+++++++++++++++++ (Response)
FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Sept. 18, 2008
Dear RL:
Yes, we know of Christopher Story's
articles but have decided
not to post them on Fourwinds. Story continues to publicly trash
and Fourwinds to those, who write to him. He accuses Fourwinds of
being a "controlled CIA mishmash website", "Bellringer is a
Ringmaster", and Fourwinds is a "controlled Bellringer CIA/NSA
confusion-mongering disinformation site".
He has discredited NESARA and the Prosperity Programs, and
continues to trash Casper, so we see no reason to continue to expose
his writings to our extensive readership. He is using Fourwinds
his evil intent and to freely publish his writings.
Christopher Story a Knight of the Realm? Is he controlled by the
Queen? He certainly is under her influence,as time and again he
demonstrated in his attacks on Casper and Whistleblower and myself that
he is very protective of her. He doesn't like any of us serfs of
US colony ............
say anything negative or demeaning about her or her control over us.
NESARA is a total threat to her control,
and to consider the
serfs receiving funds through the Farm Claims and Prosperity
Programs..... drives the Queen into a rage. She has fought long
hard to stop the NESARA Mission, but she has now lost both the battle
and the war. We shall soon be rid of her and of Story, too.
We have many other writers, who give
accurate financial analysis, which we post on Fourwinds.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
September 18, 2008 3:05 PM
'Hello, Central!' The Revelation To John (Updated 9/18/08).............................................................................................
21 Sep 2008
Bush-Clinton Crime Family Hires Paulson as Bagman ...
UPDATE 2: Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate Hires U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson as Their Bagman by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert TRAITORS
Bushfraud and Crime Family bagman Henry Paulson, U.S.
Treasury Secretary
Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate patriarch, daddy Bush,
a 1992 interview with McClendon News Service White House reporter:
Sarah McClendon: "What will the people do if they ever find
out the truth about Iraq-gate and Iran contra?
Daddy Bush: "Sarah, if the American people ever find out
what we have done, they will chase us down the streets and lynch us."
Sunday September 21, 2008 United States of America – It can now be reported that White
occupant Bushfraud is seeking dictatorial power to have Congress pass
legislation, which would give U.S. Treasury Secretary Paulson complete
control of $700 BILLION of U.S. Taxpayers money.
Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate Looting of the U.S.
Treasury Update
This TREASONOUS legislation would basically make Bush and Paulson financial dictators in which Congressional oversight or any court review of their actions would not be allowed.
What we have here folks is a MASSIVE ponzi scheme to
the stolen assets that were used by the Bush-Clinton Crime Family
Syndicate to create bogus credit swap derivatives and then bankrupt the
United States of America.
Bushfraud and Paulson intend to create two sets of books,
one on budget and one off budget.
A. Mizel, bagman, Bush-Clinton Crime Family.
They then intend to buy back the bogus assets of the
Bush-Clinton-Larry A. Mizel Crime Family and then allow the
Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate, led by their bagman Larry A. Mizel
(CEO of MDC Holdings Inc.),
to buy back the credit swap derivatives for pennies on the
Once this financial ponzi scheme takes place
one can predict that the Federal Reserve would lower
rates one more time as to re-inflate the value of the Bush-Clinton
Crime Family credit swap derivatives.
Note: Remember folks, these credit swap derivatives were
with the stolen $6.2 TRILLION, which were embezzled from Ambassador Leo
Wanta who had power of attorney on the noted Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand
http://www.c2ore.com/media/3/20060422-LeoWanta.jpg Ambassador Leo Wanta, American Patriot. There is still time to save the United States and the
western world
if Wanta, who fears for his life, is given a computer
and allowed to find the stolen funds and return them to the
U.S. Treasury.
It should be noted if Wanta is allowed to regain the stolen
U.S. Treasury funds
"smoking gun" evidence would immediately lead to more
indictments against the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate.
Bank dick Henry Paulson and Christopher Cox,
SEC Commissioner Getty Images
Bank dick Hank (Henry) Paulson and his co-conspirator in
this TREASON, SEC Commissioner Christopher Cox,
also need to cover up and bury the use of various
offshore hedge
funds, including Bear Stearns and a noted British MI6-Bush-Clinton
"TRUE COLORS" offshore entity called "Sherwood Investments", which is
headquartered in the Bahamas.
