hal-turner with an amero// sott // casper +fw10 - - icke // sorcha : Top US Generals Reach Out To Russian General Staff To Avert Global War

mercredi 8 octobre 2008 18 h 18
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hal-turner with an amero// sott // casper +fw10 - - icke // sorcha : Top US Generals Reach Out To Russian General Staff To Avert Global War
hal-turner-blog    http://halturnershow.blogspot.com/
October 4, 2008
Earlier in the week, I reported via this blog, the shipment of 800 Billion AMEROS from the USA to China. Many of you called "bullshit" on the posting, claiming it was a hoax.
 I now offer irrefutable proof.

Below is a video of me holding one of the actual 20 AMERO coins sent to China. Additional coins with face values of 50 and 100 AMEROS were also sent from the U.S. in addition to paper currency shipped BY the U.S.
from the currency printing firm in Europe!

Since the Chinese presently hold about $2.3 TRILLION U.S. Dollars in cash from our trade imbalance, the Chinese demanded and got billions of the new AMERO currency in advance of everyone else.
China made this demand to ease its exposure to the financial disaster that is going to take place when the U.S. Dollar is de-monetized; declared to be "not money" by the U.S. Treasury.

The 20 AMERO coin shown in the video below was minted at the Denver Mint, evidenced by the "D" stamped onto the obverse of the coin. The coin bears the year 2007 which proves our government has been planning the collapse of the U.S. Dollar for over a year!

The bottom line to all this is simple: The U.S. dollar is going to be intentionally exhausted into worthlessness. Anyone holding any assets denominated in "dollars" such as Checking accounts, Savings accounts, IRA's, 401-K's, Pensions, Stocks, Bonds, Money market funds, will wake up one day to find all their "dollars" are no longer "money."

Those persons without gold, silver or foreign bank accounts denominated in foreign currencies, will be left instantly, totally, destitute;
unless they accept the merging of the US with Canada and Mexico into something called the North American Union (NAU) and take the new AMERO currency for pennies on the dollar.
In one fell swoop, descendants of the money changers that Jesus Christ threw out of the temple, 2000 years ago, will have effectively stolen absolutely everything from us by causing our "money" to be no longer "money." We're talking the single biggest robbery/looting in the history of the world!

Don't take my word for it, watch the video below (and the photos below that) and see the new AMERO for yourselves.

Spread the word: Open foreign bank accounts and wire transfer US dollars to those accounts to be exchanged for and held in foreign currencies.
It's the only hope you have of protecting what you've worked all your life for.
Added october 4th 2008.
New currency being secretly minted at Denver Mint, to replace US Dollar, Canadian Dollar and Mexican Peso.
Hal Turner Shows  / New AMERO Currency:
               (( the fasces of the empire))
....... http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_uIpart1IM-0/SOgX-F0Sh0I/AAAAAAAAADY/fTX4Sb4pSeo/s320/AmeroBack.jpg
                  (( the eagle of the empire))


Fascist symbolism - Wikipedia, the free encycloped...
The symbol of fascism, in its original Italian incarnation under Benito Mussolini, and which gave fascism its name, was the fasces. This is an ancient Roman ...

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascist_symbolism - 51k - Similar pages

.........The eagle was the emblem of ancient Rome, and is now the emblem of the Austrian and Russian empires, and of the United States. http://chestofbooks.com/reference/Home-Cyclopedia-Of-General-Information/Eagle.html 











sott focus:


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casper october 8th;


 All hell has broken loose in the White House this morning.
Deliveries were scheduled to begin at 1p.m. EST with announcements tonight.
Confrontations with BUSH occurred throughout the night and morning involving the Queen (who arrived around 1 a.m) and the couriers and the media.
Threats were made by BUSH including violence as well as using HLS, Ex. Orders and bribes running into the Billions. Nothing was working for BUSH so he has now threatened the program recipients with "elimination", especially the Freedom recipients as that triggers announcements.
The media and the carriers did not fold this time nor did they accept the bribes. Threats of violence by HLS armed with Ex. Orders were met with statements that the delivery personel are armed also.  
WE are unclear regarding Q's activities except to say she is here to get the deal done and was meeting with the media this morning.
WE hear the military has finally stepped in as a result of his threats against recipients with the net outcome being
a delay to later in the day for deliveries and announcements still tonight.
              casper  10thmonth-8-08

more of fw10:

