Download Frank's (
software to prove to yourself - Golden Ratio SELF ORGANIZES all
harmonic interference :
(El Naschie -
mentioned for Nobel Prize-
- calls this "GOLDEN QUANTUM FIELD THEORY" - he is author of E8
Cantorian Space Unified Field Mathematics: quote"THAT FRACTALIZATION IS
community unable to deny Dan Winter - was the FIRST among the new rush
of scientists to announce FRACTALITY is the CAUSE of GRAVITY. (while
it IS normal to wait for a generation of physicists to die- before a
new idea can be announced - it IS much better in a world where
communication CANNOT be stopped - that they instead die from
Dan Winter was the FIRST to
correctly announce - FRACTALITY was the electric cause and mechanism of
GRAVITY.(Original discussion: how SELF
SIMILARITY - electron to nucleus CAUSES the gravity/constructive charge
collapse- made by atoms:
Wiki Editor who deleted Dan Winter's original and correct 2005 - entry-
defining for the first time the FRACTAL - CAUSE of gravity -
should now be embarassed (he
now must follow into history the Pope who excommunicated Galileo for
saying the Earth is round - and the sad Dodo bird into extinction - )
- as the following proof of record reveals
Frank's ( software to prove to yourself - Golden
Ratio SELF ORGANIZES all harmonic interference :
(El Naschie -
mentioned for Nobel Prize-
- calls this "GOLDEN QUANTUM FIELD THEORY" - he is author of E8
Cantorian Space Unified Field Mathematics: quote"THAT FRACTALIZATION IS
community unable to deny Dan Winter - was the FIRST among the new rush
of scientists to announce FRACTALITY is the CAUSE of GRAVITY. (while
it IS normal to wait for a generation of physicists to die- before a
new idea can be announced - it IS much better in a world where
communication CANNOT be stopped - that they instead die from
Dan Winter was the FIRST to
correctly announce - FRACTALITY was the electric cause and mechanism of
GRAVITY.(Original discussion: how SELF
SIMILARITY - electron to nucleus CAUSES the gravity/constructive charge
collapse- made by atoms:
The Wiki Editor who deleted Dan Winter's original and correct 2005 - entry- defining for
the first time the FRACTAL - CAUSE of gravity -
should now be embarassed (he
now must follow into history the Pope who excommunicated Galileo for
saying the Earth is round - and the sad Dodo bird into extinction - )
- as the following proof of record reveals
(This from 3 years
ago) Implosion Group friends: Please
contact WIKIPEDIA - and note their error: (they removed our
correction) In their DEFINITION OF GRAVITY - we replaced
the embarassing - ignorance of their sentence:"While a great deal is
known about the properties of gravity, the ultimate
cause of the gravitational force remains an open question."
..With something that was at least
useful - for getting us out of our gravity hole: ( Dan
Winter's FRACTAL definition of Gravity- as announced then DELETED we
suggest by their ignorance- online and RECORDED as such at WIKIPEDIA
-BEFORE other scientists confirmed - our position- )- here is
Dan Winter's entry before deletion:
Gravity is a force of attraction
between massive particles in proportion to their mass. Weight
is determined by the mass of an object and its location in a
gravitational field. The ultimate cause of the gravitational force is
the symmetry of self-similarity which invites non-destructive
compression. That Golden Ratio optimized fractality provides a path for
charge compression to be turned in to acceleration (gravity). This is
probably because the phase velocity of the constructively interfering
charge waves ADD and MULTIPLY perfectly in Golden Ratio - producing
acceleration out of compression. Perfect (non-destructive) compression
creates gravity from charge (Einstein) - we now know only fractality is
perfect compression. It is strongly hypothesized that the primary
Poincare symmetry Einstein used to describe gravity is essentially
Dodeca / Icosa - which is an in"phi"knit Golden Ratio stellation (ref: [1] ) and ref: [2]
It is also
strongly hypothesized that this predicts why recent measures have shown
DNA producing gravity like black holes. ref: [3]
This is because the Golden Ratio based symmetry of DNA makes it a
gravity producing device. This should allow us to describe better the
role of biology in fabricating stable (gravity for) atmosphere
maintenance and star systems. For electrical measures of how DNA is
apparently fired (charge compressed/braided) by BLISS to its gravity
making destiny - ref: [4]
electrical similarity of gravity to love itself thus becomes evident in
electrical measures of Golden Ratio as PERFECT EMBEDDING - in nature
and human emotion. ref: [5] and ref: [6]
Until now General relativity was the most successful theory of gravitation. It postulated that mass and energycurvespacetime,
resulting in the phenomenon known as gravity. We now know that space
and time are only defined by the rotation of charge (just like mass is
a name for the inertia stored when charge rotates and compresses
successfully) and both must be fractal to compress and radiate charge
well in order to self organize / become 'conscious'. The only
sustainable curvature of space and time therefore is hydrodynamics
perfected translation of vorticity (path from line / energy to circle /
mass making) defined by the GOLDEN MEAN SPIRAL. Example of time
emerging from chaos into this self organization (Golden Spiral in
time)- book "Spiral Calendar" by Carolan.
