Here are my guesses about the future:
The New World Order is in a hell of a jam. Both Russia and China have how shaken off communism which was imposed on them by the London Banking Cartel. Both have turned to state-directed development and growth policies and are striving to feed their people and increase their standard of living. This is the exact opposite of the global depopulation and genocide via starvation and war that the New World Order is imposing on the rest of the globe via the Club of Rome and their other psychotic think tanks and NGOs. Russia and China and some neighboring states have formed a double whammy military and economic bloc called the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
The London Banking Cartel cannot let this situation continue or it’s just a matter of time until the Russian/China economic bloc takes their place. Furthermore, it has long been the military doctrine of the London Banking Cartel that the Eurasian landmass is the key to the military control of the globe. See Halford Mackinder. From the perspective of the London Banking Cartel it’s all or nothing and here and now. The clock is ticking against the London Banking Cartel and the only solution to fulfilling both their military and economic blueprints is pedal to the metal all-out war.
It isn’t like the good old days when a handful of Zionist assassins in communist clothing could overthrow a decadent Russian government, and the tiny British fleet and army can no longer kick a decadent Chinese oligarchy around and impose imported communism. Nothing but all-out war will suffice, and that means nuke warfare.
The only card the London Banking Cartel has to play is the American nuclear arsenal. They have to get America into a nuclear shootout with both Russia and China, and the sooner the better. Now I know what some of you are thinking: But golly, don’t these guys realize that a nuclear war will leave the planet a radioactive wasteland? Now hear this: The nutcase LBC boys perceive nuclear warfare as winnable and survivable. In any case that’s the ONLY card they have left to play. It didn’t get much play in the national media, but VP Cheney has been digging his personal nuke bunker in DC deeper and deeper like a beaver on go pills. He’s getting ready for it … and so should you.
The LBC has to sell global war to the American airheads, hence the 911 terrorist attacks. Dictatorships cannot stampede the people into giving up their property and their liberty without conjuring up both foreign AND DOMESTIC ENEMIES. That’s why a civil war is in the offing. A civil war in America is not only possible – IT IS ESSENTIAL. It’s all part of the plan. Flood the Southwest with millions of Mexicans and then trash the economy so the starving and ticked off Mexicans will burn an entire geographic region right down to the ground. This should be sufficient to stampede the rest of the peasants into accepting anything the LBC pukes up and presents as a solution to the resulting mess.
To understand their logic we’ll have to take a quickie refresher course in the history of Western war. Napoleon resurrected the concept of the citizen soldier that had been doormat since the Roman Republic. He was thus able to raise massive armies of peasants who perceived themselves as citizen soldiers. Deluded as they were they nevertheless simply swept aside smaller armies of professional soldiers. The ONLY military reply his opponents could make was to raise massive armies of their own so-called citizen soldiers.
Under the new military system large populations were an absolute military necessity. The increasing mechanization of warfare didn’t change the situation at all. Massive peasant armies were still required because hordes of deluded peasants were still needed to drive the trucks and armored vehicles that delivered themselves to the slaughterhouse. There existed a rough balance between the quantity of military supplies an industrial society could churn out and the quantity of “citizen soldiers” needed to transport and then use the supplies at the front. Massive quantities of peasants were necessary for both production and subsequent usage at the front.
The pendulum didn’t begin to swing back the other way until the arrival of nukes on the scene. Massive peasant armies were no longer a necessity due to the extreme energy density of nukes. The industrial infrastructure necessary to generate a really impressive nuke arsenal was far greater than the relatively small number of professional soldiers (read airforce) necessary to deliver them.
When peasants became useless for war the bulk of them became useless. Before nukes the rule was the more peasants the better. After nukes only a smaller number of peasants were needed to produce goodies for the idle aristocrats.
Today, massive peasant armies are obsolete and are maintained chiefly on a reduced scale for theatrical purposes. They are there for peasant perception control purposes exactly as are the false flag leftist and rightist mock opposition groups I mentioned earlier. Ordinary infantry such as our current army and marine divisions are obsolete. Ordinary infantry are useful only for fighting other likewise obsolete infantry, and for suppressing uprisings of lightly armed domestic peasants … and for pure theatre.