"Sherwood Investments" with the use of U.S. Taxpayers money
financed what we commonly now know as the Bush-Clinton-Mossad-British
MI6 "TRUE COLORS" assassination teams,
which have not only assassinated the enemies of this
cabal, but financed Black Op operations of alleged Al Qaeda involving
bombings in Pakistan, Iraq and Western Europe, including the 7/7 London
Investments", headquartered in the Bahamas, is a British MI6 TERRORIST
nest with financial links to the Blackwater/Blackstone mercenary teams
eventually be used to create a national emergency in the United States
next month in early October for their expected martial law in America.
One of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate
justifications for forced martial law
is via FALSE FLAG biochem attacks in their
conspiratorial plot
to end the American Republic as we know it.
"Al Qaeda is nothing more than an extension of the apparatus
linked to U.S. intelligence that was allowed, by script, to remove
itself as a rogue breakaway entity of the U.S. government; allowed to
de-compartmentalize from oversight, and was run instead by Gary Best's
rogue black ops specialists for scripted activity outside the U.S.
government, with its funding being orchestrated through the Pakistani
secret police—an entity of the U.S. government." Tom Heneghan,
International Intelligence Expert
"The Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate and ALL of their
co-conspirators face unprecedented, monumental prosecutions for massive
HIGH TREASON against the American People;
thus, before the 2008 election, they are plotting 'False
Attacks' in the U.S. with expectations of nullifying and eradicating
individual and States rights and freedoms protected by the U.S.
via martial law and subjugation of the American People,
in order to stay in control of the compromised U.S. Justice
Department to continue sealing Federal Grand Jury (We the People)
indictments and hiding them from the American People to avoid
convictions and public punishment with due prejudice." Tom
International Intelligence Expert.
It is interesting to note folks that an alleged British
whistleblower Christopher Story, who writes for www.worldreports.org
is ignoring this evidence
of the British TREASON directed against the United
which dates back to the old BCCI bank of England-Leonard
Millman-Keating 5-Bush-Clinton swindle of the American banking system
in the 1980s.
Story, who claims to be an advisor and sympathizer to
Leo Wanta, spent his time yesterday in his latest posting attacking
America's oldest ally of 200 years, the Republic of France,
while he promotes conspiracy theories to a level of
lunacy, even to the point where he claims Vice pResident Dick Cheney
is threatening to have the Queen of England
Note: Yesterday this reporter received a phone call from
Ambassador Leo Wanta in which he told this reporter
that Christopher Story had double-crossed Wanta
and actually hired a British MI6 espionage team to
monitor Wanta's activities.
How dare you, you conspiratorial
tyrants and kings and notable queens!
Christopher Story is now caught in a box between the TREASON
activities of his own British monarchy, the Royal Family,
and the East German DVD Intelligence group that have
the British government of Margaret Thatcher, John Major, Tony Blair and
now Gordon Brown.
Story is clearly being manipulated to attack French
the only REAL friend and ally of the American People who
have in
their own way exposed the:
- TREASON of 9/11,
- opposed the British Petroleum (BP) Bush-Clinton ILLEGAL
war in Iraq,
- the theft of the year 2000 presidential election, and
- the looting of the U.S. Treasury.
Brigadier General Lafayette rallying troops
at the Battle of Brandywine
"The moment I heard of America, I loved her; the moment I
knew she
was fighting for freedom, I burned with a desire of bleeding for her."
General Gilbert du Motier Lafayette
- French General Rochambeau, along with French infantry
cavalry troops, and an artillery battalion fought for America's freedom
and independence, many of whom died fighting alongside Americans at
Yorktown and were buried on Virginia soil.
- French Admiral de Grasse, along with 22 French warships,
many of
these marines died for America's liberty fighting the British fleet and
were buried at sea in American waters.
Reference: It was only the People of France and nobody else
have shed their own blood on American soil during not only the American
Revolutionary War but also during the War of 1812 to free America from
British occupation and monarchial rule.
P.S. Call your Congressman tomorrow at (202) 224-3121 and
them that you oppose this financial ponzi scheme that will bail out the
Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate with U.S. Taxpayers' money and turn
the United States into a permanent banana republic for the rest of our
life time.