On 30 Jul, Dan Winter wrote:>> I just redefined gravity at
wikipedia,wonder how long this will last... Dr Arkadiusz Jadczyk,
, responded: "Probably not long as there are many experts on gravity,
some even knighted (or equivalent - see footnote 1), and they
are not always in agreement. Footnote1:
Best, ark
Jonathan Dickau writes... (April
28,08) Hello Dan, I wanted you to
know that I haven't been idle. You should be pleased to find that there
is now an article on the Wikipedia (English) for Fractal cosmology, and
that it mentions the work of El Naschie prominently. I haven't put up a
link to your pages yet, in part because there are so many that pertain
to this subject, and I want to find the best one (/completefractalcosmology
perhaps) to include.
Perhaps you can create a new page with minimal content, that has all
the links to your other pages on the topic.... I am trying to avoid
censure, as the predecessor to the page I've created on the Wiki was
summarily deleted by the editors. So far; I've toed the line, by
keeping my treatment of the subject close to the accepted views of the
scientific community, to maintain that all-important neutral point of
view. I have not elected to even include a link to my own pages. I
intend to make my case stronger first, by writing some papers to show
the underpinnings of my work more clearly.
But I'm on the path of
making that real in a serious way. I'll be presenting my Mandelbrot Set
Cosmology theory at the 2nd Crisis in Cosmology Conference, in Port
Angeles, Washington, later this year (Sept 7-11). And I've got a book
in preparation, with strong publisher interest. So; you can expect more
news from me, on this subject. All the best, Jonathan "
more from Jonathan
Dickau: Holarchy-Coherent
AND Fractal-Bliss:Solution to Coherence Wars..: perfect nesting, this
literally becomes a prescriptionfor how to make ANYTHING sustainable
and thus immortal! - related by Jonathan Dickau: Are
the Boundaries of Consciousness a Fractal?
Bread: Gold's Fractal Structure vs: Embedding as Immortality- Recursion
Create Dimple Inside Out-Ness? Subject:Great Fractal Valentine. 13 Feb
99 From: "Jonathan J. Dickau" Hello Dan, I love your
Fractal Valentine! It is nice. see:
As Andrei Linde writes... ref-
: "... Physicist Andrei Linde, and
others, have found fractals helpful in modeling the
behavior of the early universe. Their work suggests that the fractal
nature of space may actually be the cause of gravity.
More recently; the work of Alain Connes has shown that noncommutative
spaces evolve fractality naturally. The Mandelbrot Set is the most
complex fractal object which can be represented in two dimensions. In
my opinion, the Mandelbrot set and its derivative forms (including the
Fractal Butterfly) have a lot to convey, which aids our understanding
the nature of space, and will help solve the riddle of gravity. Recent
observations of the large-scale distribution of matter in space show it
to have a fractal pattern. "
Now-> Extending the dialog:
check out the first part of the dialogs)
, and in dialog with Prof. El Naschie at
This was triggered in part by El Naschie's earlier paper: Dimensional
symmetry breaking, information and fractal gravity in Cantorian space "... a link between general relativity
and Cantorian spacetime is proposed which amounts to the claim that
fractalization is the origin of gravity." This was earlier
predicted by this author, Dan Winter.
