


Lion (pyramids)  - Dan Dicks( Corbett) - B.Ross (transhumanism) -  - J.Rappoport ( 2 texts) -  FROM READER VB -

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...hello from leek2 - ..................

........................... PREMIER ENVOI:

LION says:

.....(  ....)  We exist in a demented parasite dimension, where WE ALLOW the destroy or dominate culture, to serve as our overlords. We see the parasite thumb-print everywhere, which is the symbolic shape of a pyramid.  All of the parasites games are pyramid schemes.    All corporations are pyramid schemes. All financial systems allowed by the parasites, are pyramid schemes. All governments and religions, are pyramid schemes.         Try to visualize one system in this dimension, that is not a pyramid parasite system.        The 3D parasite pyramid system, is all encompassing.
        All is designed for PRODUCERS at the bottom of the pyramid, to do all the hard labor,  - while parasites at the very top of the pyramid, reap all the profit, and steal what the producers produce.
                 We, at the bottom of the pyramid, produce everything.  We are the loosh.  We are the batteries for the matrix; we provide the energy.
        Those at the top of the pyramid do nothing except for devising schemes, to take what we produce.
That is both a good and a bad situation, to be in. The demented parasites at the top of the pyramid, must train Human consciousness to believe in the authority of their parasitic systems.                 IE: Say for a moment you are a battery. Consider you are a battery with FREE WILL.
        So, as a battery which provides the power to run the parasites pyramid system - you decide to take a look around you - and you realize that you are being used up. You realize all of your power is being drained out of you, only for the benefit of religious leader parasites, pedophile parasites, banker parasites, corporate CEO parasites, political parasites, power monger parasites, and other assorted low vibration, non-productive, creatures, at the top of the parasite pyramid.
        Then you begin to THINK.           You begin to understand WHERE the real power lies.        You realize that ONLY YOU, GIVE POWER TO THE PARASITES.  You then realize that, without you GIVING AWAY YOUR POWER AND YOUR FREE WILL, TO NON-PRODUCING PARASITES - THE PARASITES CANNOT EXIST
.  As the battery providing the only power to the non-producing parasites, one day you use your OWN FREE WILL, to DECIDE:          Nope!        Not doing this any more!
        Why should I sacrifice all my energy, all of my productivity, all of my Life - to a parasitic system, that sucks the life out of me - and I get nothing, except more pain and hardship, from a demented, non-producing tyrant, at the top of the pyramid?           "Well, this is stupid! It makes no logical sense whatsoever!"        On that day, you realize there IS NO VALUE, in the parasite systems.
        On that day you begin the long journey to recover the power, the parasites have stolen from you.   Lion-
 3D Parasites Suck the Life Out Of You (views: 234)             Lion -- Sunday, 1-Mar-2020 

Interview 1518 – Dan Dicks Fights ...... the Canadian Media Crackdown -  Corbett • 03/02/2020 • 12 Comments
The Canadian government has recently considered a proposal, to require all Canadian media, to be licensed, by the government. The proposal has been rejected for now, but how long can independent media continue to function, in the increasingly draconian Canadian police state? Dan Dicks of -  joins us to discuss the issue.
Watch this video on BitChute / / / YouTube -  or Download the mp4 - -- - - - - - -
                                    SHOW NOTES:    
Trudeau’s Digital Charter, And The $600M Media Bailout Explained
Ezra Levant of Rebel News, Interrorgated, For His Book Exposing Justin Trudeau
Licensing The Global News Circuit, Soon To Be A Reality in Canada, Despite Claims They Won’t Do It
Into the Fire – Dan Dicks, on The Corbett Report
Dan Dicks on........ BitChute / / Minds / Steemit / YouTube - -
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Filed in: Interviews  - Tagged with: canada • media - - - -  .... for more.....


Bennett Lee Ross: Chemtrails and Transhumanism      Posted By: RobertS   Date: Monday, 2-Mar-2020 13:33:05      Posted by Bennett Ross, a young man -  | Feb 29, 2020 - -    
                      PIC:       - - -
             We are being genetically engineered.  And our bodies are becoming more synthetic, and thus machine like.  Our world is under attack, by highly intelligent beings. Transforming it, to suit them.The agenda is to kick out the human soul, from the human body.  For the utilization of our species, as a host, for another species.      Our world is a living vibrant place.   And we partake of the life force emanating from the polar meridian.    But the polarity of the earth is being changed, from positive to negative. This is accomplished through pollution and the changing of our frequency.
   This other species has invaded from underneath.  It needs negative energy, to stay here. And to infiltrate higher realms.
 Our life force is being absorbed, by a species unable to feel empathy.  It doesn’t care, if it causes suffering.  Its only concern is to absorb energy.
 Water is programmable; as can be seen from the various shapes it turns into, under different energy vibrations.  When it is mixed with chlorine and other chemicals, it becomes negative.  And we put this negative energy, into our body.  Oil incorporates the soul of the Earth. But when it is transformed into gasoline and plastic, it changes polarity.  We inhale this negative energy everyday, through automobile exhaust.    
   That is why clean energy, is not utilized. Even in airplanes, we breathe in, the aluminum oxides, that is in the oil lubricating the turbines.
  Chemicals are being rained down upon us, from above.   These dull and destroy our senses  - - A short list of what is being dropped on us:         -radioactive cesium         -radioactive thorium        -arsenic       -lead                -mercury          -strontium         -cadmium-cesium                -uranium          -barium          -aluminum oxide          - unidentified bacteria           -polymer fibers         -genetically modified human blood cells - -
              These manipulate our DNA. Also in secret laboratories, there is devious research, to change our genetic make-up. People are callous to animal experimentation, and choose not to believe that similar hideous acts of research, are done on humans.  A DNA shift to a higher strand, will occur, when spiritual development enfolds; but one has to fight through the matrix of lies.
The pineal gland is our source for intuition and enlightenment.   But is being rendered non functional.  By aluminum oxide in chemtrails, glyphosate in GMO foods, and fluoride in water and toothpaste.     Fluoride is a waste product from the aluminum refining industry.  Mercury is another component in the transhumanism agenda. Both mercury and fluoride are used by your local dentist; And mercury is common in vaccines.   Mercury strips the protective later off of cells, and pulls in radiation, from the outside.           Copper is a vital component in the protection layer of cells. It doesn’t react to magnetic forces, but it is being sucked out of cells ..... by mercury and pesticides.         As a result of chemtrails, heavy metals are pervasive inside of us. Our body tries to rebuild these broken links, that are caused by the displacement of copper. But the only available heavy metals, are from the chemtrails.  So our cells become ferromagnetic; which means sensitive to microwave radiation and accessible from the outside by electromagnetic forces.
   The prion chains of proteins, are also rebuilt with barium, strontium and other ferromagnetic metals.  This changes our bio electrical energy.
    Ferromagnetic nerve cells, attach to neuro piezo electric crystals, in the bones; weakening our internal structure.  And creating holes in our aura, which is our energy field.  The building blocks of our functional components, are being disassembled. Then reassembled using elements that can be interfaced. Consciousness, which is nerve based, can now be read and manipulated by an outside source. We are assuming a robotic-like stat, and being degraded to binary field structures.  We will not be in charge of our own emotions; but a result of integrated frequencies, forced upon us. We will lose our free will, and give up our beautiful reality.                 But hope is not lost.
  For starters we can detox our body and eat nutritious plant based foods.  The food industry is all about making the body acidic. Viruses and harmful bacteria thrive in an acidic environment.          Meat, dairy and GMO foods, need to be avoided.  We are not designed to eat meat.   Our intestines are very long. Meat stays in the intestines a long time, as our body tries to digest it; and it starts to rot, in the interim. We're supposed to treat our body, as a holy temple. Instead, we run around with rotting animal flesh, inside of us.        Milk is for babies. We quit producing enzymes for the digestion of milk, at age 3. And the acidic nature of cow’s milk, blocks the membrane of the lower intestines, cutting off the flow of nutrition.
   We consume foods not meant for us; which causes the liver to become dysfunctional.  Almost half of the population in their 60’s and older have a degenerative liver.             The way animals are bred for food, is pure torture. When you eat them, you put that energy into your body.  This is by design and is a control mechanism. And keeps us from being loving, caring and sympathetic, towards others. It has been shown that if you grow your own food, the plants will pick up on your energy.  And will actually respond to, your nutrient needs.  We are creators; what we think, happens whether we realize it or not. We can animate reality, through imagination, and manifest miracles, through dreaming. We can heal ourselves when we let go of our ego, and cultivate love; which makes our inner beauty, shine.       But our society is based on money, and not love; and thus is fear based.     Money and power are very addictive.   There's lot of pressure to focus only on those pursuits, throughout the course of one’s life.
     When we do everything for those reasons, it takes away our humanity. It disconnects us from the source,and will separate us from higher realms. This is like a computer virus and an attack on the human soul.  We need to turn back-on the heart chakra. We can combat this, with simple kindness, and make this (bad) presence go back, to the lower depths , from which it came. Or our own negativity from which it feeds, will take us over. - - -         Serving as a reminder of a happy reality.           ---Robert   
Jon Rappoport: "5G and the China epidemic"  ( Feb28 )   Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]   Date: Saturday, 29-Feb-2020
        =====             (To join our email list, click here.)
        When a momentous event occurs, people weigh in. One person says, ‘X is the cause.’ Another says, ‘No, Y is the cause.’ Is it possible that X and Y are both causing the event? Of course. But people have a tendency to aim for one and only one explanation. This is a psychological factor, that has nothing to do with the truth. If a person is starving, and also going without water, is there only one reason for his illness? Both causes together are creating a dire situation. In the current “epidemic,” the combination of deadly air pollution in Chinese cities, and the rollout of 5G technology, could both be operating, with horrific effect.  ......(....)
  Several petitions have circulated, with the aim of stopping 5G deployment altogether. From, here is an excerpt from one petition, which is claimed to have 26,000 scientists as signatories:          “We the undersigned scientists, doctors, environmental organizations and citizens from (__) countries, urgently call for a halt to the deployment of the 5G (fifth generation) wireless network, including 5G from space satellites. 5G will massively increase exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation, on top of the 2G, 3G and 4G networks for telecommunications already in place.       RF radiation has been proven harmful for humans and the environment. The deployment of 5G constitutes an experiment on humanity and the environment, that is defined as a crime under international law.”      ........We will have ‘smart’ homes, ‘smart’ businesses, ‘smart’ highways, ‘smart’ cities and self-driving cars. Virtually everything we own and buy, from refrigerators and washing machines, to milk cartons, hairbrushes and infants’ diapers, will contain antennas and microchips, and will be connected wirelessly to the Internet. ........In addition to millions of new 5G base stations on Earth, and 20,000 new satellites in space, 200 billion transmitting objects, according to estimates, will be part of the Internet of Things, by 202x, and 1 trillion objects, a few years later. Commercial 5G at lower frequencies and slower speeds, was deployed in Qatar, Finland and Estonia, in mid-2018. The rollout of 5G at extremely high (millimetre wave) frequencies was planned to begin at the end of 2018.”
        “Despite widespread denial, the evidence that radio frequency (RF) radiation is harmful to life, is already overwhelming. The accumulated clinical evidence of sick and injured human beings, experimental evidence of damage to DNA, cells and organ systems, in a wide variety of plants and animals, and epidemiological evidence, that the major diseases of modern civilization—cancer, heart disease and diabetes—are in large part caused by electromagnetic pollution, forms a literature base of well over 10,000 peer-reviewed studies.” “If the telecommunications industry’s plans for 5G, come to fruition, no person, no animal, no bird, no insect and no plant on Earth will be able to avoid exposure, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to levels of RF radiation, that are 10s to 100s of times greater, than what exists today, without any possibility of escape anywhere on the planet. These 5G plans threaten to provoke serious, irreversible effects, on humans, and permanent damage to all of the Earth’s ecosystems.”           .....They will be positioned on light poles, on buildings, on fences, on all sorts of structures. Coming soon to your neighborhood; perhaps to the sidewalk right outside your house or apartment building.        And eventually, when tiny nanomachines (sensors) are installed in your body, to report, in real time, on physical changes, and diagnose diseases, you’ll have your very own internal 5G transmitter. Will wonders, never cease?.....
        I have written and published several backgrounders on 5G, and I’m printing excerpts, at end of this piece.         The first issue is: how much 5G is currently up and running in major Chinese cities? And an allied question: how much of China’s 5G, is operating at the 60HGz frequency band—which appears to be the most harmful to health?       A small station might be the size of a shoe box attached to a light pole. It might be much, much larger, a hub containing many antennae. .......             Any significant deployment of 5G in Chinese cities, can create human damage. And of course, in order to hide this damage, the cover story of THE VIRUS would be invoked. “Don’t blame our corporate 5G, or try to derail the hundreds of billions of dollars, immediately coming our way. It’s the coronavirus. Salute the virus.”          One VERY serious claim: when 5G employs a frequency band at 60GHz, disruption in oxygen molecules, occurs—and the crucial ability of hemoglobin to pick up oxygen and transport it throughout the body, is seriously impaired. I’ve consulted with a trusted source......    We were told this would be the only way to avoid wasting huge amounts of electricity and, voila, bring all nations and all people, into a modern 21st century.  ...... The switch is what 5G will bring us:        100 billion or more NEW devices online, all connected to the Internet and the Cloud. What could be more wasteful? What could be more ridiculous? This is the opposite of sane energy use.            Who really cares whether his 5G-connected refrigerator, keeps track of the food items inside it, and orders new items, when the supply dwindles? Who has to have a 5G driverless car, that takes him to work? Who must have a 5G stove, that senses what is being cooked, and sets the temperature for four minutes? Who lives and who dies, if a washing machine doesn’t measure how much soap is stored inside, and doesn’t order new soap? Who is demanding a hundred devices, in his home, that spy on him and record his actions? Who needs to load a movie, in two seconds?   Globalists: “....we want to be able to measure every unit of energy used by every device, in every home—and through AI, regulate how much energy we will let every individual consume, moment to moment. We control energy. We are the energy masters. If you want to run and operate and dominate the world, - you control its energy.”    Terms and projects like smart grid, smart meters, sustainability, Agenda 21, smart cities, climate change—all this is Technocratic planning and justification, for Rule through Energy. .......      .....planning a smart city completely interconnected by 5G to the Internet of Things? Who gave informed consent to that? Nobody.
        A global Energy Authority, of course, is going to decide that a small African country needs to be given much more energy, while Germany or France or the US will have to sacrifice energy, for the cause of social justice. But this is yet another con, because you won’t see governments cleaning up the contaminated water supplies of that small African country, or installing modern sanitation, or curtailing the forced movement of populations into poverty-stricken cities, or reclaiming vast farm land stolen by mega-corporations, and giving that land back to local farmers.          The whole hidden purpose of an Energy Authority is control. And because the Authority is Globalist and Technocratic, it aims to lower energy use in industrial nations, and help wreck their economies, making it much easier to move in, and take over those countries.
  .....many, many, many cells/transmitters placed closely to each other, all over the World..... This system would be far more vulnerable to physical disruption, than the present 4G.    .... Is there another version of 5G we’re not being told about? Is geoengineering of the atmosphere, the means for tuning up space, so 5G signals can be passed along without cells/transmitters?        Part of the US obsession to bring 5G online quickly, stems from competition with China, …. they project 5G/IoT business, to be a $7 trillion business.” — Prof. Girish Kumar,......
        And the consumer gets what? The ability to watch the reruns of Law&Order he’s already watching? .....The appliances in his home will all be connected to Internet and talk to each other, and spy on him, and record his energy use, in conjunction with smart meters, for the Greater Good.
        Somehow, you really need your toaster connected to the Internet? You want that? You can’t get along, without that?
. Cars are connected, and talk to each other. Humans play no role in this. The Technocratic Internet of Things decides how, at any given moment, to regulate traffic flows. Humans learn to be passive.          AND WITH THE INTERNET OF THINGS, THE TECHNOCRATIC ELITE WILL BE ABLE TO INSTALL ENERGY-USE QUOTAS AND CEILINGS, FOR EVERY PERSON, AND EXERT TOP-DOWN CONTROL ON THE PLANET.
        “According to 5G will support at least 100 billion devices and will be 10 to 100 times faster than current 4G technology. (4G was already about 10 times faster than 3G).”                     “It’ll bring download speed up to 10 Gigabits per second.   ............. 
              “1,000s of studies link low-level wireless radio frequency radiation exposures, to a long list of adverse biological effects, including:          
* DNA single and double strand breaks    * oxidative damage  * disruption of cell metabolism     * increased blood brain barrier permeability   
     * melatonin reduction      * disruption to brain glucose metabolism        * generation of stress proteins”
     “The biggest concern is how these new wavelengths will affect the skin. The human body has between two million to four million sweat ducts. Dr. Ben-Ishai of Hebrew University,  explains that our sweat ducts act like ‘an array of helical antennas, when exposed to these wavelengths,’ meaning that we become more conductive. A recent New York study which experimented with 60GHz waves, stated that ‘the analyses of penetration depth, show that more than 90% of the transmitted power, is absorbed in the epidermis and dermis layer’.”      “The effects of MMWs [millimeter waves] as studied by Dr. Yael Stein,  is said to also cause humans physical pain, as our nociceptors flare up in recognition of the wave, as a damaging stimuli. So we’re looking at possibilities of many skin diseases and cancer, as well as physical pain to our skin.” ......                              “5G will use pulsed millimeter waves, to carry information. But as Dr. Joel Moskowitz points out, most 5G studies are misleading, because they do not pulse the waves. This is important, because research on microwaves already tells us, how pulsed waves, have more profound biological effects on our body, compared to non-pulsed waves. Previous studies, for instance, show how pulse rates of the frequencies, led to gene toxicity, and DNA strand breaks.” This is just a sampling, of 5G’s disastrous effects. There is much more.    It’s full steam ahead...... for 5G on planet Earth.         Profits, top-down control, new technology—why bother with extensive health studies?           Once the effects on the population, take hold, doctors will make diagnoses of DISEASES, that seem to have nothing to do with 5G. They’ll call it Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or a variety of blood disorders, they’ll look for THE VIRUS, and they’ll develop new drugs…the one cause they won’t find, is 5G.
        What do you know? I wrote that last item, about THE VIRUS, on March 26, 2018, long before the current “China epidemic” emerged.  .....(....)

Jon Rappoport: "Plunging stocks, pandemic fears, quarantines—what’s the real operation?" ( Feb28 ) -     Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]    Date: Saturday, 29-Feb-2020 00:39   In Response To: Jon Rappoport: "5G and the China epidemic" (hobie)          =====                         (To join our email list, click here.)
        A grisly old PR pro, waddles into a conference room, where elite technocrats are waiting for his assessment of propaganda issues. He sits down, looks around, and says, “If you’re going to launch a phony epidemic, the ideal place for it, is mainland China. The government will lock down that country, quicker than a missile fired from a drone. And then nobody will be able to figure out what’s going on. Which is exactly what you want. You can say there are a million epidemic cases, you can say thousands of people are dropping dead, on the street, you can say it’s a bioweapon or a bat virus, you can especially say the government there, is reacting beautifully, and we should all look to the Chinese example, of how to run things. Because that’s how you want things to be run everywhere, right? China is perfect for a phony epidemic. How are people going to figure out, it’s a fake behind the lockdown? Whereas, say, in a place like Brazil, there are still a few freedoms, and a little leeway, and people can ask questions…”
        Things are changing quickly. By the time this is published, the situation may have changed.           Right now, world trading markets are taking a major hit. Governments are blowing the dust off their old pandemic plans, and feeding details to click-hungry press outlets. “We may have to use stadiums for mass quarantines of suspected epidemic cases…” “We have to cancel large events.” Apparently, China has a hundred million people, in some form of lockdown.         There is no doubt that this insanity can continue, regardless of the facts: who cares whether researchers ever really discovered the COV virus; who cares that diagnostic tests, are worthless for defining a case of COV; who cares that case numbers can be inflated without evidence; who cares that environmental factors in China (deadly air pollution, 5G technology rollout) can explain why people there are falling ill.        Public health officials and governments know they can SAY anything they want to, thereby exacerbating the fear and the lies. And on that basis, they can declare emergencies and quarantines and lockdowns and the closure of businesses and the cessation of trade. They can bring police or troops to an area, to “secure order.”
        And the craziest part of all this is, huge numbers of people will automatically believe that such extreme measures somehow prove THE VIRUS is dangerous. The effect proves the cause. This notion was rebuked and throttled by Aristotle in ancient Greece, but armies of zombie-like citizens, still accept it.          So…WHAT IS THE REAL OPERATION HERE?           The basic answer is: it has levels. Different players in different positions gain a piece of the pie. For example, pharma gets to sell immense amounts of highly toxic antiviral drugs, and gets to develop and sell an enormously profitable toxic vaccine. National militaries lick their chops, and anticipate moving into big cities and maintaining order. The collection of entities I call the medical cartel , gets to exert more influence over the minds of billions of people: “medical diagnosis and treatment, from birth to death, is absolutely essential for the survival of life on planet Earth.” That’s a BIG one. Understand: when the drugs and vaccines are toxic, the citizens are debilitated, and thus easier to manage.                            Long-term, the medical cartel is the most powerful wing of the Brave New World, also known as Globalism. Also known as Technocracy.               Technocracy: With the rollout of 5G the so-called Internet of Things, really takes off. Smart cars, smart homes, smart cities. A trillion devices are connected; and a result, a worldwide Energy Authority can truly take its place, in the foreground. Meaning? The real-time monitoring of all energy production AND use on the planet, can be measured—and energy-use quotas can be established for individuals and nations, “for the good of all.”             It’s called CONTROL......(....)      Never forget that the World Health Organization (WHO)—along with the US Centers for Disease Control—operates these fake epidemics, on the medical side. WHO is a branch of the Globalist fortress, called the United Nations. WHO has its sleazy hands on medical bureaucrats, in every nation on Earth, and it can threaten a government which doesn’t react with sufficient alarm, when the preferred phony picture of an epidemic, is floated for public consumption.        The United Nations, to make a very long story short, wants a borderless, non-national, planned planet. Kinder and gentler. Ruled from the top. By technocrats.         One of its wet dreams, is fake pandemics.           The age-old theme of Order from Chaos, advances front and center......( ....) All standard inquiries, forming the basis of confidential after-operation reports. Along with, of course, prospective estimates, of what can be accomplished, next time, in a new and improved experiment.         How thick can we slice the baloney, next time?  ......( ....)
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deuxieme ENVOI:

   Anna VR,BrokenSpell -  - PirBright + QinetiQ -  MakiaFreeman - Peter's response -

