( ...) Hatonn is one of the benign ETs engaged in the manifestation of the NESARA global prosperity reforms. He advised V.K.Durham how to use the gold wealth for the wider benefit of humanity. V.K.Durham rejected his advice and lost the Peruvian Gold Certificate. The bond is now held aboard a Pleiadian starship called The Phoenix. This mothership commands the local Pleiadian fleet stationed around Planet Earth at this time. The Peruvian gold wealth accessed by the bond is now in The Saint Germain World Trust. More details here. Late note: At the foot of this page is a comment from Dale T.Hedberg about V.K.Durham (Grandma Herman). We have checked with others closer to the action at that time, and can confirm that what Dale Hedberg states is accurate. (( .....Then the government denied her drawing survivor's benefits to try and cause her to sign over the Gold Certificate. She moved to Iowa and we lost contact. Mrs. Russell (VK) was a court observer under JFK where she would sit in court and evaluate whether the court was following the law. She was sharp as a tact on Common Law. Years before when she was in California, the government tried to kill her by causing a head on car crash after which she was in a comma for 7 years. This is what I know from personal knowledge and conversations with VK Durham just for the record. Dale T. Hedberg )) (...) On the subject of Free Energy which Ag-agria, a Sirian , mentions above, what is being referred to is charge-cluster technology. This involves space-energy-tapping devices such as those involved in powering the starships of the Pleiadian fleet, currently stationed around Earth in large numbers and working within the remit of The Galactic Federation. The Pleiadians will be helping human labs to develop free-energy systems on the North American continent, and elsewhere, in the near future. Indeed, Pleiadian scientists will be working alongside Earth scientists in the USA as soon as President George Bush Jnr and his illegal regime are removed from power. The Bush/Clinton cabal, and its corporate controllers, have been blocking the release of free energy technologies for many decades. One of the Pleiadian motherships assigned to help the USA is called the Starship Capricorn. Its commander, Helena, frequently addresses the free energy question in her communications with telepathically attuned Earth-based humans. Examples of such communications can be found here (25.07.08) and here (08.08.08). http://alcuinbramerton.blogspot.com/2007/11/criminal-collapse-of-citibank-and.html ................................................ Communication with Helena, Commander of Starship Capricorn. Welcoming Helena. Helena: Good morning. I am pleased to greet you this morning. If our information is correct, there will be the deliveries of the bank documents to the thousands of recipients today or this week. That will, finally, release the orders to your Air Force to shoot down UFOs. Then we will, finally, be able to have our fly-overs to show that we come in peace. Then we will have a landing of one of our shuttles in your valley. That will be a great event for you and for us. There is much good that we can do to help your nation (and all of North America) to become less dependent on fossil fuels. Our effort will be, as you know, to help change the way oil energy is used, especially in automobiles. We will help you and others to increase the use of space energy, as we do here on this starship. It is very important to us to do all we can to help you in reducing the burning of gasoline in your automobiles and trucks. Those are the major sources of air pollution. Therefore, we shall be pleased to help you in the rapid development and commercialization of your space-energy technology. That will be the event that will greatly help to replace gasoline and diesel fuels in thousand or millions of cars and trucks. That is my message for you this morning. Do you have any questions for me, this morning? Lavar: Thank you dear Helena. I shall be pleased to welcome your shuttle landing in our valley, the sooner the better. I assume that your shuttle landing will be on a Saturday morning AFTER the current administration has had their resignations accepted. Is that correct? Helena: Yes, that is correct. If our information is correct, your presidency will very soon resign. That will be good news for many in your country. Lavar: Thank you dear Helena. I shall call on you Monday. http://www.starshipcapricorn.org/punb126/upload/viewtopic.php?id=6299 Ag-agria, a sirian. 08-August-2008 http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/mike_quinsey/channeled%20messages/August%202008/08.08.08Ag-agria.htm ......................................................................................................... from fw10: (...) Thank you for your letter.
Doris Ekker is now dead. If you know
nothing about
the Ekkers and the 20 year feud with V.K.Durham, you have 500 Contact
papers to read to catch us. Maybe its time for a brief history lesson.
It's all about money and power.
The Ekkers were in charge of the Phoenix
Project over eleven years of rocky road (1987-1998). V.K. Durham was
"Grandma Hermann", wife of CIA operative Russell Hermann and co-worker
with CIA G.H.W. Bush in the 1980's. V.K. was Navy (Waves) and worked at
one time as White House guard, very intelligent and well versed in
common law. She found an 1875 Peruvian Gold Certificate in an old Bible
she had purchased, face value of $1000. plus accrued interest, now
worth trillions.
