Wednesday September 4, 2008
United States of America – It can now be reported that the unelected
White House occupant George W. Bushfraud is
facing imminent arrest by U.S. Navy Flag Officers for HIGH TREASON
against the United States of America.
John McCain's
alleged suspension of his presidential campaign is a disguise for a
constitutional crisis of unprecedented proportions
as the United States spirals headlong
towards civil war, revolution and anarchy.
As we reported in our previous briefing, the U.S. Military now has
"smoking gun" evidence that the Bushes and Clintons Crime Family
Syndicate STOLE U.S. Taxpayers' funds and laundered them to offshore
CIA proprietaries.
is now employing the service of both the Israeli Mossad and British MI6
Blackwater mercenaries to protect him from arrest
actually spy on U.S. Military Flag Officers
to arrest of this TRAITOR.
Accordingly, Bush
tonight used his corporate Mossad and MI6 controlled media to get on
national television
and ask the American People to bail out the thieves and crooks
that helped the Bushes and Clintons loot the U.S. Treasury.
The idea that Barack Obama and John McCain can suddenly show
up in Washington and, along with other Congressional thugs and
embezzlers, deceive the American People into believing this crap
borders on the inane and the ridiculous.
If both Obama and McCain come out and support this $700 Billion hold up
aka heist of the American Taxpayers' money,
one can only conclude that revolutionary measures must begin in
earnest to
absolutely destroy both of these political parties
that have led us to this disaster of unprecedented magnitude.
P.S. Isn't it interesting that Keating 5 bank dick John McCain
is speaking tomorrow at the Clinton Foundation, an alleged private
whose major financial funding comes from Bush and Baker
offshore accounts tied to the theft of U.S. Taxpayers' funds.
McCain is a stooge and a farce and is there to protect the powers
that be that have destroyed the United States of America.
Senator Obama is
financially backed by Sara Lee Corporation of Chicago, Illinois
with direct ties to overseas Chinese trading activity, including the
noted Hong Kong Bank, which is a NBC General Electric money laundry.
Bushfraud affectionately embraces Barney Frank
Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton hugs Charles Schumer AP by Susan
Sen. Kit Bond supporting Bushfraud
P.P.S. We can now finger Senators Barney Frank,
D-MA, as well as Charles
Schumer, D-NY, Orrin Hatch, R-UT
and Kit Bond,
as the major firewalls and cover up artists involving
secret the ILLEGAL offshore accounts tied to the Bush-Clinton Crime
Family Syndicate and up to 70% of U.S. Congressional membership.
Orrin Hatch embraces Bushfraud
Orrin Hatch is a signatory to major Bush ILLEGAL offshore
accounts while Barney Frank, who once ran a homosexual prostitution
whorehouse in Washington, D.C.,
has for years covered up and kept secret the ILLEGAL offshore
accounts of Bill and Hillary Clinton that have been set up under the
name of their daughter 'Chelsea'.
Chelsea Clinton works for a major hedge fund corporation in New
York City.
P.P.P.S. At this hour, the American media
continues to promote the BIG LIE and directly interferes with
Constitutional Re-Implementation.
There can be no doubt that they are a DIRECT enemy of the
American People and will enable the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate
rule over America until the last bank in the United States fails.
It is time to be prepared for revolutionary mode
and extra Constitutional measures.
Final note: As to Charles Schumer, D-NY, the little scumbag,
who is controlled by the Israeli Mossad, for years has been a major
benefactor of Boulder Properties of Denver, CO,
MDC Holdings Bush-Clinton real estate fraud and millions of
dollars of bribes from the real estate swindlers
that have wrecked the United States of America.
Schumer, along with KHAZARIAN Jew, U.S. Attorney General Michael
are trying to limit the investigation of the major
Bush-Clinton stooge company MDC Holdings of Denver,
MDC Holdings is tied to NBC General Electric and TRILLIONS of dollars
of bogus offshore derivatives
that were created with STOLEN U.S. Taxpayers' money and are now
parked in Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate ILLEGAL offshore accounts.
There is a direct tie in to the noted FBI Division 5 William Morris
Agency of Denver, Colorado,
which of course NBC anchor face Tom Brokaw is a board member.
So you see folks how the criminal corrupt American media helps
to enable and protect the political stooges and criminal conspirators.
Call your Congressman tomorrow at (202) 224-3121 and tell them, in
no uncertain terms,
that if they vote for this $700 BILLION
TREASON they will be history.
We will leave it to your imagination folks what prison cell we can park
the entire U.S. Congress in.
Maybe we should just empty Guantanamo Bay and make room for
this filth.
In regards to who one should vote for in the alleged 2008 presidential
election it is important to recall that this election
is a fix.
McCain is a bank dick and Obama is a northern liberal and no
northern liberal, whether it was then unelectable Hillary Rodenhurst
Clinton of New York state or unelectable Barack Obama of Illinois,
neither had a prayer of being elected president from the beginning.
As I have explained to you ad nauseam folks, as a Democrat running for
president since 1964,
if you don't come from the South
you will never go to the house, i.e. the White House.
And again, folks, we do not need an election
since we have not adjudicated the results of the year 2000
presidential election. Bush's presence in the White House is
based on
fraud upon the court aka the U.S. Supreme Court.
That is why we continue to say Lafayette remains at Brandywine
and Albert Gore Jr. remains, seven years later, still the
non-inaugurated, duly elected President of the United States.
We do not need an election.
We need to prepare for revolution,
and let the revolution be the re-birth of America
and the return to the Constitutional Rule of Law.
Remember that Thomas Jefferson is watching over us and will be with us
as we annihilate the TRAITOROUS enemies of the American
and the American Revolution in the 21st Century.
In the words of our sister Republic, the nation of France,
great revolutionary anthem, the Marseillaise "Let their impure blood
soak in our fields".
Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. remains
the REAL president of the United States.
Non-inaugurated, duly elected
President Albert Gore Jr.
AP by Charlie Neibergall
Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible
sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL
-- reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the
controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive
deceptions and illusions.
Homosexual gays and lesbians who are "IN-THE-CLOSET" are a
MAJOR THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY being vulnerable to blackmail and
extortion by self-serving, hostile entities against the safety,
security, sovereignty and best interests of the American People.
Patriotic, God-loving, peaceful Jewish People are NOT the
same as the war mongering ZIONIST KHAZARIAN Jews.
NOTICE: Occasionally the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate
controlled NSA and FBI Division 5 and/or Israeli Mossad, invade this
intelligence blog changing or removing images, pictures and phraseology
and even disconnect the link from the internet for the purpose of
trying to keep you, the American People, ill-informed.
Make special note of the pics and images they remove off these
intelligence briefings and/or are scrubbing off the internet.
6:47 AM 1 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment
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I'd call my senator up but 1 is a pig with lipstick and the other
is a fearmongering lesbian (Chuck+Hiltlery), I forget which is which?
Seriously good post! When we get this unity and group cooperation
between us, there will be no bloodshed in our persuit of a more perfect
government or...civil anarchy if you prefer. I'd prefer to be apart of
a jurisdiction governed by Common law principles.
I say, instead of plotting on killing each other, we should
working out Free market trades amongst ourselves and setting up a
judicial process (of the people) for these backstabbing reptillian
tyrants! Peace+Love, Your brother in Freedom
Posted by www,ae911truth,org on Thursday, September 25, 2008 -
12:37 AM
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