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE:  Oct. 5, 2008
Dear Yk:
    Welcome to Fourwinds.  Casper is a very serious and dedicated patriot, helping to keep people informed of the battle in progress to complete the NESARA Mission.  He is a "news reporter", not a prophet, and many people foolishly attack him;, because he does not "make it happen". 
 They whine when they have news, and they whine when they have none.
    The bank packets must be delivered in the U.S. first by contract, before the 180 countries waiting can receive their funding, and NESARA must be implemented to start the changes needed to stop the One World Order and make a better world. 
 The Bush/Clinton Cabal want all the money, and the power of their One World Order, and are the main blockage to changes at this time.
    The Evil Empire is crumbling, and change to goodness is here.  It cannot be stopped, for it is Creator God's Plan for our time.  Delivery of the bank packets shall be made, and NESARA shall be implemented by public announcement in proper sequence and timing to usher in the new Global gold bank system and the end of the plans of the One World Order.
    The fight is intense, as the Darkside tries to save their fake credit money system of the Federal Reserve Bank, and put their puppets in place in the coming U.S. national elections.  They shall surely fail to save their U.S. Empire and One World Order, as sweeping changes are already in process in our world.  The tide has turned against more war, against U.S. Empire, against power and greed and control by an evil few.  Their days are numbered, and their demise is very soon.
    I encourage you to be observant, to be patient and to be in prayer, as change engulfs our world.  Know that the outcome shall be most good, indeed, and the wait, not long!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
The Queen of England has carried her "crown-power" too far and has exploited too many countries. The balance of power has reached the end of its evil stroke, and the pendulum is now swinging back. More than 180 countries now stand ready on this planet to move together into a world-wide gold-based monetary system.
 A very long sequence of Darkside events has brought this about.
The greatest obstacle to such change since 1993 has been the English bankers, their FRB which spans the world, and their 13 controlling families.
The FRB's "nightmare" is the concept of "Jubilee", a biblical term involving the forgiveness of debt. Under the Constitution of the Republic of the U. S. of A. , it is illegal to have credit money and to loan credit because the bankers provide no collateral of real value to back their worthless system. To change back to a value-based money system, all debt owed to the FRB would be dismissed. Thus, all car loans, credit card debt, house mortgages, business loans and other credit extended by the FRB would be declared forgiven and uncollectable. This is the concept of Jubilee which the bankers have fought furiously for eight long years.
The English Bankers lose all, should their system be changed. And they have lost! And the Queen of England now knows that she has lost---all!
There has been divine intervention in the recovery of this great nation, the only nation in this present civilization to be established as a Republic (not a democracy) with its Constitution based upon the Laws of God and the Laws of Creation.
For many years the bankers had raped the people of the world by stealing their wealth. This wealth the bankers would invest in their money-games. One such game was called the "Roll Program", wherein the money was used to give a 30% return in a single month by stealing the wealth of under-developed countries. These money-games were closely guarded by the rich and none of the masses, the (goyim-cattle) were to ever be allowed into them.
 In the 1980's a strange phenomenon occurred. In many countries and especially the U.S. multi-level marketing (MLM) by telephone became very popular. For the first time a "little" person could create a legitimate MLM program and reap large financial rewards in a very short time. Some MLM persons became wealthy, and someone somewhere allowed a rich MLM person to play in the banker's money-games. Big mistake! Any successful MLM person will immediately share a new venture with his friends.
 Consequently, the "Roll Program" money-game got out to the goyim and spread to many countries before it was stopped by the banker-controllers. The problem the bankers now have is that, if they are to be paid their money from these "Roll-Programs", the goyim must be paid as well. These "Roll-Program" funds are also legitimate claims due and owing against the "system" and are to be paid in gold when the new gold standard is again established. This will allow the "little" people to recover from the poverty and illness perpetrated upon them, and in turn to assist in the economic and social recovery of nations.
Some of these 72+ "roll programs" by name are Bergevene, Savage, SBC-Warchest, SBC-Charcoal, ITI, Alpha, Omega, Treasurygate, and Morgan. Let us hope that the people will be guided by wisdom in their use of such funds. The Darkside stands ready to take it all away again.
Will a world-wide banking change really occur? Yes! The Darkside cannot stop it! This is the time of re-balancing, of higher energies and frequencies on our planet and its transition into a higher dimension. Evil shall not win!
God Aton of Light always wins, and the evil controllers now know that they have lost their power and control over the people.
When will this anticipated banking change happen? Very soon! The sequence of events are now in place for that change to occur. People everywhere are waking up to the tricks and lies played upon them by the Darkside. Truth can no longer be hidden.
The People of the Lie are waking up to Truth and are becoming Truth-seekers.
The Darkside fears those, who understand the dark games played upon them, for then they have the power to change things for good. Are you waking up to the tricks played upon you as well? Are you, too, a Truth seeker and change-agent, or are you content to remain one of the People of the Lie?

--The Phoenix Journal/Contact Newspaper Archive, Bellringer Writings, and The Spectrum Newspaper are at--





October 8, 2008 1:25 PM

Vista R.I.P.

October 8, 2008 1:32 PM

Dueling Puppets - I'm Speechless!

October 8, 2008 1:51 PM

Piced to Direct the Wall Street Bailout: Who is Neel Kashkari?

October 8, 2008 1:50 PM


October 8, 2008 1:46 PM

Khazari Lobby and Israel Blamed for Economic Crisis

October 8, 2008 2:10 PM

Phenylpropanolamine (PPA)]

Wednesday, 08 October 2008
Los Angeles 2008
Caught in the web?

 Or Infinite Consciousness?
That is the choice.
And it is time to make it.

Click here for more pictures from Los Angeles ...




Saturday, 04 October 2008
The Beginning Of A World Centralization Whirlwind
'To solve global problems we need global solutions, and we must work together even when there are differences in our political systems. - Jose Manuel Barroso, European Commission President speaking to the Chinese Communist Party Central School in Beijing on November 27, 2007. As the climb towards a world government continues, several things need to be done first, and one of them is centralization of all regulatory bodies, governments, and anything that affects our daily lives to even the smallest degree, the signs of which are too great to be ignored when reading on world events is done. 2008 seems to be the start of a turning point of this race for control, and those running things behind the scenes aren’t pacing themselves to conserve energy anymore. So, I will concentrate here on what appears to me at the moment to be the three main things that that are in the beginning stages of or will soon be quickly centralized right now around the planet.'

All it took was just this one crash to scare investors and their lack of confidence in all these different banks drove down their stock prices and credit ratings and then they were done. Banks all over the world were buying up these debt backed securities like hungry hyenas and they have got and are getting burned along with US banks. At the end they all held a bunch of bootleg assets which were the cash flows from all the home, student, car, credit card loans from people who could never have paid them in the first place, and were totally vulnerable to all their investors and depositors pulling out their money on the event of public exposure of this. All it took was just one bank, Bear Stearns, to cause a chain reaction which brought the financial markets to their knees. Bear Stearns was clearly a corporate hit, as the Fortune Magazine timeline shows. Goldman Sachs just came out of nowhere, and did that, and didn’t even make a buy bid? Come on.