Bush, Sr. learned of the gold certificate
Russell, who verified its validity, and determined to steal it. Russell
was poisoned, died a horrible death at home under care of wife/nurse
V.K. Durham.
Russell Herman was cloned and under
Bush, Sr.'s.
direction gave his authority for the Gold Certificate to Rick Martin of
the Contact Newspaper staff. Rick Martin immediately turned the fake
authority for this supposed wealth over to the Phoenix Institute and
President E.J. and Secretary Doris Ekker. Thus, they rushed off to
Manila, Philippines in 1998 to begin their new GAIA (Global Alliance
Investment Association) project based on this supposed wealth.
Bush, Sr. accomplished his goal of stopping the Phoenix Journal
V.K. Durham had control of this wealth at one
Hatonn met with her in person to advice her how to use this wealth for
goodness, but V.K. with her great ego rejected His wisdom. Thus, he
said she would never be wealthy. She lost the Gold Certificate, which
is now aboard the Phoenix Command Ship, and her wealth, which is in the
World Trust of Violinio Germain.
For years a battle of wills went on between
Ekker and "Grandma Hermann" over V.K. helping Contact Newspaper and the
Phoenix Journal Project with her wealth. Due to greed and the desire
for control on the part of both parties, little financial assistance
was ever provided by V.K. to the Ekkers.
The Ekker's GAIA project was based on fraud,
they had no lawful control of the Peruvian Gold Certificate of V.K.
Durham. To this day V.K.claims that through Russell Hermann and Rick
Martin the Eskers stole her wealth. Thus, she keeps ranting on the
Internet about how evil the Ekkers were, and how she is going to get it
(( http://www.rumormillnews.com/ ?))
is a CIA website and is quite willing to broadcast V.K's rantings and
propaganda to cause confusion and cover up the Truth. Watcher 51445 is
also a CIA stooge.((???? http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi?read=112689
)) Beware, that V.K. trashes anyone, who disagrees with her or
gets in her way. I speak from experience.
The Durham Trust was set up by V.K. for
her Gold Certificate, when she lawfully held it in her possession.
Because V.K. refused to honor the banking window for the transaction of
her Gold Certificate, the window closed, and she lost her opportunity
to "cash" the certificate.
I see little merit in giving greater
historical detail. May this sketch be sufficient to answer your
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
also at fw10 :
August 28, 2008 2:26 PM
The Last Battle: Bush v The Bank for International Settlements (nesara-announcement...).....................................................................
http://iamthewitness.com/Daryl.Bradford.Smith.intro.FR.htm francais/french
August 28, 2008 2:30 PM
September 16, 2008 2:28 PM |
O Canada -YOU NEED TO KNOW WHATZ UP fogal http://www.canadianactionparty.ca/home.htmlhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Action_Party |
September 16, 2008 2:42 PM |
DrRichBoylanReports] Councillor Asheoma Looks Ahead with An Important Heads-p! |
September 13, 2008 4:18 PM |
NO FORECLOSURES ! Guerilla Principles to Save Your |
A 1971 United States Supreme Court decision broadened U.S. rules beyond religious belief but denied the inclusion of objections to specific wars as grounds for conscientious objection.[22] Some desiring to include the objection to specific wars distinguish between wars of offensive aggression and defensive wars while others contend that religious, moral, or ethical opposition to war need not be absolute or consistent but may depend on circumstance or political conviction. Currently, the U.S. Selective Service System states, "Beliefs which qualify a registrant for conscientious objector status may be religious in nature, but don't have to be. Beliefs may be moral or ethical; however, a man's reasons for not wanting to participate in a war must not be based on politics, expediency, or self-interest. In general, the man's lifestyle prior to making his claim must reflect his current claims."[23] In the US, this applies to primary claims, that is, those filed on initial SSS registration. On the other hand, those who apply after either having registered without filing, and/or having attempted or effected a deferral, are specifically required to demonstrate a discrete and documented change in belief, including a precipitant, that converted a non-CO to a CO. The male reference is due to the current "male only" basis for conscription in the United States. In the United States, there are two main criteria for classification as a conscientious objector. First, the objector must be opposed to war in any form, Gillette v. United States, 401 U.S. 437. Second, the objection must be sincere, Witmer v. United States, 348 U.S. 375. That he must show that this opposition is based upon religious training and belief was no longer a criterion after cases broadened it to include non-religious moral belief, United States v. Seeger, 380 U.S. 163 and Welsh v. United States, 398 U.S. 333. COs willing to perform non-combatant military functions are classed 1-A-O by the U.S.; those unwilling to serve at all are 1-O.
