one of near total economic collapse
resulting in the breakdown of the existing social order and the
imposition of overt military dictatorship. That is the obvious end
result of what they are doing and thus is their intent. ....
It is obvious that in the US and the UK
those that control the military, police and intelligence apparatus are
seeking widespread conflict. They are simply preparing
the popular mind for the violence that they themselves plan to unleash
upon us. This violence will be used to justify dictatorship,
civil repression, mass arrests and incarceration without trial. ....
Soon we will have 'labour direction' as the economy crumbles in
ruins and labouring for the state or via the state for the global
corporations will become a necessity in the face of starvation. In due
course, with the breakdown in global trade and social structure there
will no doubt be 'bread rationing' of some sort. Whether it will truly
be rationing or rather the simple expedient of starvation of those that
do not bow down before the might of the US and Israeli empire.
The Managers have engineered this crisis, its form, scope and
magnitude such that there is nothing that our governments could do,
within the constraints imposed upon them, even if they had the vision
and understanding to comprehend the trap we are all in.
banking crisis has been expertly engineered through the transformation
of banking into a high risk greed driven casino supported by the
manipulated absence of regulation and excess of money supply.
The nature of the banking system is such that it would inevitably lead
to the debt driven asset price bubble that has made prisoners of debt
out of millions and slaves out of billions. Years of banking merger
upon banking merger resulted in a small number of banks coming to
dominate the globe with the inevitable result that the very existence
of the entire system now rests upon their shoulders.
Yet these banks were deliberately allowed to be run in a cavalier and
immoral fashion with precious little proper oversight.
Similarly, the world has become dominated by a small number
global corporations that control our access to energy, food, and the
other essentials, and non-essentials, of life. Our political systems
have become hostage to the interests of these banking and corporate
empires, our governments so dominated by them that the US government
has been referred to as "Government Sachs", a reference to the number
of positions in the US government held by Goldman Sachs people.
national governments are now simply puppets of the banks and
corporations that dominate the globe who are in turn the puppets of the
hidden Managers, their rule imposed through military might and the
police state.
This was all a trap, designed to lead to exactly this situation from
which there is no apparent escape.
Our political leaders, our civil servants, our leading bankers and
corporate managers are all the products of a system that has provided
them with a framework of reality which is false, limited and engineered
such that the psychopathic rise to the top and the non-psychopathic
become so hopelessly infected that they might as well be
Their beliefs about the world are so diseased
that they justify to themselves the rape and destruction of entire
peoples and nations and will justify to themselves the repression and
destruction of their own people. Yet it is to these people that we are
told we must defer in leading us out of the mess that they have
created. .......
They establish environments in which psychopaths will flourish and
in which the weaknesses of normal people such as greed and avarice will
become dominant. The free market capitalist system is just such an
environment; an environment easily manipulated by the Managers to
create whatever result they wish. ...
Each piece on the chessboard is there for a
political leaders have been chosen for their traits whether it is
Obama's apparent charisma in contrast to Bush, Brown's surliness or
Sarkozy's limitless arrogance. The banks have been set up to fail and
then seek public money to the inevitable disgust and anger of the
masses. The war machines have been battle hardened, the military and
police personnel conditioned in the "war-on-terror, there's a terrorist
in every person" mentality, the people bred fearful and confused.
The mass of people have been reduced to an ignorant and
confused rabble, easily directed, manipulated into violence or
submission exactly as they Managers wish. At no time can the
Managers be identified for they are never on the chessboard.
For many the idea that our entire world is a giant chessboard is too
These people fall back on the illusions of the Matrix always
seeking a more comfortable, a more reassuring explanation. ....
We are being driven towards economic apocalypse, societal collapse
and totalitarian dictatorship; it is as simple as that.
Denial makes victims, facing reality makes the people of the
"In A Nutshell . . . " //
comment By: shellycheval
Thank you Simon for providing a simple, direct and clear message
on the nature of our reality. One that is not easy to accept, but
necessary to understand--it is a good example of "tough love."
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is increasingly
appearing like a dysfunctional fire station - it's become an agency
designed to put out fires triggered by the heat of nuclear
proliferation, and yet can't help but ignite a few flare-ups along the
The recent
handling of Iran's nuclear issue has
been such a brushfire for the United Nations' watchdog. The latest
report by director general Mohammad ElBaradei has instigated a media
furor over the disclosure that the IAEA had previously underestimated
the volume of enriched uranium at Iran's nuclear facilities by some 30%.
Iran is in the mood for compromise. This
stance is reflected in the IAEA report that Iran has de-accelerated its
enrichment-related activities as a gesture to the Obama administration.
This important information should have had the upper spot in the
Western media's stories on the IAEA report. Yet only the Washington
Post saw fit to highlight this angle in the headline of one of
its news articles on Iran.
after learning of the IAEA's important clarification - which in essence
exonerates Iran of any nuclear foul play - the rest of the Western
media will follow suit. Comment: Unfortunately, this is
unlikely to happen.
Those that pull the strings in Washington and Tel Aviv have been
working very hard on vilifying Iran in order to deem acceptable their
nefarious plans, spreading lies and propaganda for years now.
Kaveh L Afrasiabi,
PhD, is the author of After Khomeini: New Directions in Iran's
Foreign Policy (Westview Press) . For his Wikipedia entry, click here. His latest book, Reading In Iran Foreign Policy After September 11
(BookSurge Publishing , October 23, 2008) is now available.
Copyright 2009 Asia
Times Online (Holdings) Ltd. All rights reserved.
it's now inflamed by declining imperial power, genuine economic crises,
an exotic Other occupying the White House, and potent technology
harnessed by right-wing corporations such as Fox News to broadcast and
disseminate it widely and continuously. At the very least, it's worth
taking note of. And I wonder what would happen if MSNBC broadcast a
similar discussion of leftists plotting and planning the imminent,
violent Socialist Revolution against the U.S. Government.
Glenn Beck: The End is Nigh . . . .
it irresponsible for Fox News to be airing this over the top, creepy
alarmist stuff during a financial crisis? Well, yeah, I think so.
If someone like that -- like this
-- thinks that Fox News is being irresponsibly, even dangerously,
inflammatory, then that's a pretty compelling sign of how far over the
line they actually are.
Comment: This is nothing short of the 'religious
arm' of the 'Shock Doctrine'
as described by Naomi Klein, in which a population is railroaded with
invasive cultural and/or economic measures of control and
dispossession, especially designed to fatally undermine the indigenous
social structure, during times of widespread national trauma when a
nation is unprepared to defend itself.
Observers are following the rhetoric and
watching as events unfold. In the meantime, jockeying and deal-making
continue as Netanyahu and Livni try outmaneuvering each other to form a
new government. Whoever wins, Palestinians,
Israelis, and most others will be losers.
February 19, AP reported that Lieberman endorsed Netanyahu, "all but
guaranteeing that (he'll) be the country's next leader." Haaretz
went further saying that "65 MKs announced (for) Netanyahu (so) it
appears that his path to the premiership is (now) paved." Livni called
it "the foundation....for an extreme right-wing government." Lieberman
wants Kadima in it. Likud said it would try to forge a broad coalition,
and Peres may shortly announce Netanyahu will lead it.
