Will King George NUKE Ron Paul's Revolution?

May 13, 2008 8:07 PM
May 10, 2008 Monarchy and Mayhem HOUSTON, May 10 -- In Dr. Ron Paul's 14th Congressional District, just south of Houston, Texas City residents are living in fear. It's not because their BP refinery, the nation's most polluted plant, is earning them the unenviable nickname of "Toxic City." It's not because BP is far and away the most deadly industrial site in the nation. It's because they are afraid that BP is the target for a king-sized plan to explode a nuke on US soil. » read more

Message From Missionaries in Kenya About Obama

May 13, 2008 4:20 PM
Celeste and Loren Davis are Missionaries in Africa and can shed some light on one of our Presidential candidates.

Thanks for sending out an alert about Obama. We are living and working in Kenya for almost twelve years now and know his family (tribe) well.  They are the ones who were behind the recent Presidential election chaos here.

Thousands of people have been displaced by election violence(over 350,000) and I don’t know the last count of the dead.  Obama under ”friends of Obama” gave almost a million dollars to the opposition campaign who just happened to be his cousin, R aila Odinga, who is a socialist trained in east Germany. He has been trying to bring Kenya down for years and the last president threw him in prison for trying to subvert this country! December 27th elections brought cries from ODM (Odinga Camp) of rigged election. Obama and Raila speak daily. As we watch Obama rise in the US we are sure that whatever happens, he will use the same tactic, crying rigged election if he doesn’t win and possibly cause a race war in America.

What we would like you to know is what the American press has been keeping a dirty little secret. Obama IS a Muslim and he IS a racist and this is a fulfillment of the 911 threat that was just the beginning.

Jihad is the only true Muslim way. We have been working with them for 20 years this July! He is not an American as we know it. Please encourage your friends and associates not to be taken in by those that are promoting him. It is world wide jihad. All our friends in Europe are very disturbed by the Muslim infiltration into their countries. By the way, his true name is Barak Hussein Muhammed Obama. Won’t that sound sweet to our enemies as they swear him in on the Koran!

God Bless you. Pray for us here in Kenya We are still fighting for our nation to withstand the same kind of assault that every nation, including America, is fighting. Takeover from the outside to fit the new world order. As beli evers, this means we will be the first targets. Here in Kenya, not one  mosque was burned down, but hundreds of churches were burned down, some with people in them, burned alive.

Jesus Christ is our peace but the new world order of Globalism has infiltrated the church and confused believers into thinking that they can compromise and survive. It won’t be so. I will send you a newsletter we sent out in February documenting in a more cohesive manner what I’ve tried to say in a few paragraphs.


----- Original Message -----
From: JR
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 2:14 AM
Subject: Fwd: Re: The Reps make a come back
Patrick my friend wants to know if Obama is a reptilian too? Whats your take on this.
In Light,
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE:  April 30, 2008
Dear JR:
    Obama is not a Reptilian, but he had been cloned and is, thus, a soulless human clone controlled by his puppet masters.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer

from icke:
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Obama licking ass of his puppet master
He doesn't mention that Brzezinski founded the Illuminati Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller, calls for the end of national sovereignty and admits working to manipulate the Soviet Union to invade Afghanistan, which killed a million Afghans alone.
Click here to watch ...
Saturday, 05 April 2008
I don't agree with everything Oprah Winfrey believes or does - especially her support for Illuminati front-man Obama - but this 'Christian' video is such bollocks
And a few people can't control the world? It's a piece of cake.  
Click here to watch ...
Wednesday, 02 April 2008
The Secret Life Of Barack Obama
'In a few short months, the young and relatively unknown politician Barack Hussein Obama may very well be elevated to the presidency of the United States and command the mightiest military in world history. Would the eloquent and charismatic Obama unite, inspire and renew a troubled nation, as tens of millions of voters passionately believe? Or is it possible he's a Manchurian candidate – harboring an ominous secret agenda few understand, a man destined to wreak havoc on America should he become president?'
Read more ...