Anna Von Reitz: "The Private Indemnity Bond, the Church, and the Broken Spell"  ( Feb.23 )     Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]   Date: Monday, 24-Feb-2020 04:39:58
        Regarding copyright, see Legal Notice on the linked page:         =====
     I received an un-marked communication asking me for a copy of the Private Indemnity Bond, that I lodged with the Treasury; it must be understood that it is "private", only in the sense of being on the private side of the Treasury Ledger, and is in fact available for anyone to research, at the United States Treasury, by Bond Number.          What it says is that I and others including Witnesses who have established the fact that unlimited credit, is owed to us, have indemnified (that is, underwritten) the States -- meaning the actual States --- to do mercantile business, and to insure them against loss.  ......( .....)
    This is so, that local rule cannot be overcome, by any foreign effort, to imperil national security and suborn it, through control of global or international levels of government. The lawful tradition we honor, prevents exactly what is going on right now, where Globalist criminals and self-interested internationalists, are attempting to take over all the countries of the world, through the simple device of owning and operating government services corporations--- misdirected and evil corporations, which the Pope is refusing to liquidate, even though he is obligated to liquidate all such THINGS, that operate in a criminal manner.
        Corporations are only allowed to exist, for "lawful" purposes, not "legal" purposes, a fact, that Pope Francis and Company,..... have clearly never learned, have forgotten, or chosen to ignore.
        Chief among those offending corporations, are those of the City of Westminster, and the Bar Associations and all their associated accounts. Next are all the offending Municipal CORPORATIONS of the United States, and all the other countries, that have been abused by this "system",  in which persons are treated as public properties.  ......(...)
                         I am not putting the blame for all this, on rank and file Catholics, and as everyone knows, I have done more than my share, to attempt to raise the conscience and the consciousness of the Roman Catholic Clergy, but the facts remain:                        1. Incorporated "commercial" entities, are all ruled by the Roman Curia, within the Roman Catholic Church;
        2. As they created these business structures, they are responsible for riding herd on them, and making sure that they cause no harm;
        3. They have thus far failed this critically important social function, and let the corporations, especially those that they directly own or benefit from, run wild;
        4. They have directly supported "operant programming" that is highly immoral, through investments in organizations, that target young children, like Disney, which is now owned by George Soros, and the illegal Federal Department of Education, that Jimmy Carter used, to dumb down four generations of Americans;                        5. They have supported a worldwide program, of chem-trail spraying, that impacts every corner of the globe, except Vatican City, which always makes sure, that the chem-trail garbage, is not spread on their soil and in their air;        6. They have condoned sexual abuse within the Church, among the Clergy, and among the members, and taken such a lax stand against it, that chronic repeat offenders, have been allowed to continue their activities, with the protection of the Church;           7. They have taught a form of cannibalism as Doctrine of the Church, by the adoption of the notion of "transubstantiation" teaching that communion wine and bread, actually magically transforms into the blood and body of Jesus;
        8. They have insinuated their operatives, into over 700 of the largest corporations on Earth, to form a criminal syndicate, controlled by a massive Interlocking trust directorate;
        9. They have planned to liquidate all the actual national governments, and add two new layers of "corporate government" --- both regional government, and United Nations Government, on top of the very lucrative corporate "governmental services corporations", they have in place, and to burden the people down, with the expenses of their betrayers and oppressors;
        10. They have allowed the pernicious teachings of idolatry and usury, to run rampant and unopposed, and have attempted to hide these issues, "under the rug" and keep the obvious fraud going against people of all nations;            11. They have promoted the fantastic Big Lie, that carbon dioxide emissions, are dangerous, when they are naturally buffered, and amounts to .035 of one percent of the atmosphere;
        12. They have failed to report and take appropriate action, to address the actual problem, which is a 5% drop in the amount of atmospheric oxygen, in the past sixty years --- a problem that can be countered by cleaning up pollution and planting trees, and restoring other vegetation;        13. They have hatched a flagrantly fraudulent taxation scheme, based on this ridiculous idea, that carbon dioxide is causing "global warming" and attempted to make, otherwise sane people, agree to the Paris Accords they proposed;                14. They have participated in and colluded in the biggest human trafficking and enslavement scandal , in the history of mankind and benefited themselves from it, along with the Queen and Westminster, all of whom owe us, good faith service and perpetual amity. - - - -
                 I suppose I could go on, but why bother? That accounts for Jesus and the thirteen Disciples, all trampled underfoot, defamed, dis-served, and mocked. It is painfully apparent, that however sincere Catholics may be, and however compassionate, and however devout ---- their Church Leadership, is following the Father of All Lies, and doing so flagrantly, to the detriment of life on this planet.
                                          It's really simple, if you think about it. Choose life and truth, over death and lies. How much more obvious, does it have to be?
        Recently, leaders of several Italian families, have repented. They don't know much about religion or philosophy, but they know how they have lived lies, and told lies, and used lies, to prosper. And they know now that Satan is the Father of All Lies. They have turned away, from the evil infesting the Church.
        I don't know what put the fear of God, into their hearts, but there is a great turn around, coming. The shivers of the "earthquake" in the global power structure, are being felt from Stockholm to Bangkok.
        I felt exhausted this morning, ....... I was just going about my business, drying my hair, checking my messages, and it hit me:           The spell is broken.
                      Enough people have awakened, so that the powers of illusion and propaganda and lies, and pretending to be something, you are not, are broken, snapped like a rotten rubber band.
        I shook my head, in wonderment. The spell that has kept people enslaved for thousands of years, kept people worshiping idols, kept people are war --- all of it --- is broken. Gone, like a bad smell or a black cloud.
        All of a sudden, the atmosphere has changed. We are not in the same world, we were in yesterday or all the other days, we can remember.      And all of a sudden, look what has begun:
        Tucker Carlson warns that America is being attacked, by its own ruling class:         Another brother, woke up..... a flicker of life, in the corpse of the Fourth Estate.
        And this:  - --         This really is unheard of --- someone else besides me, reporting on the Brits, at the bottom of every dog pile?
(( excerpts: If you have been following the AIM4Truth narrative lately, you might have noticed that our shared research with Americans4Innovation, has focused on the British sources of the current “false flag pandemic” coronavirus. Our research led us to the doorsteps of the pirbrightBritish company, Pirbright who owns the virus and the vaccine for the virus. Obviously, a clear case of a man-made biological weaponry created for the sole purpose of killing people – essentially depopulation, or what the elites call “eugenics.” Our reporting, always backed up by evidence, has shown who the British and x-US intelligence officers, are who run these program – corporations like QinetiQ. And each time we look closer, we find more British corporations, pulling the strings and hiding behind shell corporations, who obfuscate the true sources of evil ))
........ and .............. - - -  Ruling Class Incompetence -
........................................... and .............. Coronavirus, QinetiQ, and the Rothschild Bombshell               Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]   Date: Tuesday, 3-Mar-2020 10:54:26
        The British Crown and the C.I.A. teamed up treasonously, via QinetiQ Group Plc controlled by the Monarch
        Lord Pirbright (Rothschild) and his banker cousins, at N.M. Rothschild & Co. were godfathers of the 2nd Boer War concentration camps (1899-1902) to drive the French, Dutch and Germans, out of South Africa.
        New Evidence: Leading London Jews were running the first modern war concentration camps, where over 60,000 whites and blacks, died, including more than 14,000 mostly white children, who were subjected to Burroughs Wellcome & Co. (now Wellcome Trust–Coronavirus funder and GlaxoSmithKline) vaccine experiments
        These Privy Council and Parliamentary records, have been discovered, after much difficulty and missing documents
                 snip            Henry (Rothschild) de Worms, 1st Baron Pilbright (1840-1903), also called Lord Pirbright.          Baron Pilbright’s grandmother was Schönche Jeannette Rothschild (1771–1859). Her father was Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744–1812), the founder of the Rothschild colonial banking business, in Ceylon, where Lord Pirbright’s father Solomon de Worms, established the “Rothschild” coffee and tea plantation with slave, and nearly slave labor.                 Pirbright grew up in Ceylon, on “The Rothschild Plantation”, where they grew coffee and tea, sold through their Rothschild-financed British East India Company. At age 45, Baron Pirbright became the British minister of trade and colonies (1885-1892). During those years just prior to the founding of the Pilgrims Society in 1902, Pirbright promoted Cecil Rhodes, N.M. Rothschild, Alfred Milner and John Buchan, in the Boer Wars. He also oversaw the British patent office, when Nikola Tesla’s began filing his wireless telegraphy patents. Regarding Tesla, Pirbright secretly allowed the British Admiralty and Post Office, to steal from Tesla, using Guglielmo Marconi as their fake inventor, and make monopolistic deals, with Marconi Wireless. - -  ( -  experimental station XWA, licensed to the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of Canada, Ltd. ("Canadian Marconi")- )  - -   (  - - - )
  Pirbright also coached Henry S. Wellcome and Sir Henry M. Stanley, in their rapacious acquisition of valuable African poisons and cures, used in extensive vaccine experimentation, on human beings—including black and Boer (German, Dutch and French) prisoners, they had put in concentration camps, and performed fatal Wellcome Trust drug experiments. Lord Pirbright gave Cecil Rhodes an almost free hand in the British South Africa Company, to write laws, collect taxes, and run his own police force, in their new British Imperial-Fascist Corporatism model, for reorganizing the British Empire, while continuing to control the resources of their colonies, even after Home Rule, was implement (like Rio Tinto – global mining company [including uranium] that is also a Rothschild creation, for the British Crown, that the Monarch controls to this day), Viscount Alfred Milner, co-founder of the Pilgrims Society, was Rio Tinto chairman, from 1923-1925, and earlier a director for many years. - - -             snip             (FEB. 20, 2020)—Once we discovered that the Coronavirus was created and patented (U.S. Pat. No. 10,130,701) by “The Pirbright Institute, Woking, Pirbright, Surrey,” we were compelled to learn more about this Pirbright organization, and the village of Pirbright.
        One of our conclusions from this investigation, is that The Pirbright Institute, is very evidently part of the Pilgrims Society’s 200-year Rhodes-ian plan, to create an un-elected one-world government, where America is made subservient to the Pilgrims Society and its United Nations. As we are just now discovering, Rhodes had a mentor, for his 200-year plan.         As a direct result of investigations to track down the ownership of responsibility for the current Coronavirus outbreak, a new ring leader in the creation of the Pilgrims Society (1902), has just emerged, from hiding in the history books.
        The tracing of patent ownership lineage of “U.S. Pat. No. 10,130,701, Coronavirus”, led us to The Pirbright Institute, Surrey, UK, near Woking and Guildford.
        The man who appears to be the Pilgrims Society nexus point, is not Cecil Rhodes, but rather Rhodes’ Rothschild family mentor Henry (Rothschild) de Worms, 1st Baron Pirbright, sometimes referenced simply as “Lord Pirbright” or “Baron Pirbright.)            So much more on link. Long article, with multiple links.   Read More:
Articles In This Thread
    Coronavirus, QinetiQ, and the Rothschild Bombshell (views: 2046)    RumorMail -- Tuesday, 3-Mar-2020 10:54:26
        Monsanto & Gates Also Tied in With Group Above--Excellent Info in Above Post!! *NM*=  NoMessage - ( title only ) (views: 314)        CrystalRiver -- Tuesday, 3-Mar-2020 12:42:10
5+ NWO Agendas Accompanying the Coronavirus Epidemic    Posted By: HotCoffee   Date: Tuesday, 3-Mar-2020 12:39:07
        Published 2 weeks ago on February 20, 2020 -        By Makia Freeman, - male editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles, and senior researcher at - -   
        THE STORY:         While the debate continues, as to the true count of infected people, due to the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic,  - several sinister agendas, are being pushed out.
        THE IMPLICATIONS:        Is the coronavirus an opportunity or excuse for the authorities, to roll out long-desired schemes of control and manipulation?         While Coronavirus epidemic continues,
        with people debating on both sides, whether it is being overplayed or underplayed, it is worthwhile pausing to consider what agendas – and I mean which NWO agendas – are being rolled out, using the epidemic as a cover or pretext. As I covered in my last article The Coronavirus 5G Connection and Coverup, with these kind of outbreaks, there is always a dual motivation, for authorities: the motivation to hype and the motivation to downplay, because both approaches serve the ruling class, in different ways. Deception, is a hallmark of government, and clearly all the more so, in an emergency, so it is always going to be hard to trust whatever news or stats, are coming from official sources. Regardless of the virus’ true origins and virulence, we can say for sure, that there are several agendas being pushed, as you read these words. It’s the same old Hegelian dialectic strategy of problem-reaction-solution, and whatever the reality is, on a microbial level, the world’s population has the perception of a problem, so the ruling class has another opportunity to make ''their order out of chaos''.                   Below are 5+ NWO agendas being carried out due to the coronavirus epidemic.
                                        1. Centralized Control of Information, i.e. Censorship and Narrative Control
        Quite a few of the speakers at the Event 201 simulation (hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center, in partnership with World Economic Forum [WEF], and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) spoke of the need for the centralized control of information, during a pandemic, including one speaker Lavan Thiru (described as a Monetary Authority of Singapore), who mentioned “a step up from the part of the government on enforcement actions, against fake news.” There were some who said Big Tech is a no longer a platform but a broadcaster, and must be made, to combat fake news. Another speaker in typical fashion, demonized conspiracy theories. Here is a quote directly from the simulation/make-believe event (which came true, 6 weeks later):
        “Disinformation and misinformation are wreaking havoc … pharmaceutical companies are being accused of introducing the … virus, so they can make money on drugs and vaccines, and have seen public faith in their products, plummet. Unrest due to false rumors and divisive messaging, is rising, and is exacerbating spread of the disease, as levels of trust fall, and people stop cooperating with response efforts. This is a massive problem, one that threatens governments and trusted institutions.           National governments are considering or have already implemented a range of interventions, to combat misinformation. Some governments have taken control of national access, to the internet; others are censoring websites and social media content, and a small number, have shut down internet access completely, to prevent the flow of misinformation. Penalties have been put in place, for spreading harmful falsehoods, including arrests.”
      The plan is to continue the censorship, which Big Tech has been spearheading, for years now, using the excuse of harmful “fake news” by claiming that the dissemination of false information during an emergency, is a bigger problem than usual, and must be stopped. Here are some other quotes, from the event:                “I do think that there needs to be, sort-of an honest broker, a centralized command-and-control organization that really brings together, the public-private sector, both on a global approach, and also on a local approach …”             “Yes, I agree, and I wanted to speak to the point about having the honest broker, and I think in this regard, the United Nations fits the bill … “         “It’s important that the UN and WHO remain very clear, but when they challenge governments, directly, they often get into this issue of sovereignty, and so I think it’s really important not to have that, as the only response … it’s really critical to remember, soft power influence …”
        That last statement reveals yet again a dominant NWO agenda, in so many arenas of life: narrative control.
        2. The Cashless Agenda      3. Martial Law Quarantines       4. Mandatory Vaccination          5. Bill Gates’ ID2020: Digital Identification via Microchipping - - “The ID2020 Alliance, as it’s being called, is a digital identity program, that aims to “leverage immunization” as a means of inserting tiny microchips, into people’s bodies. In collaboration with the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations, also known as GAVI, the government of Bangladesh and various other “partners in government, academia, and humanitarian relief,” the ID2020 Alliance  … wants all humans to be “vaccinated” with digital tracking chips, that will create a seamless monitoring system for the New World Order, to manage the populations of the world, with ease.“ - -  6. Agenda 2030: Wuhan Slated to be one of China’s Smart Cities  
7. Is the Coronavirus Epidemic a Race-Based Bioweapon?    Conclusion: Coronavirus Epidemic Being Used, to Push NWO Agendas - Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles, and senior researcher at          Makia is on Steemit and FB. -      His articles are regularly syndicated and featured on sites such as David Icke, Wake Up World, Activist Post, Waking Times, Global Research, The Sleuth Journal , and many more.     - - -       For more:
........................... and ................. Governments around the world have experimented with bioweapons, both on their own citizens and foreign citizens, and even sold that research, to other governments for their own benefit (e.g. Japan’s notorious Unit 731, which developed bioweapons in China, only to hand over that research, to the US, after losing World War 2). See Bioweapons: Lyme Disease, Weaponized Ticks, Plum Island & More for a brief history of the USG’s usage of weaponized ticks, which resulted in Lyme Disease. The evidence that COVID-19 is a bioweapon, is overwhelming – and so is the evidence that 5G is involved, to either cause the flu-like symptoms/pneumonia, people have been experiencing, and/or to exacerbate the virulity of the virus, by weakening people’s immune systems , and subjecting them to pulsed waves of EMF, to open up their skin, to foreign DNA fragments (including viruses). In this kinds of story, there are no major coincidences – only connections and conspiracies, waiting to be uncovered. - - -

Reader:The funny thing Basil, is that it's a mix of things. 5G [26GHZ-300GHZ] and regular wifi [2.5GHZ - 5GHZ] are a dual threat!! - Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]  Date: Friday, 28-Feb-2020 12:36:43 - In Response To: Did the 5G rollout in Wuhan damage the innate cellular defense cells, of the population, putting the people at risk of complications and ... (Basil)
        Posting Peter's  Response, for RMN agent ~Basil   - -         Lynda        ***********************************************
        Please post this response:               You are partly correct.        WE can prove without a reasonable doubt, that 5G, EMF radiation, Chem trails, are all linked. -        The funny thing Basil, is that it's a mix of things.                  5G [26GHZ-300GHZ] and regular wifi [2.5GHZ - 5GHZ] are a dual threat.  5G is operating at the rotational frequency of oxygen. So if oxygen is not spinning, then you can't breathe it. If they want to kill you or detain you in a area or keep you from getting out, its a very good way, also the 5G emitters can do a laser like focus beam, of the microwave energy, and literally kill you instantly.
        Regular wifi is set at the frequency of water, so that it can penetrate organic matter, very well, not only that , but geneticists use something called electroportation, which is a very rudimentary form of teleportation, this is used take out or put in information, to genomes and other sequences.                  The corona virus is not air-borne, or by touch or nothing.         ITS BEING ELECTROPORTATED, so YOUR body makes the virus, in your body. I can guarantee that 98% of the people that are getting the 'virus', are also living with a unshielded router, hugging their radiation emitting simulated intelligence device [phone], and not taking any concern for the well being of their body [deficiencies].           Why are people getting reinfected, its because their body is MAKING the VIRUS. These people are still in a heavily EMF radiation zone, still hugging their phones, with lack of oxygen.        Also general EMF radiation, attacks the cell walls and membranes, - -  electroportation CANNOT be used on a healthy cell, with healthy cell walls and membranes, because the cell, wall and membrane, will not take or let be taken, any information.
        Then you have the Chem trails increasing the cell wall and membrane damage, as well as filling you full, of conductive metals, mainly aluminum. Which causes all sorts of horrific effects, as well as conducting EMF radiation and sparking, when microwave radiation hits it. Also making the soil 'Hostile', so the plants are restricted from up taking BORON , which is a crucial mineral, needed to maintain cell walls and membranes, among numerous other things. As well as ultra-saturating the Air, which reduces usable oxygen, which in fact is no longer O2, but is indeed ALO2HO4, aluminum hydroxide/hydroxite.
        These and the Coronavirus, cancers, tumors, + every other sickness, is tied to these two things, which are essential to us living.          Those two things are OXYGEN and BORON
        Using Anna Von Reitz statement '28% Oxygen and over 20000 years down to %20, in 60 years down to %16...hmmm' she is correct, but that is only...... half the answer.
        Sure you need healthy oxygen levels, to maintain your health, but the other thing is that if your lungs cell walls and membranes, are damaged, it restricts the amount of Oxygen is put into the blood from the lungs, due to the damage of the cell wall and especially membrane, which is actually what takes in, the oxygen.
        So that means you could have healthy O2 levels in the environment, but you still only receiving 15-20%, when a normally you receive around 80% from healthy cells, walls and membrane
                                  Climate Change is not about Carbon Dioxide, it's about the purposeful reduction in world oxygen.
        5G isfurther OXYGEN reduction, since it can stop and slow the rotation of the OXYGEN molecule. OXYGEN has to be spinning at a certain speed, in order for you to breathe it.You are not going to hide in your house from it either, because they will use your phone, and eliminate the breathable oxygen in your home, as well as electroportate the 'corona virus' into your genome and other damage.
        Borax although is tied hands down to the biggest medical conspiracy, in the world, mainly for the reason that since all exposed soil in the world, is now 'hostile', and plants cannot uptake BORON naturally. SOOOOO.. here is Borax, the only BORON supplement, in the world. 'Boron is to your parathyroid, what Iodine is to your Thyroid'
        There is not one 'doctor' in the world, that will ever, EVER test you, for boron deficiency, unless you force them, and they will never never mention about your PARATHYROID, due to its link to BORON.
        Did you know that Borax also is a very excellent metal remover, from your body, especially Aluminum. It also is the crucial thing that maintains cell walls and membranes, sex hormone production, regulating calcium and magnesium, removing calcification of the soft tissues, which is actually what causes arthritis, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, tooth decay, breast cancer, cancers, tumors, and a lot lot more.
        IF you have the BIG 6, none of these sicknesses, would ever effect you. The BIG 6 for super health, is:
        BORON/BORAX             SILICA           MAGNESIUM           IONIC/COLLOIDAL SILVER 20PPM            TURMERIC            IODINE
        With those 6, you can totally heal and protect yourself, from everything the CABAL is doing, for their GENOCIDE agenda, other then a bullet or guillotine.         We have the 'WITHOUT A REASONABLE DOUBT' proof needed, to destroy the CABAL's genocide agenda, along with ALL those who participated,  - - and lets just say, with this information, good bye, CDC, WHO, and many many more.        If you could BASIL, we can send you our research, which will blow you away, and melt your mind, just reply to the email address, and then we will encrypt the transmission, so google and friends, can't watch or listen.   Cheers.  Peter   **
Articles In This Thread       Did the 5G rollout in Wuhan, damage the innate cellular defense cells, of the population, putting the people at risk of complications, and ... (views: 464)     Basil -- Thursday, 27-Feb-2020 13:07:39
        Reader: How bout .... the 5G activated a pre-existent virus, from some source (views: 135)       RumorMail -- Thursday, 27-Feb-2020 17:28:30
        Reader:The funny thing Basil, is that it's a mix of things. 5G [26GHZ-300GHZ] and regular wifi [2.5GHZ - 5GHZ] are a dual threat!! (views: 44) ( Peter answers) - RumorMail -- Friday, 28-Feb-2020 12:36:43


troisieme ENVOI:

Intel-GCR -   Paul Doyon - -  AnnaVR ( 3 texts ) -  -   Spanned - Oom2 -

Could the stock market crash, be related to the GCR - or not??    Posted By: Lymerick     Date: Wednesday, 4-Mar-2020 23:39:03
In Response To: HighImpactFlix: Something HUGE, HISTORIC & HORRIFIC Just Happened, While People Were Distracted w/ Super Tuesday! (Swami)
        3. A Stock Market Crash: The Gold Standard of the Global Currency Reset would come in after a Stock Market implosion, that rid us of the fiat US Dollar. The Market was extremely volatile this week. On Mon. 24 Feb. after being manipulated for over 100 years, the Market began seeking a true Fair Market Value, and closed in the red, at 1,031.61, wiping out all gains for the year, and freezing the Stock and Global Futures Markets. The shutdown of Chinese manufacturing because of the Coronavirus, had infected world economics, as to where some international trade was almost nonexistent. By Wed. 26 Feb. stocks had posted the worst five day point drop, on record, and on Thurs. 27 Feb. the Dow dove nearly 1,200 points into the red, in the biggest one day loss ever.              4. U.S. Dollar Futures Index (USDX): A 1:1 on the US Dollar with world currencies, was needed, for the Global Currency Reset to take place, and predicted to occur at the same time, as a Stock Market Crash. The Index was the value of a U.S. dollar relative to the value of a basket of currencies. Last week the index was fast reaching 100, and hovered near ever, since. - - -         5. Recent Q Drops:            Federal Reserve is ending            You have come far, Anons (Patriots). You are ready. Prepare for the Storm.          To be blunt: Game Over.                We got what we needed. There is no step [5]. Thank you for playing. Q
        6. Q, QAnon Definitions:  - -  - - Source: - -
Articles In This Thread
    HighImpactFlix: Something HUGE, HISTORIC & HORRIFIC Just Happened While People Were Distracted w/ Super Tuesday! (views: 1328)    Swami -- Wednesday, 4-Mar-2020 22:20:49
        Could the stock market crash be related to the GCR - or not?? (views: 267)        Lymerick -- Wednesday, 4-Mar-2020 23:39:03
.......................   and....  According to sources and as shown in #C, the Global Currency Reset officially began Tues. 4 Feb, while “The Source” said to “Watch the Market.” At midnight on Sun. 16 Feb. the Cabal’s fiat US Dollar was officially bankrupt, and by Mon. 17 Feb. the Chinese Elders had released funding for the GCR.     On Tues. 18 Feb. Dragon Bond exchanges, were taking place at the IMF.    On Wed. 19 Feb. the new US Treasury Note (USTN) was gold-backed, and on Thurs. 20 Feb. Bank derivatives were paid off with those gold-backed monies.     By Fri. 27 Feb. the Stock Market had tanked, and as of today Wed. 4 March Markets remained in free fall, with 800#s release expected at any time.                 On the Restored Republic: On Tues. 25 Feb. Mass Arrests appeared to begin when over 600 Italian police officers arrested 65 members of the Vatican’s powerful Ndrangheta Mafia, an International Child Sex Trafficking, Human Organ, Gun and Drug Running Ring.           The next day on Wed. 26 Feb. US troops landed in Europe, and then dispersed to major Cabal economic centers. Arrests on over 463,320 indictments against global and political elites, filed in federal courts, across the nation has been ongoing, since at least January 2019 when Military Tribunals began at GITMO, on the treasonous 9/11 tragedy. -    The GCR, Stock Market crash, and Mass Arrests were expected to be accompanied by Martial Law. Sources claimed that the Department of Justice (DOJ) was compromised, and expected to be shut down, with the U.S. military implementing Medical Martial Law and blaming it on the Coronavirus Pandemic. -
     On Fri. 14 Feb. President Trump and his top intelligence officials, activated CyberNYC, a massive Cyber Security center in New York City, that in turn, deployed Elite Tactical Agents, to ten Sanctuary Cities. Their main purpose was to funnel Intel to John Durham’s ongoing investigation of criminal activities of US intelligence agencies, including the CIA and FBI, under direction of the Obama Administration.   Globally, a new system was gathering Intel on terrorist acts, against nations. The governments of Europe, North and South America, recently reached an agreement with Whatsapp, Twitter (bought out by a Trump organization), Facebook and other Internet channels, whereby all communication was recorded and monitored, for potential terrorist acts. .... the Democrats managed to delay the reset and accompanying Mass Arrests, through, wasting millions of taxpayer dollars, 178 days on impeachment, and three years in a witch hunt, to destroy Donald Trump, whom US Citizens duly elected, as their president. One wonders why? Glen Beck explained in this must-watch on Trump, Democrats, and the Ukraine Scandal: - ..... Fri. 28 Feb: The Stock Market failed to bounce back, from the past week’s losses, of wiping out all gains for the year, freezing the Stock and Global Futures Markets and stocks, that had posted the worst five day point loss, ever. By midnight all banks worldwide were connected to the Real Time Payment System (RTPS).       .... According to Q Fri. March 6 could be a significant day in the Mass Arrests.  -  The Ninth Circle was believed composed of members of US Inc, European Royals, including Queen Elizabeth, the Vatican, including Pope Francis, private bankers, such as the Rothchilds and Rockerfellers, plus Central Bankers – the very Cabal ....that the World Court, Interpol, BRICS Alliance, Trump and White Hats were attempting to take down, with the Global Currency Reset.    - - -
........................................................................................................................................................ "China, 5G, And The Wuhan Coronavirus: The Emperor’s New Virus"           Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]    Date: Wednesday, 4-Mar-2020 23:53:41
        Could there be a link between the Coronavirus and 5G? Researcher and building biologist Paul Doyon has just spent the last 18 months, in China. He’s written a brilliant article, laying out the evidence. And how you can protect yourself—an EMF based protection strategy. Warning: this is a heavy science based article, with nearly 100 references to studies—neither Paul or myself want to be accused of fear-mongering:            My heart goes out to China and to all its people, who have suffered so much due to this new “novel” Wuhan coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19). -    However, as someone who had become very sick, and had his immune system break down, and was sick for six months, looking for answers, before even suspecting, that living in close vicinity, to several cell phone towers, was actually what was causing the problem, and making him sick, -  I feel I cannot in good conscience, remain silent, and I strongly suspect that China and the rest of the world, are looking under the wrong stone, for what is actually the problem here.
        At the moment, with 10,000 recently installed 5G antennas, plastering its city, Wuhan is probably one of the most 5G-electropolluted cities, on the planet. - - Electrosmog Warnings, from Scientists, for Over 40 Years - Respected scientists, researchers, doctors, and activists have been — for over forty years — warning us, about the dangers of wireless radiation and electromagnetic fields. In 1977, the reporter Paul Brodeur published a book called The Zapping of America;  - in 1985, the late Dr. Robert O. Becker (twice nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine, wrote The Body Electric, ......  and later published Cross Currents: The Perils of Electropollution, The Promise of Electromedicine, in 1990;  -  in 1995 (and again later in 2007), B. Blake Levitt, author and researcher, published: Electromagnetic Fields: A Consumer’s Guide to the Issues and How to Protect Ourselves.   Since then there have been a slew of other books and documentary movies put out ...     The recent COVID-19 outbreak has stimulated mass fear and mass hysteria, across the planet, in spite of the fact that there have only been 93 deaths (at the time of this writing, on February 29th, 2020) outside China, with 2835 of the deaths 17 and 99 percent of infections, occurring within China.
    In fact, the highest death rates outside of Chin,a have been in places already implementing 5G technology, South Korea and Italy, for example. The exception is Iran, which at present, has 978 cases, and 54 deaths, is officially not implementing it, but very well may secretly be trialing it, given the reason why - - - on December 1, 2018, at the request of the US government, Meng Wanzhou — Huawei’s CFO and daughter of its founder — was arrested in Canada on allegations she participated in a conspiracy to defraud banks in connection with Iran sanctions violations, - - --  was indeed because Huawei was working to sell their 5G technology to the Iranians    - Hence, it is easy to believe that Iran already has the 5G infrastructure set up, and they have been secretly trialing it. ...... Wuhan was one of the initial 16 cities selected to trial 5G, back in 2018.   China Unicom will begin testing 5G network in 16 cities including Beijing, Tianjin, Qingdao, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Wuhan, Guiyang, Chengdu, Shenzhen, Fuzhou, Zhengzhou, and Shenyang.
China Mobile will conduct external field test and set up more than a hundred 5G base stations in each of the following five cities: Hangzhou, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Suzhou, and Wuhan. ..... ** Many thanks to Paul Doyon for this guest post.    - Paul Doyon is a researcher, writer, and teacher and educator of 33 years, who inadvertently became involved in researching the EMF issue, after becoming sick in 2005, whilst living in the vicinity of several cell phone towers. He has spent 27 years of his adult life, living outside his home country of the USA, .........Paul is a Building Biology Practitioner (BBP) and Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist (EMRS) with the International Institute for Building Biology and Ecology(IBE). He is also the founder of the website EMF Refugee. -
Sources Continues:           *********** - - --

Anna Von Reitz: "One Person Dies, the World Stops?"  ( March 2nd )          Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]    Date: Tuesday, 3-Mar-2020 04:31:09
        Regarding copyright, see Legal Notice on the linked page:            =====
        Oh, boy, one person is said to die of "Coronavirus" in Washington State, so the Governor declares a 'state of emergency" --- an indication that he is weak-minded and incompetent---- with the result that public panic is brewing, in Washington State, this afternoon.           70,000 people die from influenza (the flu), in a bad flu year.             Strangely, what makes a "bad flu year"?
        Answer: coronal mass ejections, CME's, sun flares, sunspots--- the same solar radiation events, that disrupt communications and interfere with the normal flow of plasma, in our solar system. And yes, there is a DIRECT correlation, between "bad flu years" and CME's.        This has been known and studied, since at least 1918, with the conclusive statistical proof, being established by 2002.
        But what if you could create this effect, by man-made means? Simply by increasing and varying local Electromagnetic (EM) exposure, using cell towers and radio and microwave transmitters, etc.? Enter 5G.....and billions of cell phone receivers pulsing away silently, in everyone's pocket?
                       I am with Robert David Steele. The situation in Wuhan is another kind of False Flag, one in which the Crisis Actors actually die, and the Government of China gets paid for their services, post mortem. And it is the result of both a weaponized (but low grade) British "Bug" being released on purpose, and in tandem with the rollout of 5G in China.
        EM Radiation sickness, has exactly the same symptoms as flu. The more intense the EM Radiation, the more intense the symptoms. These "broad spectrum" weaponized energy grid systems, were initially designed for crowd control, but as usual, things got out of hand. Defense contractors got involved. The out of control CIA, got involved. MI6 got involved. The Queen's Booty Boys, Quinetiq, got involved.
        So, we've got this mess, thanks to Evil, in High Places.             And now, we find out that WHO, the World Health Organization, has owned the Domain Name, since 2002. We find that Bill and Melinda Gates helped pay for the creation of this germ, and are responsible for its existence. We find that the Queen's Bullies, not only own the patent but also own the vaccine, so that they think they are safe from their own self-made calamity--- and prepared to dole out the solution, to the problem they created, for a price, of course.           If you want to protect yourselves from the "corona" virus, limit your exposure to electromagnetic radiation. Eat clean healthy food. Drink clean water. Get rest. Occupy your minds with happy thoughts and productive tasks. Stay home and clean the house, work on the family photo album. Don't panic, and don't fear.         You have a much greater chance of dying from EM exposure or the common flu, than you have of dying of any coronavirus---weaponized, to be super-infectious or not.         ---------
        See this article and over 2300 others on Anna's website here:                       Full article:  ( above )