Comment: And so it is. ...:
20, 2009 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/ --
As traditional Jews observe the political
maneuvers of Israel's purported "religious" right-wing parties in
recent elections, there is growing concern that these groups are
gravely misleading the international community in its perception of
Judaism and the Torah. Claiming to represent Judaism, these
"religious" parties manipulate the Torah's values to suit their own
political goals, giving the uninformed individual the impression that
the Torah is politically extreme and against peace.
uncontestable truth is that the Torah strongly advocates for peace. The
Torah absolutely forbids Jews from waging war against non-Jews; in
fact, Jews were avowed by God not to revolt against any nation or
people. The Jewish set of laws commands that Jews be law-abiding
citizens in whichever country they choose to take up residence. And for
close to two thousand years - ever since the destruction of the holy
Temple in Jerusalem - this has been a basic principle for all observant
Jews. ...
In blatant contrast, Zionist ideology is
directly opposed to the Torah. Zionism was deviously designed by its
founders to replace the Torah and its holy, God-given commandments with
nationalistic, power-driven ideals that are devoid of holiness,
godliness, or spirituality. Zionism and the Israeli state have
consistently endeavored, via persuasion and coercion, to replace the
Divine and Torah-inspired understanding of our people with one of armed
At the time of its founding by Theodor
Herzl, Zionism was rejected by every God-fearing Jew. Respected Jewish
authorities everywhere consistently warned their constituents against
associating with the Zionist movement in any manner.
It was
clear to every observant Jew that the Zionist movement was deviant sect
designed to steer Jews away from the Torah, no different from the other
heretical sects that existed for brief periods of time throughout
Jewish history.
Tragically, with the passing of
time, the Zionist movement succeeded in ensnaring certain religious
rabbis into their trap. Perhaps these individuals were shortsighted and
did not comprehend the true motives of the Zionist founders, or maybe
they were motivated by the perceived rewards of ultimate power, wealth,
or fame. In any event, as they spiraled downward into and under the
Zionist quicksand, a brand-new and strange concept was formed: the
"Nationalistic Religious Movement." These rabbis - better yet, these
politicians- convinced the uninformed Jewish masses to support and join
this new-fangled movement. "To combine the greatest of contradictions -
the Jewish faith and the holy Torah with nationalistic ideals that are
devoid of holiness and designed to replace the Torah - is the
epitome of hypocrisy and confusion. Imagine if a Jew would
make sure that his pork [forbidden meat] was slaughtered, and koshered
- this is Religious Nationalism," said Rabbi Hersh Lowenthal.
These politicians are exploiting the Torah
for the sake of nationalism. For example, they continually misinterpret
Biblical verses to "prove" that the Torah forbids the relinquishing of
territory. How deceitful to use verses that apply to the times of the
holy Temple to our current age, when Jews are in exile by decree of
God, and are in fact avowed by God not to create a Jewish government
with a Jewish identity prior to the Divine Redemption. How devious - in
particular - to apply Biblical verses to a secular country whose
leaders are non-believers and outspoken enemies of the true Jewish
..(...) . If you wish to follow God and His
holy Torah, then follow Him! And if your goal is to pursue hollow,
secular, nationalistic values - pursue them. Don't attempt to combine
these inherently contradicting ideals and, as a result, confuse the
public with blatant lies and falsities.
True Torah Jews (a.k.a. Natruna) is investing
tremendous effort to expose the falsehoods of this new movement to the
Jewish community at large. With God's help, the results are positive
and reassuring as the truth is welcomed by Jews all over the world. In
a massive explanatory campaign in Israel, we implored the public not to
heed the politicians' campaigns; instead, we asked voters to boycott
the elections and thereby demonstrate their staunch separation from any
form of Zionism. .... the final tallies showed that the national
religious parties had in fact lost several seats.
Obviously, the
religious community is now more open-minded as more and more
individuals begin to perceive the insincerity of the politicians: this
is "politics as usual" and has absolutely no association with either
the Torah or Judaism.
The hope is that before long every single
Torah-observant Jew will abandon this movement and the entire world
will clearly understand that:
The government of the State of
Israel is not associated with either Jews or
Judaism. It
is a Zionist state, not a Jewish State.
In conclusion, True Torah Jews would like to
make it perfectly clear that the "religious parties" that participate
in the government of the State of Israel do not represent traditional
Torah-based Judaism. The true Torah position can be heard and accepted
only from honest rabbinical authorities who are bound only to the Torah
and harbor absolutely no ulterior motives. Every single such authority
is completely opposed to the concept of Zionism in any form or shade,
from the moment it was conceived until the present date.
We hope
this clarifies the difference between Torah based Judaism and the
nationalistic so-called Judaism. We pray that Jews everywhere will come
to understand that ultimate salvation does not originate from the acts
of humans, and will trust in the Divine Redemption which will bring
peace for the entire world. May we merit that great day soon, Amen. Source:
Additional information on the secular
"religion" of Zionism and the Jews opposed to it can be found at
True Torah Jews is dedicated to informing the world and, in particular,
the American public and politicians that not all Jews support the
ideology of the Zionist state called "Israel" which is diametrically
opposite to the teachings of traditional Judaism. We are concerned that
the widespread misconception that all Jews support the Zionist state
and its actions is endangering Jews worldwide.
Posted Feb. 21, 2009 (September 28, 2008) In a recent article of
Dr. Henry Makow’s, Jewish Lobby Has Candidate Removed in Mid Campaign » read more
Arthur Topham Posted Feb. 21,
2009 (September 28, 2008)
In a recent article of Dr. Henry Makow’s, Jewish Lobby Has
Candidate Removed in Mid Campaign
Henry dropped a line into the story indicating that he is also the
subject of an investigation by Canada’s notorious “Human Rights”
Tribunals; one precipitated by the continuous machinations of the
Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC), an organization deeply embedded in
Canada’s various levels of government.
Henry Makow is a Jewish Canadian writer who I first encountered
back in the early days of publishing The Radical circa
1998-99. His numerous articles on
and carried elsewhere on such sites as
are a cumulative, documentary record of the various secret societies
that have permeated Western civilization from at least the time of the
Esoteric societies such as the Cabalists, the Knights Templars,
the Rothschild dynasty, the Illuminati of Adam Weishupt, the
continental Freemasons of Europe and eventually the exoteric body now
recognized as the political Zionists all are represented by Dr. Makow
as proof that
a small, yet inordinately powerful and secret cartel of
conspiring souls has been deliberately controlling global political and
economic outcomes via subterfuge, deceit and endless bloodshed and
destruction; its mainspring for motion gained through an elusive and
exclusive license to manufacture wealth out of the ethers only to then
be sold to the ignorant as the Fractional Reserve banking system.
As Dr. Makow rightly surmised the core grouping consists of mainly
Ashkenazic (non-Semitic) Jews who comprise the body of the Rothschild
banking system which, in turn, dominates and controls what is
euphemistically understood by most television and mainstream media
readers to mean the U.S. Federal Reserve system. This is the same
iniquitous body that has suddenly gained unwanted (but not unwarranted)
public prominence and criticism due to its machinations with respect to
the financial crisis in the USA.