Thursday, 03 April 2008
An Insider Front-Man Speaks: Obama Feigns Ignorance of Council on Foreign Relations and North American Union

A must-read for his ludicrous comments on the North American Union alone. 
'Is it possible Barack and Michelle are like ships passing in the night? Is it possible Michelle does not talk to her husband about the Council on Foreign Relations? Michelle Obama is on the board of directors of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, founded in 1922 as the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations. And yet here is Obama in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, telling people he is clueless about the elite organization.'
Click here to read more and watch ...
Saturday, 22 March 2008
Confirmed - Obama Is Zbigniew Brzezinski Puppet

  'Any lingering doubts about Obama's status as an abject puppet of Zbigniew Brzezinski and the Rockefeller Trilateral Commission ended this morning when the withered mummy of imperialism himself appeared on MSNBC's Morning Joe to campaign for Obama, urged on by his own moronic daughter, Mika Brzezinski, an Obama groupie and sycophant.
Zbigniew, a low-level Polish aristocrat whose life has been devoted to hatred for Russia, lauded Obama for his 2002 speech opposing the Iraq war, saying that he himself was the source of Obama's arguments back then - thus confirming Obama's long-term status as his puppet, which probably began in 1981-1983, when Obama was a student at Columbia University, and Zbig was directing the anti-Russian institute.'



The System is Broken

May 13, 2008 4:25 PM
Folks, the system is broken! It doesn't work for ordinary folks (and hasn't since 1861). A few years back I read an article about a Harvard University political scientist who was mourning the fact that more Americans don't take part in the political process nowadays. He noted polls indicating that the number of Americans who worked for political parties fell 42% between 1973 and 1994. He also observed that the number who attended political meetings fell 35% and the number who bothered to write a letter to their congress critters fell by 23%. He mourned that we have become "a nation of bystanders" and he felt that when ordinary folks quit taking part in the civil life of a "democratic" society then that society tends to become unbalanced. » read more

Americans Are Living (And Dying) In A Militarized Police State

May 13, 2008 4:23 PM

911 The Road To Tyranny - Alex Jones DetailsCommentsMore from user911 The Road To Tyranny - Alex Jones - 142 min Video- Mar 8, 2006

May 13, 2008 3:38 PM
TO VIEW THIS VIDEO CLICK ON:  video.google.com/videoplay? docid=-6517776133137328105 » read more

9-11 ..... Who Really Did It ?

April 11, 2008 11:18 AM

9/11 Directed Energy Weapon / TV-Fakery Suppression Timeline

May 13, 2008 7:17 PM
Lenin, the first Communist dictator after the takeover of Russia in 1917, is widely credited with the following quotation, "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." There are three basic versions of the 9/11 events. Although differences and/or overlapping may occur, the following three versions generally describe what most people believe: 1. OGCT. This is known as the “Official Government Conspiracy Theory”. » read more

Debunking the 9/11 *Anti-No-Plane-Theory* Myths

May 13, 2008 7:13 PM
06 Mar 2008 From the moment people thought that planes crashed in the World Trade Center, the brainwashing had begun. The “official” account of Boeing 767s striking the North and South Towers, at 400+MPH and 500+MPH respectively, became glued in peoples’ minds as “fact” because of the “tee-vee”. Good ol’ tee-vee. We all trust the media. Even in 1938, when Orson Welles directed a special Halloween radio broadcast of the novel “War of the Worlds”, millions of Americans believed Martians were invading earth. » read more

Obama to Us: UN To Disarm Americans (Re-post)

May 7, 2008 8:26 AM

Follow the Money Project - Betraying Our Troops

May 13, 2008 7:09 PM
Betraying Our Troops Dina Rasor, Robert... In this shocking exposé, two government fraud experts reveal how private contractors have put the lives of countless American soldiers on the line while damaging our strategic interests and our image abroad. From the shameful war profiteering of companies like Halliburton/KBR to the sinister influence that corporate lobbyists have on American foreign policy, Dina Rasor and Robert H. » read more

An Interview With Fraud Investigator Dina Rasor (with video)

May 13, 2008 6:59 PM
Monday 12 May 2008     In their recent book "Betraying Our Troops: The Destructive Results of Privatizing War," Dina Rasor and Robert Bauman present firsthand accounts of fraud, deception, negligence and treachery by contractors during the privatized invasion and occupation of Iraq.     This is the first war that was designed to rely on contractors - private companies with profit as their top priority - for transportation, food, water, spare parts and even protection. As a result, according to Rasor and Bauman, the government has been bilked out of billions of dollars, Americans and Iraqis have suffered and died, and the war effort as a whole has been deeply weakened.     Dina Rasor founded the Project On Governmental Oversight and now serves on the board of directors. She sat down with me to discuss the ongoing problems with military contracting and the complete lack of fraud prosecution at the Department of Justice. » read more

Drug Civil War Rages in Mexico

May 13, 2008 6:06 PM
Sunday, May 11, 2008 7:10 PM A full-scale civil war is raging in Mexico -- and few are paying attention.   Drug cartels seeking to keep control over huge swathes of Mexico have been on a rampage. In the past two weeks alone, at least 10 police officials have been murdered -- including the chief of Mexico's federal police, Edgar Millan.   Millan was gunned down outside his home Thursday morning. On Friday, the killings continued with the the shooting death of Esteban Robles Espinosa, commander of Mexico City's police detectives. » read more