It’s with great sadness that I have to share these hidden news headlines, but unfortunately, this is the reality of the World we were born in. For the latest/previous unreported headlines
September 13, 2008 1:00 PM |
*Sep 11/08: round-up of a few VERY IMPORTANT Under-Reported/Omitted Headlines, Stay Truly Informed of Real World Situations |
Saturday, 13 September 2008 | |
Conspiracy // Part Two: Sniffing out Jesuits
'I have chosen to critique parts of | this webpage (( http://www.religiouscounterfeits.org/ml_adamweishaupt.htm )) |...... as a means to inform the reader on certain facts essential to a proper understanding of the 18th Century Bavarian Order of Illuminati. The other reason is this: a particularly rabid and extremely annoying "Jesuits-rule-the-world" theorist who spams many YahooGroups (always in the customary all-caps shouting mode), had deigned this "Religious Counterfeits" webpage as the proper authority - I am not sure why - on the following theories: 1) that Adam Weishaupt was a Jesuit - not just Jesuit-trained, but a Jesuit priest; and 2) that the Illuminati, therefore, are synonymous with the Jesuits and, in fact, the two are the same (that is, the former was merely the organ of the latter, and the proof of said assertion is the fact that Weishaupt was supposedly a Jesuit himself). To someone who has even a modicum of familiarity with the 18th-Century European Enlightenment, this is indeed a preposterous claim; it's based upon a falsehood - Weishaupt being a Jesuit - and displays ignorance of the history of the period to which we speak.' ................... NB: My apologies to those who've been waiting three years for this "Part Two." As many of you know, since the posting of my "Illuminati Conspiracy Part One: Exegesis on the Available Evidence" in August 2005, I have been hard at work on a book about the Bavarian Illuminati. So, necessarily, I had to put on hold the planned three part series. As the book is finished and scheduled for a November 2008 release, I am free to proceed. (Part two is not what I had originally planned on writing, but nonetheless, it is original and distinct from the book.) - TM http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/Articles/Illuminati_Conspiracy_2.htm part2 ..... Part 1: (...) That short excerpt is perhaps the most
honest and succinct introduction to the Illuminati as you'll ever come
across. So it is more than a bit ironic that Wilson, throughout the
rest of the text, proceeds to perpetuate and expand upon similar myths,
and in the process manages to take it to a whole new level. 2
In the end, the Illuminati had mystified Wilson as much as anyone in
the preceding centuries.
Robert Anton Wilson (RAW) is an enigma in his
right: an archetypal Trickster in the tradition of Aleister Crowley or
Timothy Leary, both of whom he greatly admires. 3
The Cosmic Trigger Trilogy
is meant to awaken the reader to multiple mind-blowing streams of
thought and completely shatter preconceived notions of perception, time
and space - much as the writings of illuminists themselves. Herein lies
the seed of speculation to the effect that he must surely be in on the
conspiracy - some have gone so far as to believe he's the Grand Master
(or inner head) of the Illuminati himself. Wilson has always toyed with
the accusations, and in typical RAW fashion, he's never denied it
Cosmic Trigger wasn't the first book Wilson
dedicated to the theme, however. Two years earlier, in 1975, RAW and
co-author Robert Shea popularized the modern wave of Illuminati
conspiracies with the publication of the novel Illuminatus! Trilogy.
A veritable cult classic, Illuminatus
invigorated the underground market and spawned a whole new generation
of conspiracy authors. One cannot read any of RAW's material without a
healthy sense of humor, though, and Illuminatus is definitely no
exception. Written between 1969 and 1971 it reads like a subversive
anarchist manual, yet satirical and surreal at the same time. The
cut-and-paste job of excerpts right into the flow of dialogue - from
books and pamphlets on a wide range of conspiracy theories - probably
boosted its appeal from the beginning.
Any researcher investigating the Illuminati
would be remiss not to mention RAW - especially in a book or document
purporting to cover the subject in detail. With the exception of Myron
Fagan, "Wild" Bill Cooper, 4
the John Birchers and Biblical endtimes literature, the formation of
the current mythos surrounding the subject has a lot to do with the
popularity of Wilson's books: have you ever seen the Illuminati and the
star Sirius mentioned in the same paragraph?