Now that you understand this point I can get back to America via a short detour through the Middle East. The primary objective of our current insane activities in Asia is the conquest of the Asian heartland. A secondary but also necessary objective is the total destruction of our current and obsolete military machine to transform it into one more useful to insure the destruction and dismantling of the American Republic. Russia and China have both slipped the grasp of the London Banking Cartel and they dare not risk America going the same route, hence their stealth plot to carve up America like pizza into manageable mini-states.
The destruction of the American military in Iraq and Afghanistan will pave the way for its replacement by privatized military contractors formerly known as warlords. Citizen soldiers might balk at massive ethnic cleansing operations in California for example, but warlords won’t. Picture armies of Blackwater mercs composed of mostly non-Americans recruited from all points of the globe. They will gladly slaughter everything in their path including any remaining American military units who might oppose them. The LBC must first ignite a civil war in America and then ultimately ensure the that the secessionist win after their hired warlords and mercenary hordes have stomped the new mini states into malleable mush which may or may not be glued together in some sort of North American Confederation with “Ameros” for money and some multi-colored rag for a flag.
I basically think it will
work. I think the coming tribal/civil war in America will be roughly
proportional to the severity of the economic collapse that sets it off.
Meanwhile, while you are waiting for Osama bin Subcontractor to nuke us
and waiting for your starving neighbors to batter your door down, keep
an eye on California. It’s the canary in the coal mine. When it croaks
the rest of America will follow sooner or later.
The E-book version of Civil War Two can be
purchased at
Here’s a site about adjusting to homelessness
My New web site will not be open till this
comin January. You ban bookmark it now.
Posted By: X_Hermes <Send E-Mail>
Date: Wednesday, 19 November 2008, 4:47 a.m.
My response:
I have the sense that the ascension
process is proceeding in layers (or frequency bands) – and that
different people are at different stages of the process, and therefore
existing within those different layers. It seems that we have only just
got to grips with the new contents of one layer (and thus things seem
to be stabilising), when we get jetted on to the next one – which has a
different set of assumptions, and a whole new set of challenges to go
with them! So, the assimilation process for the new layer starts over
yet again… as they say, the only thing you can rely upon now is
constant change!
We can identify some of the
timeline elements here. First, we have the old duality, with the ever
more obvious collapsing of its old time structure (just as the Mayan
calendar predicted). This time-line has pretty much gone completely
now, so that the old duality is literally 'out of time'. It is only
being held in place by the habits and inertia of many millions of
people, a sort of unconscious retro-manifesting. The underlying
structure is no longer there.
Then, we have a number of
mini-timelines. Each ascension layer appears to have a kind of 'virtual
timeline' to it, these being essentially transitional. Change the
assumptions, and you change the timeline - and vice versa!
Finally, of course, there is an
entirely New Reality shaping up, and this has been running alongside
the old one for some time (I see the harmonic convergence in the 1990's
as the two time structures aligning for the first time). This is the
one that has for long been predicted and anticipated, that world
teachers have spoken of, and as anticipated by the New Age movement. It
is also the one that the old powers (TPTW) want to suppress and
'rubbish' through their negative spin, since they are deeply afraid of
it. It is thanks to them that the perfectly proper and very exciting
concept of a New Age has become tarnished in an effort to anti-manifest
as people cease to believe in it.
But it is there, and steadily emerging anyway
- despite TPTW's best (= most negative) efforts.
Essentially, the time structure for
any reality contains its blueprint – so we have a dying old reality
(frequency clustered around the 200 point on Dr David Hawkin's scale of
consciousness), and an emerging new one (clustered around 700 on the
same scale), these two running in parallel for the moment and built
around vastly different blueprints. All the elements of planetary
dysfunction we are currently observing will simply not be sustainable
in the higher frequencies of the New Reality. Between the two there are
these transitional frequency bands – and these elements are, to some
extent, mini timelines.
We have the additional complexity
that our own frequencies are now moving around a lot (often jumping
around) on a daily basis, so we are frequently cutting across these
mini or transitional timelines - we are effectively jumping from
timeline to timeline as our own frequencies move up and down. A formula
for personal confusion!
