Sunday 27
January 2008 17:35
• Please
Make a Donation, if you feel able to do so,
to help finance
Story's ongoing financial global corruption investigations.
Your assistance will be very sincerely appreciated and will make a real
the necessary resolution of the worst financial corruption and linked
financial fallout in world history. Our Wantagate reports been calling
all the shots, given the hijacking of Wanta's Settlement. This
is the 91st Wantagate report: over a million words to date.
is the basis for the unspoken assumption that the criminal thefts would
be liable to cease once the actual payouts have begun – assuming that
is the case, which is not confirmed and which may itself be
disinformation? It has no basis in common sense, surely. On the
contrary, using the street bank raid model, what is the moment of the
high street branch’s greatest vulnerability?
Why, it must be
when the armoured cash transportation vehicle draws up outside the
bank, and two helmeted couriers jump out, enter the bank and engage
with the bank staff for the transfer of the funds. Is that not when the
bank is most vulnerable to being robbed?
And may that not well be the situation prevailing ‘as we speak’?
would the most ruthless and reckless world-class Fascist-global
dictatorship criminals stop their stealing and wholesale, open-ended
criminality, which has been funding their grab for total global power,
just because the actual payout processes, triggered by Wantagate, have
Surely, they would have prepared for precisely this
eventuality, and would now have switched (in accordance with their
standard ‘bait and switch’ formula) to Plan B – namely the daylight
robbery of the funds as they are being transferred?
All sorts of
devices and ‘solutions’ to their predicament present themselves. For
starters, how about the sudden discovery of vast ‘Black holes’ at banks
infested with rats, such as the Societe Generale? Begin by revealing
that a ‘lone’ rogue trader had been ‘caught’ in the act of trying to
cover up unauthorised trades that had generated losses, initially
‘estimated’ at $7 billion.
Awfully convenient device, this.
that in the above model, the B of ‘Black’ is capitalised here. Right.
Because it’s probably yet another ‘Black Operation’ – designed to
‘vanish’ in this case, $700 billion, from scrutiny.
Mind you, a rogue trader can’t do stuff like that on his tod.
Nope, there are certainly lots of rats behind the ‘Black hole’ in
And behind the others that will surface over the next days and weeks,
you bet.
in any contrived ‘Black hole’ criminal financial environment,
opportunities for the standard Luciferian criminal practice of
DUPLICATION abound. So what, then, is going on? Well, the payout funds
may have been ransacked or are being ransacked or are targeted for
ransacking, have been duplicated, are being duplicated or are targeted
for duplication right now.
That’s what may be going on.
we shouldn’t just sit here complacently and think: ‘Great, this crisis
is nearly over. The payouts are proceeding’, without contemplating the
strong probability that the unrepentant criminal cadres have switched
to Plan B and are raiding the payouts in ‘real time’.
Now, it
is true that there are FOUR teams using enhanced PROMIS-based software
24/7, so that each and every illegal transaction can be and is being
traced, as it occurs. Fine. But when did that knowledge prevent the
crims from carrying on stealing, in any way, shape or form? It has not
done so in the recent past: why would such surveillance be liable to
stop the thefts at this late stage?
These people are
desperate. Their bank accounts have been largely frozen. Many have fled
since Wantagate became public knowledge. Others have been arrested en
masse and are languishing today in such delightful locations as
Belmarsh Prison at her Majesty’s Pleasure, as terrorists.
are on the brink of being arrested under European terrorism laws – in a
delightful contra-use of the very weapon that these criminal minds
invented to suppress the Rest of Us.
Senior and lesser US
officials have been shot in the chest at point blank range, and others
will certainly, we are led to believe, suffer a similar dreadful fate.
The bloodletting that started some time ago is believed to be
continuing, both figuratively and literally. So why, we must ask,
should we assume that the actual payout process would not be hijacked,
as well?
Doesn’t the world YET UNDERSTAND that the Germanic/Zionist Luciferian
mentality we are dealing with, NEVER KNOWS WHEN THE GAME IS UP?
Dachau, the Nazis and the Zionazis collaborate. That’s the big secret,
the essence of the classic ‘sib’ operation, whereby the assumed victim
is the perpetrator.
