09 Aug 2008
09 Aug 2008
HOT BREAKING: AnthraxGate is now AG MukaseyGate
August 9, 2008 Anthraxgate Is Now U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey-Gate Part 1
by Tom Heneghan
The image
http://news-service.stanford.edu/news/2005/april20/gifs/anthrax.jpg http://lawanddisorder.org/wp-content/uploads/2007/11/mukasey1.JPG It can now be reported that the Federal Grand Jury (We
People) still investigating the anthrax attacks, are very close to
indicting current U.S. Attorney General, KHAZARIAN Jew Michael Mukasey
for obstruction of justice and criminal conspiracy in an attempt to
frame the late Dr. Bruce E. Ivins for sending the post 9/11 anthrax
The image
TRAITORS, KHAZARIAN Jews and Israeli MOSSAD agents U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey (L) and Michael Chertoff Secretary of Department of Homeland Security AP by Susan Walsh http://cache.daylife.com/imageserve/07peeIy72S6LM/610x.jpg Mukasey's co-conspirator, fellow KHAZARIAN Jew and Israeli
agent TRAITOR Michael Chertoff, Secretary of the Department of Homeland
Security (DHS), is currently mentioned as an un-indicted co-conspirator
but may face indictment by the Federal Grand Jury, along with Mukasey.
THE REAL PERPETRATOR WHO MAILED POST 9/11 ANTHRAX LETTERS Israeli MOSSAD agent and dual Israeli-U.S. citizen Dr. Philip M. Zackerie aka Dr. Zack http://judicial-inc.biz/the_an19.jpg http://grupo19aisp.no.sapo.pt/vanunu/images/mossad_logo.jpg Note: It has been well-documented in these intelligence
that the perpetrator of the anthrax attacks against the American People
is dual citizen MOSSAD agent Dr. Philip M. Zackerie aka Dr. Zack.
Reference: Zackerie received diplomatic immunity from the
Administration to flee the United States for Israel even though Justice
Department investigators were about to subpoena him.
TRAITOR U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth Charles Dharapak / AP file http://msnbcmedia2.msn.com/j/msnbc/Components/Art/COVER/060711/060711_indian_money_hmed5p.hmedium.jpg One other co-conspirator in this treasonous operation
against the
late Dr. Ivins and the American People is U.S. District Judge Royce
Lamberth, who was selectively leaking bogus non-evidence against the
late Dr. Ivins for the purpose of framing a dead man and protecting
Reference: What is interesting about Judge Lamberth, folks,
is not
only is he conspiring with the two KHAZARIAN Jews Mukasey and Chertoff,
but Lamberth in the 1990s was the Federal Judge that appointed alleged
Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr to investigate both Bill and Hillary
Clinton during their White House days.
r9cMhYmYjAs/s1600-h/Ted+Olson.jpg http://stopthedrugwar.org/files/bong-hits-4-jesus-ken-starr-1.jpg Lamberth, along with former Bush Administration Solicitor
General, i.e. year 2000 election fixer Ted Olson, and
alleged Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr,
conspired to blackmail Bill and Hillary Clinton in an attempt to force
the Clintons to frame then Vice President, now duly elected President
Albert Gore Jr., on a bogus phone investigation so the Clintons could
save themselves from prosecution.
The image
http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/519VG9HWV0L._SL500_BO2,204,203,200 _PIsitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,45,-64_OU01_AA240_SH20_.jpg Note: Lamberth and Starr are both secretly holding the
Iran/Contra-Mena, Arkansas-AmeriChina Global Management Group Ltd arms
and narcotics trafficking laundry evidence, which would have lead to
the indictment of both Clintons and former U.S. President George
Herbert Walker Bush.
So you see folks, Judge Lamberth is a clear firewall and
enabler of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate.
As of this hour, the Federal Grand Jury (We the People)
investigating the anthrax case has interviewed two FBI agents who
testified that they were FORCED by both U.S. Attorney General Mukasey
and DHS Secretary Chertoff to BRIBE Dr. Ivins' son
with $2.5 million in cash and a new sports car if Ivins' son agreed to
testify against his father.
How dare you, you conspiratorial
tyrants and kings and notable queens! Click
here for the French National Anthem, which offers remedy to this type
of filth:
National Anthem: The Marseillaise
http://www.languedoc-france.info/06141202_marseillaise.htm LISTEN: Edith Piaf sings La Marseillaise
http://www.firstfoot.com/News/images/Edith%20Piaf%20-%20Marseillaise.mp3 The Federal Grand Jury (We the People) investigating the anthrax case has also interviewed former Fort Detrick laboratory research scientist Dr. Mary Beth Downs. Dr. Downs has told the Federal Grand Jurors that (Israeli
agent) Dr. Philip M. Zackerie aka Zack, was ILLEGALLY given
unauthorized access to the USAMRIID laboratory after hours on at least nine
occasions, in which Zackerie spent time in researching the RMR-1029 military
strain of anthrax, which was used in the post 9/11 anthrax
Dr. Downs not only photographed Zackerie but collected the
which include the fingerprints of Zackerie on the smoking gun evidence.
