....fw10 -icke // - tom Hen. The Criminal NSA Exposed // RMN - -

mardi 23 décembre 2008 22 h 51
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cstory@worldreports.org, richard.latendresse@tva.ca, sott@signs-of-the-times.org, bellringer@fourwinds10.com, info@palestinechronicle.com, info@archipelagopr.co.uk, c.asselin@noos.fr, medias@amecq.ca, editor@medialens.org, jacqueline_czernin@cbc.ca, nenki@conspiration.cc, glennufo@videotron.ca... suite
.fw10 - icke  // - tom Hen. The Criminal NSA Exposed //  RMN

UFO- - - - -Cliff Stone & Robert Dean
----- Original Message -----
From: M
Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2008 11:49 AM
Subject: Good info video on UFOs
It appears that "UFOs" are eminent in our future. This presents quite a conundrum because the government does not want us to believe they are real. Since they are real and can ostensibly appear at any time and because the government doesn't want us to believe in them, the government may well use their bluebeam project to holographically produce a show designed to terrorize us and thus control us by telling us what to do in order for them to save us from "the bad guys". The conundrum will be ours to decide which is the real thing. I believe the REAL ones will come in peace. But hopefully, we will be able to look at them and feel the energy exuded from them and know in our hearts they are safe. The good thing is, the government will not be able to do harm with their holograms. So there is nothing to fear there.
They come forward and break the silence agreement. We are not alone in the universe.
In Part Two of the interview, Bob tells us that this is probably his last interview... and having done so, he pauses, takes a deep breath, and reveals on record for the first time that he has been contacted, and has been on board the craft.
Do not miss this! Kerry and Bill invite you to join them in applauding the courage, integrity and commitment to truth of this very special man. They would like to think that this interview is a appropriate and fitting tribute to everything that he has stood for and wishes for the world. ...(...)
Upon meeting Bob Dean, Kerry and Bill came away not only a powerful and deeply moving interview with an old master, but we also spent the afternoon with his wife, Marcia Schafer. And, we were delighted to learn about her growing role in the whole disclosure movement.
Marcia is a real crusader for truth and enlightenment, and is as involved Bob is in challenging old paradigms. We've read Marcia's book, Confessions of an Intergalactic Anthropologist, and she's crystal clear and honest about who she is and the fascinating information she's been receiving.
Devvy Kidd
Dec. 22, 2008

"We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately." Benjamin Franklin, at the signing of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776

Not too long ago, I said in a column that if the states of the Union do not stand up to the federal machine they are going to find themselves little more than occupied territories before the next year is gone. For years I have beat the drum to get states to reconstitute the constitutional militia because our very freedom depends on it. The proper role of our military is not to be used against we the people, but to protect and defend against foreign and domestic enemies of this republic.

We've all seen the increase by police using tasers for even a minor encounter with law enforcement. The number of deaths continues to grow.

We've seen law "enforcement" raids that kill innocent people: November 23, 2007. Kathryn Johnston: "A Year Later. 92-year-old woman's death has done little to curb the use of paramilitary police tactics around the country. "It was one year ago this week that narcotics officers in Atlanta, Georgia broke into the home of 92-year-old Kathryn Johnston. They had earlier arrested a man with a long rap sheet on drug charges. That man told the police officers that they'd find a large stash of cocaine in Johnston's home. When police forced their way into Johnston's home, she met them holding a rusty old revolver, fearing she was about to be robbed. The police opened fire, and killed her."

Taking the word of a felon, and without checking to see who lives at that home, the cops go in blazing and gun down an old lady. And, for that you expect we the people to respect you?

We've seen raids on the homes of innocent Americans where not only are their inalienable rights stomped on, these jack booted thugs from SWAT teams go out of their way to kill the family dogs; another botched raid, kill the dog first. SHAME on these cops for grabbing a 12-year old girl and terrorizing her and her family. Another "mistake." ....(...)