In his newest paper, - Lie and Coxeter Groups / High Energy Particle
Physics -(here: elnaschiejan08.pdf ) - Professor El Naschie, mentioned
for Nobel nomination along with related Garrett Lisi's new E8 theory of
everything, states: "..the
success of E-infinity theory lies in using a golden mean based number
system [9]. However this is only part of the story. The second part
lies in the well known fact that the most important of the Platonic
solids are golden mean proportioned. Consequently their Coxeter
polytopes generalization involves the golden mean in a nontrivial
manner. Finally it is the generalization of the Coxeter groups which
link us with the exceptional Lie symmetry groups and consequently high
energy physics. The synthesis so produced culminated in the recent
development of what may be termed quantum golden field
Unified Theories -Scientific Conference Program - May 16-19, 2008,
The Hall of the Hungarian Cultural Foundation , 1014 Budapest, I. Szentháromság tér 6
May 2008 (friday) at 13.00 opening speeches and key note lectures from
the world renowned guest scientists. Fred Alan Wolf – USA: Is the Mind of God Found in
Quantum Field Theory? John Hagelin – USA: Is Consciousness the Unified
Field? A Field Theorist’s Perspective Amit Goswami - India – USA:Science within
Consciousness: toward an Integration of all sciences Uma Krishnamurthy - India – USA (workshop):
Consciousness, Creativity, and the yoga psychology of transformation Continuation of the development of the Unified theory of physics Matti Pitkanen – FI: Principles of Quantum
Topological Geometrodynamics Richard Amoroso – USA: Mind-Body Interactions
Surmount the Uncertainty Principle Alex Hankey
– GB: -Observing Quantum Systems: How far-from-Equilibrium Feedback
Instabilities can Offer Comprehensive Solutions to the Mind-Matter and
Mind-Body Problems incorporating Macroscopic Quantum Coherence Bjarne Lorenzen - DK: Whirlpool gravitation and
space-time torsion and contraction V. G. Kryuk - UR: Structure And Their Physical
Analogue Unified natural sciences and the theory of mind and consciousness Dienes István –HU: Gravitational Holgraphy
to Living Holograms, From Consciousness-Holomatrix to Self-Conscious
Neuronetworks Grandpierre Attila – HU: of physics, biology and
psychology into a unified natural science Alex Kaivarainen
– FI: Unified Theory of Bivacuum, Matter-Field Duality, Virtual
Replicas and Cycle of Mind, as a Background of Paranormal Phenomena Szántó Borisz - HU: Type Man. The
evolution of apperception S. Székely Attila – RO: Paradigm of the
Biopsychology of Consciousness S. K. Ramesh – AE (workshop): Quantum mechanics
of age reversal an evidence based presentation 2008. május 18. The unified theory life and Complex theory of
human existence Peter Gariaev – RU: Brief introduction into
WaveGenetics. Its scope and opportunities Dan Winter – USA: Fractal Fields: The CAUSE of
Gravity, Mass Creation, Consciousness, Color, Bliss – and The Real
Science of Peacemaking M. El Naschie – SA: Fractal gravitation and the
golden ratio in elemetary particle physics Dmitry Weise – RU: The Pythagorean View on
Problems of Periodicity in Modern Science / Jakab István - HU: Living water: the
fourth condition of water Ugrin Emese –HU: Knowledge-city, a research to
develop meta-space Délutáni témakör 14
órától 19 óráig: The unified theory
of religions and sciences Nádor Judit - HU: and ghosts: holistic
and ecology in the healing (lessons of strange traditions and
integrating opportunities) Kamarás István - HU:
At the previous- Unified Field
Physicists Conference - in Budapest- (
Nassim Haramein- (
) beautifully aligned with the principle - lecturing that the Nature of
the Universal VACUUM was FRACTAL... but then - he demonstrated how he
missed the point - when he went on to INSIST the symmetry of that
vacuum is TETRAhedral. When in fact the only symmetry of
charge in the vacuum that can create gravity is DODECA - because
only that creates Golden Ratio and thereby allows the key principle of
gravity - perfect fractal wave compression / collapse (the
dodec/icos dual is very much a required SUPERset of the tetra/cubic
lattice - as Michael Heleus nicely points out- by just penta spinning
tetra/cubic lattices- they create Phi and implosion - likely the
essence of E8 Unified Field.)