This does not implicate the Jewish and
German peoples generally: only a tiny proportion of them. Unfortunately
for the rest of their communities, Wantagate has compelled the Rest of
the World to become more keenly aware of how far these criminal
operatives are prepared to go to get their way.
‘For us the war
has never stopped and, as is well known, in war every ruse is possible’
– From the Madrid Circular Letter, dated September 1950, intercepted by
the Western Allies while en route to Bonn, Rome, Barcelona, Buenos
Aires and South Africa. See our report dated 22nd January 2008.
it would be entirely in character with the nature of this
unprecedented, millennial, crisis and with the Luciferian mentality of
the Black perpetrators involved, for the stealing, the deception, the
double-cross, the diversionary claptrap and all the other filthy
devices that these people routinely use to blow smoke in our faces, to
be continuing, given that they have their backs to the wall.
The Editor recalls a metaphor he used quite recently, that can be
summarised as follows:
stamp on your foot. There is no response. I stamp on your foot again.
There is no response. As I stamp on your foot for the third time, I
shout in your face; ‘I have just stamped on your foot’. There is no
response. No, because we are dealing de facto with the ‘possessed’.
It is a fact that the possessed POSSESS great and horrifying physical
may not even know when they are being confronted, because they live in
a parallel world that is 100% conditioned by their criminal mentality.
It is quite possible that some of these odious people haven’t even yet
realised that they are being faced down, as this has never happened
And because it has
never happened before, and they have got away for decades with their
bank raids – starting in earnest with the stealing of Ambassador
Wanta’s $27.5 trillion, with which the Black Forces have been financing
their global Fascist takeover offensive – they may still imagine that
what they face right now is just a blip in their plans, which will be
smoothed over as soon as they gain the upper hand – like when Hillary
Clinton has been installed in the White House, possibly with Bill
Clinton as her Veep. That’s the macro-plan, and they are sticking to it.
the preceding report [25th January 2008], we stated that the two
enforcement arms deployed to ensure that the payouts are implemented
without any further stealing, are Interpol and MI6.
This hardly
encourages one to have confidence in a satisfactory outcome. Interpol
is believed, like all New World Order collectivist international
organisations, to be thoroughly corrupt and capable of being
manipulated. As for MI6, it is penetrated and divided, just like the
Furthermore, MI6 attempted, in 2004, to discredit the Editor of this
service. Full details of that operation were published in
International Currency Review, Volume 30,
Numbers 20 and 3, on pages 27-39, dated January 2005.
happened was as follows. The Editor visited the well-known veteran
journalist and author Gordon Thomas in Bath, Somerset, on 18th November
that year, for a general discussion about geopolitical developments.
Instead of enjoying such a chat, the veteran journalist, who has close
MI6 contacts, proceeded to divulge to the Editor that MI6 had recently
distributed to the gullible British ‘mainstream’ media two packages of
disinformation fairytales about the Editor.
first concerned some farrago about a figure called Bernie Eccleston,
and some motor racing venture of his in Monaco, with which the Editor
was supposed to have been involved. The Editor has never participated
in any venture other than his own businesses, which are self-supporting
and have never accepted funding from any outside source.
second piece of invented MI6 claptrap concerned a concocted lie about
the Editor’s alleged involvement with Mark Thatcher in the aborted
Equatorial Guinea scandal, the suggestion being that the Editor was
among sources that had helped to finance the operation. The Editor has
done NOTHING since the early 1970s, when he acquired ownership of
International Currency Review,
but write and produce the publications advertised on our website. He
has never funded or contributed to anything other than his own
wholly-owned publishing businesses.