When you really look at it, the banks killed themselves. Literally. In 2004, representatives of Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers, Merill Lynch and Bear Stearns met with the SEC and asked for a whole string of things, including that their rainy day money which was supposed to be used to be a cushion against losses on their investments be loosed so they could start doing deals with the asset backed securities and that whole mess. The SEC commissioners gave em everything they wanted in a unanimous vote of approval.(...)


Their rainy day money being burned out? Their debt ceiling erased? She was tied in. No one’s that dumb. Also, in 2004, Paulson was CEO of Goldman Sachs before he became Treasury Secretary. Him being in that position is an insult a minute to America.
I’ve said in my last article about the financial storm that the banks that this was all a case of problem-reaction-solution. Create a problem, or let an existing one exacerbate, wait for the people to cry out “This is enough! Something must be done!”, and then changes in society and power structures are introduced to clean up problems by the very same people who created those problems in the first place. Alan Greenspan set interest rates after 9/11 to the absolute minimum they could be, which was what gave the banks the encouragement to go wild. He held them there for years after, right up to the peak of the subprime mortgage lending scenario, and was called out on this by Leslie Stahl on 60 Minutes.(...)
Oh no, nothing wrong here. Don’t look at the man behind the curtain! People talk about Bush’s smirk, but you look at Greenspan’s, he makes Bush look like a store mannequin, he has it on so much.(...)
This casual, carefree attitude about his position as Federal Reserve Chairman makes no sense if you come from the point of view that he is put there to stabilize the economy and to help save the world. But if you understand the little known fact that every year, world heads of state, European royalty, politicians, military, Fortune 500 business and banking CEOs, military bigs, and key journalists and academics, collectively known as the Bilderberg Group, meet at a luxurious hotel every year to talk, and it’s so secret that not even the journalists or newspaper owners that do attend are allowed to report on what goes on. This is even from the Asia Times reporting on one of the more infamous guys who goes there.(...)
A person holding the above knowledge can easily understand why Bear Stearns suddenly turned upon Goldman Sachs, why Greenspan did what he did, and why the institutions which hold sway over populations are merging and combining like some lab experiment. Deputy White House Press Secretary Tony Fratto has admitted that the bank bailout bill was actually planned and written months before this reached even close to the point it is now.(...)
The gigantic Patriot Act bill coming out within two months of 9/11, when the planning, research, teamwork and coordination, and typing work would have taken ages to stamp out. Take a look at the Patriot Act sometime. Even if the bailout bill was written with the best of goals in mind, it won’t work because it offers no solutions, just gives more money to the problem. And it wasn’t. Speaking of throwing money, the revised bailout bill allows the FDIC to borrow unlimited amounts of money from the Treasury. The inclusion of a provision raising the amount that the FDIC can give out is just the steak thrown to the people that’s been riddled with poison. That money gets out there, inflation will surge yet again because an upped money supply = less worth for the dollar. Too long has this machine run on other people’s energy, other people’s money. It’s time these business hacks used their own steam to keep the train moving. Nouriel Roubini of Global Economonitor fleshes my thoughts out better.(...)
Americans were furious over this bill, and Congress is saying they are recieving record amounts, in the millions of emails and calls on this one alone. Oh, if only the anger could have been about the ramifications of the proviso that gives Henry Paulson, the US Treasury Secretary some pretty badass powers under the plan: “Decisions by


Secretary some pretty badass powers under the plan: “Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.” America, like all other countries to some degree or another, is already headed towards a total 1984 style dictatorship in so many areas it’d make the average Joe or Jane’s head spin if they knew the full extent of it. Paulson said that there was no room or time to get some money to bail out the screwed over homeowners when he was pitching the first version of the bill. It was only three pages long. I’m not going to spare the space for the obvious response to that. Oh and those golden mega payouts to exiting bank CEOs? Payoffs for a job well done. Why did the government officials who were at the helm before 9/11 get promoted instead of at the very least, fired? Same deal. Rewarded for a job, in their masters eyes, well done. Who stands to gain the most? Are there, to the naked eye, unreasonable rewards and promotions being passed around when the situation screams for the opposite to be happening? This is the simple formula that will let anyone know an attack was carried out, who did it and why in any major catastrophe that strikes anywhere on the globe. And indeed, Bush called Henry Paulson his wartime general. The reason for that remark is plain and clear now.

When I said in From Trap to Crunch to Assimilation - The Great American Power Lunch three weeks ago that the solution to the created problem would be more power given to government or a new regulatory agency created to control financial institutions, it wasn’t that hard to see when the history is looked at. FEMA cut off water, aid and food and wouldn’t let any of the French, Dutch, or anyone else come in with water filters or food or water or anything. But they took away the guns of the people and let the Mexican troops in. And then wanted MORE authority afterwards. FBI and CIA after 9/11? Wanted more power. It is now harvest time for these string pullers and they aren’t being nice and easy about it. Timothy Geithner, New York Federal Reserve president, just right after Bilderberg ended on the 8th of June, proposed a global banking regulatory framework in the Financial Times of London. After that, what Greenspan did, and the meetings at Bilderberg, not too hard really. Here are all the people who have called for a centralized control over banks.(...)