The image The image TRAITORS DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff (L), U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey (C) (Getty Images) Judge Royce Lamberth (R)(AP by Charles Dharapak) http://cache.daylife.com/imageserve/04pA1zB7JRf6G/610x.jpg http://cache.daylife.com/imageserve/093IeS01O84V2/610x.jpg This smoking gun evidence has now been "SEALED" by
co-conspiratorial TRAITORS Mukasey, Chertoff and Judge Royce Lamberth under the cloak of
diplomatic immunity granted Zackerie by the Bushfraud
Administration allowing TRAITOR Zackerie to flee the United States for
Hillary (L) with war-mongering MEGA ZIONIST Bibi Netanyahu http://www.saar.org/Media/DNC2000/1_Hillary&Bill.jpg http://www.haaretz.com/hasite/images/iht_daily/D210607/300bibihilary210607_ap.jpg The image http://planetquo.net/Deguello/clinton_israel1.bmp
LOSER lesbian in-the-closet Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton promises "We Stand with Israel now and forever" (offering to shed American blood for Israel) http://www.ihr.org/webpics/hillary_israel.jpg http://planetquo.net/Deguello/clinton_israel1.bmp http://clinton.senate.gov/issues/nationalsecurity/israel/MDA_podium.jpg Of course it should be noted that the Israeli infiltration
of ALL major organs of the U.S. Government and the American media
reached its highest level in the 1990s during the Bill Clinton
Administration, in which Clinton's wife, KHAZARIAN Jew, loser and
lesbian in-the-closet Hillary Rodenhurst
Clinton allowed this
infiltration to occur.
Israeli MOSSAD agent Monica Lewinsky and compromised U.S. President Bill Clinton http://msnbcmedia2.msn.com/j/msnbc/Components/ Photos/040804/040804_clintonlewinsky_hmed_230p.hmedium.jpg Related:
Unelectable Hillary Clinton And Bushfraud Warned Of Attack
Before 9/11
http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID= 147509065&blogID=320126902&Mytoken=5FE6A107-56F1 -402C-AF7625756877995678357458 The Israeli MOSSAD eventually used one of their agents, White House slut Monica Lewinsky, to enable the compromising of U.S. national security by taking advantage of daddy Bush's little bitch, President Bill Clinton's major weakness, which is of course, SEX, both consensual and forced rape, enabled by Hillary. http://www.trosch.org/wom/hillarylesbi2.jpg
UNELECTABLE lesbian IN-THE-CLOSET Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton http://www.trosch.org/wom/hillarylesbi2.jpg Note: Of course Hillary spent her time with then White House
prostitute Susan engaging in hot lesbian
sex and, at one
had at least two sexual lesbian sessions with Ms. Lewinsky.
http://extras.mnginteractive.com/live/media/site36/2007/0710/20070710_071606_Hillary_Clinton_zo.jpg LOSER lesbian in-the-closet Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton with her concubine Huma Abedin http://extras.mnginteractive.com/live/media/site36/2007/0710/20070710 _071606_Hillary_Clinton_zo.jpg Loser Hillary's latest lover is former campaign aide,
now concubine, Huma Abedin.
Reference: Let us not forget that then Vice President, now
elected President Albert Gore Jr. tried to stop this TREASON on various
occasions, including
his attempt, along with FBI Director William Sessions, General Vernon
Walters, Ambassador Leo Wanta, FBI informant and then White House
counsel Vincent W. Foster and French President Francois Mitterrand, in
1993 to arrest Israeli MOSSAD agent and Bush-Clinton Crime
Family Syndicate fixer Marc Rich.
This chain of events lead to the Clinton-Bush-Netanyahu
"TRUE COLORS" assassination of Vincent Foster
and later in the Clinton Administration, two attempts to
assassinate then Vice President Albert Gore Jr.
Bush-Clinton Treason Escalates
http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&FriendID= 147509065&blogMonth=8&blogDay=26&blogYear=2007 Bush-Clinton-Plame Tied to 9-11 Funding and Obstruction of
Justice re Wanta
http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID= 147509065&blogID=320879758&Mytoken=FCDE18F4-CB21- 46B9-91AD0A564954A47579343021 HOT BREAKING: Bush-Clinton "TRUE COLORS" Assassination Teams
and Serial Rapist Clinton
http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID= 147509065&blogID=331174262&Mytoken= 13A3B5EB-1EA4-44F4-B2873B905976DF1B79405514 Note: The plot to assassinate Vice President Gore in Saudi Arabia was foiled by a friendly European Intelligence Agency and the 1999 attempt to vector Gore's Air Force Two aircraft
over the skies of Chicago failed.
Of course, as we all know folks, the assassination of Vince
has been officially ruled a suicide(ed) by the compromised Bush-Clinton
enabler former alleged Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr.
Now back to the anthrax case.
Ayaad Assaad,
Egyptian-American micro biologist and toxicologist, former Fort Detrick
http://judicial-inc.biz/the_an2.jpg The Federal Grand Jury investigating the anthrax attacks has
interviewed former Fort Detrick laboratory employee Dr. Ayaad Assaad
who has testified that he observed Dr. Philip M. Zackerie working
unauthorized late at night in the laboratory experimenting with the
RMR-1029 military strain of anthrax, which was eventually used in the
post 9/11 anthrax attacks.