What was so succinctly and brazenly laid out in the Sacramento Bee in 1997, is now upon us and the situation will continue to get dangerous as the economy worsens. Experts on cable networks continue to reinforce that Comrade Obama will "be tested" shortly after he gets into office. What does the shadow government know that we don't and won't be told? Marxist Bill Clinton was sworn into office, January 20, 1993. February 26, 1993, the World Trade Center was bombed opening up the opportunity for more draconian laws. That operation was set up and run by the FBI. One world government advocate, George Bush, took office January 20, 2001. Less than nine months later, 9/11 was pulled off and all the stops were pulled out to impose more Nazi-style laws against we the people and our rights. Now we're being told that this impostor president will be tested.

What you're seeing with putting active duty military on American streets using "civil unrest" or "potential terrorism" as justification, is an exact duplicate of past history whether it was Nazi Germany or the USSR under mass murders like Lenin and Stalin. For part two click below.

Click here for part -----> 2,.....
Devvy Kidd authored the booklets, Why A Bankrupt America and Blind Loyalty; 2 million copies sold. Devvy appears on radio shows all over the country, ran for Congress and is a highly sought after public speaker. Devvy belongs to no organization.
She left the Republican Party in 1996 and has been an independent voter ever since. Devvy isn't left, right or in the middle; she is a constitutionalist who believes in the supreme law of the land, not some political party. Her web site (www.devvy.com) contains a tremendous amount of information, solutions and a vast Reading Room.
Devvy's website: www.devvy.com

Before you send Devvy e-mail, please take the time to check the FAQ section on her web site. It is filled with answers to frequently asked questions and links to reliable research sources.
E-mail is: devvyk@earthlink.net


What is the Real Truth Behind the Switching Over From Analog Broadcast to Digital TV? (Updated Dec. 23, 2008)
from KF:
(...) The corrupt evil bastard in and connected to your government are working on perpatrating a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY...
Yes they had the opportunity to practice this in a big way in Iraq...
Did you take note of the group of RICH POWERFUL men that were trying to buy Canada's telecommunications last week.?
Wanting to put it under control of private sector...
They failed,,,
I think this lock down of the Canadian government goes beyond the majority of the people wanting him ousted,,,
Canadian politics work different than the USA,,,
He's out the door,but I think they tried to take advantage of this situation and shut down the Canadian government so they could pass the above legislation...
To sell Canada's telecommunications into the hands of private sector,,,NO GOVERNMENT oversight...
We have some rich powerful men that are looking at life behind bars...
Along with the game the rich have played being exposed,,,,
We have desperate men,,,putting this technology in place would enable them to control the minds of men,,,MOSTLY THE COURTS....AND LAW ...
I guess one could say the following,,,I was used to save the many/millions from becoming victims to evil men that wish to control human beings like robots....
I'm pretty sure the agency in my home has stopped this movement of evil men from enslaving the entire USA and probably prevented this in the European countries...
The NSA did threw the years target individuals and when Bush stepped into power the plan was to impliment this program upon every man,woman and child in the USA with asperations of enslaving people threw out the Globe.....
This is WHY they went baserk when the New York Times revealed Bush was spying on every American..
That the NSA was collecting all of our phone calls....
Recall how hard they worked to start WAR,,,or Cover-up Torture,,,they also worked this hard to protect AT&T,,,,
This Crime that BUSH,and others tried to commit upon the people of this Nation is bigger than the Illegal War,Torture,9/11 and everything else they have done....
This technology is a crime that goes beyond murder...(...)