Before plunging headlong into the history of
Bavarian Illuminati, it might be useful to have a look at Wilson's
diagram - his interpretation (at the time) of the "occult conspiracy"
as it has been transmitted through the ages (Cosmic Trigger:
Final Secret of the Illuminati, p.188): ......
http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/NWO/Illuminati.htm part 1
Illuminati Conspiracy Archive: Latest Articles http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/Articles/
http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/NWO/ http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/NewAge/ http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/UFOs/ .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... |
Friday, 12 September 2008 | |||||
David Icke Speaking In Italy , sept 7th
has been in Croatia this week for an open-air presentation tonight in
Zagreb. The number of seats made available has almost had to be doubled
in the last three days to meet demand to see the event.
response from people and even mainstream media has been fantastic with
lengthy interviews detailing his information going out to millions on
prime-time television, in newspapers and a three-page feature in the
Croatian version of Time magazine.
of David's books have been published in Croatian and he had no idea
until this week of the impact and circulation of his information in
Thanks to everyone who made it possible.
d.icke in croatia, sept 12th ans 13th:
this, David is heading for the United States and his seven-hour 'Full
Monty' presentation in Santa Clara on the last weekend of September
(( http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaID=159067&CFID=5254871&CFTOKEN=58519494 ))
and his
evening presentation in Los Angeles on Wednesday, October 1st.
Details of both events can be found above on this page:
Saturday, 13 September 2008 | |
Claim There’s A Black Hole In The Atom Smashers’ Computer Network
have broken into one of the computer networks of the Large Hadron
Collider (LHC).
A group
itself the Greek Security Team left a rogue webpage describing the
technicians responsible for computer security at the giant atom smasher
as “schoolkids” — but reassuring scientists that they did not want to
disrupt the experiment.
The hackers
gained access to a website open to other scientists on Wednesday as the
LHC passed its first test, sending its protons off on their dizzying
journey through time and space, close to the speed of light.
The work of
scientists was not derailed and insiders scoffed at claims that the
hackers were “one step away” from the systems controlling the
experiment itself. The engineering team completed four days of
scheduled work in the first 24 hours but what physicists are really
waiting for is the big bang machine’s first collisions.' (...)
The hackers appear to have targeted the
system of the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment, one of the four
detectors that will be analysing the progress of the experiment.
James Gillies, a spokesman for CERN, the
Laboratory for Network Collision, home of the LHC, said: “We don’t know
who they were but there seems to be no harm done. It appears to be
people who want to make a point that CERN was hackable,” he added.
CERN officials are now confident that the
will have started experiments to generate new physics well before world
leaders visit on October 21 to inaugurate the project. (...)
On Wednesday night, one beam was circulated
the LHC’s ring about 300 times, and on Thursday, the anti-clockwise
beam was fired around the accelerator for half an hour so it could be
“captured” and made to travel in neat, compact pulses.
Protons make about 11,000 laps per second,
means 20 million circuits have been achieved. The next crucial step is
likely next week, when the captured beams will be fired in opposite
directions, and crashed into each other inside the four huge detectors.
A couple of weeks later is the real moment of
truth. The LHC’s superconducting magnets will be fired up to 70 per
cent of maximum power, producing proton beams with an energy of 5
teraelectronvolts (TeV) — 5,000 billion electrovolts — and crashing
them together. “That’s where the new physics starts,” Dr Gillies said.
It is possible that scientists will start accumulating the evidence
that could prove supersymmetry, the hypothesis that all particles have
a twin.
The plan next year is to ramp it up to its
energy of 7TeV. The accelerator will then be providing results that
should shed light on some of the central questions in physics.
Saturday, 13 September 2008 | |
Inc.: Land of Corporate Reign
Mussolini said, "Fascism should more appropriately be called
Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power."
T'his model
economic fascism was adopted by Germany and Italy in the 1930s. And, I
submit to you that such a marriage between the state and corporate
power has taken place here in the United States.
Does this
sound like a baseless contention? Allow me to substantiate it with
Phillip D. Collins acted as
the editor for The Hidden Face of Terrorism. He
co-authored the book The Ascendancy of the Scientific
Dictatorship, which is available at www.amazon.com. It is also available as an E-book at www.4acloserlook.com. Phillip has also written articles for Paranoia Magazine,
MKzine, News With Views, B.I.P.E.D.: The
Official Website of Darwinian Dissent and Conspiracy Archive.
He has also been interviewed on several radio programs, including A
Closer Look, Peering Into Darkness, From the Grassy
Knoll, Frankly Speaking, the ByteShow, and Sphinx
During the course of his seven-year
career, Phillip has studied philosophy, religion, political science,
semiotics, journalism, theatre, and classic literature. He recently
completed a collection of short stories, poetry, and prose entitled
Expansive Thoughts. Readers can learn more about it at www.expansivethoughts.com.
Thursday, 28 August 2008 | |
Google's censorship against Uruknet
must really have a thing against Uruknet. After Google News’ censorship
now Uruknet disappears even on Google’s search engine. Google stopped
indexing Uruknet the middle of May. After Uruknet wrote (again!) many
e-mails to Google (and again! we didn’t receive any reply) Google
restarted indexing some (not all!) Uruknet’s article on June 17.
However, it seems that these articles have a short life on Google since
they keep disappearing immediately after they are indexed.'