God willing (and the anticipate false flag war with Iran doesn’t
rise like the proverbial creek) the people in the US and Canada and
elsewhere will soon realize that this supposed government bank is
actually a fraudulent entity owned lock, stock and barrel by the
Rothschild syndicate
and has been a private venture since its clandestine creation on
Jekyll Island back in 1910 and its eventual manifestation in 1913.
These are but some of the obvious reasons why Dr. Henry Makow is
also now facing the censorship inquisitors at the Canadian Human Rights
Commission. His case, not unlike that of mine (Harry Abrams and B’nai
Brith Canada vs and others,
will iikely involve more of same attacks upon his character,
reputation and likely his profession as a university professor
by the very same Zionist organizations that are hell-driven to
keep the lid on this boiling cauldron of putrescence that has plagued
mankind throughout the 20th Century and is building to a climax as we
presently view, write and read about it.
I don’t know how many times I’ve written and spoken
these words but they will always bear repeating until the majority of
Canadians realize that organizations such as B’nai Brith Canada (BBC),
the Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC) and the Simon Weisenthal Center
(SWC) are all FALSE FRONTS set up by the Zionists in order to control
Canadian content and thought, be it in newspapers, public venues,
institutions, on radio or television and now, (and most importantly) on
the internet.
They are the watchdogs; the Rotweiilers and Pitbulls of the
Zionist propaganda matrix whose job is to seek out and silence by all
means any person, group or media organization that might expose those
responsible for the endless woes and misery that now plague humankind
as a result of their actual deeds.
Dr. Makow’s
case may be precedent-setting in some
respects for he will likely be the first Jew in Canada to undergo this
Zionist/Bolshevik process of defamation, ridicule, slander, libel and
calumny by these professed Jewish lobbyists, all in the name of
covering up the culprits and the truths that Makow has exposed. (I
cannot, for obvious reasons, include the Jew Ezra Levant in this
scenario. First because he got off the “Human Rights” hook and second
he was not being critical of Zionism nor was he complained of by these
agent provocateurs. If fact he is a self-confessed Zionist).
But Henry is a horse of another
colour. He will be vilified
as a “self-hating Jew”; Bernie Farber, CEO of the Canadian Jewish
Congress will delight in sending him to the gulag via Canada’s Human
Rights Tribunal as a token sacrifice no less than did the Zionists of
the Nazi era who sold out countless of their Jewish brethren to the
Third Reich’s work camps in order to justify their later theft of
Palestinian lands for the establishment of a beachhead (Homeland) in
their relentless quest for global hegemony.
As Henry
points out in his article below former Liberal candidate Leslie Hughes
is the latest victim of these jackals of repression. She wasn’t the
first. In B.C. a former Green Party candidate John Shavluk was removed
by Green leader Ms. May for the same ostensible reason.
Next in line of course is another NDP candidate also in B.C. and
running in the very riding where I reside. Her name is Bev Collins and
she is making her grand appearance on the Fourth Estate’s media stage
as the Zionist-run blogs (fueled by a network of zio-cyber slueths
hiding behind their so-called “Christian” and “conservative” masks) and
Zionist-run press begin their relentless attacks in a desperate attempt
to preserve the Zionist Harper government and its mandate
unequivocal support for the state of Israel.
As I
pointed out in my Sept. 3, 2005 article B’nai Brith: Beating the
anti-Semitic Drum
one of these groups, the B’nai Brith, via their propaganda tool, the
Anti-Defamation League (ADL) founded, not uncoincidentally in the year
1913 (see Fed Reserve above), had by the end of WW2 grown into a
massive pro-Zionist organization with a budget of millions.
As the Minorah Journal, a Jewish publication, stated in
1948, “Fighting anti-semitism has been built up into a big
with annual budgets running into millions of dollars”. Its object was
“to continue beating the anti-semitic drum” in order to raise funds for
the B’nai Brith and through its watchdog the ADL control all public
debate on Zionism. This process has obviously not abated over the past
sixty years and remains a clear and present danger.
Finally, another “self-hating Jew”, the renowned author and critic
Noam Chomsky, Professor of Linguistics, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, once correctly described the B’nai Brith’s ADL in these
words as: “…one of the ugliest, most powerful pressure groups in the
U.S…Its primary commitment is to use any technique, however dishonest
and disgraceful, in order to defame and silence and destroy anybody who
dares to criticize the Holy State (’Israel’).”
Go figure. All in all it makes for an unusually
savory federal election stew with most of the essential ingredients of
the Zionist recipe for world government – unnecessary wars, censorship,
blackmail, phony platforms based on hypocrisy and greed, financial
fickleness and fraudulent foreign policies designed to destroy a once
strong, virile
nation. Not
being prone to prognosis I would,
nonetheless, still venture at this point to state that we will likely
see more candidates exposed as anti-Semites and anti-Zionists and, good
grief Charlie Brown! even anti-American, before this ludicrous election
finally culminates.
Dr. Makow is going to need support, both moral and otherwise in
his stand against the Zionist New World Order gang. He deserves it.
Feb. 23, 2009 You can't mitigate global climate disruption and
support tar sand production at the same time. 'Clean coal' is an
oxymoron, and 'Carbon capture & storage (CCS)' is a technology
which does not yet exist, and is unlikely to make a significant
difference any time soon, if ever. Apparently, this does not
the Obama administration from promoting both of them. So far, Obama's
rhetoric on Canada's tar sands is as empty as BP's 'Beyond Petroleum'
ad campaign, on which it spent millions of dollars while investing $3
billion in Alberta's 'ironically named Sunrise field,' to take part in
'the biggest global warming crime ever seen,' according to MikeHudema,
the climate and energy campaigner for Greenpeace in Canada. » read more
Author's Website:
Author's Bio: Principal
researcher & project manager of the Progressive Strategy Studies
Project at the Commonwealth Institute in Cambridge, MA.
Feb. 23, 2009 Last year, after poisoned dairy products killed six
children, the chairwoman of Sanlu, the most notable producer, was
sentenced to life in prison. Two suppliers were condemned to death.
Feb. 19, 2009 The Economist I am guessing Chinese food producers will
be more careful in the future. » read more (...)
is it going to take to reverse this trend toward the complete disregard
for the living? How many civilians are going to die in the worsening
poverty and desperation before a bottom up stimulus package is enacted
that will help those that need it most. The people without jobs, beds,
food or hope.
homeless person can tell you exactly what they need to survive and
thrive in their communities: a secure room with a bed, storage and
access to a washroom, health care, phone, food. It's not asking for
much. How many million homes are sitting empty?
are our most precious asset, though you would never know it by
listening to the immigration debate, the size of the prison population
or the state of the education system. There are voices of reason and
hope out there, like Ron Paul for example.
one silver lining to this economic fiasco is that when enough middle
class voters join the ranks of the poor (and stop paying taxes) we
might actually achieve political change. The days of pay-for-play
politics are numbered, as are the days of the middle class. Now on with
those war crimes tribunals.
Author's Bio: A fascinating experiment in
living, Gordon has enjoyed a life of wandering, invention and
transformation. Finding people everywhere much nicer and more helpful
in person than they appear on television set him on a quest to create a
world that works for everyone-after many angry years of not belonging.
