After 20+ years of intense battle against the
darkside, now, with the moment of victory at hand its time for lift
FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
Dear C:
C, where have you been my whole life? As you probably know, the
foundation and source of the Truth presented on Fourwinds are The
Phoenix Journals. One last time Creator God, Sananda and the
Masters gave us Truth through these journals for these "last days" of
our present 3D civilization.
Earth Shan
has requested to move into the fifth dimension, as she begins her new
cycle, and Creator God Aton has granted that request. Our planet
endured evil for 4 1/2 billion years, and has earned the right to move
to the higher frequencies of 5D, where no evil is allowed. This
Esu Immanuel Sananda is in charge
of Earth Shan's transition into fifth dimension, but Shan decides, when
she shall being her serious self-cleansing (earth changes) prior to
entering 5D. We ended the Third Grand Experiment on August 17,
also known as the Harmonic Convergence. The Darkside had agreed
their contract with Creator God to return to the Light on that date.
This they did not do, so the Lightworkers have struggled against the
Darkside for these past 21 years to bring balance and harmony to Shan
without success. The original plan was to allow the 25 years
August 17, 1987 and December 21, 2012 for restoration of our
It is important to understand that the 2012 date is no longer
important. Our planet entered the Photon Belt in 1962, and
because of
the higher frequencies of the energy belt, time has been speeded up,
that is, the second has been shortened. This has shortened our
weeks, months and years, so that in December of 2006 we passed the
December 21, 2012 end date. For the past 1/12 years we
have been on "borrowed" time, so to speak.
Looking at the condition of our civilization and our planet today, we
can see that restoration to goodness has not occurred. In fact,
conditions are so bad that our planet is dying. Sananda says,
Shan is
beyond recovery by our 3D means. Yes, we have fought an intense battle
against the Darkside for the past 20 plus years to bring prosperity and
freedom and justice to our people, and we are at the point of winning
this war.
This is a great accomplishment
for the Lightworkers. We can declare victory over the Darkside
bring closure for many, who have suffered so much, but in the Divine
Plan it really is too little too late for our dying Earth Mother.
we had the full cooperation of the Darkside since August 17, 1987, we
could have used many new technologies withheld from us for a hundred
years and more, and cleaned up our planet, brought health to her
people, peace to the nations, and had a smooth ride into 5D right on
Heaven's schedule. That was Plan A.
We are now in Plan B, where we do what we can to bring restoration,
harmony and balance until Shan starts her CPR. Please understand,
Friend, we have not failed our Mission. Plans change, based upon
freewill, and the Darkside pushed us into Plan B. Regardless,
there is
great purpose in Plan B. Great sorting has occurred between those
Darkness and those of Light, and we have learned many important lessons
in soul growth.
All souled-beings at this
time on Shan are Returned Masters. We have spent many past
on Shan. Hatonn says he has spent 43,000 lifestreams in 3D.
graduated to 5D long ago, but agreed to leave our homes in the Stars
and return to this poor struggling planet and assist in her transition
into 5D. We have presented Truth to the people, and have tried to
awaken them.. We have stood against the Darkness for 21 years in
over-time, and the Darkness has not won!
We have passed every test in flying colors, and it is now time to go
home. The future in 3D on this planet is determined by our Earth
Mother. We continue our missions for as long as she allows.
When it
becomes unsafe for us to remain here, evacuation shall occur.
says at that time he shall come to take his flock home
What is waiting for us in fifth dimension is far greater and more
beautiful and joyful then anything we could ever create here in
3D. I
sensed disappointment in your question, C. It's like the holodeck
Star Trek. It's time to leave the illusion of 3D and return to
real world of joy and beauty. Only there is true happiness.
Ils savent et dépensent des milliards pour la suivre
(NASA-ESA-VATICAN-CNES-JAXA). Cette vidéo explique les
et pré-connaissance de l'arrivée de ERIS/Nibiru en 2012
dans notre
système solaire. Les diverses satellites infra-rouge et solaires
seraient la preuves.
Follow the MONEY
Added:March 03, 2008
If you watch where the world's
space agencies spend our tax dollars, you will see that these said
agencies are watching for NIBIRU renamed: ERIS
aventure ! Se pourrait-il que ce site puisse déranger les braves
gens ?
Non, pas les braves gens mais les autres, sûrement. Avons-nous
victime d'une attaque ? Si oui c'en était toute une. Sinon,
ça a passé
proche d'être un désastre.
ce qui s'est passé selon mes amis qui sont des réseateurs
et hébergent
4 de mes sites. Vu qu'ils vivent dans un endroit retiré du
Québec, il
leur faut une génératrice pour pouvoir alimenter des
dizaines de
disques durs externes. Ce weekend la génératrice a subit
une surcharge
électrique et a littéralement sauté,
explosé, emportant avec elle les 3
murs extérieurs. Heureusement personne ne fut blessé. Mes
m'affirment que ce n'est que mécanique. Mais les fils
étaient cuits.
Incroyablement les processeurs furent épargnés.
le site est revenu en ligne pour 24 heures mais lorsqu'ils ont
à raccorder tous les disques durs, la charge était lourde
et un fusible
a grillé, seulement. Ils ont dû
déménagé tous les disques durs dans une
autre pièce sur un autre circuit électrique et ce soir
nous revoici en
jamais cela se produirait à nouveau, nous pourrons demeurez en
avec 2 autres sites que j'annoncerai sous peu. Nul besoin de vous dire
que j'ai une tonne d'articles, vidéos et nouvelles très
chaudes à vous
partager. Donnez-moi un peu de temps à ratrapper le retard et
vos ceintures. ( nenki)
june 6th and
8th, conference by R. Glenn
Pour les 6 et 8 juin:
" Alliance "
Richard Glenn, par l'
Ésotérisme Expérienciel.
Le rite de "L'ALLIANCE" crée une fidélité
inconditionnelle avec l'être aimé pour la
réalisation de sa destinée..
traduit dans presque toutes les Traditions par l'union de deux
selon un rituel sacré apparenté au sacrement du "MARIAGE"
dans l'Église
Catholique Romaine.
Exposé de Richard, à l'aide du Document
806 .
qui sera remis gratuitement aux assistants à cette
ressource: Zecharia
Sitchin, auteur de:
" La Douzième Planète: NIBIRU "
d'une entrevue exclusive avec Richard Glenn, Zecharia Sitchin a
à des questions bien précises face à
l'éventualité du "retour" dans le
système solaire de la "douzième planète
nommée "Marduk" ou "NIBIRU"
selon la Tradition Sumérienne. . . pour 2012 ?
Projection sur écran géant
de plusieurs documents souvent exclusifs en vidéo. - à