Thank you for your site. I hope NESARA, the suitcases, and the 'outing' of the current band of crooks come soon !!
The following article previously on FOURWINDS may have some insight concerning the mandatory switch to HDTV:
Personally, I will be getting one, but I will be dismantling the in-built camera and any other receiving device that may exist before I plug it in !!
Regards, RB
----- Original Message -----
From: NY
To: bellringer@fourwinds10.com
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 2:52 PM
Subject: 'Hello, Centra!' What is the Real Truth Behind the switching Over From Analog Broadcast to Digital TV?
........... Here is real reasons and news about the Digital TV switch that is warranted for 2009. Peace. -- Bringer of the Dawn
Digital TV: Mind Control by the Sound of Silence A. True Ott, PhD, ND | Educate Yourself.org 8,277 views December 15, 2008 http://www.wariscrime.com/2008/12/15/news/digital-tv-mind-control-by-the-sound-of-silence/
AND from David icke:
Monday, 15 December 2008

Digital TV: Mind Control By The Sound Of Silence
'This is an extremely timely and important essay. It overviews a secret Pentagon psychotronics technology known as Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) that has been fully operational since the early 1990s. I first found out about the use of this technology from Al Bielek in a 1992 video he made with Vladimir Terziski.

This technology was used against battle-hardened Iraqi troops fortified in deep underground bunkers in Kuwait and Iraq in the first Gulf War in January of 1991.The physical, emotional, and psychological effects of this technology were so severe that hundreds of thousands of Iraqi troops surrended en masse without firing even a single shot against US led coalition forces.
The numbers reported in the news were staggering: 75,000 and then annother 125,000 (or more) Iraqi troops would come out of their deep desert bunkers waving white flags and falling to their knees before approaching US troops and literally kiss their captor’s boots or hands if given the opportunity.
Why would eight year veterans of Middle Eastern warfare (with Iran 1980-1988) behave this way? Simple. They were subjected to a technology that was so extreme and incomprehensible that they were suddenly reduced to the level of compliant children and felt grateful to still be alive in the wake of their mind-wrenching experience.'

Monday, 22 December 2008
David Icke On Journeys with Rebecca
A two-hour interview last weekend about Barack Obama, the awakening, the nature of reality, and more.
Click here to listen ... http://journeyswithrebecca.com/audio_2008.htm

more from FW10:


December 21, 2008 7:58 PM ///BELLRINGER

December 23, 2008 11:32 AM NEW WORLD ORDER MAP
December 23, 2008 11:32 AM OPERATION GARDEN PLOT (with videos)
CASPER UPDATE: December 23, 2008:
Everything is back on track.
Expecting a very Merry Christmas!
casper and wendy
December 23, 2008 4:12 PM
David Chu
Posted Dec. 22, 2008
“Happy Christmas, Christmas!”
(click here for part 2)

by David Chu (12-22-08)
Editor of Chu Report (chureport.com)
Author of NO Foreclosures! (noforeclosures.info)

Happy Christmas, Christmas!
When the late John Lennon wrote “Happy Xmax” in 1971, I was only 6 years old and still in Shanghai, China. President “Tricky Dick” had not flown over the city of my birth yet. And my uncle had not been arrested falsely in conjunction with the president’s visit and locked away for more than 30 days for nothing (the local communists and brown shirts decided to round up all the “undesirables” in anticipation of the president’s historic visit to China, and my intellectual uncle just happened to be one of those undesirables).

“Happy Xmas” and its message was the Christmas gift of John Lennon and Yoko Ono to the turbulent world back in 1971:

War is over, if you want it.
Words of tremendous yet profound wisdom that everyone, even children, can understand--unless one is a dyed-in-the-wool neocon (Dick Cheney) or neolib (Rahm Emanuel).

Lennon wrote this pro-peace anthem because he realized that if the people really wanted peace, they can really have it--that is if they got off their collective lazy chairs and made an effort. Even if that effort was only a personal wish for peace to prevail. (Imagine millions of people of goodwill everywhere praying and desiring for peace on earth this Christmas.)

Fast forward 37 years later and nothing much has changed, has it?....(...)