Projects include: Making the experience of sailing available to
everyone, including the elderly, amputees and even the blind: and
creating massive people's orchestras so everyone can experience the
magic of making music-the experience of cooperation and abundance. A
bright, compassionate guy with a fascinating background.
Feb. 23, 2009 Yes, it's great to have a black face in the White
House. And yes, it's nice to have a bright, well-educated, eloquent
president for a change. But national leaders who are dark-skinned,
bright, well-educated, and eloquent are a dime a dozen. The Third World
is full of them. » read more
But race is an illusion; skin color means no
more than eye color. The delusion that pigmentation has social meaning
is cultivated by the elite as a divide-and-conquer weapon against the
The real third-worldization of America is not
racial, but economic and political. The global banking elite is
destroying our economy with a prefabricated "crisis," just as it has
destroyed so many Third World economies with similar crises--for
details, read Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine. The purpose of the
economic 9/11 and its aftermath is to destroy the middle class, reduce
the vast majority of the population to impoverishment and debt slavery,
and establish a world dictatorship of the financier elite and its
intellectual and technological hired guns. As Brzezinski's boss David
Rockefeller put it, "The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual
elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national
autodetermination practiced in past centuries."
Rather than nationalizing the banks,
imprisoning the thieves who run them, and rebooting a middle-class
economy via monetary reform and an industrial policy, Obama is aiding
and abetting the trillionaire global finance elite as they loot what's
left of America and drive our economy into the ground.
As the third-worldization of America continues,
and formerly middle-class people continue to be booted out of their
jobs and homes, don't bet on Obama maintaining his leftie, peacenik,
pro-civil-liberties facade. When people starve and protests grow,
Obama's bankster puppeteers will try to distract us by escalating the
wars against Afghanistan and Pakistan, and maybe throw in Iran, Russia,
or China for good measure. If that doesn't work, they will convince
Obama to use the dictatorial presidential powers that Bush and Cheney
grabbed after the 9/11 inside job. The day may not be far off when we
look back on the Cheney regime as the good old days when people could
pay their mortgages and buy food, and only Muslims were being
disappeared, tortured, and warehoused in concentration camps.
I hope I'm wrong. But one thing I'm sure of is
that only fools mistake politicians for messiahs. Within a few years,
it's a good bet that Obama will be looking a lot less like a messiah,
and a lot more like just another third world dictator.
Author's Bio: Dr. Kevin Barrett,
of the Muslim-Christian-Jewish Alliance for 9/11 Truth, has
taught English, French, Arabic, American Civilization, Humanities,
African Literature, Folklore, and Islam at colleges and universities in
the San Francisco Bay area, Paris, and Madison, Wisconsin. He grew up
in a family of lapsed Unitarians (which is about as lapsed as it gets)
and reverted to Islam in 1993, a move that gradually impressed upon him
the gravity of the moral choices we make in this life. Barrett’s
dissertation is on Islam and Moroccan legend.
He is also the author and illustrator of
cult classic A Guide to Mysterious San Francisco, published under the
pseudonym of “Dr. Weirde.” (He begs Allah’s forgiveness for that
slightly twisted book.) Barrett became a 9/11 truth activist in 2004
after reading David Griffin’s The New Pearl Harbor and conducting
follow-up research that convinced him Griffin had accurately summarized
evidence indicating 9/11 was an inside job.
In the summer of 2004 he founded
9/11 Truth Squad, a local group based in Madison, Wisconsin. In July,
he rashly rejected a plum post-doc at the University of California
because it was funded by the 9/11-disinformation-sponsoring CIA-linked
Ford Foundation. In the summer of 2006, Republican state legislators
and Fox newscasters demanded that Barrett be fired from his job
teaching an introductory Islam class at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison, but the University refused to buckle, and Barrett
got high marks from his students. Barrett has led several 9/11 Truth
Teach-Ins at the University of Wisconsin, including 9 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Truth Marathon on the third and fourth anniversaries of the attacks.
He has appeared in several documentary
lectures widely on 9/11 and hosts three radio programs on three
different patriot networks:
Feb. 23, 2009 Sherry Byrum, 48, works full time at a day care
centre in Spokane Valley, Washington, earning about $9 an hour. She and
her husband, who is unable to work because of heart surgery, live in a
30-year old mobile home. They get groceries at a local food bank, but
there have been occasions when the couple have gone several days
without eating. “We’ve got to pay our bills,” Byrum says. » read more (...)
the Depression around 2.5 million people lost their homes and were
thrown onto the streets. Today, foreclosures are again forcing people
out of their homes. Americans aren’t that desperate yet, but
could worsen. Since the figures were disclosed, millions more have lost
their jobs and homes, so the number of the hungry and starving is
likely to be higher. The latest figures do not include the
750,000 Americans who are homeless on any given day. Also not counted
are people living on the fringes of American society—in Miami, for
instance, criminals live under highway bridges with the state’s
grudging approval because new laws make it nearly impossible for them
to find housing.
scarier is that as food prices spiral out of control, Americans are not
just competing with each other for food and resources. In the midst of
an economic downturn, keeping in step with a billion Indians and a
billion Chinese in the global marketplace is going to be an extremely
tall order.
Bio: Rakesh K. Simha is a features writer at Fairfax New Zealand. He is
also Consulting Editor at India Empire magazine, which is published
from New Delhi. He has worked at leading magazines and newspapers in
India, including India Today, Businessworld, Hindustan Times, Business
Standard and Financial Express.
Feb. 23, 2009 Dispatches from the Front Lines of Economic Crisis -
by Stephen Lendman The more they do, the worse it gets, and world
headlines confirm it. Recent ones include: -- The New York Times,
February 17: "After Manhattan's Office Boom, a Hard Fall;" --
Washington Post, February 17: "Obama signs $787 billion stimulus bill;
Dow Jones industrial average drops nearly 300 points;" Dow theorist,
Richard Russell, called it "one of the damnedest closes I've ever
seen," within one point of the November 20 low, and added: "I thought
President Obama outlawed torture in the US. Wall Street is not
listening." The next day both the Dow and Transportation averages hit
new bear market lows. » read more
-- take your money out
of "big money-center, tapeworm banks and financial institutions and put
it in local credit unions, thrift institutions, savings banks and state
chartered banks;"
-- control your own
retirement savings in troubled times, and above all:
-- "Bail out of Wall
Street" and "nationalize" the Fed. In other words, drop the fiction
that it's a government agency. Expose its status as a private
for-profit cartel, abolish it, and obey the Constitution's Article I,
Section 8 that gives Congress alone the right to coin (create) money
and regulate its value.
A Final Comment
Today's crisis should
bury the myth about "free-market" fundamentalism as the best of all
possible worlds. History proves otherwise by clearly showing that it
fails the many to advantage the few because it's arranged that way:
-- nearly everywhere
earlier and now.