Anna Von Reitz: "Corporate Records Show...."      ( March 2nd) -     Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]   Date: Tuesday, 3-Mar-2020 04:43:04
        Regarding copyright, see Legal Notice on the linked page:           =====
        For many years now our Team has been pointing to the evils of corporations --- and not simply specific corporations, but corporations in general.
        Corporations invite lack of individual accountability and protect wrong-doers, by providing bankruptcy protection and limiting liability. The counter-argument is that some development activities (mainly associated with war and mayhem) are too dangerous in terms of liability, for investors to undertake without such protections
        Being of a practical mind, we ask, what social benefit, does war provide to anyone? Only the criminally insane, think of war, as a benefit. So why should society bear the costs of war-mongers?
        If they blow up St. Louis, or poison the sea --like Fukashima-- or create and unleash a deadly virus "by mistake" --- should they be pardoned and moddle-coddled?
        We dare raise our hands, and say, "No."             Accountability is a necessary part of a sane society. Lack of accountability leads to criminality and lack of moral compass. If everything is allowed, nothing is sacred. Nothing is safe. Nothing is secure. Not your lives, not your children, and not your future.             So, having debunked the one reason consistently offered, for the existence and proliferation of corporations --- encouraging stockholders to invest in things, they probably shouldn't invest in, and which they should be held responsible for investing in, if they do --- why should corporations exist at al
        The Roman Catholic Church, which supports the Roman Curia, holds the patents and keys to all the corporations on Earth because they dreamed up the concept of corporations    .... When the Pigs are in charge of the Trough, you know that you are in for a fall, but that is, nonetheless, what we've been stupidly allowing, for the past 150 years.    So now, we are faced with the necessity of replacing the foreign lobbyist-run "government" with the actual government owed to the people of this country, but that means waking up 300 million Americans, and prodding at least some of them to self-govern, a prospect as foreign to most of them as turtle soup.    So, it's either being eaten alive, by immoral, unaccountable, "legal fictions" --- or it's getting on our hind legs, and demanding accountability, from those who are supposed to be acting in the Public Interest and riding herd on these THINGS, or it's taking action ourselves. .......  I am going to recommend that you all watch the following video, which explains the extent of the lawlessness and self-interest, that the British Crown and the Queen, have exercised, and which ties the British Government --- once again, to the bottom of the Corona virus scandal.  Why? Because it turns out that this virus is a British Bug, and the result of a peculiarly British fascination, with germ warfare. We are invited to ask -- "What happens when a British Bug, gets turned loose in China?" --- besides killing thousands, if not millions, of innocent Chinese people, and wrecking the global economy?   Am I alone, in thinking that enough is enough, and that the other governments of the world, including our own, need to wake up, to the simple fact, that I discovered years ago? That the Brits are reliably, consistently, always at the bottom of every dog pile?     - Q is for the Queen’s Qinetiq  ----------------------------
See this article and over 2300 others on Anna's website here:   ********** - - -

Anna Von Reitz: "Dear Mr. Trump, March First 2020"     ( march 2nd )   Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]  Date: Tuesday, 3-Mar-2020 04:24:49
        Regarding copyright, see Legal Notice on the linked page:           =====
        You are advised that the Trusteeship of the Philippine Government ,will terminate and be removed, from said "independent government for the Philippines" established in 1934, at midnight, March 3, 2020, unless certain conditions are met.               The Government of the Philippines is under demand, to make correction of the following circumstance, within three days of publication, or forfeit all trust assets, back to the Donors, including the actual Julius Divinagracia. Rent on the Philippine Islands, and the cost of defending the Philippine Islands, during World War II, and since then, will become due and payable, on March 4, 2020, unless this matter is successfully concluded in our favor.                Julius Divinagracia entered the United States, as a Permanent Resident and changed his name to protect his identity, more than twenty years ago. He adopted the State where he lives as his permanent home and domicile, and has followed all the protocols his adopted State and The United States of America require to take this action, which stands published upon the Public Record   ,             Julius Divinagracia is under the protection of our government, and has adopted a State of the Union, as his permanent home and domicile.
        He is not under any obligation of United States political asylum or citizenship.           He is neither a Territorial nor a Municipal citizen of any kind.
        An Imposter from the Philippines, has assumed his identity and has attempted to pass himself off as Julius Diviniagracia, resulting in this nonsense: ...
        [NOTE: This article contains 2 hyperlinks, that are difficult to include in an RMN post, while still being true to the original article. Please use the link to read the full article.]
        Continues:               **********
Articles In This Thread
    Anna Von Reitz: "Dear Mr. Trump, March First 2020" (views: 522)     hobie -- Tuesday, 3-Mar-2020 04:24:49
        Anna Von Reitz: "Will the Real Julius Divinagra,cias Please Stand Up?" (views: 308)        hobie -- Tuesday, 3-Mar-2020 04:27:55 -- -
...... The actual Julius Divinagracias has, as of this afternoon, removed the Trustees for Incompetence and Breach of Trust.
The Rothschild bankers and "US" Government, are thus informed of their removal, in public, and via email. Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals.
The Philippine Government is also placed on Notice, regarding their Trustee appointment. If this Mess is not cleaned up immediately and the fake "Julius" recalled from Shanghai, the Trusteeship granted to them in 1934, will be removed from them at midnight, March 3, 2020 GMT.     Let the news be heard and broadcast worldwide     Mr. Trump is being sent Notice of these facts, as is the Pope.

FKTV: "Proof, a Mysterious Lost Ancient Global Civilization, Spanned Virtually the Entire Planet…"    Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]   Date: Wednesday, 4-Mar-2020 04:56:29
        This video is a special treat for everyone, especially those interested in the possibility of a worldwide civilization, that existed in extreme antiquity.
        The astounding commonalities found in the ancient cosmologies, calendars and iconographies of civilizations worldwide, is a subject near and dear to my heart, that I wrote a whole book about, a decade ago.
        Jimmy at Bright Insight, has put together this amazing slide show of images from ancient sites, on all continents, showing us polygonal stone walls of a cyclopean scale, that we've been told to associate with the Inca culture of Peru, but of which there are many similar examples, in Greece, Egypt, Italy, Turkey and Japan.    Massive trapezoidal sarcophagi, with the same distinct features, are found in ancient Egypt and Japan. Trapezoidal carved out of rock, are found in Greece, Egypt, Italy, Peru - eerily, with the same distinct features.        Large figurines similar to the moai statues associated with the Polynesian culture of Easter Island can be also found at Lore Lindu in Indonesia, at Gobleki Tepe and at Urfa in Turkey, as well as at sites in Peru and Bolivia.            Specific representations of small "handbags", are seen on massive ancient stone works, in Turkey, Mesopotamia and Mesoamerica, dating from 12,000 years ago, 6,000 years ago, and 3,000 years ago, respectively.
        Tridents are seen in ancient representations, all over the globe, from ancient Sumeria, to ancient India, to ancient Greece. Bright Insight suspects - and I agree - that there appears to have been a connection between the ancient Greeks and the ancient Egyptians, with the ancient Hindus, that is not part of mainstream text books.           The caduceus is a symbol that you might see on your health insurance bills. It's associated with Hermes Trismegistus in Greco-Egyptian mythology, but it's been found to have its roots over 6,000 years ago, in ancient Sumeria (modern-day Iraq). It is also found in ancient stone carvings, in India.
        There are many more details like this, which could be a "coincidence". None of these details, by themselves proves any global connection, but seen from the whole, the possibility virtually, screams. Yet none of these details are a part of any school's curricula. Quite the opposite, the whole idea of transoceanic connections, between ancient civilizations is positively shunned by academe.
        Jimmy has a background as a corporate fraud investigator,, and he knows exactly what's required, to gather enough of the right kind of evidence, to build case, that can convict somebody. He thinks the evidence for travel and intercommunications between the ancients in there, and that it's long since time, to start an official inquiry into this.         Running Time 32 mins:                 image        *************


   a faire:   
- 3 deraillements ( fulford ) - -  
Quatrieme envoi:

  Jim Stone - Elderberries/Sureau - - Chlorine Dioxide/ClO2  - -  a  virus?  - Cobra update - - ( G.E. ) Frank Plummer -

JIM STONE : ( again )
Ok, so at this point, it is safe to say it is a good thing, it failed. Here is a comment, from one of my previous posts, on this topic, yesterday ( VS 7 ) :
"Here's what I think, and you can probably take this one, to the bank: The U.S. DOD, WHICH INCLUDES BILL GATES, blundered ( like Boeing) , hired out incompetents, to produce a killer virus, to start the next pandemic, to ram a new eugenics vaccine, into everyone's @ss, and the virus was unstable, and mutated INSTANTLY (you remember those mutation reports, right? they happened early on) and after it mutated, it was WORTHLESS. So much for Crispr, I guess, and if you want a job done right, HIRE **** AMERICANS." - - - - - - - - - Well, there you go. Yes, it is DEFINITELY bioengineered, and a darn good thing, it failed. That's why at first, it was convincing, with a convincing death toll, then it mutated, because whoever engineered it, did not get it stable enough, and now it is not high lethality. THANK GOD, and that reminds me:
    About my comment "Wag the Plague" : Obviously the MSM, at first, did not think it was wagging anything, and the MSM, along with the people who did this, and subsequently hyped it, through the roof, on social media, really thought they had created a monstrous disaster. If it had not mutated,  -  everything they are saying about a global pandemic, would have been true.
       I was quick to notice however (instantly), when it failed, and erroneously thought, it was a natural virus, and not an attempt at a mass extermination. -  So now, I'll say something a little different:We had all better hope this thing does not re-mutate, to lethal. If it had 4 different HIV genes, embedded in it, and was originally highly lethal, it was an obvious attempt by somebody, to create a mass killing event, YOU KNOW, LIKE THE ONE MODELED THREE MONTHS EARLIER, FOR THE EXACT SAME VIRUS, BY BILL GATES.     We know damn well, who did this, and THAT they did it, if it has HIV genes, in it, the HIV genes were to help it implant, and increase it's persistence, in the environment, and increase it's lethality. Fortunately, because Bill Gates hates hiring American, it struck out, before making first base. Let's hope this strike out, does not go into extra innings.        I really hate Bill gates, I cannot even begin to describe how much I hate him. I was heavily involved in tech, when he robbed the code, from so many companies, and destroyed them, and ( I) was amazed, by how he kept going back and forth over the ashes, to make damn good and sure, someone he targeted, hit oblivion. .......AND GET THIS: The Chinese are using HIV drugs, to cure it! THEY KNOW.     - - - - -
............ and ........( out the  window)....  It is now proven, Wuhan virus is man made because it has 4 AIDS virus genes, inserted into it - NO MATTER WHAT, YOU DO NOT WANT TO GET THIS VIRUS, EVEN IF IT DOES NOT IMMEDIATELY KILL YOU - It became low lethality, when it mutated. But with aids genes in it, well . . . . you don't want to catch it EVER, even if you survive the initial illness. Despite it becoming less lethal after mutation, "They" are still pushing the huge outbreak, mantra - Lets all hope the mutation that made it less lethal, is not programmed into it, only to have it "wake up", at a certain set number of re-genera-tions, only to give huge populations airborne AIDS, the fact they are not giving up on this being a major killer, is starting to get spooky. New report on this, including solid evidence, below the top posted Boeing report.     ( below ) - - -  UPDATE: ZEROHEDGE GOT BANNED FROM TWITTER, FOR POSTING ABOUT THIS.  ..... ( ...) - -       ....
      and .........VS 4............... FEBR 2nd
    China freaked out over it, they knew early on, what was going on. They discovered AIDS drugs, worked to treat it, and subsequently that the Elisa test, (most commonly used for quick testing for AIDS) worked on this virus.       Then, Indian scientists discovered that the virus had AIDS genes, inserted in it. Since this posting, they censored this. I tested my links, and the document is still there, but Bioxriv broke the links. Before Bioxriv attempted to get rid of this document, I had already saved it, but did not serve it from here, because it's big and potentially very popular.                 HERE IT IS: Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag    -         Here is a key quote from this study: " We found 4 insertions, in the spike glycoprotein (S), which are unique to the 2019-nCoV, and are not present in other coronaviruses. Importantly, amino acid residues, in all the 4 inserts, have identity or similarity, to those in the HIV- 1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag. Interestingly, despite the inserts being discontinuous on the primary amino acid sequence, 3D-modelling of the 2019-nCoV, suggests that they converge to constitute the receptor binding site. The finding of 4 unique inserts, in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues, in key structural proteins of HIV-1- is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature. "            So what we have here, is a man made bioweapon.  It is not extremely surprising, that Indian scientists blew the lid off this, because anyone who discovered this, in the U.S. would be killed, before they uttered word 1, and you can damn well bet, that a majority of the people in a position to discover this in the U.S.  - were involved in it.                  So here is what we have with this virus, that cannot be denied:   1. If the report has not been falsified, China created a coronavirus with Aids gene inserts, in 2010.          2. In October 2019, Bill Gates, along with a couple of his shell organizations, ran a horrific no-win pandemic scenario with a coronavirus, and even released the gene maps, of their hypothetical virus, as part of this exercise, it was not a small deal, and soon after, China had it's outbreak.   3. Bill Gates has repeatedly stated, he wants world population reduced, and has repeatedly cooperated with the WHO, to sterilize third world women, via "vaccination" and in the West, that is likely what the Gardasil shot is for.     4. It was discovered in mid January, by China, that AIDS treatments worked to curtail this virus, Mexican media reported that the Elisa test that works for AIDS, also worked to confirm infections of the Wuhan virus.  ......( ....)  7. After this, trolls hit the web en masse, stating that the Indian scientists never said the inserts were Aids inserts, and never stated they were an exact match, when in reality they said there were 4 separate aids genes, embedded randomly, within the virus, that somehow created receptor sites, on the virus, that were identical to AIDS, which was a surprise, due to their random placement.   ....(...)  .... .......VS 4 .......
                       Febr 29th
...(  VQ 8) .............. Well here's some confirmed doom, for ya:      RT: New coronavirus has both aids and ebola cell binding sites -  Well Well, from RT. Thanks for the bad news. So someone in a lab incorporated both aids and ebola characteristics, into this new virus, that made it at least 1000 times as lethal, as the common cold. Plug that little factoid, into the report below:
( )      - - - ...... VQ 8 .....   ******  ....... VQ 4 .....
                      March 4th -     THE ONLY REASON WHY THERE ARE "FEW CASES" IN THE UNITED STATES, IS BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE NOT BEING TESTED. HERE IS THE SETUP:  Trump has shitty advisers, undermining him, for a biological weapon, released on American soil.Countless people are calling doctors offices sick, and wanting to be tested, yet tests are not being done. The tests are identical to AIDS tests, they can't claim, they don't have them. In reality, they have AIDS tests, that were not re-labeled for coronavirus.  -   I can see it clearly: If they can't kill off Americans, by taking the guns, they are going to do it with a virus, obfuscate, troll, subvert, deny, while it grows, into an absolute monster, and wipes out a huge swath of America. Then, with an enormous pile of people dead, so many that everyone knows, someone who has died, (which should happen right before the election) BLAME TRUMP. Steal the election, with a mail in or online vote, and then you can kiss America, away. That's their battle plan, it's not a vaccine, it is DEVASTATION, THEY CAUSED, that they are going to blame on Trump.  - -  A VERY INTERESTING Coronavirus post, on social media - ''What my Nephew who is Doctor, told me today, is very disturbing, about Coronavirus.   Just passing this info along: There are NO Coronavirus Kits, to test anyone in my state. My nephew who is a primary physician,told me that they do not have any test kits, for Coronavirus, in their office. He said that the phone has been ringing off the wall, with people calling in,to be tested for the virus, because they are sick. He said people are in full panic mode. He can not do anything about it. (A lot of people I even know, are sick, with high fever, cough etc.. in our area) Our state has no known cases, yet. But, if there are no test kits, how can they test people, for the virus? I don't even think the hospitals have the kits, in our state, yet.  Just passing this along, to make you all aware, of what is really going on, around us. - -  My comment: Obviously, if a tree falls in a forest, and no one is there, to hear it, it does not make a sound.  PREPARE.  ////   .... VQ 4....
.................. and ................
    GARBAGE IN, GARBAGE OUT -This is actually a very important message - Early on, with this whole Coronavirus deal, I stated that it was impossible to know, what was really going on in China, because everyone was lying, and the data was garbage. Here we had only four digit deaths, when all 50+ crematoriums in the Wuhan metro, were going full tilt burning bodies, with a capacity of well over 5,000 a day, PLUS 40 portable crematoriums, added on top of that, for only 3,000 or so deaths, now. Obviously I called bunk, and at that time, I stated that March 2 was the date, we'd get data that was not garbage, to know if they were hiding virus deaths, or committing a communist style genocide. On March 2 we got our answer: NO GENOCIDE. Yes, they returned to work, but it was all so screwed up, that there's no way, the government did anything malignant, and Wuhan is /sick/. And I found ways to prove it, that cannot be refuted, and actually provided quite fine detail. Who knows, how many people in Wuhan, are actually dead, but one thing is certain, many are not working.    This is why the above message is very important:  We now know there was no genocide, and it appears that subversive elements in the U.S. government, are intentionally misinforming Trump, and doing all they can, to deny there's a problem, until it all absolutely explodes. It is clearly what they want.  - --    If you have to work, don't worry about being a "freak", at least wear half way stylish safety glasses, an N95, and keep everything, as sanitary as possible. Don't touch your face, not even for an itch, itch your face with a pencil, where no one touched the pencil or anything else, if possible. And for gods sake, if you are already sick, consider the consequences of being a super spreader,/ contagieux/ don't do it, make damn good and sure, you at least have a cough cover on, to protect others.I know the people who read this site, are decent enough to understand this, it is the leftists, who won't give a damn, about others.   ....... but it would be VERY bad,to have it, and not protect anyone else from it, if you can.
Today's traffic stats, in China were horrible, they're going DOWN
, and it is overwhelmingly probably going to happen, in the good ol' U.S. of A.too -  ( VQ 4 )
............         March 5 :
There is only one vitamin C product, that is pleasant straight out of the pack, that I'd ever recommend, and it is the famous Emergen-C. However, the Vidanat ones, I linked, only cost $2.60 a bottle, in Mex, and for that, you get the equivalent of 60 packs of Emergen-C, so what do you think I bought? Considering Emergen-C is the only mainstream item, that's not a sham, I have to give it a thumbs up, if you can pay enough, to get about 500 packs, on hand.     That's what it's going to take, if your family comes down with this virus, - -  and the Vidanat stuff made the same treatment amount possible, for $20 total (at the Mexican price, from that Ebay link, you'll have to spend about $80.) You can add your own sugar, to something, right? I have to admit, the Emergen-C is a nicer product though. It is the only thing I ever came across, that works as well as the Vidanat stuff.  -  If I had to choose between 500 packs of Emergen-C  -  and 500 tablets of Vidanat C, it would be a tough choice, if they were both free. - - -

NatNews: "Could there ALREADY EXIST a natural prevention solution for several strains of the flu, one that also fends off deadly COVID19?"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]    Date: Tuesday, 25-Feb-2020 00:13:18           =====       by S.D. Wells
   (Natural News) Influenza and coronavirus have one thing in common, as they are both much more likely to infect and kill humans, who already have weakened immune systems, but there’s something else most US doctors are not telling anyone. Most Americans have severely compromised immune systems, due directly to the vaccines and medicines, used most frequently today, including mercury-laced flu shots, antibiotics and most prescription medications. Could there already be a natural cure, for these lab-made diseases,and genetically modified viral strains, they’re spreading all around, while they lie,and say “there’s no problem at all?”
        When you suffer from inflammation from the influenza vaccine toxins, you’re more susceptible to all kinds of infections. When that “full round” of antibiotics, wipes out all of your good gut bacteria, your immune system is decimated. As coronavirus circulates the globe, it’s mainly the immune-crippled bottom 10 percent of humans, that die from nCoV, or did the CDC not inform you of that, on CNN (the Counterfeit News Network), or in your fake world news daily newspaper?         Scientific study determines elderberries ( sambucus ) immobilize flu virus, plus cut the illness duration, in half, if you already have it. ( sureau noir )
   (  - )         Continues:

Study: Elderberries Block Flu Virus From Attaching To and Entering Human Cells    Posted By: HotCoffee    Date: Tuesday, 25-Feb-2020 12:43:11
        Could it work for cov-19?   
        New study determines how elderberries are able to stop the flu virus, dead in its tracks.
        A chemical compound has been discovered within elderberries, that immobilizes the flu virus.
        Previous studies have demonstrated elderberries ability, to relieve flu symptoms, and cut the duration of the illness in half, but a new study explains how this ancient remedy works.
                        When taken preventively, the unique phytochemicals found in elderberries, block the virus from entering, and even from attaching to, our healthy cells.
        If the flu has already taken hold, this compound prevents the virus from replicating, thus relieving symptoms and drastically reducing the duration of infection.
        Researchers in the study used farmed elderberries (as opposed to wild ones, which you can find) which were then turned into a juice serum. The serum was applied to cells before, during, and after they had been infected with the influenza virus.            can’t hurt, can it.        Want to buy it?
        Best Elderberry Supplements – Top 10 Brands Reviewed for 2020 
        Want to make it?        Learn how to make your own homemade Elderberry medicines:                     and        Prep time: 5 minutes        Cook time: 1 hour
                       Ingredients:             2/3 cup black ripe elderberries                    3 ½ cups of water                     2 Tablespoons fresh or dried ginger root
        1 teaspoon cinnamon powder        ½ teaspoon cloves or clove powder          1 cup raw honey
                         Instructions:           1. Pour water into medium saucepan and add elderberries, ginger, cinnamon, and cloves (do not add the honey yet).
        2. Bring the water mixed with the ingredients to a boil, then cover and reduce to a simmer for about 45 minutes to an hour until the liquid has reduced by almost half. Remove from heat and let cool until it can be handled. Pour through a strainer into a glass or bowl (make sure there are no seeds in your liquid).
        3. Compost the elderberries and let the liquid cool until it is lukewarm. Add 1 cup of honey and stir well.
        4. Once the honey is stirred in, pour the syrup into a mason jar or 16-ounce container.
        5. You made the yummiest medicine ever! Store in the fridge and take daily to boost your immune system.
        6. Standard dose is ½ teaspoon to 1 teaspoon for kids and ½ Tbsp to 1 Tbsp for adults. If you have the flu, take the normal dose every 2-3 hours instead of once a day until symptoms stop.
                         Source            Paul Fassa is a contributing staff writer for His pet peeves are the Medical Mafia’s control over health and the food industry and government regulatory agencies’ corruption. Paul’s valiant contributions to the health movement and global paradigm shift are world renowned. Visit his blog by following this link and follow him on Twitter here.
        ELESVIER...                      Journal of Functional Foods        Volume 54, March 2019, Pages 353-360          Journal of Functional Foods
        Anti-influenza activity of elderberry ( Sambucus nigra / SUREAU NOIR )     

Study: Elderberries Block Flu Virus, From ......Attaching To and Entering Human Cells (views: 386)       Hot Coffee -- Tuesday, 25-Feb-2020 12:43:11                    .................    - - -

 link: Jordan Sather - "The Truth About MMS (Chlorine Dioxide) That They Don’t Want You To Know" 
      Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]     Date: Tuesday, 25-Feb-2020 03:30:58
        For the past several weeks the fake news media has been in an all out rampage, against a chemical compound called chlorine dioxide (ClO2) and against me, because I discuss the truth about it. They inaccurately refer to it as an “industrial bleach”, and label me as a conspiracy theorist, who “promotes drinking bleach, to cure everything.” Nope. Not at all. They are fake news after all, right? And if you think the news is fake, imagine how fake their science, is! Media attacks against this chemical compound, and those who talk about it, are nothing new. This article will discuss what chlorine dioxide actually is, some of my personal experiences with it, and the misrepresentation that our media and Pharma owned medical “authorities”, give us on the subject.             So, what is this stuff? Is it actually bleach? ...         Continues: - - For example, lemons can bleach, the sun bleaches, but we don’t necessary label those, as 'bleach'. And just like lemons and the sun, ClO2, a gas, can also decolorize and sanitize, and is used industrially to do so, but this doesn't make it harmful, for humans -     // Clorox bleach itself, is sodium hypochlorite.  ( not  the same product ) -  //
     ClO2 actually is—a gaseous compound, that works to disinfect pathogens, very effectively, through oxidation.  It will selectively target anaerobic pathogens, and kill them through oxidation, an electrical reaction, where one chemical steals the electrons of another. Some in the health community, may be familiar with the oxidative capacity of food grade hydrogen peroxide, and ozone therapy, chlorine dioxide oxidizes, similarly. When a ClO2 molecule comes into contact with a virus or bacteria cell, it rips electrons from the cell and destroys it.  A stabilized version of it, is commonly used by hikers and campers, to kill waterborne pathogens for clean drinking water. These potable water drops and tablets, have chlorine dioxide listed, as the main ingredient, and can be easily purchased, at any camping supply store - Shoddy journalism is to blame, when only the biased FDA is used, as a resource. For example, the FDA puts out warning letters, about ClO2, calling it a deadly bleach, without explanation, citing zero science, or research, about the compound.
     And take a look at this—studies have been done, showing chlorine dioxide to be effective at killing the coronavirus too. Take that, propaganda peddlers! And it goes to note that while high dosages of most deconta- minates, are not safe to be around, low doses (like what hikers use for potable water, and those drinking it internally, to kill pathogens) can be very safe. The medical establishment is trying to suppress the sharing of any potential health benefits of ClO2, because it is inexpensive and effective. Some call it the “master mineral solution" and “miracle mineral supplement” or MMS, for short. I prefer to call it what it is—chlorine dioxide, The most notable proponents of MMS, are Daniel Smith of Project Green Life , and Jim Humble,  - at - and - - -
           FRENCH: Le dioxyde de chlore (ou bioxyde de chlore) ou C L  O 2 - - (  ou DC ou  BC ) - **** Acide chlorhydrique : une solution de chlorure d'hydrogène ( HCl) dans l'eau - Hydrochloric acid /aqueous solution - - - In this video we will learn a simple and safe way to prepare a chlorine dioxide solution (or CDS),with the expert in the field, researcher Andreas Kalcker. - - - Comments:  genesis 2 church... They have to label themselves as a church,because the big government doesn't want people to know about this cure!!! --  MMS Health Recovery Book, at .......and also found the protocols for use, on this site......... - - -
 it is a saturation of gas in liquid, and has certain limits, even if you used 50ml of each substance, would not change anything. It is a gas saturation, not a mixture of two liquids, in which the more there is of one, the more concentration, we have of it.  Water absorbs the amount of gas that is capable, depending on temperature, atmospheric pressure, minerals dissolved in the water itself, pH, etc ...... Besides, above 3000ppm, the mixture is usually less stable. It is useless to try to obtain more concentration, because later, we will need to dilute it.  - - use 30ml naclo2   25%  + 30ml citric acid 50% + 300ml water  -  HCL 4% - activator - -
                  Frode Sveinungsen    3 months ago -   Hi Andreas.  I only get my CDS concentration, to be aproxx 1500ppm, but then again I use tap water(norway), and Sodium Chlorite,( NaClO2) -  from late 2018.
Anyway, when I mix 10ml of my 1500ppm CDS, with 1L tap water, the ready to drink mix, shows 10-25ppm, with the test strips. What would the ready to drink mix show, if I had done this correct and obtained 3000ppm and used 10ml of it, to 1liter of distilled water?        Your other video 20mlwater to 2ml CDS, gives 100ppm. My guess is that I can use more of my cds, to obtain the same CD ppm, as you would get from the 3000ppm solution? -  If your CDS is 1500 ppm, all you should do is double the amount of CDS you dilute in water, and you will get the same final mix. You don't need destilated water, if you have good water quality, it is for the poor regions. -    Ayman Barhoum   1 month ago   i believe we should add water, (drink it without water, will cause burning feeling in mouth)  -  If you store the Sodium Chlorite in PET plastic bottle, it will turn bad like that. You should use proper HDPE/PE-HD 02 plastic, or glass bottles. - As far as I know 1 drop of MMS solution equals 8 drops of CDS. Recently I have been taking 3 drops in the morning and evening, of MMS, so if you take CDS then 8x3=24 each time. Take some antioxidants like vitamin C and other supplements, in between. Wait something like two hours after the dose, before taking them. I haven't tried CDS myself though, but I read, it's not so bad tasting. - - Jim says if using the Chlorine Dioxide Solution ... to use 1ml of 3000ppm CDS in 4 oz (1/2 cup of water) ... this is equivalent to activated MMS (made from 3 drops of Sodium Chlorite + 3 drops of Acid Activator) in 4 oz of water ... you can find Jim Humble's Protocols here ... - - -

watch Jim Humble make CDS ...   - - - COMMENTS FROM: - -  3 atoms =  Cl ( 1) + O (  2) = ClO2 ( a molecule) -  Mark Kelley on Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) - the fifth estate - - -  It's sodium chlorite activated with a mild acidic solution 5% hydrochloric acid .  This causes the release of chlorine dioxide, and then its diluted with about 6 ounces of water, before drinking.  The dilution ends up being so weak, that repeating the protocol about 8 times a day in an 8 hour period, is what's usually required to get the benefits the chlorine dioxide has on the body.  ( Household Bleach  = NaCIO , is not the same - )  - -   ( Hydrochloric acid or muriatic acid ) ( Sodium Chlorite = Chlorite de sodium )
                  Melissa G  8 months ago -  MMS is amazing!!! It actually works. Do your research before you knock it.
MMS is 22.4% sodium chlorite (a mineral found in natural deposits), 5% sodium chloride (table salt), 1% trace minerals, and 71.6% purified water. It is activated with 4% hydrochloric acid. Taken just drops at a time for 8 hours a day, times 3 weeks, will produce a number of good results, and cleanse your body from a number of bad things.   Quantum Leap Documentary
More info     - - -    Sarah Charming   2 months ago     But it is a cure, 100%. And it's not only a cure, but goes after the deepest root cause, of the causal level of the problem beneath the symptom of the problem. It is when people stop taking MMS, that the negative energy causal problem, re-enters the system, to cause the same problems people had, leading them to think MMS is only a temporary fix and a remedial to the problem and symptom. Let's face it, MMS kills germs on contact, not just weakens them. It takes them out. Adding a little DMSO or aspirin, can speed the entire process by reaching deeper into deep tissues and even penetrate into thick bone and germs in the bone marrow. It's truly a wonder CURE.  - -