Saturday, 13 September 2008 | |
Global realignment: How Bush Inspired A New
World Order
'The series of unfortunate and costly decisions made during the two terms of the Bush administration, combined with economic decline at home, might devastate the US’s world standing much sooner than most analysts predict. What was difficult to foresee was that the weakening of US global dominance, spurred by erratic and unwise foreign policy under Bush, would reignite the Cold War, to a degree, over a largely distant and seemingly ethnically-based conflict -- that of Georgia and Russia. Who could have predicted a possible association between Baghdad, Kabul and Tbilisi? But to date, the decline of US global power to the advent of the Bush administration, or even the horrific events of 11 September 2001, is not exactly accurate. The rapid collapse of the Soviet Union and the unravelling of the Warsaw Pact -- especially as former members of that pact hurried to joined NATO in later years -- empowered a new breed of US elite who boasted of the economic viability and moral supremacy of US-styled “Capitalism and Democracy.” But a unipolar world presented the US leadership with an immense, if not an insurmountable task.' http://onlinejournal.com/artman/publish/article_3719.shtml Ramzy Baroud is an author and editor of PalestineChronicle.com. His work has been published in many newspapers and journals worldwide. His latest book is The Second Palestinian Intifada: A Chronicle of a People’s Struggle |
Friday, 12 September 2008 | |
Republicans Hijacked 9/11
'In a Special Comment, Keith Olbermann talks
the politicization of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001,
especially by the Bush administration and the GOP who use the event to
terrify Americans into thinking the only safe option is to vote
Republican “or this will happen again and you will die.”
Monday, 08 September 2008 | |
Keith Olbermann Apologises
For The Republican National Congress 9/11 Graphic Tribute Video
'A visibly
Keith Olbermann apologized to viewers Thursday night for the graphic
9/11 tribute played in the lead-up to John McCain's acceptance speech
at the Republican National Convention.'
Saturday, 13 September 2008 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
'If incorporating personal details into an
(radio-frequency identification) chip implanted into a passport or
driver's license may sound like a "smart" alternative to endless lines
at the airport and intrusive questioning by securocrats, think again.
Since the late 1990s, corporate grifters have touted the "benefits" of the devilish transmitters as a "convenient" and "cheap" way to tag individual commodities, one that would "revolutionize" inventory management and theft prevention. Indeed, everything from paper towels to shoes, pets to underwear have been "tagged" with the chips. "Savings" would be "passed on" to the consumer. Call it the Wal-Martization of everyday life.' Raw
Story Revolution
Online Revolutionary Association of the Women of
Afghanistan (RAWA) Rigorous Intuition
sott focus;
Laura Knight-Jadczyk
SOTT.net Thu, 11 Sep 2008. .
Today is the anniversary of the Beginning of
the End.
It has been seven long, bloody years since
planet was set on a path of global conflict and self-destruction by a
gang of psychopaths who thought it would be a good idea to take control
of the world by staging a false flag attack on the U.S.A. a la Hitler
and the Reichstag. Well over a million Iraqis and tens of thousands of
young men from America and its "partners," both the coerced and the
bought and paid for kind, are dead. (...)
Through it all, SOTT.net has worked day and
from around the globe, to keep you - the reader - up to date on those
things crucial not only to your awakening, but your very survival. Even
before it all began, before SOTT was even thought to be a necessary
venue for understanding what is going on here on the BBM, I was seeking
the answers to just what is wrong with our world in other respects via
years of research culminating in the Cassiopaean Experiment. That
experiment led to the book "High Strangeness" which has recently been reviewed by Richard Dolan, author of UFOs
and the National Security State: History of a Cover-up.
His encouragement has been most welcome. It was in the context of the
Cs material, which dovetailed so perfectly with Richard's hard,
factual, documentary research, that the understanding of our current
reality was framed, and that understanding has not only stood the test
of time, it has been remarkably accurate time and time again.
But it hasn't been easy. It has cost us
dearly in
almost every imaginable way. And it continues. I am writing today
because SOTT.net is in a state of emergency and not for the first time
this year, either! We have definitely been experiencing stormy weather
in more ways than one. Even though it is the time for our usual fund
raiser which we hold twice a year to supplement book sales (SOTT will
never go commercial!), SOTT again faces additional financial burdens
that we hope our readers will share with us.
Attacks against our work began even before
came into existence, and those assaults only intensified in the period
following the attacks of September 11, 2001. Over the course of the
past 6 years, as we have continued to expose the manipulations of the
Pathocrats and the lies and deceit that define their game of global
chess, the pressure to silence us has increased exponentially.