In 19th century
-- through indigenous
slaughter, slavery, financial panics, child labor, sexism, racism, and
worker exploitation;
In 20th century
-- much the same in
most respects;
-- the 1930s
-- repeated recessions,
inflation, deflation, instability, unemployment, under-employment, and
the erosion of job security, high wages, good benefits, and reliable
-- wealth and want
-- a plutocracy
masquerading as democracy; according to Gore Vidal, most people never
question "the inequality of a system (under which they) drudge along,
pay heavy taxes (and) get nothing (back) in return;"
-- government of, by,
and for the privileged;
-- elections reduced to
theater in a de facto one-party state;
-- a corporate state
placing profits over people;
-- essential needs left
unmet; and
-- imperialism,
militarism, foreign wars, homeland repression, government and business
corruption, a broken media, a prison-industrial gulag, wage slavery,
social decay, growing poverty, inequality, injustice, and racism under
a system where the business of America is business; where never have so
many lost out to the few; where capital is empowered to get more of it;
where it's sucked from the public to the privileged; and where
government is indifferent to human needs, rights and civil liberties.
Enough is enough. Bury
the monster, its crimes, its inhumanity. End its poison and bandit
ideology for egalitarian freedom and equal justice. Marshal collective
defiance for real change. It's high time we got some.
Stephen Lendman is a
Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization. He
lives in Chicago and can be reached at
Also visit his blog
site at and listen to The Global Research News
Hour on Monday through Friday at 10AM US
Central time for cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on
world and national topics. All programs are archived for easy
Author's Bio: I am a 72 year old,
retired, progressive small businessman concerned about all the major
national and world issues, committed to speak out and write about them.
Feb. 23, 2009 On the 25th of May, 2000, the United Nations adopted
and opened for signature, ratification and accession A/Res/54/263:
Optional Protocol on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of
children in conflict.
Among other things, the Protocol
defines children as anyone under 18 years old. It states (Article 6)
that such children should be "-demobilized or otherwise released from
service," and should be accorded "-all appropriate assistance for their
physical and psychological recovery and their social integration." In
other words, child soldiers are not to be held responsible for their
indoctrination, but are to be assisted and rehabilitated. » read more (..)
Harper Government's abandonment of one of its own citizens in crass
obeisance to what it perceives as America's wishes is a craven betrayal
of Canadian values. To have looked the other way while America
tortured, to have given up what was a mere boy to the institutional
terror, cruelty and sadism rampant in places like Bagram
and Guantanamo
is to dishonor Canada, the United Nations and the civilized rule of
law. Perhaps Mr. Harper needs to be reminded that Mr. Bush is gone,
now, and the eight-year nightmare is over, if not the aftermath. He
needs to unpucker--George's sorry backside won't be back. And perhaps
George W. Bush is not the only one who should fear the harsh judgment
of history. Stop the insanity. Bring Omar Khadr home.
Subject: [frameup] David Icke: "Time To
Tell The Truth About Israel"
The religion of the
Rothschilds can end now. Not all of the gold, art, land and IOUs
the world can buy support for this nightmare any longer. The
Rothschilds and their Zionism and their grotesque monster state full of
sociopaths is now declared bankrupt and outlaw by every responsible
citizen of the planet. I support Mr. Icke in his stand and will
behind him.
Feb. 22, 2009 The Canadian Press WINDSOR, Ont. -- Jewish groups
are expressing deep disappointment after delegates at a Canadian Union
of Public Employees conference of university locals voted in favour of
a boycott of Israeli universities. View larger image Protesters
at the CUPE demonstration on Sunday, Feb. 22, 2009. » read more
CUPE Ontario president Sid Ryan speaks to the media on Sunday,
Feb. 22, 2009.
The union will also look into its pension plan to make sure it's
not funding the research and development of weapons.
Ryan says his union's boycott is part of a bigger, worldwide
campaign to boycott Israel with participants in Australia, Ireland and
the United States. He told reporters hundreds of Canadian academics
recently signed an open letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper calling
for some kind of sanction against Israel.
The resolution is not binding and some within the union have
threatened to leave CUPE Ontario if the boycott was passed. Local 1001
and local 1393 at the University of Windsor have both said they would
not support it. ......
Monday 23 February 2009 White phosphorus shells traced back to
America. Activists call for arms embargoes on both sides.
- Detailed evidence has emerged of Israel's extensive use of US-made
weaponry during its war in Gaza last month, including white phosphorus
artillery shells, 500lb bombs and Hellfire missiles. Alleged burning
white phosphorous at the United Nations Relief and Works Agency
warehouse. (Photo: Getty Images) In a report
released today,
Amnesty International detailed the weapons used and called for an
immediate arms embargo on Israel and all Palestinian armed groups.
» read more
Sunday 22 February 2009 Washington - The time is right for
reevaluating US sanctions on Cuba, the top Republican on the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee says in a new report, calling for allowing
Cuba to buy US goods on credit, US media reported Sunday. A Cuban flag
reflects in the window of a Soviet Volga car in old Havana. (Photo:
Getty Images) Republican Senator Richard Lugar
of Indiana's opinions are attached to a report due to be released
Monday that could add fuel to momentum toward change in almost five
decades of US policy seeking to isolate Cuba, the Americas' only
communist country. The United States and Cuba
do not have full
diplomatic relations. And Washington has had a full economic embargo on
Havana since 1962. » read more
Online Censorship by Israel What do BLOGGER, YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK,
and WIKIPEDIA have in common? Feb. 23, 2009 Following up on yesterdays
post “Is Israel Controlling the Internet” today we will learn about
Israel’s Government and the IDF attempting to censor and control the
internet, face book, you tube and many other social networks, blogs,
message boards and news organisations. Today I will be discussing these
groups who work online for Israel and the IDF (Israeli Army). These
groups came about after the many genocidal murders committed by Israel
and the IDF. Hundreds upon thousands of Lebanese, Palestinians being
killed, with the majority of them being innocent civilians, women and
children. » read more
----- Original Message ----- From: K To: Bellringer Sent: Monday,
February 23, 2009 1:14 AM Subject: Hi Mr.Bellriger, From
article entitled, Warning Against Adverse Health Effects From the
Operation of Digital Broadcast In the article there was a
about Digital Health Consequences as follows.
Within a radius
of more than 20 km, the
following symptoms that occurred
abruptly were reported: constant headaches, pressure
in the head,
drowsiness, sleep problems, inability to think clearly,
nervous tensions, irritability, tightness in the chest, rapid
heartbeat, shortness of breath, depressive
mood, total apathy,
loss of empathy, burning skin,
inner burning, leg weakness,
pain in the limbs, stabbing pain in various organs, weight
As a victim to MK Ultra Mind Control 24/7 from April 2001
to present,
I ask is it the digital waves alone or, Are the Germany people
subjected to MK Mind Control with the digital?
I think the use of digital may being causing some symptons
the above paragraph describes MK Control symptons.. I have no
that the people of Germany are being subjected to MK Ultra Mind Control
Technology. » read more
Warning Against Adverse Health
Effects From the Operation of Digital Broadcast TV
'The Digital TV will start
in the USA in these days. Many people are worrying about this new
technology which has not been tested yet. People in USA will be the
Guinea pigs and, what a chance for the industry, there is so much
radiation everywhere without DVBT that you will probably see no
difference to other RF. Perhaps more exhaustion, more tiredness, the
feeling of being paralyzed?'