One final note: At least $30 TRILLION worth of derivatives
tied to the noted Bush-Clinton-Media whore corporation, NBC General
So we wonder if this bail out will continue to pay the
salaries of misfits like Tom Brokaw and Chrissy Pooh Matthews.
Over the weekend Chrissy Pooh, a British MI6 asset and
LOSER Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton stooge, smeared duly elected President
Albert Gore's performance in a year 2000 presidential debate with now
White House occupant and nation wrecker George W. Bushfraud.
Appearing on the program with Chrissy Pooh was noted Naval
Intelligence blackmailer and Bush-Clinton Crime Family enabler,
Washington Post editor Bob Woodward.
They spent their time laughing and joking about our
non-inaugurated, duly elected President Albert Gore Jr.
Apparently they did not watch the factual evidence presented
in the HBO movie "Recount".
Remember folks, it is the criminal U.S. mass media who are
and controlled by the same Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate
corporations that have bankrupted this country and they are the ones,
who for financial reasons and greed beyond all,
that have allowed this nightmare to develop and
destroy the United States of America.
"In a Time of Universal Deceit, Telling the Truth is a
Revolutionary Act" George Orwell
At this hour we ask ALL freedom loving Americans to pray for
country and to defend our liberty and Constitutional freedoms by
whatever means necessary.
The Statue of Liberty, a gift from the French People to the American People as a symbol of eternal friendship between our two nations Related:
MDC Holdings, Frauds Are Us M.D.C. HOLDINGS, INC. 3600 S. Yosemite Denver, Colorado a Publicly Traded Corporation listed on the NYSX and the PSX, is a Leonard Millman/ Bush Crime ... Stew Webb's Bush Crime Family Flow Chart
GOD BLESS AND SAVE AMERICA, LAND THAT WE LOVE http://foreignerinformosa.typepad.com/the_foreigner_in_formosa/images/2007/07/22/commando_squirrel.jpg EVER VIGILANT 24/7
ONE NATION UNDER GOD http://bush-hitler.com/Graphics/Liberty.jpg
Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. remains the REAL president of the United States. Non-inaugurated, duly elected
President Albert Gore Jr. AP by Charlie Neibergall ........................................
International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL -- reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions. Homosexual gays and lesbians who are
THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY being vulnerable to blackmail and extortion
by self-serving, hostile entities against the safety, security,
sovereignty and best interests of the American People.
Patriotic, God-loving, peaceful Jewish People are
NOT the same as the war mongering ZIONIST KHAZARIAN Jews.
NOTICE: Occasionally the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate
controlled NSA and FBI Division 5 and/or Israeli Mossad, invade this
intelligence blog changing or removing images, pictures and phraseology
and even disconnect the link from the internet for the purpose of
trying to keep you, the American People, ill-informed.
Make special note of the pics and images they remove off
these intelligence briefings and/or are scrubbing off the internet.
http://blog.myspace.com/tom_heneghan_intel ...
2:48 - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment
======= 2 other versions are below..==============
[Ed. Note: This report should be read from its website
location at
http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1144.htm as this email copy does not contain the links embedded in the original report.] September 22, 2008 ((over there...still sept 21st here)) Russia-China Prepare Massive Gold ‘Shock’ For Global Economy By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers A visibly angry Prime Minister Putin addressing the media during his visit with French Prime Minister Francois Fillon in Sochi blasted the United States plans for dealing with the collapse of the Western Banking system by stating, “We all need to think about changing the architecture of international finances and diversifying risks. The whole world economy cannot depend on one money-printing machine”. Putin’s warning, however, has fallen upon deaf ears in the United States as that financially beleaguered Nation prepares to further implode their economy by injecting a staggering $1 Trillion into their stock and banking markets by doing nothing more than printing up more money as they have completely bankrupted themselves, and which has brought them to this latest crisis. Not being explained to the American people, in the millions of words currently assaulting them by their propaganda media about their economic collapse, is the almost childlike equation that their Nations debt is virtually worthless on the World markets as the US Dollar has no real value as their US Federal Reserve System is broke, and as we can read from their own statement, but in much more convoluted terms designed to completely confuse their own people: “The Federal Reserve has announced a series of lending and liquidity initiatives during the past several quarters intended to address heightened liquidity pressures in the financial market, including enhancing its liquidity facilities this week. To manage the balance sheet impact of these efforts, the Federal Reserve has taken a number of actions, including redeeming and selling securities from the System Open Market Account portfolio. The Treasury Department announced today the initiation of a temporary Supplementary Financing Program at the request of the Federal Reserve. The program will consist of a series of Treasury bills, apart from Treasury’s current borrowing program, which will provide cash for use in the Federal Reserve