SFC Buswell, "The 9/11 NCO," Speaks Out

May 13, 2008 6:04 PM
CRAWFORD -- May 13. Sergeant First Class Donald Buswell, the war hero who risked his career by challenging the official 9/11 story two years ago, at last speaks out in an interview published today by The Lone Star Iconoclast. Known to the 9/11 Truth Movement as "The 9/11 NCO," Buswell gives the inside details of his confrontation with the U.S. Army, in which he became a recruiting poster of sorts for 9/11 Truth, even while he was being accused of "disloyalty" by military investigators who wanted to put him on trial. » read more

The Coma Within A Greater Coma

May 13, 2008 6:02 PM
Sixty years ago the world's conscience went into a coma. A very convenient coma that has hidden a crime called : the State of Israel.   On the other hand , no chance of any other coma when it comes to the Holocaust on the contrary ... » read more

German Beehives Hit by Mass Die-Off

May 13, 2008 5:34 PM
Beekeepers are pointing the finger at a Bayer CropScience pesticide marketed under the name Poncho, but government tests aren't conclusive In Germany's bucolic Baden-Württemburg region, there is a curious silence this week. All up and down the Rhine river, farm fields usually buzzing with bees are quiet. Beginning late last week, helpless beekeepers could only watch as their hives were hit by an unprecedented die-off. Many say one of Germany's biggest chemical companies is to blame. In some parts of the region, hundreds of bees per hive have been dying each day. » read more

Vatican: It's OK to Believe in Aliens

May 13, 2008 5:32 PM
May 13 12:48 PM US/Eastern VATICAN CITY (AP) - The Vatican's chief astronomer says that believing in aliens does not contradict faith in God. The Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, the Jesuit director of the Vatican Observatory, says that the vastness of the universe means it is possible there could be other forms of life outside Earth, even intelligent ones. In an interview published Tuesday by Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, Funes says that such a notion "doesn't contradict our faith" because aliens would still be God's creatures. The interview was headlined "The extraterrestrial is my brother. » read more

House Approves New Property Seizure Law

May 13, 2008 5:30 PM
05-09-2008 The criminals in the federal government are now trying to legalize the seizure of computers and other property under the guise of strengthening intellectual property laws. HR 4279 or the Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property Act of 2008 which was recently passed by the U.S. House of Representatives, will give the government draconian powers to do just this. This legislation gives the government the power to seize property that facilitates the violation of intellectual property laws. » read more


The Atlantis that Never Was. . .

May 13, 2008 4:37 PM
In 1991 I became involved with three others in the development of Multiple Theme Entertainment Centers that was to be a series of mature theme parks, as self-contained cities, within major metropolitan areas; that all began with the word ATLANTIS, as in Atlantis-Chicago, Atlantis-Cairo, Atlantis London, etc. There were nine ex-Disney sponsors that were willing to sponsor this venture, which is where the genesis for beginning the project came from.   Atlantis was intended to crush Disney and introduce the public to truly educational, as well as historically accurate adventures and explorations of everything from the tropical rain-forests to the deepest parts of the Universe, through fiber-optic cameras and special effects that could literally 'go where no one has ever gone before.' From interior explorations of the human body to the far reaches of the mind, the imagination and beyond. There were to be time-line places within many civilizations where people could see life as it was, in virtually any time they wished to revisit, not as Disney might have shown it but as it was, uncensored. » read more

Homeland Security Update: Chertoff Says New Laws Needed

May 13, 2008 4:32 PM
Published on Monday, May 05, 2008.   Source: HAI   At a speech before the Heritage Foundation this week, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said the U.S. needs to have a “nonpoliticized, serious discussion” while writing new laws to define the best way to combat terrorism.   Chertoff said that once laws are written, the public should not second-guess government actions and claim that federal officials are overstepping their authority. » read more

UBS (United Bank of Switzerland)Accused of Aiding Terrorists

May 13, 2008 4:27 PM
May 13, 2008: 9:48 AM EDT NEW YORK (AP) -- American victims of terrorist attacks in Israel have filed a lawsuit seeking more than $500 million from UBS AG, saying the Swiss bank made it possible for Iran to fund the terrorists. The lawsuit says the Zurich-based bank provided dollars to Iran in violation of trade sanctions and Iran funneled the money to terrorist groups. "UBS knew full well that the cash dollars it was providing to a state sponsor of terrorism such as Iran would be used to cause and facilitate terrorist attacks by Iranian-sponsored terrorist organizations," the plaintiffs say. Their lawyer, Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, said in a phone interview from Tel Aviv that the bank is liable "as much as Iran or the terrorists" for the damage caused. A UBS (UBS) spokesman in New York, Kris Kagel, said the bank would not comment. » read more