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Feb. 23, 2009 On February 15, 1989, General Boris Gromov led his
40th Soviet Army out of Afghanistan, marking the end of Moscow’s bloody
and disastrous occupation. In the process, some 1.5mn Afghans died at
the hands of the Red Army and Afghan Communists. The new Soviet
chairman, Mikhail Gorbachev, determined the Afghan war, begun by his
dim predecessor, Leonid Brezhnev, and a cabal of party and KGB
hardliners, could not be won. » read more (....)
Meanwhile, high expectations for Obama are fading. To the anguish
of America’s anti-war movement, his administration seems set on
continuing many of the illegal, repressive policies of the disgraced
Bush White House that it had vowed to end: torture, kidnapping,
wiretapping, assassinations, Constitutional infringements, denial of
due process.
What happened to the Obama who was supposed to bring change?
Leftover hardliners from the Bush days appear to be driving Obama’s
foreign policy in the Middle East and Afghanistan. The Pentagon warns
that a defeat of Nato in Afghanistan will destroy the alliance – the
foundation of US hegemony over Europe. After Iraq, another defeat
cannot be tolerated.
Soviet veterans of Afghanistan warn the US and its allies face
defeat there. The Obama White House cannot even articulate a coherent
political strategy for Afghanistan. Its latest big idea is to kick out
the hapless Hamid Karzai and install a new “asset”.
Washington hopes US troop
reinforcements will finally bludgeon the Afghan national resistance
into accepting American domination. Then the long-planned pipeline from
the Caspian Basin across Afghanistan to Pakistan can finally be built.
Huge protest over Irish economy Feb. 23, 2009 About 100,000 people
have taken part in protests in Dublin city centre to vent their anger
at the Irish government’s handling of the country’s recession.
Protesters said they wanted to make their voices heard but avoid strike
action They oppose plans to impose a pension levy on 350,000 public
sector workers. Trade union organisers of the march said workers did
not cause the economic crisis but were having to pay for it. In a
statement, the Irish government said it recognised that the measures it
was taking were “difficult and in some cases painful”. » read more (...)
Ireland, which was once one of Europe’s
fastest-growing economies, has fallen into recession faster than many
other members of the European Union.
The country officially fell into
recession in September 2008, and unemployment has risen sharply in the
following months.
The numbers of people claiming
unemployment benefit in the Irish Republic rose to 326,000 in January,
the highest monthly level since records began in 1967.
McDonald’s and KFC are taking advantage of the recession. It’s
depressing how slowly the government is responding Feb. 23, 2009 Every
economic cloud has a silver lining apparently, though not perhaps if
you’re a chicken. Last week, KFC, which dumps more intensively reared
birds in the deep-fat fryer than almost anybody else, announced it was
responding to vastly increased demand by creating 9,000 new jobs in
this country and opening up to 300 new outlets. Money might be too
tight to mention, but not if you want to fill up on a killer
combination of cheap protein, even cheaper carbs and tongue-coating
fats. » read more (..)
But it goes further than that. A couple of years ago, McDonald’s
really did look like it was on the skids. Sales were down and outlets
were being closed down. With immense skill, it proved why it has been
so successful for so long by swiftly appearing to address consumer
In came fair trade coffee. In came organic milk and a local
sourcing policy for its beef. McDonald’s did just enough to spike the
guns of its critics, smothering dispute in the media, which in turn
brought back the punters.
Nevertheless, the fact remains that McDonald’s is still a joint
that makes its cash from hamburgers and fries which, eaten too often,
are a nutritional disaster. Poor nutrition leads in turn to obesity and
that is obviously a Very Bad Thing. But, as Sir Michael Marmot of the
World Health
Organisation explains in today’s Observer, it is now clear that obesity
is also a huge determinant for cancer. Quite simply, the stakes could
not be higher.
Are there any grounds for optimism? As it happens, there are. As
part of the government’s anti-obesity Change4Life campaign, a group of
local food retailers in the north east has been given grants to help it
improve the display and storage of fresh produce and has been
encouraged to link up with local cookery clubs, so consumers know what
to do with the stuff once they’ve bought it.
It’s not prescriptive, it’s practical. The result, two months into
the pilot project? According to the shops’ owners, there’s been a
significant lift in fresh fruit and vegetable sales. Will it make the
chief executives of KFC and Subway tremble in their well-filled boots?
Perhaps not. But in the battle for our cholesterol-drenched hearts -
and minds - it’s a start.
An article in THE NEWS by a British author “Charles Ferndale”
exposed the Great Game of Israel. He condemns West for not pursuing an
effective policy of reducing the number of nuclear weapons. West should
disarm India and provide military protection guarantee to Pakistan
against Indian attack taking away the reason for Pakistan’s nuclear
weapons. He states that primarily NATO is in Afghanistan because of the
gas reserves around the Caspian Sea, which NATO countries would like to
deny to Russia and China and secondly to destabilize and weaken
Pakistan on behalf of Israel. - Brass Tacks The Israeli army � which,
despite Israel’s veneer of democracy, actually runs that country — has
for some decades now pursued certain policies of direct relevance to
Muslim countries in its vicinity. » read more.........(...)
Frankly, so bizarre a scheme is too stupid even for Indian and
American intelligence officials stationed far from the action. But, if
not, then its drift is obvious: the Pakistani military command should
be fragmented, disabled, sidelined and the country’s nuclear ‘arsenal’
should come under responsible control (like that of the Afghans, I
suppose). Pakistan should be deprived of central military national
Events in Waziristan, in the Khyber Agency and in Swat all suggest
that the central authorities of Pakistan have indeed relinquished
control of these border areas. Balochistan is also in a state of
turmoil that makes it impossible for the central authority of the
Pakistan government and army to govern there. Much of this is the
result of sixty years of gross incompetence and nepotism in the central
government and in the army, but it has created an environment easily
exploited by Pakistan’s enemies. The Baloch tribes on the Iran side of
the border are also being financed by outside agencies, so their
insurgency will weaken the central control of the Iranian government.
In short, Israel’s foreign policy in the region, has, with the aid of
the US, become a very successful one. The only thing I fail to
understand is why the people of these countries let it happen.
Especially the militants: they are supposed to be true Muslims, yet
they really seem to relish doing their enemies’ dirty work. I suppose
when you are very poor, money can buy just about anything. And when you
are ignorant you are easily fooled.
The writer has degrees from the Royal College of Art, Oxford
University, and the Institute of Psychiatry, University of London. He
divides his time between the UK and Pakistan. Email:
Nawaz Sharif’s reason for supporting Iftikhar Chaudhry one year
ago was to get back at Musharraf, a glorified version of kindergarten
revenge. Nothing more. Today, Mr. Sharif’s purpose is to grab the
federal government. He believes his right to rule Pakistan was snatched
away from him in 1999 and he wants it back. » read more (....)