(...) So why China? As far as I can see, there are two main reasons for shoving this in the public’s face, and it’s not for any altruistic purposes. ..........The aspartame which fries people’s brains, the genetically modified food which can change the DNA of gut bacteria, and the MSG which turns kids into little Tasmanian Devils. These should be front page news items without stop every day until these products are taken off the shelves. Even the thousands of deaths in China are nothing compared to the effects of aspartame in Diet drinks, MSG, and the deaths from the mercury in vaccines combined.
The way this is being broadcasted, it looks to me to be an economic war against China as part of an ongoing sort of WW2.5 before the actual hard war starts.(...)
It’s the special reversespeak which tells you what they really plan to do. There are fantastic amounts of gold, silver, bauxite, all that stuff, and watch for African events that will provide justification for the US to come in, whether it be a resurgence of Al-Qaeda, new African rebel groups that threaten the African democratic process, or whatever other excuse will be needed to come in and get the territory away from China before WW3 starts up. This is subtle, this is real, and it is ongoing even as I write this. But this plan can be stopped through exposure of it. Feel this info is valid? Pass it around. This agenda is gaining ground like a Pacman and if people think that just sitting on their asses and being afraid of mysterious government agencies who in reality don’t have the manpower (other than their supercomputers) to spy to even a fraction of a degree to what the public believes they can will save them from Big Brother, they are dead wrong.(...)
Tuesday, 07 October 2008
Council On Foreign Relations
 “Gamed” Economic Implosion in 2000
'Back in 2000, before “everything changed,” the Council on Foreign Relations held a conference entitled “The Next Financial Crisis: Warning Signs, Damage Control and Impact” at its posh headquarters on Manhattan.
“For two days, several speakers told a high-powered audience of 250 people, comprised largely of bankers, investors, corporation officials, and policymakers, mostly from the United States, but also from Europe, of the possibility that the U.S. stock market, and potentially the world financial system, would melt down,” Richard Freeman wrote in the July 28, 2000, issue of the Executive Intelligence Review.' ....
Obviously, the CFR knew something very few other people knew or even vaguely gleamed — the global elite were in the preparatory stages of imploding the economy.The CFR’s eight hour “war-game simulation of the simultaneous breakdown of major financial markets around the world” foresaw what we are now experiencing up close and personal. The CFR’s game closely paralleled what is going on now. ....
Freeman writes:
What had been simulated, was a policy of pumping huge amounts of liquidity by the Federal Reserve, both through public sources and also through secret channels, to “keep the main markets open.” The simulation was conducted such that “all the public would see, is that the Fed volume of loans to banks had gone up.” Further, and darkly revealing, the CFR, according to its own testimony, the simulation began with a coup against the President of the United States.
As for the latter, we have experienced something somewhat different — a coup not by forces outside the presidency but already ensconced within, a coup launched against Congress, the Constitution, and the American people by a coterie of insiders firmly in control of the executive.
(...) The four teams covered 1) monetary-financial, which dealt with the functions of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors; 2) economic and trade, which dealt with the functions of the U.S. Treasury Department; 3) regulatory matters; and 4) national security — nut case and former CIA director James Woolsey played the role of Secretary of Defense.
Indeed, Woolsey is a “nut case” – more accurately, a psychopath — and a dangerous one associated with the neocons and the Project for the New American Century, the Likudnik dominated JINSA, Frank Gaffney’s neocon infested Center for Security Policy, and the American Foreign Policy Council. Let’s say he represented the neocon branch of the CFR, not yet in power when the game commenced on Manhattan.
However, it would not be long before the neocons were in control of the White House and began to implement their “new Pearl Harbor” and orchestrate the unitary dictatorship of the executive, resulting in numerous martial law pieces of legislation now hanging over us ominously like a legal Sword of Damocles.(...)
“The potential for financial breakdown was often accurately presented at the conference, but no solution was even remotely discussed,” Freeeman concludes. In other words, the purpose of the CFR “war game” was not to prevent or ameliorate such a crash, but obviously how to best manage it after the markets began a precipitous and catastrophic decline, as they are now in the process of doing at the behest of the CFR and the international banksters.
Of course, none of this should come as a surprise, as history instructs: the banksters were behind the economic depression of 1907, designed to put in place the Federal Reserve, and also the so-called Great Depression beginning in 1929.
As Curtis Dall, member of the N.Y. stock exchange wrote in his book, “F.D.R.: My Exploited Father-in-Law,” the 1929 stock market crash “was the calculated ’shearing’ of the public by the World-Money powers, triggered by the sudden shortage of call money in the New York money market.” According to Rep. Louis McFadden, chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Currency in 1933, the 1929 crash “was not accidental. It was a carefully contrived occurrence….The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so they might emerge as rulers of us all.”
Once again, we are experiencing yet another “shearing,” this time to rival all past fleecings, at the behest of the international banksters. McFadden also said that the creation of the Federal Reserve System was engineered to establish “a world banking system… a super-state controlled by international bankers and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure.” Our current economic “crisis,” wholly artificial, is designed to put the finishing touches on this globalist super-state.
As the CFR’s very own Carroll Quigley wrote in Tragedy and Hope, the “powers of financial capitalism had (a) far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the systems was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank…sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.”
Earlier today in the House, we experienced this influence upon “cooperative politicians” as they steamrolled through the banker bailout bill that will further consolidate the political power of the ruling elite. Hank Paulson’s undue influence as “finance Czar,” unanswerable to Congress or the American people, will compliment the authoritarian character now present in the executive quite effectively.
Next up, the ultimate financial meltdown that will be micromanaged by the CFR and global elite.
Sunday, 05 October 2008
The Myth Of German Culpability
By Michael Walsh     10thmonth-4-8
The 2nd World War     The True Sequence Of Aggression 

'One of the great mysteries of life is that despite the evidence to the contrary millions of otherwise intelligent people still believe that Germany was the all powerful aggressor during the 2nd World War. Nothing better than these myths illustrate the mind-bending power of propaganda. The provable facts suggest that Germany was the victim and not the perpetrator of naked neighboring aggression. The subsequent allied military triumph was followed by the triumph of the propagandists whose pressing need was to depict the victor nations as being the victim.' (...)
..and comments......