Dr. Assad has also testified that he observed Zackerie
leaving the
laboratory with the flask containing the military strain of anthrax.
compromised FBI instead of
pursuing the testimony and evidence of Dr. Assaad (of Egyptian
origin), tried to frame and
accuse Dr. Assaad of writing the post 9/11 anthrax letters,
which called for death to the United States and Israel.
It was ABC
alleged journalist and KHAZARIAN Jew Brian Ross, i.e. Rosenberg,
that tried to get Dr. Assad arrested for writing these letters.
Note: Dr. Assaad was later cleared of any wrongdoing
involving the
anthrax letters and FBI handwriting experts later linked the letters to
none other than TRAITOR and Israeli MOSSAD agent Dr. Philip M. Zackerie.
The image http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p49/london00420/3rd%20Eye%20News/Chertoff-Flag.jpg
TRAITORS, KHAZARIAN Jews and Israeli MOSSAD agents U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey (L) (Getty Images) and Michael Chertoff, Secretary of Department of Homeland Security http://cache.daylife.com/imageserve/0cFS9NV6td20w/610x.jpg http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p49/london00420/3rd%20Eye%20News/Chertoff-Flag.jpg Again folks, all of this evidence against Zackerie has been
by both TRAITORS and KHAZARIAN Jews Mukasey and Chertoff under the
cloak of diplomatic immunity.
How dare you, you conspiratorial tyrants and kings and notable queens! P.S. It is important to recall that the events of 9/11
and the post 9/11 anthrax attacks occurred
shortly before Supreme Court
Justice John Paul Stevens was about to receive letters and smoking gun
evidence detailing the BRIBERY of U.S. Supreme Court Justices Sandra Day O'Connor,
Clarence Thomas and William Kennedy
involving the year 2000 presidential election coup
d'état directed against the American
People by the outlaw Supreme Court.
The image
TRAITOR Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia
Some torture may not be "cruel and unusual punishment", says Scalia (AP by Stephan Savoia) http://cache.daylife.com/imageserve/0fGV1DYaNtfee/340x.jpg The bagman for this BRIBERY was none other than Mussolini neo-fascist grease ball Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. It was then Assistant U.S. Attorney General Michael Chertoff
that used the anthrax attacks as an excuse to seize
Justice Steven's mail and obstruct justice, i.e. the fraud upon
the Supreme Court and the American People.
purpose of the anthrax letters was to stampede the Congress into
rubbing stamping the fascist Constitution-busting legislation, i.e. the
UN-Constitutional Patriot Act, that the TRAITORS in the White
House and the Supreme Court, along with their New World Order cohorts
in Congress had already SECRETLY drafted in ADVANCE of 9/11.
The purpose of all of this was to create a phony war on
which has actually never existed, that would enable the New World Order
TRAITORS to destroy the U.S. Constitution and draft more neo-fascist
legislation similar to the enabling acts of the 1790s.
Note: It was President Thomas Jefferson that eventually
issued Executive Orders on the day of his inauguration in
1801 eliminating the
neo-fascist legislation that previous President John Adams had enacted.
http://blog.aia.org/mt-static/plugins/Ajaxify/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/imagemanager/images/favorite_architecture_images/4_jefferson_lg.jpg http://www.harvardsquarelibrary.org/beacon/fall06images/22-jefferson-bible/jefferson.jpg "I have sworn, upon the Altar of God, eternal hostility
toward every form of tyranny over the mind of man." Thomas
http://blog.aia.org/mt-static/plugins/Ajaxify/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/ imagemanager/images/favorite_architecture_images/4_jefferson_lg.jpg http://www.harvardsquarelibrary.org/beacon/fall06images/22-jefferson-bible/jefferson.jpg Isn't it
interesting folks that the compromised Israeli Mossad-British
Intelligence riddled American media is constantly promoting John Adams
instead of Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Bill of Rights to the
U.S. Constitution and the real reason we became a free republic.
So you see, folks, Jefferson wrote the Bill of Rights
and the
pro British Adams authorized the enabling acts, i.e. the Patriot
Act of the 1790s.
We just thought we would give you a little historical
overview, ladies and gentlemen.
P.P.S. Of course the compromised American media has spent
most of
their time reporting the smears against the late Dr. Ivins on the
anthrax attacks.
The chief culprit in this dis-information is the Los Angeles Times.
The LA
Times, which is Mossad-riddled takes
their orders directly from their KHAZARIAN Jew puppet masters and
TRAITORS like UN-electable loser lesbian in-the-closet Hillary
fundraiser, Haim
Israeli MOSSAD agent Haim Saban, the financial owner of
is financially keeping the LA Times
afloat in return for
pro-Israeli MOSSAD alleged war on terror coverage.
The LA Times recently attempted to frame Dr. Ivins and spin
acquittal of Osama bin Laden's driver as a 5-1/2 year jail
Bin Laden's driver was actually acquitted on most charges levied
against him in the Guantanamo Bay tribunal.
The only crime bin Laden's driver committed was that he gave
concrete information on the whereabouts of bin Laden in Tora Bora in
October of 2001.