I am going to leave you with an extended excerpt from my ebook, NO Foreclosures!, that talks about money, one of the most important things in life and practically everyone is ignorant of what money really is. Your schools and universities don’t teach about it. Your corporate mass media never really talk about it. And your corrupt politicians just skirt around it.
This is my Christmas gift to you.
http://www.chureport.com/happy_christmas_christmas_p.html part1
http://www.chureport.com/happy_christmas_christmas_p_2.html part2

[1] Recommended storage food suppliers are :
Emergency Essentials (Orem, UT): http://beprepared.com/
Ready Reserve Foods (San Bernardino, CA): http://www.readyreservefoods.com/
eFoodsDirect (Midvale, UT): http://www.efoodsdirect.com/
[2] Recommend gold and silver bullion suppliers are :
Kitco (Montreal, QC): https://online.kitco.com/sellprice/selling.html
CNI (Inglewood, CA): http://www.golddealer.com/bullionpage.html
NWTM (Seattle, WA): http://bullion.nwtmint.com/gold_krugerrand.php

December 23, 2008 3:23 PM
23 December 2008 With his choice of Admiral Dennis Blair as director of national intelligence, President-elect Barack Obama has now named three recently retired four-star military officers to serve in his cabinet. This unprecedented representation of the senior officer corps within the incoming Democratic administration is indicative of a growth in the political power of the US military that poses a serious threat to basic democratic rights. As head of the US military’s Pacific command in 1999-2000, Blair was distinguished by his efforts to solidarize the Pentagon with the military of Indonesia as it carried out butchery in East Timor, effectively vetoing the half-hearted human rights concerns voiced by the Clinton administration. Before tapping Blair, Obama named former Marine Gen. James Jones as his national security adviser and former Army chief of staff Gen. » read more