Comment  by  Michael Rivero
The "Clash of civilizations" is not about religion, but about banking. How Hitler rebuilt Germany's economy was simple. He abandoned the fractional reserve banking system that was crippling post-WW1 Germany and instituted a currency with a fixed unit of value. Oddly enough, it was a financial system not very different from that of the United States prior to 1913. This allowed Germany to rebuild quickly, but was of course a direct threat to the bankers who had grown rich and powerful with legalized counterfeiting. This is the reason that "war" (actually a boycott; see attached) was "declared" against Germany. The bankers feared that people everywhere would see the immediate advantages of a non- reserve monetary system and force a change in their own countries. Germany, specifically the German economy, had to be wrecked in order to preserve the fractional reserve banking system everywhere else.
Oddly enough, when Putin came to power in Russia, he did pretty much the same thing; kicking out the oligarchs and restructuring Russia's economic system, and the end result is that Russia has paid off all her debts early (while the USA, still enslaved to the Federal Reserve, sinks deep into debt every single day), and not surprisingly, enmity against Russia by nations under the control of reserve banking systems and bankers is on the increase.
  The same "war of money" underlies the push for Islamophobia.
It's not really about religion but about the conflict between
compounded interest versus loan-plus-fixed-fee financing.
Michael Rivero
What Really Happened
Comment by      x-915552
What all of you don't understand is: Hitler did not want any war.
He wanted peace. The Third Reich needed peace to rebuild Germany after what the Jews, who had the upper hand in the Weimar Republic, had done to Germany.
If Hitler had wanted a war, then he would not have offered to withdraw and pay damages to Poland after The Reich defeated Poland.
Had Hitler wanted a war he would have destroyed the British Expeditionary Army at Dunkirk. He said "NO!" when General Heinz Guderian wanted to attack the British at Dunkirk.
It is high time we stop believing in the Jewish lies told about WWII and start understanding the truth. Hitler did not want a war!!!!
Who wanted war? Zionist Jews of the world.


Comment by    Randulf Johan Hansen
Hess on a secret mission landed in Britain to end the war with the West that Hitler did not want. Churchill concealed the nature of his mission because Churchill was taking order from Jews (Baruch and Morganthau as well as the merchant banking houses of The City) wanted the extermination of Germans and the threat of the usury-free Nationalist Populist dynamism.
Comment    from: Dick Eastman
With the advantage of retrospect and the exposure of what really happened, I am sorry Hitler and Japan did not get a negotiated settlement (rather than a defeat) out of World War Two.
He could have done so easily. Instead of bombing London he could have bombed the mansions of the British aristocracy on their great estates, bombed them to rubble. The British elite did not care about the insufferable lower-class nobodies dying in the London Blitz. They would care about losing the family castle.
 And the strategy would have saved the Luftwaffe as well. The British always knew the German planes were headed straight to London and so had all of their anti-aircraft guns, barrage baloons and searchlights and RAF Spitfires there to intercept them. If they went after the gentry where they lived they would have had all Britain in which to select their targets. The RAF could not be everywhere at once. Before you know it the House of Lords would have renegged on their backing of Churchill (Baruch's pet bulldog) and his insistance upon unconditional surrender and would have settled for a negotiated peace that would have saved Europe from half-conquest by (Jewish) communism.
Remember that when we are fighting the elites. Our enemy is not the stupid and depraved soldiers they send after us -- our enemy is the Money Power elite themselves.
Comment     by   x-915552
Munich Betrayal And Its Contemporary Lessons
Between 1932 and 1942, the USA used about 12 per cent of her gross income on military equipment. That was far above what Germany used and what Japan used. I call such high part of gross national income for propping up a country making it ready for war.


Comment by   Dr. Gunther Kümel (Excerpt)

Today it occurs to me to break with the habit to ignore your "arguments" that sound like a propaganda trumpet.
However, in this contribution you are contradicting yourself to such an absurd degree that it is hard not to write a satire about it.

You have a point with mentioning General Thomas who indeed ardently insisted in preparation for a long war, total war, huge armaments, full use of the authoritarian power the German parliament had conceded to Hitler, economic mobilisation in the broadest sense, "full wartime mobilization of the economy". And as he did not get his way, tried to kill his chancellor.

And Hitler? He instructed Keitel, that he did not want war, refused to give the orders Thomas demanded. He relied on negotiations since he had the impression to deal with statesmen not insane enough to rebut a fair compromise.
 Have you ever read the proposals Hitler offered to Poland? No? Perhaps you should do that, it might change your fixed ideas about the evil Hitler and the poor Poles. If any chancellor or even politician in the "republic of Weimar" (that had been reigned in an authoritarian way without concessions of the parliament) had offered such a far reaching compromise, he would have lost his position within two hours.
                  What Hitler offered to Poland can only be compared with the sacrifices of this Willy Brandt to Poland and Russia and Jugoslavia and the Cek, only that Hitler acted in favour of Germany and Willy Brandt as a servant of Allied interests (you remember he was officer of an enemy state). Hitler suggested the reunification of Danzig with the motherland and Danzig was a free state, not property of the Poles.
The (German) inhabitants of Danzig wanted fervently this reunification (as the inhabitants of Austria, Sudetenland or South Tirol). Poland

Tirol). Poland should retain certain economic privileges she had been granted by the "peace makers" (war mongers) ofVersailles. Germany would not demand the very important industrial area of Upper Silesia (German inhabitated), West Prussia (to a high degree German inhabitated). And Hitler offered a peace pact for 25 years and a guaranty for the frontiers of Poland, which was more or less the promise to defend Poland against a revision by Stalin with respect to "East Poland" recently conquered by Poland and inhabitated mostly by Ukrainians.