        When MMS is activated with Citric Acid, it becomes the World’s best Pathogen Destroyer – known as Chlorine Dioxide. (CIO2) - Now please do not become concerned that this is somehow chlorine. It is no more kindred to chlorine, then table salt, which as you know is made of chlorine. Chlorine dioxide (CIO2) has been used to purify water, for 80 years, and has been sold in chemical form in health food stores, for 80 years in the form of sodium chlorine, known as stabilized oxygen.       
When we mention Master Mineral Solution, we are referring to mineral chlorine dioxide (CIO2) that is delivered from sodium chlorine. Sodium chlorine is found in its natural state, in many places in the world; however it is normally cheaper to manufacture it, then to mine it. Still it is considered to be a mineral in either case, and in fact anything that is not animal or vegetable, is a mineral.   It is one of the few things that can even kill anthrax.   It just happens because of their nature, that almost all pathogens, including bacteria, molds, yeast, fungi, and disease-causing parasites, have outer membranes (skins) that can be easily oxidized, by chlorine dioxide.      Spray it on any of the petals or other parts of a plant.       It will do no damage to the most delicate plant. It can’t harm plants, that are 100 times more delicate than for example, human skin or any of the human’s organs or cells. Of course plants are different than human organisms, but not that much different. The cells are very si- milar.    This test at least proves that chlorine dioxide does not kill everything in its path.  -  ( BUT if  you take some Clorox, and spray it on a plant. You will see it die. It is not the same product )           
         You should be starting to get an understanding of chlorine dioxide, by now. It is selective, in what it kills.   MMS=  stabilized oxygen, that activates into chlorine dioxide, with the help of acid agent, like, vinegar, etc. goes inside body and find the virus with low PH. Once find, it kills them, leaving behind the healthier ones. Moreover, it remains in the body only for 2 hours, and after it, transforms in salt crystal form.
... you can have a complaint of diarrhea and nausea, as the pathogens are not growing as faster as they used to, and so the body knows, it needs to get rid of it. .... 1-5 drops of activators, like lemon juice or citrus. Add 2 drops of MMS and wait 3 minutes, for the complete mixture. Giving enough time to a solution, before taking, is essential.      ...It is recommended to keep the gap of 2 hours, for every 2 drops. If you feel more nauseous with its use, then please don’t overdose yourself.  ....if an extract contains Vitamin C, it will inactivate the MMS. ( wait 2 hours ) 
.....mixing 28 percent sodium chlorite solution (which is NOT the same thing as common table salt, which is sodium chloride) with an acid, such as citrus juice.
 ......    .....   ....
            add your number of MMS drops, to a clean dry glass, then activate as follows:   Add 1 drop of 50% citric acid, for each drop of MMS, that is in your glass, swirl or shake to mix, wait 20 seconds, add 1/2 to 1 glass of water or juice and drink.   Do not use orange juice.    Do not use juices with added vitamin C or ascorbic acid added.     Do not use concentrated juices that must have water added to them. - This common product, namely sodium chlorite (liquid oxygen), when mixed with a small amount of either lemon juice or citric acid, liberated the much more potent anti bacterial, fungal & pathogenic chlorine dioxide molecule. - -         The chlorine  Molecule  is one of the most abundant elements in nature, & is always seeking to bind with other elements - hence why it is found in salt compounds primarily (table salt being perhaps the best example). Chlorine is needed for life, but generally when bound, in a salt compound - not as the element itself.      ( The chlorine molecule /in itself/  is indiscriminate in its destruction of tissue, & will kill effectively anything, it comes in touch with.)  Chlorine dioxide on the other hand, has the amazing ability to remove electrons selectively, from diseased tissue & pathogenic stressors.

This molecule is an oxidizing agent, that readily accepts electrons - - - - - - --

  Posted By: JediShaman   Date: Monday, 2-Mar-2020 07:53:51 -         A better way to explain this, is that active oxygen is electrically active, and oxidizes pathogens, destroying them.  (( too much of it  )) An overly strong oxidizer, can harm healthy cells too, and thus the type and concentration of oxygen, are key variables. Oxidation /may/ create harmful "free radicals", from the reactions, but antioxidants neutralize those, which is why Vitamin C is a great resource. High concentrations of vitamin C, will support the body, in increasing its own pathogen oxidation activity, since it then has enough antioxidants, to do this, safely.              - Jedi    (( ANTI-OXIDANTS   STOP   THE OXYDATION ))

Phil, Bill & Will Chat No.8 (29 Feb 2020)    771 views     •Feb 29, 2020       Cosmic Awareness : Will Berlinghof - -  -
      Will Berlinghof's website:         Bill Utterback's website:    Phil Laing’s website: - -... and .... RnbwMkr9 - 2 days ago - has a unique perspective on this virus  -  had a flu virus a week ago, and used MMS (chlorine dioxide) and Dr. Clarks Parasite Cleanse, and Vitamin C - well in 4 days! - plus 25mg iodine/day -  ...... and .... Reader: "Phil, Bill & Will Chat No.8 (1 Mar 2020) 1hr 45mins"    Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]    Date: Monday, 2-Mar-2020 00:35:04

Trump Halts CDC Fearmongering. But Why Are Antibiotics & Not Anti-Virals, Quelling The COVID-19 Coronavirus? Is It Really A Virus?
Posted By: Basil [Send E-Mail]    Date: Monday, 2-Mar-2020 18:09:58
        This is an interesting article. I’m trying to keep an open mind about this… there are lots of ways, that the Powers that Be can profit from an incorrect narrative, leading to public hysteria. Still, I am stocking up… then again, I have been, for decades. I have thought the whole system was liable to collapse, since the mid ‘70’s. ~Basil
      By Bill Sardi           March 2, 2020            Based on an exclusive interview with Lawrence Broxmeyer MD -         BULLET POINT SUMMARY
        COVID-19 Coronavirus is as much an ecological disaster, as it is a medical one. Initially it appears to be a unique experience, centered in Wuhan, China. It emanates from an environment of incinerated pig waste, airborne particles, and low vitamin D blood levels, in winter, and weakened immune systems, particularly among smokers, drinkers and the elderly.
        It is believed both the Spanish flu of 1918 and the COVID-19 coronavirus, began as zoonotic (animal to human) infections. Not from bats, as first reported in the Wuhan COVID-19 outbreak, but rather from pigs, and pig waste.          The 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, began in the midst of an infectious pig slaughter, of undiscovered cause, a few hundred miles from Camp Funston, what is Fort Riley today.
Similarly, the outbreak of the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak began in the Wuhan, China area in the wake of a massive kill-off of pigs, who were dying from African Swine Flu.
        Viral outbreaks arise in winter, but so does tuberculosis.           Some types of mycobacteria do not have cell walls, and can mimic the appearance of a virus, under the microscope.
        Antibiotics cannot be used for viruses.          If a virus, then why aren’t antiviral drugs working, but antibiotics are?
        COVID-19 coronavirus may just be a “passenger virus,” not the primary microbial organism, that kills by filling the lower lungs, with fluid.         Both the current Wuhan COVID-19 coronavirus and tubercular mycobacteria, do not tend to infect or cause serious disease, in young children roughly 5-12 years of age.         Fear of the COVID-19 coronavirus may be misplaced. More people are killed by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (1.7 million) in a year, than the few who have been infected (~80,000) or have died (less than 2000) of the COVID-19 coronavirus.          It is projected that the “COVID-19 Coronavirus” will peak worldwide in March, and then return in a second but lesser peak in September, in accordance with Yang’s Wuhan study from 2004 to 2013, describing the annual TB surges in Wuhan, China. …… 
 C O B R A   update:  “On Saturday, there was a top level strategic summit, in the Tycho lunar base, where representatives of all major non-surface Light factions, have come to a mutual strategic agreement, on how to proceed with the planetary liberation operations. This new, reinforced plan, will be executed, with precision and efficiency. All non-surface Light factions, have agreed to form a strategic alliance, which is called Atlantis Alliance.”—————
         If you know, feel, or fear, that you have contracted the virus, or would like to disinfect the area, around you, you can repeat three times, in your mind.  “Command RCV stardust”.
The Pleiadians will then use their advanced technologies, to help remove the virus. This new protocol is still in development, and is limited in its efficiency, and the Pleiadians are asking for feedback. Those who will use this protocol, are welcome to report its effects, in the comment section, on my blog, where this article is posted. ( )
Please be aware that this protocol is NOT a substitute for medical treatment.   - - -    
Chinese do not want to lose face, and would never admit that their bioweapons program went out of hand, and that a Zionist infiltrator stole a sample of virus from Wuhan lab, and set it free, to infect the Chinese people:                  The question here, is, who killed Dr. Plummer?   - -               A certain mainland Chinese Dragon group, has communicated that if the situation with the coronavirus is not resolved very very soon, they will release evidence about Chinese Secret Space program, through Chinese media outlets.    

  Galactic Confederation ships, will be much more active in Earth’s atmosphere, in the next few weeks and months, and many people are receiving dreams and visions, about this -
                             One of the more effective ways to deal with the coronavrus infection , is vitamin C:         And lots of clean, fresh air: - - -   .... for more......
................................ - - - - -- - - -

It is also known that two biolab technicians, that were fired from a lab in Canada, were also hired soon after, in Wuhan. They were Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband Keding Cheng. The violation at the Canadian lab, was so egregious, she was escorted out of the building, by security. There are numerous reports, that the two Chinese nationals, allegedly stole the Coronavirus for China, and took it to the biolab in Wuhan. It is also rumored since the release of the virus, that one or both of them, are missing or have been killed. With the lack of witnesses, it is difficult to know who did what and why.
Another bio-scientist from Canada, Frank Plummer, has recently died in Africa, under suspicious circumstances. He dropped dead, before he could be taken to a hospital. 
         George Eaton, P.O Box 127, Ponderay, ID. 83852 (Subscriptions  bi-monthly plus extra issues when warranted.)

Make sure you have over the counter cold and flu medicines, on hand. Have powdered vitamin C, with minerals and electrolytes as well.
CORONAVIRUS SPREADS ACROSS THE GLOBE, AS AN UNSTOPPABLE PANDEMIC     Posted By: GeorgeEaton    Date: Sunday, 9-Feb-2020 20:09:36

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Fulford - deraillements -

- COREY  LYNN (digs)
 - Zetatalk -    
  - Skin Deep ( doc ) + Conf.  -

Corey's digs: Under the Radar and Over the Target   Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]   Date: Friday, 14-Feb-2020 12:51:48
        February 13, 2020 / 8 Comments -         Fame? No desire. Spotlight? Too hot. Popular? Could care less. Legacy? Immaterial. Recognition? The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth – it’s not about me, it’s about the message. Why do I fly under the radar, rather than shooting to the stage? Because, it allows me to send shock waves out in a steady stream, hitting over the target, while flying under the radar.
        By trickling information out to one million people, per year, from a faceless investigator, the significance goes mostly unnoticed, by the heavy hitting twisted media, always on the prowl to pounce. And, as they descend in a downward spiral, my information tracks upwards, to a place that will soon be out of their reach, for any attempts to invalidate my evidence, will become near impossible to spin, because they will no longer hold any level of authority. Strategy, patience, and coordination. Interviews are spaced out in waves, intentionally. Everything must be monitored.     (( arkancided = killed by Arkansas-Clinton mafia))
        It’s about the message. It’s always been about the message. This is a spiritual battle, but until the illusions are stripped away, spirits cannot flow freely. To wake one’s mind to the projections and misrepre-sentations that have plagued society with illusions so out of reach from the truth, requires explanation of great depth, but most of all – it requires time. To play their game in their arena, requires a level of patience, tolerance, scrutiny, and a steady pace to endure the long game – without getting benched.            Building a historical library of evidence every step of the way, packed with resources, for everyone to be their own investigator, and archived documents, so the information can be carried on, for as long as necessary, until most people can see with clarity, has all been required.
        Working from behind the scenes was and is never, about fear or self-preservation, but rather preservation of the information, that needed to get out, without being bottlenecked. People often project their own fears onto me, suggesting I should watch my six, be careful, get bodyguards, don’t get suicided or Arkancided. There is so much negative energy, being fed into those words and thoughts of fear. There is no need for fear. I am spiritually protected, just as I was spiritually guided, to do this work. This information needed to be composed and brought to the surface. That was Phase I – “strip away the illusions.”
        Phase II is navigating this new world that is emerging. “Learn how to let go of judgement, for there will be much to judge.” As systems and structures begin to crumble, and some unfortunately hold strong, new ideas, thought processes, out-of-the-box thinking, and solutions need to be manifested and created. People recognizing, maybe for the first time, in their lives, that they have innate abilities and skills, that lay latent, all will begin to bud. Regaining the endless flow of power, that lies within each of us, in so many forms, that most have forgotten, or it was suppressed, needs a reconnection boost, to tether those ties.
        This is where I thrive – in Phase II. This is where I am, in my element, in full creation, manifesting all that is beautiful, and witnessing small miracles each day, while communing with the universe, each night. This is where we’ve all been headed for decades, most just weren’t aware of it, until recently. Sitting idle while waiting or hoping for change, doesn’t make the world go around, it only stifles it, and keeps us all locked into a paradigm, that no longer serves us. Setting things into motion – that is where the real stuff happens.                   I will continue to roll out my book over the next several months, as it is the grand finale of agendas, I am exposing, to reveal how the inner workings of agencies, government, and NGOs, operate together to destroy and steal, from humanity. Why? Because it is the very matrix of all things evil – it is the wheel that runs this world, and each spoke, represents another NGO siphoning our lives away from us, another legislature acting from greed or blackmail, another arm of the government feeding the eye through grants or contracts, and another elite, carrying out evil agendas. Even their investments tie back into the wheel. It’s all connected. It is their monetary system. It is the very core of how they make money, move money, control money, and hold power. All of the money – our money – can trace back to this system, they’ve built. Read my book as it rolls out, and it will all become clear.
        As I write and release each chapter, over the next five months, I will also begin shifting, in the direction of Phase II.         It has always been about the message. Rid yourself of the illusions, rediscover yourself, and take us all, into Phase II. Every single person can touch the soul of another, can set things in motion, and can create change, that will empower humanity.            “Make room for the light, for it is already in you.”   Read More  ( link)
................... and ...................... Corey’s Digs was created by Investigative Journalist Corey Lynn for the purpose of digging for truth, in a world where nothing is as it seems, then connecting the dots, and presenting her findings to you. Corey focuses on larger webs and nests, and areas, that are seldom covered by mainstream media. She exposes operations, oftentimes with detailed timelines, maps, and documentation, to provide the full scope of what may be transpiring, and she always cites sources, with links to back it up.    A message from Corey: We have been spoonfed twisted narratives and deep forms of manipulation, for centuries. Yes, centuries.  It was much more difficult to seek out the truth long ago, but we live in an age where endless amounts of information is right at our fingertips. There is no longer an excuse to live in fantasy land, turning a blind eye to the destruction happening all around us, and hoping maybe things will get better one day.  .....( ...)  

A Library for Redpilling   
Posted By: HotCoffee    Date: Monday, 10-Feb-2020 11:04:43           A Library for Redpilling -        February 10, 2020 / Corey's Digs
        I recently made this video to break down some agendas, and my thought process, on various scenarios we face, the deconstruction of systems and creation of new systems. I thought it would be helpful to provide my library of reports, I’ve composed, so as to strip away the illusions, so that we can all move forward, in a more powerful light. Many of these, would be great for redpilling friends, coworkers, and family. Below, I have created a library catalog, with direct links to my reports and/or videos, that help break all of this down, as well as fantastic resources, for research and fact checking! This article is also available for FREE in pdf download in The Bookshop. A lot of people are struggling with trying to “redpill,” “wake others up,” or simply communicate with others, who may not see eye to eye, on many topics. I think the biggest…
        continues here    

 Philip Haney: The Faithful Steward -  @ Corey's Digs    Posted By: HotCoffee    Date: Sat., 7-Mar-2020 21:51:13 -  By The Sharp Edge
        As a whistleblower with integrity to pursue the truth amidst persecution, Philip Haney was a faithful steward of a story much bigger than one man. He found himself in the cross hairs of an international criminal syndicate of Islamic terrorist organizations, Mexican cartels, and a former administration who concealed their gun running, drug trafficking, terrorism, and infiltration of America.  ......(....)         Carlos Salinas, who is regarded by many, as one of the most corrupt presidents in Mexican history, reportedly had family connections, to drug smuggling and money laundering operations, in the United States. Members of the PRI, which maintained political power in Mexico, for 70 years, until 2000, had direct connections with and received bribes from the Zetas. Court documents from a case in Arizona revealed a link between Hezbollah and Los Zetas drug trafficking and money laundering operations. Hezbollah is also known to have established a business relationship, with the Oficina de Envigado, an offshoot of Pablo Escobar’s Medellin cartel. A 2011 hearing before the Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence, concluded that Hezbollah created an infrastructure for training, intelligence operations, and sleeper cells in Mexico, while aiding the cartels in the construction of tunnels, used for drug smuggling and human trafficking, across the United States border. An abundance of evidence has made it clear to Western Intelligence communities, that Mexican cartels have, for years, been in league with Islamic terrorist organizations, such as Hezbollah.          more - and -

Corey Diggs: Gates & UN Control It All!
Billions in Taxpayer Dollars,  vid   Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]   Date: Tuesday, 25-Feb-2020 12:53:05
        How do NGOs rule the world, while bleeding us dry? This is a comprehensive breakdown on who runs the healthcare industry (and other industries), how they do it, how they get funding, how they influence policies and priorities, the money flow, and billions in taxpayer dollars. AND, I go over chapter 3 of my book on the AIDS slush fund, covering the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the UN – THE CENTRAL HUB TO ALL OF THIS – in great detail, including the Clintons, Soros and others. This is incredibly important information for everyone on all sides, and of all backgrounds to understand. Please share this far and wide.             Corey's Digs            25.2K subscribers        Comprehensive VIDEO on how NGOs control our entire healthcare system & other industries, in particular Bill Gates and the UN, while using our taxpayer dollars. Plus complete review of chapter 3 of AIDS slush fund book.

Some interesting comments by the Zetas, on Zetatalk - clones, Pence, Nibiru, more   - Posted By: Lymerick   Date: Friday, 6-Mar-2020 06:57:29
        SKIP            Given the ruthlessness of an assassin’s bullet, and the numerous attempts to eliminate President Trump, and replace him with Speaker of the House Pelosi, -  how safe is VP Pence? President Trump and his chef, survived an attempt to poison him, last November 18. Pelosi and Schiff participated in coup attempts, on January 19, 2019 and October 20, 2019. They have both since been executed for treason, and replaced by Doubles, but during this nervous time, how safe was VP Pence? And how secure was the office of the VP?
                 ZetaTalk Confirmation 1/31/2020: Will the Space Force negate, and take over NASA? They have different mission statements, with NASA responsible for deep space exploration,and the Space Force, as part of the US Military, responsible for protection. NASA is a private company, but as is known,was infiltrated by the CIA, to ensure the alien presence was not admitted. ... NASA and the Air Force ......President Trump and his Junta divorced them both, in this regard, when they established the new Space Force.
        Now that the Space Force has been funded, a National Guard unit for this new DoD agency, is being created. Under what circumstances, would a state militia, need to be called up, to assist the Space Force? Presumably due to the need to deploy Earth based stations, prepared to shoot down incoming debris. Or perhaps deal with rioting, due to an announcement or awareness about Nibiru. Despite the ridicule, very serious business.           (  Space National Guard  )         The Space National Guard, also known as the Space Guard, is a proposed federal military reserve force, as well as the proposed National Guard space force, of U.S. states. When Space National Guard units, would be used under the jurisdiction of the state governor, they are fulfilling their state militia role.   
    However, if federalized Space National Guard units, would become an active part of the United States Space Force. According to preliminary proposals, not every state would be authorized a Space National Guard. Instead, seven states which already had National Guard units, with space capabilities would have those units moved to the Space National Guard. They  are Alaska, California, Colorado, Florida, New York, Arkansas, and Ohio.           ZetaTalk Expectation 1/31/2020: It is a natural migration from providing protection and an early warning system, for incoming debris in Nibiru’s tail and a timely evac from the ISS, to admitting that Nibiru exists, and is heading for a passage. The issue would be raised, at every presser. NASA would deny, and the Air Force would deny, but the new Space Force would begin to make admissions. Long standing and firmly entrenched cover-ups, are hard to break, so must be eroded, before they can fall.                                         Source
.......................    The ZetaTalk Newsletter -  Issue 701, Sunday March 8, 2020 - Weekly news and views from around the world and beyond. New ZetaTalk     Earth Changes     Announcements     Signs of the Times -
   Assassin Bullet -     Given the steady pace of investigations into the anti-Trump treason and crimes of 2016-2017, many in the Deep State are nervous, about being swept up, in the net being cast. Even before AG Barr assumed control, AG Sessions assigned US Attorneys Huber and Durham, to investigate the Russian Collusion origins, FISA, and Hillary’s email fiasco. The Inspector General has also been involved. The results of these investigations are being gradually released. How nervous does this make the Deep State participants, who hope to escape justice?
    DHS Ordered Me, to Scrub Records of Muslims, with Terror Ties        February 5, 2016   (  Philip Haney )
        Following the attempted attack, President Obama threw the intelligence community under the bus, for its failure to “connect the dots.” He said, “this was not a failure to collect intelligence, it was a failure to integrate and understand the intelligence, that we already had.” His words infuriated many of us, because we knew his administration had been engaged in a bureaucratic effort, to destroy the raw material—the actual intelligence we had collected for years, and erase those dots. The dots constitute the intelligence needed, to keep Americans safe, and the Obama administration was ordering, they be wiped away.
    Philip Haney, DHS Whistleblower, during Obama Era, Found Dead          February 22, 2020
        Philip Haney, a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) whistleblower ,who was an outspoken critic of the administration of former President Barack Obama, was found dead Friday, about 40 miles east of Sacramento, Calif. Haney, 66, "appeared to have suffered a single, self-inflicted gunshot wound". In June 2016, Haney testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee, where he alleged that the Obama-era DHS had ordered him, to delete hundreds of files, about reputed associates of Islamic terrorist groups. In November, Haney contacted the Examiner, about plans to publish a sequel to the book.
    ZetaTalk Confirmation 2/28/2020: It is well known that a cornered animal, will be vicious, feeling it has no other option to escape.  Blind rage, where the animal knows naught,but the desire to eliminate its attac- ker, emerges in such settings. Tribunals under President Trump and civil investigations under the DOJ, have reached the point where many involved in treason in 2016, are seeking plea deals, and those who still hope to escape the jaws of justice, are trying to send a message. Of course Haney was assassinated, execution style, as a warning to others, who might want to emerge with information, that might help connect the dots.* 
                   Pope Francis Meets with US Vice President Mike Pence        January 24, 2020
        During their meeting, the Pope handed Vice President Pence, a copy of his World Peace Day Message. In his Message, Pope Francis invites us, to help build peace, promoting a more just, supportive and fraternal world, because even today, the scars of war, "affect especially the poor and the vulnerable". ......( ....)  ZetaTalk Insight 1/31/2019: VP Pence has not been executed nor replaced by a double, but has had his official authority, removed by the Tribunals. Pence was inevitably caught in the plans, to assassinate President Trump and replace him with Pelosi, who was next in the line of succession. Pence’s wife received a subpoena at the Bush 41 funeral because, as we stated, she was highly desirous that her husband become President, and was leaking classified information to the Deep State, to facilitate this.
To deal with this pressure from all sides, Pence made it known in private circles, that he wanted out, and if faced with succeeding President Trump, would resign. This was to silence his wife, and evade the threat of assassination, by Pelosi advocates. This became official during Tribunal hearings, with Pence privately resigning, while publicly still the VP. This fact was spread as rumor in DC, via Pence’s Deep State contacts, while the name of the replacement, remains secret. Thus assassinating President Trump, does not put Pence in charge, but another, unknown individual. This foils the Deep State plans.  .......(.....)
...........................................................................           Tartaria - -     Ancient maps show empires ,that existed in the past, but often have little relationship to the countries and borders of today. Britain ruled the waves (?) in the past, with a vast colonial empire, but the Commonwealth of today ignores the Queen, and Britain is but an island. The Aztecs ruled over Central America, but are now but a subject of archeologists. Genghis Khan swept west to Turkey, and Alexander the Great swept east to India, but neither held their lands, for long.  So what to make of a map of old Tataria? -     The Land That Time Forgot: Tartaria       Febr.15, 2020
        I’ve been to some of these places myself, and wish I’d known then, what I know now, but I can still enjoy the splendour of a civilization, that probably rivaled Atlantis.
                 Tartary - an Empire Hidden in History. It was Bigger than Russia Once       April 1 7, 2018
        Tartary, a vast country in the northern parts of Asia, bounded by Siberia on the north and west: this is called Great Tartary. ......(....)     The official history is hiding a major world power, which existed as late as the 19th century. Tartary was a country with its own flag, its own government and its own place, on the map. Its territory was huge, but somehow quietly incorporated into Russia, and some other countries. This country you can find on the maps, predating the second half of the 19th century. --   Tartary’s Map of Putin: what West Travelers Saw, in Alien Countries?  January 2, 2017        How often did Tartary appeared on the maps of the European travelers? The map illustrates the territory of North-East of Eurasia, from the Volga River and the Caspian Sea in the West, to the ocean in the East. The whole territory of Siberia, Central Asia and the Far East, is shown as under the authority of the great khan. The territory, formerly known as Tartary, in the modern European tradition, is called Central Eurasia. ......(.....) MAP -1771 -  ZetaTalk Insight 2/28/2020: Did the Mongolian Empire encompass Russia, China, and Turkey, as some ancient maps proclaim? The Mongols carried Annunaki blood, as the facial structure of present day Mongols and ancient Tibetan mummies, attest. The Annunaki were forceful and ambitious, so carrying Annunaki blood Genghis Khan, roared toward Europe, in an attempt to expand his domain ...Of course the Annunaki built structures and had grand cities, where they were in residence. Atlantis was one such city, and the Aztecs in Central America also held another Annunaki city. The Mongols likewise held a city inhabited by the Annunaki, The Annunaki were chased from Earth, by a quarantine the Council of Worlds imposed. Atlantis, a city just off the coast of Portugal, was destroyed, at that time, and the Annunaki destroyed all the rest of their cities, to keep mankind from adopting their technologies.  ....(...)
                   The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia    March 8, 2015
    Khazarians develop into a nation ruled by an evil king, who had ancient Babylonian black arts, occult oligarchs, serving as his court. The Khazarian king and his inner circle of oligarchs, kept practicing ancient Babylonian black-magic, also known as Secret Satanism. It involved occult ceremonies, featuring child sacrifice, after “bleeding them out”, drinking their blood, and eating their hearts. They were all based on ancient Baal Worship, also known as worship of the Owl. The Khazarian king, melded these Luciferian black-magick practices, with Judaism, and created a secret Satanic-hybrid religion, known as Babylonian Talmudism. Bibi Netanyahu is the operational head of the Kazarian Mafia.  - - --  ZetaTalk Confirmation 3/31/2019: President Trump has recently ushered in the new US Space Force, and with good reason. Where the official explanation included protecting satellites and US interests, from space junk, the covert reason was to provide an early warning system, for the approach of major debris, in the wafting tail of Nibiru, and a space based way, to shatter this debris.   - ZetaTalk Confirmation 1/31/2020: Then there is the increasing debris, from the tail of Nibiru, which as we have stated, will shatter mankind’s satellite systems.
The ZetaTalk Newsletter          Issue 389, Sunday March 16, 2014  Weekly news and views from around the world and beyond.  New ZetaTalk     Earth Changes     Announcements     Signs of the Times
Annunaki Bloodline -     The Annunaki are genetically close enough to man, to be able to interbreed, and have done so in the past, while they occupied Earth, to mine for Gold, slave masters over early man, whom they put into the mines. Per the Zetas, David in the David and Goliath legend, was a half-breed, fighting a full-blood Annunaki in Goliath.     ZetaTalk Explanation 7/15/1997: Most often, a female slave that had been impregnated, would die in childbirth, unable to deliver an oversized infant,......(....)   Annunaki genes are thus present in the population, and Annunaki hybrids have and do exist, in remote areas, on Earth, as was recently discovered, near Patagonia.     ... Should it be any surprise then, that yet another cluster of Annuaki-human hybrids, has been discovered? In the past, the Qiang people in China, were over 7 foot tall , and had odd front teeth, in their narrow lower jaws, as archeological digs, show.   ...     Interestingly, the region where the tomb was uncovered, is in the same region where the well-known Tarim mummies, with Caucasoid features, were recovered. The mummies were found to have typical Europoid body features (elongated bodies, angular faces, recessed eyes), and many of them have their hair physically intact, ranging in colour from blond to red, to deep brown. Like the Qiang skeleton, the Tarim mummies were also found to be very tall.      The Anunaki are large, as their home planet has a 50% stronger gravity pull ,than Earth. Considered giants, they are close to 8 foot tall, muscular , but not with bulging overdeveloped muscles, and not given to being obese. Their faces are long and thin. - - --
              The ZetaTalk Newsletter   Issue 280, Sunday February 12, 2012  Weekly news and views from around the world and beyond. New ZetaTalk     Earth Changes     Announcements     Signs of the Times
Annunaki Traces -      Searching for a route by which to climb into Nepal from India, when the Pole Shift is upon the people there, a Pole Shift ning member, noticed some glyphs on the Nepal hilltops. Per the Zetas, these were indeed Annunaki glyphs, to guide their landing shuttles in the past.           And when we were searching for safe location in the following co-ordinate (28°47'27.95"N, 83°44'20.78"E) we found interesting drawing, which is like Nazca lines.    ZetaTalk Explanation 1/21/2012: These are indeed glyphs placed in the past by the Annunaki, as guidelines for their ships, as they prepared to land on Earth. As we explained when similar glyphs were discovered, in the salt marshes of New Jersey, between the time when ships landed to transport gold back to the home planet, and the next landing, there would be a pole shift, and clues as to the new geography, were often needed.  ..... etc.......