10 Dangerous Everyday Things in Your Home
December 23, 2008 3:37 PM
Israel and the ‘Exodus’ Of America’s Wealth
December 23, 2008 3:05 PM
Posted Dec. 22, 2008 Israel and the ‘Exodus’ Of America’s Wealth “And Yahweh said to Moses ‘Tell the Israelites that both men and women alike are to ask their Egyptian neighbors for all their silver and gold…’ And so the Israelites did as instructed and asked the Egyptians to lend them all their gold and silver, which the Egyptians did, and the Israelites therefore plundered them…’ Bush Gets A Reality Check While In Israel During George Bush’s recent visit to Israel to help celebrate 60 uninterrupted years of good, old-fashioned/Old Testament-type butchery and oppression against the non-Jewish peoples of the Holy Land (Christian and Muslim alike) he was promptly met by rabbis closely-associated with ultra-violent elements of the Israeli right (as opposed to the moderately-violent of the Israeli left) who presented him with a list of demands. The commandments, collectively called ‘Megillat Bush’ were written on a specially-made scroll as if scribed personally by some Old Testament prophet, giving it that old world/otherworldly/divine quality it otherwise would not have possessed. "We Are God's Chosen", They Shout To Bush Typical of the same haughty, pushy, demanding, threatening, obnoxious and condescending tones universally-known to be as much a part of the Jewish state’s character as pasta and tomatoes are to Italian cuisine, the decree had the following to say–‘To George W. Bush…who comes to Jerusalem, eternal capital of our land, joy of the entire earth… …If you truly desire peace and wish to be counted in the company of the truly righteous, we call upon you to declare to all the world the following- ‘I George Bush declare that the Land of Israel was bequeathed to the nation of Israel by the Creator of the world. » read more
Strike Updates for France, Greece, Utah, Russia
December 23, 2008 1:54 PM
Dec. 23, 2008 FRANCE- Students stop government cuts to Education Barricades were set up at the entrances to schools across the country, but most of the protests were peaceful. Protests over the plans -- to revamp the school curriculum, cut classroom hours and slash 13,500 education jobs -- had already turned violent last week, with students clashing with police in several cities. Early this week the right-wing government, fearing social unrest modelled on the ongoing demonstrations that have engulfed Greece, decided to put the reforms on hold for a year and also to review them. French high school students blocked train lines and fought with police Thursday, officials said, as they kept up nationwide protests against education reforms despite a government decision to backtrack. » read more
December 23, 2008 10:51 AM
Dec. 22, 2008 RIOTING BEGAN IN GREECE on December 6 2008 after police shot and killed 15-year-old Alexandros Grigoropoulos in a run down section of Athens. The teen’s death triggered a fierce reaction across Greece. Thousands of rioters rampaged through Athens as angry youths set the Athens Court House on fire with petrol bombs. Broken glass and burned-out wreckage were strewn throughout Athens’ streets. » read more
Wallin, Duffy among 18 named to fill Senate seats
December 23, 2008 10:37 AM
Dec. 22, 2008 Former broadcaster Pamela Wallin, Olympic icon Nancy Greene Raine and CTV broadcaster Mike Duffy were among 18 Canadians named to the Senate on Monday by Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Duffy, appointed to the single vacant P.E.I. » read more
Toxic Barium In Chemtrails - What It Means
December 23, 2008 10:31 AM
11-25-7 YouTube - Local TV News Confirms We Are Being Poisoned (click) If a mass of barium is vaporized in space, within seconds much of the barium becomes ionized by the suns rays, producing a highly reflective ionic cloud which deflects newly arriving solar energy back into space, thereby preventing the ground from warming to the temperature it otherwise would have attained. Cooler-than-otherwise surface temperature means the air immediately above the ground will not heat as much as it would have, not expand and rise (evacuate upwards) as it would have, and not create the lower air pressure (relative vacuum) in that location that would have obtained otherwise. In short, laying cloud causes air pressure to be higher in regions where the sun has been prevented from reaching the ground. Oversimplifying somewhat, it means that there will be less "pull" and more "push" affecting movement of air in neighboring regions of near-surface air than otherwise; and that, of course, means control of the weather. By using this push-pull ("high-pressure-block/low-pressure-suck") technique, the movement of neighboring parcels of air -- the parcels may be wet, dry, hot or cold, or rotating (cyclonic) -- can be redirected from the course that a super-high-speed computer pre-determined they would have taken to new courses calculated during the process. » read more
December 22, 2008 3:47 PM
When I arrived in Israel as a UN representative I knew there might be problems at the airport. And there were December 20, 2008 "The Guardian" -- - On December 14, I arrived at Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv, Israel to carry out my UN role as special rapporteur on the Palestinian territories. I was leading a mission that had intended to visit the West Bank and Gaza to prepare a report on Israel's compliance with human rights standards and international humanitarian law. Meetings had been scheduled on an hourly basis during the six days, starting with Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority, the following day. I knew that there might be problems at the airport. » read more
.. Iraqi journalist Muntadar al-Zeidi hurled a pair of the famous and much coveted shoes at Bush at a news conference in Baghdad on December 14th. Although both shoes missed the president, the journalist was jailed and severely beaten. He is now seeking a pardon from the Iraqi Prime Minister..... Babadana said he received an order this week for 4,000 pairs from the US Congress shoe shop, and indicated he plans to open an outlet here in Washington, DC.
December 22, 2008 3:44 PM Orders Pour In For Bush Attack Shoes


...tom heneghan...
Tuesday, December 23, 2008      The Criminal NSA Exposed
HOT Explosive Back Breaking News:
LISTEN as Lenny Bloom interviews Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 12:00 AM

The Criminal NSA Exposed
by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert
Monday December 22, 2008
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
to all of our loyal readers

http://www.washingtonlife.com/issues/june-2006/media_spotlight/images/media_spotlight23.jpg http://www.clackamasreview.com/reuters_graphics/2008-12-15T200040Z_01_BTRE4BE1ICQ00_RTROPTP_2_POLITICS-US-USA-POLITICS-KENNEDY.JPG
(left pic) KHAZARIAN Jews Rupert Murdoch Greenberg and Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton's anti-Gentile attacks against Caroline Kennedy, daughter of assassinated President John F. Kennedy