 What Hitler wanted to be honoured with was not more than a highway and a railway line through the "Corridor" (German inhabitated), that separated part of Germany (East Prussia) from the main land. Really, Hitler could not demand less!

Hitler's fatal mistake was that he trusted the fairness of the British, that he did not fully recognize the threat of the "background powers". And that he tried to reach just aims by way of negotiations.
 General Thomas was not so naïve, and he was not so pacifistic as Hitler who allowed the British divisions to escape at Dunkirk, just for the purpose not to hurt the British sensitivity. General Thomas was aware of the firm determination of the influential circles in the world (eg the high finance) to destroy the German nation, and therefore he insisted in preparation for a long war of annihilation against the Reich.


Dr. Gunther Kümel.
Sunday, 05 October 2008
Spain: Don’t Succumb To Israeli Pressure  By Khalid Amayreh   in Occupied Jerusalem
'The Israeli government has been quietly pressing (and pressuring) Spain to reconsider issuing warrants for the arrest of high-ranking Israeli army officers accused of committing war crimes in the occupied Palestinian territories.'
Sunday, 05 October 2008
Cop Tries Choking Detainee To Get Evidence That Wasn't There
'The people at StoptheDrugWar.com posted this news report regarding a police officer who arrested man who was believed, by the officer to have marijuana. The cop couldn't find the marijuana so he then assumed the man was swallowing it. To prevent this the officer then began chocking the man, who was restrained in handcuffs and who didn't try to fight or resist in any way.' (...). This office is unreliable. I'll go further, this officer is a criminal.
The problems got worse for the officer. Office Crosby, the uniformed thug in question, was attempting to force the man to spit out marijuana. The man's refusal to do so meant more choking of him in order to force him to produce the evidence. The stupid officer never considered another alternative -- that the man had no marijuana and couldn't spit it out since it wasn't there. In fact, tests on the man proved that to be the case. NO marijuana was in his system at all. None that day, none in the past that they could find.

Remember a little incident in history called the Holy Inquisition. A witch sniffer would point out a witch and everything was done to force the witch to confess. There were no witches but the torture was meant to produce the evidence that there was. Here the witch sniffer was the cop who used torture, choking, to force the man to produce evidence that didn't exist. But since the evidence didn't actually exist nothing could be produced so he kept choking.
Our sane friends at
StoptheDrugWar.com went and looked at a police website and read the comments by "good" cops on the site. And they are supporting the officer. One calls this "vascular restraint". A second says the "level of force has to equal the level of the crime" and is for the "safety" of "both suspect and officer." I hope I never get protected by these thugs like that.
Sunday, 05 October 2008
What Nobody Wants To Know About Somalia And Why; And What That Means
'A huge war crime -- a massive crime against humanity -- is going on right now in Somalia, courtesy of (but only indirectly traceable to) the Bush administration and Washington's bipartisan power elite. But, aside from Chris Floyd and a few other internet madmen, nobody knows -- or even wants to know -- much about it.'
Wednesday, 08 October 2008
When is a Holocaust Not a Holocaust?
'When the perpetrators call it a victory.
Although the "surge" has failed as policy, it appears to be succeeding as propaganda. It seems to be the only thing that supporters of the war have to point to, and so they point, and they point, and they point. Allow me to point out that while there has been a reduction in violence in Iraq -- now down to a level that virtually any other society in the world would find horrible and intolerable, including Iraqi society before the US invasion and occupation -- we must keep in mind that thanks to this lovely little war more than half the population of Iraq is either dead, crippled, traumatized, confined in overflowing American and Iraqi prisons, internally displaced, or in foreign exile.'
William Blum is the author of: Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War 2. Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower. West-Bloc Dissident: A Cold War Memoir. Freeing the World to Death: Essays on the American Empire. Portions of the books can be read, and signed copies purchased, at www.killinghope.org
Tuesday, 07 October 2008
Kfor Members Warned About Depleted Uranium In Kosmet
'Upon entry into Kosmet in 1999, members of the Kfor brigade West had received a Nuclear-Biological-Chemical booklet which warned of radiological dangers, writes the Frankfurt News. A copy of the booklet was given to the paper by Falco Accame, an Italian admiral, who upon retiring had become an MP and activities of the Association for the Protection of Soldiers who have become ill from the effects of depleted uranium in peace missions. This booklet states that vehicles and material of the Serbian Army can represent a danger to persons coming in close contact. The text is, according to experts, the first official and explicit confirmation that NATO had used not only OU-missiles but also cruise missiles with depleted uranium.'

Al Qaeda is about as real as Adam "Gadahn" Pearlman's love for American citizens...as real as the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and The Monkey King George Walker Bush's TXANG record:



Posted by hANOVER fIST on Wednesday, October 08, 2008 - 12:36 PM
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hANOVER fIST ( hanover fist ?)
October 9, 2008 // ( still october  8th in North america.)
Top US Generals Reach Out To Russian General Staff
To Avert Global War
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers (Traducción al Español abajo)
Reports circulating in the Kremlin today are stating that three of the United States Top Generals met with Defense Minister Anatoliy Serdyukov in Kazakhstan in a meeting chaired by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice who stated that the Americans were not trying to ‘undermine’ Russia and urgently requesting Russian Military assistance to avert a Total Global War.
Secretary Rice, these reports say, told Minister Serdyukov during this meeting that the United States was under an ‘economic 9/11 attack’ engineered by British and Israeli hedge funds controlling over $60 Trillion of the Western World’s wealth and threatening to collapse the entire World’s financial and economic structure. The goal of these attacks, she continued explaining, was to avert the dismantling of Israel’s present borders to their pre-1967 war lines but which could only be accomplished by the total destruction of Iran, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt in a Total Global War.
Israel ’s Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has echoed Secretary Rice’s warnings during an emergency meeting he held with Prime Minister Putin in pleading for Russia not to side with Iran and Syria by supplying them with advanced weapons to repel the expected Israeli Military invasions believed planned for within the month.
Prime Minister Olmert has further attempted to persuade his citizens that Israel must return to its pre-1967 borders or face total isolation and economic blockades over its growing system of apartheid towards the Palestinian peoples in a brutal system that also brought down the government of South Africa in the 1990’s.
Prime Minister Olmert’s warning to his people, however, has gone unheeded and his resignation was forced by the right-wing factions of his own party led by the former Mossad agent Tzipi Livni who is expected to replace him as the leader of the Jewish state.   
Hamas leaders have also warned of these events going even further than Olmert by stating that the Jewish Lobby in America “controls the U.S. elections and defines the foreign policy of any new administration in a manner that allows it to retain control of the American government and economy.”
Russian Military Analysts report that the right-wing factions in Israel are increasingly bringing pressure upon Washington to allow it to start World War III, but the Americans are continuing to resist it by refusing to allow the Israelis to attack Iran, and as we can read:
According to a Monday report on Israel's Channel 10, unnamed Israeli sources said the presence of US troops in Iraq spoils chances of an Israeli strike on Iran, arguing that any military action would leave US forces stationed in Iraq vulnerable to Tehran's retaliation.
Tel Aviv has threatened to launch air strikes against Iranian nuclear installations under the pretext that Tehran, a signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), has plans to develop nuclear weaponry.
This is while, in its latest report on Iran, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) announced that it could not find any 'components of a nuclear weapon' or 'related nuclear physics studies' in the country.
In response to war threats, Iran has warned that it would not hesitate to target 'Israel and 32 US bases' in the region, should the country come under attack.
An Israeli official accompanying Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on a visit to Moscow, however, declined to comment on the Channel 10 report. According to a senior Israeli official, Olmert is in Russia to persuade the country into not selling S-300 missile defense system to Iran.
Late in September, The Guardian quoted EU diplomatic sources as saying that US president George W. Bush in a one to one meeting with Israeli Premier Ehud Olmert on May 14 rejected the idea of an Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear facilities.
Bush not only ruled out the idea but insisted that his view would not change, according to The Guardian.
The Monday report comes as several Israeli military and Mossad officials, in an unexpected move on Sunday, endorsed the Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.”
This US refusal, however, has not stopped the fears of an attack upon their Nation by Israel to which Syrian Leaders have ordered their military forces to the Lebanonese border. Nor has it assuaged Russian forces, and who have increased the number of their warships in the Mediterranean in support of their Syrian ally.
So catastrophic have these events become, and as we had previously reported on in our September 18th report “Economic World War Has Begun, Warns Russia” wherein the US Federal Reserve Chief stated that the Americans had ‘lost control’ over their economy, that in the past year alone the United States has lost nearly one quarter of its wealth as over $18 Trillion has been wiped out from their collapsing stock markets.
Even worse, the economic attacks upon the United States by these shadowy British-Israeli hedge funds now threaten to destroy the entire World’s financial structure as Russia, Ukraine and Indonesian markets have been forced to close, European Nations watch as an ever increasing number of the largest banks collapse, the Nations of Iceland and Pakistan fall into complete bankruptcy, all happening at rapid speed  with no end in sight for any of them seeking to stem the tide of billions of sell orders from those seeking Total Global War.  
It is interesting to note in these reports too that the American Military contingent that arrived in Kazakhstan for their meeting with Defense Minister Serdyukov did so aboard the United States most secretive, and feared, nuclear powered terrestrial and outer space ‘Flying Triangle’ craft called the TR-3B [pictured 3rd and 4th photos left] which was reportedly ‘fired upon’ from [deleted by source request] as it neared the Egyptian border on its flight to Central Asia, but to which propaganda Western media reports say was an ‘asteroid’ hitting our Earth’s upper atmosphere.
Our mentioning of this US Flying Triangle craft, we believe, is vital to our truest understanding of these events as it speaks to the ‘greater powers’ directing these horrific events, but which also are continually denied by those of the West. This is particularly perplexing as these same peoples have an over 1,000 year experience being enslaved by and fighting against these dark powers and have instinctive knowledge of the massive World-Wide confrontation yet to come.
To the main question being raised by these events of the likelihood of the Americans and Russians being able to forge an alliance against those seeking Total Global War, even those factions within their own governments, it is not to our knowing.  However, a glimpse of these things can be seen by those seeking truth as the Sorcha Faal had reported in her book “Battle Begins For Throne of This World: The Return of the Einherjar Warriors” wherein she quotes the prophet Nostradamus who wrote in Quatrain 6:21…

“When those of the arctic pole are united together,

Great terror and fear in the East:

Newly elected, the great trembling supported,

Rhodes, Byzantium stained with Barbarian blood.”

© October 9, 2008 EU and US all rights reserved.

wednesday 8.of 10thmonth.08, Sorcha Faal <sorchafaal@fastmail.fm> wrote :
De: Sorcha Faal <sorchafaal@fastmail.fm>
Objet: Top US Generals Reach Out To Russian General Staff To Avert Global War
À: sorchafaal@fastmail.fm
Date: mercredi 8 Octobre 2008, 17 h 18

[Ed. Note: This report should be read from its website location at
as this email copy does not
contain the links embedded in the original report.]

October 9, 2008

Top US Generals Reach Out To Russian General Staff To Avert Global War

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Reports circulating in the Kremlin today are stating that three of the
United States Top Generals met with Defense Minister Anatoliy Serdyukov
in Kazakhstan in a meeting chaired by US Secretary of State Condoleezza
Rice who stated that the Americans were not trying to ‘undermine’ Russia
and urgently requesting Russian Military assistance to avert a Total
Global War.