As most of you know, during the early months
of this year, SOTT.net, QFG, Inc, and yours truly, were slammed with a vicious lawsuit
that threatens everything that SOTT.net and the Cassiopaean Experiment
stand for: Truth and Freedom. Eric Pepin's Higher Balance Institute was the vehicle for this attack.
It may not have been coincidental that
this all
transpired as I was going into the hospital for major surgery from
which I still have not recovered. But that would be just too conspiracy
minded! As we wrote at the time: This is an attack on internet freedom
and freedom of speech, plain and simple.***(...)888
Thankfully, regular readers and other supporters came through and we were able to deal with the expense of the first round of legal filings. But there were expenses we didn't count on, like having to fight a second, parallel suit to re-open the sealed criminal records of Eric Pepin. And now, our attorneys tell us that it is likely that, even if the judge moves in favor of our anti-SLAPP motion, Eric Pepin's Higher Balance Institute is likely to appeal. One way or the other our attorney's will have to argue the case in court and Pepin's criminal records will be crucial to our arguments. But, as I said, we won the right to them, and to use them, even if the judge ordered that it must be done "under seal." Pepin has claimed to have "friends in high places," and it may be so. Now, in addition to our need to fund this
battle moving forward, Eric Pepin's criminal records must be
transcribed by an official transcriber. There are five days of
testimony at about 275 pages of transcript per day. It's going to cost
a bundle to transcribe and we need to get started right away. And that
is only part of the problem!
As I mentioned, we generally have two fund
a year to supplement book sales income. However, the state of the
economy has hit everyone hard, and that means we are getting hit also.
Book sales - our major support - are so low that we have had to
implement many cost saving measures. Some of you have noticed changes,
(we've had to let back-up and alternate servers go), and there will be
more, as we tighten our belts and economize along with everyone else.
Like many others, we can't even pay the bill
the coming winter's heating fuel that was delivered this week. We
haven't missed paying our rent up to this point, but next month isn't
looking too good! The plain fact is, in addition to being against the
wall regarding legal expenses, we again need your help with the monthly
expenses of servers, satellite, and related support. (...)
I mentioned changes above: there will be
more. Some
of these changes are designed to help us continue our wide-ranging news
coverage while, at the same time, minimizing our costs. Our web
services, which include our massive news archive, will continue, and in
the coming week or so, we will be unveiling the New and Improved
SOTT.net. After we are through this Dark and Stormy Night, if we
survive it, we plan to add even more features, returning to our weekly
podcasts, and adding videos!
SOTT.net needs your increased and continued
Help us keep the Light House going!
We Shall Overcome | By Wariscrime | |
Dear Laura,
Added what I could. And thank you so much for your today's comment on my blog - a great honor to me! Thought what else could I do, and ... reproduced the above article entirely, including links and Flash animation! It is at [Link] Thank you!! |
Keep Her Going... | By Marc-0009 | |
$$$ Times are tough, but not like they could
without "Free Speech"... The cheque is on the way and Pepin needs to
know that all Laura needs to do is ask, and the money will come. Must
be nice to have a way to raise money by way of free and willing
Awesome! | By Garnet | |
If this isn't putting knowledge to work, then
nothing is. What a wonderful opportunity to face
down the petty tyrants. And all for a measly twenty bucks a month! Can't help but love you, Laura and Ark, for all that you've contributed to mine and countless others awakening! The Lizzies must be besides themselves! I LOVE IT! ......etc...........
Joe Quinn
Signs of the Times Fri, 09 Jun 2006 After the release of the QFG Pentagon Strike Flash Animation
on August 23rd, 2004, a veritable onslaught of new articles were
published that sought to dismiss the "no plane at the Pentagon" theory.
One such article,
that is frequently referenced by certain '9/11 researchers' was
authored by a member of the forum at the "Above Top Secret" (ATS)
website. Interestingly, the article was written just a few weeks after
the release of the Pentagon Strike Flash animation, which by then, was
winging its way around the world and into the inboxes of millions of
ordinary citizens. Perhaps you were one of them...
The claim that promoters of the "no plane at
Pentagon" theory were doing immense damage to the truth/accountability
movement was raised in Mike Ruppert's book Crossing the Rubicon.(...)
The purpose of this small introduction is to
prepare the reader for the fact that, in his attempted rebuttal of the
no 757 at the Pentagon theory, the ATS article author, CatHerder,
appears to have succumbed to the influence of the mainstream media
shills that have incessantly parroted the official government story
about what happened on 9/11 for the three years prior to the writing of
the article.(...)
After you read everything below, you can make
a call on that one yourself.