Finally, there are a plethora of
potential timelines radiating out from the 700 point. I don't think the
one that we will finally take has emerged as yet, so I think that
individuals can venture into the beginning of some of the options as
they rapidly evolve themselves. The characteristics of the New Reality
timeline are, to a substantial extent, being defined by those who are
at the higher levels of the mass consciousness, and their explorations
of the timeline options are a part of this. The frequencies they are
starting to hold also have a far greater entraining effect on the rest
of us than the lower level frequencies we have lived within for so
All of the above means that there
are many, many timeline options in play right now! And that we are
moving around them - hence your experience.
By the way, I dowsed your place on
the David Hawkins scale. We each inhabit a kind of bracket (i.e.,
highest and lowest) with an average which is determined by what
percentage of our time we spend at the extremities. The yardstick is
that humanity at large is averaging out at around 213 - it was 208 only
a few weeks back, so escalating change of the mass consciousness! 700
is the 'onset of true higher consciousness (according to Hawkins). So,
your 'bracket' indicates a fairly large spread: highest 704, low point
580 weighted average 619. I would put this as an indication that your
own consciousness is pretty leading edge – you are running well ahead
of the population in general (which of course you know), so it is no
wonder to me that you are encountering the timeline phenomenon.
This last paragraph shows that
Theresa is holding a remarkably high set of frequencies - and my
dowsing-based research shows that the number of people doing so is
increasing rapidly. When the average frequency for an individual moves
above 700, they become a pillar, indeed, a primary creator, of the
emerging New Reality and - at least from the standpoint of the now-dead
old reality structure - they have finally gained enlightenment.
The exciting stages are now before us! Xavier
Hermes .....................................................................................................
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Explosive News: Obamas True Colors
Clinton Coup Continues
... Explosive Breaking News Obama's True Colors Clinton Coup Continues by
Tom Heneghan
CONSPIRATORIAL TRAITORS Bill Clinton and Eric Holder, now Barack Obama's designated U.S. Attorney General Tuesday November 18, 2008 United States of America – It can now be reported that president-elect Barack Obama's appointment of former Clinton Assistant Attorney General, Eric Holder, as U.S. Attorney General designate is troubling for those who believe in the 'Rule of Law' and the Restoration of the American Republic . Item: Holder was directly involved in the illegal Bill Clinton pardon of Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate bagman and fixer Marc Rich. Former
Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder (r) and Pardon Attorney Roger Adams
testify on the pardon that former President Clinton gave to Marc Rich
during a Senate Judiciary Hearing February 14, 2001 in Washington DC
Fugitive billionaire Marc Rich 1983 wanted poster International commodities trader Marc Rich was indicted in 1983 for evading some $48 million in taxes, and charged with 51 counts of tax evasion and violations of the "Trading With the Enemy Act" in his oil deals with Iran during the 1979 Iran hostage crisis. Rich renounced his U.S. citizenship and fled to Switzerland to avoid prosecution. Rich remains a fugitive as the last minute illegal pardon from President Clinton in 2001 is NULL and VOID as the President can not pardon his own treasonous criminal co-conspirators.
Holder never checked with the original New York state prosecutors on the extent of Marc Rich's crimes against the American People and the looting of the U.S. Treasury. Rich, of course, had and still has extensive ties to rogue Israeli Mossad and East German DVD Stasi Intelligence [Marc Rich aka Hans Brand]. Holder also ignored the BRIBES that took place aka the countless Clinton pardons near the end of the administration in 2001. AND IT GETS WORSE FOR HOLDER! Holder, along with then Clinton White House Special Counsel Gregory Craig, represented Elian Gonzalez's father to send young Elian back to Communist Cuba during the year 2000 election cycle. One must remember that then Vice President Albert Gore Jr. called for Elian Gonzalez to remain in Florida and be given freedom in the United States .