Secretary Rice, these reports say, told Minister Serdyukov during this
meeting that the United States was under an ‘economic 9/11 attack’
engineered by British and Israeli hedge funds controlling over $60
Trillion of the Western World’s wealth and threatening to collapse the
entire World’s financial and economic structure. The goal of these
attacks, she continued explaining, was to avert the dismantling of
Israel’s present borders to their pre-1967 war lines but which could
only be accomplished by the total destruction of Iran, Syria, Jordan,
Lebanon and Egypt in a Total Global War.

Israel’s Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has echoed Secretary Rice’s warnings
during an emergency meeting he held with Prime Minister Putin in
pleading for Russia not to side with Iran and Syria by supplying them
with advanced weapons to repel the expected Israeli Military invasions
believed planned for within the month.

Prime Minister Olmert has further attempted to persuade his citizens
that Israel must return to its pre-1967 borders or face total isolation
and economic blockades over its growing system of apartheid towards the
Palestinian peoples in a brutal system that also brought down the
government of South Africa in the 1990’s.

Prime Minister Olmert’s warning to his people, however, has gone
unheeded and his resignation was forced by the right-wing factions of
his own party led by the former Mossad agent Tzipi Livni who is expected
to replace him as the leader of the Jewish state.

Hamas leaders have also warned of these events going even further than
Olmert by stating that the Jewish Lobby in America “controls the U.S.
elections and defines the foreign policy of any new administration in a
manner that allows it to retain control of the American government and

Russian Military Analysts report that the right-wing factions in Israel
are increasingly bringing pressure upon Washington to allow it to start
World War III, but the Americans are continuing to resist it by refusing
to allow the Israelis to attack Iran, and as we can read:

“According to a Monday report on Israel's Channel 10, unnamed Israeli
sources said the presence of US troops in Iraq spoils chances of an
Israeli strike on Iran, arguing that any military action would leave US
forces stationed in Iraq vulnerable to Tehran's retaliation.

Tel Aviv has threatened to launch air strikes against Iranian nuclear
installations under the pretext that Tehran, a signatory to the nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), has plans to develop nuclear weaponry.

This is while, in its latest report on Iran, the International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA) announced that it could not find any 'components of
a nuclear weapon' or 'related nuclear physics studies' in the

In response to war threats, Iran has warned that it would not hesitate
to target 'Israel and 32 US bases' in the region, should the country
come under attack.

An Israeli official accompanying Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on a
visit to Moscow, however, declined to comment on the Channel 10 report.
According to a senior Israeli official, Olmert is in Russia to persuade
the country into not selling S-300 missile defense system to Iran.

Late in September, The Guardian quoted EU diplomatic sources as saying
that US president George W. Bush in a one to one meeting with Israeli
Premier Ehud Olmert on May 14 rejected the idea of an Israeli attack on
Iranian nuclear facilities.

Bush not only ruled out the idea but insisted that his view would not
change, according to The Guardian.

The Monday report comes as several Israeli military and Mossad
officials, in an unexpected move on Sunday, endorsed the Democratic
presidential candidate Barack Obama.”

This US refusal, however, has not stopped the fears of an attack upon
their Nation by Israel to which Syrian Leaders have ordered their
military forces to the Lebanonese border. Nor has it assuaged Russian
forces, and who have increased the number of their warships in the
Mediterranean in support of their Syrian ally.

So catastrophic have these events become, and as we had previously
reported on in our September 18th report “Economic World War Has Begun,
Warns Russia” wherein the US Federal Reserve Chief stated that the
Americans had ‘lost control’ over their economy, that in the past year
alone the United States has lost nearly one quarter of its wealth as
over $18 Trillion has been wiped out from their collapsing stock

Even worse, the economic attacks upon the United States by these shadowy
British-Israeli hedge funds now threaten to destroy the entire World’s
financial structure as Russia, Ukraine and Indonesian markets have been
forced to close, European Nations watch as an ever increasing number of
the largest banks collapse, the Nations of Iceland and Pakistan fall
into complete bankruptcy, all happening at rapid speed with no end in
sight for any of them seeking to stem the tide of billions of sell
orders from those seeking Total Global War.

It is interesting to note in these reports too that the American
Military contingent that arrived in Kazakhstan for their meeting with
Defense Minister Serdyukov did so aboard the United States most
secretive, and feared, nuclear powered terrestrial and outer space
‘Flying Triangle’ craft called the TR-3B [pictured 3rd and 4th photos
left] which was reportedly ‘fired upon’ from [deleted by source request]
as it neared the Egyptian border on its flight to Central Asia, but to
which propaganda Western media reports say was an ‘asteroid’ hitting our
Earth’s upper atmosphere.

Our mentioning of this US Flying Triangle craft, we believe, is vital to
our truest understanding of these events as it speaks to the ‘greater
powers’ directing these horrific events, but which also are continually
denied by those of the West. This is particularly perplexing as these
same peoples have an over 1,000 year experience being enslaved by and
fighting against these dark powers and have instinctive knowledge of the
massive World-Wide confrontation yet to come.

To the main question being raised by these events of the likelihood of
the Americans and Russians being able to forge an alliance against those
seeking Total Global War, even those factions within their own
governments, it is not to our knowing. However, a glimpse of these
things can be seen by those seeking truth as the Sorcha Faal had
reported in her book “Battle Begins For Throne of This World: The Return
of the Einherjar Warriors” wherein she quotes the prophet Nostradamus
who wrote in Quatrain 6:21…

“When those of the arctic pole are united together,

Great terror and fear in the East:

Newly elected, the great trembling supported,

Rhodes, Byzantium stained with Barbarian blood.”

© October 9, 2008 EU and US all rights reserved.
Sorcha Faal