from fw10 and icke........

vendredi 30 mai 2008 15 h 03

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  AB
DATE:  May 29, 2008
SUBJECT:  Adolfo Nicolas, Jesuit Black Magic, Satan and Mammon
Dear AB:
    Thank you for your letter and questions.  The power of the Darkside on our planet has been greatly diminished with the recent removal by Creator God Aton of Light of Lucifer/Satan and all fourth dimension evil entities.  Therefore, at the present time we are dealing only with Lucifer/Satan's third dimensional minions, who have lost their off-world support.
    Their ranks are thinning, as some are now realizing their game has been found out, and they can not win against the Light of Truth.  Thus, some are turning to the Light.  The Black Pope and the Jesuit Order are losing their Black Magic power over their minions, and their One World Plans of evil intent are in total disarray.
    Everywhere we see signs of crumbling of the Darkside edifice of evil.  U.S. fake president G.W. Bush is nothing more then a drunken village idiot today and has been forced to turn over his power of attorney to the vile fake U.S. vice-president Dick Cheney, who has been lawfully contained for his evil deeds, and now wears an ankle bracelet.  The U.S. Government "house of cards" is falling fast, and the public shall see signs of this happening in these next few days.
    The Lightworkers have been diligent in their Missions, and the White Knights have been courageous in the NESARA Mission.  The Plan is finally coming together for goodness to reign supreme on Earth Shan.  At your request I offer the following petition for these times.
    We petition Creator God of Light and the Forces of Light, and through our God Spirit and our Mighty I AM PRESENCE, so order all Dark beings and energies immediately contained and removed permanently from our planet.  We request the space created in so doing be filled with Light and Love.
    We ask that Divine Guidance and assistance be given to all workers of the Light to complete their tasks and their missions quickly to bring goodness, harmony and balance to Earth Shan again, and we give permission to the Realms of Light to act on our freewill planet to make this so.  So be it!  It is done!
    Be in peace, my friend.  Victory is here.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer

from icke:
Jim Corr, who attended David Icke's event at Brixton last Saturday, speaks out in the Irish media
'Corrs guitarist Jim Corr has claimed that there was overwhelming evidence that the 9/11 attacks in America were carried out by "rogue elements" of US President George Bush's "neo-con administration". In a rare intervention into the political arena, the male singer with The Corrs band came out against the Lisbon Treaty claiming that it is "tip-toe totalitarianism in the West".'
Read more ... 
Friday, 30 May 2008
China's submarine progress alarms India
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Insane Bill Makes All Federal Vaccines Mandatory
'Act now to stop the worst vaccine law ever proposed in New York since the invention of the mandatory schedule. Assembly Bill 10942 would make all vaccines recommended by the CDC mandatory for all children to attend school and, and for the first time vaccines would become mandatory for infants and toddlers.'


Friday, 30 May 2008
The video Israel does not want you to see ...
Friday, 30 May 2008
Canadian Journalists apply to intervene in Maclean's 'human rights' case
'The Canadian Association of Journalists has formally applied for standing as an intervenor at the upcoming British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal hearings on a complaint of religious and racial discrimination against Maclean's magazine. The complaint, brought by Mohamed Elmasry and Naiyer Habib on behalf of the Muslim residents of B.C., alleges Maclean's October, 2006, publication of an excerpt from Mark Steyn's book, America Alone, is contrary to section 7 of the B.C. Human Rights Code, which prohibits discriminatory or hateful speech.'