The UN-elected occupant and homosexual
in-the-closet Bushfraud allowed bin Laden to
escape knowing that bin Laden would be Bush's 9/11 patsy for
years to come,
and that the custodial funds held in
proprietaries tied to CIA asset Tim Osman aka Osama bin
Laden would
have to be released, which would have then immediately allowed the
implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols,
of which Ambassador Leo Wanta is the
The compromised American media filth, i.e. the LA Times,
does not report this, including the fact that a
CIA rendition flight took place in October of 2001 in which CIA asset
Tim Osman, i.e. Osama bin Laden, was paid a $50 million bribe using
American Taxpayers' money for going along with being a patsy.
Within weeks, a British Intelligence tape was released in
the alleged Osama bin Laden aka Tim Osman supposedly made a confession
to the 9/11 attacks. The tape is bogus and a Tony Blair WD-199
Remember, bin Laden has never been indicted on 9/11 by the
Justice Department and, at this hour, has been dead for over six years
from kidney failure while he was at a CIA hospital in Dubai, United
Arab Emirates in December of 2001.
2:27 - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment
HOT BREAKING: AnthraxGate is now AG MukaseyGate
Part 2
August 9, 2008 Anthraxgate Is Now U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey-Gate Part
by Tom Heneghan
The war on terror is nothing more than a cheap Hollywood B movie produced by neocons, traitors and sociopaths. Not to be left out of the mix, is American sweetheart,
i.e. America's war whore, Katie Couric of
CBS News.
Couric, along with unelectable loser Hillary stooge Rick Kaplan, was
hired by CBS to promote the candidacy of the unelectable loser Hillary
and allow CBS Viacom to blackmail the Bush Justice
Department, i.e. the investigation of CBS ownership for insider trading.
PRO-Iraq war whore Couric was recently spinning the
government story framing Dr. Ivins on the anthrax issue.
The image
CBS News PRO-Iraq war whore Katie Couric http://images.hollywoodgrind.com:9000/images/2008/4/katie-couric-gone-in-weeks.jpg Listen to this folks. PRO-Iraq war whore Couric
recently censored
a story given to the CBS Evening News by a major CBS investigative
journalist, proving that former Bush
Administration neocon Douglas Feith actually forged a letter,
which blamed Saddam Hussein for the 9/11 attacks along with his
participation with the Mossad and British Intelligence of forging the
noted British Intelligence dossier that took American boys to their
death in Iraq based on a lie.
Note: PRO-Iraq War whore Couric will soon be unemployed
looking for a job with unelectable loser Hillary somewhere in
Washington D.C.
One final note: The latest revelation on the affair of
former presidential candidate John Edwards
is once again the work of the Bill and Hillary Clinton-ABC Mickey Mouse
MOSSAD espionage group.
LOSER and lesbian in-the-closet Hillary uses her Chicago
Leisner and Associates private investigators and her Treadstone Space
71 MOSSAD group to conduct 24 hour
surveillance over all of her
political opponents.
Unelectable Hillary, who is currently blackmailing
nominee unelectable Senator Barack Obama in regards to the vice
presidency, decided it was time to out Edwards and leak the affair
story to ABC News.
http://images.newsmax.com/headline_vertical/06obama_lg-1.jpg Barack Obama and Rev Jeremiah Wright http://images.newsmax.com/headline_vertical/06obama_lg-1.jpg Lesbian in-the-closet Hillary is currently
blackmailing Obama in regards to Obama's lifelong homosexual
relationship with the noted Reverend Jeremiah Wright.
Lesbian in-the-closet Hillary has already leaked the sexual
scandal to her partner-in-crime Sean Hannity of FOX News.
Not to be out done, Obama is now blackmailing Hillary in
to her hot lesbian sex in the White House and her felony assault on a
former Secret Service agent who caught her buck naked in the act of hot
lesbian sex with White House prostitute Susan.
Obama is
sitting on emails from Hillary's campaign in which both Clintons are
fingered in vile language suggesting dirty tricks, leaks,
actual illegal communication with the government of Canada, which would
dirty up Obama, i.e. the NAFTA issue.
ttp://campaigncircus.com/image/3962.jpg The emails confirm direct communication between daddy Bush's little bitch Bill Clinton with the Canadian Consulate in Chicago and noted conservative talk show host, lesbian
in-the-closet Monica
At this hour the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate crime
continues, the blackmail continues and the utter survival of the
American Republic hangs in the balance.
We urge ALL patriotic Americans to remember that the 2nd
American Revolution continues.
We do NOT need a compromised unelectable Hillary or Obama
and we
certainly do NOT need Keating 5 bank dick John McCain with his MOSSAD
handler, KHAZARIAN Jew Joe Lieberman, along with his porno queen and
offshore IRS tax cheat wife Cindy McCain.
U.S. States should now consider secession from the Union
given the current occupation Federal government, NO longer in
compliance with the Constitution of the United States of America and
'Rule of Law', is a direct THREAT to the life and liberty of the
American People.
The seccession of States is NOT designed to form a new union
or confederacy
but designed to free the States and the People from the yolk
of tyranny
until the current Bushfraud federal occupation government is
removed from power.
The Bushfraud federal occupation government, in conspiracy
with the Israeli MOSSAD in "Operation Raptor", has just engaged in 20 more assassinations
of PATRIOT U.S. Air Force Officers that have fingered Bushfraud
for 9/11 TREASON.
…the shoot-em-up at the Omaha, Nebraska Westroads Mall on
the very
day TRAITOR Bushfraud arrived in Omaha to be interrogated on various
9/11 issues, which the U.S. Military considers TREASON by the White
House occupunk.