Evidence That a Frozen Fish Didn't Impact the
Pentagon on 9/11 and Neither Did a Boeing 757
We apologize that we cannot carry this
analysis on
our website, the reason is that we are (or at least were the last time
we checked) under threat of lawsuit from COINTELPRO agents
and their neocon attorney, Wayne
This piece is adapted from Chris
Carlsson's book Nowtopia: How
Pirate Programmers, Outlaw Bicyclists, and Vacant-Lot Gardeners Are
Inventing the Future Today, published by AK
Even while capitalism continues its
inexorable push
to corral every square inch of the globe into its logic of money and
markets, new practices are emerging that redefine politics and open up
spaces of unpredictability. Instead of traditional political forms like
unions or parties, people are coming together in practical projects,
from urban gardening in vacant lots to the suddenly ubiquitous
do-it-yourself bike shops. More and more people, recognizing the
degradation inherent in business relations, are creating networks of
activity that refuse the measurement of money.
They depend instead on sharing skills and
technological know-how within new communities, such as the biofuels
co-ops that have proliferated in many cities. Networks have grown,
thanks to the spread of the Internet and other telecommunications
techologies, and new kinds of "families" based on shared values,
alternative living arrangements, and non-economic relationships are
growing within the old society.
Collectively, I call these projects
Rarely do the individual participants conceive of them in political
terms; day-to-day issues about how we live, what we do, how we define
and meet our needs tend to be understood as outside politics. But all
Nowtopian activities are profoundly political.
The Nowtopian movement embodies a growing
minority seeking emancipation from the treadmill of consumerism and
Le Monde selon Monsanto sort bientôt sur DVD, vous pouvez en écouter des extraits sur YouTube, et l'intégrale en anglais sur LiveVideo, aussi disponible chez un P2P près de chez vous (téléchargez et mettez-le en priorité "Release" pour plus de disponibilité)!
Une vérité qui dérange (v.f. de An Unconvenient Thruth), une conférence de Al Gore, « ex-futur président des États-Unis » sur les changements climatiques (2005). Je crois que ce film fait partie de ceux que tout le monde doit voir, de toute urgence. Disponibilité: votre club vidéo préfére, extraits sur Googe Video, YouTube et, encore là, à mettre en "Release" sur votre Peer-to-Peer.
Des lobbyistes pas très désintéressés mettent le paquet pour vous faire avaler que la privatisation du système de santé au Québec comporte des avantages! On vous explique intelligement de quoi il en retourne -> ici <- et vous pouvez exprimer votre désaccord dans une pétition à l'échelle nationale -> là <-
Notre force individuelle est bien peu de chose en comparaison de ce que nous pouvons réaliser lorsque nous sommes tous ensemble. Seuls nous ne sommes rien, mais ensemble, rien ne nous est impossible.
Rien de rien!! Le croiriez-vous?
Autoflagellateur de nature, ce matin l’esprit du moment m’a alléger le coeur. Non non, pas l’esprit du moment, mais EspritDuMoment.
Merci à toi EspritDuMoment, tu as réalisé un magnifique travail.
Grâce à toi, l’Alsace s’éveille. Je te réserve mon accolade la plus chaleureuse.
De quoi sera fait 2009?
Octobre - Novembre, Beauport
Annuelle De
Châtillon : Tout ce que les autres ne diront pas!
Vos choix
de vie, seront le témoin de vos émotions.
calme et un amour profond de la vie qui vous entoure, quoi qu’il arrive.
Châtillon 15 septembre
sous la domination de la « noblesse » depuis le
début des temps,
les petits maçons
n’ont qu’un seul objectif. NE PAS MORDRE LA
aux autres, les décideurs, ceux qui occupent le sommet de la
hiérarchique maçonnique, ils n’ont aussi qu’un objectif,
mais différent. Nous
organisation et d’autres similaires, n’ont jamais eu l’intention de
faire autre chose que de disloquer notre société pour
s’en accaparer
les rennes. Ils ont vendu leurs loyautés au plus offrant et sur
de leur hiérarchie, ils trahiront sans vergogne.
Ne faites
jamais confiance à un individu qui s’est vendu à la
Franc-maçonnerie. Vous le regretteriez amèrement un jour
ou l’autre!
communauté, aussi grosse soit-elle, ne peut tenir le coup, si
membres ne sont pas d’une loyauté indéfectible entres eux
et à
Je suis un
Québecois. Point! Et vous?
syndicats une affaire de peuple?
Le diable
est dans les détails...
vieux, j’ai une carrière derrière moi. Au fil du temps,
j’ai assisté à
la création de 3 syndicats d’employés en bonne et due
forme, dans des
entreprises d’envergures nationales et multinationales.
les trois cas, les syndicats se sont déployés d’une
façon similaire, en
utilisant des méthodes et des techniques plus ou moins
semblables, qui
peuvent se résumer à ceci :
Comme si
l’entreprise changeait tout d’un coup, des
tiraillements internes surviennent un peu partout.