New Morgellons Study  The Morgellons Lowdown    Posted By: CrystalRiver  Date: Saturday, 7-Mar-2020 23:31:50
In Response To: Skin Deep ( Documentary )  to Compete in the Global Health Competition, MARCH 27, 28 & 29 AT THE CLEVELAND INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL (CrystalRiver) - - -          Staging System Developed for Morgellons Disease Based on Experience with Syphilis
        International Team Led by Union Square Medical Associates Provides Further Validation for Mysterious Skin Disease. ...... ( ....)
Morgellons disease is a controversial illness associated with Lyme disease, which is caused by infection with a type of corkscrew-shaped bacteria, known as a spirochete. A new study describes a staging system for this mysterious skin disease, based on medical experience with syphilis, another spirochete-related infection. The study was published in the prestigious journal Clinical Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology (                  The key diagnostic feature of Morgellons disease, is the presence of unusual often colorful filaments, found in skin lesions. These characteristic fibers are sometimes incorrectly identified as self-implanted textile fibers, in delusional patients. Earlier studies have shown that the filaments are composed of human proteins, related to infection with the spirochete, that causes Lyme disease, Borrelia burgdorferi. The new study points to similarities between Morgellons disease, and the skin pathology seen with Treponema pallidum, the spirochete that causes syphilis (Figure).   ......( .....) - -
............................................         13 TH ANNUAL MEDICAL - SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON MORGELLONS DISEASE       Posted By: CrystalRiver    Date: Friday, 6-Mar-2020 21:10:58
  .....(....)       At that point in her healing journey, Dr. Day had already improved her health substantially, with nutrition, detoxification support, herbal medicine, acupuncture and antimicrobial therapies, which she continued throughout her education, at the Natural University of Natural Medicine, in Portland, Oregon. She began her clinical practice in 2015, focusing on integrative and restorative therapies, especially in regards to Morgellons Disease and persistent Lyme Disease Complex, using her medical training, personal experience, and evidence based research to help guide her practice.
        More Presenters at the link along with ways to register for the conference.
        Many Blessings,           CrystalRiver  - -  ( Registration  : Host: Charles E. Holman Morgellons Disease Foundation -  When: May 2-3, 2020   Location: Wyndham Garden Hotel in Austin, TX
    Early registration – March 3 – March 23: $100   - - ) ((   )) - - - -   Articles In This Thread
    13TH ANNUAL MEDICAL - SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON MORGELLONS DISEASE (views: 77)      CrystalRiver -- Friday, 6-Mar-2020 21:10:58
        Posters: If I Wanted To Fake An Illness & (Also Next 75 Orders Will Receive Free Soundtrack to Morgellons Documentary) (views: 80)        CrystalRiver -- Friday, 6-Mar-2020 21:16:51 ****
(Audio) Episode 104: Lyme Disease and Hypothyroid: Is There a Link?   Posted By: CrystalRiver  Date: Wednesday, 4-Mar-2020 22:16:03  - --
Advice about the coronavirus for people who have Lyme disease (Or Any Other Chronic Illness)   Posted By: CrystalRiver   Date: Saturday, 7-Mar-2020 20:39:55 - - - **** This Working Group was created due to the efforts of patients with persistent Lyme disease—not people who got well quickly. Those folks don’t NEED a Working Group. I urge you not to forget your core constituency. - -- TOUCHED BY LYME: Proxy votes violate spirit of TBD Working Group   Posted By: CrystalRiverDate: Saturday, 7-Mar-2020 20:35:30  - - -- *****                       We Only Need 91 More Orders of Skin Deep: The Battle Over Morgellons (Sale Ends Soon So Place Your Order)   Posted By: CrystalRiver
Date: Tuesday, 3-Mar-2020 00:05:45  
        Holy cow, Skin Deep is in the Top 10 of iTunes pre-orders! We brought in nearly 200 pre-orders, over the weekend, and are up to 409 out of our 500 pre-order goal! Just 91 more pre-orders, until we get that Netflix distribution. • • Order soon, today is the final flash sale day, ( ?)  with special $6.99 price. Thank you for your continued support!          Come on Folk Lets Wake Up The World--         You want to know how the CDC did the study? They came up with the answer and walked it backwards in some semblance of common sense albeit leaving out much of the most important information.        Science in a world shoveling you know so what goes in must be very similar to what comes out.        Lets Get This Done, I've got a life I want to live:)        Many Blessings,        CrystalRiver - - also: - -
More at this link:  + - - --

Coronavirus Masks won't protect you; and..... important points    Posted By: tonzal [Send E-Mail]    Date: Thursday, 5-Mar-2020 22:51:21           BATTLE FOR WORLD | March 5, 2020 : An information documentary shown on RT, Virologist Dmitriy L'vov talks about the dangers of current coronavirus outbreak. An except of important points, made by the Russian virologist:
        Host: (06:29 video time mark) ...Here's what I mean. Maybe there are so many deaths, because the coronavirus has not yet adapted to humans?
        L'vov: It's like a blind date, when two strangers meet. Over time, if it remains among humans...but I doubt that. It will be kicked out, by other respiratory viruses. The competition is too high.  ..... ( ....)
  Such excellence in information, in the West is lacking, as science professionals voices, get lost in minutes/seconds, news pieces in media, with soundbites rushing to advertisements.) - - - - - ( VIDEO )    - - -- -
        In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 2, the free PDF book: Download and read about the corona-virus, and some fundamentals, page 558. Virus rumors started to circulate in November 2019 , page 562. The coronavirus going to cause deglobalization, page 562. US coronavirus outbreak is likely to rattle markets, page 562. Coronavirus for efficient spreading, in the human population, page 563. The U.S. has twelve biowarfare lab facilities, while China has two, page 564. The technologies the Earth humans, should use for good, they're using it to do wicked and evil things, page 564. The elites said China is the “Big One” (for them to take-down), page 565. The beginning stage of any potent crisis or event the truth, is muted, page 565. Information war against China, page 565. Bioweapons are being researched, page 566. Secret-ways for the annihilation of humankind, page 566. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Pandemic Exercise, page 566. Prophecy: around 2020 a severe pneumonia-like illness, will spread throughout the globe; and the virus comes back in 10 years, page 567. Pending prophecy: a catastrophic virus outbreak hits London and New York, page 567. Note: Use the page number display, located at the top of the page to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Volume 2 Book)            END -          Coronavirus Masks won't protect you; and important points - - - -
  P.S. : 
chez Pharmacie Jean-Coutu : Vitamine  C ( Emergency ) en vente a 11$ au lieu de 14 $ jusqu'a merc soir prochain - 

Anna Von Reitz: "Stop the Presses! Public Notice!"   ( March 8th - )     Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]     Date: Monday, 9-Mar-2020 00:14:14
        Regarding copyright, see Legal Notice on the linked page:
       Modern cryptography is based on computer "keys" --- complex binary identifiers, that unlock programs and "subroutines", that endlessly modify and jumble, other equally complex "blocks", that act like locks to access other programs. Sigh. Oh, what a tangled web, we weave....
        But, there are older systems of cryptography, which simply means "secret" or "hidden" writing, going back to Megalithic times. These were in use, for thousands of years, and all over the planet, and these are what intrigued us, because although their pictographic meanings, are often obscure to modern minds, they are actually more advanced, than our binary system and so-called quantum models.
        Instead of tracking numbers and digits and pieces of the paper, these Megalithic Ciphers track resources, magnetic nodes, ley lines, maps to other star systems, history, lineages of people, treaties, and all sorts of things, that are otherwise hidden from us. Because they are so different from modern systems, and because so few people study them, it is perhaps not surprising, that these were the codes chosen, to hide the most closely guarded secrets, of the banking industry.           In a way, Karen Hudes was right. We have been blown back the stone age, but not by The United States of America.                   First, a little bank history. Everyone heard of UBS? This bank was founded in modern times, in Switzerland, in 1862 (note-- just after the "American Civil War" started), as the Bank in Winterthur.
It has since grown into the largest private bank, in the world, but if you look at its familiar three crossed keys logo, which also appears on the Vatican Coat of Arms, what do you see?        Is it United Bank of Switzerland or Urban Bank of Serbia? And what is the Urban Bank? The bank of the Urban Trust. And what is the Urban Trust? The Trust of the City of Rome, founded 753 BC. The three crossed keys, stand for the three keys of enslavement --- mind, body, and soul.
        And who subverted and converted the principal, of the Urban Trust? Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JP Morgan. I'd have a heart attack, too, if I were him, because he and his buddies, have been messing with things that are thousands of years old, things that he could not possibly understand. And JP Morgan acted as the receiver and distributor of purloined private assets, to banks all over the world.         We know, because we have the testimony of the heirs and the assigns of the trusts, and the bank transaction history, showing the deposit with JP Morgan and the re-assignment of assets, to all these other banks. So it is not in dispute how JP Morgan finagled -- without full disclosure -- to obtain the signature authority, to secure the deposit of the Urban Trust Assets, nor is it any secret how JP Morgan distributed the assets, to the other banks.
        So what does this theft of Urban Trust Assets, by JP Morgan, have to do with UBS --- and you? It basically represents the re-capitalization of bankrupt central banks, using private assets, without the consent of the depositors. Think of it, as the biggest illegal bail-in, in human history.            UBS is indeed the largest private bank on Earth, and during the furor of the Second World War, it's Receipt Book was stolen. It disappeared like the Nazi gold, right from under our noses. The records from 1862 onward, showing which nations borrowed from which nations, and which financial accords were signed, that affected private bank deposits --- all of it --- vanished, along with depositor records--- that is, the receipts, showing, who deposited what.             This left UBS (and the Urban Trust), in possession of vast amounts of private assets, and not a clue, who any of it belonged to. No record of the depositors, and only account-level records of the assets.        Think of it as the ultimate "Swiss Banking Gone Wrong" scenario.
        This led, in 1963, to the famous Green Hilton Memorial Agreement, which was aimed at unlocking all the assets, the Americans deposited in the Philippines, and all the "abandoned assets", from "unknown sources", that were in the Urban Trust and in limbo, because of the missing Receipt record.             The circumstance concerning the missing Receipt records, is referenced at the very beginning of the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement, which admits it is being substituted, for lack of the Receipt book.        Enter Julius Divinagracia, gatekeeper of the asset accounts, complete with all the account-level information, that did survive WWII, insisting that the accounts be assigned to him, which, in the absence of any other private authority or record, the Principals all agreed to. They all signed off, and granted him, Power of Attorney, to settle the issues, and bypass the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement, because his information was the most complete and accurate description, of the known private asset accounts.        He was promptly picked up by the CIA, and cashiered away, as a permanent US Resident, unable to travel or speak, or do much of anything, to exercise his Powers of Attorney, thanks to the same False Registra-tion processes, that were used, to defraud everyone else, in this country. They gave him a new name, and he "disappeared", leaving the funds once more in limbo.
                    Enter Ernest Rauthschild, yet another one of them, making a claim to own the "abandoned" assets, in the name of the "indigenous people" of the Earth.        We are all "indigenous" to the Earth, but he means to restrict that meaning, to brown and black skinned people, attaching some special (and specious) importance, to how much melanin, one has in one's skin. That is, a new basis for claiming, to be "special and elite" -  and another new basis, for oppressing people, based on physical characteristics. More of the same old crap.
       Unable to locate the actual Julius Divinagracia and the records, Ernest has brought forward, one of five CIA "plants", who have been groomed, to play the part of Julius Divinagracia, and has been using this man to claim the ability to open the asset accounts.  Right. Only, he's provably not the actual Julius Divinagracia….. and nothing he says or signs,counts for anything, because the Powers of Attorney were not issued to him.
                Meantime, we are suspicious, because Receipt books of major private banks, and such ancient and venerable Trust organizations, don't just go missing. Someone gave the Receipt book of the Urban Trust, to someone for safekeeping. And who would that be?  Princess Alice of Battenberg, Mother of Prince Philip, who received it, from the Eastern Orthodox Church Patriarch, who was entrusted to carry it, out of Serbia, following the blitzkrieg through Czechoslovakia, and who was intercepted by the Greek Government, en-route to Istanbul.  All this cloak and dagger, is about a missing, albeit, very important bank receipt book.
        Following our principle that the Brits are reliably at the bottom of every dog pile, we started looking in Britain first ---- and guess what?         Yes, there it is, the long-lost missing UBS Receipt Book, chopped up, re-distributed, all the pieces whereabouts and content, hidden. The people who received the pages, were simply told to "keep this information, in a safe place" and had no idea what they were holding onto, or why.
        Obviously, accidentally-on-purpose, the Brits carried their "safekeeping" a bit too far, and that turned into their subsequent denial, of knowing anything about anything at all.         One is reminded of Sergeant Schultz --- "I know nothing! I see nothing!"         Everyone knows Princess Alice wasn't herself. What Receipt book? When, where, why, who? What are you talking about?
                 Meanwhile, of course, the pages were all photographed, by the British Government. Eventually these were transferred, to micro fiche. And later, they were made into, digital files. The key to the dispersal was modernized. And then the whole pile, was hidden under a Megalithic Cipher code system, that nobody but Indian Jones, could make head nor tail of ,and hidden away.
                         We are pleased to announce that the missing Receipt has been found, completely recompiled with recent records, since WWII, copied to flash drives, and distributed all over the world, so that there is no longer any doubt, about the provenance and ownership, of any of the actual assets, held as "Special Deposits", in any bank in the Urban Trust network.        The so-called "Private Bank Crisis" is over, and both the account information and the original Receipt book, is recovered, and under the protection of The United States of America.        It's not the corona virus, causing all the upset and scrambling, except for the weak-minded, among us. It's the exposure of many, many, many dirty bank deals, and international intrigues, going back to the Civil War days, coupled with the need to shut Washington, DC, down, for 90 days to complete the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES, INC., under some pretense, that is mandating the chaos.
        Face the fact: the corona virus is a bust. It's highly contagious, yes, but it is not nearly as deadly, as some parties had supposed and hoped. The spectacle of all these "quarantines" and hysteria and hype, is staged. It's all BS. The virus itself is about as dangerous, as a bad case of flu, which is to say, that it is no reason for hysteria, and also to note that quarantines are useless.
        The United States of America hereby serves Public Notice, that upon the dissolution of the primary Municipal United States Corporation, all assets are claimed, re-conveyed, and re-venued to The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of States, and to the States and People of this country, acting in our sovereign capacity, to conduct our own business affairs, as a civilian government.
        Acknowledgement and acceptance of the return of our delegated Powers, upon the incapacity of the Subcontractors, already stands on the Public Record, and has been published worldwide. The return of our assets, to our control and our international domain, also follows, upon default by Operation of Law.    - - -        ----------------------------
        See this article and over 2300 others on Anna's website here:           *********
                  Articles In This Thread:
    NEW: Anna Von Reitz: "Stop the Presses! Public Notice!" (views: 478)     hobie -- Monday, 9-Mar-2020 00:14:14
        NEW: Anna Von Reitz: 'What “RV”?' (views: 305)                                     hobie -- Monday, 9-Mar-2020 00:18:57
            NEW: Anna Von Reitz: "Repeat— We Have The UBS Receipt Book" (views: 182)            hobie -- Monday, 9-Mar-2020 00:23:08
                NEW: Anna Von Reitz: "The Final Answer Is....." (views: 214)                hobie -- Monday, 9-Mar-2020 00:32:12
Anna Von Reitz: 'What “RV”?'  ( March 8th )   Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]   Date: Monday, 9-Mar-2020 00:18:57 -  -         Regarding copyright, see Legal Notice on the linked page:   - - ( Non-disclosure Agreements = NDAs) -      When people talk about RVs and Non-disclosure Agreements, promoted by “the DOD”, they are basically describing a criminal operation, fostered by the United Nations, to destroy the US Dollar, via grotesque in- flation, while at the same time, trying to wash their own hands, of a gigantic Slush Fund, that was accumulated, as a result of crooked bookkeeping and non-disclosure to the American People,for over a hundred years.        The same vermin who created the problem, are trying to create yet another problem, as the “solution” to their own dilemma, but it’s not going to help.        NDA’s or not, we are going to know and trace every transaction, coming out of those bases, and we are going to hold each and every man and woman engaged in promoting this activity, accountable.
        Why? For the same reason, you hold thieves and counterfeiters, accountable.
        The “money” they are giving away, isn’t theirs to give, the currency they are ruining, isn’t theirs to ruin, and everything they are doing, is going to come back on them, like the snap of a mousetrap.        The UN is going to be held accountable. The Church is going to be held accountable. And the DOD is going to be held accountable. And the credit owed to us, is still going to be owed, no matter how fast they give away US Dollars, or what they try to claim, about their activities— it will avail them, nothing.
        Why? Because the exchange rate is pegged against the United States Silver Dollar, not “the USD”.         So once again, they prove to be destructive criminals, but not so bright.                     Before this started, the USD exchange rate, in real time, was 40,000 to 1 United States Silver Dollar.         The delusional nature of money, is on public display, there for all to see.
        Just like the Big News, that Carbon Dioxide CAN’T be the cause of global warming, because it makes up only 35 one-thousandths of one per cent of the atmosphere.        Just like the Big News, that the corona virus has a death rate, like the Common Cold. So if we aren’t in terror of the Common Cold, why should we be paralyzed by fear of the corona virus?
        Turn off 5G. Turn on Team Mobile instead. Use your buying clout, while you still have it.
        Did you know that 89 members of “Congress”, are Dual Citizens of Israel? 88 of those traitors, are Democrats.
        Everything that you are suffering— the gross inflation of what you have been forced to use, as money, the corona virus, the use of your children, as prey for pedophiles, the pollution of your planet, the destruction of your quality of life, the destruction of your country —has all been brought to you, by the Democratic Party, and the UN Corp, and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg operating as JP Morgan.
        And it is time that all these politicians, got caught and held by the neck, and all these “DOD” officials, too. It’s time for the Democratic Party to be outlawed, as a crime syndicate, -  and time for the rats to realize they are no longer acting in a vacuum.         The Americans and the Brits and the Aussies, and the Germans, and the Japanese, and the Canadians, are all awake now. It won’t be long, before the entire planet, shakes a leg— and we are not confused or deceived, about what is going on, or who is responsible for it.         We know.        ----------------------------
        See this article and over 2300 others on Anna's website here:           ***********
Anna Von Reitz: "Repeat— We Have The UBS Receipt Book"  ( March 8th ) Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]   Date: Monday, 9-Mar-2020 00:23:08 - -         Regarding copyright, see Legal Notice on the linked page:        =====
        For those who don’t know, just how big, this news is——          We now know, that JP Morgan is a storefront, for the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and we can prove it. We now know that the Grand Duchy has been Spook Central, for the entire effort to re-fund the Central Bank system, using other people’s assets, and we know where the “monetary assets” came from, and where they went.        We know the Grand Duchy, the Vatican, and Israel colluded, to create the BEAST system, by which they intended to enslave the entire world, and impose a Bar Code, to tax every living thing, as well as track every scrap of land, water, and other commodity.         We can track the Face of Evil for generations, using the UBS Receipt Book, and now everyone around the world, can do the same.        Just start at page one.....
        The early entries explain how the Brits and Popes colluded, to start the American Civil War. Abraham Lincoln joined the Illinois Bar Association, in 1834. He was, as a result, prohibited from holding public office in America, and could only serve as CEO, of incorporated “Federal” Subcontractors. The nature of his mission as an Agent of the British Crown (Westminster), is clearly detailed, including what he and his heirs, were supposed to receive, for their treachery— most of Oklahoma and Kentucky.        And that is just For Starters.          The activities and kickbacks, to generations of “US” Presidents, are faithfully recorded, along with the commodity rigging schemes, of Big Business investors. It’s an entire history of the world, from the 1860’s when the fraud began, through most of the Second World War— which was yet another British plot.
        We now have corroborating proof, that the bulk of the gold in the Philippines, is American gold transported there, between 1898 and 1907 — and the gold assays, support our claims of provenance.
        Read that— it was never “Yamashita’s Gold”, and it never came from Japan, China, or the Philippines, all fanciful claims, otherwise not withstanding.        It does not belong to the Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos, Indonesians, American Servicemen, or any of the other servants, of the Interlopers, including the Scottish Commercial Corps, that are responsible for this entire Mess.
        The temporary war-time ownership of it, by Imperial Japan, counts for naught.        Possession by pirates — at war, or at peace — does not change ownership.        The Second World War like the First World War, and the Civil War, were all mercenary conflicts, by definition, because they were declared by..... corporate CEOs and board members.        This makes Japan a pirate in war-time, and has no effect, on what this country is owed back, -  quite aside from the fact, that the US ARMY, won.           ----------------------------
        See this article and over 2300 others on Anna's website here:          *********
                 UBS - Wikipedia - - UBS Group AG, is a Swiss multinational investment bank and financial services company, founded and based in Switzerland.Co-headquartered in the cities of Zürich and Basel, it maintains a presence in all major financial centres, as the largest Swiss banking institution, in the world. UBS client services are known, for their strict bank–client confidentiality and culture of banking secrecy.                      Union Bank of Switzerland - Wikipedia -
Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) was a Swiss investment bank and financial services company, located in Switzerland.The bank, which at the time was the second largest bank in Switzerland, merged with Swiss Bank Corporation in 1998, to become UBS, to form what was then the largest bank in Europe, and the second largest bank in the World.. UBS was formed in 1912, through the merger of the Bank in ...
Anna Von Reitz: "The Final Answer Is....."   ( March 8th ) Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]     Date: Monday, 9-Mar-2020 00:32:12     -                                 Regarding copyright, see Legal Notice on the linked page:            =====        All this garbage is the result of the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church.          It started when Martin Luther objected to the sale of "Indulgences" --- basically, the Church selling the right to sin, for a price. Most people with a brain, realized how sick this was, and were: (1) too afraid to do anything about it,   - -  or (2) became Protestants.
The Roman Catholic Church ( RCC) refused to admit its corruption and its errors, at that point, with the result that we had the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation. And 500 years of senseless war and intrigue.
        His Catholic Majesty James 1, explained in detail, the Counter-Reformation Plan, to mischaracterize and bilk the English Protestants, in his publication, The Bounty Book, which was published in tandem with the King James Bible, ---which was adopted as the Bible for the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways, while the Protestant Geneva Bible, remained the Bible adopted for use, on dry Land.
        Quote James I, "It all begins with a False Registration...."            And what do we find, going on, in America, but a false registration of American babies, as British Territorial U.S. Citizens, followed by an equally false registration of American babies, as Municipal "citizens of the United States"?        And what do we find, but Franklin Delano Roosevelt, speaking during his First Inaugural Speech, as President of the Municipal United States, Inc., talking about "holy causes" and "consecration" of the Municipal "citizenry"?               This is all about the Roman Catholic Church still fighting against Reformation, that is, against admission and confession and correction, of its sins and commercial guile.         We have been thrust into the middle of a clandestine religious war, with the Pope playing both sides, against the middle, controlling the Municipal Government, openly via charter,  - and secretively controlling the British Territorial Government, via his use of the British Monarch, as Overseer of the Commonwealth.        The RCC is running a theocracy. its Municipal United States Government, against the actual government of this country,  - and still pretending to be at war , with the British Anglican Church, when all they are really at war with, is their own sinful nature and lack of repentance, for the last 500 years.
        I am attaching a copy of the Laws, passed by the Second Congress, which covers adoption of the Law of the Sea; see especially pages 32-33 and 40. These explicitly state the rules that the Founding Fathers enunciated, and please note their emphasis on "the true meaning"--- that is, that these laws were applicable to actual ships, not people, redefined as "vessels".        Act of the Second Congress: - - -          The False Registration of people as "vessels", referenced by James I, as the start of the diabolical plan to bilk Protestants, by shanghai-ing landlubbers, into the jurisdiction of the sea, and prosecuting them, as vessels subject to the Law of the Sea, is evidenced by the Certificate of Live Birth, issued by the British Territorial Government, and then also by the Municipal BIRTH CERTIFICATE.
           And as you can all see, it is all completely foreign, illegal, unlawful, and immoral, under our actual government; Facebook readers go to:   or
to see the Acts of the Second Congress, or look them up for yourselves.        Okay, so all of this, is both phony and calculated, and was a game, known to the Founding Fathers, who were at pains, to avoid it being played on our shores, or being used to subject Americans, under false pretenses.        So that's all well and good, but please note, that these antiquated and evil games, were never anything that the Americans were subject to, even before the limited adoption of The Law of the Sea, by the Second Congress, and certainly never applicable, after the adoption of the Constitutions.         We are again talking about "wars" indulged in, by foreign governments, one, the theocracy of the Roman Catholic Church, and the other, the British Territorial Commonwealth, belonging to the Roman Catholic Church.
        Thus the Church, acting through the British Monarch, provided itself with two sides for a conflict, and deliberately with malice, aforethought targeted the hapless American populace, with a campaign of knowingly False Registrations, directed first by their lackeys, running the British Territorial Government, -  and secondly, by their own minions, running the Municipal United States Government.
        Notice that we are not ships at sea, or in dock, are not naturally subject to the Law of the Sea, and even if we were, we would be owed, the protection of the British Monarch, and the full support of Her Majesty's Government. And any claims....... that we are "lost on the battlefield", "orphans", "illegitimate", "unknown provenance"---- are nothing, but self-interested lies.            It's time that the Roman Catholic Church was exposed, and brought to its knees, -  for a real "come to Jesus meeting".   It's Administration has acted in Gross Breach of Trust and violation of Commercial Contract, with us and our lawful Government, which it has cause to know, is a government of people, not persons. And certainly not ships at sea. We are Third Parties, and as our government is not a Theocracy, there can be no excuse for attacking us, on any religious grounds.
                         The Catholics have been protected in their religious liberty, as well as everyone else on our shores, and have no cause to complain. Likewise, the Muslims have been allowed their beliefs. All any of them have to do, is keep the peace, and practice their religion in private.         To the extent that both groups, can't seem to abide by this simple arrangement, and respect the rules, that allow their religious freedom to be protected along with everyone else,  - we are open to consider a policy of deportation of Catholics and Muslims and Satanists, who don't agree to the conditions of their sufferance, on these shores. -         Anyone who wants to fight about religion, or who wants to use religion as an excuse to harm others, .......and deprive them of their property and their Natural and Unalienable Rights, hereby given Fair Warning, and Public Notice, that their activities are unlawful, illegal, and immoral, and are contrary to the actual Public Law of this country.
        All those promoting theocracy, and seeking to undermine our Lawful Government, in favor of any such foreign Theocracy or Commonwealth, or by any act or subterfuge, seeking to entrap Americans, in their private religious feuds, are subject to direct prosecution and deportation, without trial.          We can and will nationalize and confiscate, the holdings of the Roman Catholic Church, in America, and deny the tax exempt status of all Catholic corporations, if these aforementioned practices, seeking to seize upon Americans as "vessels at sea", do not immediately cease and desist.        All recordings of birth taking place on these shores, are to be referred to us, and all registrations pertaining to births in the American States, are to be returned for review, to ascertain actual political status.
        Any Mosque that foments any kind of public danger, or preaches hatred of anyone, as a religious duty, is subject to the same prohibitions. Any Satanic Cult is under the same regulation and requirement, to obey the Public Law, and keep the peace.           This country is founded on the precept of Religious Freedom. This is clearly stated and advertised, at the door. Anyone who doesn't agree, can show their disagreement, by going elsewhere. Sooner than later, would be preferred.           ----------------------------        See this article and over 2300 others on Anna's website here:        *************