United States of America – Stay tuned for our next upcoming intelligence briefing, which will deal with KHAZARIAN Jews Rupert Murdoch Greenberg and lesbian in-the-closet Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton's blatant anti-Gentile attacks against the daughter of assassinated President John F. Kennedy, Caroline Kennedy.
Plus we will connect the dots and detail with the scandal involving former NASDAQ chief, KHAZARIAN Jew Bernard Madoff.
We will look at the connection to the Israeli Discount Bank, the Israeli Bronfman family, the Israeli Turkish Rabbi Tuncay Güney, the tie in to the attempted coup d'état in Turkey, Güney's role in connection to 9/11, Dominick Suter and the Israeli Moving Systems "Dancing Israelis" gang.

We will also update you on the Iran/Contra-Israeli Mossad-Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar aka Dawood Hasan Shaikh-Hassan Ali Khan-Adnan Khashoggi connection.
We will also connect the dots with the Colombian drug cartel-Carlos Lehder-Mossad-CIA funding of terrorist organizations linked to J.P. Morgan and Chase Manhattan Bank.

Tonight we bring you the following information on the treasonous operation of the NSA (National Security Agency) against the American People.
John St. Clair Akwei vs.
NSA, Ft. Meade, MD, USA
Click url to enlarge
At this our we live free or die as we continue to identify the enemies of the American Republic and the American Revolution of the 21st century and eradicate them.
Stay tuned for emergency reports at any moment. Overlord at Yorktown remains relentless and victorious.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/education/hist/employment/images/cars/end/flags.jpg http://www.ushistory.org/brandywine/images/sold06.gif
Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. remains the REAL President of the United States.
Non-inaugurated, duly elected
President Albert Gore Jr.
International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL -- reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.
http://humanitiesinstitute.buffalo.edu/images/We_The_People.jpg http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/almaxp/statue_of_justice_old_bailey_2.jpg
Liberty and Justice for We, the American People
Punishment with Due Prejudice for ALL Traitors.
Patriotic, God-loving, peaceful Jewish People are NOT the same as the war mongering ZIONIST KHAZARIAN Jews.


.....RMN reading room.....
J -- Monday, 22 December 2008, 7:11 p.m.
J -- Monday, 22 December 2008, 7:14 p.m.
tangodog -- Monday, 22 December 2008, 7:35 p.m.
INFO WARS: Bush Insider Who Planned To Tell All Killed In Plane Crash, Non-Profit Demands Full Federal Investigation (views: 733)
watcher51445 -- Monday, 22 December 2008, 7:40 a.m.
Connell's ill-fated flight originated from airport only 50 vetted people can use 21 Dec 2008 (views: 446)
watcher51445 -- Monday, 22 December 2008, 7:49 a.m.
Rayelan -- Sunday, 21 December 2008, 5:33 p.m.

--- En date de : Dim, 21.12.08, béate <vbeate@yahoo.ca> a écrit :
De: béate <vbeate@yahoo.ca>
À: cstory@worldreports.org, richard.latendresse@tva.ca, sott@signs-of-the-times.org, bellringer@fourwinds10.com, info@palestinechronicle.com, info@archipelagopr.co.uk, c.asselin@noos.fr, medias@amecq.ca, editor@medialens.org, jacqueline_czernin@cbc.ca, nenki@conspiration.cc, glennufo@videotron.ca, coulissesdupouvoir@radio-canada.ca, ilvayavoirdusport@telequebec.tv, alternatives@alternatives.ca, lapagenoire@propagande.org, turcotterob@hotmail.com, commun@incapabledesetaire.com, Ken6@Ken-Welch.Com, sorchafaal@fastmail.fm, alcuin@btinternet.com, fredofromstart@gmail.com
Date: dimanche 21 Décembre 2008, 11 h 02