Un groupe
de gens, généralement jeunes et plus rebelle à
la direction de l’entreprise se mettent à gronder
d’insatisfaction, après comparaison avec le monde l’univers et
le reste. Tel un feu couvant, le ruminage
s’accroît et des petits groupes se forment, jusqu’à ce
qu’un maraudage actif débute.
Bien que de
telles similitudes peuvent être
facilement expliquées par les méthodes traditionnelles
des grands syndicats, ce qui suit ne l’est pas.
Dans les
trois cas, le groupe de jeunes rebelles à l’origine du
ruminage, de l’orientation syndicale et du maraudage, étaient
majoritairement constitués d’enfants de la direction.
sur la ligne de front à recueillir les confidences,
démonstratifs et
rebelles à l’entreprise beaucoup plus qu’il ne le fallait,
dans tous les cas, ces gens furent clés dans le processus de
l’orientation et de l’accréditation syndicale.
l’accréditation, des qualités de leadership
« peu commune » furent reconnues chez tous ces
individus, sans exception.
Dans un
délai de deux ans après l’accréditation syndicale,
un délai parfois aussi court que trois semaines, tous ces
individus sans exception furent nominés à des postes
de direction.
Parfois 30
ans plus tard, ces 16 individus occupent toujours aujourd’hui, des
postes de direction.
Si ceci ne
semble pas surprenant, il serait bon d’ajouter que des 80 autres
individus ayant participé à la création du syndicat
et n’ayant pas de filiation dans l’entreprise, seul trois d’entre
eux se sont qualifiés pour un poste de direction.
Welcome to Hollywood earth! De Châtillon 15
ne s’effondrera pas immédiatement. Il y aura encore quelques
soubresauts et les choses se calmeront en partant du début
octobre. Le
parasite conserve sa proie vivante pour profiter au maximum d’un sang
nouveau injecté sous forme d’argent public.
La course à l’effondrement se poursuivra en
janvier, avec le nouvel argent cette fois.
Ce matin les soldats pakistanais ont reçu l’ordre de tirer
à vue sur toute tentative américaine de franchir la
après-midi, un hélicoptère américain s’est
fait tiré dessus en tentant de traverser les lignes
mais quel hasard incroyable, n’est-ce pas? Ils auraient voulu
l’organiser, qu’ils n’auraient pas pu. Ici aussi, ils cesseront leurs
activités malicieuses en début d’octobre et reprendront
en janvier.
5 sources de rayonnement gamma sont apparues en
même temps. Pluie et inondations importantes. http://grb.sonoma.edu/index.php
fin d’année peu ordinaire se prépare et des
évènements millénaires
prendront place devant nos yeux. Plus de mythologie, plus de
planète X,
plus d’interprètes, plus de science à quatre sous.
confortablement et attachez votre ceinture, les personnes sensibles
pourraient être incommodées. Dès que vous
apercevrez la lumière, le
ti-wézo va sortir....
La Franc Maçonnerie s’est installée à
la tête de nos sociétés.
Herman Goering, le bras droit
d’Hitler lors de son accession, disait ce qui suit : « Démocratie,
communisme, socialisme... que le peuple ait voix ou non dans son
gouvernement, c’est facile de mettre un pays en guerre et les
gens peuvent toujours être contraint à la décision
de leurs gouvernements. Tout ce que vous
avez à faire est de leur dire qu’ils ont été
attaqués et ensuite de dénoncer le pacifisme et
les pacifiques comme un manque de patriotisme et de prétendre
ensuite que par leurs actions, ils mettent leurs pays en danger. Ça
fonctionne de la même façon dans tous les
pays. » Attention – Warning
similitude avec les évènements du 9-11 n’est que fortuite
accidentelle. Depuis ce jour, l’ensemble des pays de la planète ont
pris des mesures législatives pour protéger leurs
citoyens contre ce
genre d’inepties. Grâce au travail de centaines d’avocats de tout
acabit, des mécanismes légaux furent créés.
Beaucoup trop complexe pour
être exposée en détail ici ou ailleurs, il faut en
retenir que plus
personne n’a rien à craindre de la répétition de
tels évènements. Nous vivons dans un pays
civilisé, avec des voisins civilisés. Ici
ça n’arrivera jamais, nous sommes beaucoup trop raisonnables.
PS : 9-11 -
Si vous parlez anglais, payez-vous la traite. Une des
meilleures analyses disponibles. Cette semaine dans la chronique
with this link:
Collateral Damage: U.S.
Covert Operations and the Terrorist Attacks on
September 11, 2001