This decision orchestrated by both Bill and Hillary Clinton, along with Attorney General Janet Reno, Florida Governor Jeb Bush and Communist Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, was designed to hurt the chances of then Vice President Albert Gore Jr., (now non-inaugurated duly-elected President Gore), in the state of Florida in the year 2000 presidential election. As we have noted before, Castro received a large cash BRIBE from then Illinois Governor George Ryan to go along with the Elian Gonzalez election black op. Orchestrating the bribe and funding to Ryan, who is now a convicted felon, is current White House Chief of Staff designate Illinois Congressman Rahm Emanuel. Holder also conspired with both Clintons, former President George Herbert Walker Bush, then alleged Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, to cover up the Bush-Clinton-Iran/Contra-AmeriChina Global Management Group Ltd.-Mena, Arkansas drugs and weapons money laundry aka "Deal Room". Holder then conspired with both Clintons and then alleged Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr to try to take the heat off the Clintons by attempting to frame then Vice President Albert Gore Jr. on a bogus phone call case. Holder, along with UN-electable LOSER Hillary, actually leaked frame up evidence to Naval Intelligence Officer and Washington Post editor Bob Woodward.
P.S. At this hour daddy Bush's little bitch, Bill Clinton, is moving BILLIONS of dollars from his secret offshore accounts back to the Citi Bank branch in New York City. The conduit for this wire transfer is none other than the criminal terrorist money laundry, the East German DVD Deutsche Bank.
CO-CONSPIRATORS AFP/Getty (r) Daddy Bush, and Angela Merkel and Bill Clinton Getty Images
CONSPIRATORIAL TRAITORS HIGH TREASON Against the American People Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate These illegal wire transfers are taking place while the Europe Union is once again preparing "Red Notices" aka indictments against George Herbert Walker Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and current German Chancellor Angela Merkel. P.P.S. The Saudi oil tanker taken hostage by alleged pirates are actually Bush-Clinton-Israeli Mossad-Gary Best "TRUE COLORS" mercenaries who are using the oil tanker as blackmail against the Saudi Royal Family for the purpose of allowing daddy Bush's little bitch, Bill Clinton, to remove money from Saudi Arabia. Final note: Again, we promise you folks, we are going to bring you further update on the Central Bank of Iraq and its tie-in to the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate and the looting of the U.S. Treasury. In closing, a couple points to be made. With KHAZARIAN Jew and war monger Joe Lieberman off the hook, KHAZARIAN Jew Rahm Emanuel back in charge, it looks like the Israeli Mossad and the Clintons are back in charge of the White House without even being elected. What is coming next? The Supreme Court is going to appoint Bill as magistrate of the White House -- just like Bushfraud being appointed to office without being elected to office? And Obama does not meet the U.S. Constitution birth requirements to be president at all. Then
there is Newsweek magazine Richard Wolffe who is concerned about
bloggers and what they think of Obama's appointment aka the Marc Rich
case, etc. Clearly Newsweek magazine, along with Mossad agent Michael Isikoff, for years, hasn't done a darn thing about any of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate TREASON against the American People. In fact, British Intelligence agent Richard Wolffe of Newsweek magazine said tonight that we bloggers should accept Holder because he is not as bad as Gonzalez. Message to British Intelligence agent Richard Wolffe: First thing you need to do is read our U.S. Constitution and secondly, comparing Holder to Gonzalez is like comparing a rapist to a murder. The last I looked, Mr. Wolffe, rape and murder are both crimes. At this hour it is interesting that it is the Republicans supporting Hillary, and the Democrats, essentially the rank and file Democrats who aren't. The night of Obama's election the winning Illinois lottery ticket number was 6 6 6. A direct message to president-elect Obama: When you make a deal with the devil you usually wind up burning in hell. Of course you can probably anticipate, Mr. Obama, that the Clintons own a fire department in hell – but they will charge you, of course. Remember folks, the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate has blackmailed Obama completely on his closet homosexual activity at Barney Frank's whorehouse in Washington, D. C. in the year 1990.
Homosexual gays and lesbians who are "IN-THE-CLOSET" are a MAJOR THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY being vulnerable to blackmail and extortion by self-serving, hostile entities against the safety, security, sovereignty and best interests of the American People. Obama is now a patsy and a stooge. With each appointment Obama exhibits his 'True Colors' by allowing the Clintons to take over his White House. One thing you might consider, president-elect Obama, before you select Hillary as U.S. Secretary of State, is that the European Union, specifically our oldest and greatest ally of 200 years, the Republic of France, has direct evidence of then Clinton's Secretary of State Madeleine Albright aka Halfbright, LOSER and closet lesbian Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton, along with war criminal and Dunblaine pedophile, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, in launching project "Echelon" an industrial espionage operation directed against French business interests in the United States and on French soil. As we reported last night folks, both Albright aka Halfbright and loser Hillary directed former Clinton National Security Advisor, Israeli Mossad agent and TRAITOR Sandy Berger to go into the U.S. National Archives and steal TREASON documents, including the NATO and French nuclear codes that were handed over to RED Communist China and Israel. Again, president-elect Obama, it is your call. We hope you will do the right thing because we want REAL change that means something. …As of this hour we live free or die.
Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, said "…I am surrounded by enemies but I shall never stand down in the face of tyrants..." …
Stay tuned for emergency reports at any moment as Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. remains the REAL President of the United States .
Patriotic, God-loving, peaceful Jewish People are NOT the
same as the war mongering ZIONIST
7:23 AM
Comment) |
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Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Explosive News: Obamas True Colors
Clinton Coup Continues
... Explosive Breaking News Obama's True Colors Clinton Coup Continues by
Tom Heneghan CONSPIRATORIAL TRAITORS Bill Clinton and Eric Holder, now Barack Obama's designated U.S. Attorney General Tuesday November 18, 2008 United States of America – It can now be reported that president-elect Barack Obama's appointment of former Clinton Assistant Attorney General, Eric Holder, as U.S. Attorney General designate is troubling for those who believe in the 'Rule of Law' and the Restoration of the American Republic . Item: Holder was directly involved in the illegal Bill Clinton pardon of Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate bagman and fixer Marc Rich. Former
Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder (r) and Pardon Attorney Roger Adams
testify on the pardon that former President Clinton gave to Marc Rich
during a Senate Judiciary Hearing February 14, 2001 in Washington DC
Fugitive billionaire Marc Rich 1983 wanted poster International commodities trader Marc Rich was indicted in 1983 for evading some $48 million in taxes, and charged with 51 counts of tax evasion and violations of the "Trading With the Enemy Act" in his oil deals with Iran during the 1979 Iran hostage crisis. Rich renounced his U.S. citizenship and fled to Switzerland to avoid prosecution. Rich remains a fugitive as the last minute illegal pardon from President Clinton in 2001 is NULL and VOID as the President can not pardon his own treasonous criminal co-conspirators.
Holder never checked with the original New York state prosecutors on the extent of Marc Rich's crimes against the American People and the looting of the U.S. Treasury. Rich, of course, had and still has extensive ties to rogue Israeli Mossad and East German DVD Stasi Intelligence [Marc Rich aka Hans Brand]. Holder also ignored the BRIBES that took place aka the countless Clinton pardons near the end of the administration in 2001. AND IT GETS WORSE FOR HOLDER! Holder, along with then Clinton White House Special Counsel Gregory Craig, represented Elian Gonzalez's father to send young Elian back to Communist Cuba during the year 2000 election cycle. One must remember that then Vice President Albert Gore Jr. called for Elian Gonzalez to remain in Florida and be given freedom in the United States .
This decision orchestrated by both Bill and Hillary Clinton, along with Attorney General Janet Reno, Florida Governor Jeb Bush and Communist Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, was designed to hurt the chances of then Vice President Albert Gore Jr., (now non-inaugurated duly-elected President Gore), in the state of Florida in the year 2000 presidential election. As we have noted before, Castro received a large cash BRIBE from then Illinois Governor George Ryan to go along with the Elian Gonzalez election black op. Orchestrating the bribe and funding to Ryan, who is now a convicted felon, is current White House Chief of Staff designate Illinois Congressman Rahm Emanuel. Holder also conspired with both Clintons, former President George Herbert Walker Bush, then alleged Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, to cover up the Bush-Clinton-Iran/Contra-AmeriChina Global Management Group Ltd.-Mena, Arkansas drugs and weapons money laundry aka "Deal Room". Holder then conspired with both Clintons and then alleged Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr to try to take the heat off the Clintons by attempting to frame then Vice President Albert Gore Jr. on a bogus phone call case. Holder, along with UN-electable LOSER Hillary, actually leaked frame up evidence to Naval Intelligence Officer and Washington Post editor Bob Woodward.