initiatives. Announcements of and participation in auctions conducted under the Supplementary Financing Program will be governed by existing Treasury auction rules. Treasury will provide as much advance notification as possible regarding the timing, size, and maturity of any bills auctioned for Supplementary Financing Program purposes.” In simple terms: When the US Federal Reserve System announced it was broke, the US Treasury turned on its printing presses to create new Treasury Bills which have no value whatsoever, except giving the illusion of liquidity to the unsuspecting American public so they will cease withdrawing their dollars from their crashing banks and stock markets prior to their savings becoming completely worthless. To the astounding plan unveiled by the US Government to address their financial collapse, one could justifiably be confused to if they are reading a pronouncement from the old Soviet Politburo, instead of the largest capitalistic economy system in the World, and as we can read as reported by the Bloomberg News Service: “The Bush administration sought unchecked power from Congress to buy $700 billion in bad mortgage investments from financial companies in what would be an unprecedented government intrusion into the markets. Through his plan, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson aims to avert a credit freeze that would bring the financial system and the world's largest economy to a standstill. The bill would prevent courts from reviewing actions taken under its authority. “He's asking for a huge amount of power,'' said Nouriel Roubini, an economist at New York University. ``He's saying, `Trust me, I'm going to do it right if you give me absolute control.' This is not a monarchy.'” As we had reported in our September 20th report, ‘Seven Days That Shook The World’: Democracy In America Dies, US Senator Jim Bunning was, indeed, correct when he stated, “The free market for all intents and purposes is dead in America. The action proposed today by the Treasury Department will take away the free market and institute socialism in America.” But, to the fullest extent of this US financial crisis we can read as reported by the Washington Post News Service: “What we are witnessing may be the greatest destruction of financial wealth that the world has ever seen -- paper losses measured in the trillions of dollars. Corporate wealth. Oil wealth. Real estate wealth. Bank wealth. Private-equity wealth. Hedge fund wealth. Pension wealth. It's a painful reminder that, when you strip away all the complexity and trappings from the magnificent new global infrastructure, finance is still a confidence game -- and once the confidence goes, there's no telling when the selling will stop. But more than psychology is involved here. What is really going on, at the most fundamental level, is that the United States is in the process of being forced by its foreign creditors to begin living within its means.” And, what the American economy, and its people, are not even close to being prepared for is how both China and Russia are going to be dealing with the new “Peoples Republic of Wall Street” in demanding their debts be paid immediately in full. One particularly crushing response to the United States current crisis circulating in the Kremlin today, written by Alexander Dugin, described as the “New sage of the Kremlin”, advocates the combining of both Russia’s nearly $500 billion and China’s 20,000 tons [est.]gold reserves to back a new gold-backed Eurasian Currency modeled on the Euro, and which if implemented would ‘shock’ the American dollar to such an extent that it would cease exist on International markets. This report further notes that the United States is already preparing for such a response from Russia and China by this past weeks invoking of the Gold Reserve Act of 1934 by the US Government in a desperate move to protect their money markets for the first time since the Great Depression, and of which the vast majority of Americans remain oblivious to the fact that their personal gold holdings can still be confiscated by their officials at anytime of their choosing despite the 1975 laws allowing these people to own gold again. In all of these events, and as we have mentioned many times before, the greatest enemy of these American people appears to be their own ignorance as they, seemingly, have absolutely no idea on how to protect themselves, but which even Russian schoolchildren knows is the exchanging of a collapsing currency for one that is doing better, and which millions of ordinary Russians did during the collapse of the Soviet economy by purchasing American Express Travelers Cheques in US Dollars and British Pound Sterling. To whatever becomes of these American people entering what is, in essence, a Third World Economy, it remains a main fact that they continue to ignore the many warnings from outside their country of the many catastrophes still to come, even to their false bravado of laughing these warnings off as they plunge into the abyss. © September 22, 2008 EU and US all rights reserved. http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1144.htm -- Sorcha Faal sorchafaal@fastmail.fm +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
September 22,
Prepare Massive Gold ‘Shock’ For Global Economy
By: Sorcha Faal, and as
reported to her Western Subscribers (Traducción
al Español abajo)
A visibly angry Prime Minister Putin addressing the media
his visit with French Prime Minister Francois Fillon in Sochi blasted
the United States plans for dealing with the collapse of the Western
Banking system by stating, “We
all need to think about changing the architecture of international
finances and diversifying risks. The whole world economy cannot depend
on one money-printing machine”.