Note: We can now divulge that the interrogation of Bushfraud
U.S. Military officials dealt with the compromised NSA and the role of
the Israeli MOSSAD and East German DVD in the 9/11 attacks…
http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&FriendID= 147509065&blogMonth=2&blogDay=3&blogYear=2008 AnthraxGate Escalates As Bush-Clinton-Mossad "TRUE COLORS" Assassination Teams Remain Loose on American Soil http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=147509065&blogID= 420596140&Mytoken=B0CB4C64-DB89-476A-ADFAC6F3F8D95A3281441884 Massive US Naval Armada Heads For Iran http://europebusines.blogspot.com/2008/08/massive-us-naval-armada-heads-for-iran.html Contact your State legislators and urge them to proceed with secession until the current ILLEGAL, TREASONOUS homosexual in-the-closet riddled federal occupation government is removed from power. Again, we do not need an election!
We have a duly elected President from the year 2000 election
waiting to be inaugurated; his name is Albert Gore Jr. of the great
State of Tennessee.
We now urge legislators of the State of Tennessee to be the
to secede and begin the chain of events that will lead to American
http://www.pmcluster.com/images/lincoln-memorial.jpg Abraham Lincoln (speech in Congress, January 1848): "Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable – a most sacred right – a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world." "Nor," said Lincoln, "is this right confined to cases in
which the
whole people of an existing government may choose to exercise it.
portion of such people that can, may revolutionize, and make their own,
of so much of the territory as they inhabit."
http://www.ushistory.org/Declaration/images/trumbull-large1.jpg IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of
…But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security… http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/declaration.html ...
Statue of Liberty Inscription:
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin
The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World http://cache.virtualtourist.com/3602450-Travel_Picture-Statue_of_Liberty_National_Monument.jpg In its international aspect the statue, which was a gift
from the
people of France to the people of the United States, commemorates the
long friendship between the peoples of the two Nations—a friendship
that has continued since the American Revolution when, implemented by
the French with sinews of war, it helped turn the tide of victory to
the side of the Colonies.
Then there is symbolism in the design of the statue itself.
broken shackles of tyranny that are molded at the feet of Liberty spoke
for themselves to generations of people fleeing tyranny. The tablet in
the statue's left hand, inscribed July 4, 1776, refers to the
Declaration of Independence—telling all comers of the American ideal
that "all men are created equal." The torch, held high in her right
hand, hardly needs explanation as she lights the way to freedom and
. . . http://bush-hitler.com/Graphics/Liberty.jpg
http://bush-hitler.com/Graphics/Liberty.jpg http://www.ushistory.org/brandywine/images/sold06.gif Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. remains
the REAL president of the United States.
The image
Non-inaugurated, duly elected President Albert Gore Jr. http://www.linktv.org/sitecontent/seriesthumbs/algorespeech2.jpg TOM HENEGHAN'S EXPLOSIVE INTELLIGENCE BRIEFINGS International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL -- reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions. GOD BLESS AND SAVE AMERICA,
LAND THAT WE LOVE http://foreignerinformosa.typepad.com/the_foreigner_in_formosa/images/2007/07/22/commando_squirrel.jpg
EVER VIGILANT 24/7 http://foreignerinformosa.typepad.com/the_foreigner_in_formosa/images/ 2007/07/22/commando_squirrel.jpg ONE NATION UNDER GOD
Homosexual gays and lesbians who are "IN-THE-CLOSET" are a
THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY being vulnerable to blackmail and extortion
by self-serving, hostile entities against the safety, security,
sovereignty and best interests of the American People.
Patriotic, God-loving, peaceful Jewish People are NOT the
same as the war mongering ZIONIST KHAZARIAN Jews.
NOTICE: Occasionally the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate
controlled NSA and FBI Division 5 and/or Israeli Mossad, invade this
intelligence blog changing or removing images, pictures and phraseology
and even disconnect the link from the internet for the purpose of
trying to keep you, the American People, ill-informed.
Make special note of the pics and images they remove off
these intelligence briefings and/or are scrubbing off the internet.
2:20 - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment
09 Aug 2008
HOT BREAKING: AnthraxGate is now AG MukaseyGate Part 1 ... http://blog.myspace.com/tom_heneghan_intel
August 9, 2008
Anthraxgate Part 1 by Tom Heneghan
It can now be reported that the Federal Grand Jury (We the People) still investigating the anthrax attacks are very close to indicting current U.S. Attorney General, KHAZARIAN Jew Michael Mukasey for obstruction of justice and criminal conspiracy in an attempt to frame the late Dr. Bruce E. Ivins for sending the post 9/11 anthrax letters. Mukasey's co-conspirator, fellow KHAZARIAN Jew and Israeli MOSSAD agent TRAITOR Michael Chertoff, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), is currently mentioned as an un-indicted co-conspirator but may face indictment by the Federal Grand Jury, along with Mukasey. Note: It has been well-documented in these intelligence briefings that the perpetrator of the anthrax attacks against the American People is dual citizen MOSSAD agent Dr. Philip M. Zackerie aka Dr. Zack. Reference: Zackerie received diplomatic immunity from the Bush Administration to flee the United States for Israel even though Justice Department investigators were about to subpoena him.