Second, when Iftikhar
Chaudhry was released from his house arrest a year ago, the first thing
he did was to drive to the Islamabad residence of Mr. Zardari and get his
blessing. Why didn’t Mr. Chaudhry Iftikhar drive to see Mr. Nawaz
Sharif, for example? He
did it on Mr. Ahsan’s advice, and the good and noble Mr. Ahsan thought
he’d be doing a favor for Mr. Zardari by allowing his party to take the
entire credit for the lawyers’ movement. When Zardari snubbed them for
whatever reason, Mr. Ahsan and Chaudhry Iftikhar decided to approach
Mr. Sharif.
point is this:
PPPP and PML-N first used the lawyers’ movement to take revenge from
the former ruler, Pervez Musharraf.
When PPPP got the
federal government and PML-N the Punjab
government and ministries in Islamabad,
both parties distanced themselves from Chaudhry Iftikhar.
when PML-N wants to target PPPP, Mr. Sharif has suddenly rediscovered
that Chaudhry Iftikhar has a good cause that needs backing.
Aitzaz Ahsan is a smart
guy. He knows that party ‘owners’, late Benazir Bhutto and now Asif
Zardari, only care about themselves.BB had no problem
that her self-imposed exile destroyed the political careers of PPP members. She was content staying abroad
for a decade and enjoy her newfound wealth [and defend
this wealth in courts]. After a decade of doing nothing, Mr. Ahsan
found something to do, maybe even create a name for himself independent
of his patron party. Good for him.But then why
the hypocrisy of keeping one foot in the lawyers’ movement and the
other firmly in the PPPP?
Sharif’s reason for supporting Iftikhar Chaudhry one year ago was to
get back at Musharraf, a glorified version of kindergarten revenge. Nothing
Today, Mr. Sharif’s purpose is to grab the federal government. He
believes his right to rule Pakistan was
snatched away from him in 1999 and he wants it back. Now
it is a good time to unsettle the PPPP government. That’s why Mr.
Sharif didn’t hesitate to call Mr. Zardari ‘Musharraf’s friend’,
despite the fact that Zardari played a crucial role in forcing
Musharraf to resign in humiliation and that Mr. Sharif could not have
done it alone no matter what.
That’s dirty Pakistani
politics at its best. And so, next month, we’ll see another round of
internal destabilization in Pakistan
with this ‘Nawaz Sharif Movement’, and scores of innocent lawyers and
the public will be made to think this is change but it’s not.
Forget judiciary and
Iftikhar Chaudhry. This is about Nawaz Sharif’s march to power in Islamabad. If you accept this, then hurray to
this march, but please don’t talk about ‘independent’ judiciary.There
is nothing ‘independent’ about Iftikhar Chaudhry’s
Why has the security apparatus failed to cut the militants’ supply
lines; how come random journalists can talk to Fazlullah but security
forces are unable to track him down; and if the state’s helplessness is
genuine, how was the administration able to successfully hold general
elections in Swat? From the Daily Times, Feb. 10,
2009 » read more
Swat, the paradisal
valley that once attracted throngs of tourists, has been
devastated by the insurgency that gained momentum in 2007.
The military has already conducted two concerted
drives to root out extremist elements, and is now in the midst of a
third. Each time, natives were told that this would be the last
operation. Yet the extremists return and so does the military.
Civilians then face the brutalities of the militants on the one hand
and collateral damage on the other.
The people of Swat have never been extremist in their
outlook towards religion. Even today, as evidenced by surveys,
virtually the entire population of the valley abhors the militants.
That said, there is an extremely dangerous sentiment that
is setting in among the people: anger and resentment at the state
security apparatus’ inability to tame the militancy. Indeed,
increasingly, the people of Swat are finding holes the state’s
explanations of why this is so, and are growing alienated from the
army. This is the real problem, whose repercussions could be dire in
the long run.
Let us view the situation from the perspective of the
Swati people.
There are three popular explanations provided for the Swat
insurgency. ...(..)
Swatis ask why Sufi Muhammad was not kept in
check by those who facilitated his rise; why was Fazlullah not tackled
when he had been condemned by his society and was running a lone
propaganda project; why did the intelligence agencies fail to predict
Fazlullah’s behaviour and movement; why, even at a later stage, did the
state not take notice of the public burning of CD shops and TVs (the
same led to a major offensive by the state in Islamabad)?
Further, why has the security apparatus failed to cut the
militants’ supply lines; how come random journalists can talk to
Fazlullah but security forces are unable to track him down; and if the
state’s helplessness is genuine, how was the administration able to
successfully hold general elections in Swat?
The above is not to point fingers at the state. Rather, it
is to highlight the questions facing the embattled people of Swat. They
remain unsure about their state’s sincerity in fulfilling its social
contract with the people. This is an extremely dangerous trend which,
if not tackled, could further alienate the people from the state. It is
high time that the state rethinks its security paradigm and become more
open in its communications with the people. It should clear up the
contradictory picture that is forming in the people’s minds.
Talimand Khan is currently based at the Sustainable
Development Policy Institute in Islamabad and is a native of Swat. He
can be reached at
are not commenting quite yet on familiar financial issues we have been
asked to comment on, because (a) certain information we hold has to be
held back due to ongoing geopolitical 'real-time' considerations and
(b) because other information is not yet 'hard' enough to be used.
So, instead, you may be interested in the following description of
filthy EU pigs with their stinking snouts in the feeding trough that
appeared in an article in Murdoch's Sunday Times, even, on 22nd
'The past few months have been an interesting time to be working in
in the real world, reputable banks crumbled to dust, shares went into a
nosedive, big companies became close to worthless, hundreds of
thousands lost their jobs and millions feared the worst. Inside the
Eurobubble, you'd hardly have known. The elite continued to go to
receptions in the evenings before eating in highly-rated restaurants at
taxpayers' expense'.
continued to flit from city to city to attend meetings; continued to
fly around the world on fact-finding missions; and continued to think
up ever more rules and regulations to help organise the lives of the
European Union's 500 million citizens'.
Our only further comment
would be that had the Editor written this, the language would have
been, as the erstwhile Carlyle employee John Major used to say, 'not
inconsiderably' fruitier.
The tenor of the gold
market has changed. Gold has decoupled from the dollar and at the
moment it is not driven by fear of inflation or hyperinflation, but by
a flight to quality. What else can be expected when the media reports
that governments are deliberately creating inflation to offset
Jewelry demand that
normally makes up 80% of gold demand has dropped and investment demand
is what is now driving buying. SPDR Gold Trust, the ETF GLD, has added
200 tons of gold over the past six weeks and 62,000 ounces last week
alone. We are very skeptical regarding GLD’s gold purchases due to a
tight market and no reports of their purchases.
They may be using
derivatives illegally and if they are and
the derivatives fail the owners of the fund will be left with little of
their investment.
President Barack Obama’s
new foreclosure-prevention plan is already sparking outrage from some
Americans who won’t qualify for federal aid — and from those who resent
having to foot the bill for those who do
The US dollar is no
longer the premier safe haven, gold is.
Gold is finally being recognized as wealth insurance.
has also decoupled from the influence of oil and other commodities.
Even Russia in the face of terrible oil prices and one devaluation
after another has purchased 90 tons of gold over the past 15 months.
Banks are being
nationalized worldwide and people are becoming
and well they should be. The world is facing a major depression and
banks are broke and being nationalized, and this is only the beginning.
The global financial
system is in a tailspin and world leadership in Europe, China, Japan
and the US act like the situation is some temporary breakdown.