prochain envoi:

         RawIntel /Mr.Ed   -   Fulford 3-9-20 - -  149-50-51 - SorchFaalOrder -

Raw Intel from Germany via a Contact (Text Translation to English & Video in German) - Posted By: Mr.Ed       Date: Monday, 9-Mar-2020 15:59:36
        Intel is slack lately, but I have contacts, all over the globe. I was sent this today, from one of my contacts in Germany.
        Below is the translation, so we can get some idea what is being said. Looks like the end of NATO and cabal in Germany, and it looks like the German people are happy, about it. -Mr.Ed  -        ________
                             German Text from youtube:             Scheinmanöver Devender 2020 - Nix NATO... Alliierte übernehmen Deutschland  -         Earth Reboot        1.48K subscribers        Mar 6, 2020
        Da hat sich Generalleutnant Martin Scheller wohl etwas verplappert?       Die Alliierten übernehmen am 11.03.2020 die Regierung in Berlin.
        700 zusätzliche Verwaltungsangestellte der USA übernehmen die Arbeit der Bürgermeister in allen Groß- und Mittelstädte.
        Inspektion der Gerichte in Nürnberg durch das US Militär. 🤔           Auffälliger gehts schon nicht mehr.
        Die jetzigen "Beamten und Richter" können schon mal anfangen sich Gedanken über ihre Untaten zu machen die sie vorbringen könnten vor dem Nürnberger Gericht 2.0 -        Bye bye BRD👋  ________
                                   English Translation:           So Lieutenant General Martin Scheller, has blabbed something?        The Allies take over the government in Berlin, on March 11, 2020.
        700 additional US government employees, take over the work of mayors, in all major and medium-sized cities.        Inspection of the courts in Nuremberg, by the US military. 🤔
        It couldn't be more striking.        The current "officials and judges" can start to think about their misdeeds, that they could bring before the Nuremberg Court 2.0
        Bye bye FRG            _______________   - - *****   ( SENT TO Mr.Ed:  )    West Germany - Wikipedia -
West Germany was the informal name for the Federal Republic of Germany,  ( FRG ) , a country in Western Europe, in the period between its formation on 23 May 1949, and German reunification on 3 October 1990. During this Cold War period, the western portion of Germany, was part of the Western Bloc......( ....)  - -   -  Bundesrepublik Deutschland  or BRD, -  ( from:'Ouest ) - - - Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (bis 1990) - -

Benjamin Fulford 3-9-20… “US Presidential Election, Tokyo Olympics cancelled? Engineered pandemic ushers in World Government” - Posted on 2020/03/09    by Kauilapele -   New weekly report from Ben.
                                US Presidential Election, Tokyo Olympics cancelled? Engineered pandemic ushers in World Government - By Benjamin Fulford March 9, 2020
The controlled demolition of the Khazarian afia financial system, is now visible, for all to see. The 30% plunge in oil prices, the meltdown of stock and bond markets, and a freeze in world travel and trade, are all being orchestrated in tandem, with a fake pandemic, multiple sources confirm. The pandemic, which is mostly a media event, and the financial collapse, which is real, are the cover being used, to usher in a world republic, P3 Freemason, Illuminati and CIA sources, all confirm. The trigger event was the default on February 16th of the U.S. Corporate Government, they say.
    The aim of this controlled demolition, is to remove Satan-worshipping, genocidal criminals, from the apex of world power, Pentagon and other sources, say. This will allow the release of forbidden technology and usher in a new age of wonder, they add. For example, old age will soon be a treatable condition, the sources say.
To make this possible, a ruling class that has been trying to kill us, with pandemics, carcinogens, war, etc. is being systematically hunted down, and brought to justice, they add. They elaborate:
“U.S. troops sent to Europe for a NATO exercise, may also engage in arrests, of Zionist and deep state assets, not just in Switzerland...... but Brussels, Antwerp, Berlin, Paris, Amsterdam, and London.”
           Inside the U.S. meanwhile, the Presidential election process, has already degenerated into a farce with the Democratic nomination being obviously stolen, for a senile, corrupt Joe Biden. Here is an example of the nonsense, Biden is spewing:              “If you want to nominate a Democrat, a lifelong Democrat, a proud Democrat, an Obiden-Bama Democrat, join us.”
            One CIA source summed up the situation, in this way: “Trump is set to be the next president, as he will declare martial law, to protect the people, of course. It’s estimated that up to 70% of Americans will be affected. He will cancel the elections. May he be the last President, standing? He has been aware of this maneuver, for a long time. The dominos are starting to fall.”
The number of sealed indictments in the U.S. is now close to 160,000 and 1,613 indictments have actually been acted upon. So now it looks like many of these corporate crooks, will finally end up in jail, where they belong. - -       There has also been a record number of corporate bosses, quitting or losing their jobs, since January. An NSA source elaborated, by saying, “The President has ordered a full-scale investigation, of all communications, across the…         The remainder....... - - -                ..... for more......

March 7, 2020 - United States Unleashes Military Coup, In Saudi Arabia, After Russia Ignites Oil Price Armageddon - -  By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her West-ern Subscribers - - -  An astounding new Security Council (SC) report, circulating in the Kremlin today, adding a new and fearful chapter, to The New Great Game reality of our world, makes it no wonder, why top American energy security expert Samantha Gross, has just stated with alarm “I'm a little shocked frankly, because the Russians are really playing, with fire”—a response Gross made, to a series of pivotal moves occurring in this “New Great Game” yesterday, that began with the United States blocking the United Nations from supporting, a Russian-Turkish ceasefire in Syria—that Russia quickly countered, by igniting a global “Oil Price Armageddon”—a term describing how Russia made a dramatic turn away from the Saudi-led OPEC+, and refused to cut production, to hold up the price of oil—which cratered the price of oil to its present price, of $41.57 a barrel—a catastrophic price for US oil producers, who need a barrel of oil to cost as much as $65 to break even—and are the same US oil producers, who were warned, late last year, that “2020 Will Be The Year Of Oil Bankruptcies”—a warning that swiftly became true yesterday,as evidenced by what happened with the CBOE Volatility Index (VIX),otherwise known as the “Fear Gauge” or “Fear Index” —a creation of the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) that is a real-time market index, that represents the market's expectation of 30-day forward-looking volatility—and that yesterday caught a large American financial entity, disastrously betting everything they had, on global oil prices being stabilized—the reaction to which, saw shocked US market traders saying such things as “Someone Big, Was Utterly Blown, The Fuck Out”—“Someone Big, Literally Doesn't Exist, Anymore”—and “The Fed Must Now Step In, Or A Catastrophic Crash Is Inevitable”—but to prevent such a catastrophic crash, from happening, saw Saudi Arabia having paid $500 million to the US, to move thousands of American military troops, into their oil rich nation—American troops who yesterday, and joined by thousands of US troops, stationed in neighboring countries, rapidly moved into combat readiness, to protect vital Saudi government facilities, and oil production centers—immediately after which, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman placed in detention, his main rivals for power, Prince Ahmed bin Abdulaziz, the younger brother of Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, royal cousin Prince Nawaf bin Nayef, and former interior minister Mohammed bin Nayef—who were then accused in court, of attempting a coup, and are now under threat of lifetime imprisonment, or execution—but whose real crime, was their opposing the lost revenues, caused by Saudi oil production cuts—production cuts whose main beneficiary, are American oil producers, needing a higher price per barrel—and due to Russia now having blown up the OPEC+ cartel, are Saudi oil production cuts, sure to accelerate, before an “inevitable crash” occurs  ........ ( ....)   
     In further evidence showing that the end game for these coup plotters, is being prepared for, by President Trump, before they’re able to ignite a global war, or economic catastrophe, this report concludes, is the shocking about face, just performed by Crowdstrike—the Hillary Clinton funded computer company, that started the Trump-Russia collusion hoax, when they lyingly claimed that Democrat Party email servers, were hacked by Russia, who then gave these emails, to Wikileaks, in order to aid the election of Trump—computer email servers, Crowdstrike never allowed the FBI, to examine, but gave them, a “report” on—with this week, now seeing Crowdstrike saying that they NEVER told the FBI, that Russia hacked these emails, at all—a shock announcement, being met by American experts, asking the obvious question: “So if Crowdstrike now claims they didn’t confirm, that Russians gave emails to Wikileaks, then who the hell, did?”—the answer to which, doesn’t want to be given, by former MI6 British spy Christopher Steele, whom Clinton paid millions-of-dollars, to create the hoax Trump-Russia Dossier—and who is now declaring that he won’t cooperate with Trump coup plot investigating prosecutor US Attorney John Durham—an ill fated move, however, when viewed in the context of US Attorney Durham, now examining “an index of the messages, compiled by an unnamed foreign ally, that include emails from President Barack Obama, as well as members of the US Congress, about the planned coup plot, against Trump”—most particularly because this “unnamed foreign ally” is, beyond all doubt, Steele’s own British government, and his former MI6 employers—both of whom are solidly pro-Trump, since they split from the EU, last month—and need America, much more than they ever needed, this washed up Clinton-colluding corrupt spy.   - -   March 7, 2020 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked  to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com - -

March 8, 2020 - Failed United States Military Coup In Saudi Arabia, Explodes Into Oil Market Declaration Of War - - By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers - - - A very concerning “You Could See This Coming From A Mile Away” new Security Council (SC) report, circulating in the Kremlin today, states that after Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman “arrested top Saudi royals, for plotting with the Americans, against the King”, a chill swept across the leadership in Saudi Arabia, when security forces detained dozens of Interior Ministry officials, senior army officers and others, suspected of supporting this coup attempt—and while rounding up these coup plotters, Crown Prince bin Salman turned his full wrath, on the United States, in what is being described as “the oil market equivalent of a declaration of war”—an all-out oil war that now sees Crown Prince bin Salman, destroying OPEC, as he floods the world, with oil, to crush US shale oil producers—the same US shale oil producers who were previously warned, “need a miracle”, if they have any hope of surviving.... the market bloodbath, about to wash over them. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]                    According to this report, the present crisis unfolding around the world, began within the 60-year-old non-government organization, known as the Organization Of The Petroleum Exporting Countries—more commonly known by its acronym OPEC, and sometimes OPEC+ when Russia participates in joint actions, with its members—and in the OPEC+ configuration, sees its two largest oil producing nations, being Russia and Saudi Arabia—a Russia that’s in a good position, to withstand any oil price slump, as its budget breaks even, at a price of $42 a barrel, and the Ministry of Finance has squirreled away, billions-of-dollars, in a rainy-day fund—as opposed to Saudi Arabia whose government is almost entirely dependent on oil, to fund government spending, and the economic impact of any oil price slump, will be immediate—and is the same Saudi Arabia, that desperately needs another primary energy source, in the relatively near future, because it has nowhere near the amount of oil remaining, that it has stated, since the early 1970’s.               Over the past two months, however, this report details, China, the world’s largest importer of oil from OPEC+ nations, drastically cut its energy needs, in response to the coronavirus outbreak—thus creating a global glut of unused oil, that’s slashed its price, to near 10-year lows—that then led OPEC, on 5 March, to announce that they had agreed to drastically cut oil production, in order to stabilize its price—and agreement, however, OPEC made, the day before Russia joined these talks.    Upon joining the now OPEC+ talks, in Vienna-Austria, on 6 March, this report explains, Russia pointed out to its members, that the United States, in 2018, became the largest oil producer, in the world—who just last month, also saw its net petroleum exports, hitting their highest level, ever recorded—is the same United States that has repeatedly placed sanctions on Russian oil and gas producers, in attempts to take out, one of their main competitors, to include their last month targeting the multi-billion-dollar Russian-German gas pipeline project Nord Stream II—as well as these American having placed oil sanctions, on oil producing giants, Venezuela and Iran—and is the same United States oil producing giant, that in spite of its global oil market manipulations, isn’t itself prepared to cut its own oil production, to stabilize its price—as they insanely believed that the other oil producing nations, in the world, would just roll over for them—but which Russia told the OPEC+ members, at this meeting, it wasn’t going to do—thus igniting what is now being called, an “Oil Price Armageddon”.  
                  In unleashing this “Oil Price Armageddon”, this report continues, Russia flat out told OPEC+ member nations, that not only wouldn’t oil production be cut, to stabilize its price, so American oil producers can avert the inevitable doom, awaiting them—because they have more than $200 billion of debt maturing over the next four years, starting with more than $40 billion in 2020—Russia is going to ramp up oil production, to slash its price even further—the response to then saw the United States attempting a military coup, in Saudi Arabia, as only by the Saudis drastically cutting oil production, can the price be kept artificially high.
     But when this coup attempt failed, yesterday, it saw Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman starting his own all-out oil war, to destroy OPEC, by flooding the world with oil, to collapse its price even further—an all-out war, that will see Saudi oil production likely to rise above 10 million barrels, a day, in April, from about 9.7 million a day, this month—and who could raise oil production, much higher if needed, even going to a record of 12 million barrels, a day—thus causing some oil experts from around the world, to say that “the time has come for Saudi Arabia and Russia, to snatch the title of largest oil producing country, from United States”—a target, however, that can’t be achieved, without plunging crude oil prices, below $40 a barrel, which will force many US shale oil companies, to shut down their operations.
          - --  American oil producers, slamming into unsustainable “Debt Wall”  …have already begun filing for bankruptcy, in record numbers. - - -  As is most often seen in an America, where its citizens are repeat-edly pummeled, by mainstream propaganda leftist news media, distorted headlines, like one today, about the present crisis, that hysterically says “Russia Yanks A Leg, From U.S. Shale’s Three-Legged Stool”, this report concludes, President Donald Trump, at least, appears to facing it, like one would expect, the leader of the world’s largest oil producing nation, to do—best exampled, when after Trump was confronted with headlines, say such true things as “Thousands Of Houston Jobs, Could Be Cut, If Oil Fails To Recover, From Friday Plunge”, he sent out his top White House economic advisor Larry Kudlow, to declare: “We are in the camp, that wants timely and targeted micro-measures”—a declaration though couched within the economic turmoil, being caused by the coronavirus, sees Trump unmistakably knowing, that the targeted bailouts of his nation’s oil producers, is rushing towards him—as his only other choice, is war against Russia and Saudi Arabia, to keep oil prices high—which one can’t imagine a businessman like him, doing—but that doesn’t include the dangerous idiots, in the US military and intelligence communities, who just tried to stage a coup, in Saudi Arabia—and one hopes Trump can regain control of, before anything worse happens.  -  - March 8, 2020 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked  to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com - -

March 9, 2020 - Scorched Earth Oil War,Unleashed By Saudi Arabia,Devastates America—Russia Says, Call Us, In 6-10 Years- -By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers - - -  An alarming new Security Council (SC) report,circulating in the Kremlin today,states that the “scorched Earth oil war, unleashed by Saudi Arabia” against the United States, for its attemp-ted coup, against King Salman, has led to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman detaining up to 20 princes, involved in this coup plot, as well as his halting all international travel into the country, and his sealing off the Shia Qatif region, next to the Persian Gulf, where US troops could stage, an amphibious invasion—the results of which, have crashed the price of oil, by 30%—a crash that, in turn, has now created a “perfect storm”, in which panicked investors are ravaging markets, across the globe—most particularly in the US, that just saw its 10-year Treasury yield, plunging to a new record low, of 0.3469%—a global bloodbath, Russia reacted swiftly to, by saying it’s ready for oil prices to crash, even lower, to $25 a barrel—and when the Ruble hit a four-year low, against the US Dollar, as oil prices crashed,  - saw the Russian Central Bank, also, reacting swiftly, to suspend purchases of foreign currency, on the domestic market, for the next 30 days—all of which was followed by the Ministry of Finance (MoF), issuing a declarative statement [English] essentially telling the rest of the world, to bugger off, and call Russia, if need be, in 6-10 years—whose exact diplomatic-speak words, putting Russia beyond this crisis, said:  “The value of liquid assets of the NWF and funds in the account,for additional oil and gas revenues, stand at more than 10.1 trillion rubles ($150 billion) or 9.2% of GDP…These funds are sufficient to cover the shortfall in income, from falling oil prices to $25-30 per barrel, for 6-10 years”.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report,are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]    According to this report, for one to understand this current global crisis, they only need look back to last November-2019 when Nobel-Prize winning economist Robert Shiller, issued his warning, that a “bubbles everywhere” stock market crash, was imminent—a “bubbles everywhere” warning, Shiller issued, due to the United States Federal Reserve, pumping a staggering $1 trillion into the US banking system, to keep it from crashing—that is likened to pumping air, into a tire—that has a limit, unless one wants the tire,to explode—and to prevent an explosion, must see this tire being deflated. With the dual coronavirus-oil shock disasters, circling the globe, destroy-ing everything they crash into, this report points out, when the US Federal Reserve ramped up its emergency bank bailouts, to its greatest “maybe ever” levels, this past week, the greatest understatement made, about what they were doing, was “something is seriously wrong, here”—a “something”, however, that quickly became evident, when the US Federal Reserve backstopping their under threat banks,- began letting the air out of their about to explode US economy tire—and to such an extent, top economic experts noted, with gravity: “The Fed blew three economic bubbles, in succession… A deflationary bust has started”. -                   Not being fully understood, by the American people, either, about this present crisis, this report continues, is that the United States Federal Reserve, is not a part of the US federal government, but ex-ists, because of an act of the US Congress—is actually owned by a consortium of American and European banking giants, and is able to create money out of thin air—and with their created out of thin air mo- ney, have been able to repeatedly “pump air” into the US economic “tire”, then “deflate” it , in order to advance their globalist warmongering agenda—such as prior to the 2000 US Presidential Election, when they deflated the “Dotcom Bubble” they’d created, in order to install into power, the warmonger President George W. Bush—when prior to the 2008 US Presidential Election, they deflated the “Housing Bubble”, in order to install into power, the warmonger President Barack Obama—and now just prior to the 2020 US Presidential Election, sees them deflating the “Everything Bubble” in order to oust President Donald Trump and install into power, their next warmongering leader.    As a catalyst to begin their deflation of the “Everything Bubble”, this report notes, the US Federal Reserve is utilizing coronavirus Covid-19 manufactured hysteria—a virus worrying millions of people around the globe, that is neither new, nor unique, as many of the large family of coronaviruses (like the common cold) co-exist with humans, without giving them, any trouble—is a coronavirus that near exclusively, affects elderly people, having underlying health conditions, like heart disease and diabetes—and is due to this coronavirus having a protein, depleted in elderly people, but among young people, sees them having this protein, in abundance—thus meaning that when this coronavirus “knocks on the door” of young peoples’ cells, saying “Look what a nice protein, I have for you!”, these young peoples’ cells answer back, saying “No thanks, we have more than enough”—but in elderly peoples’ cells, sees them answering the coronavirus protein offer, with the words “Come on in, we need lots of it!”—a reality exploited to full effect, by the doctor-scientists belonging to the American Society For Microbiology, who completely protected aged mice, from this coronavirus, by pumping up, their depleted protein levels—and is, also, a protein, the doctor-scientists at McMaster University, have previously advised the elderly, to fortify themselves with, to protect their immune systems, and rebuild lost muscles.  
     - -  Coronavirus Covid-19 (above) needs to be invited into human cells, and offers them a protein—that young peoples’ cells have an abundance of, and don’t need, but already ill elderly peoples’ cells, do need. - - -
                         While believing that they could manage their “Everything Bubble” deflation, using leftist manufactured coronavirus COVID-19 hysteria, as the scapegoat, this report concludes, the US Federal Reserve has now been hit, with the global oil war crisis—a crisis beyond their scope and power to deal with, as the European economy has already ground to a halt, and in no way, can withstand another shock,at the same time American experts are now declaring, that “It’s not media hyperbole,to call what happened this weekend, in the oil markets, historic”—which joins these experts’ fearful just issued warning, “that unless US pro-duction comes down, by a few million barrels per day, fast,oil could easily fall into the $20s, which would crush the value of in-ground reserves, that serve as the basis, for so much debt collateral, in the indus- try…....banks who will realize, it no longer makes sense, to operate a business, with hugely negative cash flow”—and are banks already propping up an oil industry, that is facing a three-sided attack: falling prices, a move of institutional investors, to divest from fossil fuel companies, and crushing debt loads—nearly all of which, is debt, that is either junk rated, or rated just above junk—and if collapses these banks, will see them taking the US Federal Reserve down, along with them—thus proving true, that “The Ground Is Rumbling” in this “Age Of Chaos”, where an earthquake is imminent—and remarkably, is an “earthquake” being prepared for, by a President Trump, who sees this historic moment, as an opportunity to finally deliver on promises, including border restrictions, isolating China, and giving the American people and companies, broader tax cuts, to weather this crisis—which makes one wonder anew, as to if there is anything ..... that keeps Trump, from winning. - - -   March 9, 2020 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked  to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. - - ****** ............................ and ................... Complete Protection against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-Mediated Lethal Respiratory Disease, in Aged Mice, by Immunization with a Mouse-Adapted Virus Lacking E Protein - - - - While exercise buffs have long used protein supplements, to gain muscle, new research from McMaster University suggests one protein source, in particular, whey protein, is most effective for seniors struggling to rebuild muscle lost, from inactivity associated with illness or long hospital stays. ---- Whey is considered a high-quality or complete protein, meaning it is rich in all essential amino acids, and is higher in leucine, one of the essential amino acids, the body cannot make itself ,and therefore, must derive from food.


                              Jim Stone - (  mostly  3 days + notices about food - ) - March 8th - 9th - 10 th -

   HERE IS THE STRAIGHT QUICK DISSOLVE DOPE - ( VIDANAT ).  When dissolved in water, it is not nasty at all, and with a little sugar, it's yummy.  - -   When dealing with a killer virus, you need it , LIKE THAT.  - - - Any dairy product will help you, lots.  Almost all fish will help you, lots.  Chicken is the best common meat to eat, and it is also easy to stock up on. Apricots. Tomato sauce, or tomatoes of any sort.
White squash   Potatoes   Pineapple   Avocados      Peaches -   Important: I left out  lots of beneficial ones, because you have to eat too much, to get the benefit. The ones I listed, are the heavy hitters.   -  All grains are bad, however, if you HAVE TO eat them, anything based on refined white flour , will do the least damage. Bad ones, are corn, oats, and whole wheat. Rice is a horrible choice, for viral infections, THE WORST.
Don't waste your time, with nuts, all of them are bad, when it comes to viruses, and Walnuts are so bad, you'll summon the grim reaper. /// THURS - March 5th - ... ... VQ 4 ..... ( what to eat, when sick from viruses)

.....and ...... . FRI - March 8th - ........... Buffered vitamin C is destroyed vitamin C, don'teventhinkaboutit.
Get the raunchy rip your guts out stuff ,and make "orange juice" with it, it won't hit you any different than orange juice, would. I do it all the time, (twice today already), and it has ZERO impact, yet when I swallow one of those tablets, whole with water, it's the ultimate gut bomb. DO IT RIGHT. If you don't have the right stuff, it's the same as nothing. The only "nice" vitamin C out there, that actually works, is Emergen-C, AND GUESS WHAT: YOU MAKE "ORANGE JUICE" WITH IT. -  If it's real vitamin C, you literally have to,  - or it will kick your butt.    Can you eat it directly?
answer:Yes - - - - - > thenFAKE or destroyed.    - - -    answer: NO - - - - - ->then It is real vitamin C. - -.......VQ 3 .....