One other co-conspirator in this treasonous operation against the late Dr. Ivins and the American People is U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth, who was selectively leaking bogus non-evidence against the late Dr. Ivins for the purpose of framing a dead man and protecting Zackerie. Reference: What is interesting about Judge Lamberth, folks, is not only is he conspiring with the two KHAZARIAN Jews Mukasey and Chertoff, but Lamberth in the 1990s was the Federal Judge that appointed alleged Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr to investigate both Bill and Hillary Clinton during their White House days. http://bp2.blogger.com/_BLlJwLdIRpk/RgGYqNRDfTI/AAAAAAAAAIg/ Lamberth, along with former Bush Administration Solicitor General, i.e. year 2000 election fixer Ted Olson, and alleged Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, conspired to blackmail Bill and Hillary Clinton in an attempt to force the Clintons to frame then Vice President, now duly elected President Albert Gore Jr., on a bogus phone investigation so the Clintons could save themselves from prosecution. Note: Lamberth and Starr are both secretly holding the Iran/Contra-Mena, Arkansas-AmeriChina Global Management Group Ltd arms and narcotics trafficking laundry evidence, which would have lead to the indictment of both Clintons and former U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush. So you see folks, Judge Lamberth is a clear firewall and enabler of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate. As of this hour, the Federal Grand Jury (We the People) investigating the anthrax case has interviewed two FBI agents who testified that they were FORCED by both U.S. Attorney General Mukasey and DHS Secretary Chertoff to BRIBE Dr. Ivins' son with $2.5 million in cash and a new sports car if Ivins' son agreed to testify against his father. How dare
you, you conspiratorial Click here for the French National Anthem, which offers remedy to this type of filth: French
National Anthem: The Marseillaise LISTEN:
Edith Piaf sings La Marseillaise Dr. Downs has told the Federal Grand Jurors that (Israeli MOSSAD agent) Dr. Philip M. Zackerie aka Zack, was ILLEGALLY given unauthorized access to the USAMRIID laboratory after hours on at least nine occasions, in which Zackerie spent time in researching the RMR-1029 military strain of anthrax, which was used in the post 9/11 anthrax attacks. Dr. Downs not only photographed Zackerie but collected the flasks, which include the fingerprints of Zackerie on the smoking gun evidence. AND, OF COURSE, IT GETS WORSE! TRAITORS DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff (L), U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey (C) (Getty Images) Judge Royce Lamberth (R)(AP by Charles Dharapak) http://cache.daylife.com/imageserve/04pA1zB7JRf6G/610x.jpg http://cache.daylife.com/imageserve/093IeS01O84V2/610x.jpg This smoking gun evidence has now been "SEALED" by co-conspiratorial TRAITORS Mukasey, Chertoff and Judge Royce Lamberth under the cloak of diplomatic immunity granted Zackerie by the Bushfraud Administration allowing TRAITOR Zackerie to flee the United States for Israel .
Of course it should be noted that the Israeli infiltration of ALL major organs of the U.S. Government and the American media reached its highest level in the 1990s during the Bill Clinton Administration, in which Clinton 's wife, KHAZARIAN Jew, loser and lesbian in-the-closet Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton allowed this infiltration to occur. Related: Unelectable
Hillary Clinton And Bushfraud Warned Of Attack Before 9/11
Note: Of course Hillary spent her time with then White House prostitute Susan engaging in hot lesbian sex and, at one time, had at least two sexual lesbian sessions with Ms. Lewinsky. Loser Hillary's latest lover is former campaign aide, now concubine, Huma Abedin. Reference: Let us not forget that then Vice President, now duly elected President Albert Gore Jr. tried to stop this TREASON on various occasions, including his attempt, along with FBI Director William Sessions, General Vernon Walters, Ambassador Leo Wanta, FBI informant and then White House counsel Vincent W. Foster and French President Francois Mitterrand, in 1993 to arrest Israeli MOSSAD agent and Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate fixer Marc Rich. This chain of events lead to the Clinton-Bush-Netanyahu "TRUE COLORS" assassination of Vincent Foster and later in the Clinton Administration two attempts to assassinate then Vice President Albert Gore Jr. Bush-Clinton Treason Escalates Bush-Clinton-Plame Tied to
9-11 Funding and Obstruction of Justice re Wanta HOT BREAKING: Bush-Clinton
"TRUE COLORS" Assassination Teams and Serial Rapist Clinton Of course, as we all know folks, the assassination of Vince Foster has been officially ruled a suicide(ed) by the compromised Bush-Clinton enabler former alleged Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr. Now back to the anthrax case. Dr. Ayaad
Assaad, Egyptian-American micro biologist and toxicologist, former Fort
Detrick researcher The Federal Grand Jury investigating the anthrax attacks has also interviewed former Fort Detrick laboratory employee Dr. Ayaad Assaad who has testified that he observed Dr. Philip M. Zackerie working unauthorized late at night in the laboratory experimenting with the RMR-1029 military strain of anthrax, which was eventually used in the post 9/11 anthrax attacks. Dr. Assad has also testified that he observed Zackerie leaving the laboratory with the flask containing the military strain of anthrax. AND, OF COURSE, NOW IT GETS REALLY WORSE! The compromised FBI instead of pursuing the testimony and evidence of Dr. Assaad (of Egyptian origin), tried to frame and accuse Dr. Assaad of writing the post 9/11 anthrax letters, which called for death to the United States and Israel. It was ABC alleged journalist and KHAZARIAN Jew Brian Ross, i.e. Rosenberg, that tried to get Dr. Assad arrested for writing these letters. Note: Dr. Assaad was later cleared of any wrongdoing involving the anthrax letters and FBI handwriting experts later linked the letters to none other than TRAITOR and Israeli MOSSAD agent Dr. Philip M. Zackerie. Again folks, all of this evidence against Zackerie has been SEALED by both TRAITORS and KHAZARIAN Jews Mukasey and Chertoff under the cloak of diplomatic immunity.