Revealed: torture centre linked to MI5

May 13, 2008 4:11 PM
A secret interrogation centre in Pakistan where British terrorism suspects are alleged to have been tortured after UK authorities had them arrested has been found by the Guardian. The centre, run by the country's Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI), is in the Saddar district of Rawalpindi. It is surrounded by high walls and watchtowers, and bristling with surveillance cameras. So notorious is the ISI that local photographers are reluctant to take pictures of the centre, although satellite images are readily available. An aerial photograph of Rawalpindi showing the interrogation centre. » read more

Benedict the Fabulous

May 13, 2008 4:00 PM
Posted 5/13/08 Since the death of John Paul II, the biggest news story to come out of the Vatican is that Pope Benedict XVI appears to be quite the clotheshorse. Other than the banning of gays from the priesthood, the media’s focus on the former Cardinal Ratzinger has centered on his red Prada loafers. At almost the exact same time that directives to ban gays from the priesthood began circulating, news outlets, perhaps in a cynical attempt at irony, printed numerous stories on the pope’s fashion sense, ranging from his Gucci sunglasses to his firing of the official papal tailors. Depending on your point of view, these stories could be seen as either a playful glimpse into the human foibles of Christ’s vicar on earth or the troubled machinations of a deeply closeted, self-loathing gay man. Both interpretations, although sinfully fun, miss the point. » read more

The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder

May 13, 2008 3:57 PM
10/05/08 "CommonDreams" -- - There is direct evidence that President George W. Bush did not honorably lead this nation, but deliberately misled it into a war he wanted. Bush and his administration knowingly lied to Congress and to the American public — lies that have cost the lives of more than 4,000 young American soldiers and close to $1 trillion. A Monumental Lie In his first nationally televised address on the Iraqi crisis on October 7, 2002, six days after receiving the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), a classified CIA report, President Bush told millions of Americans the exact opposite of what the CIA was telling him -a monumental lie to the nation and the world. On the evening of October 7, 2002, the very latest CIA intelligence was that Hussein was not an imminent threat to the U. » read more

Feds Accuse Student Of 'Terror and Espionage' For Talking About Constitution (with videos)

May 13, 2008 3:49 PM
May 12, 2008 East Texas pastor threatened by anonymous men in dark suits for giving talk to Boy Scouts about bill of rights A student of a large bible college in east Texas was accused by federal agents of committing an "act of terror and espionage" after he gave a talk to a group of Boy Scouts in which he encouraged them to educate themselves about the U.S. constitution. Jeff, who wishes to remain anonymous at present, is a student of the college and an interim pastor of a small church in Mount Vernon, Texas. He appeared today as a guest on the Alex Jones Show to relate what took place. » read more

Claims of ID Fraud Lead to Largest Raid In State History (with video)

May 13, 2008 3:44 PM
May 12, 2008 Postville, Ia. - The largest workplace raid in Iowa history Monday resulted in the arrest of more than 300 people and reignited the debate over immigration. As two law enforcement helicopters hovered overhead, dozens of federal agents descended on Agriprocessors Inc., the nation's largest kosher slaughterhouse. The 300 people arrested represent almost one-third of the plant's 968 workers, and federal officials said the number of arrests could increase. » read more

URGENT: Comcast Is Censoring Political Content Again, Speak Out To Tell Comcast To Back Off Our Free Speech

May 13, 2008 4:16 PM
Comcast, which has a history of censoring political content is STILL abusing their monopoly power to suppress political speech. Last week in San Francisco they REFUSED to accept the new Shirley Golub TV ad, in her congressional primary challenge against Nancy Pelosi. Stop Comcast Censorship Action Page: http://www.shirley08.com/petitions/pnum835. » read more

He works for McCain...and Dictators

May 13, 2008 4:13 PM

Explanation of China's quake

May 12, 2008 6:44 PM
May 12, 2008 [May 12, 2008 ECB] This Great Quake emerged as a simple fault snap, suddenly and without warning. Although it struck in an earthquake prone area of Southeast Eurasia, far inland from subduction zones, the quake had no major pre-cursors in the area, unlike the recent large quake near Japan. Following this quake large aftershocks continue to shake the area as frequently as every 15 minutes. Existing metrics as of Monday morning which describe this quake are likely very inaccurate. This inner continental quake has killed perhaps ten(s) of thousands but the numbers will likely rapidly rise like the still on-going disaster in Myanmar. » read more

all of it:
May 13, 2008 8:37 PM

Casper Update: May 13, 2008

May 13, 2008 8:08 PM


May 13, 2008 8:07 PM

Will King George NUKE Ron Paul's Revolution?