The system is beyond saving and the elitists planned it that way.
We have entered depression, which is stage 2 of the crisis and
simultaneously stage 2 of the long bull market in gold and silver.
As autumn comes the
dollar will have broken to new lows versus
other major currencies and gold and silver, as inflation rages.
could be looking at a dollar trading between 40 and 65 on the USDX,
dollar index. In 2010 economic and financial distress will worsen. Some
countries will slip into chaos. The fabric of society is going to be
torn apart.
Today’s financial system
is in a state of insolvency. The best example is the highly volatile
combination of US dollars and dollar denominated assets and debt. Their
problems are shared by most nations, their having copied what the US
and England were doing.
These problems
unfortunately have yet to be adequately addressed
that is why the situation gets progressively worse. Massive injections
of liquidity were used in the 1930s with similar unsuccessful results.
can anyone believe that substituting public debt for toxic private debt
is any solution? In the US $12 to $13 trillion has already been
injected into the system, truly a mind-boggling amount and that is in
just one year. ...(..)
The financial elite have been divided
between gold and paper factions
there has long existed a big schism amongst the financial elite. The
group around the Rothschilds who began creating fiat money (out of thin
air) were able to accumulate enormous wealth. To keep themselves in
power, they prevented certain parties (for example the Thai royal
family) from selling their vast physical gold holdings. This created
what is known as “black gold” that is real but does not have the stamp
from a “recognized refinery” that allows it to become part of the
international financial system. The story we have all heard about “all
the gold that was ever mined since the dawn of civilization would fit
in an Olympic sized swimming pool” is apparently a lie. Some of the
numbers I have been hearing are astronomical and I have also been shown
pictures of what appear to be vast amounts of gold. The holders of this
gold are pushing for a new gold-backed international financial system.
Personally, I think money should be backed by a basket of real things
(like grain). However, it is a pretty safe bet the “black gold” will be
allowed into the financial system and that precious metals would form a
vital part of any basket of commodities.
Eleven States
Declare Sovereignty Over Obama’s Action
by A.W.R.
State governors -- looking down the gun
barrel of long-term spending forced on them by the Obama “stimulus”
plan -- are saying they will refuse to take the money. This is a
Constitutional confrontation between the federal government and the
states unlike any in our time.
In the first five weeks of his presidency,
Barack Obama has acted so rashly that at least 11 states have decided
that his brand of “hope” equates to an intolerable expansion of the
federal government’s authority over the states. These states -- Washington, New
Hampshire, Arizona, Montana, Michigan, Missouri, Oklahoma, California,
Georgia, South Carolina, and Texas -- have
passed resolutions reminding Obama that the 10th Amendment protects the
rights of the states, which are the rights of the people, by limiting
the power of the federal government. These resolutions call on Obama to
“cease and desist” from his reckless government expansion and also
indicate that federal laws and regulations implemented in violation of
the 10th Amendment can be nullified by the states.
Our Constitutional system of checks and
balances is always thought of as enabling two of the three branches of
the federal government to keep the third within its constitutional
bounds. But there is a fourth check, the states, which also have a
Constitutional function. It is to them this burden now falls. The
states can choose between allowing the federal government to impose
untenable conditions on them if they accept the stimulus money, or to
reject it.
These eleven states have the right to reject
the stimulus plan. And they must.
There is no other option. For this federal
expansion will not stop unless we stand in its way with courage in our
hearts and the Constitution in our hands.
Obama is a communist. He wants to go down as
a revolutionary in the same context as Marx, Lenin, Mao. His model is
Abraham Lincoln and the civil war he started and finished. Obama is
reversing generations of careful U.S. government policy of salami slice
conquest of America and openly confronting those that still cherish
Freedom, believing he can win with the full power of the US government,
bureaucrats, welfare dependents, his Obama cult followers and thug cops
and soldiers.
The Winds Of Civil War: Illinois-Driven
Marxist Attempt To Conquer Union Threatened With Military Challenges
February 23rd, 2009 Posted By Pat Dollard.
New Hampshire fired the first shot. Although
7 other states have similar pending resolutions and bills, the Oklahoma
House is the first to actually pass one. Another 27 states are expected
to make similar moves in the coming months. That’ll leave the country
split 71-29.
Now, before you get too excited, bear in
mind that all of this was likely Obama’s goal. To bait us into
rebellion. Boiled down, all of these state measures are threats of
secession. Recall, if you will, Obama’s obsession to be the 21st
Century Abraham Lincoln, and his ominous calls to recreate and rebuild
America. Who was Lincoln? Why, he was the man who “preserved” the Union
by way of implementing military force against states that had seceded.
Lincoln knew full well that he would not be preserving the Union, but
that he would be conquering sovereign nations, nations whose cultures
and ideologies he would then have to destroy, and then remake, in the
image of the North’s, in order to maintain their subjugation. And that
is precisely what happened in the aftermath of Lincoln’s war of
aggression. He didn’t preserve the Union, he changed it forever and
handed unprecedented powers to the Federal Government.
The Lincoln household was most characterized
by a dark spirit, an unyielding pall of gloom. He was plagued by
mysterious and absolutely crippling headaches. Three of his sons were
struck dead before age 20. His wife slowly went insane, the result of a
ceaseless, degenerative depression. Lincoln was assassinated.
Now I’m going to run with a theory.
So, what if Obama, Soros and Emanuel
understand fully that our current, sudden, violent lurch into Socialism
will not be tolerated by many to most of the American people, and that
these people may possess sufficient physical concentration in order to
secede in large territorial chunks, including those already defined by
current state borders? They understand that they will be facing a
crisis, right? Well, what is a crisis to the current Marxist regime of
Obama other than an opportunity? Based on Emanuel’s stated philosophy,
one can conclude that he and Obama seek the greatest crisis that they
can possibly create.....(...)
There is NO TIME LEFT for
you to take the luxury of non-involvement. You will face a time when
you will give an account to your family as to why you couldn't or
wouldn't take the time to educate yourself about your nation’s sacred
history. You will stand alone as the verdict comes in that you were
negligent in NOT preparing to protect and care for your family and
friends during military government (Martial Law) because of a
“terrorist” attack, financial/stock market collapse or any other number
of possibilities real or contrived that gives the government the
justification for arrest and indefinite incarceration in detention
camps already built for you and your loved ones. THEY ALREADY EXIST!!
These detention/ re-education camps are for those who aren't willing to
submit to the new global order that is about to be established.
Precisely because you are
uninformed and intentionally ignorant, you will blindly board the truck
that takes you to your likely last destination. You will trust the
government to help you one last time. Some of you will stumble around
the camp looking for your welfare check, prescription drugs or how you
can contact the nearest legal defense or ACLU attorney so that you can
take the camp commander to court for mistreatment. You, who I have just
described, deserve a detention camp. “…..may your chains rest lightly
upon your wrists.”
A number of you have called me
today asking if I have additional info about ENDGAME rather than
seemingly rely upon WhatDoesItMean. The answer is YES.
details will be forthcoming later today to substantiate the material
below. I must use caution about what I release so as not to compromise
my source.
Au plaisir de vous voir tous ce week-end !