P.S. It is important to recall that the events of 9/11 and the post 9/11 anthrax attacks occurred shortly before Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens was about to receive letters and smoking gun evidence detailing the BRIBERY of U.S. Supreme Court Justices Sandra Day O'Connor, Clarence Thomas and William Kennedy involving the year 2000 presidential election coup d'état directed against the American People by the outlaw Supreme Court.
Court Justice Antonin Scalia It was then Assistant U.S. Attorney General Michael Chertoff that used the anthrax attacks as an excuse to seize Justice Steven's mail and obstruct justice, i.e. the fraud upon the Supreme Court and the American People. Clearly the purpose of the anthrax letters was to stampede the Congress into rubbing stamping the fascist Constitution-busting legislation, i.e. the UN-Constitutional Patriot Act, that the TRAITORS in the White House and the Supreme Court, along with their New World Order cohorts in Congress had already SECRETLY drafted in ADVANCE of 9/11. The purpose of all of this was to create a phony war on terror, which has actually never existed, that would enable the New World Order TRAITORS to destroy the U.S. Constitution and draft more neo-fascist legislation similar to the enabling acts of the 1790s. Note: It was President Thomas Jefferson that eventually issued Executive Orders on the day of his inauguration in 1801 eliminating the neo-fascist legislation that previous President John Adams had enacted. "I have
sworn, upon the Altar of God, eternal hostility toward every form of
tyranny over the mind of man." Thomas Jefferson Isn't it interesting folks that the compromised Israeli Mossad-British Intelligence riddled American media is constantly promoting John Adams instead of Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution and the real reason we became a free republic. So you see, folks, Jefferson wrote the Bill of Rights and the pro British Adams authorized the enabling acts, i.e. the Patriot Act of the 1790s. We just thought we would give you a little historical overview, ladies and gentlemen. P.P.S. Of course the compromised American media has spent most of their time reporting the smears against the late Dr. Ivins on the anthrax attacks. The chief culprit in this dis-information is the Los Angeles Times. The LA Times, which is Mossad-riddled takes their orders directly from their KHAZARIAN Jew puppet masters and TRAITORS like UN-electable loser lesbian in-the-closet Hillary fundraiser, Haim Saban. Israeli MOSSAD agent Haim Saban, the financial owner of Univision, is financially keeping the LA Times afloat in return for pro-Israeli MOSSAD alleged war on terror coverage. The LA Times recently attempted to frame Dr. Ivins and spin the acquittal of Osama bin Laden's driver as a 5-1/2 year jail sentence. Bin Laden's driver was actually acquitted on most charges levied against him in the Guantanamo Bay tribunal. The only crime bin Laden's driver committed was that he gave concrete information on the whereabouts of bin Laden in Tora Bora in October of 2001. The UN-elected occupant and homosexual in-the-closet Bushfraud allowed bin Laden to escape knowing that bin Laden would be Bush's 9/11 patsy for years to come, and that the custodial funds held in secret proprietaries tied to CIA asset Tim Osman aka Osama bin Laden would have to be released, which would have then immediately allowed the implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols of which Ambassador Leo Wanta is the administrator. The compromised American media filth, i.e. the LA Times, does not report this, including the fact that a CIA rendition flight took place in October of 2001 in which CIA asset Tim Osman, i.e. Osama bin Laden, was paid a $50 million bribe using American Taxpayers' money for going along with being a patsy. Within weeks, a British Intelligence tape was released in which the alleged Osama bin Laden aka Tim Osman supposedly made a confession to the 9/11 attacks. The tape is bogus and a Tony Blair WD-199 creation. Remember, bin Laden has never been indicted on 9/11 by the Bush Justice Department and, at this hour, has been dead for over six years from kidney failure while he was at a CIA hospital in Dubai, United Arab Emirates in December of 2001. 2:27 - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment
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HOT BREAKING: AnthraxGate is now AG MukaseyGate Part 2 ... http://blog.myspace.com/tom_heneghan_intel
August 9, 2008
Anthraxgate Part 2 by Tom Heneghan
Not to be left out of the mix, is American sweetheart, i.e. America 's war whore, Katie Couric of CBS News. Couric, along with unelectable loser Hillary stooge Rick Kaplan, was hired by CBS to promote the candidacy of the unelectable loser Hillary and allow CBS Viacom to blackmail the Bush Justice Department, i.e. the investigation of CBS ownership for insider trading. PRO-Iraq war whore Couric was recently spinning the government story framing Dr. Ivins on the anthrax issue.