May 13, 2008 8:02 PM

Not With A Whimper, But With A Shout Comes The End

May 13, 2008 7:59 PM

The Earmark That Backfired

May 13, 2008 7:55 PM

Australian Pokes Great White Shark in Eye

May 13, 2008 7:51 PM

A Date With Mom

May 13, 2008 7:39 PM

Shining the Light on Compassion

May 13, 2008 7:35 PM

U.S. State Department asks Congress to keep quiet about nuclear deal with India

May 13, 2008 7:32 PM

Eco Group Calls For "Voluntary Human Extinction"

May 13, 2008 7:27 PM

CVSA’s (Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance)Roadcheck 2008 set for June 3-5

May 13, 2008 7:24 PM

Trouble in Paradise !! Forecolsures Looming for the Hamptons Poshest Pads

May 13, 2008 7:20 PM

The Global Slump of 2008-09 Has Begun As Poison Spread

May 13, 2008 7:17 PM

9/11 Directed Energy Weapon / TV-Fakery Suppression Timeline

May 13, 2008 7:13 PM

Debunking the 9/11 *Anti-No-Plane-Theory* Myths

May 13, 2008 7:11 PM

Operation Redwing - 1956 - Enewetak and Bikini Atolls, Marshall Islands

May 13, 2008 7:09 PM

Follow the Money Project - Betraying Our Troops

May 13, 2008 7:06 PM

Memoranda and Transcription of Conference Held in the White House. Personal Quarters on Eve of 14 Dec., 1994

May 13, 2008 6:59 PM

An Interview With Fraud Investigator Dina Rasor (with video)

May 13, 2008 6:54 PM

"Hello, Central!" The Majority Do Not Want To Know The Truth!

May 13, 2008 6:15 PM

Death Toll Soars in China Quake (with 3 photo galleries)

May 13, 2008 6:08 PM

Traitors--The Lot of Them--Massive Treason Against The American People

May 13, 2008 6:06 PM

Drug Civil War Rages in Mexico

May 13, 2008 6:04 PM

SFC Buswell, "The 9/11 NCO," Speaks Out

May 13, 2008 6:02 PM

The Coma Within A Greater Coma

May 13, 2008 5:59 PM

Chinese Imports

May 13, 2008 5:48 PM

I CAN'T SEE CLEARLY NOW: Mystery haze fills LV Valley

May 13, 2008 5:42 PM

New Ethics Complaint Targets Ramos-Compean Prosecutor

May 13, 2008 5:34 PM

German Beehives Hit by Mass Die-Off

May 13, 2008 5:32 PM

Vatican: It's OK to Believe in Aliens

May 13, 2008 5:30 PM

House Approves New Property Seizure Law

May 13, 2008 5:28 PM

Message From Missionaries in Kenya About Obama

May 13, 2008 4:37 PM

The Atlantis that Never Was. . .

May 13, 2008 4:34 PM

Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?

May 13, 2008 4:32 PM

Homeland Security Update: Chertoff Says New Laws Needed

May 13, 2008 4:27 PM

UBS (United Bank of Switzerland)Accused of Aiding Terrorists

May 13, 2008 4:25 PM

The System is Broken

May 13, 2008 4:23 PM

Americans Are Living (And Dying) In A Militarized Police State

May 13, 2008 4:16 PM

URGENT: Comcast Is Censoring Political Content Again, Speak Out To Tell Comcast To Back Off Our Free Speech

May 13, 2008 4:14 PM

He works for McCain...and Dictators

May 13, 2008 4:11 PM

Revealed: torture centre linked to MI5

May 13, 2008 4:00 PM

Benedict the Fabulous

May 13, 2008 3:57 PM

The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder

May 13, 2008 3:49 PM

Feds Accuse Student Of 'Terror and Espionage' For Talking About Constitution (with videos)

May 13, 2008 3:44 PM

Claims of ID Fraud Lead to Largest Raid In State History (with video)


911 The Road To Tyranny - Alex Jones DetailsCommentsMore from user911 The Road To Tyranny - Alex Jones - 142 min Video- Mar 8, 2006

May 13, 2008 3:38 PM
TO VIEW THIS VIDEO CLICK ON:  video.google.com/videoplay? docid=-6517776133137328105 » read more