He is not interested in any other ventures, and never has been.
in the light of Wantagate et seq., what could this POSSIBLY mean? It
was of course a threat. If you proceed along the lines of your current
investigations, we will discredit you and block off your access to the
Far from being intimidated, the Editor chose to expose this
discrediting operation in
International Currency Review, the relevant
issue of which sits in offices, libraries and government departments
around the world, for the record.
the Editor exposed this crass MI6 stupidity in meticulous detail in our
financial journal, the operation appears to have been ‘pulled’. Of
course the gullible and brainwashed UK ‘mainstream media’ retained the
false information and have refused the Editor all access ever since.
now that we have a readership up to 50 times larger than that of The
Daily Telegraph, it may be an appropriate time to reveal this
background to a wider public – not least since a US operative using the
initials applicable also to the phrase Virtual Keyboard Device may
finally understand that this Editor is precisely what he says he is
(see the final paragraph at the foot of each report), is not an
instrument of any intelligence or other organisation, and is not an
agent for a foreign power or for anyone at all. There are vague,
unsourced references ‘out there’ to ‘Story and his people’: what
people, exactly? We have no ‘people’.
This is an arms’-length
exposure operation that needed doing: and as this Editor is the
longest-serving independent editor of a financial journal in the world,
it fell, unfortunately, to him, to be faced with the task of ongoing
exposure of this corruption, which is the origin of Wantagate.
digression aside, the message of the foregoing is that we must not
assume that the actual payouts represent the ‘end of the matter’. The
enforcement entities, Interpol and MI6, seem to be woefully inadequate
for the task, and in any case are themselves internationalist
organisations working for
The New Underworld Order.
On the contrary, as an extremely well-informed source pointed out to
the Editor overnight, ‘it’s not over yet’. No, it isn’t. It is
precisely when the payouts are supposed to be taking place, that the
whole lot is most vulnerable to being stolen.
That may be happening. Don’t know, but keep the possibility firmly in
mind, please.
other point before we comment upon some valuable new leakified
information about DVD, Dachau (below). For some time, there has been a
concerted operation to amend definitions of terms. The coffee you are
drinking at Starbucks isn’t really coffee. You think it’s coffee, but
really it’s a chemical mixture that tastes like coffee. Also, the mug
that you’re drinking it from isn’t really a mug. It looks like a mug,
but you are a mug for thinking it’s a mug, because it’s not. It’s a
container. And the Starbucks you’re sitting in isn’t really Starbucks
at all. It’s a Virtual Starbucks franchise, and the owners aren’t
Starbucks but rather Buck Star Limited, registered in the Cayman
The US Treasury isn’t really the US Treasury at all:
it’s United States New Treasury Operations, Inc. Washington DC is a
corporation. The Hotel Washington, from which I am dreamily looking out
at the Treasury, isn’t that same Hotel Washington which doubles its
prices during IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings weekend, and where you can
get the best breakfast in town: it’s New Hotel Washington Enterprises,
Inc, a proprietary CIA corporation.
Internal Revenue Service is really a private corporation which is
collecting taxes illegally and has no authority whatsoever to do so.
The United States Supreme Court is a subsidiary of Model Luciferian
Enterprises Incorporated, and the Congress is an operation of Capitol
Hill Ventures Pty, Inc., registered in Alice Springs, Australia. The
Editor of this service is really Father Christmas.
rabbit-hole we have just entered broadens out into a Black warren of
illusion like the familiar tunnel with no end, in a typical bad dream.
Everything inside the rabbit warren is back to front and inside out, as
Alice discovered when she walked through the looking glass.
It’s called ‘redefining of terms’. Counterintelligence obfuscation par
how to deal with this offensive. Whether the Black Forces like it or
not, they are stuck in the 'real world', as presented for public
consumption, and as perceived by the general public.
they are double-minded, and live in a duplicitous parallel, virtual
universe of their own crass invention. And sure, the reality as THEY
perceive it is the duplicated construct that bedevils their rancid,
Fascist minds. They operate on the basis of what is in THEIR minds, not
And they are out of their minds, and in Lenin's and Schicklgruber's and
Satan's minds.
And sure, DUPLICATION HAS INDEED TAKEN PLACE and some of these false
Fascist constructs exist (a huge volume of them, in fact).
Apologists for the ‘dupicated’, virtual Fascist world overlook this
fallacy underlying all this is that the purported fact of Fascist
corporate duplication does not mean that the perceived world is not
real. It simply means that the criminalists are double-minded and that
it suits them, when the going gets tough, to try to persuade us that
what we see is not the real world, that the organisations we think we
are dealing with are not really what they seem but are something else
entirely, and that the real world is their mad world of deception,
intrigue, hatred, lies, double-dealing, ‘bait and switch’, stealing,
murder and redefined terms. Welcome to MK-Ultra.