......................... SUN - March 8th - ............ Iran's death to recovery ratio, today sits at 8.456% -  China certainly did not do better than that, despite claims, they did. - - -
       Trump de-centralized the Coronavirus response - I'm going to say it like it is: The CDC and other high criminals, were denying testing at the local level, while they were set to receive billions, that they simply would have stolen. Remember, these same people got several billion, for "homeless causes" in California, and NOT ONE DAMN THING got done, ZERO "tiny homes" with all prospects for them, being priced at $200, 000 and even at that price, none, NOT ONE, got built. No housing, no food programs, no public bathrooms, NOT ONE DAMN THING. I'll be frank here: A tiny home costs no more than $500, when centralized planning and mass production start, and it could have, with so damn much cash to do it. If anyone claims otherwise, they are jerking you. Homeless people often get the job done FREE, if they are left alone to do it, various abandoned pallets, and a roll of tar paper, is all it takes, if someone is left alone to do it. - - - -    What about Baltimore? - The same scammers that run the CDC and (were) in charge of the Coronavirus response, were handed over a billion, to clean up Baltimore. Not one damn thing got done, not one pot hole filled, not one slurpy cup picked up, not one home renovated, not one homeless person fed, they simply stole it. They were subsequently totally thrashed by conservatives, who went in, and at least cleaned up the garbage, on their own dime, and when the conservatives did this, the leftists fussed and fought, until they shut it down. They don't want improvements, they want to rob America, while trashing everything. And the coronavirus response was no different. Trump just pissed them off, here's how:      He denied them, the cash payout of 8 billion, and instead distributed that money to state and local governments. Some will no doubt rob it, but my guess is about half will actually use it, as intended, and that's a lot better than throwing a pirate a pallet of gold, and telling him to use it, for the benefit of society. The pirate leftists would simply steal it, and ask for more, while they intentionally infect people, to "prove they need it." They have done it time and time again, with other issues. Fool me once! - - What appears to be good Coronavirus medical info, from Wuhan - China has released information, on how they are dealing with Coronavirus. That info is here
     My comment: It is surprising that they listed "traditional medicine - TCM", in addition to other more modern types of treatment, but they did not go into details, on what the actual traditional procedures, should be, and that topic is vast. Additionally, they are behaving like typical doctors,who always seem to be stuck in "eat your normal foods" mode, because "rice is healthy" (no doctor would say otherwise), and nuts and pork are good.      They won't look past that, to see it boosts the virus and alternative foods not widely available in China, would help a lot. I'd like to see someone find a Mexican bean taco there. Mexico is going to come out of this, looking like gold. That said, some people are wondering why China put this info out in the open, the way they did, because they need to get revenge.        Granted, the info is as shallow, as a kiddie pool with very little detail in the report I linked, but it is enough for ordinary people to get the message, and dig deeper on their own. /////   IMPORTANT: The EXACT same group  .......(....) .... VQ 3 ......
............................ later ...................     MEGA BLOCKBUSTER - After doing the post, about how I think Iran will come up with the cure for Coronavirus first, because they are motivated only to save themselves, and they are brilliant, - I showed that report to Claudia, and was floored by her response. Remember, Claudia teaches the elite, including the kids and grand kids, of former Mexican presidents, AND MORE. She got an inside scoop in January, and never told me, because she figured "I already knew". I did not know, here's the scoop:     She has a student, that is a direct relative (one step, this is probably a nephew, ) THAT CLOSE to the premier of Taiwan. He said that in mid January, the World Health Organization was presented with the cure, for "novel coronavirus", which happens to not be "novel" at all, it's an outright weapon. Someone at a very high level, leaked the cure, to stop the spread. The premier of Taiwan got notified of this, was preparing to launch it, and the World Health Organization SPIKED IT. The whistle blower has probably been culled. When people are at the level of this kid, they don't go around, using their real name, their identification documents have been altered, to obscure who they are. I have the fake name for the family, and that kid, and won't publish even that. That helps prevent kidnappings and more. Anyway -        I grilled Claudia for the details on this, to the point of frustrating her, and made darn good and sure, she was not mistaken. I told her I was going to post this, and it had to for (damn sure) be real, if I did. And she insisted this (mid teen age) kid, really did have first hand family contact, with top level government in Taiwan. He is indeed Taiwanese. Ordinary Taiwanese families, won't show up at that school.   This is not the "top level", google cons you,with (Google just says Taiwan is China,and posts Chinese officials, ) this is from the real officials,that are actually in control of Taiwan. The cure got exposed. Those who "own everything", slammed it down, from such a high level, that the premier of Taiwan could not circumvent it. After getting notified of a cure, it all got buried.
        CONFIRMED FACT: This virus is a toy, the so-called "elite" are having a party, with. A whistle blower almost spoiled that party. And well, you know . . . . . . Arkancide. Except instead of Hillary, it is probably the people who run that freaky temple, I posted a couple months ago. That thing, certainly out paces Molech, by a fair stride. It is THAT level, that is needed, to shut down national presidents.  Let's hope Iran discovers a cure, because no one is going to be able to shut them up, if they do, short of nuking them.  It is now confirmed that regardless of whether or not this virus succeeds or fails, it is somebody's toy, they indeed have the cure, for themselves and won't be touched by it, and that even national presidents, who catch word of it, can't do anything about it, if they are not on the survivor list.        That was a DOOZIE, and we are probably in, for one hell of a ride. - - ***** - - If you have ever felt like an idiot, don't bash yourself, SEE THIS. ( 'It's Crazy, Man!' Chicken Sandwich Sparks Mayhem, At Popeyes - 240,037 views •Nov 5, 2019 CBS Los Angeles   415K subscribers   - Some people are losing their minds, over the newest offering from Popeyes. A man was killed after cutting the line in Maryland, just to get one of the chain's chicken sandwiches. Another recording shows a man jumping through a drive-thru window. Greg Mills reports on the craze, from South L.A. ) - MY BET: Coronavirus will fail, because Iran will solve the problem - Iran has the talent and will probably beat China, to a real solution. Consider the fact that Iran developed excellent drones, super accurate missiles, and made it to space successfully, without ANY American help, via Hillary Clinton, they did not receive American secrets from Hillary, the way Russia and China did, and they managed to do it all anyway, totally home grown.     Then consider the fact that the American medical system is run by top notch scammers, who will not solve anything,unless they can steal your life in pay for it, and subsequently deliver tainted crap geared towards future profits. Ditto for the current state of Europe. Iran is a sparkling gem of righteousness, by comparison, is highly talented, and will pursue a solution, with a passion. I bet they will succeed,and the coronavirus weapon will fail,because of them.  //// Iran's death....(....).. VQ 3 ..
......................... MON - March 9th -.....(VQ2)...  Confirmed Coronavirus fallout: China is not driving, and now oil prices are as low as $29.68 a barrel, as of the time of this posting - Earlier I discovered China was faking it's commuter traffic stats, and said wait until Monday or Tuesday, and I'd have a definite answer, with that. If they were driving and using oil, in any sort of normal way, there would be no such price on oil, anywhere, not even on tar sand oil. So what is WTI crude, which is listed at $29.68 a barrel? It's Texas sweet oil, that is prime for making gasoline. When you hear crude oil prices, on the radio, they are most frequen-tly referencing WTI crude. Other types of oil, have not dropped so steeply, in price, but clearly, if WTI crude has dropped that far, people are definitely not driving. There's a glut of "gasoline" and "diesel" oil, on the market, and the only explanation, is that a billion people in a high traffic country, are not driving. How cheap could gas be, at that low of a WTI crude price? Theoretically as low as 54 cents a gallon, but realistically after refining and distribution, around 70 cents. State taxes, would then apply.  - Supposedly, an "oil war", has triggered the low prices. But it is obvious, the trigger was China. I'd rather not have cheap gas happen, like this! - - - -  (see: )  - - - -  *****           Salient thought: "They" will probably be about as honest about the real origins of the Coronavirus, as they were about Morgellons. - - - 
          WOW, here's a WHOPPER, to go with the BLOCKBUSTER below:  Highly plausible: Coronavirus escaped from Ft Detrick, and the first American deaths, were blamed on E-cigarettes - Here's the run down:
Taiwan is not controlled, OBVIOUSLY. Taiwan did extensive studies, into the origins of the coronavirus. As it turns out, there are 5 strains of coronavirus, and the United States is the only country on earth, to have all 5. Taiwan is estimating that actual deaths from coronavirus, in the U.S. is 15, 000 so far, but the deaths are being fronted, as flu deaths. Here's a brief section of the larger report, done by who got ahold of a broadcast from Taiwan, and did a decent translation, of what that broadcast said:         " Taiwan Virologist, Suggests, the Coronavirus Originated in the US -  Then, Taiwan ran a TV news program, on February, 27, (click here to access video (Chinese), that presented diagrams and flow charts, suggesting the coronavirus originated in the US. (6) - - (( China’s Coronavirus: A Shocking Update. Did The Virus Origina-te in the US? Japan, China and Taiwan, Reports on the Origin of the Virus - )) - - - ( 8:15) - - - - - -  Below is a rough translation, summary and analysis of selected content of that newscast. (see map1600 above)      The man in the video, is a top virologist and pharmacologist , who performed a long and detailed search, for the source of the virus. He spends the first part of the video, explaining the various haplotypes (varieties, if you will), and explains how they are related to each other, how one must have come before another, and how one type derived from another. He explains this is merely elementary science, and nothing to do, with geopolitical issues, describing how, just as with numbers in order, 3 must always follow 2. - One of his main points, is that the type infecting Taiwan, exists only in Australia and the US and, since Taiwan was not infected by Australians, the infection in Taiwan, could have come only from the US.     The basic logic is that the geographical location with the greatest diversity of virus strains, must be the original source, because a single strain cannot emerge from nothing. He demonstrated that only the US, has all the five known strains of the virus (while Wuhan and most of China have only one, as do Taiwan and South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam, Singapore, and England, Belgium and Germany), constituting a thesis, that the haplotypes in other nations, may have originated in the US.    Korea and Taiwan have a different haplotype of the virus, than China, perhaps more infective, but much less deadly, which would account for a death rate, only 1/3 that of China.
     Neither Iran nor Italy, were included in the above tests, but both countries have now deciphered, the locally prevalent genome, and have declared them, of different varieties, from those in China, which means they did not originate in China, but were of necessity, introduced from another source. It is worth noting that the variety in Italy, has approximately the same fatality rate, as that of China, three times as great, as other nations, while the haplotype in Iran,appears to be the deadliest, with a fatality rate of between 10% and 25%. (7) (8) (9)      Due to the enormous amount of Western media coverage, focused on China, much of the world , believes the coronavirus spread to all other nations, from China, -  but this now appears to have been proven wrong. With about 50 nations scattered throughout the world, having identified at least one case, at the time of writing, it would be very interesting to examine virus samples, from each of those nations, to determine their location of origin, and the worldwide sources and patterns, of spread.
       The Virologist further stated that the US has recently had more than 200 "pulmonary fibrosis" cases, that resulted in death, due to patients" inability to breathe, but whose conditions and symptoms, could not be explained by pulmonary fibrosis. He said he wrote articles, informing the US health authorities, to consider seriously those deaths, as resulting from the coronavirus, but they responded by blaming the deaths, on e-cigarettes, then silenced further discussion."    The Taiwanese doctor then stated the virus outbreak, began earlier than assumed, saying, "We must look to September of 2019".   He stated the case in Sept. of 2019 where some Japanese traveled to Hawaii, and returned home infected, people who had never been to China. This was two months prior to the infections in China, and just after the CDC suddenly and totally shut down the Fort Detrick bio-weapons lab claiming the facilities were insufficient, to prevent loss of pathogens. (10) (11) -    He said he personally investigated those cases, very carefully (as did the Japanese virologists, who came to the same conclusion).. This might indicate the coronavirus had already spread in the US, but where the symptoms were being officially attributed, to other diseases, and thus possibly masked.
     The prominent Chinese news website Huanqiu, related one case in the US, where a man's relative was told by physicians (he died of the flu) but where the death certificate listed the coronavirus, as the cause of death. On February 26, ABC News affiliate KJCT8 News Network, reported that a woman recently told the media, that her sister died from coronavirus infection. Montrose, Colorado resident Almeta Stone, said, "They (the medical staff) kept us informed, that it was the flu, and when I got the death certificate, there was a coronavirus, in the cause of death." (12) - - /////  MEGA ..... ( ....)  .. VQ2..
............................ and ....................... Updates to the following, will be very delayed, possibly as late as Tuesday night. - John H sent $645 USD, thanks! Peter sent $599 Mexican, thanks!David sent $25 USD, thanks! Odnine sent $7.18 USD, thanks! Pedro sent $31 USD, thanks! Jorje sent $802 Mexican, thanks! - - -
......................................... later ............  Crudageddon: Canadian tar sand crude, was over $35 last week, and now it's $18! SEE THIS - - - - - Rules for quarantine in Russia - If you get put in quarantine, and violate it, it is a fine. - If you infect someone, a year in jail -  If whoever you infect dies, five years in jail. - -*
      This is an interesting tweet from Ahmadenijad - ( see above ) - One thing is certain now. It came from Ft Detrick, which got shut down for an INCIDENT, not a waste disposal problem. Something happened there, that they are not talking about. Whether or not someone dropped some vials, smuggled out vials, or whatever, it happened there, the timing of the shut down for "violations", is WAY TOO PERFECT.
Read up the page, a ways - Taiwan put it all together, before the lid got slammed, when there were only a few cases. There are FIVE strains, of this disease, NOT TWO, and ALL originated in the United States.
       - - Maryland Senator Pens Letter to Army, over Fort Detrick Lab Shutdown -
                The U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, received a cease and desist order, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, on July 15. -
           HERE'S THE CORONAVIRUS STORY: SOMEONE AT FT DETRICK, GOT (AT LEAST) FIVE RACE SPECIFIC STRAINS, OUT OF THE FACILITY, WHICH TRIGGERED, IT'S SHUT DOWN - Obviously the NYT did not say that directly, but it is quite freaking obvious.   And evidently the "problem with the wastewater treatment facility", made it possible, to get the Coronavirus out, where it subsequently proceeded from the U.S.- to infect the globe. This outbreak did not start in China, it started in the U.S. -  and got buried in the flu stats. ( ) - -    Here's the logic path:
        1. They TOTALLY shut the facility down, on August 5th, 2019. At that point, getting viral strains, out of there, would have probably been impossible, it was done before that, likely in June or July.
2. The United States is the only country, that has all 5 strains of this virus, which proves it originated in the United States, and people spread it, from the United States.
3. Since "failure to follow procedure" and the waste disposal system, were cited, as the reason,for the PERMANENT shut down,(which is obviously not a reason for a permanent shut down) it is quite evident, someone was smuggling viral weapons, out of the facility, possibly via the wastewater system.. They knew,they had a staff, that could not be trusted, so rather than run a known compromised biolab, they shut it down, after all, you can fix a disposal system, but it is nearly impossible, to root out a mole.      Having Taiwan reveal, that it had to have originated in the United States, and having Taiwan prove, it was already symptomatic, in an America, by early September, fits the time line, of a June/July release, which got discovered, and triggered a shut down, in early August. - -   The only thing that is not known, is whether or not, a few vials of the fresh stuff, were flown to China, to be released in Wuhan, as a frameup, for that lab. I'd say the chances are quite good, that's the story.  - - - ****  Iran will begin production of 2 types of herbal remedies for coronavirus - It appears the death to recovery ratio,has stabilized at 8.5 percent in Iran. If it suddenly starts getting better,by Thursday, we'll know if these cures worked or not. If they do, alt medicine types in the U.S. will face a new onslaught of being called kooks, whack jobs and "conspiracy theorists", and will be firmly warned, their "quackery" does not cure anything. I can't wait! - - -- ****  Update to below: Last night before I went to bed, WTI crude,was just below $30 a barrel. Today it is back up to $35, but despite this, gas should be cheap, that's the "good stuff" going that cheap. They'll probably manipulate whatever, in an attempt to keep oil prices from totally trashing out. Absent manipulation, I bet it would be down, to whatever it took, to pay employees, and run the pumps and refineries, you know, - like a water utility. /////  Confirmed Coronavirus fallout: ...VQ 2....
........................ TUES - March 10th - .....( WAS   ERASED, so it did not work ? ).......He says: I am going to experiment with..... healing infections, with electricity - ( Halicin, see febr. 25th text  )
   ((    There is a new antibiotic discovered by AI, and it is a good one.  We already had it, we did not know it was an antibiotic, SEE THIS: - - ))
                                     I have been going over this, for a few hours, here's how it works (and I was inspired to look into this, by the MOA of Halicin: (no links now, I'll do them later , if this works)
               There have been several studies done, that show when white blood cells, attack any pathogen, they kill the pathogen, with a brief electrical burst (like an electric eel). So subsequent studies were done with applying electrical charges to infected areas, and others were done, by passing blood, through an electrically charged tube. Several samples with different pathogens (one of them was AIDS, were rendered 100 percent pathogen free, within a few minutes, and the blood was completely unhurt. For some reason, the electricity (at a low level) did not harm the blood.
           So subsequent studies were done, on an AIDS patient, who had all his blood sent through the system, and put back in his body, over approximately a two week period, consisting of several treatments. The prevalence of the AIDS virus, was reduced to 0.000001 percent of the prior level, (in essence, the virus was still there, but for all practical purposes it was wiped out).
          The reason why I am going to try this, is because I am confident, there must be a bio film, built up on the outside of my right fibia, that re-starts the infection, and antibiotics won't get it, it has to be removed with a bone scrape. Low and behold, if the stories are true, the electrical method blows away bio films, in minutes. I was thinking about doing this tonight, but chickened out, because I don't have the right parts, on hand, to guarantee it will be safe. Right now, I have a really cool transformer, I picked up a few years ago, that can be configured so many ways, that you can literally have it increase voltages, in one volt increments, from as low as 6, to as high as 90. It is not an autotransformer, it came out of a super high powered Panasonic stereo. It can deliver approximately 1100 watts, and weighs at least 10 pounds. ANYWAY -
              I chickened out, because even if I used a meter, to get the currents right, by simply jumpering the right voltage, and went to sleep, with it going, if anything as far as body resistance changed, things could get really unpredictable. So tomorrow I am going to go out, and get a few parts, that will allow me to select an (overwhelming) voltage, that will DEFINITELY push 100 percent of what I need, while the current is limited to a therapeutic level. I am also going to have it, be a +- supply (I already have all those parts), and have a relay reverse the current, every couple seconds.
                  If this thing works, I am going to drop all of the info, on the web, because it will definitely kill coronavirus, the same way it kills AIDS.
The litmus test: I will discontinue antibiotics, and solve the problem with this thing, instead, and I'll definitely know if it worked or not. The process works either by simply passing the correct current level, through the body, or passing it through blood, that has been removed from the body, in a more controlled fashion. I managed to find the obscured info, all the profiteers hid, so they could sell you "their unit", that has probably been gutted down, to a gimmick. The answer is: Levels as low as 1 microampere per square mm (that's .1 milliamps per square centimeter) UP TO 2 MA per square centimeter, in some cases, if whatever it is needs it. I am just going to arrange an electrode setup, where the electrodes cover a large area on opposite sides of the leg, and I can set it, to "that's really annoying", but not quite painful, and definitely not damaging. It will definitely flex the muscles, with the power ranges, I'll use. I am not going to do the kiddie version, that "sort of" works, but I am also not going to damage myself.
              I am sure everyone by now, has heard of the AI based antibiotic, called Halicin. That antibiotic works by disrupting voltage potentials, across pathogen cell walls. If you do that, pathogens can't cope with it, and die. So that's another supporting tidbit of info, that indicates what I am going to do, just might work.
You obviously would not need the monster transformer, I'll use, but that just so happens be be what I had, laying around, that can definitely do the job, IF there's any merit, to this concept.            I'll LMAO, if this ends up doing the coronavirus in. If it does work, biological warfare won't work, the studies stated, it works on everything - viruses, bacteria, fungi. and you can safely bet, this got buried by the DOD, if all it would take to do, in, any biowarfare agent, is a couple electrodes passing current, from foot to foot. They could work such a setup, into combat gear , real easy. The good stuff gets hidden, for reasons like this. - - -
              MSNBC: Calling Coronavirus, Wuhan virus, is RACIST!!! . . . . . . . Ok, well then. How about Kikevirus?     (( WAS ERASED  - so it did not work ? )) - -  ////  Crudageddon: .......( .....)  .... VQ 2 .....


Inside the U.S. meanwhile, the Presidential election process, has already degenerated into a farce, with the Democratic nomination, being obviously stolen, for a senile, corrupt Joe Biden. Here is an example of the nonsense, Biden is spewing:              “If you want to nominate a Democrat, a lifelong Democrat, a proud Democrat, an Obiden-Bama Democrat, join us.”
            One CIA source summed up the situation, in this way: “Trump is set to be the next president, as he will declare martial law, to protect the people, of course. It’s estimated that up to 70% of Americans will be affected. He will cancel the elections. May he be the last President, standing? He has been aware of this maneuver, for a long time. The dominos are starting to fall.”
The number of sealed indictments in the U.S. is now close to 160,000 and 1,613 indictments have actually been acted upon. So now it looks like many of these corporate crooks, will finally end up in jail, where they belong. - -       There has also been a record number of corporate bosses, quitting or losing their jobs, since January. An NSA source elaborated, by saying, “The President has ordered a full-scale investigation, of all communications, across the…         The remainder.......
.........................................................  and ...............    …Gates Foundation, Event 201, WHO, CDC, and the major companies in the U.S. and UK, that have the most to gain, from the fake pandemic. An investigation of insider trading and media authors “on the take”, is also underway. CIA sources say this is intended to stop, what has been detected in the past week: “New bio-war attacks, in which the live virus is being spread by drones and other means, in Italy and Iran, with selected drops, taking place, in other countries, to keep the fear alive.”  In Hong Kong, health officials will start clinical trials, with a still-unproven antiviral drug Remde- sivir (Remdesivir is an Ebola drug) to treat the new coronavirus, according to a CIA doctor.“The cost as will be around $1,000 for a course, and governments will pay the pharmaceutical company, of course,” he notes.
      The company behind this, is the Gates Foundation owned Gilead Sciences. “Imagine just 10 million doses, to start with globally. This is $10 billion alone. Plus look at what their stock prices will do.
            At the top of this particular pyramid, can be found, George P. Shultz,  Director Emeritus, Gilead Sciences. Deep stater Shultz, was U.S. Secretary of State, from 1982 to 1989, and has also been Secretary of the Treasury. He was also head of the Bechtel Group, that many Japanese believe was involved in the Kobe Earthquake, that killed 6,000 people in 1995.       One CIA source says:  “Gilead could be sitting on close to $20 billion, in untapped stock market value, provided it has success, with a potential new coronavirus vaccine. They will milk this, for every penny their greed can steal. Imagine what else is in the vaccine, an RFID chip, perhaps?” - - -                 In any case, this doctor and other sources, agree the Zionist Cabal is using a bio-weaponized coronavirus scam, as a cover. The virus seems to be only killing elderly people, with underlying health conditions, mostly pneumonia, they say. “Notice there are no children or teenagers, affected so far,” the doctor notes.  So a mild virus that mostly affects old people, close to death, is being used, to spread global fear, and will end up with..... most governments in all countries closing their borders, out of fear porn. “The world will be on lockdown. Then they will attempt to vaccinate everyone on the planet, by mandate. The boys are in total panic mode,” a CIA source predicts.
Here in Japan Zionist slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been trying to use the fake, exaggerated pandemic, to usher in martial law. Instead, Abe is going to be removed, CIA sources promise. They also say:
      “Abe deserves everything, he will be given. It will be interesting to see if he tries to make a deal, and sing like a canary. For sure he will have a fatal accident, or slip and fall on the soap, in the shower, and break his neck, before he is able to spill the beans.”  There is also a battle raging, in the Vatican. “Pope Francis was deliberately given a mutation of the virus. He will die soon. The Vatican will try and cover it up, until they have a clone/body double, in place. This way they can control the narrative, for the masses,” a gnostic Illuminati source, says. P3 Freemason sources, however, say Francis had only mild symptoms, and is recovering.
       In the UK as well, Brexit is leading to a purge of German double agents. MI6 and Pentagon sources, say. Here is more on the fight, from a Pentagon source: “After the firing of UBS. Credit Suisse Ceo, Barclays CEO Jes Staley, may be another casualty, as it appears Jeffry Epstein may have groomed this former JP Morgan banker, and blackmailed the UK parliament, to get him the top job.”
A former Barclay’s banker, accuses “the board and executive committee of Barclays bank PLC, from 2011 to the present,” ...... of stealing and hijacking the technology, for the quantum financial system.
       Meanwhile, a senior MI6 source, says the following people need to be arrested, in order to end deep state control of the UK and Ireland: “Queen Elizabeth in the Court of St. James,Prime Ministers Cameron, May and Johnson, President Michael D. Higgins of Ireland, the joint directorate of MI5/MI6 Andrew Parker and Alex Younger, Irish civilian police commissioners Noireen O’Sullivan and Drew Harris, Baron Nathaniel Rothschild and UK and Irish cabinet secretaries, Mark Sidwell and Martin Frazer both German double agents. These two men essentially run both countries...... irrespective of the Prime Minister of the Day.”
    There has already been a purge in Saudi Arabia, where a Zionist takeover attempt, was thwarted. Three princes and dozens of military and ministry of the interior officials, have been removed, as a result. Immediately after the purge, a major oil war, began. Both Russia and Saudi Arabia are flooding the world with oil, even as the “pandemic” has radically cut demand. A senior CIA source, says:
       “Oil is out of date, and most likely will drop to $10 per barrel, before this is finished. The new energy technologies, are ready to be released by Trump.”
One example of this type of technology at the link below, would make hydrogen much cheaper than oil.
             This oil price collapse, is putting an end to the oil for U.S. dollars scam, the Zionists have been using, to extort the U.S. and the world, since the 1970’s. They are being brought down NOW, CIA sources say.
Pentagon sources agree noting Israeli Defense Forces personnel, have been “banned from foreign travel, as a resolutely stiffened International Criminal Court, lowers the boom, on not just war crimes of Israel , but those committed by U.S. forces, and the CIA, in Afghanistan.”                Pentagon sources add that:
“ICC probes may expand to CIA drone strikes, Afghan drug trafficking, and Israeli war crimes, against Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Lebanon, as well as for using airliners, as human shields.”
     The sources also note: “Third time is not the charm, as war criminal Bibi [Benjamin Netanyahu] may finally be deposed as PM, and Trump may have outsourced arrests of Zionists, to the ICC.”   Netanyahu, like his puppet Abe, is trying to use the “pandemic” as an excuse, for martial law. But the Israeli armed forces are not going to fight their own people, on behalf of this Satan worshipping pseudo-Jew, Mossad sources promise.
                          We are also getting mixed intelligence, about the situation in China. CIA sources in South East Asia who interviewed Thai citizens, recently evacuated from Wuhan, say:
          “The situation is far worse than what is being told, in the media, people are bleeding out from the nose eyes, ears and lungs now. It is spreading much faster than anticipated. The actual deaths in Wuhan are close to 3 million. The city is the largest cemetery, on the planet. It will remain on lockdown. This started near Wuhan, where there was a massive electromagnetic radiation disaster, connected with 5G. The microwave blast cooked the citizens, from the inside out. The release of the virus occurred, at about the same time, to adjust the narrative. The massive pollution there, added to the catastrophe. There was no culling, ordered by Xi Jinping. More fear porn.      There is a massive cover-up. This accident may be...... China’s Chernobyl.”
         A Chinese agent in Tokyo, also says the situation is worse, than the government admits. Asked about Taiwanese and Russian reports, that President Xi Jinping had been replaced, the source only said: “there are several Xi Jinpings.”                    Japanese businessmen with extensive links to China, however, say production is returning to normal, across much of the country.
           To summarize, here is what we are seeing:       Airlines grounded worldwide.    Almost all travel , stopped.    Hotels, restaurants, and resorts, empty, around the world    Oil price collapse
A global stock market rout, of between 40-50 %    Global financial collapse   “Wall Street will be closed,” the P3 Freemasons promise.......  so: Game, Set, Match. Reset! The Phoenix Rises, and a New Age dawns.