Putin’s warning, however, has fallen upon deaf ears in
United States as that financially beleaguered Nation prepares to
further implode their economy by injecting a staggering $1
into their stock and banking markets by doing nothing more than
printing up more money as they have completely bankrupted themselves,
and which has brought them to this latest crisis.
Not being explained to the American people, in the
of words currently assaulting them by their propaganda media about
their economic collapse,
is the almost childlike equation that their
Nations debt is
virtually worthless on the World markets as the US Dollar has no real
value as their US Federal Reserve System is broke, and as we can read
from their own statement, but in much more convoluted terms designed to
completely confuse their own people:
The program will
consist of a
series of Treasury bills, apart from Treasury’s current borrowing
program, which will provide cash for use in the Federal Reserve
In simple terms: When the US Federal Reserve System
announced it was broke, the US Treasury turned on its printing
to create new Treasury Bills which have no value whatsoever, except
giving the illusion of liquidity to the unsuspecting American public so
they will cease withdrawing their dollars from their crashing banks and
stock markets prior to their savings becoming completely worthless.
To the astounding plan unveiled by the US Government to
their financial collapse, one could justifiably be confused to if they
are reading a pronouncement from the old Soviet Politburo, instead of
the largest capitalistic economy system in the World, and as we can
read as reported by the Bloomberg News Service:
The bill would prevent
courts from reviewing actions taken under its authority.
As we had reported in our September 20th report, ‘Seven Days That
Shook The World’: Democracy In America Dies, US Senator Jim
Bunning was, indeed, correct when he stated, “The
free market for all intents and purposes is dead in America. The action
proposed today by the Treasury Department will take away the free
market and institute socialism in America.”
But, to the fullest extent of this US financial crisis we
can read as reported by the Washington Post News Service:
What is really going on, at
the most fundamental level, is that the
United States is in the process of being forced by its foreign
creditors to begin living within its means.”
And, what the American economy, and its people, are
not even close to being prepared for is how both China and Russia are
going to be dealing with the new “Peoples Republic of Wall Street” in
demanding their debts be paid immediately in full.
One particularly crushing response to the United States
current crisis circulating in the Kremlin today, written by Alexander
Dugin, described as the “New sage of
the Kremlin”, advocates the combining of both Russia’s nearly
$500 billion and China’s 20,000 tons
[est.]gold reserves to back a new gold-backed Eurasian Currency modeled
on the Euro, and which if implemented would ‘shock’ the American
dollar to such an extent that it would cease exist on International
This report further notes that the United States is already
preparing for such a response from Russia and China by this past weeks invoking
of the Gold Reserve Act
of 1934 by the US Government in a desperate move to protect their
money markets for the first time since the Great Depression,
and of which the vast majority of Americans remain oblivious
the fact that their personal gold holdings can still be confiscated by
their officials at anytime of their choosing despite the 1975 laws
allowing these people to own gold again.
In all of these events, and as we have mentioned many times
before, the greatest enemy of these American people appears to be their
own ignorance
as they, seemingly, have absolutely no idea on how to
themselves, but which even Russian schoolchildren knows is the
exchanging of a collapsing currency for one that is doing better, and
which millions of ordinary Russians did during the collapse of the
Soviet economy by purchasing American
Express Travelers Cheques in US Dollars and British Pound Sterling.
To whatever becomes of these American people entering what
is, in
essence, a Third World Economy, it remains a main fact that they
continue to ignore the many warnings from outside their country of the
many catastrophes still to come, even to their false bravado of
laughing these warnings off as they plunge into the abyss.
21 Sep 2008
21 Sep 2008