Sorry mate. The
weakness of this Black MK-Uktra mind-controlled world is that it has to
work within the ACTUAL world in which we live, and which it despises –
the world in which the US Rule of Law is still purported to exist, even
though the Black Forces have all but destroyed it; the real world in
which Congress piles more and more legislation upon the multiple layers
of legal gobbldegook that it has generated for decades, a world
inhabited by a MAJORITY of awakened, thinking people and military
see to it that these criminal forces and the foreign powers
manipulating them, are soon brought to justice, however long it may
The 'virtual world' of criminalist, underworld 'intelligence' is
constantly banging its dead head against the ceiling of the real world,
and having to take its despised existence into account.
Let the
Black Forces get this reality into their thick Black skulls before
something really unpleasant happens to the skulls in question.
for an interesting new insight on Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD),
Dachau [please see our report dated 22nd January 2008]. It surfaces on
a Black (literally) CIA website, where, on 25th January, the well-known
operative Tom Heneghan dropped some information which connects with
something that this Editor knows about.
considerable time ago, the Editor was explaining to Ambassador Wanta on
the transatlantic telephone line that the known STASI operative Eva
Teleki is actually a DVD operative, reporting to Dachau, and that STASI
was a convenient cover for the DVD (actually, under Communism, it was
really the old Nazi Gestapo in Communist clothing). As the Editor has
reported several times, the multitude of intelligence community
eavesdroppers who were insulting us with their presence on the line on
There were THREE such loud gasps. Ambassador Wanta is witness to this
fact. Why the gasps?
Two possibilities. Either the illegal listeners-in couldn’t believe
that an ‘outsider’ had worked this out for himself. Or else, they
didn’t actually know this.
for Tom Heneghan’s latest leak. Normally one has to take what these
people leak on Agency-controlled sites with a large packet of salt. But
since the Editor has background information on this matter, he believes
that the leak is accurate, or ballpark.
Tom Heneghan referenced
the fact that the proprietary Marvelous Investments Limited (MIL) (a
corporation owned and established by Ambassador Wanta and which
held/holds massive funds of which Lee Wanta remains the sole principal
– Editor), is today ‘headed by a counterfeiter, check bouncer and
alleged terrorist Eva Telege… (...)
reference to this operative being currently located in Sweden is
interesting, first because another known ‘STASI’ operative, supposedly
employing the dubious double-entendre name ‘Shagwell’, reportedly an
opera singer of Hungarian extraction, has also been alleged to be
resident in Scandinavia. One wonders whether the two are, by any
chance, one and the same.
the Sweden reference is also interesting because a huge amount of
Bushfraudulent finance was directed through the Swedish Riksbank in the
1990s. Heneghan’s designation of the Swedish Monarchy as corrupt (more
specifically, Sweden’s central bank) is accurate. But one should also
bear firmly in mind that the corruption poison has been distributed
worldwide by the Bush-linked underworld-focused George Bush Center for
Global Corruption (Langley).
Now the Editor was well aware, both
from documentation that he holds in safekeeping and from comments to
him personally by Ambassador Wanta, that this STASI operative appeared
out of the blue while he was illegally incarcerated, and that Wanta
signed a document that she proffered to him in the jail, because he was
ordered to do so (and implicitly had no choice, which is perfectly
reasonable given his dreadful predicament at the time).
Ambassador has also stated to the Editor that this woman has reneged on
obligations towards him that arise from the document in question. The
Editor is further aware that this operative stole a sum of money
belonging to the Ambassador as sole principal, amounting to between $56
billion and $69 billion (the actual number being uncertain).
deliberately spells this woman’s name incorrectly. Of Hungarian origin,
her name is spelt Teleki. By spelling the name incorrectly, Heneghan
may well have intended that parties would get in touch so as to correct
his spelling, while divulging further relevant information at the same
time: an old intelligence community trick.