. Over one million people have read our proof of his error -
- complete with interactive software download - to prove only Golden
Ratio allows interference to be constructive (and thus compress in a
fractal). In this way Nassim's tetra matrix is in fact the OPPOSITE of
compressibility / and fractality! I tried to explain this to him in
person. In the tetra cube all wave interactions are octave based
producing maximum DESTRUCTIVE interference - by actual experiment- thus
in fact PREVENTING compression and fractality. At that time - it seemed
Nassim missed the Golden Ratio principle behind the fractal compression
that became the solution to gravity. He declined our invite to present
in Budapest this year
. El
Naschie accepted the invitation I arranged for him - and will present
the Golden Quantum mathematics evidence that FRACTALITY is the CAUSE OF
GRAVITY - which is the TITLE of my original presentation last year
(Fractal Electric Cause of Gravity was my term)... which Nassim
and Elizabeth Rauscher did not seem to take seriously. At that time -
we did not have the mathematics
model confirmation with El Naschie.
since our dialog at Budapest last year - where I emphasized the role of
Golden Ratio in creating the necessary fracality to cause gravity-
recently Nassim has added this paper: Scale
Unification – A Universal Scaling Law For Organized Matter - to
his site...(finally admitting the key role of Golden Ratio). His useful
insight - adds to the Global Scaling dialog
& a nice clue to the fracal / phi generated nature of gravity-
Interesting to note that the
previous week - we copresented from Venice to Greece - (filmed, along with
42 international experts) with - Dr
Manjir Laughton - author of PUNK SCIENCE (
Physics of Soul) - While her main point seemed to be that EVERYTHING is
a BLACK HOLE (seems similar to vortex or string theory) - we suggested
to her the real breakthru may be to describe the symmetry (obviously
fractality) which CAUSES black holes ! (like those
measureably made by DNA the REAL physics of soul?) Dr.
Manjir- replied here - appropriately noting that in her book she DOES
say "that the universe is fractal and quotes the group of Italian
physicists saying so." So perhaps for her - the next step is near-
agreeing that Fractality is the CAUSE of gravity.
Continuing evidence- Bliss Ecstacy and Enlightenment are electrically
CAUSED by Golden Ratio Phase Conjugation: we recently added even more
dramatic bliss moment GOLDEN RATIO EEG plots (phase conjugation causing
peak perception) - to
HeartTuner BlissTuner System COMPLETE
2 channel Brainwaves and EKG and HRV - all the latest upgrades. Special
if you order thru the Inventor, Dan Winter - receive -personal support
and Free Gift (Training!) above FULL SET 25 DVD (SEVEN are HeartTuner /
BlissTuner Training) +3 Books: Price Euro 1570 - FREE shipping. Note included is Full
Support and the same FULL PROFESSIONAL system and price from the
dedicated- Heart Coherence Team - , Paypal, Visa, M/C
> ,US Phone 310 651 8123
soon expect to complete dramatic capacitive phase conjugate designs to
create growth and conscious producing enviornments- electrically -
which is the ONLY physics behind BIOLOGIC ARCHITECTURE (the only life
producing field structures):
Physics after Einstein is clear- that
perfect wave collapse is the holy grail of field unification - now with
Prof El
Naschie's "quantum Golden Field Theory" mathematics - announcing
fractality causes gravity...
It is irrefuteable that Golden Ratio PHASE CONJUGATION is ONLY
mechanism of this perfect wave collapse. Allowing waves to add AND
multiply recursively (Golden Ratio's exclusive) - IS the perfect wave
collapse & holy grail of physics!
New Color Powerpoint with film as
presented by Dan Winter - in Greece- in Psychosynthesis CruiseShip
Theatre MSC Musica -
- the prepared lecture - for Budapest Conference of Physics and Unified
Field Theories- (see below) this year with Fred Wolf, Prof. El Naschie,
John Hagelin..