P.S. At this hour daddy Bush's little bitch, Bill Clinton, is moving BILLIONS of dollars from his secret offshore accounts back to the Citi Bank branch in New York City. The conduit for this wire transfer is none other than the criminal terrorist money laundry, the East German DVD Deutsche Bank.
CO-CONSPIRATORS AFP/Getty (r) Daddy Bush, and Angela Merkel and Bill Clinton Getty Images
CONSPIRATORIAL TRAITORS HIGH TREASON Against the American People Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate These illegal wire transfers are taking place while the Europe Union is once again preparing "Red Notices" aka indictments against George Herbert Walker Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and current German Chancellor Angela Merkel. P.P.S. The Saudi oil tanker taken hostage by alleged pirates are actually Bush-Clinton-Israeli Mossad-Gary Best "TRUE COLORS" mercenaries who are using the oil tanker as blackmail against the Saudi Royal Family for the purpose of allowing daddy Bush's little bitch, Bill Clinton, to remove money from Saudi Arabia. Final note: Again, we promise you folks, we are going to bring you further update on the Central Bank of Iraq and its tie-in to the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate and the looting of the U.S. Treasury. In closing, a couple points to be made. With KHAZARIAN Jew and war monger Joe Lieberman off the hook, KHAZARIAN Jew Rahm Emanuel back in charge, it looks like the Israeli Mossad and the Clintons are back in charge of the White House without even being elected. What is coming next? The Supreme Court is going to appoint Bill as magistrate of the White House -- just like Bushfraud being appointed to office without being elected to office? And Obama does not meet the U.S. Constitution birth requirements to be president at all.
there is Newsweek magazine Richard Wolffe who is concerned about
bloggers and what they think of Obama's appointment aka the Marc Rich
case, etc. Clearly Newsweek magazine, along with Mossad agent Michael Isikoff, for years, hasn't done a darn thing about any of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate TREASON against the American People. In fact, British Intelligence agent Richard Wolffe of Newsweek magazine said tonight that we bloggers should accept Holder because he is not as bad as Gonzalez. Message to British Intelligence agent Richard Wolffe: First thing you need to do is read our U.S. Constitution and secondly, comparing Holder to Gonzalez is like comparing a rapist to a murder. The last I looked, Mr. Wolffe, rape and murder are both crimes. At this hour it is interesting that it is the Republicans supporting Hillary, and the Democrats, essentially the rank and file Democrats who aren't. The night of Obama's election the winning Illinois lottery ticket number was 6 6 6. A direct message to president-elect Obama: When you make a deal with the devil you usually wind up burning in hell. Of course you can probably anticipate, Mr. Obama, that the Clintons own a fire department in hell – but they will charge you, of course. Remember folks, the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate has blackmailed Obama completely on his closet homosexual activity at Barney Frank's whorehouse in Washington, D. C. in the year 1990.
Homosexual gays and lesbians who are "IN-THE-CLOSET" are a MAJOR THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY being vulnerable to blackmail and extortion by self-serving, hostile entities against the safety, security, sovereignty and best interests of the American People. Obama is now a patsy and a stooge. With each appointment Obama exhibits his 'True Colors' by allowing the Clintons to take over his White House. One thing you might consider, president-elect Obama, before you select Hillary as U.S. Secretary of State, is that the European Union, specifically our oldest and greatest ally of 200 years, the Republic of France, has direct evidence of then Clinton's Secretary of State Madeleine Albright aka Halfbright, LOSER and closet lesbian Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton, along with war criminal and Dunblaine pedophile, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, in launching project "Echelon" an industrial espionage operation directed against French business interests in the United States and on French soil. As we reported last night folks, both Albright aka Halfbright and loser Hillary directed former Clinton National Security Advisor, Israeli Mossad agent and TRAITOR Sandy Berger to go into the U.S. National Archives and steal TREASON documents, including the NATO and French nuclear codes that were handed over to RED Communist China and Israel. Again, president-elect Obama, it is your call. We hope you will do the right thing because we want REAL change that means something. …As of this hour we live free or die. Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, said "…I am surrounded by enemies but I shall never stand down in the face of tyrants..." …
Stay tuned for emergency reports at any moment as Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. remains the REAL President of the United States . Non-inaugurated,
Patriotic, God-loving, peaceful Jewish People are NOT the
same as the war mongering ZIONIST
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