Editor was also aware in 2005 that Ms. Eva Teleki was resident for the
time being somewhere in London, and informed certain authorities of
this fact. As usual, they took the information, didn’t say thank you
and never elaborated further. When the 7/7 atrocities were staged in
London, the Editor applied his lateral thinking skills to the situation
and suggested to the same authorities that Teleki, being a STASI/DVD
operative, may have been the paymaster behind the atrocities.
has now revealed in his leak (and last November, as well) that Scotland
Yard has issued a warrant for Eva Teleki’s arrest. Isn’t that
Uh, because that means that the British authorities
know perfectly well that DVD was behind the 7/7 atrocities in London.
Yet they are duplicitously continuing to cow-tow to the Germans by
their facile adherence to and empty participation in the sterile,
counterproductive European Union Collective, which is a long-range
hegemony/control operation of the Nazi Abwehr (counterintelliegnce),
a.k.a. Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst, Dachau, the perpetrators of the
7/7 atrocities. (...)
• FACT: On pages 83-96 and also on
page 269 of
International Currency Review,
Volume 31,#s 3 &4 [Fourth Quarter 2006] the Editor proved, from
documents, that Marc Rich may in fact be a long-term deep-cover
Deutsche Vertieidigungs Dienst (DVD), Dachau, operative born on 4th
June 1934, who emigrated from Lelbach/Waldeck uber Korbach, Germany, to
Canada in 1954, and later received his Certificate of Canadian
Citizenship #898013 in March 1966 under his real name, Hans Brand.
• FACT: Tom Heneghan now confirms on a
CIA-owned website that Marc Rich is a DVD operative.
wonder the balloon went up when Ambassador Wanta ‘ceased to be dead’
after the Editor’s private funds of $35,000 (which should have been
paid back to him with 7% annual interest by Escrow Trustee Attorney
Steven Goodwin in June 2007, but haven’t been) procured the ending of
Lee Emil Wanta’s illegal probationary confinement effective 14th
November, five years earlier than stipulated. The Ambassador’s
probation would otherwise have ended on 28th November 2010.
the background of Hillary Clinton’s little visit in the 1990s to
Crozier Bank in Grenada, which suddenly found itself with a ‘Black
hole’ not unadjacent to $500 million, has still to be related. While
Mrs Rodomski Clinton was in the bank, the institution’s video
surveillance cameras miraculously failed. The stolen funds have not
been declared for tax purposes. Er, no, we imagine not.
and by the way: Michael C. Cottrell M.S. and the Ambassador require
ECONOMIC RECEIPT of the funds overdue to them, plus interest.
receipt is the only basis of payment that is or can be acceptable, and
the only basis upon which US taxes are payable. Economic receipt is
‘real world’ receipt, not ‘virtual’ i.e. ‘constructive’ receipt.
Period. The Ambassador has NOT so far taken economic receipt; and since
the funds that are supposed to be being paid out belong to the
Ambassador in the first place, no other party can be paid until such
time as the Ambassador’s hijacked ‘compromise’ $4.5 trillion has been
remitted from the US criminal enterprise called Citibank to the
corporate securities account of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. within Morgan
Stanley, and Michael C. Cottrell, M.S. has taken economic receipt of
it. Whether the Tier One ‘countries’ have actually been paid cannot be
confirmed, either.
made to us on 24th January that key Tier One Trustees had been or were
being paid, which we carefully contrasted in the preceding report with
the verified FACT that the Ambassador had NOT been paid, have not been
supported since by further reliable information from ANY of our
multiple sources to that effect. Their purpose, as with earlier
blanishments, appears to have been to OBFUSCATE the reality, reiterated
below, that no-one gets paid a red cent until the Ambassador has been
paid, because Wanta retains his claim on the funds that belong to him.
Period. (...)
the Ambassador is paid, has taken economic receipt and has accordingly
thereby relinquished his ongoing recognised and wholly legitimate claim
to his underlying $27.5 trillion, and to the entire layered edifice of
illegally accrued fiat money funds illegally generated through multiple
leveraging upon the back of his stolen/diverted funds, NO-ONE ELSE CAN
alone supports the argument contained in this Update report that the
criminals have attacked, may be attacking or intend to attack the
armoured vehicle that has arrived at the high street bank branch and is
supposedly transferring the funds. ENDS