Deeply vindicating Dan Winter's lifetime of work on Golden
Mean ratio in physics
- with the powerful mathematics of high energy physics - Professor El
Naschie, mentioned for Nobel nomination along with related Garrett Lisi's new
E8 theory of everything ,- in his newest paper (below) announces: "..the success of E-infinity
theory lies in using a golden mean based number system [9]. However
this is only part of the story. The second part lies in the well known
fact that the most important of the Platonic solids are golden mean
proportioned.( here you
need a star mother kit)Consequently their Coxeter polytopes
generalization involves the golden mean in a nontrivial manner. Finally it is the
generalization of the Coxeter groups which link us with the exceptional
Lie symmetry groups and consequently high energy physics. The
synthesis so produced culminated in the recent development of what may
be termed quantum golden field theory."
has been clear that optical phase conjugation (opposing laser light
cones) in addition to creating time reversal- self organizes the
elimination of optical abberation-- disorder. Physics now needs to
discover that fractal self similarity is the atomic / molecular key to
choosing the mysterious MATERIAL needed FOR the (optical) phase
conjugate mirror. Then
physics needs to learn the analogous MAGNETIC phase conjugation is the
ultimate water and liquid PURIFIER (more soon). Then physics needs to
learn that CAPACITIVE PHASE CONJUGATE DIELECTRIC is how consciousness /
life / perception and BLISS are created.
Of course it MIGHT be helpful if they knew that optical phase conjugation is the cause, mechanism and origin
of COLOR.. In a similar way Golden Ratio
Fractal PHASE CONJUGATION is the electrical cause and mechanism of
gravity: latest-
must clarify the profound - path out of chaos which is Fractal Field
Phase Conjugation. This will then allow us to better introduce Earth's
gravitationally confused scientists to the gravity / black hole making
physics WHICH IS- the most powerful thing ABOUT DNA. It was helpful -
when Peter Gariaev (he is with us again at Budapest- see list below) -
after measuring DNA making these BLACK HOLES - he explains the reason
DNA is able to do this is OPTICAL PHASE CONJUGATION. (
). The point being - then to learn the (fractal and phase conjugate)
field theory of BLISS hygiene - to ignite DNA to this - it's only
sustainable state (
Re: our discovery that Fractality and PHASE CONJUGATION were the origin symmetry and
mechanism of COLOR - It was Frank of
who first brilliantly discovered that the plot of TILT ANGLE (bottom x
axis on graph) of the (toroidal) PHOTON called COLOR predicts WHY the
primary colors have the wavelength they do -
is obvious now the reason the cone of the eye is the only place color
is perceived, because in wave mechanics only a cone as an antenna can
measure phase angle or tilt - in this case measuring the tilt or phase
angle of the photon travelling as a donut / torus - which we then call
Frank - originally interpreted his set of angles
predicting color wavelengths- as the angles of a tetrahedron IN a dodeca.
I noticed that in his beautiful plot -
the ONLY angles (63 and 117 degrees -P2 + P3) which were not cubic
(45/90/135 degrees, 4 wave mixing in the optics of phase conjugation)
since I was the first to publish that the dodeca stellation ( &
icosa interdigitation) produce - infinite nodes ALL of which x,y,z
vertex values being simply mulitples of Golden RATIO - I then framed
the original hypothesis this was evidence that PHASE
CONJUGATION (literally the ability of phase angles to conjugate
constructively) was the cause of COLOR.
above graphic - PHASE CONJUGATION at the center of GOLDEN QUANTUM FIELD
producing DODECAHEDRON- produces an increasingly broad band PLASMA
origin of gravity, and perception and life and consciousness) - is the
broad spectral bandwidth implosive plasma fusion at the center of PHASE
CONJUGATION -("this is the way phase conjugation.." - pic above)
sorts and eliminates all toroid photons that do not fit the dodeca
--phase conjugating face angles - and thus produces the 3 dimensional
photon phase or tilt discipline called COLOR. (next pic) 2
dimensional models of the physics of color simply are not complete.