Listen to this folks. PRO-Iraq war whore Couric recently censored a story given to the CBS Evening News by a major CBS investigative journalist proving that former Bush Administration neocon Douglas Feith actually forged a letter, which blamed Saddam Hussein for the 9/11 attacks along with his participation with the Mossad and British Intelligence of forging the noted British Intelligence dossier that took American boys to their death in Iraq based on a lie. Note: PRO-Iraq War whore Couric will soon be unemployed probably looking for a job with unelectable loser Hillary somewhere in Washington D.C. One final note: The latest revelation on the affair of former presidential candidate John Edwards is once again the work of the Bill and Hillary Clinton-ABC Mickey Mouse MOSSAD espionage group. LOSER and lesbian in-the-closet Hillary uses her Chicago based Leisner and Associates private investigators and her Treadstone Space 71 MOSSAD group to conduct 24 hour surveillance over all of her political opponents. Unelectable Hillary, who is currently blackmailing presumptive nominee unelectable Senator Barack Obama in regards to the vice presidency, decided it was time to out Edwards and leak the affair story to ABC News. Lesbian in-the-closet Hillary is currently blackmailing Obama in regards to Obama's lifelong homosexual relationship with the noted Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Lesbian in-the-closet Hillary has already leaked the sexual scandal to her partnerin-crime Sean Hannity of FOX News. Not to be out done, Obama is now blackmailing Hillary in regards to her hot lesbian sex in the White House and her felony assault on a former Secret Service agent who caught her buck naked in the act of hot lesbian sex with White House prostitute Susan. Obama
is also sitting on emails from Hillary's campaign in which both
Clintons are fingered in vile language suggesting dirty tricks, leaks,
and actual illegal communication with the government of Canada , which
would dirty up Obama, i.e. the NAFTA issue.
h At this hour the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate crime spree continues, the blackmail continues and the utter survival of the American Republic hangs in the balance. We urge ALL patriotic Americans to remember that the 2nd American Revolution continues. We do NOT need a compromised unelectable Hillary or Obama and we certainly do NOT need Keating 5 bank dick John McCain with his MOSSAD handler, KHAZARIAN Jew Joe Lieberman, along with his porno queen and offshore IRS tax cheat wife Cindy McCain. Sovereign U.S. States should now consider secession from the Uniongiven the current occupation Federal government, NO longer in compliance with the Constitution of the United States of America and 'Rule of Law', is a direct THREAT to the life and liberty of the American People. The seccession of States is NOT designed to form a new union or confederacy but designed to free the States and the People from the yolk of tyranny until the current Bushfraud federal occupation government is removed from power. The Bushfraud federal occupation government, in conspiracy with the Israeli MOSSAD in "Operation Raptor", has just engaged in 20 more assassinations of PATRIOT U.S. Air Force Officers that have fingered Bushfraud for 9/11 TREASON. Related: Note:
We can now divulge that the interrogation of Bushfraud by U.S. Military
officials dealt with the compromised NSA and the role of the Israeli
MOSSAD and East German DVD in the 9/11 attacks… Again, we do not need an election! We have a duly elected President from the year 2000 election waiting to be inaugurated; his name is Albert Gore Jr. of the great State of Tennessee . We now urge legislators of the State of Tennessee to be the first to secede and begin the chain of events that will lead to American liberation. "Nor," said Lincoln, "is this right confined to cases in which the whole people of an existing government may choose to exercise it. Any portion of such people that can, may revolutionize, and make their own, of so much of the territory as they inhabit." The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America …But
when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the
same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism,
it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and
to provide new Guards for their future security…
http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/declaration.html ... Statue of Liberty Inscription: "They that
can give up essential liberty to obtain a little safety deserve neither
liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin
The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World
http://cache.virtualtourist.com/3602450-Travel_Picture-Statue_of_Liberty_National_Monument.jpg In its international aspect the statue, which was a gift from the people of France to the people of the United States, commemorates the long friendship between the peoples of the two Nations—a friendship that has continued since the American Revolution when, implemented by the French with sinews of war, it helped turn the tide of victory to the side of the Colonies. Then there is symbolism in the design of the statue itself. The broken shackles of tyranny that are molded at the feet of Liberty spoke for themselves to generations of people fleeing tyranny. The tablet in the statue's left hand, inscribed July 4, 1776, refers to the Declaration of Independence—telling all comers of the American ideal that "all men are created equal." The torch, held high in her right hand, hardly needs explanation as she lights the way to freedom and liberty. . . .
Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. remains the REAL president of the United States .
ONE NATION UNDER GOD Homosexual gays and lesbians who are "IN-THE-CLOSET" are a MAJOR THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY being vulnerable to blackmail and extortion by self-serving, hostile entities against the safety, security, sovereignty and best interests of the American People. Patriotic, God-loving, peaceful Jewish People are NOT the same as the war mongering ZIONIST KHAZARIAN Jews. NOTICE: Occasionally the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate controlled NSA and FBI Division 5 and/or Israeli Mossad, invade this intelligence blog changing or removing images, pictures and phraseology and even disconnect the link from the internet for the purpose of trying to keep you, the American People, ill-informed. Make special note of the pics and images they remove off these intelligence briefings and/or are scrubbing off the internet. http://blog.myspace.com/tom_heneghan_intel …
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