Posted By: NaturalWisdom     Date: Tuesday, 10-Mar-2020 23:22:18
        GLADIO BIOTERROR: Wuhan ‘Biological Attack’ Planned in 1970s, Against China — UK Military Officer & Whistleblower -    State of the Nation,  Mar 10, 2020,
      ( It was a top-level British military officer, who exposed their genocidal scheme.  The whistleblower’s own 2010 letter ,confirms a bioterror operation against China.)  [snip]             Mayhem Manufactured Worldwide, by a Very Mad and Desperate NWO Cabal -        Every coronavirus pandemic event, that’s popping off somewhere in the world, during this March, has been planned with much premeditation, ill-intent and vindictive purpose.    The New World Order globalists are simply not happy with the worldwide resistance, to their many nefarious agendas. The nationalist governments, patriot movements and popular protests, have posed problem after problem, for them. Both Brexit and Trump alone, have majorly impeded the juggernaut of globalism. When half the world is literally laughing at their absurd global warming hoax, they knew they had to do, something BIG.              Much more significantly, the top globalists themselves, are now in grave danger, like never before. Truly, The Powers That Be (TPTB) know that they have been outed, like never before, in world history. Who does not know many of their notorious names and dastardly deeds, the world over?             OPERATION CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC
                  This is why they have desperately thrown the entire planetary civilization, into chaos and pandemonium, with OPERATION CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC.
        There was no more efficient way for TPTB to shut down whole countries, as they have done, by staging a bioengineered coronavirus pandemic, and inciting the ensuing panic...
        The fearmongers know that the more fear they can generate with this choreographed pandemic panic, the more societies everywhere, will be pushed into chaos. For it is Ordo ab Chao, ( Order after Chaos = Order resulting from Chaos) - that always provides the perfect strategy and context for them, to re-order the entire planetary civilization, according to their NWO blueprint...
        Other global cataclysms, same perps -        The same secret societies and globalist institutional perpetrators, did the very same thing, with the Spanish Flu of 1918. What is much less understood, is that all the other cataclysms and catastrophes of the past 120 years, were also quite furtively engineered.            When even a cursory investigation into the root causes of the following calamitous events, reveals the same conscienceless perpetrators, imagine how much more incriminating evidence, that deep research of these highly consequential events, would reveal.
        • Federal Reserve Act of 1913,              • World War I,              • Armenian Genocide,             • Bolshevik Revolution,             • Spanish Flu Genocide,               • The Great Depression,
        • World War II,           • The Holocaust,             • 9/11 Terrorist Attacks,             • War on Terror, and             • Wuhan Coronavirus Pandemic     .......... all have one thing in common.
                And it behooves every resident on planet Earth, to find out what that is.  - FULL REPORT :  ( above   8759  )
............................... and ........... This rapidly intensifying predicament, is making TPTB both extremely anxious, and quite mad.  The inbreeding alone within the Illuminati families, is enough to drive all their kids, crazy, which they are.  So, the oldest generations, no longer have the necessary heirs and successors, to carry on the rabidly patriarchal tradition of dominance and control.   Consequently, they are forced to resort to an increasing number of Gladio-style terrorist operations, in order to keep things, under their control.  The ongoing spate of coronavirus bioterrorist operations, is perhaps the most telling example of their sheer desperation.    Remember, Gladio is the terrorist arm of NATO and what is really the “North Atlantic Terrorist Organization”.  But even Gladio‘s “strategy of tension”, may not be serving them well, as the unpredictable rash of prison riots, in Italy, graphically demonstrates (unless they are inciting a prison break, in their own back yard).  That Gladio was originally established by the Black Nobility in Italy, to do its dirty work, is also quite telling, in light of the nationwide lockdown.   .............................................( .....) ///   Operation Gladio - Wikipedia - - -
Operation Gladio is the codename for clandestine "stay-behind" operations of armed resistance, that was planned by the Western Union (WU), and subsequently by NATO, for a potential Warsaw Pact invasion and conquest in Europe. Although Gladio specifically refers to the Italian branch of the NATO stay-behind organizations, -  "Operation Gladio" is used as an informal name, for all of them. /// And there’s one tribal power that has been itching to rule the planet, for millennia.  However, it’s critical to comprehend that this warmongering tribe, surreptitiously uses the Western military powers, to carry out their malevolent schemes. See: STRATFOR Chief Reveals Zio-Anglo-American Plot, For World Domination - - - - -

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      Dr Kia Pruitt  - QanonJohn -  SSBB -  G.Grider -  BakingSoda - Soul-Ask - -  Sylvia Browne - - SorchaFaalOrder - index3154 -

The Planet is Being Cleansed - Corona Virus is a "Cover"      Date: Thursday, 12-Mar-2020 23:47:42      from:      Dr Kia Pruitt (via email)
        We were told years ago, that there would be an event, that would quarantine America and possibly the planet, in order to make global mass arrests. We were encouraged to stock up on food, water and supplies. We were also instructed, to remain calm. Marshall law may be implemented, to keep people off the street, while these arrests occur. Schools would be closed, flights grounded, airports closed, etc.  Why?
        Because the people being arrested for participating in corruption and worldwide pedophilia and human trafficking, crimes against humanity, TREASON, murder, rape etc.... is massive and effects every aspect of society. This includes Hollywood entertainers, NBA and NFL athletes and staff, politicians, pastors, banking CEOs, corporate heads, school officials, coaches and educators. Some of your doctors, lawyers, judges, college professors, school teachers, police officers and chiefs, firemen, business owners, airport workers, pilots, bankers, priests, everyday people, are currently being arrested, for their crimes against humanity. A lot of them are involved in nefarious behaviors, and secret societies, so the masses have not been privy, to their wrong doings, ritualistic abuse, child sex trafficking, child hunting parties, ritualistic murders, drug trafficking, involvement in underground activities, in the Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.S.) etc...
        This is why some of us reported on a notable resignation list, for two years. Many people were on that list, under the guise of resignation. We also reported on military tribunals, which began January, 2019. Some of us watched military tribunals take place, on c-vine dot com.  // // The corruption is huge. POTUS asked, that people not be in crowds. One reason other than catching the virus, is because the deep-state NWO corrupt leaders, could attempt to retaliate, since they know that we have been involved in a covert operation against them. Be safe. - - -  The planet is being cleansed. The Corona virus is a "cover"
        While it is true that the deepstate/global NWO elites, created the virus, and attempted to infect the masses, Trump and the global Alliance co-opted the operation and used it as a cover, to arrest global elites, including the POPE and the UN-royal family, politicians and Hollywood elites. The mainstream media will announce, that folks came down with the virus. Actually, they've been arrested. Some have been at GITMO/guantanamo/ for a while, actually. At some point an announcement will be made.           Remain calm and be stocked up. Those people who don't have food and supplies, will have an opportunity to get it, from neighbors or the military, because troops will likely be on the ground to 1) make arrest and 2) keep everyone calm. A curfew may be implemented.             We were instructed also that new monetary policies and our new gold-backed system, will be implemented, and trillions injected into the economy, AFTER the global mass arrests. Otherwise, these nefarious beings would have once again, stolen our wealth, and re-empowered themselves. Soon, the Republic, our lawful government, will be restored and constitutional law. ( in USA )  Be encouraged. Things are finally getting better, for humanity.
        What an exciting time, to be alive. Soon, we will enjoy the benefits of NESARA-GESARA and our sovereignty, and finally enjoy planetary peace and prosperity. Be well - *******
.............................  and ............... Posted by   American Indian Truths - - (  
Dr. Kia Pruitt twitter is: )
 Dr. Kia Pruitt:
Dane Calloway Helped Me, With Knowing That Everyone Didn't Come From Africa - DANE Calloway  : - - - - her channel is -
..............  ABOUT US - C-VINE Network - -  C-VINE is an acronym, that stands for:. Community-Voices * Investigations * NEWS * Education..     C-VINE utilizes multimedia to implement NEWS, EDUCATION & DISCUSSION PLATFORMS on a variety of social media, television, radio, YouTube, on-line magazines/books AND our own C-VINE website.                   - - --
........................ and .......QAnon John🇺🇸🐸 on Twitter: "Coronavirus...It’s a Cover Up! Confirmed! Please Share!! (Video)    Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail] -Date: Thursday, 12-Mar-2020 23:19:30 -    received    via email -              Click here: >>>    OR - - ( Q anon John ) -
....and.... and ............................ Coronavirus a cover for mass arrests?   107,495 views   •Mar 11, 2020     Liz Crokin     83.4K subscribers
Category  News & Politics - -  2,240 Comments     from : - - -
her channel is - - ****** ( this is not the real NESARA)  -- ****************************
                 GESARA / NESARA is it happening now? A Law that would change our Lives!   35,604 views   •Mar 10, 2020  Posted by: Santa Surfing Beach Broadcast ( SSBB)      14.9K subscribers
Article: - -
Italy, UK, Scotland mortgages, are "deferred" amid CV!  USA Banks Quarantined!  Is CoronaVirus targeting those with Sealed indictments?  Are we facing a Reset? -
 - - -  SOURCE: - -
Her channel is - -- ** NESARA / GESARA - Part 2 - Trump's EO - Seized Assets - What is the Value?
10,260 views    •Mar 11, 2020   from: - - Nesara =  for National US - - Gesara= global nesara for all -
Covid-19 Hype - Follow The Money ( March 7th )    Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]   Date: Monday, 9-Mar-2020 07:02:59
In Response To: Covid-19 Hype - Smokescreen For Devastating Effects of 5G Roll-out (Lion)
        Note:           3-Year Moratorium on 5G AND 4G Deployment in Geneva, Switzerland
                                                TOPICS:Big Pharma   coronavirus   Covid-19   Spiro Skouras    - -           By Spiro Skouras
            - -      The headlines regarding the coronavirus, are inescapable at this point, as more and more cases are being reported, across the US and across the world.
        At this point no one knows for sure, how bad this situation really is, as we have seen major issues with the testing, especially here in the US, where more often than not, many people are not even being tested.
  In this report, we focus on who is benefiting from this crisis — specifically, who is financially benefiting, from this crisis. As any detective or investigative journalist worth their salt, will tell you, follow the money.    Links:   ...(...)

        Follow Spiro on BitChute   Follow on Twitter - --                    This writer is simply not buying most of the hype and propaganda surrounding the 'Covid-19'(Corona) virus.         I am not buying the number of deaths reported, nor am I buying the number of infections reported.        There is no possible way for either the W.H.O., or the CDC, to know the factual truth of ANY statistics they 'report'.        What I do see, are corporate terrorists, promoting a mass hysteria psychosis, within the populace - for profiteering purposes.
Articles In This Thread:
    Covid-19 Hype - Smokescreen For Devastating Effects of 5G Roll-out (views: 1549)     Lion -- Sunday, 8-Mar-2020 09:55:46
        DON'T FORGET THAT RABID DOG (views: 284)        The_Fox -- Sunday, 8-Mar-2020 15:02:31
        Covid-19 Hype - Follow The Money (views: 123)        Lion -- Monday, 9-Mar-2020 07:02:59 

( NOW THE END BEGINS ): If ever there was a disproportionate reaction, to a disease outbreak, this is surely it -    Posted By: NaturalWisdom   Date: Thursday, 12-Mar-2020 14:23:41
        by Geoffrey Grider | Now The End Begins - -         [snip]              From October 1, 2019 to February 29, 2020, approximately 49,000,000 Americans have had the flu, with approximately 20,000 – 52,000 dead from flu. No one is quarantined, no panic, nothing cancelled, but tens of thousands have died, in only 6 months time! Are you smelling a rat yet? I sure am.
        Look, you know me, this site is called NOW THE END BEGINS, for a reason, because we live in the end times, and in the end times, wacky stuff happens, as the Bible tells us it will. I scan the headlines all day every day, look for news of the end times, to bring to you. But COVID-19 is very far from a biblical pestilence, yet we are watching, as everything is being cancelled for fear of infection. The NBA yesterday just cancelled their entire season, colleges all across the country, have switched to, online only. Let's take a look at the numbers, shall we?
        If ever there was a disproportionate reaction, to a disease outbreak, this is surely it. While the headlines scream fear and danger, the COVID-19 disease itself, does not. According to every metric, people are recovering at a rate equal to or faster, than the rate of new cases, occurring. COVID-19 has leveled off in China, where it originated from, and the Chinese people are beginning to return, to a semi-normal life. So why here in America, are we being told, that doomsday has arrived?               SOURCE - - -

Articles In This Thread
    Viruses are pH Sensitive - Including Coronavirus - ALKALIZE YOUR BODY (views: 2359)       RumorMail -- Friday, 6-Mar-2020 11:58:35
        Acid/Alkaline Food Chart (views: 2619)                                                           RumorMail -- Friday, 6-Mar-2020 12:15:44
        Baking Soda (views: 1558)                                                             NationalDreamCenter -- Friday, 6-Mar-2020 19:24:33
...........................................   and .......  Baking Soda     Posted By: NationalDreamCenter [Send E-Mail]   Date: Friday, 6-Mar-2020 19:24:33 - In Response To: Viruses are pH Sensitive - Including Coronavirus - (RumorMail)             This explains why baking soda has kept me from getting sick, for approximately 7 years, since starting the baking soda protocol. This is despite being around coughing kids, feverish adults, working at a hospital, etc. Basically, when I feel like my body is fighting something (like the day before you get a sore throat or fever, or whatever), that's when the baking soda starts (1/2 teaspoon every 2 hours not to exceed 6 doses in the first day, followed by next day, max 4 doses, then 2 doses next day, then 1 teaspoon a day, until I feel like normal again). I've never made it past 2 days, when fighting something before I noticeably start feeling MUCH better. But normally its like 2 to 3 doses on the first day, when my energy comes back and immune system strong. In my opinion, the baking soda is a huge pH shock to the system which the virus can't handle. Do your own research. This isn't medical advice. And I don't recommend taking baking soda every day....just when feeling like the body's immune system is low, and fighting something. Apparently people have died from too much baking soda (although it was a huge amount, for a long time, like years). There's plenty online, to help you with this. My opinion is that........ more important than masks, bleach, and hand soap...have some baking soda, on hand. 

MUST SEE!! Coronavirus Was Planned – A Synopsis of Devilish Coincidences  ( by Soul Ask )  Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]   Date: Wednesday, 11-Mar-2020 11:31:59
        It can be said milder, the virus was “predicted”.           Forget about Vanga, Nostradamus, Zarathustra, the holy elders, astrology and even the Bible. Nowadays, cartoons, books, films, magazine covers and comics are engaged in predictions. And unlike the gray-haired and bearded seers of the past, the new prediction formats work precisely, on time and with meticulous details. No more tarot cards, no stars, no coffee grounds, fiction reads. Just flip through comics and you will be happily satisfied.             When the official 9/11 version was publicly ‘distributed’, people looked away from the numerous hints of text, visual, digital and other evidence that preceded the terrorist attack with the Twin Towers in 2001. Then, the Internet was not really there. But when it appeared, the conspiracy theorists gasped – the public info space was just dotted with dozens of subtle and crude hints about the upcoming landmark event, from The Simpsons to cult films.            Well, what conclusion did they draw? – But no. To anyone even in the eyes, but they are all God’s dew.
        They will not pay attention to some egregious facts if they have to redo their cherished and harmonious picture of the world because of them? If the pieces of the puzzles do not fit into the benevolent concept developed over the years, we will throw them out. We will pretend that they are not. - -        Now this virus is crowned a King.
        It turns out that it is also predicted more than once. Not as blatantly as 9/11, but there is something.         Forty years ago, Dean Kunz’s book Eyes of Darkness was published. Fiction, fiction, horror. One of the pages mentions biological weapons from China, specifically from Wuhan, which will destroy everyone. And it is called, although not directly into the coronavirus, not Covid-19, but no less clearly – ” Wuhan 400 “.
        “They call the stuff ‘Wuhan-400’ because it was developed at their RDNA labs ourside of the city of Wuhan, and it was the 400th viable strain of man-made microorganisms created at that research center
        … Wuhan-400 is the perfect weapon.It afflicts only human beings. No other living creature can carry it…. Like syphilis, Wuhan-400 cannot exist outside a living body, for more than a minute, which means that it will not constantly pollute objects or entire places, like anthrax and other virulent microorganisms…. When the carrier dies, the Wuhan-400 inside it also perishes, as soon as the body temperature of the corpse drops below 30C…. the Chinese will be able to use Wuhan 400, to destroy a city or country, and then they will not need to carry out, complex and costly decontamination, before they come and seize power”
        No matter what the book itself is about, we are interested in the following fact: how did Dean Koontz predicted witch such an accuracy, the place where the deadly pandemic would come from, 40 years ago? Perhaps he knew something? Who whispered it, to him?         The Internet in a panic, shoves amazed users with “revealing” articles, stating that in the original edition of the 1981 book, instead of Chinese Wuhan, there was Russia! And the virus was called Gorki-400. However, when the book was reprinted in 2008, the author somehow corrected Russia, with China. See, the plans of the elite have changed.
        Whistleblowers also reassure agitated citizens that the symptoms described in the book are different from the current coronavirus. So, in the book of Koontz, the virus is 100% deadly, instantly contagious, but animals do not get sick, and it cannot exist outside the human body. And in real life, as we know, on the contrary, it was transmitted from animals to humans, is not fatal for everyone, and lives on the surface for a considerable time (data varies from several minutes to several days).            Well, you don’t expect a detailed description from the book, the author needs to somehow cover up the information, that he received from somewhere. And the details of the plan were apparently refined, over time. The writer, by the way, is alive and well. - - -         An excerpt from Sylvia Browne, another author (died in 2013) circulates on the networks.
        Medium, hypnotherapist, psychic.   Organized, and led the Nirvana Parapsychological Center.  Famous for her predictions of the future. She wrote in 2008 :        “In around 2020, a serious pneumonia-like illness, will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and bronchial tubes, and resisting all known treatments. Almost more buffling than the illness itself, will be the fact that it will disappear as quickly as it arrived, then attack again 10 years later, and then disappear completely.”  - - -
        Interestingly, this prediction was made in 2008, as well as the reprint of Dean Koontz’s book.    -         Next, let’s go to the easy genre.
        The Simpsons. Virus prediction in 2013. No, not a coronavirus, but in general. Well, in particular, the phrase “Ebola virus” will flash on the screen. As you know, the Ebola epidemic happened a year later, in 2014. But here we are interested in the methodology itself, demonstrated in the cartoon. How the virus is invented at a meeting of very important uncles, how they decide to choose as a carrier, what almost everyone has in their house – cats . Cat flu! How the virus comes in a package from China to Japan. Here is a technology that conspiracy theorists, know about, and normal people stubbornly deny.
        The Simpsons series serves as a drain of information. What did they not “predict”, from Trump’s victory..... to 9/11?.
        But in the French Asterix comic series (there is also an English version) for 2017, Coronavirus rises to its full height. This is the name of one of the characters. He wears a mask!
        “Asterix is ​​a comic book series about the adventures of the Gallic warriors in the Roman Empire, during the era of Julius Caesar. The current illustration, written by Thibaut Delay, was shown in the 37th edition of the comic book, in 2017, showing a crusader in a mask, named Coronavirus, and his partner Bacillus (lat . from bacteria).”
        Well, the shock bomb of our review –The cover of the journal Economist , which has a reputation for making charade, with hints of the most important events,, of the coming year.
        Coronavirus “Covid-19” began to spread at the end of 2019. And here is the cover of the Economist for 2019 (made back in 2018).
        Pic - sad panda between Trump and Putin symbolizes China. The word panda is also short for pandemia.         Xi Jinping is not visible. By the way, where is he? He has completely disappeared, from the news.         A frail bunch of four horsemen of the Apocalypse, appears a little lower and to the left of Putin: Pestilence, War, Hunger and Death. - -         “But the most interesting detail on the cover is the image of a strange animal that many took for an anteater. And only now it became clear that it was a pangolin . … whose appearance on the cover did not find any interpretation until February 7, 2020 , when the information was announced that the metagenomes of coronavirus pangolin and infected people are almost identical -           In other words, this scaly strange beast ( pangolin ) that the Chinese eat as a treat, is now officially named, the cause of the transmission of coronavirus from animal to human.          The question is, how did the “economist” know? In 2018, there was no smell of any virus yet, not to mention this strange animal.  - -         In addition to all of the above, there are the famous Illuminati game cards, a comic game of conspiracy theory, where all sorts of conspiracy horror stories, are collected on separate cards. The game was created in the 80s, there were reprints and additional cards, were issued.          By 1999, the set of cards had not changed. Conspirologists made a lot of noise, that the game predicted the key moments of the September 11, 2001 attack, such as the explosion of the Twin Towers, and the blow to the Pentagon.          But we are interested in a card called Epidemic:   - -         A mask, gloves, disinfectant, and in the background, mountains of bodies, packed in black body bags …           Summary?            It is given in the post title.          The epidemic was planned.    Coronavirus, as a natural and accidental phenomenon that arose naturally in nature, does not exist.    It did not pass on to man, either from bats or from scaly moths.          It is either brought to the laboratory, and introduced artificially, or something completely different, is hidden under the veil of darkness. - -
- Related Topics:    Coronavirus planned    Coronavirus predicted    featured   ( links ) -
................................................ :
        A possible grave of Nefertiti was found in the tomb of Tutankhamun
        Scientists have found traces of a “super-ancient” human population in the DNA of Denisovans
        The legendary giants of Peru, whose skeletons were seen by conquistadors
        Archaeologists have found a network of hidden tunnels that run across Europe
        An ancient image of seven planetary deities, found in Sudan
        An open letter from an Italian doctor, about the situation in Italian clinics: Virus Outbreak, Much Worse than we think
        The United States has the highest coronavirus mortality rate, in the world
        Prophecies of the Yorkshire Witch: Signs of Imminent Days?
        Third World War. Predictions, timelines
        New videos showing the present situation with Coronavirus, in Iran.
        Fact or fiction
        US Navy has a secret Underwater Area 51
        Coronavirus was planned – A Synopsis of devilish coincidences
        Real facts about the mysterious Illuminati
        The Rothschild magazine, predicted the coronavirus more than a year ago
        US military uses 5G network, to secretly control the weather
        Ghosts & Hauntings
        Metaphysics & Psychology
           Articles In This Thread
    MUST SEE!! Coronavirus Was Planned – A Synopsis of Devilish Coincidences (views: 1300)                                RumorMail -- Wednesday, 11-Mar-2020 11:31:59
        :-) .. Hunter Biden Says Coronavirus Is Keeping Him From Attending Child Support Deposition (views: 169)                       RumorMail -- Wednesday, 11-Mar-2020 11:34:26
        NEW: Reader: The virus targets Chinese people, because Chinese men have large number of ACE2 receptors (views: 127)             RumorMail -- Wednesday, 11-Mar-2020 18:34:37

March 12, 2020  - “This Is Not Normal” Alarm Raised, After US Military Discovered Erecting Massive Concentration Camp - - By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers - -   An at first seemingly routine new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report, circulating in the Kremlin today, announcing that the large amphibious assault ship Alexander Otrakovsky has left the Northern Fleet naval base, of Severomorsk, to hold a live-fire exercise, in the Arctic, becomes absolutely mind-blowing bonkers, when reading one of its sections, titled ненормальный—the rough English translation of, means “not normal-abnormal-crazy”—a section that begins with the shock revelation, that President Donald Trump this past week, ordered five giant US Air Force C-17A Globemasters III military cargo aircraft, stationed at Ramstein Air Base-Germany, to fly to Incirlik Air Base-Turkey, where they loaded up the whole bulk of American nuclear weapons, stored there, and flew them, out to Germany, Poland and one of the Baltic Statesa sudden repositioning of American nuclear weapons, from the Middle East, to the borders of the Russian Federation, occurring at the same time, 30,000 US military troops are expected to flood into Europe, the first of whom are arriving, without protective masks—but just hours ago, saw the US Army stating, that it was drastically cutting back, its deployment to Europe, over coronavirus fears—which matched the US Army further stating, it was cutting back, its troop levels, in Africa, too—US Army combat ready troops, however, MoD intelligence analysts, noted with alarm, were being rapidly deployed to Fort Richardson-Alaska—a strange deployment, that caused the MoD, to order two Tu-142 Bear maritime patrol aircraft, to fly at low altitude, over a site off the coast of northwest Alaska—a mission specifically targeted to observe a temporary base camp, set up by the US military, in international waters, off the coast of Alaska, just below the North Pole , named Ice Camp Seadragon—and before these two Tu-142 Bear patrol aircraft were chased off, by American and Canadian fighter aircraft, -  saw them documenting, US Army troops starting to build, what looks like, a massive concentration camp, able to hold up to 10,000 people.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]        -  (( a sign of mass-arrests ? ))    -
            - - -     Russian patrol-surveillance aircrafts chased off by American and Canadian fighter aircraft (top video), after documenting US Army troops, starting to build concentration camp like, facilities (top photo) at Ice Camp Seadragon, temporary military base (bottom photo) atop Arctic ice sheet, just below North Pole—and because of its location, doesn’t need walls or fences, to hold its prisoners in.   - --
                According to this report, that quickly goes from mind-blowing bonkers, to outright hide under the bed terror, its “This Is Not Normal” section, describing how the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic disease is widely believed by the worlds top scientists, to have originated in China, from bat-to-human transmission—a description followed by a stunning US government alert, published five-years ago, on 21 December 2015 titled “A SARS-Like Cluster Of Circulating Bat Coronaviruses, Shows Potential, For Human Emergence” wherein an elite team of American doctor-scientists, beyond shockingly, described how they had created a new coronavirus, exactly like COVID-19:                     The emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)-CoV underscores the threat of cross-species transmission events, leading to outbreaks in humans. Here we examine the disease potential of a SARS-like virus, SHC014-CoV, which is currently circulating in Chinese horseshoe bat populations.
Using the SARS-CoV reverse genetics system, we generated and characterized, a chimeric virus, expressing the spike of bat coronavirus SHC014, in a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV backbone.
The results indicate that group 2b viruses, encoding the SHC014 spike, in a wild-type backbone, can efficiently use multiple orthologs of the SARS receptor human angiotensin converting enzyme II (ACE2), replicate efficiently in primary human airway cells, and achieve in vitro titers, equivalent to epidemic strains of SARS-CoV.   .....(....)                            
    Not being understood by the masses of the American people, this report concludes, is that the COVID-19 pandemic, is interrelated with the global stock market crashes, and global oil war—as when combined, shows them all, being the end game result, of the globalist-socialist war, against President Trump, to prevent his reelection—and in this, sees Trump being supported, by a Saudi Crown Prince bin Salmon, whose all-out oil war, could destroy his kingdom,  - as well as his brash move, now being warned, could sink the entire world economy—a world economy furture reeling today, due to Trump’s just announced European flight ban—and while occurring, sees Trump explosively ramping up his attacks, on his nation’s private Federal Reserve Bank—the strategic conse-quence for Trump, now sees him now being able in the midst of this global chaos, to unleash his full powers, that will test his nation’s Constitution—a soon coming test, the American people are being told about, with the words “you can’t say, we weren’t warned”—a warning alerting these peoples, to the fact that Trump is preparing to rule, under the powers given to, under the Public Health Service Act—The International Emergency Economic Powers Act—and the National Emergencies Act—the legal criteria for the enactment of all three of them, have all now been met, for the first time, in modern American history .......(.....) President Donald Trump tells the American people, not to worry about the coronavirus—exactly as self-described psychic Sylvia Browne did, 12-years earlier , in 2008. - - -