(perfecting of wave collapse) ALSO then determines which wave has
'permission' to be distributed - become radiant - (fractality is
COHERENCE perfected) : thus defining for example pure intention,
the collective unconscious, and how
memories survive death electrically - out of DNA's phase conjugation (
) - See the story of how karma and forgiveness are directly the result
and mechanism of constructive collapse and phase conjugation in DNA:
notes on Color: Dan's perspective: RE: new symmetry model of ORIGIN OF
COLOR - below - based on DODEC - Dan suggests that the most likely
reason the primary colors frequencies (P1=R, P2=Y, P3=B) differential
angles are accurately predicted by the dodecahedron planes central
angles is because PHASE CONJUGATION is specifically permitted BY THE
GOLDEN RATIO stellations of this dodecahedron. He hypothesizes that the
REASON the photon toroidal vortex HAVE to find dodeca symmetries -and
thus create COLOR- is because that dodeca array is the only way PHASE
CONJUGATION and therefore 3D sorting / successful compression +
distribution can happen.
Dan's picture shows how those conic
dodec angles also have a planar hex view... like the 3 primary colors/
color pairs. (Dan see's these conic angles as the result of the sorting
process - which Frank has modeled. Frank suggested the angles he found
were those of a tetra nested in a dodeca, Dan finds more directly the
63/117 degree angles are simply the FACE angles of the Dodeca).
= the symmetry at the core of optical PHASE CONJUGATION / 4 wave
mixing: (key to optical PHASE CONJUGATION)
Note that in the stellated DODECA /ICOSA infinite 3D nest /
fractal (SarMother Kit)-
ALL of the vertex have x,y,z rectilinear coordinate values which are
simply MULTIPLES of GOLDEN RATIO. THAT means the 6 cube cones (4 or six
wave MIXING from optics) above ACTUALLY make all the NODES of the
stellated DODECA!
explains the vortex into the dodecahedron's planes are NOT actually at
60 degree angles in 3D - but there is a 2D view of them which is HEX-
like the shadow of the cube in the dodec- and has 60 degree shadow view
of those cones. Dan believes this is a useful understanding of how 3
pairs of primary colors are sorted by phase conjugation. (the hues
above are not precise).
All the primary and secondary colors are lined up with the dodeca-
planes -(parallel and perpedicular).- because getting lined up-( or
perpendicular) with the faces of the dodec is how the light rays
acheive the necessary phase conjugation. (Stellating the dodec is
natures only 3D way of nesting by Golden Ratio, and Golden Ratio is the
only perfect way to phase conjugate - that is - to add AND multiply
Dan suggests that no other principle
mechanism could be doing the sorting at the fusion point other than
phase conjugation...
is hypothesizing there is some important parallel to phase conjugation
as in a phase conjugate mirror optically; he believes Golden Ratio
based phase conjugation IS the primary mechanism by which color is
sorted by frequency. Also Dan believes that this sorting principle for
color DOES occur outside of, as well as inside the human perception.
(Frank apparently is suggesting the phenomenon of color only exists
inside human perception). Dan suggests this dodeca phase sorting for
colors inertial symmetry is also how nature - selectively employs the
photon's inertia calibrated in this way - for example in
photosynthesis. (where GREEN at 90 tilt of the photon is the ONLY angle
at which the photons inertia is neither centripedal or
centripfugal-enabling biologic moleculars to balance it optically on
the photosynthetic chemical - head of a pin - while for the opposing
RED - the centripedal side of the photon - the very word ADOM - means
to MAKE HARD - in Hebrew).
perception (of color) had to utilize a perception of this phase
conjugation phase sorting in order to embed and survive in nature.
also believes that the sorting for wavelength which is also a sorting
for color bands inside a prism is a 3 dimensional toroidal vortex
photon phenomenon.THE SORTING (color) IS THE RESULT OF
believe the sorting by wavelength in a prism can be well described as
simply 2D waves. (which is the unsatisfying current physics explanation
of color).
we are announcing the ability to completely reinvent how to heal, and
create beauty (color fusion by phase conjugation - the essence of
'fashion') - knowing the corrected physics of color.
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